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1.01 (accounts) (affiliated company) (announcement) 16.17 (Application Proof) (approved share registrar) 12 (Articles) (asset-backed securities) (associate) 20.06(2) (authorised representative) 5.24 (balance sheet) (bank) 4/15 1 1

(bearer securities) (Board) (business day) (CCASS) (chief executive) (China Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises) (China Auditing Standards) (close associate) (a) (i) (ii) 18 (a)(i) family interests (iii) (iv) [ 201063] (v) (a)(iii) 30% 30% 1 2 7/14

(b) (i) (ii) (iii) [ 201063] (iv) (b)(ii) 30% 30% 1. 25.04 2. 6A.31 16.1316.1529.22 10.12 (Code of Conduct) (Code on Share Buy-backs) (Share Buy-backs Code) (Code on Takeovers and Mergers) (Takeovers Code) 4/15 (Commission) 3 3 1 3

(Companies Ordinance) (Companies (Winding Up and Miscellaneous Provisions) Ordinance) (company) (Company Law) (Compliance Adviser) (connected person) 622 32 19931229 199471 6A.01 20.06(7) 20.07(6) (controlling shareholder) (convertible debt securities) (convertible equity securities) 30% 25.10 (a) (core connected person) (b) (corporate communication) (a) (b) 1 4 4/15

(c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (debt issuance programmes) (debt securities) (director) (domestic shares) (effective economic interest) (Eligible Security) (equity securities) (Executive Director Listing Division) (Exchange) (Exchange Participant) (a) (b) 7/14 1 5

(expert) (family interests) (close associate)(a)(ii) (financial statements) (financial year) (foreign shares) (formal notice) (gazetted newspapers) (GEM) (GEM Listing Committee) (Listing Division) (GEM Listing Rules) (GLR) (Rules) (GEM website) (group) (H Share) (HKEC) (HKEx-EPS) (HKSCC) (holding company) (Hong Kong) 16.0716.0829.1829.19 30.37 162169 1 6 4/15

(Hong Kong Financial Reporting Standards) (Hong Kong issuer) (Hong Kong register) (i)(ii)(hong Kong Accounting Standards) (iii) (IFA group) (a) (b) (c) (d) (i) (ii) (e) (d) (income statement) (inside information) 13.11(4) 23.05 (Inside Information Provisions) (International Financial Reporting Standards) (International Standards on Auditing) (issue) (issuer) XIVA (International Accounting Standards Board) 4/15 1 7

(listed issuer) (listing) (listed) (Listing Appeals Committee) (listing document) (Main Board) (Main Board Listing Rules) (new applicant) (notifiable transaction) (overseas issuer) (overseas listed foreign shares) (Post Hearing Information Pack) (PHIP) (practising accountant) (PRC) (scheme of arrangement) 19.06 1 8 10/13

(PRC issuer) (PRC law) (PRC Property) (PRC stock exchange) (Principal) (professional accountant) (profit and loss account) (promoter) (prospectus) (public) (published on the GEM website) (Regulations) (reporting accountant) (Securities and Futures Ordinance) (SFO) (selectively marketed securities) 2(1) 10.23 (in public hands) 199484 571 (selective marketing) 4/15 1 9

(significant shareholder) 5% 5% 5% (SFC Sponsor Provisions) 17 (Sponsor) 6 6A.02 (Sponsors Guidelines) (Statutory Rules) (subsidiary) (a) 1 (b) (c) 1 10 4/15

(substantial shareholder) 10% 20.27 (summary financial report) 437446 (supervisor) (tap issues) (temporary documents of title) (title certificate) (a) (b) (c) (trading halt) 4/15 1 11

1.02 1.03 (a document being certified) (a translation being certified) 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1 12 10/13