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Elevation Plan 立面圖 THE LAGUNA 滿庭 Tower 1 Block Plan 座向圖 第一座 E3 E4 E5 E2 E1 Tower 1 Elevation 1 立面圖 1 Elevation 2 立面圖 2 Elevation 3 立面圖 3 Elevation 4 立面圖 4 Elevation 5 立面圖 5 發展項目的認可人士證明本立面圖所顯示的立面 1. 以2016年9月22日的情況為準的發展項目的經批准的建築圖則 為基礎擬備 及 2. 大致上與發展項目的外觀一致 Authorized Person for the Development certified that the elevations shown on these plans: 1. are prepared on the basis of the approved building plans for the Development as of 22nd September 2016; and 2. are in general accordance with the outward appearance of the Development. 405

Elevation Plan 立面圖 THE LAGUNA 滿庭 Tower 2 Block Plan 座向圖 第二座 E3 E4 E2 E5 E1 Tower 2 Elevation 1 立面圖 1 Elevation 3 立面圖 3 Elevation 2 立面圖 2 Elevation 4 立面圖 4 Elevation 5 立面圖 5 發展項目的認可人士證明本立面圖所顯示的立面 1. 以2016年9月22日的情況為準的發展項目的經批准的建築圖則 為基礎擬備 及 2. 大致上與發展項目的外觀一致 Authorized Person for the Development certified that the elevations shown on these plans: 1. are prepared on the basis of the approved building plans for the Development as of 22nd September 2016; and 2. are in general accordance with the outward appearance of the Development. 406

Elevation Plan 立面圖 THE LAGUNA 滿庭 Tower 3 Block Plan 座向圖 第三座 E3 E2 E4 E1 Tower 3 Elevation 1 立面圖 1 Elevation 2 立面圖 2 Elevation 3 立面圖 3 Elevation 4 立面圖 4 發展項目的認可人士證明本立面圖所顯示的立面 1. 以2016年9月22日的情況為準的發展項目的經批准的建築圖則 為基礎擬備 及 2. 大致上與發展項目的外觀一致 Authorized Person for the Development certified that the elevations shown on these plans: 1. are prepared on the basis of the approved building plans for the Development as of 22nd September 2016; and 2. are in general accordance with the outward appearance of the Development. 407

Elevation Plan 立面圖 THE LAGUNA 滿庭 Tower 5 Block Plan 座向圖 第五座 E3 E4 E2 E1 Tower 5 Elevation 1 立面圖 1 Elevation 2 立面圖 2 Elevation 3 立面圖 3 Elevation 4 立面圖 4 發展項目的認可人士證明本立面圖所顯示的立面 1. 以2016年9月22日的情況為準的發展項目的經批准的建築圖則 為基礎擬備 及 2. 大致上與發展項目的外觀一致 Authorized Person for the Development certified that the elevations shown on these plans: 1. are prepared on the basis of the approved building plans for the Development as of 22nd September 2016; and 2. are in general accordance with the outward appearance of the Development. 408

Elevation Plan 立面圖 THE LAGUNA 滿庭 Tower 6 Block Plan 座向圖 第六座 E3 E2 E4 E1 Tower 6 Elevation 1 立面圖 1 Elevation 2 立面圖 2 Elevation 3 立面圖 3 Elevation 4 立面圖 4 發展項目的認可人士證明本立面圖所顯示的立面 1. 以2016年9月22日的情況為準的發展項目的經批准的建築圖則 為基礎擬備 及 2. 大致上與發展項目的外觀一致 Authorized Person for the Development certified that the elevations shown on these plans: 1. are prepared on the basis of the approved building plans for the Development as of 22nd September 2016; and 2. are in general accordance with the outward appearance of the Development. 409

Elevation Plan 立面圖 THE LAGUNA 滿庭 Tower 7 Block Plan 座向圖 第七座 E3 E4 E2 E1 Tower 7 Elevation 1 立面圖 1 Elevation 3 立面圖 3 Elevation 2 立面圖 2 Elevation 4 立面圖 4 發展項目的認可人士證明本立面圖所顯示的立面 1. 以2016年9月22日的情況為準的發展項目的經批准的建築圖則 為基礎擬備 及 2. 大致上與發展項目的外觀一致 Authorized Person for the Development certified that the elevations shown on these plans: 1. are prepared on the basis of the approved building plans for the Development as of 22nd September 2016; and 2. are in general accordance with the outward appearance of the Development. 410

Elevation Plan 立面圖 THE LAGUNA 滿庭 Tower 8 Block Plan 座向圖 第八座 E3 E2 E4 E1 Tower 8 Elevation 1 立面圖 1 Elevation 2 立面圖 2 Elevation 3 立面圖 3 Elevation 4 立面圖 4 發展項目的認可人士證明本立面圖所顯示的立面 1. 以2016年9月22日的情況為準的發展項目的經批准的建築圖則 為基礎擬備 及 2. 大致上與發展項目的外觀一致 Authorized Person for the Development certified that the elevations shown on these plans: 1. are prepared on the basis of the approved building plans for the Development as of 22nd September 2016; and 2. are in general accordance with the outward appearance of the Development. 411

Elevation Plan 立面圖 THE LAGUNA 滿庭 Tower 9 Block Plan 座向圖 第九座 E3 E4 E2 E1 Tower 9 Elevation 1 立面圖 1 Elevation 3 立面圖 3 Elevation 2 立面圖 2 Elevation 4 立面圖 4 發展項目的認可人士證明本立面圖所顯示的立面 1. 以2016年9月22日的情況為準的發展項目的經批准的建築圖則 為基礎擬備 及 2. 大致上與發展項目的外觀一致 Authorized Person for the Development certified that the elevations shown on these plans: 1. are prepared on the basis of the approved building plans for the Development as of 22nd September 2016; and 2. are in general accordance with the outward appearance of the Development. 412

Elevation Plan 立面圖 THE LAGUNA 滿庭 Tower 10 Block Plan 座向圖 第十座 E3 E4 E2 E1 Tower 10 Elevation 1 立面圖 1 Elevation 2 立面圖 2 Elevation 3 立面圖 3 Elevation 4 立面圖 4 發展項目的認可人士證明本立面圖所顯示的立面 1. 以2016年9月22日的情況為準的發展項目的經批准的建築圖則 為基礎擬備 及 2. 大致上與發展項目的外觀一致 Authorized Person for the Development certified that the elevations shown on these plans: 1. are prepared on the basis of the approved building plans for the Development as of 22nd September 2016; and 2. are in general accordance with the outward appearance of the Development. 413

Elevation Plan 立面圖 THE LAGUNA 滿庭 Tower 11 Block Plan 座向圖 第十一座 E4 E3 E2 E5 E1 Tower 11 Elevation 1 立面圖 1 Elevation 3 立面圖 3 Elevation 2 立面圖 2 Elevation 4 立面圖 4 Elevation 5 立面圖 5 發展項目的認可人士證明本立面圖所顯示的立面 1. 以2016年9月22日的情況為準的發展項目的經批准的建築圖則 為基礎擬備 及 2. 大致上與發展項目的外觀一致 Authorized Person for the Development certified that the elevations shown on these plans: 1. are prepared on the basis of the approved building plans for the Development as of 22nd September 2016; and 2. are in general accordance with the outward appearance of the Development. 414

Elevation Plan 立面圖 THE LAGUNA 滿庭 Tower 12 Block Plan 座向圖 第十二座 E4 E3 E2 E5 E1 Tower 12 Elevation 1 立面圖 1 Elevation 2 立面圖 2 Elevation 3 立面圖 3 Elevation 4 立面圖 4 Elevation 5 立面圖 5 發展項目的認可人士證明本立面圖所顯示的立面 1. 以2016年9月22日的情況為準的發展項目的經批准的建築圖則 為基礎擬備 及 2. 大致上與發展項目的外觀一致 Authorized Person for the Development certified that the elevations shown on these plans: 1. are prepared on the basis of the approved building plans for the Development as of 22nd September 2016; and 2. are in general accordance with the outward appearance of the Development. 415

Elevation Plan 立面圖 THE TERRACE 名庭 Tower 1 Block Plan 座向圖 第一座 E2 E1 Tower 1 Elevation 1 立面圖 1 THE TERRACE 名庭 Elevation 2 立面圖 2 Tower 2 Block Plan 座向圖 第二座 E2 E1 Tower 2 Elevation 1 立面圖 1 Elevation 2 立面圖 2 發展項目的認可人士證明本立面圖所顯示的立面 1. 以2016年3月24日的情況為準的發展項目的經批准的建築圖則 為基礎擬備 及 2. 大致上與發展項目的外觀一致 Authorized Person for the Development certified that the elevations shown on these plans: 1. are prepared on the basis of the approved building plans for the Development as of 24th March 2016; and 2. are in general accordance with the outward appearance of the Development. 416

Elevation Plan 立面圖 THE TERRACE 名庭 Tower 3 Block Plan 座向圖 第三座 E2 E1 Tower 3 Elevation 1 立面圖 1 THE TERRACE 名庭 Elevation 2 立面圖 2 Tower 5 Block Plan 座向圖 第五座 E2 E1 Tower 5 Elevation 1 立面圖 1 Elevation 2 立面圖 2 發展項目的認可人士證明本立面圖所顯示的立面 1. 以2016年3月24日的情況為準的發展項目的經批准的建築圖則 為基礎擬備 及 2. 大致上與發展項目的外觀一致 Authorized Person for the Development certified that the elevations shown on these plans: 1. are prepared on the basis of the approved building plans for the Development as of 24th March 2016; and 2. are in general accordance with the outward appearance of the Development. 417

Elevation Plan 立面圖 THE TERRACE 名庭 Tower 6 Block Plan 座向圖 第六座 E2 E1 Tower 6 Elevation 1 立面圖 1 THE TERRACE 名庭 Elevation 2 立面圖 2 Tower 7 Block Plan 座向圖 第七座 E2 E1 Tower 7 Elevation 1 立面圖 1 Elevation 2 立面圖 2 發展項目的認可人士證明本立面圖所顯示的立面 1. 以2016年3月24日的情況為準的發展項目的經批准的建築圖則 為基礎擬備 及 2. 大致上與發展項目的外觀一致 Authorized Person for the Development certified that the elevations shown on these plans: 1. are prepared on the basis of the approved building plans for the Development as of 24th March 2016; and 2. are in general accordance with the outward appearance of the Development. 418

Elevation Plan 立面圖 THE TERRACE 名庭 Tower 8&9 Block Plan 座向圖 第八及第九座 E2 E1 Tower 8&9 Elevation 1 立面圖 1 THE TERRACE 名庭 Elevation 2 立面圖 2 Tower 10 Block Plan 座向圖 第十座 E2 E1 Tower 10 Elevation 1 立面圖 1 Elevation 2 立面圖 2 發展項目的認可人士證明本立面圖所顯示的立面 1. 以2016年3月24日的情況為準的發展項目的經批准的建築圖則 為基礎擬備 及 2. 大致上與發展項目的外觀一致 Authorized Person for the Development certified that the elevations shown on these plans: 1. are prepared on the basis of the approved building plans for the Development as of 24th March 2016; and 2. are in general accordance with the outward appearance of the Development. 419

Elevation Plan 立面圖 THE TERRACE 名庭 HOUSE H1-H2 H1 號 -H2 號洋房 Block Plan 座向圖 E2 E3 E4 E1 House H1-H2 Elevation 1 立面圖 1 Elevation 2 立面圖 2 Elevation 3 立面圖 3 Elevation 4 立面圖 4 Authorized Person for the Development certified that the elevations shown on these plans: 1. are prepared on the basis of the approved building plans for the Development as of 22nd September 2016; and 2. are in general accordance with the outward appearance of the Development. 發展項目的認可人士證明本立面圖所顯示的立面 : 1. 以 2016 年 9 月 22 日的情況為準的發展項目的經批准的建築圖則為基礎擬備 ; 及 2. 大致上與發展項目的外觀一致 420

Elevation Plan 立面圖 THE TERRACE 名庭 HOUSE H3-H10 H3 號 -H10 號洋房 Block Plan 座向圖 E2 E4 E3 E1 House H3-H10 Elevation 1 立面圖 1 Elevation 2 立面圖 2 Elevation 3 立面圖 3 Elevation 4 立面圖 4 Authorized Person for the Development certified that the elevations shown on these plans: 1. are prepared on the basis of the approved building plans for the Development as of 22nd September 2016; and 2. are in general accordance with the outward appearance of the Development. 發展項目的認可人士證明本立面圖所顯示的立面 : 1. 以 2016 年 9 月 22 日的情況為準的發展項目的經批准的建築圖則為基礎擬備 ; 及 2. 大致上與發展項目的外觀一致 421

Elevation Plan 立面圖 THE HIGHLAND 山庭 HOUSE H1-H3, H5-H6, H8-H12, H15-H17 H21-H22 Block Plan 座向圖 H1號-H3號 H5號-H6號 H8號-H12號 H15號-H17號 及 H21號-H22號洋房 E1 E3 E4 E2 House H1-H17 & H21-H22 Elevation 1 立面圖 1 Elevation 2 立面圖 2 Elevation 3 立面圖 3 Elevation 4 立面圖 4 Authorized Person for the Development certified that the elevations shown on these plans: 1. are prepared on the basis of the approved building plans for the Development as of 22nd September 2016; and 2. are in general accordance with the outward appearance of the Development. 發展項目的認可人士證明本立面圖所顯示的立面 1. 以2016年9月22日的情況為準的發展項目的經批准的建築圖則 為基礎擬備 及 2. 大致上與發展項目的外觀一致 422

Elevation Plan 立面圖 THE HIGHLAND 山庭 HOUSE H7 Block Plan 座向圖 H7號洋房 E1 E3 E4 E2 House H7 Elevation 1 立面圖 1 Elevation 2 立面圖 2 Elevation 3 立面圖 3 Elevation 4 立面圖 4 Authorized Person for the Development certified that the elevations shown on these plans: 1. are prepared on the basis of the approved building plans for the Development as of 22nd September 2016; and 2. are in general accordance with the outward appearance of the Development. 發展項目的認可人士證明本立面圖所顯示的立面 1. 以2016年9月22日的情況為準的發展項目的經批准的建築圖則 為基礎擬備 及 2. 大致上與發展項目的外觀一致 423

Elevation Plan 立面圖 THE HIGHLAND 山庭 HOUSE H18-H19 H18 號 -H19 號洋房 Block Plan 座向圖 E1 E4 E2 E3 House H18-H19 Elevation 1 立面圖 1 Elevation 2 立面圖 2 Elevation 3 立面圖 3 Elevation 4 立面圖 4 Authorized Person for the Development certified that the elevations shown on these plans: 1. are prepared on the basis of the approved building plans for the Development as of 22nd September 2016; and 2. are in general accordance with the outward appearance of the Development. 發展項目的認可人士證明本立面圖所顯示的立面 : 1. 以 2016 年 9 月 22 日的情況為準的發展項目的經批准的建築圖則為基礎擬備 ; 及 2. 大致上與發展項目的外觀一致 424

Elevation Plan 立面圖 THE HIGHLAND 山庭 HOUSE H20 H20 號洋房 Block Plan 座向圖 E1 E4 E2 E3 House H20 Elevation 1 立面圖 1 Elevation 2 立面圖 2 Elevation 3 立面圖 3 Elevation 4 立面圖 4 Authorized Person for the Development certified that the elevations shown on these plans: 1. are prepared on the basis of the approved building plans for the Development as of 22nd September 2016; and 2. are in general accordance with the outward appearance of the Development. 發展項目的認可人士證明本立面圖所顯示的立面 : 1. 以 2016 年 9 月 22 日的情況為準的發展項目的經批准的建築圖則為基礎擬備 ; 及 2. 大致上與發展項目的外觀一致 425

Elevation Plan 立面圖 THE HIGHLAND 山庭 HOUSE H23, H25-H33 & H35-H38 H23 號 H25 號 -H33 號及 H35 號 -H38 號洋房 Block Plan 座向圖 E3 E2 E4 E1 House H23-H38 Elevation 1 立面圖 1 Elevation 2 立面圖 2 Elevation 3 立面圖 3 Elevation 4 立面圖 4 Authorized Person for the Development certified that the elevations shown on these plans: 1. are prepared on the basis of the approved building plans for the Development as of 22nd September 2016; and 2. are in general accordance with the outward appearance of the Development. 發展項目的認可人士證明本立面圖所顯示的立面 : 1. 以 2016 年 9 月 22 日的情況為準的發展項目的經批准的建築圖則為基礎擬備 ; 及 2. 大致上與發展項目的外觀一致 426

Elevation Plan 立面圖 THE HIGHLAND 山庭 HOUSE H39 H39 號洋房 Block Plan 座向圖 E3 E2 E4 E1 House H39 Elevation 1 立面圖 1 Elevation 2 立面圖 2 Elevation 3 立面圖 3 Elevation 4 立面圖 4 Authorized Person for the Development certified that the elevations shown on these plans: 1. are prepared on the basis of the approved building plans for the Development as of 22nd September 2016; and 2. are in general accordance with the outward appearance of the Development. 發展項目的認可人士證明本立面圖所顯示的立面 : 1. 以 2016 年 9 月 22 日的情況為準的發展項目的經批准的建築圖則為基礎擬備 ; 及 2. 大致上與發展項目的外觀一致 427

Information on common facilities In The Development 發展項目中的公用設施的資料 Recreational Facilities 康樂設施 Covered 有蓋 Uncovered 無蓋 Total Area 總面積 Residents clubhouse (including any recreational facilities for residents use) 住客會所 ( 包括供住客使用的任何康樂設施 ) sq.ft 平方呎 sq.m. 平方米 32,886 27,888 60,774 3,055.185 2,590.827 5,646.012 Communal garden or play area for residents use on the roof, or on any floor between the roof and the lowest residential floor, of a building in the development (whether known as a communal sky garden or otherwise) 位於發展項目中的建築物的天台或在天台和最低一層住宅樓層之間的任何一層的 供住客使用的公用花園或遊樂地方 ( 不論是稱為公用空中花園或其他名稱 ) sq.ft 平方呎 sq.m. 平方米 Not Applicable 不適用 Not Applicable 不適用 Not Applicable 不適用 Not Applicable 不適用 Not Applicable 不適用 Not Applicable 不適用 Communal garden or play area for residents use below the lowest residential floor of a building in the development (whether known as a covered and landscaped play area or otherwise) 位於發展項目中的建築物的最低一層住宅樓層以下的 供住客使用的公用花園或遊樂地方 ( 不論是稱為有蓋及園景的遊樂場或有其他名稱 ) sq.ft 平方呎 sq.m. 平方米 1,536.157 16,535.194 Not Applicable 不適用 Not Applicable 不適用 1,536.157 16,535.194 Note: 附註 : Areas in square feet are converted at a rate of 1 square metre to 10.764 square feet and rounded to the nearest integer. 以平方呎顯示之面積均依據 1 平方米 =10.764 平方呎換算, 並四捨五入至整數 Inspection Of Plans And Deed Of Mutual Covenant 閱覽圖則及公契 1. A copy of each of the Outline Zoning Plans relating to the Development is available at www.ozp.tpb.gov.hk. 2. A copy of the latest draft deed of mutual covenant in respect of the specified residential property as at the date on which the specified residential property is offered to be sold is available for inspection free of charge at the place at which the specified residential property is offered to be sold. 1. 備有關於發展項目的每份分區計劃大綱圖的副本供閱覽的網址為 www.ozp.tpb.gov.hk 2. 指明住宅物業的公契在將指明住宅物業提供出售的日期的最新擬稿的文本存放於指明住宅物業的售樓處以供免費閱覽 428

THE LAGUNA Tower 1 to Tower 3, Tower 5 to Tower 12 1. Exterior Finishes Item (a) External Wall (b) Window (c) Bay Window (d) Planter (e) Verandah or Balcony (f) Drying Facilities for Clothing 2. Interior Finishes Item (a) Lobby Passenger Lift Lobby (B/F) Entrance Lobby (G/F) Public Lift Lobby (b) Internal Wall and Ceiling (c) Internal Floor Description External wall of tower finished with ceramic tiles, artifical granite tile, curtain wall, glass cladding, natural stone cladding, aluminium cladding, aluminium grill and aluminium architectural feature at major facade. Aluminium window frame finished with fluorocarbon coating. Coloured monolithic glass and coloured insulated glass unit (IGU) for all windows and curtain wall (if provided) in living rooms, dining rooms, living/dining rooms, bedrooms, kitchens, utility and stores. Acid etched glass for window (if provided) in bathrooms and lavatories. N/A N/A (i) Balconies are fitted with glass balustrade with aluminium top rail. Wall: ceramic tiles. Ceiling: external paint, and acoustic ceiling (if applicable). Floor: homogeneous tiles. (ii) Balconies are covered. (iii) There is no verandah. N/A Description Floor finished with natural stone. Wall finished with natural stone, plastic laminated panel, stainless steel panel. Ceiling finished with wood veneered panel. Floor finished with natural stone. Wall finished with natural stone, wood veneered panel, stainless steel panel. Ceiling finished with wood veneered panel, suspended gypsum board ceiling and emulsion paint. Floor finished with reconstituted stone. Wall finished with reconstituted stone and wood veneered panel and stainless steel panel. Ceiling finished with suspended gypsum board ceiling and emulsion paint. Living rooms, dining rooms, living/dining rooms and bedrooms walls and ceilings are painted with emulsion paint to exposed surfaces. Partial areas are equipped with suspended gypsum board false ceiling and bulkhead and painted with emulsion paint. Living rooms, dining rooms, living/dining rooms and bedrooms finished with oak engineered timber flooring with wood veneer skirting. Reconstituted stone border next to glass sliding door and glass swing door.(the following units excepted) For the following units, internal flooring in living rooms, dining rooms, living/dining rooms and bedrooms finished with homogeneous tiles with wood veneer skirting: - Unit C on 2/F to 19/F of Tower 3 - Unit B and C on 1/F to 19/F, Unit D and E on 2/F to 19/F, Unit G and H on 2/F to 20/F of Tower 5 - Unit B and C on 1/F to 19/F, Unit E, F, G and H on 2/F to 20/F of Tower 6 - Unit D on 2/F to 12/F of Tower 7 - Unit B on 1/F to 12/F, Unit E and F on 2/F to 12/F of Tower 8 - Unit B and C on 1/F to 12/F, Unit F and G on 2/F to 15/F of Tower 9 - Unit C on 2/F to 12/F of Tower 10 429 2. Interior Finishes Item Description Wall finished with porcelain tiles on exposed surface and up to false ceiling level. Suspended gypsum board ceiling with emulsion paint. Floor finished with homogeneous tiles on exposed surface. (The following units excepted) For the following units, wall finished with porcelain tiles on exposed surface and up to false ceiling level. Suspended gypsum board ceiling with emulsion paint. Floor finished with porcelain tiles on exposed surface: - Unit C on 2/F to 19/F of Tower 3 - Unit B and C on 1/F to 19/F, Unit D and E on 2/F to 19/F, Unit G and H on 2/F to 20/F of Tower 5 - Unit B and C on 1/F to 19/F, Unit E, F, G and H on 2/F to 20/F of Tower 6 - Unit D on 2/F to 12/F of Tower 7 - Unit B on 1/F to 12/F, Unit E and F on 2/F to 12/F of Tower 8 - Unit B and C on 1/F to 12/F, Unit F and G on 2/F to 15/F of Tower 9 (d) Bathroom - Unit C on 2/F to 12/F of Tower 10 For the following units, wall finished with ceramic tiles on exposed surface and up to false ceiling level. Suspended gypsum board ceiling with emulsion paint. Master bathroom floor finished with natural stone, bathrooms floor finished with porcelain tiles on exposed surface: - Unit A on 20/F of Tower 1 - Unit A on 20/F of Tower 2 - Unit A and C on 20/F of Tower 3 - Unit A on G/F, Unit A and D on 20/F of Tower 5 - Unit A on G/F, Unit A on 20/F of Tower 6 - Unit A and D on 15/F of Tower 7 - Unit A and E on 15/F of Tower 8 - Unit A on G/F, Unit A and D on 15/F of Tower 9 - Unit A and C on 15/F of Tower 10 - Unit A on 15/F of Tower 11 - Unit A on 15/F of Tower 12 Wall finished with ceramic tiles and glass on exposed surface and up to false ceiling level. Suspended gypsum board ceiling with emulsion paint. Floor finished with homogeneous tiles on exposed surface. Cooking bench finished with solid surface material. (The following units excepted) For the following units, wall finished with porcelain tiles exposed surface and up to false ceiling level. Suspended gypsum board ceiling with emulsion paint. Floor finished with porcelain tiles on exposed surface. Cooking bench finished with solid surface material: - Unit A on 20/F of Tower 1 - Unit A on 20/F of Tower 2 - Unit C on 2/F to 19/F, Unit A and C on 20/F of Tower 3 - Unit A on G/F, Unit B and C on 1/F to 19/F, Unit D (e) Kitchen and E on 2/F to 19/F, Unit G and H on 2/F to 20/F, Unit A and D on 20/F of Tower 5 - Unit A on G/F, Unit B and C on 1/F to 19/F, Unit E, F, G and H on 2/F to 20/F, Unit A on 20/F of Tower 6 - Unit D on 2/F to 12/F, Unit A and D on 15/F of Tower 7 - Unit B on 1/F to 12/F, Unit E and F on 2/F to 12/F, Unit A and E on 15/F of Tower 8 - Unit A on G/F, Unit B and C on 1/F to 12/F, Unit F and G on 2/F to 15/F, Unit A and D on 15/F of Tower 9 - Unit C on 2/F to 12/F, Unit A and C on 15/F of Tower 10 - Unit A on 15/F of Tower 11 - Unit A on 15/F of Tower 12 Note : No designation of 4/F, 13/F and 14/F

THE LAGUNA Tower 1 to Tower 3, Tower 5 to Tower 12 3. Interior Fittings Item (a) Doors (b) Bathroom Description Entrance door: solid core fire rated timber door finished with wood veneer panel, fitted with lockset, eye viewer, concealed door closer, door stopper and security door guard (Except the following units). For the following units, entrance door finished with solid core fire rated timber door finished with wood veneer panel, fitted with lockset, eyeviewer, concealed door closer, door stopper and security door chain: - Unit A on 20/F of Tower 1 - Unit A on 20/F of Tower 2 - Unit A and C on 20/F of Tower 3 - Unit A on G/F, Unit A and D on 20/F of Tower 5 - Unit A on G/F and Unit A on 20/F of Tower 6 - Unit A and D on 15/F of Tower 7 - Unit A and E on 15/F of Tower 8 - Unit A on G/F, Unit A and D on 15/F of Tower 9 - Unit A and C on 15/F of Tower 10 - Unit A on 15/F of Tower 11 - Unit A on 15/F of Tower 12 Bedroom door, Store door and Utility door: hollow core timber door finished with wood veneer panel, fitted with lockset and door stopper. Bathroom door: hollow core timber door finished with wood veneer panel, fitted with lockset and door stopper. Bathroom door fitted with louver (for bathroom without window only). Kitchen door: solid core fire rated timber door finished with wood veneer panel, fitted with lockset, door closer, door stopper and fire-rated vision panel. Garden Door and Store door (at Flat Roof): Metal door fitted with lockset. Door to Flat Roof, Roof, Balcony, Utility Platform and Garden: Glass door with aluminium door frame, fitted with lockset. Lavatory Door: Aluminium sliding folding door, fitted with lockset. Fitted with solid surface material countertop. Sanitary wares and fittings include vitreous china toilet bowl, vitreous china wash basin, chrome plated basin mixer, enameled steel bathtub 1600(L)x700(W)x420(D)mm), chrome plated bath mixer, chrome plated shower set, chrome plated robe hook, chrome plated towel rail, chrome plated paper holder. Copper water pipes with thermal insulation are used for both cold water and hot water supply. (The following units excepted) For the bathroom 1 of the following units, fitted with solid surface material countertop. Sanitary wares and fittings include vitreous china toilet bowl, vitreous china wash basin, chrome plated basin mixer, shower cubicle, chrome plated shower set, chrome plated robe hook, chrome plated towel rail and chrome plated paper holder. Copper water pipes with thermal insulation are used for both cold water and hot water supply: - Unit B on 1/F to 19/F of Tower 2 - Unit E on 15/F of Tower 8 - Unit B on 1/F to 12/F of Tower 11 - Unit B on G/F of Tower 12 3. Interior Fittings Item Description For the master bathroom of the following units, fitted with solid surface material countertop. Sanitary wares and fittings include vitreous china toilet bowl, vitreous china wash basin, chrome plated basin mixer, enamelled steel bathtub (1600(L) x700(w)x420(d)mm), chrome plated bath mixer, shower cubicle, chrome plated shower set, chrome plated robe hook, chrome plated towel rail and chrome plated paper holder. Copper water pipes with thermal insulation are used for both cold water and hot water supply: - Unit B on G/F of Tower 2 - Unit A on G/F of Tower 7 - Unit B on G/F of Tower 11 For the master bathroom of the following units, fitted with solid surface material countertop. Sanitary wares and fittings include vitreous china toilet bowl, vitreous china wash basin, chrome plated basin mixer, enamelled steel bathtub (1600(L)x700(W)x420(D)mm), chrome plated bath mixer, chrome plated bath spout, shower cubicle, chrome plated overhead rain shower and shower set, chrome plated robe hook, chrome plated towel rail and chrome plated paper holder. Exhaust fan is provided. Copper water pipes with thermal insulation are used for both cold water and hot water supply: - Unit A on 20/F of Tower 1 (b) Bathroom - Unit A on 20/F of Tower 2 - Unit A on 20/F of Tower 3 - Unit A and D on 20/F of Tower 5 - Unit A on G/F and Unit A on 20/F of Tower 6 - Unit A and D on 15/F of Tower 7 - Unit A on 15/F of Tower 8 - Unit A on G/F and Unit A on 15/F of Tower 9 For the master bathroom of the following units, fitted with solid surface material countertop. Sanitary wares and fittings include vitreous china toilet bowl, vitreous china wash basin, chrome plated basin mixer, enamelled steel bathtub (1600(L)x700(W)x420(D)mm), chrome plated bath mixer, chrome plated bath spout, chrome plated shower set, chrome plated robe hook, chrome plated towel rail and chrome plated paper holder. Exhaust fan is provided. Copper water pipes with thermal insulation are used for both cold water and hot water supply: - Unit C on 20/F of Tower 3 - Unit A on G/F of Tower 5 - Unit E on 15/F of Tower 8 - Unit D on 15/F of Tower 9 - Unit C on 15/F of Tower 10 - Unit A on 15/F of Tower 12 For appliances and their brand names and model numbers, please refer to Appliances Schedule. Note : No designation of 4/F, 13/F and 14/F 430

THE LAGUNA Tower 1 to Tower 3, Tower 5 to Tower 12 3. Interior Fittings 3. Interior Fittings Item Description Fitted with wooden kitchen cabinet of plastic laminated panel, high gloss lacquer panel, melamine faced chipboard and solid surface material countertop, stainless steel sink with chrome plated sink mixer. Exhaust fan is provided. Copper water pipes with thermal insulation are used for both cold water and hot water supply. (The following units excepted) For the following units, fitted with wooden kitchen cabinet of plastic laminated panel, high gloss lacquer panel and solid surface material countertop, stainless steel sink with chrome plated sink mixer. Copper water pipes with thermal insulation are used for both cold water and hot water supply: - Unit C on 2/F to 19/F of Tower 3 - Unit B and C on 1/F to 19/F, Unit D and E on 2/F to 19/F, Unit G and H on 2/F to 20/F of Tower 5 - Unit B and C on 1/F to 19/F, Unit E, F, G and H on 2/F to 20/F of Tower 6 - Unit D on 2/F to 12/F of Tower 7 - Unit B on 1/F to 12/F, Unit E and F on 2/F to 12/F of Tower 8 (c) Kitchen - Unit B and C on 1/F to 12/F, Unit F and G on 2/F to 15/F of Tower 9 - Unit C on 2/F to 12/F of Tower 10 For the following units, fitted with wooden kitchen cabinet of melamine faced chipboard, high gloss lacquer panel and solid surface material countertop, stainless steel sink with chrome plated sink mixer. Exhaust fan is provided. Copper water pipes with thermal insulation are used for both cold water and hot water supply: - Unit A on 20/F of Tower 1 - Unit A on 20/F of Tower 2 - Unit A and C on 20/F of Tower 3 - Unit A on G/F, Unit A and D on 20/F of Tower 5 - Unit A on G/F, Unit A on 20/F of Tower 6 - Unit A and D on 15/F of Tower 7 - Unit A and E on 15/F of Tower 8 - Unit A on G/F, Unit A and D on 15/F of Tower 9 - Unit A and C on 15/F of Tower 10 - Unit A on 15/F of Tower 11 - Unit A on 15/F of Tower 12 For appliances and their brand names and model numbers, please refer to Appliances Schedule. Note : No designation of 4/F, 13/F and 14/F Item (d) Bedroom (e) Telephone (f) Aerials (g) Electrical Installations (h) Gas Supply Description N/A Telephone connection points are installed for living rooms, dining rooms, living/dining room and bedroom. For location and number of connection points, please refer to Schedule of Mechanical and Electrical Provisions of Residential Units. TV/FM outlets for local TV/FM radio programs are installed for living rooms, dining rooms, living/ dining room and bedroom. For location and number of connection points, please refer to Schedule of Mechanical and Electrical Provisions of Residential Units. Concealed conduit wiring for lighting and power points are installed. Single phase electricity supply with miniature circuit breaker distribution board is provided. (The following units excepted) For the following units, three phase electricity supply with miniature circuit breaker distribution board is provided: - Unit A on 20/F of Tower 1 - Unit A on 20/F of Tower 2 - Unit C on 2/F to 19/F, Unit A and C on 20/F of Tower 3 - Unit A on G/F, Unit B and C on 1/F to 19/F, Unit D and E on 2/F to 19/F, Unit G and H on 2/F to 20/F, Unit A and D on 20/F of Tower 5 - Unit A on G/F, Unit B and C on 1/F to 19/F, Unit E, F, G and H on 2/F to 20/F, Unit A on 20/F of Tower 6 - Unit D on 2/F to 12/F, Unit A and D on 15/F of Tower 7 - Unit B on 1/F to 12/F, Unit E and F on 2/F to 12/F, Unit A and E on 15/F of Tower 8 - Unit A on G/F, Unit B and C on 1/F to 12/F, Unit F and G on 2/F to 15/F, Unit A and D on 15/F of Tower 9 - Unit C on 2/F to 12/F, Unit A and C on 15/F of Tower 10 - Unit A on 15/F of Tower 11 - Unit A on 15/F of Tower 12 For location and number of power points and airconditioner points, please refer to Schedule of Mechanical and Electrical Provisions of Residential Units. Towngas supply pipes are provided and connected to gas cooking hob and gas water heater. (The followings units excepted.) For the following units, no towngas supply is provided: - Unit C on 2/F to 19/F of Tower 3 - Unit B and C on 1/F to 19/F, Unit D and E on 2/F to 19/F, Unit G and H on 2/F to 20/F of Tower 5 - Unit B and C on 1/F to 19/F, Unit E, F, G and H on 2/F to 20/F of Tower 6 - Unit D on 2/F to 12/F of Tower 7 - Unit B on 1/F to 12/F, Unit E and F on 2/F to 12/F of Tower 8 - Unit B and C on 1/F to 12/F, Unit F and G on 2/F to 15/F of Tower 9 - Unit C on 2/F to 12/F of Tower 10 For the location of towngas supply point, please refer to Schedule of Mechanical and Electrical Provisions of Residential Units. 431

THE LAGUNA Tower 1 to Tower 3, Tower 5 to Tower 12 3. Interior Fittings Item (i) Washing Machine Connection Point (j) Water Supply 4. Miscellaneous Item (a) Lifts (b) Letter Box (c) Refuse Collection Description Water point of a design of 15mm in diameter and drain point of a design of 40mm in diameter for washing machine are located in kitchens. For location of connection points for washing machine, please refer to Schedule of Mechanical and Electrical Provisions of Residential Units. Copper water pipes with thermal insulation are used for both cold water and hot water supply. Copper water pipes are concealed in non-structural wall and enclosed in false ceilings, bulkheads and cabinets. Hot water supply to kitchen and bathroom is provided by gas water heater. (The following units excepted) For the following units, hot water supply to kitchen and bathroom are provided by electric water heater: - Unit C on 2/F to 19/F of Tower 3 - Unit B and C on 1/F to 19/F, Unit D and E on 2/F to 19/F, Unit G and H on 2/F to 20/F of Tower 5 - Unit B and C on 1/F to 19/F, Unit E, F, G and H on 2/F to 20/F of Tower 6 - Unit D on 2/F to 12/F of Tower 7 - Unit B on 1/F to 12/F, Unit E and F on 2/F to 12/F of Tower 8 - Unit B and C on 1/F to 12/F, Unit F and G on 2/F to 15/F of Tower 9 - Unit C on 2/F to 12/F of Tower 10 For the following units, hot water supply to kitchen and bathroom are provided by gas and electric water heater: - Unit A on 20/F of Tower 5 - Unit A on G/F, Unit A on 20/F of Tower 6 - Unit A and D on 15/F of Tower 7 - Unit E on 15/F of Tower 8 - Unit A on G/F, Unit A and D on 15/F of Tower 9 For location of gas and electrical water heaters, please refer to Schedule of Mechanical and Electrical Provisions of Residential Units. Description Residential Tower Lifts: Two Mitsubushi lifts (model no. Nexway-S) are provided for each tower serving B/F to 20/F for Tower 1 to Tower 6 and B/F to 15/F for Tower 7 to Tower 12. Stainless steel letter box is provided for each residential unit at G/F entrance lobby of each tower. Refuse storage and material recovery room is provided in the common area on each residential floor of towers. Refuse will be centrally handled in refuse storage and material recovery chamber on B/F. Note : No designation of 4/F, 13/F and 14/F 4. Miscellaneous Item (d) Water Meter, Electricity Meter and Gas Meter 5. Security Facilities Description Separate water meter for individual residential unit is provided at water meters cabinet at residential floor of towers. Separate electricity meter for individual residential unit is provided at electrical meter cabinet and electrical meter room at residential floor of towers. Separate gas meter for individual residential unit is provided in the kitchen of individual residential unit. (The following units excepted) For the following units, gas meter is provided on the roof floor: - Unit A on 20/F of Tower 1 and Tower 3 - Unit D on 20/F of Tower 5 - Unit A on 15/F of Tower 7, Tower 9 and Tower 10 - Unit E on 15/F of Tower 8 For the following units, no gas meter is provided: - Unit C on 2/F to 19/F of Tower 3 - Unit B and C on 1/F to 19/F, Unit D and E on 2/F to 19/F, Unit G and H on 2/F to 20/F of Tower 5 - Unit B and C on 1/F to 19/F, Unit E, F, G and H on 2/F to 20/F of Tower 6 - Unit D on 2/F to 12/F of Tower 7 - Unit B on 1/F to 12/F, Unit E and F on 2/F to 12/F of Tower 8 - Unit B and C on 1/F to 12/F, Unit F and G on 2/F to 15/F of Tower 9 - Unit C on 2/F to 12/F of Tower 10 CCTV cameras are provided at passenger lift lobby (B/F), entrance lobby (G/F), car park, driveway and lift cars. Video door phone with panic alarm button is provided at the living rooms, dining rooms and living/dining room for each residential unit. Proximity card access system is provided at passenger lift lobby (B/F) and entrance lobby (G/F). For location of glass break sensors, door/window contacts, Passive Infrared Sensor (PIR sensors), visitor panel and video door phone with panic alarm button, please refer to Schedule of Mechanical and Electrical Provisions of Residential Units. 6. Appliances For provision and brand name of appliances, please refer to the Appliance Schedule. The vendor undertakes that if lifts or appliances of the specified brand name or model number are not installed, lifts or appliances of comparable quality will be installed. 432

THE TERRACE Tower 1 to Tower 3, Tower 5 to Tower 10 1. Exterior Finishes Item (a) External Wall (b) Window (c) Bay Window (d) Planter (e) Verandah or Balcony (f) Drying Facilities for Clothing 2. Interior Finishes Item (a) Lobby Passenger Lift Lobby (B/F) Entrance Lobby (1/F for Tower 1 and Tower 2, G/F for Tower 3, Tower 5 to Tower 10) Private Lift Lobby Passenger Lift Lobby Description External wall of tower finished with ceramic tiles, artifical granite tile, curtain wall, natural stone cladding, aluminium cladding, aluminium grill and aluminium architectural feature at major facade. Aluminium window frame finished with fluorocarbon coating. Coloured monolithic glass and coloured insulated glass unit (IGU) for all windows and curtain wall (if provided) in living rooms, dining rooms, bedrooms and utilities. (The following units excepted) For the following units, acid etched glass for window in dining rooms. - Unit A and B on 2/F of Tower 1 and Tower 2 - Unit A and B on 1/F of Tower 3, Tower 5 to Tower 10 Acid etched glass for window (if provided) in bathrooms and lavatories. N/A N/A (i) Balconies are fitted with glass balustrade with aluminium top rail. Wall: ceramic tiles. Ceiling: external paint. Floor: homogeneous tiles. (ii) Balconies are covered. (iii) There is no verandah. N/A Description Floor finished with natural stone. Wall finished with natural stone, plastic laminated panel, stainless steel panel. Ceiling finished with plastic laminated panel. Floor finished with natural stone. Wall finished with natural stone, wood veneered panel, aluminium and stainless steel panel. Ceiling finished with wood veneered panel, aluminium and stainless steel panel. Floor finished with reconstituted stone. Wall finished with porcelain tiles, wood veneered panel, plastic laminated panel and stainless steel panel. Ceiling finished with suspended gypsum board ceiling and emulsion paint. (The following units excepted) For the following units, floor finished with natural stone. Wall finished with wood veneered panel, stainless steel panel and natural stone. Ceiling finished with suspended gypsum board ceiling and emulsion paint: - Unit B on 1/F of Tower 1 - Unit A on 1/F of Tower 2 - Unit B on G/F of Tower 3 - Unit A on G/F of Tower 5 to Tower 10 Floor finished with homogeneous tiles. Wall finished with ceramic tiles. Ceiling finished with suspended gypsum board ceiling and emulsion paint. 2. Interior Finishes Item (b) Internal Wall and Ceiling (c) Internal Floor (d) Bathroom (e) Kitchen 3. Interior Fittings Item (a) Doors Description Living rooms, dining rooms and bedrooms walls and ceiling are painted with emulsion paint to exposed surfaces. Partial areas are equipped with suspended gypsum board false ceiling and bulkhead and painted with emulsion paint. Living rooms, dining rooms and bedrooms finished with oak engineered timber flooring with wood veneer skirting. Reconstituted stone border next to glass sliding door and glass swing door. Wall finished with ceramic tiles on exposed surface and up to false ceiling level. Suspended gypsum board ceiling with emulsion paint. Floor finished with porcelain tiles on exposed surface. (The following units excepted) For the master bathroom of the following units, wall finished with ceramic tiles on exposed surface and up to false ceiling level. Suspended gypsum board ceiling with emulsion paint. Floor finished with natural stone on exposed surface. - Unit A and B on 7/F of Tower 1 - Unit A and B on 7/F of Tower 2 - Unit A and B on 7/F of Tower 3 - Unit A and B on 7/F of Tower 5 - Unit A on 7/F of Tower 6 - Unit A on 7/F of Tower 7 - Unit A on 7/F of Tower 8 - Unit A on 7/F of Tower 9 - Unit A on 7/F of Tower 10 Wall finished with ceramic tiles on exposed surface and up to false ceiling level. Suspended gypsum board ceiling with emulsion paint. Floor finished with porcelain tiles on exposed surface. Cooking bench finished with solid surface material. (The following units excepted) For the following units, wall finished with reconstituted stone up to false ceiling level. Suspended gypsum board ceiling with emulsion paint. Floor finished with natural stone on exposed surface. Cooking bench finished with reconstituted stone: - Unit A on 7/F of Tower 6 - Unit A on 7/F of Tower 7 - Unit A on 7/F of Tower 8 - Unit A on 7/F of Tower 9 - Unit A on 7/F of Tower 10 Description Entrance door: solid core fire rated timber door finished with wood veneer panel, fitted with lockset, eye viewer, concealed door closer, door stopper and security door chain. Bedroom door and Utility door: hollow core timber door finished with wood veneer panel, fitted with lockset and door stopper. Bathroom door: hollow core timber door finished with wood veneer panel, fitted with lockset and door stopper. Bathroom door fitted with louver (for bathroom without window only). Kitchen door: solid core fire rated timber door finished with wood veneer panel, fitted with lockset, door closer, door stopper and fire-rated vision panel. Garden Door: metal door fitted with lockset. Doors to Flat Roof, Roof, Balcony, Utility Platform and Garden: glass door with aluminium door frame, fitted with lockset. 433

THE TERRACE Tower 1 to Tower 3, Tower 5 to Tower 10 3. Interior Fittings 3. Interior Fittings Item Description Lavatory door: aluminium sliding folding door, fitted with lockset. Door between Private lift lobby and Public Lift Lobby: solid core fire rated timber door finished with plastic laminate, fitted with lockset, eye viewer, door closer, door stopper and security door chain. Door between Kitchen and Public Lift Lobby: solid core fire rated timber door finished with wood veneer panel, fitted with lockset, eye viewer, door closer, door stopper and security door guard. Master bathroom: Fitted with solid surface material countertop. Sanitary wares and fittings include vitreous china toilet bowl, vitreous china wash basin, chrome plated basin mixer, enamelled steel bathtub (1600(L)x700(W)x420(D)mm), chrome plated bath mixer, chrome plated bath spout, shower cubicle, chrome plated overhead rain shower and shower set, chrome plated robe hook, chrome plated towel rail and chrome plated paper holder. Exhaust fan is provided. Copper water pipes with thermal insulation are used for both cold water and hot water supply. Bathroom 1 and Bathroom 2: Fitted with solid surface material countertop. Sanitary wares and fittings include vitreous china toilet bowl, vitreous china wash basin, chrome plated basin mixer, enamelled steel bathtub (1600(L)x700(W)x420(D) mm), chrome plated bath mixer, chrome plated shower set, chrome plated robe hook, chrome plated towel rail and chrome plated paper holder. Exhaust fan is provided. Copper water pipes with thermal insulation are used for both cold water and hot water supply. For appliances and their brand names and model numbers, please refer to Appliances Schedule. Fitted with wooden kitchen cabinet of plastic laminated panel, high gloss lacquer panel and solid surface material countertop, stainless steel sink with chrome plated sink mixer. Exhaust fan and air-conditioning unit are provided. Copper water pipes with thermal insulation are used for both cold water and hot water supply.(the following unit excepted) For the following units, fitted with wooden kitchen cabinet of melamine faced chipboard, high gloss lacquer panel and solid surface material countertop, stainless steel sink with chrome plated sink mixer. Exhaust fan and air-conditioning unit are provided. Copper water pipes with thermal insulation are used for both cold water and hot water supply: - Unit A and B on 7/F of Tower 1 - Unit A and B on 7/F of Tower 2 - Unit A and B on 7/F of Tower 3 - Unit A and B on 7/F of Tower 5 Item Description For the following units, fitted with wooden kitchen cabinet of melamine faced chipboard, wood veneer panel, high gloss lacquer panel and reconstituted stone countertop, stainless steel sink with chrome plated sink mixer. Exhaust fan and air-conditioning unit are provided. Copper water pipes with thermal insulation are used for both cold water and hot water supply: - Unit A on 7/F of Tower 6 - Unit A on 7/F of Tower 7 - Unit A on 7/F of Tower 8 - Unit A on 7/F of Tower 9 - Unit A on 7/F of Tower 10 For appliances and their brand names and model numbers, please refer to Appliances Schedule. N/A Telephone connection points are installed for living rooms, dining rooms and bedroom. For location and number of connection points, please refer to Schedule of Mechanical and Electrical Provisions of Residential Units. TV/FM outlets for local TV/FM radio programs are installed for living rooms, dining rooms and bedroom. TV/FM outlets for local TV/FM radio programs are installed for living/dining room and bedroom. Concealed conduit wiring for lighting and power points are installed. Three phase electricity supply with miniature circuit breaker distribution board is provided. For location and number of power points and air-conditioner points, please refer to Schedule of Mechanical and Electrical Provisions of Residential Units. Towngas supply pipes are provided and connected to gas cooking hob and gas water heaters. For the location of towngas supply point, please refer to Schedule of Mechanical and Electrical Provisions of Residential Units. Water point of a design of 15mm in diameter and drain point of a design of 40mm in diameter for washing machine in kitchens. (The following units excepted) For the following units, water point of a design of 15mm in diameter and drain point of a design of 40mm in diameter for washing machine are located in utilities: - Unit A on 7/F of Tower 6 - Unit A on 7/F of Tower 7 - Unit A on 7/F of Tower 8 - Unit A on 7/F of Tower 9 - Unit A on 7/F of Tower 10 For location of connection points for washing machine, please refer to Schedule of Mechanical and Electrical Provisions of Residential Units. Copper water pipes with thermal insulation are used for both cold water and hot water supply. Copper water pipes are concealed in non-structural wall and enclosed in false ceilings, bulkheads and cabinets. Hot water supply to kitchen and bathroom is provided by gas water heaters. For location of water heaters, please refer to Schedule of Mechanical and Electrical Provisions of Residential Units. (a) Doors (b) Bathroom (c) Kitchen (c) Kitchen (d) Bedroom (e) Telephone (f) Aerials (g) Electrical Installations (h) Gas Supply (i) Washing Machine Connection Point (j) Water Supply 434

THE TERRACE Tower 1 to Tower 3, Tower 5 to Tower 10 4. Miscellaneous Item (a) Lifts (b) Letter Box (c) Refuse Collection (d) Water Meter, Electricity Meter and Gas Meter 5. Security Facilities Description Residential Tower Lifts: Two Mitsubushi lift (model no. Nexway-S and Nexiez-MR) are provided for each tower serving B/F to 7/F (No designation of 4/F). Stainless steel letter box is provided for each residential unit at the entrance lobby of each tower. Refuse storage and material recovery room is provided in the common area on each residential floor of towers. Refuse will be centrally handled in refuse storage and material recovery chamber on B/F. Separate water meter for individual residential unit is provided in water meter cabinet at B/F of towers. Separate electricity meter for individual residential unit is provided at electric meter cabinet and electric meter room at residential floor of towers. Seperate gas meter for individual residential unit is provided in A/C plant room of each residential unit. (The following unit excepted) For the following units, seperate gas meter is provided in kitchen of individual residential unit: - Unit A and B on G/F, 1/F and 2/F of Tower 1 - Unit A and B on G/F, 1/F and 2/F of Tower 2 - Unit A and B on G/F and 1/F of Tower 3 - Unit A and B on G/F and 1/F of Tower 5 - Unit A and B on G/F and 1/F of Tower 6 - Unit A and B on G/F and 1/F of Tower 7 - Unit A and B on G/F and 1/F of Tower 8 - Unit A and B on G/F and 1/F of Tower 9 - Unit A and B on G/F and 1/F of Tower 10 CCTV cameras are provided at passenger lift lobby (B/F), entrance lobby (1/F for Tower 1 and Tower 2, G/F for Tower 3, Tower 5 to Tower 10), car park, driveway and lift cars. Video door phone with panic alarm button is provided for each residential unit. Proximity card access system is provided at passenger lift lobby (B/F) and entrance lobby (1/F for Tower 1 and Tower 2, G/F for Tower 3, Tower 5 to Tower 10). For the following units, glass break sensors, door/window contacts and Passive Infrared Sensor (PIR sensors) are provided: - Unit A and B on G/F of Tower 1 - Unit A and B on G/F of Tower 2 - Unit A and B on G/F of Tower 3 - Unit A and B on G/F of Tower 5 - Unit A and B on G/F of Tower 6 - Unit A and B on G/F of Tower 7 - Unit A and B on G/F of Tower 8 - Unit A and B on G/F of Tower 9 - Unit A and B on G/F of Tower 10 For the following units, Passive Infrared Sensor (PIR sensors) are provided: - Unit A and B on 1/F of Tower 1 - Unit A and B on 1/F of Tower 2 For location of glass break sensors, door/window contacts, Passive Infrared Sensor (PIR sensors), visitor panel and video door phone with panic alarm button, please refer to Schedule of Mechanical and Electrical Provisions of Residential Units. THE TERRACE House H1-H3, H5-H10 THE HIGHLAND House H1-H3, H5-H12, H15-H23, H25-H33, H35-H39 1. Exterior Finishes Item (a) External Wall (b) Window (c) Bay Window (d) Planter (e) Verandah or Balcony (f) Drying Facilities for Clothing 2. Interior Finishes Description Finished with tiles, aluminium cladding, aluminium grille, aluminium architectural feature, glass cladding and natural stone cladding. Aluminium window frame finished with fluorocarbon coating. The Terrace Houses: Coloured monolithic glass and coloured insulated glass unit (IGU) for windows (if provided) in living rooms, dining rooms, bedrooms and kitchens. The Highland Houses: Coloured monolithic glass for all windows (if provided) in living rooms, dining rooms, bedrooms, kitchens and family room (if provided). Acid etched tinted glass for window (if provided) in bathrooms and lavatories. N/A Finished with homogeneous tiles. (i) Balconies are fitted with glass balustrade with aluminium top rail. Floor: porcelain tiles. Ceiling: aluminium cladding. (ii) Balconies are covered. (iii) There is no verandah. N/A Item Description (a) Lobby Shuttle lift Floor are finished with natural stone. Wall are lobby finished with natural stone, stainless steel panel (LG1/F - LG2/F, and wood veneer panel. Ceiling finished with The Highland) wood veneered panel. (b) Internal Wall and Ceiling (c) Internal Floor (d) Bathroom (e) Kitchen Living rooms, dining rooms and bedrooms walls and ceilings are painted with emulsion paint to exposed surfaces. Partial areas are equipped with suspended gypsum board false ceiling and bulkhead and painted with emulsion paint. Living rooms, dining rooms and bedrooms finished with oak engineered timber flooring with wood veneer skirting. Reconstituted stone next to glass sliding door and glass swing door. Wall finished with natural stone on exposed surface and up to false ceiling level. Suspended gypsum board ceiling with emulsion paint. Floor finished with natural stone on exposed surface. Wall finished with reconstituted stone on exposed surface and up to false ceiling level. Suspended gypsum board ceiling with emulsion paint. Floor finished with natural stone on exposed surface. Cooking bench finished with reconstituted stone. 6. Appliances For provision and brand name of appliances, please refer to the Appliance Schedule. The vendor undertakes that if lifts or appliances of the specified brand name or model number are not installed, lifts or appliances of comparable quality will be installed. 435

THE TERRACE House H1-H3, H5-H10 THE HIGHLAND House H1-H3, H5-H12, H15-H23, H25-H33, H35-H39 3. Interior Fittings 3. Interior Fittings Item Description Entrance door: Inner door - Timber veneered solid core timber door, fitted with lockset, eye viewer, concealed door closer, security door chain and door stopper. Outer door - Glass door with aluminium frame is provided, fitted with handle and lockset. Bedroom door and doors leading to both bedroom 3 and bathroom 3: Timber veneered hollow core timber door, fitted with lockset and door stopper. Bathroom door and powder room door: Timber veneered hollow core timber door, fitted with lockset and door stopper. Bathroom door and powder room door, fitted with louver (for bathroom and powder room without window only). Kitchen door: Timber veneered solid core fire rated timber door, fitted with lockset, door closer, door stopper and fire-rated vision panel. Store door and utility door : Timber veneered hollow core timber door, fitted with lockset and door stopper. Lavatory door: Aluminium sliding folding door, fitted with lockset. Internal staircase door (LG1/F, The Highland and B/F, The Terrace): Timber veneered solid core fire rated timber door, fitted with lockset, door closer and door stopper. Carpark door (LG1/F, The Highland and B/F, The Terrace): Plastic laminated finish solid core fire rated timber door, fitted with lockset, eye viewer, concealed door closer, security door guard and door stopper. Doors to Flat Roof, Roof, Balcony, Utility Platform and Garden: Glass door with aluminium door frame, fitted with lockset. A/C plant room door: Plastic laminated finish solid core fire rated timber door, fitted with lockset and door stopper. Door to Pipe duct (LG1/F, The Highland): Tile door with G.M.S. angle frame support fitted with lockset. Garden Door: Metal door fitted with lockset. Master bathroom: fitted with natural stone countertop and sanitary wares and fittings include vitreous china toilet bowl, vitreous china wash basin, chrome plated basin mixer, enamelled steel bathtub (1800(L)x800(W)x420(D)mm), chrome plated bath mixer, chrome plated bath spout, shower cubicle, chrome plated overhead rain shower and shower set, chrome plated robe hook, chrome plated towel rail and chrome plated paper holder. Exhaust fan is provided. Copper water pipes with thermal insulation are used for both cold water and hot water supply. Bathroom 1, Bathroom 2 and Bathroom 3: fitted with natural stone countertop and sanitary wares and fittings include vitreous china toilet bowl, vitreous china wash basin, chrome plated basin mixer, enamelled steel bathtub (1600(L)x700(W) x420(d)mm), chrome plated bath mixer, chrome plated shower set, chrome plated robe hook, chrome plated towel rail and chrome plated paper holder. The above except Bathroom 3 of House H3, The Terrace. Bathroom 3 of House H3, The Terrace: fitted with natural stone countertop and sanitary wares and fittings include vitreous china toilet bowl, vitreous china wash basin, chrome plated basin mixer, shower cubicle, chrome plated shower set, chrome plated robe hook, chrome plated towel rail and chrome plated paper holder. Exhaust fan is provided. Copper water pipes with thermal insulation are used for both cold water and hot water supply. For appliances and their brand names and model numbers, please refer to Appliances Schedule. Item Description Fitted with wooden kitchen cabinet of high gloss lacquer panel, timber veneer panel and reconstituted stone countertop, stainless steel sink with chrome plated sink mixer. Exhaust fan and air-conditioning unit are provided. Copper water pipes with thermal insulation are used for both cold water and hot water supply. For appliances and their brand names and model numbers, please refer to Appliances Schedule. N/A Telephone connection points are installed for living rooms, dining rooms, bedroom and family room. For location and number of connection points, please refer to Schedule of Mechanical and Electrical Provisions of Residential Units. TV/FM outlets for local TV/FM radio programs are installed for living rooms, dining rooms, bedroom and family room. For location and number of connection points, please refer to Schedule of Mechanical and Electrical Provisions of Residential Units. Concealed conduit wiring for lighting and power points are installed. Three phase electricity supply with miniature circuit breaker distribution board is provided. For location and number of power points and air-conditioner points, please refer to Schedule of Mechanical and Electrical Provisions of Residential Units. Towngas supply pipes are provided and connected to gas cooking hob and gas water heater. For the location of towngas supply point, please refer to Schedule of Mechanical and Electrical Provisions of Residential Units. Water point of a design of 15mm diameter and drain point of a design of 40mm in diameter for washing machine in utilities. For location of connection points for washing machine, please refer to Schedule of Mechanical and Electrical Provisions of Residential Units. Copper water pipes with thermal insulation are used for both cold water and hot water supply. Copper water pipes are concealed in walls and enclosed in false ceilings and bulkheads and cabinets. Hot water supply to kitchen and bathroom is provided by gas water heaters. For the following Houses, hot water supply to Lavatory is provided by electric water heater: The Terrace: House H1 to House H3, House H5 to House H10 The Highland: House H18 to House H20. For the following Houses, hot water supply to Bathroom 3 and Lavatory is provided by electric water heater: The Highland: House H1 to House H3, House H5 to House H12, House H15 to House H17 and House H21 to House H22. For location of water heaters, please refer to Schedule of Mechanical and Electrical Provisions of Residential Units. (a) Doors (b) Bathroom (c) Kitchen (d) Bedroom (e) Telephone (f) Aerials (g) Electrical Installations (h) Gas Supply (i) Washing Machine Connection Point (j) Water Supply 436