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作物学报 ACTA AGRONOMICA SINICA 204, 40(4): 650 656 ISSN 0496-3490; CODEN TSHPA9 E-mail: DOI: 0.3724/SP.J.006.204.00650 不同收获时期对油菜机械收获损失率及籽粒品质的影响 左青松周广生,2,* 黄海东 曹 石 杨士芬 廖庆喜 冷锁虎 2 吴江生, 430070; 2, 225009 : 62, 70%,, 7.00%~5.80%,,, 7.80%~3.0%;,, 56.87%~92.20% 6.23%,, C/N %~3%, : ; ; ; Effects of Harvesting Date on Yield Loss Percentage of Mechanical Harvest and Seed Quality in Rapeseed ZUO Qing-Song,2, HUANG Hai-Dong, CAO Shi, YANG Shi-Fen, LIAO Qing-Xi, LENG Suo-Hu 2, WU Jiang-Sheng, and ZHOU Guang-Sheng,* College of Plant Science and Technology, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, China; 2 Key Laboratory of Crop Genetics and Physiology of Jiangsu Province, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225009, China Abstract: A field experiment on mechanical harvest date of Huayouza 62 was conducted in the 202 203 rapeseed season with harvesting stages ranging from 70% pod yellow to pod shattering significantly. The yield loss, moisture content, and seed quality were measured. The results showed that the percentage of total yield loss ranged from 7.00% to 5.80% in different treatments of harvest date, showing the trend of decreasing first and increasing later. The total yield loss in mechanical harvest was composed of shattering loss (SL), harvest loss by combine header (CHL), and cleaning and threshing loss (CTL), in which CTL accounted for the largest proportion of total yield loss (56.87% 92.90%), followed by CHL (7.80% 3.0%). The CTL percentage decreased with harvest date, whereas the CHL percentage was greater in later harvest treatment. Total yield loss percentage had positive correlations with moisture contents of seed, shell, main inflorescence and branches (P < 0.0). The highest 000-seed weight and oil content were obtained when the seed moisture content was 6.23%. Further reduction of seed moisture content resulted in slight decreases of 000-seed weight, oil content, carbon content, and C/N ratio. Our results indicate that seed or pod shell moisture content of % 3% was the optimal stage for mechanical harvest in rapeseed, when the final harvest yield, 000-seed weight, oil content, and oil yield are considerably high. Keywords: Rapeseed; Mechanical harvesting; Yield loss percentage; Seed quality, 30% [], (3000685), (200BAD0B09), ( ) (20203096) (nycytx-0050) * (Corresponding author):, E-mail: : E-mail: Received( ): 203-0-02; Accepted( ): 204-0-2; Published online(): 204-02-4. URL:

4 : 65 [2],,, [3] [4],,,, [5-7], 20 52. [8], 0% [9-4] [5-6],,,, ;,,,,, 材料与方法. 202 203 62, 9 08.32 mg kg 4.6 mg kg 52.76 mg kg.2 202 9 23 2BFQ-6 2 m, 6,,, 45 hm 2 N P K (5%-5%-5%) 900 kg hm 2 7.5 kg hm 2 35 kg hm 2,, 6, 5 5 5 0 5 2 5 4 5 7 5 9,, 3.3.3. 机械收获时小区实际产量.3.2 水分含量测定 0, (30 cm), 80, (72 h),.3.3 机械收获损失测定 36 m, 72 m 2 4LL-2.0D ( ), 30 cm 2/3() (25 cm 5 cm 5 cm), 0, (yield loss caused by shattering, SL) (yield loss caused by combine header, CHL), (yield loss from seeds in the field caused by combine header, CHL), 8 m 0 ; (yield loss from branches in the field caused by combine header, CHL2), 28 m (yield loss caused by cleaning and threshing, CTL), (yield loss caused by mixed straw and shell, ML) (yield loss caused by non-threshing pod, NTPL).3.4 绿籽率的测定 20 g,.3.5 碳和氮元素含量 (Vario MAX CN, Elementar Co., Germany).4 SPSS 0.0, Microsoft Excel(LSD) 2 结果与分析 2., 5 4 5 5 5 0, 0.6% 3.34%; 5 4 3, 5 4

652 40 5 7 5 9,, 5 4, 333.00 kg hm 2, 7.00%~5.80%,, 5 5, 5.80%, 5 7, 7.00%, 5 5 5 7 2.26, 表 不同收获时期油菜产量 产油量和损失率 Table Grain yield, oil yield, and percentage of total yield loss at different harvesting dates Plot yield Yield of mechanical harvest Oil yield Percentage of total yield loss 5/5 3092.07±39.93 c 2603.46±3.85 d 030.67±8.47 d 5.80±0.07 a 5/0 3309.69±5.08 b 2889.75±49. c 209.64±7.24 c 2.69±0.4 b 5/2 3338.79±34.36 ab 3007.42±38.2 b 276.5±23.38 b 9.93±0.27 c 5/4 3420.2±30.3 a 356.66±32.25 a 333.00±9.25 a 7.70±0.6 d 5/7 332.46±42.8 ab 3088.87±3.45 ab 302.72±9.00 ab 7.00±0.24 e 5/9 337.99±23.0 ab 3063.82±9.00 ab 292.64±7.5 ab 7.66±0.2 d LSD, 0.05 Values followed by different letters are significantly different at P<0.05 according to LSD test. 2.2 5 5 5 0, 5 2 5 9 ( 2), 5 9 0.93%,,, 2 5 9 5 7, 39.69%,, 5 9 5 7 72.98%, 4.36%~4.57%,,,, 5 9 5 5 98.89%, 0.989 ** 0.9096 * 0.9922 **, 5 2 5 7,, 5 9, 2.2%; 7.80%~3.0%,, 56.87%~92.20%, 45.92%~68.9%,.06%~46.28%, 表 2 不同收获期不同部分损失率 Table 2 Proportions of yield loss percentage in different parts at different harvesting dates SL CHL CHL CHL2 CTL ML NTPL 5/5.23±0.06 d 0.4±0.03 e 0.82±0.05 ab 4.57±0.08 a 7.26±0.20 a 7.3±0.3 a 5/0.43±0.07 c 0.52±0.03 de 0.9±0.06 a.26±0.5 b 6.66±0.3 b 4.56±0.9 b 5/2 0.4±0.0 c.4±0.09 cd 0.63±0.04 cd 0.78±0.05 ab 8.38±0.32 c 6.43±0.5 b.95±0.6 c 5/4 0.2±0.0 bc.47±0.07 c 0.73±0.05 c 0.73±0.09 b 6.03±0.2 d 5.3±0.8 c 0.72±0.03 d 5/7 0.27±0.0 b.70±0.09 b 0.93±0.04 b 0.77±0.05 ab 5.03±0.2 e 4.59±0.20 d 0.45±0.02 de 5/9 0.93±0.05 a 2.37±0.07 a.6±0.05 a 0.76±0.05 ab 4.36±0.9 f 4.28±0.9 d 0.08±0.0 e LSD, 0.05 Values followed by different letters are significantly different at P<0.05 according to LSD test. stands for no determination. SL: shattering loss; CHL: harvest loss by combine header; CHL: seed loss by combine header; CHL2: branch loss by combine header; CTL: cleaning and threshing loss; ML: mixture in straw and shell loss; NTPL: non-threshing pod loss.

4 : 653 图 不同收获期不同部分产量损失占总产量损失的比例 Fig. Ratio of yield loss in different parts to total yield loss at different harvesting dates SL: shattering loss; CHL: harvest loss by combine header; CHL: seed loss by combine header; CHL2: branch loss by combine header; CTL: cleaning and threshing loss; ML: mixture in straw and shell loss; NTPL: non-threshing pod loss., 2.3,,, 9.3%~35.82% ( 3);, 66.5%~85.84%,,, 5 9 5 5 87.7%;, 74.5% 74.68%;, 5 9 5 5 22.52%,, 0.9828 ** 0.9844 ** 0.9692 ** 表 3 不同收获时期油菜不同部位水分含量 Table 3 Moisture contents in various parts at different harvesting dates Seed Shell Main inflorescence and branches Upper stem Lower stem 5/5 35.82±0.69 a 69.68±.0 a 72.7±0.85 a 8.99±0.73 a 85.84±0.67 a 5/0 24.4±0.83 b 40.29±0.7 b 58.99±0.63 b 79.52±0.85 b 83.90±.23 ab 5/2 6.23±0.3 c 2.06±0.65 c 43.89±.28 c 77.83±.35 b 82.32±0.62 bc 5/4 3.28±0.40 d 3.9±0.39 d 32.39±.09 d 74.50±.27 c 80.6±0.80 c 5/7.2±0.24 e 0.70±0.29 e 24.88±0.65 e 62.28±0.80 d 75.30±0.74 d 5/9 9.3±0.27 f 8.94±0.25 f 8.27±0.63 f 47.03±.5 e 66.5±.08 e LSD, 0.05 Values followed by different letters are significantly different at P<0.05 according to LSD test. 2.4 4,,, 5 5, 3.38 g,, 5 0 5 9 5 5 5 2, 5 4 5 9, 4.75%, 5 5, 3.76%~ 3.84%, 5 5, 56.53%, 5 0 5 9, 3 讨论 3.,,,,,,, 0.9828 ** 0.9844 ** 0.9692 **, 5 7, 7.00%, 5 9 5 7

654 40, 5 9,,,, %~3%, 8%, 3~4 d 20 202 5, 45 hm 2 ( 5) 表 4 不同收获期油菜千粒重和籽粒品质 Table 4 000-seed weight and seed quality at different harvesting dates 000-seed weight Green seed percentage Oil content Nitrogen content Carbon content C /N (g) 5/5 3.38±0.04 b 35.33±0.52 a 39.59±0.26 b 3.84±0.06 a 56.53±0.38 b 4.74±0.30 a 5/0 3.57±0.08 a 3.75±.89 b 4.86±0.54 a 3.76±0.05 a 58.07±0.58 ab 5.47±0.36 a 5/2 3.67±0.06 a 3.3±0.38 c 42.44±0.25 a 3.78±0.03 a 58.77±0.65 a 5.55±0.30 a 5/4 3.64±0.05 a 42.23±0.32 a 3.80±0.05 a 58.3±0.50 a 5.3±0.3 a 5/7 3.6±0.04 a 42.7±0.43 a 3.8±0.05 a 57.93±0.63 ab 5.20±0.3 a 5/9 3.6±0.05 a 42.9±0.33 a 3.82±0.05 a 58.0±0.44 a 5.22±0.30 a LSD, 0.05 Values followed by different letters are significantly different at P<0.05 according to LSD test. stands for no determination. 表 5 20 202 年度不同收获期籽粒水分含量 产量和机械收获损失率 Table 5 Moisture content in seed, grain yield, and percentage of total yield loss at different harvesting dates in 20 202 experiment Moisture content in seed Plot yield Yield of mechanical harvest Percentage of total yield loss 5/3 20.65±0.25 a 378.80±64.76 a 282.47±48.22 b.52±0.32 a 5/5 5.62±0.52 b 3206.4±59.65 a 2889.32±58.9 ab 9.89±0.26 b 5/7 2.84±0.24 c 38.44±52.47 a 2874.3±52.38 ab 7.83±0.22 c 5/ 0.7±0.34 d 32.77±36.73 a 2979.52±35.67 a 7.23±0.9 c LSD, 0.05 Values followed by different letters are significantly different at P<0.05 according to LSD test. 202 203, 5 5, 70%, ; 5 0, 85% ; 5 2, 95%, ; 5 4,,, 3/4, /4, ; 5 7 5 9,,, 5 9 3.2 70%,, [7-9],, 5 5 3.52 g, 3.38 g ( 4) 4.2%,,,, [20] 4 C,,, 20% 4 C, 20% ; [2] 6.23%, 3.67 g,, 42.44%,,,,, C/N 4 结论 70%,

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