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附錄四 1 σ 鍵 (σ bond) 58,69,75,76,102,104 π 鍵 (π bond) 58,75,76,79,102,104 八隅體規則 (octect rule) 58 三相點 (triple point) 123,124,154 凡得瓦 (J. D. van der Waals) 58,90,101 凡得瓦力 (van der Waals force) 58,90,95~97,101,102,104,127 凡特何夫 (J. H. van't Hoff) 152 中性點 (neutral point) 187,210 分子內氫鍵 (intramolecular hydrogen bond) 95,96,100 分散力 (dispersion force) 90,92~94,97~100,104,129 分散介質 (dispersion medium) 115,116 分散質 (dispersed substance) 115~118 化學鍵 (chemical bond) 43,58,59,61,64,69,71,72,75~77,85,90, 102~104,222 化學親和力 (chemical affinity) 152 巴耳末 (J. J. Balmer) 6,11~13,17,18 巴索洛 (F. Basolo) 172 比德諾茲 (J. G. Bednorz) 66 反磁性 (diamagnetism) 66 水溶液 (aqueous solution) 112~114,132~134,138~150,165,166,171, 173,174,177,183,189,193,197,199~204, 209,210,233~236,238,239,241,244,246, 248,250~252 水解反應 (hydrolysis) 164,198,211 主量子數 (principal quantum number) 14,20~26,28,31,49 包立不相容原理 (Pauli exclusion principle) 6,27,29,32,50 半透膜 (semipermeable membrane) 144,145,147 半電池 (half cell) 235,236,238,243,256 卡姆林 - 歐寧斯 (H. Kamerlingh-Onnes) 66 布忍斯特 (J. Brψnsted) 165,172 布 - 洛酸鹼學說 (Brψnsted- Lowry acid-base theory) 164,165,167,172,173,210 布朗運動 (Brownian motion) 114~116 平衡狀態 (equilibrium) 128,138 正常沸點 (normal boiling point) 129,130,142,143,155 正鹽 (normal salt) 164,196~202,210,211 皮爾遜 (R. G. Pearson) 172 未鍵結電子對 (nonbonding pair) 64,80 半透膜 (semipermeable membrare) 144,145,147

178 高中選修化學 ( 上 ) 共振 (resonance) 58,78~80 共振混成體 (resonance hybrid) 58,78~80 共振結構 (resonance structures) 78~80 共軛酸 (conjugate acid) 164,167~169,173,177,179,180,204,206,211 共軛酸鹼對 (conjugated acid-base pair) 167,168,173,179,180,206,211 共軛鹼 (conjugate base) 164,167~169,173,177,179,180,204,206,211 共價半徑 (covalent radius) 34 共價鍵 (covalent bond) 34,58,60,64~68,77,80,84~86,89,90, 95,97,104 多元鹼 (polyacidic base) 182,186,211 多質子酸 (polyprotic acid) 180,182,191,196,211 自身氧化還原反應 (disproportionation reaction) 222,223,228,249 自旋量子數 (ms, spin magnetic quantum number) 20 亨利定律 (Henry's law) 137,138,154 克里克 (F. Crick) 45 廷得耳效應 (Tyndall effect) 112,115,116 角動量量子數 (,angular momentum quantum number) 20~22,25,50 貝爾雀 (A. Belcher) 245 非理想溶液 (nonideal solution) 135,136,155 依數性質 (colligative properties) 112,137,148,149,155 來曼 (T. Lyman) 6,12,13,17,18 侖琴 (W. Röntgen) 47 固體能帶理論 (band theory of solid) 63 帕申 (F. Paschen) 6,12,13,17 拉午耳定律 (Raoult's law)112,132~136,155 拉瓦節 (A. Lavoisier) 165,172 昇華 (sublimation) 122,124,154 波耳 (N. Bohr) 4,6,14,15,20,46,47,49 法拉第 (M. Faraday) 251 法拉第電解定律 (Faraday's law of electrolysis) 218,251,252,256 阿瑞尼斯 (S. A. Arrhenius) 164,165,172,210 阿瑞尼斯酸鹼學說 (Arrhenius acid-base theory) 164,165,210 非水溶液 (non-aqueous solution) 113 非理想溶液 (nonideal solution) 135,136,155 非極性分子 (nonpolar molecule) 85,86,88~92,97,104 非極性共價鍵 (nonpolar covalent bond) 84,85 芮得柏 (J. Rydberg) 12,49 芮得柏常數 (Rydberg constant) 12,49 孤電子對 (lone pair) 64,65,72,74,79,81,82,94 兩性物質 (amphoteric substance) 167 亞甲藍 (methylene blue) 231,233

附錄九 3 洪德 (F. Hund) 29 能階 (energy level) 14~18,20,24~27,29,31,49,63 洪德定則 (Hund's rule) 6,29,50 逆滲透法 (reverse osmosis) 148 洛瑞 (T. Lowry) 165,172 配位共價鍵 (coordinate covalent bond) 65 相圖 (phase diagram) 123,124,154 相對溼度 (relative humidity) 112,131,155 偶極矩 (dipole moment) 84~86,91 相變 (phase transition) 119,120,154 偶極 - 偶極力 (dipole-dipole force) 軌道 (orbit) 20,49 90,91,94,95,97,104 軌域 (orbital) 偶極 - 誘發偶極力 (dipole-induced dipole 6,20~33,36,40,45,48~50,58,63,67~76,83,104 force) 90,91,104 軌域圖 (orbital diagram) 28~30,32 副殼層 (subshell) 21~23,26,50 重量莫耳濃度 (molality) 勒克朗社 (G. Leclanché) 239,244 137,140,142,143,150 勒沙特列 (H.-L. Le Châtelier) 重量莫耳沸點上升常數 (molal boiling 179,194,207 point elevation constant) 142 參鍵 (triple bond) 64,76~78,102,104 倫敦力 (London force) 92 基態 (ground state) 哥白尼 (N. Copernicus) 47 6,14,24,27,29,30,32,37~39,42,48~50 埃魯 (P.L.T. Heroult) 247 氫鍵 (hydrogen bond) 58,90,94~98,100,102,104,127,129 席伯格 (G. T. Seaborg) 46,47 混成 (hybridization) 氧化 (oxidation) 58,70~76,78~80,83,102,104 218~233,235,237~242,244, 混成軌域 (hybrid orbital)58,70~76,83,102,104 246~250,254,256 理想溶液 (ideal solution) 134~136,155 氧化數 (oxidation number) 218~227,232,240,256 氧化劑 (oxidant) 莫耳汽化熱 (molar heat of vaporization) 120 莫耳蒸發熱 (molar heat of evaporation) 218,219,223,224,226,228~232, 233,235,238,240,244,256 127 氧化還原指示劑 (redox indicator) 231 莫耳熔化熱 (molar heat of fusion) 120 氧化還原滴定 (redox titration) 軟和硬的酸鹼學說 (hard and soft acids and 218,230,231,256 bases,hsab) 172 真溶液 (true solution) 112,114~116 連續光譜 (continuous spectrum) 6,10,49 能量帶 (energy band) 63 陰極保護法 (cathodic protection) 239

178 高中選修化學 ( 上 ) 單質子酸 (monoprotic acid) 174,181,191 普朗克 (M. Planck) 9 晶格 (lattice) 59~61,99 晶格能 (lattice energy) 58,60,61 晶體格子能 (crystal lattice energy) 60 殼層 (shell) 21~24,26,28,37,67,71,81 游離能 (ionization energy,ie) 6,33,38~44,49,50,62 焰色試驗法 (flame test) 7,10,49 無電電鍍 (electroless plating) 253,254,256 無線電波 (radio wave) 7,8 華生 (J. D. Watson) 45 超導轉變溫度 (superconducting transition temperature) 66 超導體 (superconductor) 66 量子力學 (quantum mechanics) 6,20,23,24,27,45,47 量子數 (quantum number) 14,20~25,27,28,31,48~50 鈇 (flerovium) 47 傳導帶 (conduction band) 63 愛因斯坦 (A. Einstein) 9,45 極性分子 (polar molecule) 84~92,94,97,104 極性共價鍵 (polar covalent bond) 84~86,89,104 當量點 (equivalent point) 185,188,190~193,198~200,207,208 酪蛋白 (casein) 117 鈽 (plutonium) 46,47 鈾 (uranium) 46 鉛蓄電池 (lead storage battery) 239,241~243,246 電子軌域圖 (orbital diagram) 28~30,32 電子海 (electron sea) 62 電子組態 (electron configuration) 6,27~33,38~40,42,48~50,58,67,70,71,220 電子親和力 (electron affinity,ea) 6,33,41,43,44,50 電子躍遷 (electron transition) 14,15,17 電負度 (electronegativity) 6,33,43,44,50,62,84,85,89,90,94,104,222 電動勢 (electromotive force, emf)235,256 電解 (electrolysis) 218,237,239,241,242,246~254,256 電磁波 (electromagnetic wave)6~10,16,49 電鍍 (electroplating) 218,246,253~255 飽和蒸氣壓 (saturated vapor pressure) 112,128~132,135,155 金波 (bohrium) 47 解離度 (degree of dissociation) 169~171,173,175,176,178,179,211 鉝 (livermorium) 47 滴定終點 (titration end point) 185~189,230,232 滲透作用 (osmosis) 144,145,147 滲透壓 (osmotic pressure,π) 112,137,144~150,152,154,155 磁量子數 (m,magnetic quantum number) 20,22,50 埃德伯格 (W. Erdberg) 45 蒸發 (evaporation) 127~130,155 誘發偶極 (induced dipole) 90~92,99,104

附錄九 5 遞建原理 (aufbau principle) 6,27,29,32,50 酸式鹽 (acid salt) 164,196,197,201,202,211 酸解離常數 (acid dissociation constant, K a ) 173,174,176,179~184,192,193 199~201,203~205,209~211 酸鹼指示劑 (acid-base indicator) 164,185~187 酸鹼滴定 (acid-base titration) 164,185,187,192,211,230 價帶 (valence band) 63 價殼層 (valence shell) 28,67,71,81 價殼層電子對互斥理論 (valence shell electron pair repulsion,vsepr) 58,71,78 價電子 (valence electron)?6,28,33,36,37,39,40,50 價鍵理論 (valence bond theory,vbt) 58,67,104 標準氫電極 (standard hydrogen electrode) 236 線光譜 ( line spectrum) 6,10~12,14,17,49 緩衝溶液 (buffer solution) 164,190,204~207,210,211 膠體溶液 (colloid solution) 112,114~118,153 複鹽 (double salt) 164,197,210,211 質子接受者 (proton acceptor) 166,210 質子提供者 (proton donor) 166,210 金杜 (dubnium) 47 德拜 (debye) 84 鋞離子 (hydronium ion) 166 凝固點 (freezing point) 112,137,141~143,148~150,154 凝結 (condensation) 122~124,127,128,131 凝華 (deposition) 122 激發態 (excited state) 6,14,15,24,32,42 錯鹽 (complex salt) 164,197,211 霍爾 (C. M. Hall) 247 鮑林 (L. C. Pauling) 43 錼 (neptunium) 46,47 錀 (röentgenium) 47 戴維 (H. Davy) 165,172 薛丁格 (E. Schrödinger) 20,45 薛丁格方程式 (Schrdinger equation) 45 還原 (reduction) 218,219,223~241,243,246,248~250,254,256 還原電位 (reduction potential) 218,234~238,241,243,246~248,250,256 還原劑 (reductant) 218,219,223,224,226 228~233,235,250,254,256 鎂乳 (milk of magnesia) 194,195 鍵級 (bond order) 77 鍵偶極 (bond dipole) 56,84,86~88,104 鍵結電子 (bonding electrons) 64,65,74~76,80~82,84,222 繆勒 (K. A. Müller) 66 離子化合物 (ionic compound) 43,59~62,99,103 離子對 (ion-pair) 60,149

178 高中選修化學 ( 上 ) 離子鍵 (ionic bond) 58~60,62,90,95,97,104 雙鍵 (double bond) 64,75~79,81,104 金哥 (copernicium) 47 金麥 (meitnerium) 47 懸浮液 (suspension) 112,114 金喜 (seaborgium) 46,47 金黑 (hassium) 47 鐽 (darmstdtium) 47 躍遷 (transition) 7,14~20,24,63 鑪 (rutherfordium) 47 鹼式鹽 (basic salt)164,196,197,201,210,211 鹼解離常數 (base dissociation constant, K b ) 177~180,182,192,193,200~203 208,210,211