GSO 广州交响乐团 Guangzhou Symphony Orchestra

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广州交响乐团2014-2015 音乐季音乐总监 : 余隆 MUSIC DIRECTOR: LONG YU 2014/2015 音乐季 MUSIC SEASON 广州交响乐团 GUANGZHOU SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA * 广州交响乐团保留更换节目以及表演者的权利 GSO reserves the right to substitute artists and change programs. GUANGZHOU SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA 2014-2015 MUSIC SEASON GSO 广州交响乐团 Guangzhou Symphony Orchestra

GSO 广州交响乐团 Guangzhou Symphony Orchestra

中国乐团的最好声音! 潘德列斯基 ( 国际音乐大师 ) The Best Sound I ve Ever Heard Among Chinese Orchestras! Maestro Krzysztof Penderecki 音乐季 MUSIC SEASON 2014/2015 唯一受邀出访巡演世界五大洲的中国乐团! The first and only Chinese symphony orchestra to have toured and performed on five continents.

目录 Contents 01 04 跨越, 跨越, 再跨越 音乐季综述 01 04 Music Season Overview -- Making Strides, Venturing Beyond 05 08 乐团介绍 05 08 About GSO 09 10 音乐总监 09 10 Music Director 11 12 常任指挥 11 12 Principal Conductor 13 54 乐季音乐会 13 54 Subscription Concert 55 64 特别制作 55 64 Special Project 65 74 节庆音乐会 65 74 Festival Concert 75 81 周日音乐下午茶 通俗音乐会 75 81 Pops Concert 83 86 乐聚一小时 83 86 Music Happy Hour 89 普及音乐会 89 Education Project 90 二沙岛草坪音乐会 90 Outdoor Concert on Er Sha Island 91 92 海外巡演 91 92 Oversea Tour 93 94 外展 93 94 Outreach 95 100 广交乐友 活动 95 100 GSO&U Club Event 101 102 广州学生交响乐团 101 102 Guangzhou Youth Orchestra 103 112 客席音乐家概览 103 112 Guest Artists Outline 114 117 乐团成员 114 117 GSO Musicians & Administrators 特别鸣谢周凡夫先生 李正欣女士 Ken Smith 先生对本册子的文案撰写及英文翻译工作提供协助 Special thanks for the kind help of Mr. Chow Fan Fu, Ms. Joanna C. Lee and Mr. Ken Smith towards this publication.

跨越, 跨越, 再跨越! 2014-2015 音乐季综述 连续不间断的 17 个音乐季刚刚成为历史, 广州交响 (9 月 13 日 ), 贝多芬的第五交响曲 命运 (10 月 11 日 ) 小提琴和大提琴名家外, 还有小号 圆号 长号 双簧管 俨然已成为另一个主要演出时段, 新乐季中有 10 场音乐 乐团的第 18 个乐季随即又以 跨越 的姿态登场 和第三交响曲 英雄 (10 月 25 日 ), 斯美塔那的 沃 英国管 竖琴 二胡 古筝 笙和爵士乐演奏家, 在声 会将安排在这个时段上演 9 场音乐会前讲座 ( 傍晚 7 点 ) 全球化 信息化的 21 世纪, 交响乐团面对的是全方 尔塔瓦河 (11 月 1 日 ), 勃拉姆斯的小提琴协奏曲 (12 乐领域更有女高音 男中音 女中音歌唱家和京剧青衣 则延续了前一季的热度 新推出的周末上午 11 点的活动, 位的比拼竞争, 这种竞争并非在于去追逐迎合市场所需 月 20 日 ), 柴科夫斯基的第五交响曲 (1 月 17 日 ), 加盟, 跨越的幅度蔚为可观 也安排得非常丰富, 共有 13 场之多, 包括最新策划的 乐 而产生的排名榜位置, 而在于乐团如何不断的提升综合 门德尔颂的小提琴协奏曲 (3 月 20 日 ), 莫扎特的弦乐 特别推荐每年都是乐季焦点之一的半舞台式歌剧 聚一小时 音乐会品牌中的两场 (12 月 13 日和 6 月 6 日 ) 实力, 与时俱进, 实现自身的全方位跨越 同样, 作为 小夜曲 (4 月 25 日 ), 理查 施特劳斯的 英雄生涯 (7 制作 新乐季乐团将会在广州首演 20 世纪最具代表性 和 1 场儿童节音乐会 (5 月 31 日 ), 以及 10 次定期的 广 爱乐者, 如何去拓宽音乐视野, 接触更多不同的音乐类型, 月 31 日 )... 的东欧歌剧 蓝胡子公爵的城堡 (Duke Bluebeard's 交乐友 会员主题活动, 正好成为邀请亲朋齐聚共享美 欣赏更多不同音乐家的个性演绎, 也是实现自我增值的 此外, 还安排了如巴托克的 乐队协奏曲 (1943 Castle), 这出由匈牙利作曲大师巴托克创作, 于 1918 食午餐的高大上理由 值得一提的是, 在传统的热门周 跨越! 新乐季的节目编排正是以此为目标来设计, 希望 年 ) 理查 施特劳斯的 D 大调双簧管协奏曲 (1945 年 ) 年首演, 充满神秘诡异象征主义的 后浪漫 歌剧杰作, 末档期以外, 还特意安排了两场 乐聚一小时 音乐会 与广大乐迷携手开启新的音乐里程! 享利 托马西 (Henri Tomasi,1901-1971) 的长号协奏 将由波兰指挥家卡斯普契克 (Jacek Kaspszyk) 联袂近 试水周四晚上 8 时 (10 月 16 日和 3 月 5 日 ) 的档期, 2014-2015 乐季的音乐会共分为 8 个系列, 在为期 曲 (1956 年 ) 哈恰图良的 d 小调小提琴协奏曲 (1840 年曾两度来访 技惊四座的匈牙利女中音科姆洛斯 (Ildiko 希望工作日晚上的音乐会也可以成为工作之后放松休闲 11 个月的时间里,20 套音乐季主体节目 4 套节庆音乐会 年 ) 假面舞会 组曲 (1944 年 ) 和 斯巴达克 组 Komlosi) 匈牙利男低音绍博 (Bálint Szabó) 组成的超 的另一种时尚选择 4 套特别制作 9 套 周日音乐下午茶 通俗音乐会 普 曲 (1955 年 ) 肖斯塔科维奇的第十五交响曲 (1971 年 ) 级东欧阵容, 和大家进行这次难得的歌剧欣赏上的跨越! 除了常驻星海音乐厅的数十场演出外, 在明年 4 月 及音乐会 澳洲和瑞士巡演 二沙岛草坪音乐会 5 套 罗德里戈 1974 年亲自改编他创作于 1939 年的吉他协奏 在本乐季的主体节目中, 特别设计的 客席华人指 至 7 月期间, 乐团策划了 5 场主题音乐会, 作为第二届 佛 佛山音乐季音乐会和 10 场铜管乐省内巡演的外展活动, 曲 阿兰胡埃斯 竖琴版 斯特拉文斯基的 彼得鲁什卡 挥家特辑 无疑也是亮点, 特邀 5 位成长环境和文化背 山音乐季 主力节目在佛山琼花大剧院举行 此外, 今 以及本乐季新增的 4 套 乐聚一小时 音乐会将轮番上 组曲 (1947 版 ) 等早已成为 20 世纪经典的作品上演 景各不相同的华裔客席指挥家与乐团合作, 他们是新加 年年底还将在省内的汕头 清远 肇庆 罗定 河源举 演 除此以外, 乐团还特意安排了为观众增值的 9 场音 这些相对在中国演出机会仍较少 但又易于欣赏的作品, 坡交响乐团音乐总监水蓝 台湾爱乐乐团音乐总监吕绍 行 10 场 乐聚一小时 铜管乐巡演 今年 9 月, 乐团还 乐会前讲座和针对 广交乐友 会员的 10 次主题活动 当有助于乐团与听众一起在音乐的体验上有所跨越 嘉 米兰威尔第交响乐团音乐总监张弦 中央芭蕾舞团 将重访澳洲, 以及明年 1 月第五次赴欧洲进行的瑞士巡演, 这将是排期无比紧密的一个乐季 交响乐团音乐总监张艺和新生代指挥家黄屹 则是充当中国音乐文化使者, 跨越南北和东西半球的音 名家跨越 乐活动 曲目跨越 时间地域跨越 仅就年龄幅度来看, 即将在新乐季登台的嘉宾年纪 乐团需要不断进步, 必须做足自身的准备工作, 这 从莫扎特作于 1775 年的小提琴协奏曲, 到委约谭 最大相差 70 岁, 其中两位天才的小钢琴家李仲欣和王雅 演出时间时段的跨越实则是经营思维和理念的跨越, 除了有赖长期以来在艺术建设和组织营运上的累积过程, 盾创作 定于明年 7 月 31 日世界首演的京剧青衣与钢琴 伦年仅 11 岁, 当今国际乐坛上的元老级大师 被视为 波 乐团在新乐季力推上午 11 点 下午 3 点 傍晚 7 点和晚 更有赖所有爱乐者的持续支持! 就让我们与听众共同携 的交响诗 霸王别姬 ( 钢琴家王羽佳和京剧青衣肖迪 兰国宝 的潘德列斯基则以 82 岁高龄于明年 4 月重临, 上 8 点 4 个固定的活动和演出时段, 将跨越进行到底 手, 在音乐的漫漫征途上实现新的跨越! 与乐团联袂演出 ), 本乐季节目编排的跨越幅度前所未有 而将于今年 11 月 8 日再度合作的钢琴和指挥双料大师阿 作为常规演出时间, 新乐季中将安排 30 场各类音乐 在穿越中外 240 年的曲目跨度中, 一定少不了百听 什肯纳齐今年也已 77 岁 会在晚上 8 点上演 经过 5 年的经营, 于 2009 年推出 不厌的经典名曲, 如德沃夏克的第九交响曲 自新世界 01 新乐季中更有多种门类的器乐独奏家登台, 除钢琴 周日音乐下午茶 通俗音乐会时首倡的下午 3 点演出, 02

Making Strides, Venturing Beyond 2014-2015 Music Season Overview Having sustained our epoch-making 17 continuous music seasons, the Guangzhou Symphony Orchestra s 18 th season is poised to make another giant leap. In a century when globalization and information technology dominate everyday life, the GSO faces challenges from all sides. Our pressures are not simply to increase revenue or raise our ranking. Rather, we are devoted to the GSO s constant move forward, keeping up with the times and expanding on all fronts. At the same time, as music lovers ourselves, we are committed to exploring and extending our own horizons in face of divergent musical genres, to embracing uniquely personal interpretations of different performing artists, and to realizing our own potential in making progress and venturing beyond! The new season s programming is devised with these goals in mind, as we stride forward hand in hand with our audience to reach new musical milestones! There are eight series offered in the 2014-2015 season. In the span of 11 months, we present to you 20 subscription programs,4 festival programs, 4 special projects, 9 pops concerts, education project, overseas tours of Australia and Switzerland, outdoor concert, a five-program Foshan series and 10 outreach concerts by our brass section throughout Guangdong province. We have also added 4 60-minute Happy Hour concerts throughout the season. In addition, the GSO has designed 9 pre-concert talks to educate our audiences and 10 thematic activities tailor-made for our GSO&U Club. This promises to be a jam-packed season. Broad and vibrant offerings The breadth of our repertoire this season is unrivalled, from Mozart s violin concerto from 1775 to a new commission by Tan Dun entitled Farewell My Concubine Symphonic Poem for Piano & Qingyi, featuring pianist Yuja Wang and Qingyi (Pecking Opera Actress) Xiao Di, to premiere on July 31, 2015. Our works presented this season span China and beyond, beginning with classics that have stood the test of time and continue to entice listeners today, including Dvorak s Ninth Symphony, From the New World (September 13), Beethoven s Fifth Symphony (October 11) and Third Symphony, Eroica (October 25), Smetana s Vltava (November 1), Brahms s Violin Concerto (December 20), Tchaikovsky s Fifth Symphony (January 17), Mendelssohn s Violin Concerto (March 20), Mozart s Eine kleine Nachtmusik (April 25) and Richard Strauss s Ein Heldenleben (July 31). In addition, we have programmed such 20th century classics as Bartók s Concerto for Orchestra (1943), Richard Strauss s Oboe Concerto (1945), Henri Tomasi s Trombone Concerto (1956), Khachaturian s Violin Concerto (1940), Masquerade Suite (1944) and Spartacus Suite (1955), Shostakovich s final symphony (1971), Rodrigo s own adaptation for harp in 1974 of his 1939 Concierto de Aranjuez, and Stravinsky s Petrushka Suite (1947 version). Though these works have had little exposure in China, they are all readily accessible classics that both the GSO and our audience will share and as a result, extend our musical experience. Soloists from far and wide More than seven decades separate our youngest and oldest guest artists this season, with two talented pianists Johnson Li and Wang Yalun at age 11 while Polish national treasure Maestro Krzysztof Penderecki returns to the GSO in April at age 82. Conductor-cum pianist Vladimir Ashkenazy who appears on stage with the GSO on November 8 has just turned 77. Our new season features master soloists on a wide range of musical instruments. Apart from pianists and violinists, we also invite soloists on the trumpet, French horn, trombone, oboe, cor anglais, harp, Erhu, Guzheng and Sheng as well as a number of jazz musicians. Our vocal offerings include not only bel canto singers but also a Peking opera actress, extending our listeners aural palette. Another season highlight is a semi-staged opera production of the most representative Eastern European masterpiece, Duke Bluebeard s Castle. This work by Béla Bartók, first heard in 1918, is filled with the mysterious aura of post-romantic symbolism. Its Guangzhou premiere will be led by Polish conductor Jacek Kaspszyk, featuring Hungarian mezzo-soprano Ildiko Komlosi, whose recent visits to China have wowed the audiences nationwide. The title role will be played by Hungarian bass Bálint Szabó. This will mark a much anticipated operatic event. Within the GSO s subscription season we have also devised a series devoted to Chinese Conductors. Appearing on the podium is a succession of five conductors who have emerged from different environments and are now distinguishing themselves around the world: Lan Shui (Music Director, Singapore Symphony Orchestra), Shao-Chia Lü (Music Director, Taiwan Philharmonic), Zhang Xian (Music Director, Orchestra Sinfonica di Milano Giuseppe Verdi), Zhang Yi (Music Director, Symphony Orchestra of National Ballet of China) and up-andcoming young conductor Huang Yi. Crossing Time and Space Providing alternative time-slots for performances is an extension in thinking not only on the management level, but they also change the rules of the game on a conceptual level. The GSO s new season has extended concert times to begin at 11 am, 3 pm, 7 pm and 8 pm, opening many new possibilities. Some 30 performances, in varying styles, begin at the conventional starting time of 8 pm. Our Sunday afternoon pops concerts, in operation now for five years, will continue with their popular 3 pm starting time. Following our practice last season, 9 pre-concert talks will be held at 7 pm The newly inaugurated weekend morning programs (starting at 11 am) feature 13 different offerings, including the newest installation of Happy Hour concerts (December 13 and June 6), one Children s Day Concert (May 31) and 10 periodic GSO&U Club activities, bringing together friends and family for the lunchtime slot. In addition to our traditionally popular weekend programs, we also have instituted two trial performances for our Happy Hour series on Thursday at 8 pm (October 16 and March 5), hoping that our audience will explore wondrous music on weekday evenings. Apart from our regular concerts in our home at the Xinghai Concert Hall, the GSO is organizing five concerts between April and July 2015 constituting the 2 nd Foshan Music Season at the Foshan Qionghua Theatre. In addition, at the end of this year, our brass section will offer 10 Happy Hour concerts around the province in Shantou, Qingyuan, Zhaoqing, Luoding and He Yuan. This September, the GSO returns to Australia, and in January we travel to Switzerland on our fifth European tour, continuing in our role as musical ambassadors as we traverse the northern and southern, as well as eastern and western hemispheres. For an orchestra to strive forward, we must prepare ourselves well. Not only do we make strides in long-term artistic progress and cumulative management skills, but we also count on the support of all music lovers! Let us all venture into this joyous journey together, hand in hand! 04

广州交响乐团 广州交响乐团创建于 1957 年, 发展至今已成为中国目前最具规模和艺术水准的交响乐团之一, 更是迄今为止唯一在世界五大洲留下 音乐足迹 的中国乐团 现任音乐总监余隆是活跃于当今国际乐坛上最为杰出的中国指挥家之一, 他同时担任中国爱乐乐团艺术总监和首席指挥 上海交响乐团音乐总监 北京国际音乐节艺术总监 上海夏季音乐节联合总监 1997 年 7 月实行的体制改革是乐团发展历程中的重大里程碑 从 1998 年 5 月开始推行音乐季,10 月应邀在第一届北京国际音乐节演出普契尼的歌剧 波希米亚人, 好评如潮, 被誉为音乐节中一颗 引人注目的明星, 北京媒体评论 : 广交 迅速崛起于中国南方, 进入了主流乐团的行列, 是中国乐坛中一件可喜可贺的事 此后连续数年获邀参加北京国际音乐节的演出 乐团与国内外众多著名音乐家保持着长期和良好的合作关系, 并建立了广泛紧密的国际性合作网络 在过往的 17 个音乐季中不断邀请来自国内和世界各地的指挥家 独奏家及歌唱家联袂演出, 演出曲目范围涵盖了巴洛克时期至现代派的作品, 乐团的艺术水平得以迅速提升, 声誉鹊起 国际著名的音乐大师潘德列斯基甚至称赞 : 这是我听到的中国乐团最好的声音 2004 年著名的 IMG 艺术管理集团成为乐团的全球演出总代理, 乐团的艺术水准由此获得国际业界更为广泛的权威认同 从 2001 年开始, 乐团多次受文化部和广东省派遣, 出访奥地利 德国 法国 荷兰 卢森堡 埃及 澳大利亚 新西兰 美国 比利时 意大利 瑞士 列支敦士登 日本 泰国和新加坡等国家 在维也纳金色大厅 巴黎香榭丽舍剧院 阿姆斯特丹皇家音乐厅 开罗国家歌剧院 悉尼歌剧院 纽约卡内基音乐厅 波士顿交响音乐厅 华盛顿肯尼迪艺术中心 柏林音乐厅 威尼斯凤凰歌剧院 佛罗伦萨威尔第歌剧院 瑞士卢塞恩文化会议中心音乐厅 东京歌剧城音乐厅和新加坡滨海艺术中心音乐厅等国际著名音乐厅及剧院登台 2006 年应 邀在卡塔尔首都多哈举行的第 15 届亚洲运动会开幕式和闭幕式上演奏 此外, 还曾 20 多次参加香港艺术节 澳门艺术节和澳门国际音乐节的演出 2012 年 10 月, 赴台湾参加 两岸城市艺术节 广东城市文化周, 在台北两厅院音乐厅和台中中兴堂举行音乐会 走过世界各地的 音乐足迹 印证了乐团作为 音乐使者 为传播中国文化和促进粤 港 澳 台两岸四地文化交流所作出的努力和贡献 近年来乐团发展呈多元化 从 2005 年开始连续三年举办了由指挥大师夏尔 迪图瓦担任音乐总监的 中国广东国际音乐夏令营, 邀请了玛莎 阿格里奇 加里 格拉夫曼 克劳斯 彼得 弗洛尔等多名音乐大师及 20 多位来自世界著名乐团的首席演奏家担任导师, 夏令营声名远播, 亚洲各国学员纷至沓来 2010 年 11 月藉 16 届亚运会在广州举办之际, 乐团同时举办了 广东亚洲音乐节, 邀请了 6 个知名亚洲乐团及马友友 郎朗 郑明勋 谭盾 林昭亮 宓多里 王健 莎拉 张等 17 位国际著名的亚裔音乐家, 演出阵容鼎盛, 节目精彩纷呈 此外, 乐团还与多个世界著名芭蕾舞团合作演出了十多部经典芭蕾舞剧, 制作及参与演出过多部音乐会版和舞台版歌剧 委约中国作曲家为乐团创作新作品, 促进民族交响乐的发展 在每个音乐季中均安排室内乐 普及 通俗 户外及节庆音乐会等演出 2011 年 12 月, 创建了中国首个由职业乐团培训及管理的业余青少年乐团 广州交响乐团附属青少年乐团 这些举措, 无不显示出乐团全方位发展的策略 位于珠江河畔二沙岛具有国际先进水平 现代化的乐团新址的落成启用, 无疑为乐团今后发展提供了更为优越的条件, 在坚持自身特色的同时, 乐团将继往开来, 与时俱进, 努力为中国交响乐事业的发展进行有益的探索 ( 有关详细的资料, 可登入广州交响乐团官方网站查阅 : 05 06

from Baroque to modern, not only broadening its appeal to the audience but also creating valuable training opportunities for the orchestra s musicians to improve their craft. It was the best sound I ve ever heard among Chinese orchestras, the famous Polish composer Mr. Krzysztof Penderecki remarked after attending a GSO concert. In 2004, IMG Artists became the GSO s international touring presenter, bringing the orchestra and its reputation to even farther shores. Guangzhou Symphony Orchestra Since its founding in 1957, the Guangzhou Symphony Orchestra (GSO) has developed into one of China s most prestigious orchestras in its breadth of organization and standard in performance. It is the first and only Chinese symphony orchestra to have toured and performed on five continents. Maestro Long Yu, the current music director since 2003, is a preeminent Chinese conductor with international renown. Long Yu also serves as Artistic Director and Chief Conductor of the China Philharmonic Orchestra, Music Director of the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra, Artistic Director of the Beijing Music Festival and Co-Director of the Music in the Summer Air Festival (MISA) in Shanghai. In July 1997, the GSO marked an important milestone, having restructured its organization. Beginning in May 1998, the orchestra introduced a full music season. In October that year, the orchestra received rave reviews and was lauded as a shining star at the inaugural Beijing Music Festival for its performance in the opera La Bohème. It is heartening to see the GSO s meteoric rise as an artistic force in southern China, joining the ranks of other distinguished orchestras in the country s mainstream, one Beijing critic reported. For a number of years, the GSO returned annually to the Beijing Music Festival. Beginning in 2001, the GSO was sent on tour numerous times by the Ministry of Culture and the Guangdong Provincial Government, visiting Austria, Germany, France, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Egypt, Australia, New Zealand, America, Belgium, Italy, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Japan, Thailand and Singapore, among others. The GSO has graced the stages of the Goldenensaal of Vienna s Musikverein, Théâtre des Champs-Élysées in Paris, Amsterdam s Concertgebouw, Cairo Opera House, Sydney Opera House, New York s Carnegie Hall, Boston s Symphony Hall, Kennedy Center in Washington, Berlin Konzerthaus, Teatro La Fenice in Venice, Teatro Verdi in Florence, Lucerne Culture and Convention Centre, Tokyo Opera City Concert Hall and Singapore s Esplanade-Theaters on the Bay, among other world-famous venues. In 2006, the GSO was invited to perform in both the opening and closing ceremonies of the 15th Asian Games in Doha, Qatar. The orchestra has also appeared more than twenty times at the Hong Kong Arts Festival, Macao Arts Festival and Macao International Music Festival. In October 2012, the GSO made its Taiwan debut during the Guangdong City Cultural Week of the Cross-Strait City Arts Festival with concerts in Taipei s National Theater and Concert Hall and the Taichung Chung Hsing Hall. Not only does the orchestra fulfill its role as cultural ambassador abroad, but it also promotes meaningful exchange within the Pearl River Delta region as well as across the Taiwan Straits. The GSO has also diversified its mission and programs in the past decade. Between 2005 and 2007, the orchestra organized the Canton International Summer Music Academy with Maestro Charles Dutoit as music director, inviting such distinguished artists as Martha Argerich, Gary Graffman and Claus Peter Flor as well as more than twenty principals from world-renowned orchestras as tutors, attracting young musicians from all over Asia. The GSO hosted the Canton Asian Music Festival, held at the Xinghai Concert Hall, in November 2010 on the occasion of the 16th Asian Games. The 13-day festival featured six of the best Asian orchestras and 17 distinguished Asian musicians including Yo-Yo Ma, Lang Lang, Myung-Whun Chung, Tan Dun, Cho- Liang Lin, Midori, Wang Jian and Sarah Chang with a total in 10 concerts. The GSO has also collaborated with the world s leading ballet and opera companies, appearing in the pit as well as in concert renditions. The orchestra regularly commissions new works from China s prominent composers, and presents chamber music, education, pops, outdoor and festival concerts. In December 2011, the GSO established the Guangzhou Youth Orchestra, the first amateur youth orchestra administered by a professional orchestra in China. All of these programs reflect the orchestra s overall strategy in achieving all-around development. 07 The GSO has sustained long-term relationships with numerous renowned musicians at home and abroad, establishing a wide international network and enjoying a high reputation among the world s music circles. In the past 17 years, the GSO has regularly invited the most accomplished conductors, soloists and singers to collaborate in repertoire ranging The inauguration of the GSO s headquarters equipped with the most up-to-date technology has provided the orchestra with the best conditions to advance both artistically and as an institution. While adhering to its own heritage, the Guangzhou Symphony Orchestra continues to forge ahead, always keeping apace with the times. For more information, visit 08

音乐总监余隆 Music Director Long Yu 广州交响乐团音乐总监余隆是活跃于国际乐坛最杰出的中国指挥家之一 目前余隆还同时担任北京国际音乐节艺术总监 中国爱乐乐团艺术总监 上海交响乐团音乐总监以及上海夏季音乐节联合总监 在他的出色领导下, 北京国际音乐节已成为首都最有魅力的文化盛事, 其带领的乐团也定期在中国及世界主要音乐城市进行巡演 余隆合作过的著名院团有巴黎管弦乐团 汉堡国家歌剧院 佛罗伦萨五月音乐节管弦乐团 慕尼黑爱乐乐团 纽约爱乐乐团 芝加哥交响乐团 费城管弦乐团 洛杉矶爱乐乐团 英国皇家爱乐乐团 辛辛那提交响乐团 悉尼交响乐团 香港管弦乐团 东京爱乐乐团 新加坡交响乐团等 在未来乐季他还将与汉堡北德广播交响乐团 维也纳交响乐团 BBC 交响乐团以及蒙特利尔交响乐团合作 余隆的艺术生涯涵盖指挥和艺术管理领域 1992 年, 余隆担任中央歌剧院常任指挥 同年, 他创办了中国的新年音乐会系列, 并连续三年担任指挥, 开启国内演出新年音乐会之先河 1993 年起, 余隆连续五年为香港市政局指挥歌剧演出 1998 年, 余隆发起创办了北京国际音乐节, 担任艺术总监 在他的出色领导下, 北京国际音乐节已跻身于全球最重要的音乐节之列 同时他于 2005 年创办 CISMA 广东国际音乐夏令营 2010 年 MISA 上海夏季音乐节和广东亚洲音乐节, 并担任其艺术总监 余隆 1964 年出生于上海的音乐世家, 自幼随外祖父 著名作曲家丁善德教授学习音乐 后求学于上海音乐学院和德国柏林高等艺术大学 鉴于余隆在推动当今世界古典音乐事业发展和促进国际间文化交流方面所做的突出贡献, 2002 年, 德国万宝龙文化基金会向余隆颁发了年度 万宝龙卓越艺术成就奖 ;2003 年, 法国政府特别授予余隆 法兰西文学艺术骑士勋章 ;2005 年, 意大利政府向余隆颁发了 共和国骑士勋章 ;2010 年, 中央音乐学院向余隆颁发了荣誉院士证书, 表彰他对中国音乐的发展和对外文化交流做出的杰出贡献 Long Yu, current Music Director of the Guangzhou Symphony Orchestra, is a preeminent Chinese conductor with an established international reputation. Long Yu also serves as Artistic Director of the Beijing Music Festival and the China Philharmonic Orchestra, Music Director of the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra and Co-Director of the MISA Shanghai Summer Festival. While Long Yu s vision and efforts continue to make the Beijing Music Festival the hub of musical life in China s capital, he tours with his orchestras regularly in China and in major music cities throughout the world. As a guest conductor, Long Yu has appeared with leading orchestras and opera companies worldwide including Orchestre de Paris, Hamburg State Opera, Maggio Musicale Fiorentino, Munich Philharmonic, New York Philharmonic, Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Philadelphia Orchestra, Los Angeles Philharmonic, Royal Philharmonic, Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra, Sydney Symphony, Hong Kong Philharmonic, Tokyo Philharmonic and Singapore Symphony. In the future seasons he will make his debuts with NDR Symphony Orchestra Hamburg, Vienna Symphony Orchestra, BBC Symphony Orchestra and Montreal Symphony. Long Yu s career has included both artistic and administrative appointments. In 1992, he was appointed Principal Conductor of the Central Opera Theatre in Beijing and involved in the planning of the Chinese New Year s Concert series later that year and served as its conductor for three consecutive years. He created opera productions for The Urban Council of Hong Kong for five successive years. In 1998, he led the creation of the Beijing Music Festival and has been its Artistic Director ever since. Under his leadership the Beijing Music Festival is regarded as one of the world s most important music festivals. In 2005, with the provincial government's support, he built up the Canton International Summer Music Academy (CISMA) and became its Chairman for the following three years. He also established the MISA Shanghai Summer Music Festival in 2010 and later that year, the Canton Asian Music Festival. Born in 1964 into a music family in Shanghai, Long Yu received his early musical education from his grandfather Ding Shande, a composer of great renown, and went on to study at the Shanghai Conservatory and the Hochschule der Kunst in Berlin. He was the recipient of the 2002 Arts Patronage Award of the Montblanc Cultural Foundation. He also has been awarded the Chevalier dans L Ordre des Arts et des Lettres in 2003, the title of L onorificenza di commendatore by President Berlusconi in 2005 for his outstanding contribution in the field of music and culture. In 2010, Long Yu received an Honorary Academician from the Central Conservatory of Beijing for his great dedication on cultural exchanging and music development in China. 09 10

常任指挥林大叶 Principal Conductor Lin Daye 林大叶 1980 年生于山东, 自幼学习钢琴,15 岁起随中央音乐学院著名指挥教育家徐新先生学习指挥 1998 年考入上海音乐学院作曲指挥系, 师从著名指挥家张国勇教授 2000 年, 在担任上海青年交响乐团客席指挥期间参加指挥大师小泽征尔大师班, 并得到大师好评 2005 年获得德国国家奖学金 (DAAD) 赴德国留学, 就读于柏林音乐学院, 师从德国著名指挥家克里斯汀 阿赫瓦德教授 在德国求学期间与国内各大音乐演出团体仍然保持密切的合作关系, 曾于 2007 年担任深圳交响乐团助理指挥 驻团指挥 (2008 年 ),2009 年担任杭州爱乐乐团驻团指挥 Lin Daye won the First Prize at the 6 th Sir Georg Solti International Conductors Competition in Frankfurt, 2012. He was appointed Principal Conductor of the Guangzhou Symphony Orchestra, effective September 2010, and led the orchestra went to Bangkok (2010) where they performed two concerts for the politician including Thai Royal Family, as well as on tours to Macao, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Singapore (2012 and 2013), as well as on tours to Europe (October 2009 and December 2010). In 2010, his debuts with the China Philharmonic Orchestra (at the Beijing Music Festival) and with the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra, and both orchestras issued immediate re-invitations. At the Shanghai Music in the Summer Air festival, in August 2010, he conducted London s Royal Philharmonic. In October 2010 he conducted the Chinese premiere of Madame White Snake the Pulitzer Prize-winning new opera co-commissioned from Zhou Long by Opera Boston and the Beijing Music Festival (BMF). In 2014, he conducted the Chinese Premiere of Guo Wenjing s Violin Concerto with the Hangzhou Philharmonic Orchestra. Highlights of the 2012/13 include being featured on CCTV conducting the China Philharmonic Orchestra in the well-received Top 10 series. With the Shanghai Symphony he conducted a program of contemporary music by leading Chinese composers, and with China Philharmonic Orchestra, a program featuring Franck Symphony in d minor, as well as making his very successful North American debut with the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra. 11 在 2012 年德国法兰克福举行的第六届乔治 索尔第爵士国际指挥大赛中, 林大叶荣获冠军 2010 年 9 月受聘为广州交响乐团常任指挥, 当年即率领乐团赴曼谷为包括皇室在内的泰国政要举行了两场音乐会 在 2012 和 2013 年, 与广州交响乐团赴澳门 台湾和新加坡进行文化交流和访问演出, 并曾在 2009 年 10 月和 2010 年 12 月两次与乐团赴欧洲巡演 在 2010 年, 分别与中国爱乐乐团 ( 与小提琴大师宓多里合作在北京国际音乐节演出 ) 和上海交响乐团进行了首演, 并马上获邀再次与两团合作 同年 8 月, 与英国皇家爱乐乐团合作在上海夏季音乐节举行音乐会 随后, 指挥了由北京国际音乐节与波士顿歌剧院联合委约作曲家周龙创作并荣获普利策奖的歌剧 白蛇传 的中国首演 2014 年, 指挥杭州爱乐乐团成功首演郭文景的小提琴协奏曲 2012-2013 音乐季, 指挥中国爱乐乐团参加中央电视台主办的 十大青年演奏家音乐会, 与上海交响乐团合作演出当代中国作曲家作品音乐会, 以及与中国爱乐乐团合作演出赛萨尔 弗兰克 d 小调交响曲, 并首次赴北美指挥温哥华交响乐团举行了 3 场音乐会, 获得巨大成功 此外, 曾合作的中外著名音乐家包括 : 小提琴家列宾 莎拉 张 宓多里 五嶋龙, 钢琴家加里 格拉夫曼 郎朗 让 - 伊夫 蒂博戴, 大提琴家王健以及低男中音沈洋等 2013-2014 音乐季, 在北京国际音乐节指挥周龙的交响史诗 九歌 的世界首演, 指挥深圳交响乐团演出马勒第五交响曲, 与上海交响乐团合作指挥全拉赫玛尼诺夫作品, 指挥上海歌剧院和广州交响乐团合作演出马斯卡尼的歌剧 乡村骑士, 在广州交响乐团 2013-2014 音乐季闭幕式音乐会上指挥马勒第一交响曲 Mr. Lin has collaborated with many leading Chinese and international soloists, including Rapin, Sarah Chang, Midori, Ryu Goto, Gary Graffman, Lang Lang, Jean-Yves Thibaudet, Wang Jian and Shen Yang. Highlights of the 2013/14 season include the world premiere of a major new work named A Symphonic Epic Nine Odes by Zhou Long at the Beijing Music Festival, Mahler Symphony No.5 with Shenzhen Symphony Orchestra, a Rachmaninoff program with Shanghai Symphony Orchestra, Mascagni s Cavalleria Rusticana with Shanghai Opera Company and Guangzhou Symphony Orchestra, and Mahler Symphony No.1 to close the season of the Guangzhou Symphony Orchestra. Lin Daye was born in Shandong, China in 1980. As a child he studied piano and at the age of 15 began to study conducting with Prof. Xu Xin at the Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing. In 1998, he was accepted into the Shanghai Conservatory of Music to continue his conducting studies with Prof. Zhang Guoyong. During this period Lin Daye was the guest conductor of the Shanghai Youth Symphony Orchestra and also was given the opportunity to participate in a master-class given by Maestro Seiji Ozawa who praised him highly. In 2005, he obtained a scholarship from DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) and began to study at the Hochschule für Musik Hanns Eisler in Berlin under the guidance of Prof. Christian Ehwald. Retaining strong links with the musical scene in China during his study, Lin Daye developed a relationship with the Shenzhen Symphony Orchestra; in 2007 becoming assistant conductor and in 2008, their resident conductor. In 2009 he was appointed resident conductor of the Hangzhou Philharmonic Orchestra. 12

乐季音乐会 Subscription Concert

林大叶 Lin Daye 广州交响乐团常任指挥乔治 索尔第爵士国际指挥大赛冠军得主 GSO Principal Conductor, First Prize winner of the Sir Georg Solti International Conductors Competition 2014-2015 Music Season 广州交响乐团 2014-2015 音乐季 开幕式音乐会 Opening Concert 自新世界 交响曲跨越了民族界限, 成为各民族均能共鸣 百听不厌的世界名曲 ; 中国民歌组曲 跨越了中国各地的民歌, 从俯瞰角度去感受祖国的广袤大地 ; 去年首演后大受好评的 度, 则跨越了东西方两种乐器大提琴和笙, 将之融入到玄奘法师的故事中 三首跨越性的动人乐曲, 开启跨越性的新乐季 Dvořák s Ninth Symphony, From the New World, traverses national boundaries, pulling at the heartstrings of audiences worldwide regardless of race and creed. Guo Wenjing s Folk Song Suite for String Orchestra renders China s wondrous geographical terrain into extraordinary musical landscapes. Duo, a cocommissioned work that premiered last season with great critical acclaim, traces the spiritual journey of Xuanzang by melding West (cello) and East (Sheng). These three works not only move the soul but also 乐季音乐会 Subscription Concert 2014. 9. 13( 星期六 / Sat.) 20:00 VIP/280/180/120/80 指挥 : 林大叶大提琴 : 秦立巍笙 : 郑德惠 Lin Daye, conductor Li-Wei Qin, cello Cheng Tak Wai, Sheng 郭文景中国民歌组曲, 为弦乐队而作赵麟度, 大提琴 笙与管弦乐队协奏曲 ( 联合委约 ) 安东宁 德沃夏克 e 小调第九交响曲 ( 自新世界 ), 作品 95 号 Guo Wenjing Folk Song Suite for String Orchestra Zhao Lin Duo, Concerto for Cello, Sheng and Orchestra (Co-Commission) Antonín Dvořák Symphony No.9 in e minor, Op.95 (From the New World) 秦立巍 Li-Wei Qin 音准无瑕 技巧扎实 音色优美感性 纽约时报 Mr.Qin has a great deal going for him, including a meltingly beautiful tone, flawless centered intonation and an ironclad technique. New York Times 郑德惠 Cheng Tak Wai 中国第一键笙, 享誉国际的中乐名家 Internationally-renowned instrumental virtuoso, heralded as China's premier Sheng player touches our emotional cores as we embark on this expansive musical season. 103 15 16

马蒂亚斯 霍夫斯 Matthias Höfs 德国小号大师, 德国铜管乐团 汉堡国家爱乐乐团小号首席 German trumpet master, principal trumpet of the GERMAN BRASS and Hamburg Philharmonic State Orchestra 103 乐季音乐会 Subscription Concert 2014. 10. 11( 星期六 / Sat.) 20:00 VIP/380/280/180/120/80 福斯特大师重临, 除会和乐团一起从人人耳 熟能详的 命运 交响曲中寻找新意的挑战, 还会带来罗西尼最后一部歌剧 赛密拉米德 指挥 : 劳伦斯 福斯特小号 : 马蒂亚斯 霍夫斯 Lawrence Foster, conductor Matthias Höfs, trumpet 的序曲, 这部歌剧早已被人遗忘, 但构思宏 大 旋律优美的交响性序曲, 却长演不衰 本场值得期待的, 还有胡梅尔那首著名的小号协奏曲, 由首次与乐团合作, 但本地观众已非常熟悉的马蒂亚斯 赫夫斯担纲独奏 焦阿基诺 罗西尼 赛密拉米德 序曲约翰 尼波默克 胡梅尔降 E 大调小号协奏曲路德维希 范 贝多芬 c 小调第五交响曲, 作品 67 号 Maestro Lawrence Foster returns to explore the classic of all classics Beethoven s Fifth Symphony with the GSO. This program also features the overture to Rossini s final opera, Semiramide. Though a rarity on the opera Gioacchino Rossini Overture to Semiramide Johann Nepomuk Hummel Trumpet Concerto in E-flat Major Ludwig van Beethoven Symphony No.5 in c minor, Op.67 stage, Rossini s tuneful yet symphonic overture has long been an orchestral staple. Another classical favorite features Marc Ginot 劳伦斯 福斯特 Lawrence Foster 老牌指挥名家, 马赛爱乐乐团音乐总监, 葡萄牙古本江管弦乐团桂冠指挥 Veteran conductor, Music Director of the Marseille Philharmonic Orchestra and Conductor Laureate of the Gulbenkian Orchestra (Portugal) trumpet soloist Matthias Höfs, renowned in China for many years, now making his concerto debut with the GSO. 103 17 18 乐季音乐会 Subscription Concert 2014. 10. 25( 星期六 / Sat.) 20:00 VIP/380/280/180/120/80 指挥 : 约翰内斯 维尔德纳小提琴 : 雷纳 霍内克 约翰内斯 维尔德纳 Johannes Wildner 奥地利指挥名家, 维也纳古典乐派的权威诠释者 Austrian maestro, acclaimed interpreter of the First Viennese School 104 莫扎特最后一部歌剧 魔笛, 序曲中没有善恶的对立, 幸福主题集中, 旋律有如泉源, 源源不绝 ; 霍内克演奏的第五小提琴协奏曲, 则是莫扎特所有小提琴协奏曲中最常演奏和最为人热爱的一首, 音乐华丽丰富, 是莫扎特的代表作之一 ; 贝多芬的 英雄 交响曲, 则是从古典乐派进入浪漫乐派的经典, 一听难忘! Johannes Wildner, conductor Rainer Honeck, violin 沃尔夫冈 阿马德乌斯 莫扎特歌剧 魔笛 序曲, 作品 620 号沃尔夫冈 阿马德乌斯 莫扎特 A 大调第五小提琴协奏曲, 作品 219 号路德维希 范 贝多芬降 E 大调第三交响曲 ( 英雄 ), 作品 55 号 雷纳 霍内克 Rainer Honeck 著名小提琴家, 曾任维也纳爱乐乐团首席 Celebrated violin soloist Former concertmaster of the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra 104 Philipp Horak Mozart s final opera The Magic Flute might be a testing ground for good and evil, but its overture remains a fountain of classical elegance at its best. Violin virtuoso Honeck performs Mozart s final concerto for the instrument, the most popular and best-loved of classical genius s output of five, majestic and brimming with vitality. Needless to say, Beethoven s Eroica Symphony is an epoch-making masterpiece traversing classical and romantic styles! Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Overture to The Magic Flute, K.620 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Violin Concerto No.5 in A Major, K.219 Ludwig van Beethoven Symphony No.3 in E-flat Major, Op.55 (Eroica) 音乐会前讲座从古典到浪漫 Pre-Concert Talk From Classical to Romantic 主讲 : 周凡夫 ( 香港资深乐评人 ) 19:00 星海音乐厅大堂免费粤语 Chow Fan Fu, lecturer 19:00 Lobby of Xinghai Concert Hall Free Cantonese 19 20

景焕 Jing Huan 广州交响乐团驻团指挥辛辛那提大学全额奖学金在读音乐博士 GSO Resident Conductor, currently pursuing her doctoral degree at the University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music with full scholarship 乐季音乐会 Subscription Concert 2014. 11. 1( 星期六 / Sat.) 20:00 VIP/180/150/120/80 指挥 : 景焕 选自斯美塔那 我的祖国 中最流行的 伏 尔塔瓦河, 有如一幅音画那样美丽动人 ; 李斯特当年被讥为 三角铁协奏曲 的第一 钢琴 : 陈洁 Jing Huan, conductor Chen Jie, piano 钢琴协奏曲, 现在已被公认为效果灿烂, 人 人亲近的杰作 ; 而具有鲜明匈牙利风格的乐队协奏曲, 于 1944 年首演一年后, 作曲家巴托克便病逝, 以这首杰作来纪念这位作曲巨匠逝世七十周年, 再恰当不过! Vltava from Smetana s Ma Vlast is a musical portrait that both entices and inspires. Liszt s First Piano Concerto belittled as a concerto for triangle by Eduard Hanslick at its premiere for its percussive tingling in the third movement has now been widely recognized as a 贝德里希 斯美塔那伏尔塔瓦河弗朗茨 李斯特降 E 大调第一钢琴协奏曲, 作品 124 号贝拉 巴托克乐队协奏曲 Bedřich Smetana Vltava Franz Liszt Piano Concerto No.1 in E-flat Major, S.124 Béla Bartók Concerto for Orchestra dramatic and accessible work. Less than a year after the 1944 world premiere of 陈洁 Chen Jie 多个国际钢琴大赛获奖者 CCTV 十大青年钢琴家 Winner of numerous international piano competitions, one of CCTV Top Ten Young Pianists Bartók s Concerto for Orchestra came the composer s untimely death. Our musical homage at the 70th anniversary of the work s premiere is certainly timely! 21 22

弗拉基米尔 阿什肯纳齐 Vladimir Ashkenazy 少数能同时在钢琴演奏和指挥事业上拥有瞩目成就的国际音乐大师 One of the few artists to have combined a successful career as pianist and conductor 104 Keith Saunders Chris Fower 乐季音乐会 Subscription Concert 2014. 11. 8( 星期六 / Sat.) 20:00 VIP/680/480/380/280/100 戈登 亨特 Gordon Hunt 双簧管演奏名家, 多个英国著名乐团的双簧管首席 Oboe virtuoso who has served as principal oboe in numerous British orchestras 105 指挥 : 弗拉基米尔 阿什肯纳齐双簧管 : 戈登 亨特 Vladimir Ashkenazy, conductor Gordon Hunt, oboe 理查 施特劳斯的管弦乐曲, 大都散发着七彩夺目的音响 这场音乐会既有他的成名作 唐璜, 又有他的晚年杰作双簧管协奏曲, 满载着独特美感的音乐 ; 但更独特的是拉赫玛尼诺夫绝笔之作 交响舞曲, 这并非用脚来跳的舞蹈音乐, 而是为 头 而写, 具有深刻哲理的大型交响曲 其实, 大师阿什肯纳齐登场, 名曲光芒都会被掩了 The works of Richard Strauss are distinguished by their wide-ranging orchestral palettes. This concert features Don Juan, the symphonic poem that launched Strauss s career, as well as his Oboe Concerto, one of his final works. Each is filled with engagingly beautiful music. Rachmaninoff s Symphonic Dances, representing the pinnacle of the pianist-composer s career, was never intended to accompany movement on stage. Rather, it was conceived as a narrative of the mind, with the composer pouring his heart into large-scale symphonic structure. The appearance of Maestro Ashkenazy on stage will surely add radiance and charisma to this program. 理查 施特劳斯唐璜, 作品 20 号理查 施特劳斯 D 大调双簧管协奏曲, 作品 292 号谢尔盖 拉赫玛尼诺夫交响舞曲, 作品 45 号 Richard Strauss Don Juan, Op.20 (TrV 156) Richard Strauss Oboe Concerto in D Major, TrV 292 Sergei Rachmaninoff Symphonic Dances, Op.45 音乐会前讲座为头写的舞曲 Pre-Concert Talk Symphonic Dances 主讲 : 周凡夫 ( 香港资深乐评人 ) 19:00 星海音乐厅大堂免费粤语 Chow Fan Fu, lecturer 19:00 Lobby of Xinghai Concert Hall Free Cantonese 23 24

乐季音乐会 余隆 Long Yu 广州交响乐团音乐总监, 与世界顶尖级交响乐团合作最多的杰出华人指挥家 GSO Music Director, the Chinese maestro who has collaborated with the largest number of the world's leading orchestras Subscription Concert 2014. 12. 7( 星期日 / Sun.) 20:00 VIP/280/180/120/80 11 岁的音乐神童弹奏莫扎特 29 岁时所写的 d 小调第二十钢琴协奏曲, 不同美感的旋律不绝如缕, 更添传奇色彩 ; 肖斯塔科维奇第五交响曲 1937 年首演时, 作曲家要在台上 指挥 : 余隆钢琴 : 李仲欣 Long Yu, conductor Johnson Li, piano 鞠躬数十次, 创下掌声历时半小时的传奇 ; 陈其钢 2010 年创作的 失乐园, 将京剧 曲牌等元素成功融入西乐中, 表达了对美的追思和感受, 那就更是现代的传奇 In this concert, an 11-year-old child prodigy performs a piano concerto composed by 29-year-old Mozart, a work long praised for its arching melodies and vibrant harmonic colors. Shostakovich s Symphony No.5, at its 1937 world premiere, saw the composer returning 陈其钢失乐园沃尔夫冈 阿马德乌斯 莫扎特 d 小调第二十钢琴协奏曲, 作品 466 号德米特里 肖斯塔科维奇 d 小调第五交响曲, 作品 47 号 Qigang Chen Enchantements Oubliés Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Piano Concerto No.20 in d minor, K.466 Dmitry Shostakovich Symphony No.5 in d minor, Op.47 to the stage many times, the applause lasting half an hour. Qigang Chen s Enchantements Oubliés combines Peking opera tune-types and other Chinese 音乐会前讲座 Pre-Concert Talk 肖五 内容迷思 Shostakovich Symphony No.5 李仲欣 Johnson Li 年仅 11 岁的钢琴神童 11-year-old piano prodigy elements into Western composition, expressing a thoughtful aesthetic pursuit in a work that rises into the pantheon of modern legends. 主讲 : 林大叶 ( 广州交响乐团常任指挥 ) 19:00 星海音乐厅大堂 免费 普通话 Lin Daye, lecturer 19:00 Lobby of Xinghai Concert Hall Free Mandarin 25 26

Lan Shui 客席华人指挥家特辑 Guest Chinese Conductors Series 1 2014. 12. 20( 星期六 / Sat.) 20:00 VIP/280/180/120/80 勃拉姆斯的 悲剧 序曲, 人人期待的是曲终前表现 悲壮之美 的高潮 ; 他的小提琴协奏曲却是洋溢着生命活力, 旋律优美, 感情壮丽的音乐 ; 而被称为是他的 田园交响 指挥 : 水蓝小提琴 : 张金茹 Lan Shui, conductor Zhang Jinru, violin 105 水蓝 Lan Shui 杰出的华人指挥名家 / 新加坡交响乐团音乐总监 / 哥本哈根爱乐乐团首席指挥 Outstanding conductor of Chinese descent, Music Director of the Singapore Symphony Orchestra, Chief Conductor of the Copenhagen Philharmonic Orchestra 曲 的第二交响曲, 曲思明朗柔美, 但却深藏着一丝丝心灵上的阴影 这三首在 1877 年至 1880 年间 (44 岁至 47 岁 ) 创作的名曲, 当是跨越勃拉姆斯音乐世界的最佳之选 期待乐团与水蓝的首次合作, 能为观众演绎一个经典的版本 约翰内斯 勃拉姆斯悲剧序曲, 作品 81 号约翰内斯 勃拉姆斯 D 大调小提琴协奏曲, 作品 77 号约翰内斯 勃拉姆斯 D 大调第二交响曲, 作品 73 号 张金茹 Zhang Jinru 新锐青年小提琴家, 中国音乐金钟奖 小提琴比赛金奖得主 Rising violin virtuoso of the next generation, Gold Medal winner of the Chinese Golden Bell Award for Music Violin Competition Music lovers have always relished the climax of Brahms s Tragic Overture with its poignant march. On the other hand, his violin concerto is a work filled with lively exuberance with elegant melodies and passionate emotions. Often called his Pastoral Symphony, Brahms s second Symphony is filled with grace, yet reveals a shadow of darkness troubling his soul. These works were all written between 1877 and 1880 (when Brahms was between the ages of 44 and 47), and secured the composer s ascent to a higher artistic level. With Lan Shui leading the GSO for the first time, we look forward to classic renditions of great orchestral masterpieces. Johannes Brahms Tragic Overture, Op.81 Johannes Brahms Violin Concerto in D Major, Op.77 Johannes Brahms Symphony No.2 in D Major, Op.73 音乐会前讲座勃拉姆斯和他的音乐 Pre-Concert Talk Brahms and his music 主讲 : 周凡夫 ( 香港资深乐评人 ) 19:00 星海音乐厅大堂免费粤语 Chow Fan Fu,lecturer 19:00 Lobby of Xinghai Concert Hall Free Cantonese 27 28

乐季音乐会 Subscription Concert 2015. 1. 10( 星期六 / Sat.) 20:00 VIP/280/180/120/80 罗纳德 佐尔曼 Ronald Zollman 捷克广播交响乐团首席客座指挥曾任比利时国家交响乐团音乐总监 Principal Guest Conductor of the Czech Radio Symphony Orchestra, former Music Director of the National Orchestra of Belgium 105 门德尔松二十岁所写的 芬格尔山洞 序曲, 赢得瓦格纳赞誉, 称他为 一流的风景画家 ; 贝多芬的第一钢琴协奏曲效果璀璨, 曲趣奔放, 朝气勃勃 ; 勃拉姆斯第一交响曲, 被称为 贝多芬第十交响曲, 从构思动笔, 到脱稿面世, 花了二十一年, 确是千锤百炼 这三首乐曲背景情调不同, 却都是三位大师动人的杰作 指挥 : 罗纳德 佐尔曼钢琴 : 孙颖迪 Ronald Zollman, conductor Sun Yingdi, piano 费利克斯 门德尔松芬格尔山洞, 作品 26 号路德维希 范 贝多芬 C 大调第一钢琴协奏曲, 作品 15 号约翰内斯 勃拉姆斯 c 小调第一交响曲, 作品 68 号 孙颖迪 Sun Yingdi 李斯特国际钢琴大赛冠军, CCTV 十大青年钢琴家 First Prize winner of the Liszt International Piano Competition, one of CCTV Top Ten Young Pianists Composed at age 20, Mendelssohn s Fingal s Cave Overture won the admiration of Richard Wagner, who hailed his contemporary as a first-class landscape painter. Beethoven s Piano Concerto No.1 has a brilliant sheen, reflecting the composer s passion and verve. Brahms s First Symphony has also been called Beethoven s Tenth. The work s gestation and composition took more than two decades, every note essential to its form. Although these masterpieces hail from widely different contexts, they are all heartfelt expressions by three great masters. Felix Mendelssohn Fingal's Cave, Op.26 Ludwig van Beethoven Piano Concerto No.1 in C Major, Op.15 Johannes Brahms Symphony No.1 in c minor, Op.68 29 30

乐季音乐会 亚龙 特劳布 Yaron Traub Subscription Concert 以色列指挥名家, 西班牙瓦伦西亚管弦乐团音乐总监 2015. 1. 17 星期六 / Sat. 20:00 Renowned Israeli conductor, Music Director of Orquesta de Valencia (Spain) 106 VIP/280/180/120/80 指挥 亚龙 特劳布 雷震 Lei Zhen 广州交响乐团长号首席 长号 雷震 Yaron Traub, conductor Lei Zhen, trombone 芝加哥艺术表演大学协奏曲比赛第一名 GSO principal trombone, Chicago College of Performing Arts concerto competition winner 彼得 伊里奇 柴科夫斯基 罗密欧与朱丽叶 幻想序曲 柴科夫斯基两部强烈感情的杰作让人期待 将他失恋中的狂热 痛苦 倾注而成的 罗 密欧与朱丽叶 幻想序曲 三个形象鲜明主 亨利 托马西 长号协奏曲 彼得 伊里奇 柴科夫斯基 e 小调第五交响曲 作品 64 号 题让人一听难忘 内容丰富复杂的第五交响 曲 各个乐章都有无比动人的主题旋律 但 Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky 更让人期待的是 几乎为所有管乐器创作了 Romeo and Juliet Overture-Fantasy 协奏曲的托马西的长号协奏曲 洋溢着典型 Henri Tomasi 的法兰西风情 仿如是香槟一样 Trombone Concerto Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky Symphony No.5 in e minor, Op.64 Tchaikovsky s romantic despair and pain are injected into his Romeo and Juliet Overture-Fantasy, with its three memorable themes. Likewise, his Fifth Symphony contains countless supremely impassioned melodies. But what makes this program priceless is the Trombone Concerto by Henri Tomasi, injecting a champagne-like French élan into the concert hall! 31 32

奥斯莫万斯卡 Osmo Vänskä 芬兰指挥大师, 西贝柳斯作品的最佳诠释者 Finnish maestro, heralded as the most authoritative living interpreter of Sibelius's works 106 音乐会中选奏的全是芬兰人视为 国宝 的西贝柳斯的代表作品, 是饱含着浓厚的爱国情怀, 及展示芬兰壮丽河山, 具有豪壮辽阔气魄的音乐 北欧厚重幽暗的和声色彩, 旋律却强劲有力, 蕴藏着一股健康的, 粗线条的男性悲怆味道, 让人大有跨越西贝柳斯的音乐世界, 从而进入北欧辽阔壮丽的大自然人间天堂一样 首次莅临的芬兰指挥家奥斯莫 万斯卡是西贝柳斯音乐的权威演绎者, 他和乐团将会擦出怎样的火花? 大家拭目以待吧! This concert features a singular composer who first brought Finnish music to the world. Sibelius s music depicts the grand landscapes of his country with boundless patriotism, courage and spirit. The dark hues of Scandinavia, where melodies are strong and powerful, contains a healthy, male disposition. We enter not only into Sibelius s musical world, but also the wonderful natural surroundings of northern Europe. This concert marks the local debut of Finnish maestro Osmo Vänskä, widely praised as the world s premier Sibelius interpreter. What creative sparks will be generated at the concert? We await with bated breath. 乐季音乐会 Subscription Concert 2015. 3. 14( 星期六 / Sat.) 20:00 VIP/280/180/120/80 指挥 : 奥斯莫 万斯卡 Osmo Vänskä, conductor 耶安 西贝柳斯芬兰颂, 作品 26 号耶安 西贝柳斯悲伤圆舞曲, 作品 44 号第 1 首耶安 西贝柳斯图内拉的天鹅耶安 西贝柳斯 卡累利亚 组曲, 作品 11 号耶安 西贝柳斯 e 小调第一交响曲, 作品 39 号 Jean Sibelius Finlandia, Op.26 Jean Sibelius Valse triste, Op.44 No.1 Jean Sibelius The Swan of Tuonela Jean Sibelius Karelia Suite, Op.11 Jean Sibelius Symphony No.1 in e minor, Op.39 音乐会前讲座西贝柳斯和他的音乐 Pre-Concert Talk Sibelius and his music 主讲 : 周凡夫 ( 香港资深乐评人 ) 19:00 星海音乐厅大堂免费粤语 33 kaapo kamu Chow Fan Fu, lecturer 19:00 Lobby of Xinghai Concert Hall Free Cantonese 34

余隆 Long Yu 广州交响乐团音乐总监 GSO Music Director 乐季音乐会 Subscription Concert 2015. 3. 20( 星期五 / Fri.) 20:00 VIP/380/280/180/120/80 指挥 : 余隆 偶像魅力应具有影响生命的力量, 四大 小提琴协奏曲都具有这种感动千万心灵, 改 变无数生命的力量 偶像级大师拉赫林在这 小提琴 : 朱利安 拉赫林 Long Yu, conductor Julian Rachlin, violin 场音乐会中选奏其中两首, 机会难再 门德 尔松的 e 小调流露出真挚 热切的丰富感情, 是幸福无比的音乐 柴科夫斯基的 D 大调, 则是充满青春气息, 歌唱生命和青春, 爆发着无比热情和激情的乐曲 卡尔 玛丽亚 冯 韦伯 奥伯龙 序曲费利克斯 门德尔松 e 小调小提琴协奏曲, 作品 64 号彼得 伊里奇 柴科夫斯基 D 大调小提琴协奏曲, 作品 35 号 Julia Wesely Certain masterpieces have the power to transform lives, and the Big Four violin concertos have motivated millions. Beloved violinist virtuoso Julian Rachlin performs not only one but two of the Big Four in this program, which is a rarity indeed. Mendelssohn s earnest concerto Carl Maria von Weber Overture to Oberon Felix Mendelssohn Violin Concerto in e minor, Op.64 Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky Violin Concerto in D Major, Op.35 is filled to the brim with joy. Tchaikovsky s concerto not only contains youthful 朱利安 拉赫林 Julian Rachlin 欧洲当红小提琴家, 多个世界知名乐团的合作艺术家, 联合国儿童基金会亲善大使 One of Europe's most popular violin virtuosos who has performed with numerous internationally renowned orchestras, UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador passion but also sings the praises of life with limitless passion. 106 35 36

张弦 Zhang Xian 杰出的华人指挥家, 意大利米兰威尔第交响乐团艺术总监 Outstanding Chinese conductor, Artistic Director of the Orchestra Sinfonica di Milano Giuseppe Verdi (Italy) 107 客席华人指挥家特辑 Guest Chinese Conductors Series 2015. 3. 28( 星期六 / Sat.) 20:00 VIP/280/180/120/80 2 指挥 : 张弦 罗马松树 是雷斯皮基三部联篇交响诗中 最备推崇的一部, 散发着昔日罗马帝国的光 辉, 罗马节日 是三首交响诗中效果最出 钢琴 : 陈萨 Zhang Xian, conductor Chen Sa, piano 色的一首, 活现了四个不同的节庆景像 柏 陈萨 Chen Sa 同辈中最耀眼的演奏家之一 ( 伦敦古典调频电台 ), 范 克莱本国际钢琴大赛水晶奖得主 One of the brightest performers of her generation (Classic FM), Crystal Award winner at the Van Cliburn International Piano Competition 辽兹的 罗马狂欢节 序曲描写嘉年华会的狂热场面, 加上拉赫玛尼诺夫脍炙人口的帕格尼尼主题狂想曲, 这当是一场充满意大利阳光风情, 让人心花怒放的音乐会 Pines of Rome, from Respighi s trilogy of symphonic poems, is widely loved by music aficionados for capturing that grandeur of ancient Rome, while Roman Festivals glistens with revelries and merriments. Berlioz s Roman Carnival Overture is equally effective in generating excitement, while the ever-popular Rachmaninoff s Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini encompasses the beauty of Italy with passion and grace. 埃克托 柏辽兹 罗马狂欢节 序曲, 作品 9 号谢尔盖 拉赫玛尼诺夫帕格尼尼主题狂想曲, 作品 43 号奥拓里诺 雷斯皮基罗马节日奥拓里诺 雷斯皮基罗马松树 Hector Berlioz Roman Carnival Overture, Op.9 Sergei Rachmaninoff Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini, Op.43 Ottorino Respighi Roman Festivals Ottorino Respighi Pines of Rome 107 37 38

乐季音乐会 Subscription Concert 2015. 4. 12( 星期日 / Sun.) 20:00 VIP/280/180/120/80 指挥 : 林大叶小提琴 : 黄蒙拉 Lin Daye, conductor Huang Mengla, violin 107 黄蒙拉 Huang Mengla 帕格尼尼国际小提琴大奖金奖得主 东方的帕格尼尼 First Prize winner at the Paganini International Violin Competition, acclaimed as the Paganini of the East 哈恰图良的音乐有如他的出生地, 多种族混杂的高加索 他的作品采用无比丰富的民族音乐, 具有强烈的泥土味 他的小提琴协奏曲在 1940 年面世后, 便在世界各地历演不衰, 不 懂 音乐者亦能感受得到鲜明的乡土色彩, 同场选奏的 假面舞会 和 斯巴达克 两部组曲, 亦是色彩绚烂, 音乐形象栩栩如生的音乐 Armenian composer Aram Khachaturian embodied the fusion of cultures that distinguished his native Caucasus. His works fully employ a rich folk heritage with a strong whiff of its native soil. His Violin 阿拉姆 哈恰图良 d 小调小提琴协奏曲阿拉姆 哈恰图良 假面舞会 组曲阿拉姆 哈恰图良 斯巴达克 组曲 Aram Khachaturian Violin Concerto in d minor Aram Khachaturian Masquerade Suite Aram Khachaturian Spartacus Suite 林大叶 Lin Daye 广州交响乐团常任指挥 GSO Principal Conductor Concerto, after its 1940 premiere, gained popularity around the world, winning even those listeners unfamiliar with modern music. The Masquerade and Spartacus Suites that also made Khachaturian s name are imaginative and vibrant musical narratives. 音乐会前讲座 哈恰图良和他的音乐 Pre-Concert Talk Khachaturian and his music 主讲 : 周凡夫 ( 香港资深乐评人 ) 19:00 星海音乐厅大堂 免费 粤语 Chow Fan Fu, lecturer 19:00 Lobby of Xinghai Concert Hall Free Cantonese 39 40

吕绍嘉 Shao-Chia Lü 杰出华人指挥家, 台湾爱乐乐团音乐总监, 曾任著名的德国汉诺威国家歌剧院音乐总监 Distinguished Chinese conductor, Music Director of the Taiwan Philharmonic, former Music Director of the Hannover State Opera 客席华人指挥家特辑 Guest Chinese Conductors Series 3 2015. 4. 25( 星期六 / Sat.) 20:00 VIP/280/180/120/80 108 莫扎特的器乐曲和管弦乐曲, 都以旋律 展开, 任何乐器在他笔下都能充份歌唱 指挥 : 吕绍嘉小提琴 : 蒋益梁 Shao-Chia Lü, conductor Jiang Yiliang, violin Jian-Chung Chen 出来! 第三小提琴协奏曲也不例外, 全曲散发着有如春日花香的青春气息 广为流传的第十三号小夜曲, 气氛轻柔甜美, 沁人欲醉, 百听不厌 第四十交响曲既有哀伤抒情之美, 又有戏剧性的激奋热情, 具有感人肺胕的力量 再度合作的吕绍嘉, 这次将带领乐团跨越莫扎 沃尔夫冈 阿马德乌斯 莫扎特 G 大调第十三号小夜曲, 作品 525 号沃尔夫冈 阿马德乌斯 莫扎特 G 大调第三小提琴协奏曲 ( 施特拉斯堡 ), 作品 216 号沃尔夫冈 阿马德乌斯 莫扎特 g 小调第四十交响曲, 作品 550 号 蒋益梁 Jiang Yiliang 才华横溢的少年小提琴家, 曾获 中国音乐金钟奖 小提琴比赛银奖 Gifted young violinist, Silver Medal winner at the Chinese Golden Bell Award for Music Violin Competition 特的音乐世界 The magic of Mozart s works stem from their melodies, which literally sing in any instrument the composer chose! His Violin Concerto No.3 is distilled with the essence of the first blossoms of spring. The ever-popular Serenade No.13 is both elegant and mesmerizing. One of Mozart s final works, his Symphony No.40, embodies a pathos of beauty and dramatic passion, with the power to move hearts and minds. The GSO welcomes the return of Maestro Shao- Chia Lü, leading the orchestra deep into the world of Mozart. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Serenade No.13 in G Major, K.525 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Violin Concerto No.3 in G Major, K.216 (Strassburg) Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Symphony No.40 in g minor, K.550 41 42

克里斯托夫 潘德列斯基 Krzysztof Penderecki 国际音乐大师, 最伟大的波兰当代作曲家 英国 卫报 International music maestro, Poland s greatest living composer The Guardian 108 乐季音乐会 Subscription Concert 2015. 4. 30( 星期四 / Thu.) 20:00 VIP/380/280/180/120/80 指挥 : 克里斯托夫 潘德列斯基 袁晨野 108 Yuan Chenye 最优秀的华裔男中音歌唱家之一多个世界知名歌剧院的特邀歌唱家 One of the most acclaimed baritones of Chinese descent, having performed in the most renowned opera houses around the world 去年刚度过八十大寿, 被誉为 当代贝多芬 的波 兰大师潘德列斯基, 在音乐会中指挥自己的声乐套 曲 三首中国歌曲, 展现他对中国诗歌的独特见解, 及他和中国人民的友谊 同场选奏肖斯塔科维奇最 后完成的第十五交响曲, 手法风格简单 纯朴, 很 男中音 : 袁晨野 Krzysztof Penderecki, conductor Yuan Chenye, baritone 克里斯托夫 潘德列斯基三首中国歌曲德米特里 肖斯塔科维奇 A 大调第十五交响曲, 作品 141 号 Krzysztof Penderecki Three Chinese Songs Dmitry Shostakovich Symphony No.15 in A Major, Op.141 浓的室内乐韵味, 但终章结尾却采用大量敲击乐器, 带来让人意外的冲击 Last year, Krzysztof Penderecki, beloved Polish maestro heralded as the Beethoven of our time, celebrated his 80th birthday with much aplomb. In this concert, he conducts his own Three Chinese Songs, sharing with our audience his own devotion and passion for Chinese culture and extending his hand in friendship to Chinese musicians. Shostakovich s Symphony No.15 is a candid masterpiece that also reminds us of the intimacy of chamber music. The final movement, dominated by percussion, surprises and provokes us into contemplating beyond ourselves. 43 44

萨维尔 德 梅斯特 Xavier de Maistre 被公认为当代最具创造力及最优秀的竖琴演奏家之一, 曾任维也纳爱乐乐团竖琴首席 Widely recognized as one of the most creative and artistically excellent harp virtuosos, former principal harp at the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra 109 客席华人指挥家特辑 Guest Chinese Conductors Series 2015. 5. 9( 星期六 / Sat.) 20:00 VIP/280/180/120/80 指挥 : 黄屹钢琴 : 孙佳依 4 孙佳依 Sun Jiayi 令人激动的青年钢琴家 纽约时报... [an] exciting young pianist New York Times 竖琴 : 萨维尔 德 梅斯特 Huang Yi, conductor Sun Jiayi, piano Xavier de Maistre, harp Marco Borggreve 这场色彩缤纷的音乐会, 选奏的是失明作曲家罗德里戈的竖琴与乐队 阿兰胡埃斯 协奏曲, 改编自其独步乐坛的同名吉他名曲, 具有奇特幻想曲趣, 色彩美妙 ; 多纳尼以著名儿歌曲调为主题写成的钢琴与乐队变奏曲, 洋溢着幽默欢愉 ; 匈牙利作曲家科达伊的 加兰塔舞曲, 具有叙事性的吉卜赛舞蹈音乐, 以狂想曲般的灿烂高潮结束 This concert of dazzling works includes Joaquín Rodrigo s own adaptation for harp of his Concierto de Aranjuez, a popular 华金 罗德里戈 阿兰胡埃斯 协奏曲, 为竖琴与乐队改编佐尔坦 科达伊加兰塔舞曲艾尔诺 多纳尼儿歌变奏曲, 为钢琴与乐队而作 Joaquín Rodrigo Concierto de Aranjuez, arranged for harp and orchestra Zoltán Kodály Dances of Galánta Ernö Dohnányi Variations on a Nursery Song for piano and orchestra 45 黄屹 Huang Yi 旅德青年指挥家, 中国新一代年轻指挥中的佼佼者 Among the most promising of China's new generation of conductors, now residing in Germany piece filled with inventiveness and reverie. Dohnányi s Variations on a Nursery Song bursts with child-like joy, while Kodály s Dances of Galánta contain Gypsy narrative elements that also encapsulate an everevolving sense of rhapsody. 音乐会前讲座 钢琴与竖琴的音乐世界 Pre-Concert Talk Music of Piano and Harp 主讲 : 黄屹 ( 青年指挥家 ) 19:00 星海音乐厅大堂 免费 普通话 Huang Yi,lecturer 19:00 Lobby of Xinghai Concert Hall Free Mandarin 46

大卫 斯特恩 David Stern 美国指挥名家, 以色列歌剧院及巴黎烈火歌剧院音乐总监 American conductor, Music Director of the Israel Opera and Opera Fuoco (Paris, France) 109 Maria Rosenblatt 乐季音乐会 Subscription Concert 2015. 5. 16( 星期六 / Sat.) 20:00 VIP/280/180/120/80 指挥 : 大卫 斯特恩 三首不易在现场能经常听到的作品 拉威尔 的 库普兰之墓, 其实是对前辈库普兰的 颂赞, 墓 意指 纪念碑, 是一首盎 女高音 : 韦罗妮克 让 David Stern, conductor Véronique Gens, soprano 然古趣的优美音乐 ; 以钢琴作品闻名的布索 尼的 图兰朵 组曲, 是他最著名的管弦乐曲 ; 柏辽兹的 克娄巴特拉之死, 却是他当年要竞逐罗马大奖时创作, 加有女高音, 在二十世纪末才重现乐坛的动人作品 莫里斯 拉威尔库普兰之墓埃克托 柏辽兹克娄巴特拉之死费鲁乔 布索尼 图兰朵 组曲 JB MILLOT 韦罗妮克 让 Véronique Gens 法国著名女高音歌唱家, 法国及巴洛克声乐作品的权威诠释者 Renowned French vocalist, acclaimed interpreter of French and baroque masterpieces Of these three rarely performed works, Maurice Ravel s Le Tombeau de Couperin pays tribute to an earlier French composer (the tombstone of the title is in fact an homage), imbued with a classical touch. The great pianist-composer Ferruccio Busoni s Turandot Suite has long been celebrated as an early 20th-century masterpiece, while Hector Berlioz s La Mort de Clèopâtre, composed in competition for the Prix de Rome, did not gain popularity until recent decades. Maurice Ravel Le Tombeau de Couperin Hector Berlioz La Mort de Clèopâtre Ferruccio Busoni Turandot Suite 109 47 48