P E T R O L E U M G E O L O G Y Fig.1 Paleogene structure map of Langgu Depression 2 [8] Enegebretson Fig.2 Seismic profile of Daxing deep burie

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P E T R O L E U M G E O L O G Y DOI 10.3969/j.issn.1672-7703.2012.06.010 * 1 2 1 2 3 1 1 3 ; ; TE112.3 A 1 1975 50 3500m 3500m [2] 3 [1] [3] [4] [5] ; 1 1 ; [6] [7] [2] 2011 D-0806 1984 2012-09-15 1 159 179 53

P E T R O L E U M G E O L O G Y 2 2 1 Fig.1 Paleogene structure map of Langgu Depression 2 [8] Enegebretson Fig.2 Seismic profile of Daxing deep buried hill in 65 42Ma Langgu Depression 3 42 0Ma 54

1 30 3 3 3 Fig.3 Geological section through Daxing and Hexiwu deep buried hills 4 ; ; 3 4 4.1 55

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C H I N A P E T R O L E U M E X P L O R A T I O N ABSTRACT reservoirs. Based on analysis of development process of the reservoirs of these two types, it is considered that biological gas reservoirs are controlled mainly by distribution of gas source rock and most abundant in the area close to the trap of gas source rock. Low-maturity gas reservoirs are controlled by hydrocarbon source rock and distributed in the surrounding area, migrating along the transportation formations composed of faults and sandstone. Gas is abundant mainly in the reverse faults. Key words: Langgu Depression, gas types of middle and shallow layers, late biological gas, low maturity, reservoir controlling factors Buried Hill Accumulation Model and Oil and Gas Exploration Potential in Langgu Depression/Tian Jianzhang 1, Su Jianjie 2, Xin Weijiang 1, Cong Liangzi 2, Cao Jianhua 3, Xu Yuping 1, Tian Huiqin 1 //1 Geophysical Exploration Research Institute of PetroChina Huabei Oilfield Company, Renqiu City, Hebei Province, 062552; 2 Sino Geophysical Co., Ltd., Beijing, 100107; 3 No.2 Well Log Company of PetroChina Bohai Drilling Company, Renqiu City, Hebei Province, 062552 Abstract: Buried hill of Langgu Depression has a unique geological structural background. Three apparent structural belts are distributed in space-daxing fault buried hill structural belt, Hexiwu fault buried hill structural belt and Fengheying-Houshangcun structural belt. The static elements of oil and gas accumulations in those deep buried hill are quite different in space allocation. Top reservoirs of Daxing fault buried hill structural belt are likely to be dolomite of Wumishan Formation of the Middle Proterozic Jixian System. Source rock and its cap formation are high-quality Es 3 -Es 4 mudstone. The cross section and unconformity surface are their important carrier systems. The tops of Hexiwu fault buried hill structural belt and Fengheying-Houshangcun structural belt are Carboniferous- Permian sandstone reservoirs or Ordovician limestone reservoirs, with development of inner curtain carbonate rock reservoirs. Source rock of the former is mainly Ek formation with some Carboniferous-Permian and Es 3 and Es 4 source rock. The unconformity surface and cross section are the main oil and gas transportation channels. Source rock of the latter is quality Es 3 and Es 4 source rock. Tongbozhen cross section is the main vertical and lateral oil and gas transportation channels. Unconformity surface in the buried hill is of vital importance to oil and gas accumulation in the buried hill. The results of accumulation model indicate that the exploration prospect of those buried hill structural belts are quite different one another. Daxing buried hill structural belt is the top exploration target. Key words: Langgu Depression, deep buried hill, accumulations model, exploration potential Re-understanding of Accumulations Conditions in Fengheying Buried Hill and Analysis of Exploration Potential/Zhu Jieqiong, Cui Xiumei, Cui Qingqing, An Xia, Ji Xiaoli, Xi Qiuling//Exploration and Development Research Institute of PetroChina Huabei Oilfield Company, Renqiu City, Hebei Province 062552 Abstract: Fengheying buried hill of Langgu Depression has an exploration history of more than four decades. It saw development of two types of hydrocarbon reservoirs - buried hill top and buried hill inner curtain. Exploration degree is high for buried hill top but low for buried hill inner curtain. Based on the study of buried hillõs development characteristics, oil source conditions, reservoir-cap assemblage, oil and gas transportation systems and types of trap, the results indicate that Fengheying buried hill is characterized in early development and shaped in a late period at the peak of hydrocarbon sourcing and expulsion. However, the trap of buried hill inner curtain has the characteristic that it was developed and shaped earlier than the peak of hydrocarbon sourcing and expulsion. A number of sets of oil formation series developed in the buried hill inner curtain that is filled and injected many times and migrated continually. Based on the analysis, Fengheying buried hill has a better potential for exploration. Of that, Jing-101 buried hill has three sets of oil formation series which belong to the two types of buried hill top and inner curtain (Fujunshan Formation and Wumishan Formation). They are the top targets for making breakthrough in exploration of Fengheying buried hill and its inner curtain. Key words: Fengheying buried hill, accumulation conditions, accumulation model, exploration potential Main Factors Controlling Hydrocarbon Accumulations in Hexiwu Structure of Langgu Depression and Orientation for Exploration/Lu Lifei 1, Li Chunrong 1. Qi Qi 1, Chen Ling 1,2, Wang Aili 1, Tong Fengzhi 1 //1 Geophysical Exploration Research Institute of PetroChina Huabei Oilfield Company, Renqiu City, Hebei Province 062552; 2 Yangze University, Jingzhou City Hubei Province, 434023 Abstract: Located in the eastern part of Langgu Depression with a high degree of exploration. Hexiwu Structure has a certain potential for resources and a background for exploration. A series of targets have been found through the efforts for 3D seismic interpretation, analysis of the whole structure, study of overall sedimentary sand body, simulation of the whole oil and gas reservoir, integrated assessment of the whole zone and belt and detailed research. The study indicates that this region saw development of three sets of main source rock formation, which are dark mudstone of Es 3 and Es 4 as well as mudstone of Carboniferous- Permian deposited under deep lake environment. The structure is relatively rich in oil and gas resources with development of three major sedimentary systems-fan delta, delta and river, providing eight sets of good reservoir-cap assemblages from buried hill to the Neocene System. Hexiwu Structure saw development of five types of structural, stratigraphic, lithological, compound and buried hill oil and gas reservoirs. The result of hydrocarbon accumulation model shows that oil and gas accumulations in Hexiwu Structure are mainly controlled by hydrocarbon sourcing faults, unfolding of Paleogene sand body and development degree of fractural reservoirs. The comprehensive study indicates that the future exploration orientation is the western part of Hexiwu area and buried hill. Key words: Hexiwu Structure, hydrocarbon accumulations, main controlling factors, exploration orientation Study of Seismic Acquisition Method for Fengheying Buried Hill of Langgu Depression/Zhang Yiming 1, Bai Xuming 2, Qiu Yi 1, Yuan Shenghui 2, Chang Jianhua 1, Tang Chuanzhang 2, Qu Yang 3, Wang Zexuan 4 //1 Exploration Department of PetroChina Huabei Oilfield Company, Renqiu City, Hebei Province, 062552; 2 North China Geophysical Exploration Division ofpetrochina Oriental Geophysical Company, Renqiu City, Hebei Province, 062552; 3 Downhole Operational Company of PetroChina Bohai Drilling Company, Renqiu City, Hebei Province, 062552; 4 Geoscience Institute of Petroleum University (Beijing), Renqiu City, Hebei Province, 062552 Abstract: Exploration degree is high in Jizhong Depression. Currently, most of the structural targets in the middle and shallow layers have been located and brought under progressive development in the medium and later stages. The oil and gas reserves and production are inevitably on the decline, making exploration of the structures in the middle and shallow layers more and more difficult and affecting a healthy development of the company. Comparably speaking, exploration degree is relatively low in deep buried hill and its inner curtain, where there is a great potential for exploration. They are the main exploration fields at the present time. However, most of the current seismic data about this field have the problems of low signal-noise ratio, poor imaging and inaccuracy. Therefore, the study is focused on the target zone of Fengheying buried hill and the seismic geological conditions in the target zone. Good results have been achieved in study of the seismic acquisition method, such as times of fold, receiving line interval, channel density and geometry of uniformity. With the quality of seismic data remarkably improved, a set of seismic acquisition method has been summarized to facilitate exploration of deep buried hill and its inner curtain in Jizhong Depression so as to provide favorable basis for seismic data acquisition in the similar areas.