Lines of inquiry: p Different forms of play Communicating through play T Imaginative use of materials During this unit we will focus on the following

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Pre-Nursery Unit Newsletter!!!! 2 Learn Through Play Week 14-24 P 14 th November, 2016-27 th January, 2017 dd Unit 2 Central Idea: Through Play we express our feelings and ideas and come to new understandings. p Tm During this unit the children will be inquiring into different types of play and how play helps us learn. Children will explore ways of expressing new knowledge and develop their imagination by using resources in different ways. This unit will develop depth of play inside the classrooms and build on existing friendships through meaningful engagement. m Tm T

Lines of inquiry: p Different forms of play Communicating through play T Imaginative use of materials During this unit we will focus on the following concepts and skills: ml p Concepts: Form Function Connection Attitudes: Creativity Cooperation Learning Content English Language: Lower case s-z p Writing:- Begin to develop a pincer movement. - Begin to show a preference for one hand. o Mathematics: - Measurement - Recognise big and small objects in meaningful contexts. TH Longer, shorter, big, small etc. p

Mathematics:- Number recognition and counting revision.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Colour and shape revision g - Use blocks to create simple structures and arrangements. Science: - Explore different textures and vocabulary: Soft, hard, prickly etc. a Gross Motor : - Seek to do things independently, knowing that an adult is close by, ready to support and help if needed. c m - Bounce and catch a ball in pairs. - Balance bean bag, play musical chairs, running race and obstacle course. ea ba Fine Motor : - Squeezing sponges, tearing paper, zip & unzip zipper, buttoning, pour water into a cup. Arts%: - Engage with others and enjoy a variety of visual arts.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!h.0% - Dance, music, drama, visual arts. e.0% PSPE: - Children learn that they have similarities and differences that connect them and distinguish them from others.

Suggestions for Parents Unit related activities you may do with your child: Messy Sensory Play!!! Messy play is important for young children, giving them endless ways to develop and learn. It improves their gross and fine motor skills, co-ordination and concentration. Two examples to try:- 1. Empty bottles and water: It is wonderful to see the creativity, imagination and fun happen in bath tub. 2. Cornstarch Goo: Cornstarch, water and a bowl! Make Playdough Play dough is fun for investigation and exploration as well as secretly building up strength in all the tiny hand muscles and making them ready for pencil and scissor control later on. You can add other elements to the dough such as objects from nature, buttons, pasta, or anything you can find from home to make creative play possibilities continues to grow. The website below can show you how to make your own play dough with your child as well! Explore a variety of toys with your child. Play games,sing songs or finger rhymes with your child without toys. For example: 1,2,3,4,5 once I caught a fish alive, chasing games, Hide and seek etc. so that your child experience different ways of playing. When playing with your child talk about what you are doing so that you share experiences together. When your child learns something new, be sure to praise them, explain what Happened and what they achieved.

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各位家長 : 學前班第二單元探究 從遊戲中學習, 遊戲活動是幼兒自主自願學習知識的一種學習方式, 在學校老師和幼兒一起玩集體 小組 個人遊戲, 通過玩遊戲和幼兒一起探討 制定 每一項遊戲的共同協定和玩法, 鼓勵和引導幼兒主動去尋找不同的遊戲夥伴, 老師會把集體遊戲活動拍成影片, 和幼兒一起觀看, 一起分析 反思, 怎樣更好地完善我們設計的遊戲, 引導幼兒把學到的知識和技能運用到日常學習生活中 學前預備班普通話 : 吳老師 (Ms.Lily) 二零一六年十一月 詞語 : cí yǔ 手 shǒu 貓 māo 白兔 bái tù 毛毛蟲 máo mao chóng 蝴蝶 hú diér 老虎 lǎo hǔ 皮球 pí qiú 手絹 shǒu juànr

兒歌 : ér gē 丟手絹 diū shǒu juàn 丟手絹, 丟手絹, diū shǒu juàn, diū shǒu juàn, 輕輕地放在小朋友的後邊, qīng qīng de fàng zài xiǎo péng yǒu de hòu biān, 大家不要告訴他, 快點快點捉住他, kuài diǎn kuài diǎn zhuō zhù tā, 快點快點捉住他 kuài diǎn kuài diǎn zhuō zhù tā 皮球真好玩 pí qiú zhēn hǎo wánr 我拍拍球, wǒ pāi pāi qiú, 皮球真好玩, pí qiú zhēn hǎo wánr, 拍拍拍拍, dà jiā bú yào gào sù tā, pāi pāi pāi pāi, 皮球真好玩 pí qiú zhēn hǎo wánr 手指變變變 shǒu zhǐ biàn biàn biàn 一個手指頭, 一個手指頭, 變成毛毛蟲 yī gè shǒuzhǐ tou, yī gè shǒu zhǐ tou, biàn chéng máo mao chóng 兩個手指頭, 兩個手指頭, 變成小白兔 liǎng gè shǒu zhǐ tou,liǎng gè shǒu zhǐ tóu, biàn chéng xiǎo bái tù 三個手指頭, 三個手指頭, 變成小花貓 sān gè shǒu zhǐ tou, sān gè shǒu zhǐ tou, biàn chéng xiǎo huā māo 四個手指頭, 四個手指頭, 變成花蝴蝶 sì gè shǒu zhǐ tou, sì gè shǒu zhǐ tou, biàn chéng huā hú diér 五個手指頭, 五個手指頭, 變成大老虎 wǔ gè shǒu zhǐ tou, wǔ gè shǒu zhǐ tou, biàn chéng dà lǎo hǔ

Lorem Ipsum Dolor 29 September, 2016 MUSIC TIME Pre-Nursery Dear parents, In this unit, we will be learning about how to play instruments properly through music and movement activities. Children will use various instruments such as floor tom-tom, shakers, egg shakers and tambourines, to create their own music for stories such as We re Going on A Bear Hunt and Carnival of the Animals. Carnival of the Animals is a musical suite of 14 short movements. It was composed by Saint Saëns and depicts a variety of animals. They will sit in the below layout with drums placed around in a circle during these activities as it enables the children to interact with each other and explore different dynamic levels through observation of one another. Children will be encouraged to explore their vocal range to create animals sounds and/or even imitate instruments. They will also be given the opportunity to listen to a variety of musical genres during relaxation time and will include music from the Jazz genre and the Classical genre. Lorem Ipsum Dolor 1