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HEALTH ASSESSMENT For Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors Note: The information contained herein is exclusively prepared for the above company for reference only

HEALTH ASSESSMENT MediFast Inc. was founded in Toronto in 1991 to provide quality mobile paramedical services to insurance companies. After initial recognition of our quality services by the insurance industry, a Vancouver branch office was set up in 1994. Our quality services were endorsed by numerous insurance companies in Canada. 19911994 ()1995 100 2002 X XX MediFast (Hong Kong) Ltd. was established in 1995, as the pioneer in bringing the mobile paramedical concept to Asia. At present, MediFast is the largest pre-insurance check-up organization in Asia and we are currently serving over a hundred insurance companies and international corporations in both North America and Asia. We are now operating in four countries with offices in Canada, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia and China. In the coming future, we are looking forward to serving more people around the world. We are determined to continue the excellent services we have been known for, wherever we go. In addition to the pre-insurance check-up services, MediFast rapidly expanded its service scope to wellness check-up for the general public in Hong Kong, with medical centres located in Mongkok and Causeway Bay. Further enhancing our quality services, we established the MediFast Digital Imaging Diagnostic Centre in 2002, to provide one-stop health check service. Our full service facilities include digital X-ray screening, mammography, treadmill stress test, ultrasound screening and bone densitometry. A VIP Lounge was also set up to provide privileged service to our clients.

HEALTH ASSESSMENT 1316,000 10 Located on 13/F of Wai Fung Plaza in Mongkok & 1/F of Bonaventure House in Causeway Bay with more than 6,000 sq. ft. floor space each, with spacious and comfortable environment for medical check-ups Spacious reception and waiting area provides a quiet and comfortable environment Female doctors are available to serve female clients for check-ups With 10 general check-up and gynaecological examination rooms, all clients are served in a professional and efficient manner Offers one-stop service, enabling all services to be done in the same place and at the same time Primer service Patient-free environment, all equipment is used exclusively for wellness clients, eliminating the risk of cross-infection A team of qualified medical professionals including doctors, cardiologist, radiologist, chiropractor, radiographers, nutritionist and registered nurses. Digital Imaging Diagnostic Centre is equipped with state-of-the-art medical equipments to offer comprehensive check-up services The lobby is equipped with Plasma TV and advanced AV equipment, available for organizing largescale health seminars

HEALTH ASSESSMENT Selected Plans Original Price Special Price Other Plans Original Price Special Price MediFast Standard Health Check-Up Plan (MG001) MediFast Selective Health Check-Up Plan (MG002) MediFast Premier Health Check-Up Plan (MG038) HK$2,170 HK$2,210 HK$3,490 HK$920 HK$940 HK$1,600 5 MediFast Pre-marital Councelling Service (5 sessions) Home Sleep Apnea Testing Service HK$4,980 HK$3,600 HK$3,900 HK$2,800 MediFast Comprehensive Heart Disease Screening Plan (MG044) MediFast Female Elite Health Check-Up Plan (MF010) HK$7,050 HK$3,740 HK$3,690 HK$1,880 HPV (41/ 21)() HPV Vaccine (4 in 1/ 2 in 1)(3 doses) Original Price HK$3,900 Special Price HK$2,880 MediFast Female Supreme Health Check-Up Plan (MF011) HK$7,490 HK$3,590 () () Herpes Zoster Vaccine (1 dose) HK$1,650 HK$1,380 MediFast Female Prestige Health Check-Up Plan (MF012) MediFast Female Royal Health Check-Up Plan (MF013) MediFast Gynaecological Health Check-Up Plan (MF016) HK$12,480 HK$18,800 HK$880 HK$5,680 HK$8,530 HK$440 () () Denosumab (RANKL Inhibitor) Anti-osteoporotic Injectable Treatment (1 dose) HK$3,900 HK$3,500 MediFast Male Elite Health Check-Up Plan (MM001) MediFast Male Supreme Health Check-Up Plan (MM005) MediFast Male Prestige Health Check-Up Plan (MM006) MediFast Male Royal Health Check-Up Plan (MM007) HK$4,050 HK$7,560 HK$11,920 HK$17,980 HK$1,880 HK$3,590 HK$5,680 HK$8,530 Terms & Conditions: 1. 1/8/201530/7/2016 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

MediFast Standard Health Check-Up Plan (MG001) A) Basic Items E) Blood Tests - Health Questionnaire - Blood Pressure & Pulse - Body Weight & Height - Body Mass Index B) Urine Test - Urinalysis Blood count, Anemia - Complete Blood Count (WBCRBC HaemoglobinPCV/HCTMCV MCHMCHC Differential CountPlatelet) Blood Group - Rh Grouping, ABO + Rh-D Liver Function - SGPT - GGT Renal Function - Creatinine C) Heart Test - Resting ECG D)XX-Ray Test - XChest X-ray Blood Lipids - Total Cholesterol - HDL Cholesterol - ()LDL Cholesterol (In-direct) - Triglycerides Diabetes -, Glucose, Fasting Hepatitis B - Hepatitis Bs Antigen (HBsAg) - Hepatitis Bs Antibody (Anti-HBs) Report Explanation by Doctor via Phone Original Price: HK$2,170 HK$920

MediFast Selective Health Check-Up Plan (MG002) A) Basic Items E) Blood Tests - Health Questionnaire - Blood Pressure & Pulse - Body Weight & Height - Body Mass Index B) Urine Test - Urinalysis C) Heart Test - Resting ECG Blood count, Anemia - Complete Blood Count (WBCRBC HaemoglobinPCV/HCTMCV MCHMCHC Differential CountPlatelet) Blood Lipids - Total Cholesterol - HDL Cholesterol - ()LDL Cholesterol (In-direct) - Triglycerides Thyroid Function - Thyroxine (T-4) Gout - Uric Acid Rheumatoid Arthritis - Rheumatoid Factor (R. A. Factor) Bone - Calcium, Total D)XX-Ray Test - XChest X-ray Diabetes -, Glucose, Fasting Liver Function - SGPT/ALT - SGOT/AST - GGT Report Explanation by Doctor via Phone Renal Function - Creatinine - Urea Original Price: HK$2,210 HK$940

MediFast Premier Health Check-Up Plan (MG038) A) Basic Items E) Blood Tests - Health Questionnaire - Blood Pressure & Pulse - Body Weight & Height - Body Mass Index B) Urine Test - Urinalysis C) Heart Test - Resting ECG D)XX-Ray Test - XChest X-ray Blood count, Anemia - Complete Blood Count (WBCRBC HaemoglobinPCV/HCTMCV MCHMCHC Differential CountPlatelet) Blood Group - Rh Grouping, ABO + Rh-D Blood Lipids - Total Cholesterol - HDL Cholesterol - ()(Direct) - Triglycerides Diabetes -, Glucose, Fasting Hepatitis B - Hepatitis Bs Antigen (HBsAg) - Hepatitis Bs Antibody (Anti-HBs) Renal Function - Creatinine - Urea Thyroid Function - Thyroxine (T-4) Gout - Uric Acid Rheumatoid Arthritis - Rheumatoid Factor (R. A. Factor) - ()Carcinoembryonic Antigen (CEA)(Colon) - () Alpha-feto Protein, AFP (Liver) Report Explanation by Doctor via Phone Liver Function - SGPT/ALT SGOT/AST - GGT Original Price: HK$3,490 HK$1,600

MediFast Comprehensive Heart Disease Screening Plan (MG044) A) Basic Items - Physical Examination by Doctor (Vision, Hearing, Heart, Lung & Abdomen) - Health Questionnaire - Blood Pressure & Pulse - Body Weight & Height - Body Mass Index B) Urine Test - Urinalysis C) Heart Test - Treadmill/Exercise ECG D)XX-Ray Test - XChest X-ray F) Blood Tests Blood Lipids, Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factor - Total Cholesterol - HDL Cholesterol - () LDL Cholesterol (Direct) - Cholesterol, VLDL - Triglycerides - Creatine Phosphokinase MB (CPK-MB) - Creatine Phosphokinase (CPK) - () C-Reactive Protein (High Sensitivity) - Homocysteine - A1 Apolipoprotein A1 - B Apolipoprotein B - LDH Lactate Dehydrogenase (LDH) A Lipoprotein A Diabetes Glucose, Fasting E) Cardiovascular Risk Assessment - Carotid Artery Intima Media Thickness (IMT) Report Explanation by Doctor via Phone Original Price: HK$7,050 HK$3,690

MediFast Female Elite Health Check-Up Plan (MF010) A) Basic Items - Health Questionnaire - Blood Pressure & Pulse - Body Weight & Height - Body Mass Index B) Urine Test - Urinalysis C) Heart Test - Resting ECG D)XX-Ray Test - XChest X-ray E) Gynaecological Check-up - Physical Breast & Pelvis exam by Female doctor - ThinPrep Report Explanation by Doctor via Phone F) Blood Tests Blood count, Anemia - Complete Blood Count (WBCRBC HaemoglobinPCV/HCTMCV MCHMCHC Differential CountPlatelet) Blood Lipids - Total Cholesterol - HDL Cholesterol - () (Direct) - Triglycerides Diabetes -, Glucose, Fasting Liver Function - SGPT/ALT - SGOT/AST - GGT - Alkaline Phosphatase Renal Function - Creatinine - Urea Original Price: HK$3,740 Thyroid Function - Thyroxine (T-4) Gout - Uric Acid Bone - Calcium, Total Cancer Marker - 125 () Carbohydrate Antigen 125 - (CA 125) (Ovary) - 15.3 () Carbohydrate Antigen 15.3 - (CA 15.3) (Breast) HK$1,880

MediFast Female Supreme Health Check-Up Plan (MF011) A) Basic Items - Physical Examination by Doctor (Vision, Hearing, Heart, Lung & Abdomen) - Health Questionnaire - Blood Pressure & Pulse - Body Weight & Height - Body Mass Index B) Urine Test - Urinalysis C) Heart Test - Resting ECG D)XX-Ray Test - XChest X-ray E) Gynaecological Check-up - Physical Breast & Pelvis exam by Female doctor - ThinPrep Report face to face Explanation by Doctor F) Ultrasound - Ultrasound Pelvis (Uterus, Ovary, Bladder) - Ultrasound Breast G) Osteoporosis X() DEXA Bone Densitometry (Spine & Hip) H) Blood Tests Blood count, Anemia - Complete Blood Count (WBCRBC HaemoglobinPCV/HCT MCVMCH MCHC Differential CountPlatelet) Blood Group - Rh Grouping, ABO + Rh-D Blo od Lipids - Total Cholesterol - HDL Cholesterol - ()(Direct) - Triglycerides Diabetes -, Glucose, Fasting Hepatitis B - Hepatitis Bs Antigen (HBsAg) - Hepatitis Bs Antibody (Anti-HBs) Liver Function - SGPT/ALT - Bilirubin,Total - SGOT/AST - Alkaline Phosphatase - Globulin - GGT - Albumin - A/G Ratio - Protein, Total Renal Function - Creatinine - Urea Thyroid Function - Thyroxine (T-4) Gout - Uric Acid Rheumatoid Arthritis - Rheumatoid Factor (R. A. Factor) Cancer Marker - () Alpha-feto Protein, AFP (Liver) - () Carcinoembryonic Antigen (CEA) Original Price: HK$7,490 HK$3,590

MediFast Female Prestige Health Check-Up Plan (MF012) A) Basic Items - Physical Examination by Doctor (Vision, Hearing, Heart, Lung & Abdomen) - Health Questionnaire - Blood Pressure & Pulse - Body Weight & Height - Body Mass Index B) Urine Test - Urinalysis C) Stool Test - Occult Blood D) Heart Test - Treadmill/Exercise ECG E) XX-Ray Test - XChest X-ray Report face to face Explanation by Doctor F) Ultrasound - Ultrasound Pelvis (Uterus, Ovary, Bladder) - Ultrasound Whole Upper Abdomen (LiverHepatobiliary Duct Gall BladderHepatic Portal Vein Common Bile DuctSpleenKidneys) G) Blood Tests Blood count, Anemia - Complete Blood Count (WBCRBC HaemoglobinPCV/HCT MCVMCH MCHC Differential CountPlatelet) Blood Group - Rh Grouping, ABO + Rh-D Blood Lipids - Total Cholesterol - VLDL Cholesterol - HDL Cholesterol - Triglyceride - () LDL Cholesterol (Direct) Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factor - () C-Reactive Protein (Quantitative) - Homocysteine Diabetes -, Glucose, Fasting Hepatitis B - Hepatitis Bs Antigen (HBsAg) - Hepatitis Bs Antibody (Anti-HBs) Liver Function - SGPT/ALT - Alk Phosphatase - SGOT/AST - Protein, Total - GG.T. - Albumin - Bilirubin, Total - Globulin - Bilirubin, Direct - A/G Ratio Renal Function - Creatinine - Sodium - Urea - Chloride Thyroid Function - Thyroxine (T-4) - Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) Gout - Uric Acid Rheumatoid Arthritis - Rheumatoid Factor (R. A. Factor) Venereal Disease - HIV I & II antibody (AIDS) Cancer Marker - () Epstein Barr Virus Antibody NPC (EBV) - () Alpha-feto Protein, AFP (Liver) - () Carcinoembryonic Antigen (CEA) - 19.9() Carbohydrate Antigen 19.9 (CA 19.9) (Pancreas) - 72.4() Carbohydrate Antigen 72.4 (CA 72.4) (Stomach & Colorectal) - 125() Carbohydrate Antigen 125 (CA 125) (Ovary) - 15.3() Carbohydrate Antigen 15.3 (CA 15.3) (Breast) Original Price: HK$12,480 HK$5,680

MediFast Female Royal Health Check-Up Plan (MF013) A) Basic Items - Physical Examination by Doctor (Vision, Hearing, Heart, Lung & Abdomen) - Health Questionnaire - Blood Pressure & Pulse - Body Weight & Height - Body Mass Index B) Urine Test - Urinalysis C) Stool Test - Occult Blood D) Heart Test - Treadmill/Exercise ECG E) XX-Ray Test - XChest X-ray - XMammogram F) Gynaecological Check-up - Physical Breast & Pelvis exam by Female doctor - ThinPrep - Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) DNA by PCR (ThinPrep) Report face to face Explanation by Doctor G) Cardiovascular Risk Assessment - Carotid Artery Intima Media Thickness (IMT) H) Lung Function Test - Pulmonary Function Test - I) Ultrasound - Ultrasound Pelvis (Uterus, Ovary, Bladder) - Ultrasound Breast - Ultrasound Whole Upper Abdomen (LiverHepatobiliary Duct Gall BladderHepatic Portal Vein Common Bile DuctSpleen Kidneys) J) Osteoporosis - X() DEXA Bone Densitometry (Spine & Hip) K) Blood Tests Blood count, Anemia - Complete Blood Count (WBCRBC HaemoglobinPCV/HCT MCVMCH MCHC Differential CountPlatelet) Blood Group - Rh Grouping, ABO + Rh-D Blood Lipids - Total Cholesterol - () LDL Cholesterol (Direct) - HDL Cholesterol - Triglycerides Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factor - () C-Reactive Protein (Quantitative) - Homocysteine Diabetes -, Glucose, Fasting - Haemoglobin A1c Hepatitis A&B - Hepatitis A Virus Antibody, IgG (Anti-HAV, IgG) - Hepatitis Bs Antigen (HBsAg) - Hepatitis Bs Antibody (Anti-HBs) Liver Function - SGPT/ALT - Alk Phosphatase - SGOT/AST - Protein, Total - GG.T. - Albumin - Bilirubin, Total - Globulin - Bilirubin, Direct - A/G Ratio Renal Function - Creatinine - Urea - Sodium - Chloride Thyroid Function - Thyroxine (T-4) - Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) Gout - Uric Acid Rheumatoid Arthritis - Rheumatoid Factor (R. A. Factor) Venereal Disease - HIV I & II antibody (AIDS) Cancer Marker - () Epstein Barr Virus Antibody NPC (EBV) - () Alpha-feto Protein, AFP (Liver) - ()Carcinoembryonic Antigen (CEA) - 19.9 () Carbohydrate Antigen 19.9 (CA 19.9) (Pancreas) - 72.4 () Carbohydrate Antigen 72.4 (CA 72.4) (Stomach & Colorectal) - 125 () Carbohydrate Antigen 125 (CA 125) (Ovary) - 15.3 () Carbohydrate Antigen 15.3 (CA 15.3) (Breast) Original Price: HK$18,800 HK$8,530

MediFast Gynaecological Health Check-Up Plan (MF016) A) Basic Items - Blood Pressure & Pulse - Body Weight & Height - Body Mass Index C) Gynaecological Check-up - Physical Breast & Pelvis exam by Female doctor - ThinPrep B) Urine Test - Urine dipstick test Report Explanation by Doctor via Phone Original Price: HK$880 HK$440

MediFast Male Elite Health Check-Up Plan (MM001) A) Basic Items - Health Questionnaire - Blood Pressure & Pulse - Body Weight & Height - Body Mass Index B) Urine Test - Urinalysis C) Heart Test - Resting ECG D)XX-Ray Test - XChest X-ray E) Blood Tests Blood count, Anemia - Complete Blood Count (WBCRBC HaemoglobinPCV/HCTMCV MCHMCHC Differential CountPlatelet) Blood Lipids - Total Cholesterol - HDL Cholesterol - ()(Direct) - Triglycerides Hepatitis B - Renal Function - Creatinine - Urea Thyroid Function - Thyroxine (T-4) Gout - Uric Acid Cancer Marker - () Alpha-feto Protein, AFP (Liver) - ()Carcinoembryonic Antigen (CEA) - Prostatic Specific Antigen, Total (PSA Total) Diabetes -, Glucose, Fasting Report Explanation by Doctor via Phone Liver Function - SGPT/ALT - Alk Phosphatase - SGOT/AST - GG.T. - Bilirubin, Total - Bilirubin, Direct Original Price: HK$4,050 HK$1,880

MediFast Male Supreme Health Check-Up Plan (MM005) A) Basic Items - Physical Examination by Doctor (Vision, Hearing, Heart, Lung & Abdomen) - Health Questionnaire - Blood Pressure & Pulse - Body Weight & Height - Body Mass Index B) Urine Test - Urinalysis C) Heart Test - Resting ECG D)XX-Ray Test - XChest X-ray E) Ultrasound - Ultrasound Prostate Report face to face Explanation by Doctor F) Osteoporosis X() DEXA Bone Densitometry (Spine & Hip) G) Lung Function Test Pulmonary Function Test H) Blood Tests Blood count, Anemia - Complete Blood Count (WBC RBCHaemoglobin PCV/HCTMCV MCH MCHC Differential CountPlatelet) Blood Group - Rh Grouping, ABO + Rh-D Blood Lipids - Total Cholesterol - HDL Cholesterol - () LDL Cholesterol (Direct) - Triglycerides Diabetes -, Glucose, Fasting Hepatitis B - Hepatitis Bs Antigen (HBsAg) - Hepatitis Bs Antibody (Anti-HBs) Liver Function - SGPT/ALT - Alk Phosphatase - SGOT/AST - Protein, Total - GG.T. - Albumin - Bilirubin, Total - Globulin - Bilirubin, Direct - A/G Ratio Renal Function - Creatinine - Sodium - Urea - Chloride Thyroid Function - Thyroxine (T-4) Gout - Uric Acid Rheumatoid Arthritis - Rheumatoid Factor (R. A. Factor) Cancer Marker - () Epstein Barr Virus Antibody NPC (EBV) - () Alpha-feto Protein, AFP (Liver) - () Carcinoembryonic Antigen (CEA) - Prostatic Specific Antigen, Total (PSA Total) Original Price: HK$7,560 HK$3,590

MediFast Male Prestige Health Check-Up Plan (MM006) A) Basic Items - Physical Examination by Doctor (Vision, Hearing, Heart, Lung & Abdomen) - Health Questionnaire - Blood Pressure & Pulse - Body Weight & Height - Body Mass Index B) Urine Test - Urinalysis C) Stool Test - Occult Blood D) Heart Test - Treadmill/Exercise ECG E) XX-Ray Test - XChest X-ray F) Ultrasound - Ultrasound Whole Upper Abdomen (Liver, Hepatobiliary Duct, Gall Bladder,Hepatic Portal Vein, Common Bile Duct, Spleen, Kidneys) Report face to face Explanation by Doctor G) Osteoporosis - X() DEXA Bone Densitometry (Spine & Hip) H) Lung Function Test - Pulmonary Function Test I) Blood Tests Blood count, Anemia - Complete Blood Count (WBCRBC HaemoglobinPCV/HCT MCVMCH MCHC Differential CountPlatelet) Blood Lipids - Total Cholesterol - HDL Cholesterol - Triglyceride - () LDL Cholesterol (Direct) Diabetes -, Glucose, Fasting Hepatitis B - Hepatitis Bs Antigen (HBsAg) - Hepatitis Bs Antibody (Anti-HBs) Liver Function - SGPT/ALT - Alk Phosphatase - SGOT/AST - Protein, Total - GG.T. - Albumin - Bilirubin, Total - Globulin - Bilirubin, Direct - A/G Ratio Renal Functio - Creatinine - Sodium - Urea - Chloride Thyroid Function - Thyroxine (T-4) Gout - Uric Acid Rheumatoid Arthritis - Rheumatoid Factor (R. A. Factor) Bone - Calcium, Total Cancer Marker - () Epstein Barr Virus Antibody NPC (EBV) - () Alpha-feto Protein, AFP (Liver) - ()Carcinoembryonic Antigen (CEA) - 19.9 () Carbohydrate Antigen 19.9 (CA 19.9) (Pancreas) - 72.4 () Carbohydrate Antigen 72.4 (CA 72.4) (Stomach & Colorectal) - Prostatic Specific Antigen, Total (PSA Total) Original Price: HK$11,920 HK$5,680

MediFast Male Royal Health Check-Up Plan (MM007) A) Basic Items - Physical Examination by Doctor (Vision, Hearing, Heart, Lung & Abdomen) - Health Questionnaire - Blood Pressure & Pulse - Body Weight & Height - Body Mass Index B) Urine Test Report face to face Explanation by Doctor H) Ultrasound Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factor - Ultrasound Whole Upper Abdomen - (LiverHepatobiliary Duct Creatine Phosphokinase MB (CPK-MB) Gall BladderHepatic Portal Vein - () Common Bile DuctSpleen Kidneys) C-Reactive Protein (Quantitative) - Ultrasound Prostate - Homocysteine I) Osteoporosis - X() DEXA Bone Densitometry (Spine & Hip) - Urinalysis C) Stool Test - Occult Blood Stool Routine D) Heart Test - Treadmill/Exercise ECG J) Lung Function Test - Pulmonary Function Test K) Blood Tests Blood count, Anemia - Complete Blood Count (WBCRBC HaemoglobinPCV/HCT E) XX-Ray Test MCVMCH - XChest X-ray MCHC Differential CountPlatelet) F) Cardiovascular Risk Assessment - Carotid Artery Intima Media Thickness (IMT) G) Helicobacter Pylori Breath Test Blood Group - Rh Grouping, ABO + Rh-D Blood Lipids - Total Cholesterol - () LDL Cholesterol (Direct) - HDL Cholesterol Diabetes -, Glucose, Fasting - Haemoglobin A1c Hepatitis A&B - Hepatitis A Virus Antibody, IgG (Anti-HAV, IgG) - Hepatitis Bs Antigen (HBsAg) - Hepatitis Bs Antibody (Anti-HBs) Liver Function - SGPT/ALT - Alk Phosphatase - SGOT/AST - Protein, Total - GG.T. - Albumin - Bilirubin, Total - Globulin - Bilirubin, Direct - A/G Ratio - Triglycerides Original Price: HK$17,980 Renal Function - Creatinine - Urea - Sodium - Chloride Thyroid Function - Thyroxine (T-4) - Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) Gout - Uric Acid Rheumatoid Arthritis - Rheumatoid Factor (R. A. Factor) Bone - Calcium, Total - D Vitamin D Venereal Disease - HIV I & II antibody (AIDS) Cancer Marker - () Epstein Barr Virus Antibody NPC (EBV) - () Alpha-feto Protein, AFP (Liver) - ()Carcinoembryonic Antigen (CEA) - 19.9 () Carbohydrate Antigen 19.9 (CA 19.9) (Pancreas) - 72.4 () Carbohydrate Antigen 72.4 (CA 72.4) (Stomach & Colorectal) - PSA Total (Prostate) - PSA Free (Prostate) HK$8,530

HEALTH ASSESSMENT Other Recommended Optional Items (,) (Whenever customer joins any of the above check-up plans, they can enjoy special offer for the recommended optional items below) Other Recommended Optional Items Treadmill/Exercise ECG XMammogram DEXA Bone Densitometry (Spine & Hip) Ultrasound Upper Abdomen (Liver, Hepatobiliary Duct, Gall Bladder,Hepatic Portal Vein, Common Bile Duct, Spleen) Ultrasound Pelvis (Uterus, Ovary, Bladder) Ultrasound Breast Ultrasound Prostate Carotid Artery Intima Media Thickness (IMT) Original Price HK$2,200 HK$1,200 HK$1,000 HK$980 HK$980 HK$980 HK$980 HK$1,000 Special Price HK$1,650 HK$900 HK$600 HK$735 HK$735 HK$735 HK$735 HK$800

HEALTH ASSESSMENT Appointment 2272 8222 Advance appointment is required. Please call our hotline at 2272 8222 for advance booking. Please quote the company name, patient name, and preferred check up date and time during the appointment booking : On the date of examination, please attend one of the following MediFast health check centres specified during reservation: 66413 13/F., Wai Fung Plaza, 664 Nathan Road, Mongkok, Kln or 1/F., Bonaventure House, 91 Leighton Road, Causeway Bay, HK Note Please avoid alcoholic drinks and maintain normal diet for three days before the examination. 8() If your check up program including items like blood glucose, cholesterol, triglycerides, and abdominal ultrasound, 8 hours fasting prior to the examination is required. If you are currently using any medication(s) for chronic diseases like diabetes, hypertension, heart disease and asthma, please bring along with your medicine on the date of examination. 5 For women, if you are menstruating on the day of the assessment, please reschedule your appointment as it might affect your test results. All examinations should be performed upon 5 days after completion of menstrual cycle. X Woman who is pregnant or suspected to be pregnant is not suitable for any imaging involved X-ray. You should dress comfortably for the examination. If you have scheduled for a Treadmill exercise ECG, please bring along or wear a pair of running shoes, a T-shirt & short for the test. For any other optional test intend to schedule in your examination, please check if any special preparation is required at the time when the appointment is made. () For there is any optional test you intend to schedule in the examination, please inform our hotline at the same time when you make the appointment. You can settle the payment by cash or credit card on the date of examination. Check Up Report 7 Our doctor will explain the check-up results over the phone within 7 working days. 10 The check up report will normally be ready within 10 working days after phone reporting. The examinee can collect the report at the centre or send it to the examinee s correspondence. Report content and recommendations are for reference only. All information will be kept strictly Confidential. (HK$ 150) If you require a follow-up doctor consultation, please make appointment with our nurse (Fee: HK$150)

HEALTH ASSESSMENT MediFast Health Check Centre Causeway Bay Mongkok 911 1/F, Bonaventure House, 91 Leighton Road 66413 13/F, Wai Fung Plaza, 664 Nathan Road Enquiry Hotline 2272 8222 Online Booking Mon-Fri 9:00am - 1:00pm, 2:00pm - 6:00pm Sat 9:00am - 1:00pm, 2:00pm - 5:00pm A Times Square MATHESON STREET SHARP ST. Leighton Centre LEIGHTON ROAD Causeway Bay PERCIVAL STREET Lee Theatre Plaza Hysan Place LEE GARDEN ROAD PCCW PAK SHA RD. LAN FONG RD. The Lee Gardens ( F Fortune Centre Manulife Plaza YUN PING ROAD ( BONAVENTURE HOUSE Fovever 21 LEIGHTON ROAD HYSAN AVE HOI PING RD Caroline Centre Sunning Plaza SUN WUI ROAD Lee Gdn Tw AIA Plaza 1/F, Bonaventure House, 91 Leighton Road N N HSBC Building Mongkok Grand Tower Hang Seng New Town Mall Mong Kok Mongkok Building E1 Mongkok C1 NATHAN ROAD D1 Argyle Centre Bank Centre WAI FUNG PLAZA SAI YEUNG CHOI ST. SOUTH ARGYLE ST. D3 Mongkok City Centre TUNG CHOI ST. Mongkok Comm Podium NELSON ST. 13/F, Wai Fung Plaza, 664 Nathan Road

5 MediFast Pre-marital Councelling Service (5 Sessions) HPV (41/ 21) (3) HPV Vaccine (4 in 1/ 2 in 1) (3 doses) Original Price:HK$4,500 HK$3,900 Original Price:HK$3,900 HK$2,880 Home Sleep Apnea Testing Service 1 Herpes Zoster Vaccine (1 dose) Original Price:HK$3,600 HK$2,800 Original Price:HK$1,650 HK$1,380 1 Denosumab (RANKL Inhibitor) Anti-osteoporotic Injectable Treatment (1 dose) Original Price:HK$3,900 HK$3,500