128 緒 言 ph Dunière et l., 2013 Kung, 2001 Ltoillus plntrum Ltouillus uhneri Kung, 2003 Ltoillus formosensis S215 T MRS de Mn Rogos, nd Shrpe ph 3.76 C

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45(2) 127~141, 2016 127 添加 Ltoillus formosensis S215 T 對青割玉米與尼羅草青貯料發酵品質之影響 (1) (2) (1) (1)(3) 摘要 Ltoillus formosensis S215 T Ze mys L. Aroers mrum Stpf. 32 C L. formosensis S215 10 6 10 7 10 8 CFU/g LF6 LF7 LF8 L. uhneri 10 8 CFU/g LB8 L. formosensis S215 ph 10 6 CFU/g L. formosensis S215 L. formosensis S215 T Ltoillus formosensis S215 T (1) 402 250 (2) 712 112 (3) E-mil: yu@drgon.nhu.edu.tw

128 緒 言 ph Dunière et l., 2013 Kung, 2001 Ltoillus plntrum Ltouillus uhneri Kung, 2003 Ltoillus formosensis S215 T MRS de Mn Rogos, nd Shrpe ph 3.76 Chng et l., 2015 一 試驗設計 材料與方法 ( 一 ) 牧草材料 104 2 Ze mys L. 0.5-2 Aroers mrum Stpf. 1-4 28.8 23.5% ( 二 ) 乳酸菌菌株 Ltoillus formosensis S215 T BCRC 80582 T LF Ltoillus uhneri NCIMB 40788 Lsil Fresh, Lllemnd Animl Nutrition, Frne LB ( 三 ) 試驗處理組與青貯製作方法 C L. formosensis S215 10 6 10 7 10 8 CFU/g L. uhneri 10 8 CFU/g LF6 LF7 LF8 LB8 ) 2 kg 20 ml 4 L 0 1 2 4 8 16 32 n = 4) 二 樣品採集與分析方法 ( 一 ) 青貯料 ph 值 10 g 100 ml 10 ph meter

Ltoillus formosensis S215 T 129 ( 二 ) 菌相分析 5 g 45 ml PBS MRS Agr BD Difo Coliform Agr Merk Reinfored Clostridil Medium Merk Yest mold gr BD DifoTM olony forming unit, CFU log10 CFU/g of fresh mtter ( 三 ) 發酵產物分析及品質指標 2012 ( 四 ) 以體外方法初步評估其飼養價值 1. in vitro true digestiility, IVTD ANKOM 2005 0.5 g Disy Inutor 39 ºC 48 IVTD % 2. in vitro gs prodution tehnique 1 Pell nd Shofield 1993 ; Cone et l. 1996 ; Wilims et l. 1998 2 0.4 g 60 ml 1:3 39 ºC 48 ml/0.4 g of DM 三 統計分析方法 Sttistil Anlysis System, SAS 9.4, 2014 generl liner model proedure, GLM Tukey's honestly signifint differene X ij i j µ i i ij 結果與討論一 青貯過程之酸度變化 ph 1 ph ph 4.0

130 ph 5.45 4 ph ph 4.0 32 L. formosensis S215 10 7 LF7 10 8 CFU/g LF8 ph 3.47 3.46 3.65 C LB8 3.79 P < 0.0001 L. formosensis S215 LF 32 ph LF ph L. uhneri 32 ph C P < 0.0001 L. uhneri pk ph LB8 ph C 32 ph 4.0 ph 5.66 C 4 ph 4.0 L. formosensis S215 4 LB8 16 ph 4.0 ph L. formosensis S215 Husiden et l. 2009 Heinritz et l. 2012 ph 二 青貯過程之微生物之變化 7.65 7.62 Log CFU/g 2 2 32 L. formosensis S215 LB8 C P < 0.0001 LB8 32 C 32 C LB8 LF6 LF7 LF8 P < 0.0001 L. formosensis S215 3 L. formosensis S215 LF6 C P < 0.0001 LB8 32 C 16 L. formosensis S215 10 7 CFU/g C P < 0.0001

Ltoillus formosensis S215 T 131 (A) d d (B) 1 A B ph Figure 1 Chnges in ph vlue during ensiling of (A) orn nd (B) nilegrss silge (n = 4). C = ontrol, no inoulnt; LF6 = Ltoillus formosensis S215 t 10 6 CFU/g of fresh forge; LF7 = L. formosensis S215 t 10 7 CFU/g; LF8 = L. formosensis S215 t 10 8 CFU/g; LB8 = L. uhneri t 10 8 CFU/g. 4 L. formosensis S215 32 LB8 P < 0.0001 C L. formosensis S215 32 LB8 P < 0.0001 L. formosensis S215

132 5 32 LF C P < 0.0001 LB8 C LF6 LF7 P < 0.0001 L. formosensis S215 32 L. uhneri P < 0.0001 L. uhneri L. formosensis S215 L. formosensis S215 Chng et l., 2015 L. uhneri Kung, 2003 (A) (B) 2 A B Log CFU/g Figure 2 Chnges in lti id teri (Log CFU/g) during ensiling of (A) orn nd (B) nilegrss silge(n = 4). Footnotes re sme s Figure1.

Ltoillus formosensis S215 T 133 3 A B Log CFU/g Figure 3 Chnges in oliform teri (Log CFU/g) during ensiling of (A) orn nd (B) nilegrss silge (n = 4). Footnotes re sme s Figure1.

134 4 A B Log CFU/g Figure 4 Chnges in Clostridi teri (Log CFU/g) during ensiling of (A) orn nd (B) nilegrss silge (n = 4). Footnotes re sme s Figure 1.

Ltoillus formosensis S215 T 135 (A) d d (B) 5 A B Log CFU/g Figure 5 Chnges in yests (Log CFU/g) during ensiling of (A) orn nd (B) nilegrss silge (n = 4). Footnotes re sme s Figure 1.

136 三 青貯過程之發酵產物含量變化 6 L. formosensis S215 32 C 10 6 CFU/ g L. formosensis S215 L. uhneri P < 0.0001 L. uhneri P < 0.0001 L. formosensis S215 C 7 P < 0.0001 (A) d (B) 6 A B % DM Figure 6 Chnges in lti id onentrtion during ensiling of (A) orn nd (B) nilegrss silge (n = 4). Footnotes re sme s Figure 1.

Ltoillus formosensis S215 T 137 Fily 2003 ; Fily et l. 2007 Huisden et l. 2009 Heinritz et l. 2012 ph Tylor et l. 2002 Ltoillus plntrum 10 4 CFU/g, Pedioous pentoseus 10 4 CFU/g Propioniterium freudenreihii 10 4 CFU/g 120 ph Ltoillus uhneri 40788 10 4-10 5 CFU/g of fresh forge ph Aeroi stility Fily, 2003) Fily et l., 2007) Ferreir et l., 2013) (A) (B) 7 A B % DM Figure 7 Chnges in eti id onentrtion during ensiling of (A) orn nd (B) nilegrss silge (n = 4). Footnotes re sme s Figure 1.

138 四 青貯料營養價值 in vitro gs prodution tehnique, IVGPT Gs prodution, ml/0.4 g DM 8 76.24 ml C LF6 LF7 LF8 78.70 79.56 74.34 76.20 ml P = 0.1827 52.53 ml C LF6 LF7 LF8 41.46 43.42 39.92 40.50 ml P = 0.2364 in vitro true digestiility, IVTD 77.19% IVTD 71.96-74.08% IVTD 71.44% IVTD 69.62-70.28% Kristensen et l. 2010 IVOMD in vitro orgni mtter digestiility (A) (B) NS 8 32 A ml/0.4 g DM B % Figure 8 The gs prodution (ml/0.4 g DM) nd in vitro true digestiility of the orn nd nilegrss rw mteril (RM) or silge fter ensiled for 32 dys. - Vlues within groups with different supersripts re signifintly different t P < 0.05 (n = 4). Footnotes re sme s Figure 1.

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J. Chin. So. Anim. Si. 45(2): 127~141, 2016 141 Effets of lti id teri inoultion on silge fermenttion of orn nd nilegrss silge Pin-Rou Hung (1), Geng-Jen Fn (2), Tzu-Ti Lee (1) nd Bi Yu (1)(3) ABSTRACT The ojetive of this study is to evlute the effets of Ltoillus formosensis S215 T s inoulnt in silge proessing tehniques to improve orn nd nilegrss silge qulities. The forges were ut nd ensiled for 32 dys, nd omplete rndomized experimentl design ws used with five tretments of eh forge experiment: ontrol (without inoulnt ; inoultion with L. formosensis S215 t 10 6, 10 7, nd 10 8 CFU/g; nd with L. uhneri t 10 8 CFU/g. Results showed tht L. formosensis S215 inoulum ould elerte idity of silge fermenttion nd it fermented the wter solule rohydrte to produe higher lti id nd less eti id, nd inhiited the oliform teri nd hieved the im to storge the high moisture forge. However, it ws no effet signifintly to derese the yest ount t 32 dy ensiling. Inoultion of L. formosensis S215 in orn nd nilegrss silge hd well performne t 10 6 CFU/g rte. The in vitro true digestiility nd the gs prodution of silge inoulted with L. formosensis S215 or L. uhneri were not etter thn ontrol silge signifintly. Overll, inoultion of L. formosensis S215 to orn nd nilegrss silge ould improve qulities of silge fermenttion nd inhiit spoilge miroorgnism ut no signifint effet on nutritionl vlue. (Key Words: Ltoillus formosensis S215 T, Corn silge, Nilegrss silge) (1) Deprtment of Animl Siene, Ntionl Chung Hsing University, No. 250, Kuo Kung Rd., Tihung 402, Tiwn (R.O.C.) (2) Livestok Reserh Institute, C.O.A., Exeutive Yun, No.112, Muhng, Xinhu Dist., Tinn City 71246, Tiwn (R.O.C.) (3) Corresponding uthor, E-mil: yu@drgon.nhu.edu.tw