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作物学报 ACTA AGRONOMICA SINICA 203, 39(4): 673 68 ISSN 0496-3490; CODEN TSHPA9 E-mail: DOI: 0.3724/SP.J.006.203.00673 麦秸还田和氮肥运筹对超级杂交稻茎鞘物质运转与籽粒灌浆特性的影响 董明辉,2 陈培峰 顾俊荣 乔中英 黄 萌 朱赟德 2 赵步洪 3, 2555; 2, 225009; 3, 225009 :, 6 II 084,,, (A) SPAD (A2), ;, =7 3 (B2) SPAD =5 5 (B), B2 B,, ; A2 B2 (NSC); NSC, NSC ; NSC, NSC, NSC NSC, NSC : ; ; ; ; Effects of Wheat Straw-Residue Applied to Field and Nitrogen Management on Photosynthate Transportation of Stem and Sheath and Grain-Filling Characteristics in Super Hybrid Rice DONG Ming-Hui,2, CHEN Pei-Feng, GU Jun-Rong, QIAO Zhong-Ying, HUANG Meng, ZHU Bin-De 2, and ZHAO Bu-Hong 3 Suzhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Suzhou 2555, China; 2 Fostering Base for the National Key Laboratory of Crop Genetics and Physiology of Jiangsu Province, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225009, China; 3 Lixiahe Region Agricultural Research Institute of Jiangsu, Yangzhou 225007, China Abstract: Grain filling is the final growth stage in cereals when fertilized ovaries develop into caryopses. The degree and rate of grain filling in rice spikelets differ largely with grain positions on a panicle and photosynthate accumulated in the stem sheath before and after flowering. A rice panicle is usually divided into inferior spikelets and superior spikelets, the poor grain-filling of inferior spikelets is more aggravated in the new bred super rice cultivars that have numerous spikelets on a panicle. In order to further investigate the mechanism, and the cultivation measures to improve the yield potential of super rice cultivars, two super hybrid indica rice cultivars, Yangliangyou 6 and II you 084, were field-grown with treatments of two applications of wheat straw (all wheat straw residue applied to field, SRF; no wheat straw residue applied to field, NSRF) and two applications of nitrogen (the basic and tiller fertilizer to the panicle fertilizer=5:5, N; and 7:3, N2). The accumulations of dry matter and NSC (non-structural carbohydrates) in stem and sheath, transportation percentage, and grain-filling characteristic in superior and inferior spikelets under nitrogen application amount of 225 kg ha were measured. The results showed that the SPAD values of leaves and dry matter accumulation of stem and sheath in treatment of NSRF were higher than those in SRF before heading, which was (37490), (BK20269), [SX(20)398, SX(202)0]333 : E-mail: Received( ): 202-08-09; Accepted( ): 202--6; Published online(): 203-0-28. URL:

674 39 on the contrary after heading. The SPAD values of the N2 were higher than those of the N before heading, but the dry matter accumulation of stem and sheath and its transportation percentage of the N2 were higher than those of the N at each growth stage, there was no significant difference before heading, while significant diffrence at heading and ripening periods. The interactions of the SFR and the N2 significantly enhanced dry matter accumulation in stem and sheath, output from stem and sheath, transportation percentage and NSC transportation percentage at mid and late grain-filling stages. Grain weight of the superior or inferior spikelets was positively and significantly or very significantly correlated with dry matter accumulation from heading to ripening, NSC accumulation in stem and sheath at heading, and dry matter weight in stem and sheath at ripening, while negatively and significantly correlated with NSC accumulation at ripening. The positive corrections between the initial growth power of the superior or inferior grains and the NSC accumulation of stems and sheath at heading, between the mean grain-filling rate and the NSC accumulation of stems and NSC transportation percentage at heading stage, between the maximum grain-filling rate of the superior grains and NSC accumulation and NSC translocation efficiency at heading, and between the maximum grain-filling rate of the inferior grains and the NSC transportation percentage were significant or very significant. Keywords: Nitrogen application; Wheat straw residue to field; Super hybrid rice; Photosynthate accumulation and transportation; Grain filling characteristic,,,,, [-2],,,,, ;,,, [3-4],,, [5-7], [,8-9], ( ),, [0-],,,, [2-3], [4-7],,,, (),,,, 材料与方法. 200 20 ( ) 6 (Yangliangyou 6) II 084 (II You 084),, 2.42%, 58.4 8.4 27.0 mg kg 225 70 50 kg hm 2, 2.2 (A) (B),, 3 (A), 2, A, A2 ( 7.38 t hm 2 ),, ; (B), 2, B =5 5, =6 4; B2 =7 3, =8 2, 3, 3 m 4 m, 0.30 m 0.5 m 5 7, 6 20 - -.3.3. SPAD 值的测定 30 d (7 6 ), 0 d (SPAD) (

4 : 675, ), SPAD ( ) 20, 3,.3.2 干物质重和非结构性碳水化合物含量 (NSC) 的测定, 5 ( ),, 3 00,,, [8].3.3 籽粒灌浆特性的测定 50~200,, 28 d 3 d 28 d 6 d, () ( ), 05, 70, Curve Expert.5 Richards [9] Microsoft Excel 2003 DPS (Data Processing System) Sigmaplot0.0 (%)=[( )/] 00 (%)=[( )/] 00 (%)=( )/( NSC + ) NSC()(%)=[( NSC NSC )/ NSC ] 00 2 结果与分析 2., SPAD ( ),, A () SPAD A2 ( );, B2 (= 7 3) B (=5 5), SPAD, SPAD, 2 (AB AB2), 2 (A2B A2B2), SPAD 2.2 ( ), A2 ( ), A (),, A A2 (), A2, 图 不同处理下叶片 SPAD 值变化动态 Fig. Dynamics of SPAD value of two super indica rice under different treatments A: ; A2: ; B: =5 5; B2: =7 3 A: no wheat straw residue applied to the field; A2: all wheat straw residue applied to the field; B: ratio of basic and tillering fertilizer to panicle fertilizer of 5:5; B2: the basic and tillering fertilizer to the panicle fertilizer of 7:3.

676 39 表 不同处理下茎鞘干物质积累量差异 Table Difference in the dry matter accumulation of stem and sheath under different treatments ( 0 3 kg hm 2 ) Treatment Wheat Nitrogen TS ES HS RS T E E H H R straw-returning management 6 Yangliangyou 6 A A2 F F-value II 084 II You 084 A A2 F F-value B.45 a 4.40 a 2.95 bc 9.27 c 2.95 b 8.55 a 6.32 b B2.46 a 5.05 a 3.90 a 9.79 ab 3.59 a 8.85 a 5.89 c B.29 b 4.24 a 2.65 c 9.4 bc 2.94 b 8.42 a 6.76 ab B2.42 a 4.66 a 3.33 ab 20.54 a 3.24 ab 8.67 a 7.2 a A.45.98 5.39 98.65 ** 4.36 0.68 47.45 ** B 0.92 2.67 3.56 * 5.54 ** 3.02 0.89 0.23 ** A B 0.43 0.36 3.66 7.54 * 0.78 0.4 8. * B.3 a 4.34 a 0.5b 5.53 c 3.03 a 6.8 ab 5.02 bc B2.38 a 4.77 a.42 a 5.93 bc 3.39 a 6.65 a 4.52 c B.24 a 4.27 a 0.30 b 6.8 b 3.04 a 6.03 b 5.88 ab B2.30 a 4.2 a 0.80 ab 7.0 a 2.9 a 6.60 a 6.30 a A.02 3.2 6.43.38 **.67 2.2 5.45 * B 0.76.34 8.65 * 62.23 ** 2.34 8.43 * 5.3 A B 0.22 0.49 4.4 8.47 * 0.72 0.98 3.4 0.05 (LSD ) * 0.05, ** 0.0 A: ; A: ; A2: ; B: ; B: =5 5; B2: =7 3 Values within a column followed by different letters are significantly different at P<0.05 (LSD). *, ** represent significance at P<0.05 and P<0.0, respectively. TS: tillering stage; ES: elongation stage; HS: heading stage; RS: ripening stage; T E: tillering to elongation stage; E H: elongation to heading stage; H R: heading to ripening stage. A: the treatment of wheat straw; A: no wheat straw residue applied to field; A2: all wheat straw residue applied to field; B: nitrogen treatment; B: ratio of basic and tillering fertilizer to panicle fertilizer of 5:5; B2: the basic and tillering fertilizer to the panicle fertilizer of 7:3. A, B2 (=7 3) B (=5 5),,,,,, 6 II 084 B2 B 7.3% 8.7%,, B2 B, 5.4% 4.9%, AB2,, 6 II 084 B2 B 2.7% 2.6%,, B2 B, 5.8% 5.7%, A2B2,,,, ( ),, B2 B, A A2 ; AB2, ( ), (A2), (A), A2B2, A2B A2B2 6.76 0 3 kg hm 2 7.2 0 3 kg hm 2, AB AB2 6.32 0 3 kg hm 2 5.89 0 3 kg hm 2, A2B2>A2B>AB>AB2, A2B2 2.3 2,, =7 3 (B2) =5 5 (B),, II 084, B2, (A2)

4 : 677 Table 2 Treatment 6 Yangliangyou 6 A A2 F F-value 表 2 不同处理下茎鞘干物质运转和非结构性碳水化合物累积与运转差异 Difference of dry matter transportation and non-structure carbohydrate accumulation and transportation in team and sheath under different treatments Dry matter NSC OP (%) Accumulation (g stem ) TP (%) HS PS TP (%) B 7.03 b 3.6 b.3 a 0.75 a 33.40 c B2 28.09 a 22.47 a.24 a 0.68 b 45.52 ab B 8.55 b 4.29 b.22 a 0.7 ab 4.49 bc B2 26.97 a 20.95 a.29 a 0.63 b 5.2 a A.23 2.54.63 5.67 38.35 ** B 256.87 ** 48.4 ** 0.77 3.8 27. ** A B 9.8 *.98 * 0.29 0.87 9.82 * II 084 II You 084 A B 20.3 c.55 c 0.6 a 0.43 a 29.5 b B2 26.52 b 5.77 b 0.56 a 0.38 a 32.4 b A2 B 20.33 c.38 c 0.6 a 0.38 a 37.70 ab B2 30.33 a 9.27 a 0.64 a 0.37 a 42.9 a F F-value A 4.69 3.98.89 0.54 44.9 ** B 30.54 ** 59.29 ** 0.4 0.69 8.2 * A B 6.2 4.7 * 0.8 0.09 2.98 0.05 (LSD ) * 0.05, ** 0.0 *, ** represent significance at P<0.05 and P<0.0, respectively. Values within a column followed by different letters are significantly different at P<0.05 (LSD). OP: output percentage; TP: transportation percentage; NSC: non-structural carbohydrates. Treatments and other abbreviations are the same as given in Table. (A), 6 NSC A2B2, AB,, NSC,, 6, (A2)(A), 7 3 (B2) 5 5 (B), A2B2 NSC, AB AB2 A2B 53.% 2.3% 23.2%, NSC, NSC, NSC 2.4 3, (A) 5 5 (B), (A2) 7 3 (B2),,, 6, A 2, A2B A2B2.89% 0.93%, 2.45% 2.6%; B, AB2 A2B2 0.62% 0.32%,.84%.55% 3,,,,,,, A2 B2 A B,,

678 39 表 3 不同处理下强 弱势粒灌浆特征参数的差异 Table 3 Difference of grain-filling characteristic of superior and inferior spikelets under different treatments Grain KGW MGFR MaxGFR Treatment IGP position (g) (mg grain d ) (mg grain d ) TRMGFR TRMGW (d) (d) 6 Yangliangyou 6 S A B 3.73 b 0.97 a.62 b 2. a 8.59 a 0.68 b B2 3.92 ab.05 a.67 ab 2.5 a 7.90 ab.42 b A2 B 32.33 a.2 a.7 ab 2.23 a 7.74 b.25 b B2 32.22 a.5 a.78 a 2.22 a 7.95 ab 2.32 a F A 3.2 *.8 6.59.98 6.4 6.89 F-value B 4.76 4.27 4.98 0.84 2.00 4.22 A B 6.54 0.67 0.34 0.4 3.5.98 I A B 27.77 c 0.5 a 0.63 b 0.84 c 36.09 a 6.9 c B2 28.38 bc 0.36 b 0.69 ab 0.92 bc 35.94 a 7.4 c A2 B 28.35 b 0.56 a 0.70 ab.03 ab 36.62 a 8.56 b B2 28.69 a 0.63 a 0.79 a.8 a 35.67 a 9.95 a F A 98.34 ** 0.78 * 57.45 ** 26.73 ** 0.27 26.98 ** F-value B 6.38 ** 7.34 * 4.43 * 96.34 ** 0.82 223.05 ** A B 0.72 * 4. 4.56 2.23 0.34.98 II 084 II You 084 S A B 29.34 b 0.73 a.44 a.98 a 9.77 a 8.96 c B2 29.9 a 0.76 a.45 a.96 a 9.24 a 9.47 bc A2 B 29.78 a 0.82 a.55 a.93 a 8.39 b 0.47 a B2 30.5 a 0.79 a.49 a 2.04 a 8.8 b 9.6 ab F A 6.34 ** 3.8 2.7 4.35 78.7 ** 5.87 F-value B 8.5 *.99 0.64 6.2 4.48 0.94 A B 7.78 * 0.57 0.23 0.54 0.89 0.58 I A B 25.3 b 0.6 c 0.49 c 0.7 c 23.45 a 7.5 b B2 25.62 b 0.24 bc 0.60 b 0.88 b 24.50 a 7.76 b A2 B 25.93 ab 0.48 a 0.66 b 0.97 ab 2.6 b 8.25 ab B2 26.66 a 0.3 b 0.77 a.03 a 2.77 b 8.85 a F A 8.2 ** 02.59 ** 3.54 ** 98.37 ** 367.78 ** 85.6 ** F-value B 7.6 ** 0.35 * 32.8 ** 25.49 ** 2.9 5.20 A B.6 * 9.27 **.02 0.43 2.34 2.69 0.05 (LSD ) * 0.05, ** 0.0 Values within a column followed by different letters are significantly different at P<0.05 (LSD). *, ** represent significance at P<0.05 and P<0.0, respectively. S: superior spikelets; I: inferior spikelets; KGW: 000-grain weight; IGP: initial growth power; MGFR: mean grain-filling rate; MaxGFR: maximum grain-filling rate; TRMGFR: time reaching maximum grain-filling rate; TRMGW: time reaching maximum grain-weight. 2.5 4, 2 ( 6 II 084 0.858 0.93), (0.697 0.74);, NSC, NSC, ( 6 II 084 0.608

4 : 679 Table 4 Spikelets 6 Yangliangyou 6 S I II 084 II You 084 S I 表 4 茎鞘干物质和非结构性碳水化合物运转率与籽粒灌浆特征参数的相关 Correlation coefficients between grain-filling characteristic and transportation percentages of dry matter and non-structure carbohydrate in stem and sheath MATI GW IGP MGFR MGFR DMAAH 0.644 * 0.855 ** 0.828 ** 0.858 ** TRMSS 0.436 0.575 0.687 * 0.456 TPMSS 0.457 0.533 0.694 * 0.596 NSCAAH 0.677 * 0.83 ** 0.697 * 0.879 ** TRNSC 0.827 ** 0.846 ** 0.802 ** 0.652 * DMAAH 0.678 * 0.689 * 0.752 * 0.844 ** TRMSS 0.47 0.90 0.486 0.337 TPMSS 0.390 0.226 0.385 0.246 NSCAAH 0.672 * 0.74 * 0.626 * 0.569 TRNSC 0.64 * 0.96 0.854 ** 0.764 * DMAAH 0.660 * 0.652 * 0.678 * 0.46 TRMSS 0.842 ** 0.39 0.642 * 0.606 TPMSS 0.839 ** 0.284 0.749 * 0.703 * NSCAAH 0.745 * 0.70 * 0.539 0.709 * TRNSC 0.795 ** 0.444 0.835 ** 0.699 * DMAAH 0.78 * 0.597 0.757 * 0.695 TRMSS 0.42 0.096 0.564 0.473 TPMSS 0.508 0.0 0.625 * 0.54 NSCAAH 0.662 * 0.754 * 0.639 * 0.544 TRNSC 0.748 * 0.542 0.874 ** 0.848 ** * 0.05, ** 0.0 MATI: ; DMAAH: ; TRMSS: ; TPMSS: ; NSCAAH: NSC ; TRNSC: NSC ; 3 *, ** represent significance at P<0.05 and P<0.0, respectively. MATI: material accumulation and operation indicator; DMAAH: dry matter assimilation after the heading; TRMSS: transfer ratio of the matter in stem and sheath; TPMSS: transportation percentage of the matter in stem and sheath: NSCAAH: content of NSC at the heading; NSCTR: transfer ratio of NSC. Other abbreviations are the same given in Table 3. 0.579), ( 6 II 084 0.656 0.640); NSC, 0.599 ( 6 ) 0.573 (II 084),, 0.773 0.835,, II 084 ( 0.842 0.839),, ;,, 0.687 0.694 ( 6 ) 0.642 0.749 (II 084), ( II 084 );, 3 讨论, [6,9] [],,,, [,9,8-9],

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