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3 申请信 申请信主要用于申请奖学金 求学 求职 申请出国签证等, 这些申请往往通过申请信来请求 结构要点申请信是向收信人提出某个请求的信件, 包含三个部分 : 1. 提出请求 ; 2. 说明原因 ( 即自己的情况和条件 ); 3. 请求回复并表示感谢 注意 : 第一, 语气要诚挚友好千万不要表现出

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试卷代号 : 2141 中央广播电视大学 2012-2013 学年度第二学期 开放专科 期末考试 商务英语写作试题 2013 年 7 月 卜卜. 宝匕七未 r, 勺口 J 土忌争 J.j).t 一 将你的学号 姓名及分校 ( 工作站 ) 名称填写在答题纸的规定栏内 考试结束后, 把试卷和答题纸放在桌上 试卷和答题纸均不得带出考场 二 仔细阅读题目的说明, 并按题目要求答题 答案一定要写在答题纸指定的位置上, 写在试卷上的答案无效 三 用蓝 黑圆珠笔或钢笔答题, 使用铅笔答题无效

I.Complete the letters with the words given. 10 points) Thank,in,appreciate, and,appreciated,checked,satisfactory,for, write,irregular (1) Dear Ms Lee I you for all the assistance you have given in the last six months. We do 一全一 your willingness to work long and 立一 hours. I should just like you to know that your understanding - 兰一 sympathetic approach is much 5 Dear Sir by all of us. (2) I have 6 my records and I have found that Mr. Fong is correct in his complaint. I am afraid I was responsible 一二.-confusing his invoice with another invoice to Singapore. I must apologize for making this mistake. I suggest that Iee 8 一 immediately to him to apologize and tell him to ignore the invoice he has. I shall then make sure that he gets a replacement invoice 一旦一 the very near future. I hope this suggestion is 二些一 II.Choose the best answer for each question.(10 points) 11.We recommended a small quantity for trial. A. to buy B. you bought C. buying 12. We shall appreciate it if you will effect shipment as soon as possible,thus_ our buyers to catch the brisk demand at the beginning of the season. A. enable B. enabling C. enables 13. I am writing your advertisement for the position of Conference Manager. A. in view of B. in reply of C. in response to 635

14._the quality,you must assure that we would get the goods produced in 2004. A. In regard to B. Due to C. In view of 15._we appreciate your cooperation in giving us the information about your market,we regret that we are unable to reduce our price to the level you indicated. A. If B. Since C. While 16. The report is to be_to the Directors as soon as possible. A. prepared B. promoted C. presented 17. As soon as we receive the signed form,we will add your name to the list of people _snow shoveling. A. requiring B. require C. required 18. 1 am glad that I feel quite_for the position you advertised. A. qualifying B. qualified C. qualification 19. I will phone you next week after you_a chance to go over the material. A. have had B. had C.had had 20. After checking the goods against your invoice, we discovered a considerable shortage number. B. to 636 C. for

9内匕目9自:7.Q白9OOQ:}一m.Match. 10 points) A. Choose from a 一 e to match 21-25. 21.Recently,you have started to deliver later than agreed. This results in our failing to meet our own deadlines. 22. Having checked with our suppliers,it is clear that they mistakenly sent us a consignment of faulty disks. 23. Bale 3 doesn'tappear to have been packed in waterproof material and has become very sodden in transit. 24. We are willing to accept the goods sent if you are able to make a substantial reduction in the price. 25. 1 cannot possibly use the camera you sent me because it has problems working. a. We are asking our Agents to inspect this bale,and,subject to their reports,we will replace the unsalable part. b. I shall arrange for a replacement to be sent to you immediately, and would be grateful if you could return the faulty camera. c. I can assure you that we are currently considering switching transport company to avoid this type of error occurring again. d. With this in mind,we are more than happy to replace the faulty disks. e. We appreciate your offer to keep the goods wrongly delivered,and we are ready to allow 14%off the invoice price. B. Choose from f 一 j to match 26 一 30. The printed shirting clearly does not match the samples you left with us. The bottom corner of the suitcase is broken. We regret to inform you that the above invoice contains a mistake. The color of the goods shipped by you is different from what we need. 637

30. We only received 80 cartons instead of 95 cartons. f. We think a little difference in color between them is unavoidable. g. It seems that some of the materials escaped the examination we normally give to all materials. h. We doubt the shortage happened due to losses or pilferage..n0 commercially made suitcase can withstand an impact of this kind..we have checked with our accounting department and found that the figure was wrong. W.Translate the following into Chinese.(20 points) 31. Dear Sir or Madam Could you please send me two hundred copies of your summer calendar of forthcoming cultural and educational events? This company specializes in student exchanges between Europe and Hong Kong. One of my responsibilities is to arrange interesting activities for students. Your brochures would be very helpful in helping me to do this. I look forward to receiving this information soon as our next large groups of students arrive in approximately ten days. Yours faithfully V.Writing.(50 points) 32. Write a letter for the following situation.(20 points) You have just received a letter pressing for overdue payment. Write a letter of payment to include the following particulars. I).Explain that payment was delayed because your accounting department made an oversight in making remittance. 638

2).Inform the seller that the sum has been sent to him by Telegraphic Transfer today. 33. Write a reply to the following letter.(30 points) Forever Primary School Bartier Road Dublin Ireland 25 May, 2006 Julian Zhang,Sales Manager Aihua Book Store Changsha Road 24 Shanghai 257804 China Dear Mr Zhang We should like you to send us a quotation for 1500 copies of each following categories: Into English (Textbook),Into English (Workbook) and Into English (Teacher's Guide). We will be interested in discussing terms with you as soon as our final decision is made, but,prior to this,can you tell me what discounts you offer? I look forward to hearing from you soon. Yours sincerely Merlin Forest Assistant Headmaster 639

} 试卷代号 : 2141 ri-p!-- 匕 1 一一下一门 J 巴 1L. 写. 匕上一 中央广播电视大学 2012-2013 学年度第二学期 开放专科 期末考试 商务英语写作试题答题纸 2013 年 7 月 题号 I H Ill Iv V 凸式卜 'Ua' JJ 分数 得分评卷人 工. complete the letters with the words given.(10 points) 一牛一 一 2 一 3 一 4.. 口... 3 7 一 w 9 一? 一 得分评卷人.Choose the best answer for each question.(10 points) 12 13 I4 15 16 17 18 19 2 0l 得分评卷人 m.match.(10 points) A. In the following,21-25 describe the problems,and a-c give the solutions. Please match them. 21 22 23. B. Choose from f 一 j to match 26 一 30. 26 27 28 640 24 29 25 30

n乙八八j弓 j得分评卷人 W.Translate the following into Chinese. (20 points) 31 得分评卷人 V Writing. (50 points) 641

0试卷代号 : 2141 中央广播电视大学 2012-20 13 学年度第二学期 开放专科 期末考试商务英语写作试题答案及评分标准 ( 供参考 ) I.Complete the letters with the words given.(10 points) 2013 年 7 月 I Thank 2 二 appreciat 厂丁了厂 irregular 下一丁一 and- 一 0 appreciated 6 checked 7 for 8 Write [j 一 in 一止 10 satisfactory 二 II.Choose the best answer for each question.(10 points) 扭. 11 12 13 14 二 15 下 16 丁不了了 18 下 19 一下 20 Al, Li,'IC 一 C A B A C Match.(10 points) A. In the following, 2I-25 describe the problems,and a-e give the solutions. Please match them_ 21 22 d 24 25 b 抓一nr.B. Choose from f 一 j to match 26 2g 27 23 一 30. 1'ranslate the following into Chinese.(20 points) 31. Dear Sir or Madam 829 3h Could you please ser 记 me two hundred copies of your summer calendar of forthcoming cultural and educational events? This company specializes in student exchanges between Europe and Hong Kong. One of my responsibilities is to arrange interesting activities for students. Your brochures would be very helpful in helping me to do this. 642

1look forward to receiving this information soon as our next large groups of students arrive in approximately ten days. 敬启者 : Yours faithfully 敬请寄送暑期文化教育活动日程表 200 份 本公司专门举办港欧学生的交流活动 ; 本人主要负责为学生们安排丰富多彩的活动 您 的日程表将对我大有帮助 我们下一批大型学生交流团大约在十天之后抵港, 期盼您早日回复 V.Writing.(50 points) 勺dq口0口八口Write a reply to the following letter.(30 points) Write a letter for the following situation. 20 points) 评分要求 : 符合所要求商务信函的语气与用词 ; 内容扣题 ; 语法与标点符号使用正确 ; 结构清晰, 思路 明确 ; 信函格式正确 敬上 643