供应商质量管理 2015 年 3 月 19 日 -20 日 咨询师 Zhoujun Jin 质量管理培训专家 精益质量理论创立人 国家注册质量体系审核员 人际交流一个与商界领袖一起分享见解的机会, 在我们的研讨会上可以学到新的信息与技能, 这些都具备了各种利用价值 工作经历二十六年制造业及汽车制造业

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举贺 供应商质量管理 课程概述 供应商质量难点是 : 大的供应商不听你的 ; 小的供应商听不懂你的 怎么办? 对供应商进行的质量管理培训! 让他 们知道顾客的要求 按顾客的要求去做 课程目标 1. 掌握供应商质量管理的工具, 在互利的供方关系下, 对供应商进行有效管理, 确保供应商提供产品的质量 成本和交期 2. 掌握供应商质量管理的原理与知识框架 3. 掌握供应商质量管理中过程能力指数 控制计划 QFD 供应商过程审核 8D 供应商评分等主要工具 4. 了解供应商质量管理的相关工具及作用 参加对象 供方质量工程师 供应商开发工程师 供应链管理 采购管理 供应商 ( 二方 ) 审核员 请扫描二维码关注举贺微信公众平台 JUHE 商务我们将为您提供更多适合您的商业培训课程 举贺保留在必要情况下更换研讨会地点和咨询师的权利 举贺商务信息咨询 ( 上海 ) 有限公司

供应商质量管理 2015 年 3 月 19 日 -20 日 咨询师 Zhoujun Jin 质量管理培训专家 精益质量理论创立人 国家注册质量体系审核员 人际交流一个与商界领袖一起分享见解的机会, 在我们的研讨会上可以学到新的信息与技能, 这些都具备了各种利用价值 工作经历二十六年制造业及汽车制造业质量工作经验其中十六年专业从事质量管理咨询和培训, 咨询和培训企业五百多家, 质量公开课及企业内部培训千余次 专业从事质量管理课程 TS16949 五大手册 精益质量系统课程的培训与咨询培训的客户 培训服务过部分的企业重庆长安汽车 延锋韦世通 NEC 德尔福 东风德纳 科世达 - 华阳 麦格纳蒂森克虏伯 奥托立夫 合作机会在研讨会中我们有展览的空间可以使用, 包括午餐和晚餐招待会的赞助机会, 还有投放在文件袋或者会场桌面广告的机会 内部培训方案如果公司有许多人有培训的需求或计划, 那么您不妨考虑内部培训定制的解决方案 培训将在贵公司要求的场所举行, 并且培训可以根据您具体的要求和理想的题目来进行 请联系我们进行商讨 : 手机 : +86 180-1613-0110 Email:juhe@juhebusinessconsulting.com 马勒发动机 曙光汽车集团 大金 韩泰轮胎 爱克发佛吉亚 上汽集团 博世 长春一汽集团 住友 西门子 上汽通用五菱 日立 北汽福田 深圳中兴通迅 深圳比亚迪汽车 举贺保留在必要情况下更换研讨会地点和咨询师的权利 举贺商务信息咨询 ( 上海 ) 有限公司

供应商质量管理 2015 年 3 月 19 日 -20 日 研讨会大纲 1. 供应商质量管理基础 1) 供应商及外包的定义 2) 什么是供应商质量管理 3) 供应商质量管理的原理 4) 供应商质量管理的知识框架 5) 供应商质量管理的主要工具 6) 供应商质量管理流程 7) 供应商质量管理职责 2. 供应商的调查和初选 1) 供应商调查流程 2) 供应商调查重点 3) 供应商基本情况调查表 3. 供应商产品质量要求 1) 采购过程的输入 2) 供应商的类型 / 产品要求类型 3) 概念设计供应商 - 顾客功能要求 4) 产品设计供应商 - 技术功能要求 5) 产品制造供应商 - 产品特性要求 6) 供应商产品质量特性的期望值 7) 产品设计的供应商参入与同步工程 8) 产品三次设计 4. 供应商提供样品 1) 提供样品和生产件 工装样件的区别 2) 产品图纸及规格的理解一致性 3) 了解供应商的检测能力和实验方法 5. 供应商质量体系要求 1) 编制供应商质量体系要求 2) 供应商质量体系要求案例 3)ISO9000 质量体系要求 4)ISO/TS16949 质量体系要求 5)APQP&CP FMEA MSA SPC PPAP 6)VDA6.1 VDA6.3 VDA6.5 7) 互利的供方关系 8)TC176 外包过程指南 9) 外包过程控制的方法 10) 特殊过程外包的控制方法 11) 采购 FMEA 示例 12) 预防性维护和预测性维护 13)5S 管理 14) 标准作业指导书 SOP 15) 产品和制造过程的防错 6. 制定质量保证协议 1) 制定质量保证协议主要内容 2) 供应商质量保证协议案例 3) 供应商产品批次管理 标识和可追溯性记录的要求 4) 供应商产品检验方案的确定 5) 供应商初次评价 6) 供应商初次现场评价 7) 供应商的调查和初择案例 7. 供应商产品检验方案 1) 百分比抽样的缺点 2) 统计抽样 GB/T 2828 3)AQL 值 抽样方案 Ac Re 和基于过程分析的检验方案 8. 供应商的评价和选择 1) 供应商现场审核准备 2) 供应商审核目的 范围和审核准则 3) 审核计划编制 4) 与供应商就审核计划进行沟通 5) 现场审核检查表的编制 6) 供应商现场审核实施 7) 首次会议 8) 信息的收集和验证 9) 审核发现 10) 与供应商的沟通 11) 末次会议的准备 12) 与供应商的末次会议 13) 审核报告的内容和编制 9. 供应商现场审核后的跟踪 1) 审核后的改进计划制定 2) 审核后的改进计划沟通与确认 3) 供方改进计划落实 4) 供方改进计划验证 10.VDA6.3 在供应商制造过程中的应用 1) 供应商潜力分析 2) 过程要素 P2 - P7 评估提问 3) 过程审核评定 举贺保留在必要情况下更换研讨会地点和咨询师的权利 举贺商务信息咨询 ( 上海 ) 有限公司

供应商质量管理 2015 年 3 月 19 日 -20 日 11. 供应商生产件批准 1)AIAG 生产件批准程序 PPAP 2) 供应商生产件批准程序编制 3) 重要的生产过程 4)PPAP 要求 5)PPAP 十八项提交的目的和作用 12. 供应商的变更管理 1) 供应商的变更管理的范围 2) 供应商的变更的评审 3) 供应商的变更管理的要求 4) 供应商特殊许可的实施 13. 供应商初始能力 Cpk 和 Ppk 报告 1) 质量损失函数 2) 过程性能指数 & 不合格率 3)Cpk 和 Ppk 原理与计算 4)Cpk 和 Ppk 要求与实例 14. 供应商的业绩监视 评价 定级与奖罚 1) 供应商的业绩指标 2) 供应商的业绩监视 3) 供应商的业绩评价 定级与奖罚 15. 供应商制造过程的监控和改进 1) 供应商质量体系定期审核 2) 供应商产品审核 3) 编制产品审核表 4) 供应商过程审核 5) 编制过程审核表 6) 供应商的持续改进 7) 供应商质量问题决解办法 8)QFD 在供应商制造过程审核中的应用 8) 评价 / 测量技术 9) 样本容量 / 频率 10) 控制方法 11) 反应计划 17. 福特 G8D 1)G8D 概述 2)G8D 的目的 3)D0 准备 G8D 过程实施紧急反应措施 4)D1 确定团队 5)D2 描述问题 是 / 不是 表格 6)D3 实施临时性遏制措施临时遏制措施 ICA 特点 7)D4 确定和验证根本原因和遗漏点比较分析根本原因推测及检测 8)D5 为根本原因和遗漏点选择和验证永久性纠正措施定义永久纠正措施 (PCA) 9)D6 实施和确认永久性纠正措施 10)D7 防止问题再次发生 11)D8 表彰小组和个人的贡献福特 8D 培训 - 教材案例供应商质量问题纠正措施计划与跟踪 18. 供应商测量系统分析 1) 测量系统的特性 : 分辨率准确度精密度 2) 重复性再现性稳定性偏倚线性 3) 重复性和再现性 GRR 4) 测量过程变差对产品决策的影响 16. 控制计划审核 1) 过程流程图 FMEA 作业指导书和控制计划的关联 2) 过程探测控制 3) 什么是控制计划 4) 控制计划与作业指导书 5) 控制计划与产品组 6) 控制计划与其它文件的关联 7) 产品 / 过程规范 / 公差 举贺保留在必要情况下更换研讨会地点和咨询师的权利 举贺商务信息咨询 ( 上海 ) 有限公司

JUHE Supplier Quality Management Shanghai China 19th & 20th March,2015 Course Overview Supplier quality difficulty is: big suppliers don't listen to you; Small suppliers can't understand you. How to do? To the quality of supplier management training! Let them know the customer's requirements, according to customer requirements to do it. Training Purposes 1. Through this course, students can master the supplier quality management tools and make effective management to the suppliers to ensure the quality of suppliers products, cost and delivery under mutually beneficial supplier relationships. 2. Master the principles and knowledge framework of supplier quality management. 3. Master the major tools in Supplier Quality Management process, ex: capability index, control plans, QFD suppliers process audit, 8D, supplier ratings. 4. Understanding the related tools and function of supplier quality management. Target Audience Supplier Quality Engineers, Supplier Development Engineers, Suppliers (second party) Auditors. Please Scan our Wechat Offical Account to Get more Information JUHE reserves the right to change the venue of,or consultants at the seminar should circumstances require. JUHE Business Consulting

Supplier Quality Management 19th & 20th March Consultant: Zhoujun Jin Quality Management Training Expert Lean Mass Theory Founder National Registered Quality System Auditor Working Experience Twenty-four years of working experiences in the quality management frontier, including twelve years specializing in quality management consulting and training. Providing consulting and training courses for more than four hundred enterprises and launch more than 1000 public & internal courses till now. Specializing in manufacturing quality management tools, TS16949 five manuals, lean quality training and consulting. Part of the Customers Chongqing Changan Automobile, Yanfeng Visteon, NEC, Delphi, Dongfeng Dana, Kostal - Huayang, Krupp, Autoliv, Mahler engines, SG Automotive Group, Daikin, Hankook Tire, Agfa Faurecia, SAIC, Bosch, Changchun FAW Group, Sumitomo, Siemens, SAIC-GM-Wuling, Hitachi, Beiqi Futian, Shenzhen Zhongxing Communication Shenzhen BYD Auto... Network and Mingle Special opportunity to meet with business leaders to share insights and new information or skills at our forums.they all has their uses. Business Opportunities We have exhibition space is available at the conference,sponsorship opportunities covering lunch or evening receptions and advertising in documentation packs or desk. In-House Training Solutions If you have a number of delegates with similar training needs or plan,then you may wish to consider having an In-House Training Solution delivered locally on-site. Course can be tailored to specific requirements and subject.please contact us to discuss: Mob:(+86)189-1613-0110 Email:juhe@juhebusinessconsulting.com JUHE reserves the right to change the venue of,or consultants at the seminar should circumstances require. JUHE Business Consulting

Supplier Quality Management 19th & 20th March 8:30 Registration admission 9:00 Seminar begins 1. Supplier quality management infrastructure 1) Definition of suppliers and outsourcing 2) What is the supplier quality management? 3) Supplier quality management principles; 4) Knowledge Framework of supplier quality management 5) The main tools for supplier quality management 6) Supplier quality management process 7) Supplier quality management responsibilities 2. Investigation and primaries for suppliers 1) Supplier survey process 2) Key point of supplier survey 3) Supplier basic information questionnaire 3. Product quality requirements for suppliers 1) Procurement process input 2) Supplier type / product requirements type 3) Conceptual design Suppliers - Customers functional requirements 4) Product design suppliers - technical functional requirements 5) Product manufacture supplier - product features require 6) Expectations of supplier product quality characteristics 7) Supplier incorporation and simultaneous engineering product design 8) Product three dimensions design: system, design parameter design and tolerance design 10:45 Tea break and interpersonal 11:00 4. Sample providing by suppliers 1) Provided the difference between the sample and production parts 2) Understanding consistency of suppliers product drawings and specifications 3) Understanding of detection capability and experimental methods of suppliers 5. Supplier Quality System Requirements 1) Preparation of supplier quality system requirements 2) Supplier quality system requirements case study 3) ISO9000 quality system requirements 4) ISO / TS16949 quality system requirements 5) APQP & CP FMEA MSA SPC PPAP Profile 6) VDA6.1 VDA6.3 VDA6.5 Profile 7) Mutually beneficial supplier relationships 8) TC176 outsourcing processes Guide 9) The control method of outsourcing 10) Control method of Special Process Outsourcing 11) Purchasing FMEA example 12) Preventive maintenance and predictive maintenance 13) 5S management 14) SOP standard operating instructions 15) Proofing during products and manufacturing processes 12:00 Lunch and interpersonal 13:30 6. Develop quality assurance protocols 1) Develop main content of quality assurance protocols 2) Supplier quality assurance agreement case 3) Requirement of suppliers product batch management, identification and traceability records 4) Agreement on suppliers product testing program 5)) Initial evaluation of suppliers 6) Suppliers initial site evaluation 7) Supplier investigation and early stage selection cases 7. Supplier product testing program 1) The disadvantage of sampling percentage 2) Statistical sampling GB / T 2828 3) AQL value, the sampling plan, Ac, Re and inspection program based on process analysis 15:15 Tea break and interpersonal 15:30 8. Supplier evaluation and selection 1) Supplier on-site audit preparation 2) Audit objectives, scope and audit criteria 3) Audit Planning 4) Communication with suppliers on the audit plan 5) Preparation of on-site audit checklist 6) Supplier on-site audit implementation 7) The first meeting 8) Information collection and validation 9) Audit findings 10) Communication with suppliers 11) Preparation for the last meeting 12) The content of audit reports 9. Tracking of suppliers after auditing on site 1) Plan improvement after auditing 2) Communication and confirmation of the improvement plan 3) Implementation of the improvement plan 4) Verification of suppliers plan improvement 10. VDA6.3 application in the manufacturing process of the supplier 1) Supplier s potential ability analysis 2) Assessment of process elements P2 - P7 3) Evaluation process audit 17:00 End of the first day JUHE reserves the right to change the venue of,or consultants at the seminar should circumstances require. JUHE Business Consulting

Supplier Quality Management 19th & 20th March 8:30 Registration admission 9:00 Seminar begins 11. Approval of suppliers production parts 1) AIAG production part approval process (PPAP) 2) Supplier PPAP preparation 3) Important production process 4) PPAP requirements 5) PPAP purpose and role 12. Supplier change management 1) Range of suppliers change management 2) Review of the changes 3) Changes management requirements 4) The implementation of suppliers special permit 13. Supplier initial capability: Cpk and Ppk report 1) Quality loss function 2) Process performance index & failure rate 3) Cpk and Ppk Principle and Calculation 4) Cpk and Ppk requirements and examples 10:45 Tea break and interpersonal 11:00 14. Supplier performance monitoring, evaluation, grading, reward and punishment 1) Supplier performance indicators 2) Supplier performance monitoring 3) Supplier performance evaluation, grading, reward and punishment 15. Supplier manufacturing process monitoring and improvement 1) Supplier Quality System regular Audit 2) Supplier Product Review 3) Preparation of Product Checklist 4) Supplier Process Audit 5) Preparation of process Checklist 6) Continuous improvement of suppliers 7) Solution for Supplier quality issues 8) QFD application in suppliers manufacturing process 16. Plan audit control 1) Process flow diagram, FMEA, work instructions process probe control 2) What is a control plan? 3) Control plans and work instructions 4) Control plans and product group 5) Control plan and other related documents 6) Product / process specification / tolerance 7) Evaluation / measurement technology 8) Sample size / frequency 9) The control method 10) Response plan 12:00 Lunch and interpersonal 13:30 17. Ford G8D 1) G8D Overview 2) G8D purpose 3) D0: preparation for G8D Emergency response measures 4) D1: team confirmation 5) D2: problem description "Yes / no" form 6) D3: temporary containment measures implementation Temporary containment measures ICA Features 7) D4: identification and verification of the root causes and missing point Comparative Analysis Detection for the root cause speculation 15:15 Tea break and interpersonal 15:30 8) D5: Definition of permanent corrective action (PCA) 9) D6: confirmation and implementation of PCA 10) D7: problem prevention from happening again 11) D8: recognition of group and individual contributions Ford 8D Training - Textbook Case Plan and tracking of the Supplier quality issues 18. Supplier measurement system analysis 1) Characteristics of measuring system: Resolution Accuracy Precision 2) Repeatability, reproducibility and linear stability bias 3) Repeatability and reproducibility: GRR 4) Measuring process variation effects on product decisions 17:00 End of the seminar JUHE reserves the right to change the venue of,or consultants at the seminar should circumstances require. JUHE Business Consulting