No. Brand Name Product Name Main Ingredient (maximum 4) Strength (each ingredient / unit) Dosage Form Recommended Dosage Pack Size Country of Origin 9

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49 草 木 本 76 草 木 本 77 草 木 本 118 草 木 本 燕 子 掌 Dwarf Jade Crassula argentea Thunb. 葉 每 日 120mg 以 下, 不 適 宜 嬰 兒 過 敏 體 質 貧 血 及 低 血 糖 人 群 絞 股 藍 ; 七 Amachazuru


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No. Brand Name Product Name Main Ingredient (maximum 4) Strength (each ingredient / unit) Dosage Form Recommended Dosage Pack Size Country of Origin 1 LIFE Nutrition Whole Food Men's Everyday Brewer's Yeast (Saccharmoyces Cerevisiae) Acerola Berry (Std. Vitamin C) Milk Mineral Complex Lycopene (from Tomato) Brewer's Yeast (Saccharmoyces Cerevisiae) 1050mg Acerola Berry (Std. Vitamin C) 240mg Milk Mineral Complex 146mg Lycopene (from Tomato) 900mcg Capsule 3 Capsules Daily 90's USA 2 LIFE Nutrition Whole Food Women's Everyday Brewer's Yeast (Saccharmoyces Cerevisiae) Acerola Berry (Std. VitaminC) Milk Mineral Complex Spirulina Brewer's Yeast (Saccharmoyces Cerevisiae) 980mg Acerola Berry (VitaminC) 240mg Milk Mineral Complex 209mg Spirulina 50mg Capsule 3 Capsules Daily 90 's USA 3 LIFE Nutrition Whole Food Cal-C Junior with Probiotics Berry Flavor Vitamin C (Acerola Fruit Extract) Calcium (Algae) Lactobacillus Acidophilus Vitamin C (Acerola Fruit Extract) 30mg Calcium (Algae) 100mg Lactobacillus Acidophilus 1 billion CFU Chewable Tablet 2 Chewable Tablets Daily 90's USA 4 LIFE Nutrition Whole Food Cal-C Junior with Probiotics Orange Flavor Vitamin C (Acerola Fruit Extract) Calcium (Algae) Lactobacillus Acidophilus Vitamin C (Acerola Fruit Extract) 30mg Calcium (Algae) 100mg Lactobacillus Acidophilus 1 billion CFU Chewable Tablet 2 Chewable Tablets Daily 90's USA 5 LIFE Nutrition Deep Sea Fish Oil Marine Lipid Concentrate Marine Lipid Concentrate 1000mg Soft Gel 1-2 Soft Gels Daily 45's USA 6 LIFE Nutrition DHA Junior Marine Lipid Concentrate Marine Lipid Concentrate 490mg Soft Gel 2 Soft Gels Daily 60's USA 7 LIFE Nutrition Algae DHA DHA (Docoshexaenoic Acid) Life's DHA DHA (Docoshexaenoic Acid) Life's DHA 200mg Soft Gel 1 Soft Gel Daily 30's USA 8 LIFE Nutrition Women's ReViva Antiaging Blend: (Soy Isoflavones Concentrate (std. to 40% Isoflavones) Royal Jelly 3x (equivalent to 300mg) Lutein (from 5% std. Marigold Extract) Reishi Mushroom Cordyceps Sinensis Mushroom Silica (from 70% std. Bamboo Extract) Turmeric Extract (std. to 95% Curcuminoids) CoQ10 (Ubiquinol) Antiaging Blend: Soy Isoflavones Concentrate (std. to 40% Isoflavones) 150mg Royal Jelly 3x (equivalent to 300mg) 100mg Lutein (from 5% std. Marigold Extract) 5mg Reishi Mushroom 100mg Cordyceps Sinensis Mushroom 50mg Silica (from 70% std. Bamboo Extract) 50mg Turmeric Extract (std. to 95% Curcuminoids) 50mg CoQ10 (Ubiquinol) 10mg

No. Brand Name Product Name Main Ingredient (maximum 4) Strength (each ingredient / unit) Dosage Form Recommended Dosage Pack Size Country of Origin 9 LIFE Nutrition Men's ReViva Antiaging Blend: Saw Palmetto Extract, Lycopene, Lutein, Ginseng, Silica, Turmeric Extract, Cordyceps Sinensis Mushroom CoQ10 Antiaging Blend: Saw Palmetto Extract 200mg, Lycopene 10mg, Lutein 5mg, Ginseng 100mg, Silica 50mg, Turmeric Extract 60mg, Cordyceps Sinensis Mushroom 50mg CoQ10 10mg 10 LIFE Nutrition Super Antioxidants Antioxidant Blend: Grape Seed Extract Green Tea Extract Ginkgo Biloba Extract Blueberry Bilberry Quercetin Turmeric Rosemary Ginger Broccoli Antioxidant Blend: Grape Seed Extract 200mg Green Tea Extract 150mg Ginkgo Biloba Extract 120mg Blueberry 100mg Bilberry 100mg Quercetin 50mg Turmeric 50mg Rosemary 50mg Ginger 50mg Broccoli 50mg 11 LIFE Nutrition Organic Acai Berry Plus Organic Acai Berry Organic Pomegranate Organic Acai Berry 700mg Organic Pomegranate 300mg 12 LIFE Nutrition Advanced Probiotics 150 Proprietary Probiotic Blend Lactobacillus Acidopilus (La-14) Lactobacillus Plantarum (Lp-115) Lactobacillus Salivarius (Ls-33) Lactobacillus Caseri (Lc-11) Lactobacillus Paracasei (Lpc-37) Lactobacillus Rhamnosus (Lr-32) Bifidobacterium Lactis (Bl-04) Bifidobacterium Longum (Bl-05) Fructo-oligosaccharides Proprietary Probiotic Blend 15 billion CFU Lactobacillus Acidopilus (La-14) Lactobacillus Plantarum (Lp-115) Lactobacillus Salivarius (Ls-33) Lactobacillus Caseri (Lc-11) Lactobacillus Paracasei (Lpc-37) Lactobacillus Rhamnosus (Lr-32) Bifidobacterium Lactis (Bl-04) Bifidobacterium Longum (Bl-05) Fructo-oligosaccharides 10mg Chewable Tablet 1 Chewable Tablet Daily 30's USA 13 LIFE Nutrition Chondroitin + MSM Plus Chondroitin Sulfate OptiMSM Boswellia Extract Turmeric Root Extract Chondroitin Sulfate 1000mg OptiMSM 1000mg Boswellia Extract 80mg Turmeric Root Extract 80mg Tablet 2 Tablets Daily 60's USA 14 LIFE Nutrition Algae Calcium Cholecalciferol (std. Vit. D3) MenaQ7 natto (std. Vit. K2) Algae (std. Calcium and Magnesium) Cholecalciferol (std. Vit. D3) 400IU MenaQ7 natto (std. Vit. K2) 45mcg Algae (Calcium) 800mg Algae (Magnesium) 50mg Tablet 4 Tablets Daily 120's USA

No. Brand Name Product Name Main Ingredient (maximum 4) Strength (each ingredient / unit) Dosage Form Recommended Dosage Pack Size Country of Origin 15 LIFE Nutrition Green Coffee Bean w Rasp Ketones Pure Green Coffee Bean Extract with Svetol Raspberry Ketones LIFE Absorption Blend (Green Tea Leaf Powder, Quercetin, Bioperine ) Pure Green Coffee Bean Extract with Svetol 800mg Raspberry Ketones 200mg LIFE Absorption Blend (Green Tea Leaf Powder, Quercetin, Bioperine ) 20mg 16 LIFE Nutrition Bright Eyes Bilberry Fruit Extract (4:1) Lutein Zeaxanthin Astaxanthin Bilberry Fruit Extract (4:1) 50mg Lutein 10mg Zeaxanthin 2mg Astaxanthin 2mg Capsule 1 Capsules Daily 60's USA 17 LIFE Nutrition Heart Strong Q10 Fish Oil CoQ10 Resveratrol Absorption Boost Blend (BioPerine, Ginger Extract) Fish Oil 510mg CoQ10 100mg Resveratrol 30mg Absorption Boost Blend (BioPerine, Ginger Extract) 10mg Capsule 1 Capsules Daily 60's USA 18 LIFE Nutrition Soy Lecithin Lecithin (Non-GMO Soy) Lecithin (Non-GMO Soy) 1200mg Capsule 2 Capsules Daily 90's USA 19 LIFE Nutrition Prostate Power Saw Palmetto Extract (85% Fatty Acids) Nettle Leaf Extract (4:1) Flower Pollen Extract Lycopene Saw Palmetto Extract (85% Fatty Acids) 320mg Nettle Leaf Extract (4:1) 200mg Flower Pollen Extract (4:1) 200mg Lycopene 15mg 20 LIFE Nutrition Liver Detox Milk Thistle Extract (80%Silymarin) Dandelion Leaf and Root Extract Turmeric Artichoke Extract (4:1) Milk Thistle Extract (80%Silymarin) 260mg Dandelion Leaf and Root Extract (4:1) 100mg Turmeric 50mg Artichoke Extract (4:1) 50mg

No. Brand Name Product Name Main Ingredient (maximum 4) Strength (each ingredient / unit) Dosage Form Recommended Dosage Pack Size Country of Origin 21 LIFE Nutrition Kids Probiotics Probiotic Blend Lactobacillus acidophilus (La-14) Bifidobacterium lactis (BI-04) Lactobacillus rhamnosus (Lr-32) Bifidobacterium longum (BI-05) Bifidobacterium breve (Bb-03) Lactobacillus casei (Lc-11)] Inulin Probiotic Blend 6 billion Inulin 2050mg Powder 1 Packet Daily 20's USA 22 LIFE Nutrition Baby DHA Marine Lipid Concentrate Marine Lipid Concentrate 5mL Liquid 5mL Daily 60mL USA 23 LIFE Nutrition Baby Sun D-Drops Cholecalciferol (std. Vit. D3) Cholecalciferol (std. Vit. D3) 400IU Liquid 1 Drop Daily 4.95mL USA Guiding Note: 1) Please fill in bilingual set of data or just in one language (Chinese or English). Example illustrated. 2) For Company Website / Brand Website / Hyperlink, we accept only ONE URL link per brand e.g. if you fill in 2 brands, each contains 4 skus, you are advised to put in maximum 2 URLs, one for each brand, no matter how many skus have been listed. 3) Please be reminded to attach photo of the outer packaging of each filled-in product. Please help mark your product with the same "No." assigned to product shown at Column A before taking photo. This enables easy product identification. 4) Please provide name of the contact person and the contact detail to enable efficient follow up by The Association. Inclusion Criteria: 1) Health Food product that do NOT classify as Phamarceuticals, proprietary Chinese medicines (pcm) or conventional food. 2) Orally consumed product with well-defined recommened dosage.

No. 品牌名稱產品名稱主要成分 ( 最多可列出 4 種 ) 含量 ( 每種成分 / 單件 ) 劑型用法用量包裝原產地 1 LIFE Nutrition 全天然男士每日元素 釀酒酵母粉針葉櫻桃 ( 維他命 C) 牛奶礦物質複合物茄紅素 釀酒酵母粉 1050 毫克針葉櫻桃 ( 維他命 C) 240 毫克牛奶礦物質複合物 146 毫克茄紅素 900 微毫克 膠囊每日 3 粒 90 粒美國 2 LIFE Nutrition 全天然女士每日元素 釀酒酵母粉針葉櫻桃 ( 維他命 C) 牛奶礦物質複合物螺旋藻 釀酒酵母粉 980 毫克針葉櫻桃 ( 維他命 C) 240 毫克牛奶礦物質複合物 209 毫克螺旋藻 50 毫克 膠囊每日 3 粒 90 粒美國 3 LIFE Nutrition 兒童全營養鈣 c 益生片 莓果味 維他命 C ( 針葉櫻桃 ) 鈣質 ( 取自天然海藻 ) 乳酸嗜酸乳桿菌 維他命 C ( 針葉櫻桃 ) 30 毫克鈣質 ( 取自天然海藻 ) 100 毫克乳酸嗜酸乳桿菌 10 億 cfu 咀嚼片每日 2 粒 90 粒美國 4 LIFE Nutrition 兒童全營養鈣 c 益生片 香橙味 維他命 C ( 針葉櫻桃 ) 鈣質 ( 取自天然海藻 ) 乳酸嗜酸乳桿菌 維他命 C ( 針葉櫻桃 ) 30 毫克鈣質 ( 取自天然海藻 ) 100 毫克乳酸嗜酸乳桿菌 10 億 cfu 咀嚼片每日 2 粒 90 粒美國 5 LIFE Nutrition 深海魚油 濃縮魚油濃縮魚油 1000 毫克軟膠囊每日 1-2 粒 45 粒美國 6 LIFE Nutrition 兒童 DHA 濃縮魚油濃縮魚油 490 毫克軟 7 LIFE Nutrition 藻油 DHA 藻油 DHA (Life's DHA) 藻油 DHA (Life's DHA) 200mg 軟膠囊每日 1 粒 30 粒美國 8 LIFE Nutrition 女士煥然活力配方 抗衰老配方 : 大豆異黃酮蜂王漿 3x 葉黃素靈芝冬蟲夏草矽薑黃輔酶 Q10 抗衰老配方 : 大豆異黃酮 150 毫克蜂王漿 3x 100 毫克葉黃素 5 毫克靈芝 50 毫克冬蟲夏草 50 毫克矽 50 毫克薑黃 50 毫克輔酶 Q10 10 毫克

No. 品牌名稱產品名稱主要成分 ( 最多可列出 4 種 ) 含量 ( 每種成分 / 單件 ) 劑型用法用量包裝原產地 9 LIFE Nutrition 男士煥然活力配方 抗衰老配方 : 鋸棕櫚萃取物茄紅素葉黃素人蔘矽薑黃根冬蟲夏草輔酶 Q10 抗衰老配方 : 鋸棕櫚萃取物 200 毫克茄紅素 10 毫克葉黃素 5 毫克人蔘 100 毫克矽 50 毫克薑黃根 60 毫克冬蟲夏草 50 毫克輔酶 Q10 10 毫克 10 LIFE Nutrition 超級抗氧化配方 抗氧化配方 : 葡萄籽萃取物綠茶萃取物銀杏藍莓山桑子槲皮苷薑黃迷迭香薑西蘭花 抗氧化配方 : 葡萄籽萃取物 200 毫克綠茶萃取物 150 毫克銀杏 120 毫克藍莓 100 毫克山桑子 100 毫克槲皮苷 50 毫克薑黃 50 毫克迷迭香 50 毫克薑 50 毫克西蘭花 50 毫克 11 LIFE Nutrition 有機巴西莓強化配方 有機巴西莓 (10:1 凍乾精華 ) 有機石榴 (3:1 凍乾精華 ) 有機巴西莓 (10:1 凍乾精華 ) 700 毫克有機石榴 (3:1 凍乾精華 ) 300 毫克 12 LIFE Nutrition 益生菌 150 益生菌配方嗜酸乳桿菌 (La-14) 植物乳桿菌 (Lp-115) 唾液乳桿菌 (Ls-33) 乾酪乳桿菌 (Lc-11) 副乾酪乳桿菌 (Lpc-37) 鼠李糖乳桿菌 (Lr-32) 雷特氏 B 菌 (Bl-04) 龍根菌 (Bl-05) 低聚果糖 益生菌配方 150 億益生菌嗜酸乳桿菌 (La-14) 植物乳桿菌 (Lp-115) 唾液乳桿菌 (Ls-33) 乾酪乳桿菌 (Lc-11) 副乾酪乳桿菌 (Lpc-37) 鼠李糖乳桿菌 (Lr-32) 雷特氏 B 菌 (Bl-04) 龍根菌 (Bl-05) 低聚果糖 10 毫克 咀嚼片每日 1 粒 30 粒美國 13 LIFE Nutrition 軟骨素強化配方 硫酸軟骨素 OptiMSM 乳香萃取物薑黃根萃取物 硫酸軟骨素 1000 毫克 OptiMSM 1000 毫克乳香萃取物 80 毫克薑黃根萃取物 80 毫克 丸錠每日 2 粒 60 粒丸錠美國 14 LIFE Nutrition 海藻鈣片 羊脂 ( 維他命 D3) 納豆 ( 維他命 K2 ) 鈣質 ( 取自天然海藻 ) 鎂 羊脂 ( 維他命 D3 400IU 納豆 ( 維他命 K2 ) 45 微毫克鈣質 ( 取自天然海藻 ) 800 毫克鎂 50 毫克 丸錠每日 2-4 粒 120 粒美國

No. 品牌名稱產品名稱主要成分 ( 最多可列出 4 種 ) 含量 ( 每種成分 / 單件 ) 劑型用法用量包裝原產地 15 LIFE Nutrition 青咖啡豆纖型配方 GCB 青咖啡豆提取物紅莓酮 LIFE 營養吸收存進配方 ( 綠茶 洋蔥素 黑胡椒 ) 青咖啡豆提取物 800 毫克紅莓酮 200 毫克 LIFE 營養吸收存進配方 ( 綠茶 洋蔥素 黑胡椒 ) 20 毫克 16 LIFE Nutrition 明目 北歐野生藍莓萃取物 (4:1) 葉黃素 ( 取自萬壽菊 ) 玉米黃質素 ( 取自萬壽菊 ) 蝦青素 ( 取自海藻 ) 北歐野生藍莓萃取物 (4:1)50 毫克葉黃素 ( 取自萬壽菊 )10 毫克玉米黃質素 ( 取自萬壽菊 )2 毫克蝦青素 ( 取自海藻 )2 毫克 膠囊每日 1 粒 60 粒美國 17 LIFE Nutrition 強心 Q10 魚油輔酶 Q10 白藜蘆醇速效吸收配方 (BioPerine 薑萃取物 魚油 510 毫克輔酶 Q10 100 毫克白藜蘆醇 30 毫克速效吸收配方 (BioPerine 薑萃取物 10 毫克 膠囊每日 1 粒 60 粒美國 18 LIFE Nutrition 活血卵磷脂 卵磷脂 ( 取自非基因改造大豆 ) 磷脂醯膽鹼磷脂酰乙醇胺磷脂酰肌醇磷脂酸 卵磷脂 ( 取自非基因改造大豆 ) 1200 毫克磷脂醯膽鹼 192 毫克磷脂酰乙醇胺 168 毫克磷脂酰肌醇 108 毫克磷脂酸 60 毫克 膠囊每日 2 粒 90 粒美國 19 LIFE Nutrition 活能前列補 鋸棕櫚萃取物 (85% 脂肪酸 ) 蕁麻葉萃取物 (4:1) 花粉萃取物 (4:1) 茄紅素 鋸棕櫚萃取物 (85% 脂肪酸 ) 320 毫克蕁麻葉萃取物 (4:1) 200 毫克花粉萃取物 (4:1) 200 毫克茄紅素 15 毫克 20 LIFE Nutrition 肝健清 乳薊萃取物 (80% 水飛薊素 ) 蒲公英葉和根部萃取物 (4:1) 薑黃朝鮮薊葉萃取物 (4:1) 乳薊萃取物 (80% 水飛薊素 ) 260 毫克蒲公英葉和根部萃取物 (4:1) 100 毫克薑黃 50 毫克朝鮮薊葉萃取物 (4:1) 50 毫克

No. 品牌名稱產品名稱主要成分 ( 最多可列出 4 種 ) 含量 ( 每種成分 / 單件 ) 劑型用法用量包裝原產地 21 LIFE Nutrition 兒童益生菌沖劑 益生菌配方嗜酸乳桿菌 (La-14) 雷特氏 B 菌 (Bl-04) 鼠李糖乳桿菌 (Lr-32) 長雙歧桿菌 (Bl-05) 短雙歧桿菌 (Bb-03) 乾酪乳桿菌 (Lc-11)] 低聚果糖 益生菌配方 60 億低聚果糖 2050mg 沖劑每日 1 包 20 包美國 22 LIFE Nutrition 嬰兒 DHA 滴劑北極鱈魚北極鱈魚 5 毫升滴劑每日 5 毫升 60 毫升美國 23 LIFE Nutrition 嬰兒維 D 滴劑羊脂 ( 維他命 D ) 羊脂 ( 維他命 D) 400IU 滴劑每日 1 滴 4.95 毫升美國 Guiding Note: 1) Please fill in bilingual set of data or just in one language (Chinese or English). Example illustrated. 2) For Company Website / Brand Website / Hyperlink, we accept only ONE URL link per brand e.g. if you fill in 2 brands, each contains 4 skus, you are advised to put in maximum 2 URLs, one for each brand, no matter how many skus have been listed. 3) Please be reminded to attach photo of the outer packaging of each filled-in product. Please help mark your product with the same "No." assigned to product shown at Column A before taking photo. This enables easy product identification. 4) Please provide name of the contact person and the contact detail to enable efficient follow up by The Association. Inclusion Criteria: 1) Health Food product that do NOT classify as Phamarceuticals, proprietary Chinese medicines (pcm) or conventional food. 2) Orally consumed product with well-defined recommened dosage.