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PowerPoint 簡報


://bbs.tpooo.com Beginners mistakes:band 4-5 常见错误 应该这样说 注解 1 Look it rains Look it s raining 表示正在发生的事应使用现在进行时 而表示经常发生的或永久性的事应使用一般现在时 2 It s often raining here. It often rains here. 表示正在发生的事应使用现在进行时 而表示经常发生的或永久性的事应使用一般现在时 3 I ll phone you when I will arrive. I ll phone you when I arrive. will/shall 经常被用在表示假设性或条件性的从句中, 即 what will happen if something else happens. if 和 when 等引导词后面的从句应使用一般现在时 4 I am born in Shanghai. I was born in Shanghai. 当谈论出生的时间地点时应使用一般过去时 同时注意讨论 出生 时, 应使用被动语态 5 I must see the dentist I had to see the dentist must 不能使用在过去时态中, 应改为 had to yesterday. yesterday. 6 I want go home. I want to go home. want + to do sth. 同时注意 want 通常不接 that 从句, 但是可以用 want + 宾语 + 不定式 例 I want you to get me a cup of coffee. 而不是 I want that you get me a cup of coffee. 7 I came here for study English. I came here to study English. 英语中通常使用不定式形式 (to+ 动词原形 ) 表达某人的目的 例 I sat down to rest. 而不是 I sat down for resting. 8 I drove here without to stop. I drove here without stopping. 当一个介词连接动词的时候, 动词应使用动名词形式 (-ing) 9 She looked, but she didn t see she didn t see anything. / she 在英语中 nobody, nothing, never 等本身就有否定意义的词不应同 not 同时使用 nothing. saw nothing. 10 Where is station? Where is the station? 当表示特指某物时, 应在名词前使用 the 11 The life is difficult. Life is difficult. 当讨论普遍现象时, 在不可数名词及复数名词前不能使用 the 12 I haven t got some free time today. I haven t got any free time today. some 通常使用于肯定句中, 而 any 通常使用于否定及疑问句中 特殊情况 :some 适用于疑问句中表示提出问题的人期望得到肯定的答案 例 Could I have some rice, please? 当 any 出现在肯定句中, 该句话多有负面或限制的意义 例 You never give me any help. 或 There s hardly any tea left. 淘宝旗舰店 ://tpooo.taobao.com/ 全国免费咨询电话 400-000-6150

://bbs.tpooo.com 13 Everybody were late. Everybody was late. 当 body, one,some, any- 这类的词做主语的时候, 动词应使用单数形式 14 It is more cold today. It is colder today. cold 为单音节单词, 形容词应加 er 但当比较两个形容词的时候可以使用 more 例 He is more lazy than stupid. 15 It s too much hot in this house. It s too hot in this house. 在单独的形容词 ( 即形容词后没有名词的情况 ) 和副词前, 应使用 too, 而不是 too much 16 The man which lives here is from Greece. The man who lives here is from Greece. which, who, whom 均为关系代词, 用来引导关系从句 who(m) 用来指代人, 而 which 用来指代事物 17 The people in this town is very The people in this town are people 为复数名词, 表示人们, 人民, 家人 friendly. very friendly. 18 I like very much skiing. I very much like skiing. / I like skiing very much. 在例句中 very much 的词性为副词 但是 very much 不能用于动词和宾语之间 very much 也可作名词的限定词 例 I don t have very much money. / Have you got very much work to do? 但是 very much 做限定词时不能出现在肯定句中 例 There was a lot of snow on the road. 而不是 There was very much snow. 19 This soup isn t enough hot. This soup isn t hot enough. enough 只能用在形容词 / 副词之后 20 I have done a mistake. I have made a mistake. 请注意以下固定表达方式 :do good, harm, business, one s best, a favour, sport, exercise, one s hair, one s teeth, one s duty. make an offer, arrangements, a suggestion, a decision, an attempt, an effort, an excuse, an exception, a mistake, a noise, a phone call, money, a profit, a fortune, progress. 淘宝旗舰店 ://tpooo.taobao.com/ 全国免费咨询电话 400-000-6150

Intermediate students mistakes: Band 5-6 常见错误 应该这样说 注解 1 I promise I pay you tomorrow. I promise I ll pay you 在表示 promises 和 threats 时, 从句必须使用将来时 will/ ll tomorrow. 2 This is the first time I m here. the first time I ve been here. 在以下句子中应使用过去完成时态 :this/it/that is the first/second/third/ only/best/worst etc 例 That s the third cake you ve eaten this morning. 3 I ve been here since three days. for three days. 在过去完成时中 for + period of time ( 时间跨度 ); since + starting point ( 开始时间 ) 4 If I ll have time, I ll go home. If I have time, 在 if 从句中, 应使用一般现在时 5 If I knew the price, I will tell you. I would tell you. 当使用虚拟语气讨论没有真实发生的事情时, 应使用过去时态和 would 6 He said me that he was Chinese. He told me that he was say 不可连接表示人称的宾语 如果需要使用宾语, 需加 to Chinese. 7 There s the man that I work for him. There s the man that I work for. 作为主语或宾语,which, who(m),that 在句中取代 she, him, it. 在关系从句中应只出现一个主语或宾语 8 I ve told you all what I know. all (that) I know. that 常用于数量词及形容词最高级后, 例 all, every(thing), some(thing), any(thing), no(thing), none, little, few, much, only and best. 9 Although it was late, but she went out. Although it was late, she went out. 通常情况下一句话中应只有一个连词 Although 和 but,because 和 so, as 和 that, 这三组词中的两个词都不应该同时出现在一句话中 但是 and 和 or 可以用来连接一个重复出现的连词 例 We came back because we ran out of money, and because Ann got ill. She didn't write when I was ill, or when I got married. 10 You have better to see the doctor. You had better see the doctor. had better 是一个固定的用法, 用来表示强烈的建议, 语气比 should 和 ought 更急迫 had better 虽然使用的是过去式的形式, 但表示的是短期内将发生的事 11 I use to play tennis at weekends. I play tennis at weekends. used to 是固定的用法, 用来表示过去的习惯, 且只有过去式的形式 因此当讨论现在的习惯或情况时应使用其它表达方式的一般现在时 例 He smokes. 而不是 He uses to smoke. ://bbs.tpooo.com 淘宝旗舰店 ://tpooo.taobao.com/ 全国免费咨询电话 400-000-6150

://bbs.tpooo.com 12 It can rain this evening. It may/might/could rain this evening. 13 My parents wanted that I study. My parents wanted me to study. may/might 和 can/could 意思和用法相似, 但有以下几点不同 can/could 用来表达普遍的可能性, 例 These roses can grow anywhere. OR In those days, everybody could find a job. 但当表示某事发生的几率时, 应使用 may/might/could, 而不能使用 can 例 Sarah might be with Jo. 很多动词后面可以接主语 + 不定式 例 I want you to listen. 常见的这类动词包括 advise, allow, ask, force, love, teach, permit, expect, invite, like 等 但 want, allow, ask 之后不可连接 that 从句 例 They didn t allow people to smoke. 但不是 They don t allow that people smoke. 14 You must stop to smoke. stop smoking. 通常情况下 stop 不可以接动词不定时, 但是 stop 可以连接表达目的的不定时 例 I stopped running. = I stopped to rest. = I stopped, in order to rest. 但不可以说 I stopped to run. 15 I look forward to see you. I look forward to seeing you. to 可以用来引导不定式, 例 to swim. 但在特定情况下 ( 例 look forward to, object to, be used to, prefer)to 是介词, 后面可连接名词及动名词 16 I m boring in the lessons. I m bored in the lessons. interested, bored, excited 表示人的感觉 interesting, boring, exciting 形容引起这种感觉的人或事物 例 The lessons are boring. 17 He has much money. He has a lot of/plenty of money. 在非正式语言环境下,much 和 many 多用于否定和疑问剧中, 而很少用于肯定句中 例 How much money have you got? I ve got plenty. 但在正式的语言环境下,much 和 many 则可用在肯定句中 例 Much has been written about unemployment. 18 Most of people agree with me. Most people 当名词 (people) 前没有其它限定词时, 例如所有格和冠词,most 后面通常不可以加 of 但是 most of 可以连接人名和地名, 例 I ve read most of Shakespeare. The Romans conquered most of England. 19 I looked at me in the mirror. I looked at myself 当某动作的主语和宾语为同一人时, 可使用反身代词 反身代词可指代宾语和所有格 20 We waited during six hours. for six hours. during 用来表示某事正在发生的时间, 而 for 用来表示某事持续的时间 例 John was in hospital during the summer. 21 I like eating chocolate milk. milk chocolate. 在名词 + 名词的组合中, 第一个名词用来限定和修饰第二个名词 例 milk chocolate 是一种巧克力, 而 chocolate milk 是一种牛奶 多 淘宝旗舰店 ://tpooo.taobao.com/ 全国免费咨询电话 400-000-6150

://bbs.tpooo.com 22 Come here and look at that Come here and look at this paper. paper. this/these 用来表示距离说话者较近的人或物,that/those 表示距离说话者较 远的人或物 23 We go there every Saturdays. every Saturday. every 通常连接单数名词, 同时动词也应使用动词形式 但是 every 可以加复 数名词表示时间的间隔或周期 例 We meet every six weeks. 24 Which is the biggest city of the world? the biggest city in the world. 在形容词最高级后, 应使用 in+ 单数名词, 参见例句 但最高级后可以使用 of+ 复数名词 例 She s the fastest player of them all. 25 I m thinking to change my job. I m thinking of changing my job. think 通常不能连接不定式, 而应连接动名词 但是当表达记得做某事时可用 think+ 不定式 例 Did you think to close the windows when it started raining? 26 Can you give me an some information? information 是不可数名词, 应改为 some information/a piece of information information? 27 He s married with a doctor. He s married to a doctor. married 不可以接 with 应改为 marriage to; get/be married to; marry somebody 28 Can you mend this until Tuesday? by Tuesday? until 表示某情形或局面将一直持续到将来的某个时间 by 表示某动作或活动将在将来某时间之前或当时发生 29 I like warm countries, as Spain. warm countries, like Spain. like 可以使用在名词或代词前, 而 as 只可以连接从句或介词短语 例 On Friday, as on Tuesday, the meeting will be at 8.30. 30 Please explain me what you explain to me explain + to + 间接宾语 want. 31 When you come, take your bike. bring your bike. bring 表示动作的方向是从其它地方到说话者或听者所指的地方, 即带来 而 take 表示动作的方向是到其它地方, 即带走 32 My brother has got a new work. a new job. work 为不可数名词, 应使用 a job / a piece of work 淘宝旗舰店 ://tpooo.taobao.com/ 全国免费咨询电话 400-000-6150

://bbs.tpooo.com Advanced students mistakes: Band 6-7 常见错误 应该这样说 注解 1 I ll ask you in case I need help. I ll ask you if I need help. in case 和 if 用法不同 Do A in case B happens. 意为先做 A 因为 B 有可能发生 Do A if B happens. 意为如果 B 发生了就要做 A 2 I object to tell them my age. I object to telling them my age. to 有两种形式 : 引导不定式和介词 当 to 引导不定式时接动词原形, 例 to swim 当 to 作介词时接名词或动名词 例句中 to 为介词 3 Ten thousand, a hundred and six Ten thousand, one hundred and six a 只可以在数字最前端出现 ( 例 a/one thousand and forty) 即便如此, 使用 one 比 a 更正式 4 Who s that? He s John. it s John. 当表示识别或认明某人时,it 用来指那个人 5 I don t like to be shouted. I don t like to be shouted at. 在被动语态的句子中, 动词连接的介词通常不可以省略 6 The police is looking for him. The police are looking. police, staff, crew 通常泛指全体人员, 动词应使用复数形式 7 Prices are surely rising fast. Prices are certainly rising fast. certainly 表示某事是确切的 Surely 表示 it seems like I believe, 从而得到别人的认同 例 Housing prices will surely stop rising soon. 8 I have big respect for her ideas. great respect great 用来修饰抽象的名词 ( 不可见不可触及的 ) Big 用来修饰可数的名词, 同时为非正式的表达方式 9 I don t like nowadays fashions. today s/modern fashions nowadays 为副词, 不能用作形容词 10 She passed her exam, what which surprised everybody. which 可以指代名词和从句之前的一句话, 但是 what 不可以 surprised everybody. 11 I ve good knowledge of German. a good knowledge of German. 当形容并限定某些不可数名词时, 尤其是表示情绪及心理活动时, 应使用 a/an. 例 a good sleep, a deep understanding, a good education, a great help. 12 Finally! Where have you been? At last!... at last 意为终于, 可用作惊叹词 Finally 不可用作惊叹词, 只可用作表示某程序的最后一步, 或与动词使用, 表示 最终 13 I ll be home since 3 o clock. from 3 o clock. since 多用于完成时态 ( 现在完成时及过去完成时 ),from 用于其它时态 ( 将来时及过去时 ) 14 We waited one and a half hour. one and a half hours. one and a half 为复数形式 淘宝旗舰店 ://tpooo.taobao.com/ 全国免费咨询电话 400-000-6150

://bbs.tpooo.com 15 It s time they go home. It s time they went home. It s time 可以连接不定式 ( 例 It s time to sleep.) It s time 也可以连接主语 及动词的过去式形式, 但是意为现在 16 I ll see you a few days later. I ll see you in a few days. later 用来表示 after that time, 而 in 表示 after now 例 Ann got married on her 18 th birthday; six months later she was divorced. 17 All along the centuries, there have been wars. All through the centuries along 和表示细长形状的名词同时使用, 例如 road, river, corridor, line. 而 through 和表示 periods 以及 activities 的词同时使用, 例如 centuries, journey. 18 I want a completely other colour. a completely different colour. other 在这里词性为代词, 不能当成形容词使用 所以 other 前不能加副词, 且不能在连系动词后使用 19 Let s go and have coffee to Marcel s. at Marcel s. 当先表示行动的目的而后表示行动的目的地时, 在地点前应使用 at/in 如使用 to 可以说 Let s go to Marcel s for coffee. 20 That s mine I saw it at first! I saw it first! at first 表示事件的开始, 从而与之后发生的事进行对比 at first 通常会与 but 同时出现在句子中 例 At first they were very happy, but then things started going wrong. 21 Switzerland is among Germany, France, Austria and Italy. between Germany, France, Austria and Italy. between 表示某物存在于一些可以清楚区分的独立个体中 among 表示某物存在于一组物体或一群人中 例 :His house is hidden among the trees. His house is between the woods, the river and the village. 22 According to me, it s a bad film. In my opinion / I think according to 表示 in X s opinion, 但不能用来表示自己的意见 23 It was a too good party to miss. too good a party 当使用 as, how, so, too 以及 this, that 表示 so 的意思时,a/an 要放在形容词后 24 Whole Paris was celebrating. The whole of Paris 在专有名词和代词前, 通常使用 the whole of, 而不能使用 whole 也可以使用 all (of) 例 All of Paris was celebrating. 25 I nearly wish I d stayed at home. I almost wish nearly 和 almost 在表示进度, 衡量时有相同的意思 但在例句中 almost 意为 similar to, but not exactly the same Nearly 不可表示这个意思 26 One speaks Italian in my town. We/they speak One 意为 people in general, 但是 one 通常带有 单人 的意思, 所以不能用来表示 whole groups 27 The girl wants an own room. her own room. Own 只可以在所有格后使用, 不可以直接连接冠词 例句也可改为 The girl wants a room of her own. 淘宝旗舰店 ://tpooo.taobao.com/ 全国免费咨询电话 400-000-6150

://bbs.tpooo.com 28 Couldn t you help me, please? Could you? / You couldn t, could you? Could you.. 表示礼貌的请求 You couldn t..,could you? 可以在非正式情况 下用来表示请求 但 couldn t.. 只能用来表示抱怨或批评 29 I ll try to know when it starts. I ll try to find out when it starts. know 表示已经知道某事 ( to have learnt it), 而不能用来表达知道某事的过程 (to learn it) 当表示 getting knowledge 时, 可以使用 find out, get to know, learn, hear, can tell. 30 I love this so beautiful country. this country it s so beautiful. So 只可以单独连接形容词或副词使用, 而非 so+ 形容词 + 名词 31 It s getting winter. It s getting to be winter. get 加名词表示 receive, catch, obtain 等意思 但不能表示 become 可以使用 get 加不定时表示逐渐展开及逐渐变化的过程 32 Our flat is decorated this week. Our flat is being decorated 这句话表示说话时事情正在进行中, 所以应使用现在进行时的被动语态 ( 或主动语态 ) 淘宝旗舰店 ://tpooo.taobao.com/ 全国免费咨询电话 400-000-6150

://bbs.tpooo.com Very advanced students mistakes:band 7+ 常见错误 应该这样说 注解 1 No doubt the world is getting warmer. There is no doubt that the world... no doubt 意思为 probably or I suppose, 但不表示 certainly. 当希望表示确定的意思时应使用 there is no doubt that or without any doubt. 2 I can t think of anybody whom to invite. I can t think of anybody to invite. 当一个名词或者代词是后面不定式的宾语时, 不使用关系代词 3 Would you follow me wherever I would go? wherever I went? 通常情况下 would 和 will 不会出现在从句中, 应使用动词的过去式 4 We all have to live in the society. in society. 使用不可数名词和名词复数形式表示 things in general 时, 这些词前面不加 the. 5 The number of the unemployed is going up. The number of unemployed amount 和 number 之后不加 the. 6 She works the hardest when she s working for her family. She works hardest 比较在不同情况下的同一个人或物体的状态, 形容词最高级前的 the 要去掉 7 I m thankful for your help. I m grateful grateful 用来表示人们对友善及帮助的反应 ;thankful 用来表示躲避不幸后或经过不愉快经历后的庆幸及放松心情 8 We talked about if it was ready. about whether it was ready. if 不能使用在介词后 (e.g. about), 应使用 whether. 9 What live in those little holes? What lives 当 what 和 who 提问的是从句的主语时, 对应的动词应使用单数形式 10 Some people are interested, but the majority doesn t care. the majority don t care. majority 和复数名词 people 同时使用, 对应的动词应使用复数形式 11 It mustn t be the postman at the door. It s only 7 o clock. It can t be the postman 不应在否定句式中使用 must 表示确定性 可以使用 can t 表示 something is certainly not the case. 12 A third of the students is from abroad. are from abroad. 当使用分数小数等表示数量和尺寸的时候, 动词应使用单数形式 ( 例 3.6 kilometres is about 2 miles.) 但是当讨论 number 和 people 时, 应使用动词的复数形式 淘宝旗舰店 ://tpooo.taobao.com/ 全国免费咨询电话 400-000-6150

://bbs.tpooo.com 13 Except Angie, everybody was there. Except for Angie 在概括性词汇 ( 例 every, all, any) 后应省略 for ( 例 everybody was there, except Angie.) 但在概括性词汇之前使用 except, 应加 for 14 I wish you would feel better tomorrow. I hope you feel wish + that 从句不用来表示将来有可能发生的事, 应使用 hope. ( 例 I hope you pass your exams.) 15 The train may be late, as it happened yesterday. as happened yesterday. as 和 than 可以取代从句中的主语 ( 例 He worries more than is necessary. NOT more than it/what is necessary.) 16 When I wrote my letters, I did some gardening. When I had written 在使用 when 时, 应特别注意不同动词发生的时间先后 这里应使用过去完成时 17 Stefan can never return back to his country. return to his country. / go back to his country. 当动词 ( 例 return) 已经有返回或向反方向移动的意思时, 不应同时使用 back 18 Will you go and see me when I m in come and see me come 表示动作移动到说话者已经或者即将存在的地方 hospital? 19 May you go camping this summer? Do you think you ll go may 不能用在疑问句中表示事情发生的可能性 20 My cousin works for the NATO. for NATO. 当首字母缩写可以以单词形式发音时, 应省略定冠词 the 当首字母缩写不可以以单词形式发音时 ( 例 the CIA), 应使用 the 21 My wife will be angry unless I m home by 7.00. if I m not home unless 意为 except it, 所以不能用在意为 because..not 的句子中 例句中实际意思为 She will be angry because I m not home. 22 We were poured water on. We had water poured on us. / Water was poured on us. 句子原意为 They poured water on us. 如果句中已经存在直接宾语 (water), 介词后的第二个宾语 (us) 不能变为被动形式 淘宝旗舰店 ://tpooo.taobao.com/ 全国免费咨询电话 400-000-6150