Industrial Alcoholism Programs IAPs Employee Assistance Programs EAPs Maiden 2001 Sarkar 2008 EAPs Van den Bergh EAPs EAPs Ramana

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class position and voting behavior but also explicates the causal mechanisms between class position and voting behavior through class identification. This study demonstrates that class politics offers an appropriate logic to understand political participation in contemporary China. The Judicial Spanning of Legal Structural Holes Social network analyses of closely related groups' legal management Zhang Hongtao 59 Abstract When judges laws face villagers and its closely related groups there is no structural hole among villagers while legal structural holes do exiest on the side of judges or laws which puts judges laws at disadvantage in the network. Being constrained by the distribution of legal structural holes judges laws have the village heads customary laws and mediation embedded into dispute resolution tactics to change their disadvantageous position in the network and improve structural autonomy by filling up the legal structural holes. When the applicable objects of law are stranger groups judges laws can improve structure autonomy by using the structural holes of the applicable objects. But even then judges laws are not in the best position where legal structural holes are not around them but on the side of the applicable objects of law. Hence the most urgent task for China's rule of law is to realize the organic integration of particular Chinese factors and enacted laws so as to fill up the legal structural holes increase judges' structural autonomy and make laws more appropriate for closely related groups or stranger groups. The Industrial Social Work Intervention Strategy under Expanded Clinical Perspective Targeting new employees of Factory D in Guangdong Province Zheng Guanghuai & Liu Yan 83 Abstract With the intension of industrial conflicts in contemporary China as the bridge between labor and capital the industrial social work has become increasingly important. Based on the expanded clinical perspective proposed by Balgopal and the social work practice of Factory D in Guangdong province this paper constructs a social work intervention strategy for new employees in order to change the person and the occupational environment simultaneously. The article also discusses challenges faced by social work profession when social workers practiced in the world of work and argues that the industrial social work intervention for new employees can reduce the high turnover rate of employees and will bring a new possibility for the development of industrial social work in China. The State the Financial Market and the Rise and Decline of Diversification Strategy in China A new institutional perspective on 243