Abstract This essay investigates the problem of the media and democracy in post-handover Macau. Ever since the former Portuguese colonial out

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289 2008 12 Taiwan: A Radical Quarterly in Social Studies No. 72, December 2008 * ** *** The Depoliticization of Macau's Television Management by Shih-Diing LIU Hao-Wan LEI Keywords: TDM (Teledifusao De Macau), news censorship, TV blackout, organization of dissent. * City Connection ** E-mail: sdliu@umac.mo *** E-:mail: ma75541@umac.mo

290 2002 Abstract This essay investigates the problem of the media and democracy in post-handover Macau. Ever since the former Portuguese colonial outpost was opened up to foreign casino entrepreneurs in 2002 and transformed to Asia's new gambling capital, the problem of democracy has come into focus as a crucial issue. The dramatic economic growth caused an unanticipated backlash from the politically activated public, yet the media, particularly TDM a local terrestrial TV station owned by the Macau SAR government continues to serve as a docile government mouthpiece, undermining the necessary conditions for democratic governance. This essay analyzes TDM's ownership structure, journalistic practices, as well as recent disputes over TV signal relay service, examining how the domain of television is increasingly depoliticized and isolated from broader struggles for democracy. The tendency of depoliticization, characterized by the absence of informed, democratic participation in media policymaking, coincides with the city's integration into the global circuits of capital. Macau's historical experience reveals how the corrupt and secretive enactment of policies inherits the colonial legacy, disorganizes dissent, and legitimizes

291 the anti-democratic forces of neoliberalism. A viable democratic prospect for reforming the present media system should begin with a transformative imagination that goes beyond the rhetoric of free market.

292 1999 1 2007 TDM 2 3 4 1 2008 2 3 Curran, J. 2002. Media and Power, London: Routledge. 4 Cyber CTM Qoos.com Lou, I. 2008 Alternative Political Participation in Macau s Internet Forums, Master Thesis, Macau: University of

293 5 5 4 6 7 Macau. 5 Youtube 6 2007 5 25 2007 5 26 2007 5 31 7

294 8 1984 1990 9 8 McChesney, R. 2000. Journalism, Democracy and Class Struggle, Monthly Review, http://www.monthlyreview.org/1100rwm.htm. 9 2007 Canal Macau 2008

295 10 11 12 RTP 2 10 1966 12-3 2007 11 2002 12 2008 20 90 Rancière, J. 1995/2007. On the Shores of Politics, London: Verso.

296 13 14 1987 1988 49.5% 50.5% 19.5% ( ) 15% 15% 15 13 2002 2002 12 13 2007 60% 2006 46% 2008 2001-2007 14 1996 34 15 2008 5 4

297 1989 1993 50.5% 16 2002 17 5 34.5% 8 15% 18 2004 19 20 21 16 1996 17 2003 1999 18 2002 10 19 19 20 2004 173 21

298 22 23 24 25 26 22 2006 10 22 23 1998 8 24 5 2008 25 26

299 2005 2007

300 27 M 28 P 29 30 27 28 M 2008 3 1 29 P 2008 6 10 30 S 2008 5 4

301 2002 2004 31 2005 32 33 2005 31 32 2007 3 30 9700 22 33 2008 8 4

302 34 35 36 34 2006 4 1 35 2006 3 7 2007 6 19 2007 8 30 2007 10 26 2008 1 17 36 2007 6 19

303 25 40 15 37 38 37 2008 3 2008 2 1 38

304 39 2005 40 2007 87.5% 41 2008 42 2008 2 1 39 40 2005 8 27 41 2007 42

305 43 vs. 44 43 2008 5 20 2008 2 13 44 2005

306 Roberto Unger 45 2005 8 27 2008 2 1 ( ) 2002 2008 20 90 2008 2 1 2004 2006 10 22 1996 2008 45 Unger, R. M. 2005. What Should the Left Propose? London: Verso.

307 2005 2008 3 2008 2001-2007 2007 1996 2003 1999 2008 6 3 1998 8 2007 5 25 2007 5 26 2007 5 31 2002 12 13 2002 10 19 2007 3 30 2006 4 1 2006 3 7 2007 6 19 2007 8 30 2007 10 26

308 2008 1 17 2007 6 19 2008 5 20 2008 2 13 Curran, J. 2002. Media and Power, London: Routledge. Lou, I. 2008 Alternative Political Participation in Macau s Internet Forums, Master Thesis, Macau: University of Macau. McChesney, R. 2000. Journalism, Democracy and Class Struggle, Monthly Review, http://www.monthlyreview.org/1100rwm.htm. Rancière, J. 1995/2007. On the Shores of Politics, London: Verso. Unger, R. M. 2005. What Should the Left Propose? London: Verso.