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华文教学 ( 家长分享会 ) 蒙福小学 华文部

10:30am Welcome Address 致欢迎词 10:35am CL Syllabus & Assessment 华文教学纲要与测试 10:50am How to help your child learn 如何帮助孩子 Chinese Language better 学习华文 11:10am i-flash Demo / 知识报 i-flash 示范 / 知识报 11:30am Sharing by Parents 家长分享 11:40am Q&A 问与答 12:00noon End of session 分享会结束

2010 年 小学一 二年级 (P1, P2) 华文 (CL) 高级华文 (HCL)

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2010 年小学一年级 (P1) 华文考查与测试 (CL Assessment)

小一考查与测试 (P1 Assessment) 持续性测试 Formative Assessment 没有考试 No CAs & SAs

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小一华文语文练习 (P1 - Class Tests) 看图连拼音看图圈拼音看图选句子看词圈拼音辨字测验选字组词选词填空完成句子数笔画组词成句看图写句子阅读理解 Match Pinyin with Picture Circle Pinyin (with given Picture) Choose the correct sentence (with given Picture) Circle Pinyin (with given Word) Choose the correct word Choose the correct character to form words Choose the correct word to complete the given sentence Complete the sentences Count the number of strokes Re-arrange sentences Sentence Construction (with given Picture) Comprehension

2010 年小学二年级 (P2) 华文 / 高级华文测试 (CL / HCL Assessment)

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试卷一 (Paper 1) 35min 试卷二 (Paper 2) 1h 20min 小二年终考试 (P2-SA) 看图写段 (1 个图 +5 个词语 ) ( 写出一个段落 : 普华 30 字以上高华 40 字以上 ) Paragraph Writing (with 1 picture & 5 helping words)=1 Paragraph CL 30 words and above HCL 40 words and above 语文理解与运用 Language Use and Comprehension 10 分 60 分 试卷三 (Paper 3) 口试 (Oral) 听力 (LC) 20min 口试 (Oral) 朗读短文 Reading 看图说话 Picture Description Listening Comprehension Total 20 分 10 分 100 分

小二华文考试 (P2-SA) 试卷一 : 看图写段 (Paper 1: Paragraph Writing) ( 作答时间 :35 分钟 ) ( 分数 :10 分 )

小二华文测试 (P2- CA & SA) 试卷二 : 语文理解与运用 (Paper 2: Language Use and Comprehension) ( 作答时间 :1 小时 20 分钟 ) ( 分数 :60 分 ) 一 拼音选择 二 A: 辨字测验 B: 填写词语 三 选字组词 四 词语选择 五 短文填空 六 完成句子 七 组词成句 八 A: 看图写句子 B: 造句 九 阅读理解 Choose the correct Pinyin A: Choose the correct word B: Fill in the correct word Choose the correct character to form words Choose the correct words Close Passage Complete sentences Re-arrange sentences A: Sentence Construction (with given Picture) B: Sentence Construction Comprehension Total 5 题 5 分 3 题 3 分 2 题 2 分 5 题 5 分 5 题 5 分 5 题 5 分 5 题 5 分 5 题 5 分 3 题 6 分 2 题 4 分 5 题 10 分 60

试卷二 : 语文理解与运用 (Paper 2: Language Use and Comprehension)

小学离校考试 PSLE 华文 / 基础华文 / 高级华文 CL / FCL / HCL

小六华文 (P6 CHINESE) 试卷一 (Paper 1) 50min 试卷二 (Paper 2) 1h 40min 作文 Composition 语文理解与应用 Language Use and Comprehension 40 分 90 分 试卷三 (Paper 3) 口试 (Oral) 听力理解 (LC) 30min 朗读短文 Reading (20 分 ) 看图说话 Picture Description (20 分 ) 会话 Conversation (10 分 ) Listening Comprehension 总分 : 50 分 20 分 200 分

试卷一 : 作文 Composition ( 分数 :40 分 ) ( 作答时间 :50 分钟 ) 看图作文 ( 按照图意写作 ) 5 个图加一个空图, 以及 8 个词语 With 6 pictures, the last picture will comprise of a question mark. 命题作文 ( 根据题目写作 ) One title with probing questions given

小六会考 (PSLE) 华文试卷一 (CL Paper 1) ( 作答时间 :50 分钟 ) ( 分数 :40 分 )

小六会考 (PSLE) 华文试卷二 : 语文理解与运用 (CL Paper 2: Language Use and Comprehension) ( 作答时间 :1 小时 40 分钟 ) ( 分数 :90 分 ) 一 语文应用二 短文填空三 阅读理解一四 完成对话五 阅读理解二 Language Use (MCQ) Close Passage (MCQ) Comprehension 1 (MCQ) Complete sentences (MCQ) Comprehension 2 (written answers) Total 10 题 20 分 6 题 12 分 7 题 14 分 5 题 10 分 13 题 34 分 90

小六会考 (PSLE) 华文试卷二 : 语文理解与运用 (CL Paper 2: Language Use and Comprehension)

小六基础华文 (P6 FOUNDATION CHINESE) 试卷一 (Paper 1) 30min 阅读理解 Reading Comprehension (MCQ) 10 分 试卷二 (Paper 2) 口试 (Oral) 10min 朗读短文 Reading (20 分 ) 看图说话 Picture Description (30 分 ) 会话 Conversation (10 分 ) 60 分 试卷三 (Paper 3) 听力理解 (LC) 40min 听力 Listening Comprehension 总分 : 30 分 100 分

小六会考 (PSLE) 基础华文试卷一 : 阅读理解 (CL Paper 1: Reading Comprehension)

小六高级华文 (P6 HIGHER CHINESE) 试卷一 (Paper 1) 50min 作文 (200 字以上 ) Composition (200 words) 40 分 试卷二 (Paper 2) 1h 20min 语文理解与应用 Language Use and Comprehension 60 分 总分 : 100 分

试卷一 : 作文 Composition ( 分数 :40 分 ) ( 作答时间 :50 分钟 ) 命题作文 One title given 完成文章 A short beginning paragraph given * 字数须在 200 字以上

如何帮助孩子学习华文 How to help your child learn Chinese Language better

Speak more Chinese at home Story books and enrichment materials Recommended websites

Use the language everyday! Let your child speak Chinese to at least 1 member at home Make it a habit

Make it a habit to read Chinese storybooks and not just concentrate on English storybooks Can always start with books with 2 languages Can make use of 好朋友 for a start

Play games with your child using 字宝宝 Level 1: Listen and pick out the correct words ( 听 ) Level 2: Form words and sentences ( 说 ) Level 3:Memory Game ( 听说读 ) Level 4: Learn how to write ( 写 )

Spread out the characters Read out the characters Child pick out characters As they progress, you can increase the speed and read out more than 1 character at a time.

Form words or sentences with the characters that they have picked out.

Play the memory game: Child see the characters Cover up the characters Parents read out the characters Child pick characters based on their memory Child read the correct characters

Child see the characters Cover up the characters Ask child to write characters You can start with 2 to 3 characters a day and do a review at the end of each week

Make use of the oral pictures found in books and 好朋友 Teach them the basic words Example: 公园, 小孩, 跑步, 开心

Can also bring them out to learn! - supermarkets, parks, hawker centres, libraries Get them to communicate with people outside using Chinese

Write down the Chinese words of things that they see at home everyday Can start with the living room Example: 电视机, 桌子, 椅子, 沙发


Role play create different scenarios: Hawker Centre hawker, customer Supermarket cashier, customer School teacher, student Converse in Chinese

http://xuele.edumall.sg/xuele/slot/u107/index.html http://game.iflashbook.com/ http://happytown.edumall.sg/ http://www.mjschinese.net/ http://www.lead.com.sg/