5 : 991,, 1.5 cm 3 cm, ; 15, 30 (, 2 ),,,, 105, ; 10, 20 (2 ) 10g ; 5, 10 (2 ) 5 g, 含肉率和其他组织占有率测定,,,,,, =(/ ) 100% =( /) 100% =( /) 100% =(/ )

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34 5 Vol. 34, No.5 2010 9 ACTA HYDROBIOLOGICA SINICA Sep., 2 0 1 0 DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1035.2010.00990 黄 1 钧 杨 2 淞 1 覃志彪 2 魏文燕 冯 1 健 (1., 530004; 2., 625014) : 3 (Ictalurus ncbulosus) (Misgurnus anguillicaudatus) (Pelteobagrus fulvidraco, Richardson), : (74.48±2.01)% (73.63±3.27)%,, (65.95±1.27)% (69.36±2.35)% (16.24±0.56)%, (15.34±0.44)% (14.45±0.24)% (2.4±0.17)%, (1.22±0.33)% (1.26±0.60)%, (40.06±0.63)% (39.79±0.57)% (40.36±0.52)% 3, F 4.90 5.06 4 29%, 3, (C 20: 5 ) (2.52±0.30)%, (0.16±0.05)%(0.12±0.04)%(P<0.05), (C 22: 6 ) (4.62±0.30)%, (2.86±0.32)%, (1.84±0.27)%,,, 3 : ; ; ; ; ; 中图分类号 : S941.43 文献标识码 : A 文章编号 : 1000-3207(2010)05-0990-08 (Ictalurus nebulosus),,,, 20 90 (Misgurnus anguillicaudatus),,, ; (Pelteobagrus fulvidraco, Richardson), 3 3, 3, 1 1.1 2007 5,, 70, 100 (12.67±0.95) g, (12.33±0.68) cm; (202.32±0.85) g, (22.17±0.59) cm; (43.98± 0.56) g, (15.87±0.59) cm 3,,, 32% 42% 1.2 15 15 收稿日期 : 2008-08-04; 修订日期 : 2009-07-29 基金项目 : 0815006-1-3 作者简介 : (1957 ),, ; ; E-mail: huangjun@gxu.edu.cn 通讯作者 : (1958 ),, ; E-mail: fengjian08@163.com

5 : 991,, 1.5 cm 3 cm, ; 15, 30 (, 2 ),,,, 105, ; 10, 20 (2 ) 10g ; 5, 10 (2 ) 5 g, 75 1.3 含肉率和其他组织占有率测定,,,,,, =(/ ) 100% =( /) 100% =( /) 100% =(/ ) 100%=( / ) 100% =(/) 100% =(/) 100% [1, 2] 熟肉率与贮存损失率测定 [3] (%)=W 2 /W 1 100%, W 1, W 2 10min, 20min, 5 48h 96h, : =( - )/ 100% 生化成分测定 [1] (105±5) (GB/T5609.3-1985) ; (GB/T5009.5-1985); (GB/T5009.6-1985), (550 );, 100-( + ++),, 835-50,, (Trace MS, Finnigan ), (1 /100) [4] 1.4, 1973 FAO/WHO (%, dry) (%, dry), (AAS), (CS)(EAAI) (AAS)= 评样 (%) FAD/WHO 评 (%) 评样 (%) (CS)= 全鸡蛋蛋白质 (%) (EAAI)= n 100 a / A 100 b / B 100 j / J n ; b j ; A, B J F : 缬 酸 亮 酸 异亮 酸 F= 苯丙氨酸 酪 1.5 SPSS11.0,, LSD, Tamhane s T2, 0.05 Excel 2 2.1 3 ( 1) (P<0.05), (8.44±3.88)% (P<0.05), (P <0.05),

992 34 Item Tab. 1 表 1 三种鱼含肉率及其他组织占有率 Flesh contents and other tissue contents of three species (%; n=15) Flesh content 74.484±2.012 a 65.954±1.273 b 73.632±3.286 a Ratio of gill 3.157±0.316 a 0.807±0.068 b 2.447±0.461 c Ratio of fin 2.694±0.138 a 2.030±0.379 b 3.641±0.936 c Ratio of sex gland 0.645±0.446 a 8.438±3.883 b 1.704±1.659 a Ratio of viscera 10.310±2.432 a 3.371±0.603 b 7.429±1.037 c Ratio of skeleton 5.446±0.573 a 11.403±2.422 b 6.473±3.230 a Ratio of skin & scale 4.264±0.512 a 8.008±0.695 b 4.673±0.580 a : (P< 0.05); Note: Different small letters in superscripts indicate significant differences (P< 0.05); The same bellow 2.2 3 ( 2), 2 (P<0.05), 48h (P<0.05), 96h (P<0.05) 48h 96h 2.3 肌肉常规营养成分及能值 3 ( 3), (P<0.05) (P<0.05) (P>0.05) (P<0.05) 肌肉氨基酸种类和比例 3 ( 4) 16, (Trp), (Asn) (Gln)(Asp) (Glu) 7 (Val Met Ile Leu Tyr Phe Lys) 2 (His Item Tab. 2 表 2 三种鱼的肌肉熟肉率和贮藏损失率 The cooked meat rates and storage losing of three species (%; n=15) Ratio of cooked 63.654±3.250 a 69.356±2.354 b 68.032±4.335 b 48h Storage losing of 48h 2.467±1.169 3.523±1.163 3.137±2.153 96h Storage losing of 96h 3.518±1.360 a 4.682±1.409 a 6.541±2.528 b 表 3 三种鱼肌肉营养成分 (%, 湿重 ) 及能值 (n=15) Tab. 3 The nutritive compositions (%, wet) and calorific values in muscle of three species (n=15) Item Moisture 78.778±0.769 a 78.600±1.022 a 80.167±0.888 b Protein 15.341±0.442 a 16.239±0.561 b 14.452±0.242 c Lipid 1.219±0.326 a 1.256±0.603 a 2.408±0.170 b Ash 1.557±0.108 a 1.369±0.280 a 0.851±0.369 b Non-nitrogen extract 3.104±0.865 2.537±1.854 2.123±1.091 Energy value (kj/g) 1 0.4635±0.187 0.4764±0.179 0.4727±0.230 E/P (J/mg) 2 30.239±1.641 a 29.382±1.957 a 32.714±1.666 b : 1. (kj/g) 23.64 39.54 17.15; 2. (J/mg)=/ Note: 1. Energy(kJ/g) protein 23.64 fat 39.54 non-nitrogen extract 17.15; 2. E/P(J/g)=energy/content of protein

5 : 993 Amino acid Tab. 4 表 4 三种鱼肌肉蛋白质中氨基酸比例 Contents of amino acids in muscle of three species(%; n=10) Asp 8.113±0.586 a 9.146±0.529 b 8.563±0.677 ab Ser 2.940±0.177 a 3.395±0.333 a 3.233±0.443 a Glu 12.665±1.087 a 14.783±0.805 b 13.554±1.238 ab Gly 3.451±0.246 a 4.277±0.318 b 3.894±0.328 c Ala 4.775±0.370 a 5.786±0.357 b 5.131±0.404 a Met 2.321±0.186 a 2.692±0.165 b 2.423±0.242 a Tyr 2.641±0.184 a 3.160±0.139 b 2.899±0.273 c Pro 2.580±0.173 a 3.197±0.233 b 2.699±0.272 a Val 3.775±0.466 a 4.412±0.283 b 3.921±0.357 a Thr 3.448±0.235 a 3.936±0.246 b 3.748±0.392 ab Ile 3.827±0.476 a 4.545±0.349 b 4.145±0.393 ab Leu 7.075±0.567 a 8.158±0.478 b 7.668±0.636 ab Phe 3.169±0.220 a 3.719±0.165 b 3.494±0.235 b Lys 6.723±0.626 a 7.650±0.466 b 7.417±0.628 ab His 1.645±0.125 a 2.085±0.121 b 1.690±0.146 a Arg 4.515±0.355 a 5.373±0.342 b 4.746±0.468 a NE 39.485±2.916 a 46.437±2.708 b 42.395±3.764 a E 34.177±3.029 a 39.878±2.212 b 36.830±3.102 ab TA 73.662±5.922 a 86.315±4.831 b 79.225±6.821 ab E/TA 1 46.369±0.543 46.205±0.533 46.498±0.510 E/NE 2 0.865±0.019 0.859±0.018 0.869±0.018 : 1. E/TA ; 2. E/NE Note: 1. E/TA, the ratio of EAA in TAA; 2. RAA/TAA, the ratio of RAA in TAA; 3. EAA/NEAA, the ratio of EAA in NEAA Arg), (40.058±0.632)% (39.787±0.567)% (40.364±0.517)% 7,, 3 (P>0.05) 46% 3 (P>0.05) (13.71%), 10%; (12.16%) (12.45%), 10%,, 4, 2, (P>0.05), (P<0.05) 肌肉的氨基酸评分 化学评分和必需氨基酸指数, (AAS) (CS) FAO/WHO 4 (AAS) (CS)(EAAI)( 5) 5,, 3 (F) 3 (P>0.05) 肌肉中鲜味氨基酸含量 6, 3, (P<0.05) (P>0.05) 3,, 40% 3 4, 3 (P<0.05),

994 34 Index Fish 表 5 Thr 三种鱼肌肉的氨基酸评分 化学评分和必需氨基酸指数 Tab. 5 AAS, CS and EAAI in muscle of three species Val Ile Leu Lys His Arg Tyr+ Phe 3.45 3.78 3.83 7.07 6.72 1.64 4.51 5.81 5.05 Average content 3.94 4.41 4.54 8.16 7.65 2.09 5.37 6.88 4.98 of A.A. 3.75 3.92 4.14 7.67 7.42 1.69 4.75 6.39 4.92 FAO/WHO 4.00 5.00 4.00 7.00 5.50 12.00 0.86 0.76* 0.96 1.01 1.22 0.97 AAS 0.98 0.88* 1.14 1.17 1.39 1.15 0.94 0.78* 1.04 1.10 1.35 1.07 TEPAA 1 4.98 7.42 6.60 8.80 6.40 2.40 6.56 10.08 0.69 0.51* 0.58 0.88 1.05 0.69 0.69 0.58 68.22 CS 0.79 0.59* 0.69 1.02 1.20 0.87 0.82 0.68 80.39 0.75 0.53* 0.63 0.96 1.16 0.70 0.72 0.63 73.10 : 1. TEPAA (%); 2.EAAI ; * Note: 1. The first limited amino acid; 2. The second limited amino acid EAAI 2 表 6 三种鱼的鲜味氨基酸含量 (%, 干重 ) Tab. 6 Contents of taste relating amino acids in muscle of three species (%, dry) Amino acid Asp 8.113±0.586 a 9.146±0.529 b 8.563±0.677 ab Glu 12.665±1.087 a 14.783±0.805 b 13.554±1.238 ab Gly 3.451±0.246 a 4.277±0.318 b 3.894±0.328 c Ala 4.775±0.37 a 5.786±0.357 b 5.131±0.404 a Total 29.004±2.274 a 33.992±1.989 b 31.142±2.628 a Ratio in TAA (%) 38.381±0.262 39.377±0.244 39.312±0.23 F (P<0.05) (P >0.05) 三种鱼肌肉的脂肪酸组成及含量 3 21, 5, 16, 13 ( 7):,, (P<0.05);, (C 20: 5 ) EPA (C 22: 6 ) DHA ; ω-6 ω-3 ω-6/ω-33 (P<0.05), (1.61±0.05), (1.39±0.03);, 3 3.1,,,, [6,7] (P<0.05),,

5 : 995 Fatty acid 表 7 三种鱼的脂肪酸含量 Tab. 7 Contents of fatty acids in muscle of these three species (%) 14:0 5.86±0.56 a 1.70±0.35 b 4.26±0.47 c 15:0 2.78±0.45 a 0.74±0.13 b 0.86±0.21 b 16:0 23.94±0.84 a 16.24±0.61 b 22.06±0.86 c 17:0 1.06±0.21 a 1.18±0.36 a 0.18±0.04 b 18:0 5.98±0.66 a 4.10±0.42 b 3.64±0.34 b 16:1ω-7 9.90±0.56 a 21.64±0.78 b 12.5±1.01 c 18:1ω-9 20.12±0.51 a 21.36±0.91 b 23.56±0.64 c 20:1ω-9 0.14±0.05 a 0.12±0.04 a 0.14±0.09 a 18:2ω-6 5.60±0.45 a 6.50±0.4 b 3.84±0.35 c 20:2ω-6 1.18±0.29 a 0.52±0.13 b 1.20±0.2 a 20:3ω-6 0.74±0.11 a 0.70±0.21 a 0.76±0.17 a 20:4ω-6 1.38±0.24 a 3.06±0.45 b 3.40±0.29 b 22:3ω-6 2.80±0.36 a 2.52±0.37 a 2.84±0.23 a 22:4ω-6 0.24±0.05 a 0.26±0.05 a 0.22±0.04 a 18:3ω-3 9.84±0.61 a 5.6±0.41 b 10.82±0.55 c 20:3ω-3 0.20±0.07 a 0.18±0.04 a 0.52±0.15 b 20:4ω-3 2.88±0.3 a 6.02±0.48 b 5.00±0.46 c 20:5ω-3 (EPA) 2.52±0.3 a 0.16±0.05 b 0.12±0.04 b 22:4ω-3 0.14±0.05 a 0.22±0.04 b 0.24±0.05 b 22:5ω-3 0.18±0.04 a 2.00±0.19 b 0.2±0.07 a 22:6ω-3 (DHA) 1.84±0.27 a 4.62±0.3 b 2.86±0.32 c Total 98.32±0.16 a 99.44±0.09 a 98.22±0.24 a FA 39.62±0.74 a 23.96±1.08 b 31.00±0.81 c SFA 59.70±0.85 a 75.46±1.07 b 68.22±0.82 c MUFA 30.16±0.77 a 43.12±0.86 b 36.2±0.82 c PUFA 29.54±1.23 a 32.36±0.37 b 32.02±0.87 b ω-3 ω-3fa 17.60±0.72 a 18.80±0.21 b 19.76±0.58 c ω-6 ω-6fa 11.94±0.53 a 13.56±0.26 b 12.26±0.39 a ω-6/ω-3 1.48±0.03 a 1.39±0.03 b 1.61±0.05 c, [10] 4,,,, 48h 96h,,,,, (P<0.05) 3,,,, [4,8,9] 3.2 3, 3,, 3 F 4.90 5.06, F (3 3.5), 3, 鲌

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