68 from the line connected by the easternmost sites. So the site distribution is not identical to the paleo-coastline as determined by previous schola

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62 互 動 性 裝 置 藝 術 對 幼 保 系 學 生 壓 力 情 緒 療 癒 影 響 之 案 例 探 究 62 壹 緒 論 一 研 究 背 景 與 動 機 根 據 財 團 法 人 董 氏 基 金 會 於 2008 年 1 對 大 學 生 主 觀 壓 力 來 源 與 憂 鬱 情 緒 相 關 性 研

194 边 疆 考 古 研 究 ( 第 14 辑 ) 由 此 可 知, 瓮 衮 汪 古 只 是 一 词 的 不 同 译 音, 应 是 神 之 意 汪 古 部 当 是 以 所 居 的 瓮 衮 山 为 该 部 族 的 名 称, 而 非 来 自 长 城 之 蒙 古 语 译 音, 更 非 来 自 匈 奴 温

4 : (AP003) Geographical position of Shangmakan Paleolithic site (AP003),,,,, m, 800m,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 500m,,,,,,30 40m, 215km( ),,, 300m,


67-78 (2006) JOURNAL OF GEOGRAPHICAL SCIENCE (44) : 67-78 (2006) 67 Problems on Archaeological Sites Distribution during Neolithic Age to Shang-Zhou Dynasties in North Jiangsu Province * ** *** **** Cheng Zhu Chaogui Zheng Weiwei Gu Mingfang Han Abstract Ninety-five percent of archaeological sites were located on altitudes above 2m (a.s.l.) from the Neolithic Age to Shang-Zhou Dynasties in North Jiangsu Province. From the Qingliangang Culture system to Shang Dynasty, most sites were located on altitudes 2-5m (a.s.l.) but most sites were located on altitudes 5-20m (a.s.l.) for the Zhou Dynasty. The distribution of sites infers that the study area perhaps underwent an environment of higher sea level or salt water intrusion in the Zhou Dynasty. During the Qingliangang Culture system, 9 sites were located to the east of the coastline at that time as determined by previous scholars. The coastlines of the Dawenkou Culture system and the Shang Dynasty determined by previous scholars are 10-30 km away * (e-mail: zhuchengnj@yahoo.com.cn) Professor, Department of Urban and Resources Sciences, Nanjing University, Corresponding Author. ** Associate Professor, Department of Geography, Chuzhou Institute of Anhui Province. *** Graduated Student, Department of Urban and Resources Sciences, Nanjing University. **** Vice Director of Yancheng Museum, Jiangsu Province.

68 from the line connected by the easternmost sites. So the site distribution is not identical to the paleo-coastline as determined by previous scholars sedimentological method. There is a cultural low tide with 10 sites barely during the Dawenkou Culture system in Jiangsu Province, but at the same time, the number of sites increased from 47 of the Songze Culture system to 124 of the Liangzhu Culture system in the Yangtze Delta. So the change of numbers of sites for the two areas is completely different. The temporal-spatial distribution of Neolithic sites shows a long period of absence of human settlements during the early Holocene on the North Jiangsu Province and the Yangtze Delta, and the areas have not been colonized until 7kaBP. On the other hand, up to now, only few sites during the whole Neolithic Age to Shang-Zhou Dynasties were found in Central North Jiangsu Province. It is possibly related to the presence of Sheyang Lake and Dazong Lake during all these periods, or related to diluvium from the Yellow River and Huai River which makes it difficult to find the buried sites. The rapid rise in the number of sites during the Zhou Dynasty is a result of more immigrants from Central China to North Jiangsu Province after the eastward fighting by Emperors Zhou Gong and Zhou Chengwang. Keywords: North Jiangsu Province, Neolithic Age to Shang-Zhou Dynasties, temporal and spatial distribution of archaeological sites, problem discussion. 95% 2m 2-5m 5-20m 9 10-30km 10 47 124 7kaBP 1128 1855

69 1855 (1985) 1855 20km (1987) (1993) (1990; 1991; 1992; 1994) (1982; 1986) (1996; 2003) 14 C 14 C 5 ( 2000) (6.8-5.9kaBP) (5.9-4.4kaBP) (4.4-3.9kaBP) (3.9-3.1kaBP) (3.1-2.7kaBP) ( ) (6.8-5.9kaBP) ( 2000) (6.8-5.9kaBP) 26 ( 1) 11 2-5m 7 5-20m 5 20-50m 50-100m 2 0-2m 1 (1982; 1986) 7 9 ( ) ( ) (5.9-4.4kaBP) 2 (5.9-4.4kaBP) 10 2-5m 4 5-20m 2 20m 4 (4.5kaBP) 10-30km

70 1. 2.5km 2. 3. 4. 20km 5. 3km 6. 3.5km 7. 8. 3km 9. 50km 10. 11. 35km 12. 4.5km 13. 1.5km 14. 500m 15. 16. 1.5km 17. 18. 14km 19. 1km 20. 30km 21. 200km 22. 1.5km 23. 24. 25. 26. 1. (7.0kaBP ) 2. (6.5kaBP) 3. (5.5kaBP) 4. (4.5kaBP) 5. (3.5kaBP) 6. (12 ) 7. (16 ) (1982; 1986) 圖 1 青蓮崗文化 (6.8-5.9kaBP) 考古遺址和各時期貝殼砂堤分佈圖

71 1. 2.5km 2. 3.5 km 3. 15 km 4. 18 km 5. 14 km 6. 15 km 7. 3 km 8. 9. 10. 1. (7.0kaBP ) 2. (6.5kaBP) 3. (5.5kaBP) 4. (4.5kaBP) 5. (3.5kaBP) 6. (12 ) 7. (16 ) (1982; 1986) 圖 2 大汶口文化 (5.9-4.4kaBP) 考古遺址和各時期貝殼砂堤分佈圖 ( ) (4.4-3.9kaBP) 3 24 2-5m 8 5-20m 5 20m 9 18 0-2m 3 2 ( 50m ) (3.5kaBP)

72 1. 2.5km 2. 3. 3km 4. 5. 1.5km 6. 2km 7. 17km 8. 14.5km 9. 8km 10. 11. 18km 12. 15km 13. 4km 14. 2.5km 15. 0.5km 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 15km 21. 2km 22. 9km 23. 24. 1. (7.0kaBP ) 2. (6.5kaBP) 3. (5.5kaBP) 4. (4.5kaBP) 5. (3.5kaBP) 6. (12 ) 7. (16 ) (1982; 1986) 圖 3 龍山文化 (4.4-3.9 kabp) 考古遺址和各時期貝殼砂堤分佈圖 ( ) (3.9-3.1kaBP) 4 19 7 2-5m ( 5 ) 5-20m 5 20m 7

73 4 15-45km \ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 擡 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 17 15. 16. 17. 10 18. 20km 19. 9km 1. (7.0kaBP ) 2. (6.5kaBP) 3. (5.5kaBP) 4. (4.5kaBP) 5. (3.5kaBP) 6. (12 ) 7. (16 ) (1982; 1986) 圖 4 商文化 (3.9-3.1kaBP) 考古遺址和各時期貝殼砂堤分佈圖

74 ( ) (3.1-2.7kaBP) 5 67 2-5m 12 3 5-20m 28 20-50m 18 50m 7 ( 15 16 ) 0-2m 21 50 (3.5kaBP) (12 ) ( ) 1. 1 1 95% 2m 2-5m 20-50m 5-20m 20-50m 2. 1 9 ( 1 2 3 7 21 22 23 24 26) ( ) 10-30km 3. 5.9-4.0kaBP 10 (5.8-5.0kaBP) (5.0-4.0kaBP) 5.8-4.0kaBP 47 124 (Zhu et al., 2003) 4. 7.0kaBP 2001 8.0kaBP 10kaBP

75 1. 9km 2. 4.5km 3. 1km 4. 15km 5. 1.5km 6. 5km 7. 8 8. 20km 9. 10. 7km 11. 12. 1.5km 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. ( ) 圖 5 周文化 (3.1-2.7kaBP) 考古遺址分佈和各時期貝殼砂堤圖

76 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 70m 51. 24km 52. 1.5km 53. 8km 54. 12km 55. 200m 56. 30km 57. 20 0.5km 58. 2km 59. 2.5km 60. 2.5km 61. 14.5km 62. 18km 63. 17km 64. 1.5km 65. 66. 67. 1. (7.0kaBP ) 2. (6.5kaBP) 3. (5.5kaBP) 4. (4.5kaBP) 5. (3.5kaBP) 6. (12 ) 7. (16 ) (1982; 1986) 表 1 蘇北地區新石器時代至商周時期不同海拔處遺址分佈的變化 ( ) 0-2m 0-2m 2-5m 5-20m 20-50m 50-100m 0 (6.8-5.9kaBP) 1 11 7 5 2 0 (5.9-4.4kaBP) 0 4 2 3 1 0 (4.4-3.9kaBP) 1 9 5 6 3 (3.9-3.1kaBP) 0 0 7 5 5 2 (3.1-2.7kaBP) 2 0 12 28 18 7 5. 5 3.1-2.7kaBP 67 ( 1960) ( 1956) ( 1964) ( 1958; 1962) ( 1962)

77 ( ) 95% 2m 2-5m 20-50m 5-20m 20-50m ( ) 9 10-30km ( ) ( 47 124 ) 10 ( ) 7.0kaBP 2001 8.0kaBP 10kaBP ( ) ( 40271103) ( 20050284011) 985 (1964) 5: 220-226 (1956) 2: 4-10 (2003) 23 (2): 705-712 (1996) 7000 16 (3): 207-214 (1962) 3: 111-116 (1985) (1958) 10: 5-20

78 (1960) 1959 3: 25-26 (1962) 3: 129-131 (1982) 2: 25-39 (1986) ( ) 275-286 (2000) (1992) (B ) 9: 994-1001 (1994) 16 (1): 78-88 (1990) 4: 285-288 (1991) 22: 1727-1730 (1987) (1993) Zhu, C., Zheng, C., Ma, C., Yang, X., Gao, X., Wang, H. and Shao, J. (2003) On the Holocene sea-level highstand along the Yangtze Delta and Ningshao Plain, East China, Chinese Science Bulletin, 48 (24): 2672-2683. 94 11 25 95 2 9 95 3 16