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BIBLID 0254-4466(2002)20:2 pp. 377-397 20 2 91 12 * 377

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382 20 2 273 11 C1 C2 11 1999 394

383 10 12 22 18 34 G1 6 8 6 A B A 8 A B A 12 6 B 1 12 20 1999.1 348

384 20 2 20 105.3 7 10 A 13 3 13 1990.8 282

385 18 14 3 19 14 148

386 20 2 18 27 15 16 kl 15 2 2 2002.1 2 16

387 17 3 18 18 18 14 17 2001 2 11 2 6 5 18

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390 20 2 92 139 1. 2.2 28 2. 2.22 3. 2.267 4. 29 2.268 5. 2.275 30 8 28 1999 1 57-61 29 25 1999.12 143 30 1995.6 115

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395 A1 2.131( ) B1 273 C1. 8 C2. 59 D1. 18 D2. 26 D3. 19 E1 2.164 E2 2.93 E3 2.92 E4 2.183 F1 2.2 F2 2.22 F3 2.139 F4 2.267 F5 2.2 F6 2.138 G1 2.134 G2. 10 G3. 22 G4. 18 G5. 34 G6. 27( ) H1. 3 I1 6 I2 105.3 J1 6 J2. 12 J3. J4 40 J5. J6. J7. J8. K1 2.268 K2 2.275

396 20 2 The Etymology of Various Characters with the Yuan Graphic from Confucian Bamboo Slips in the Shanghai Museum Shiu-Sheng Chi Abstract The Shanghai Museum last year released the contents of certain bamboo slips containing Confucius s The Book of Odes. They originate from the State of Chu3 during the Warring States Period and display many characters with the graphic yuan. The author of the original paper on the Museum s collection understandably claims that the word shaowan, means xiao3- wan. However, certain other claims of the authors remain highly debatable. Yuan was generated from the complicated, archaic version of wan. This paper discusses characters with the yuan graphic in four chapters of this text: Bao-shan, Wang4-shan, Guo-dian4 and Shang4- po2. This paper concludes that wan is closely derived both synonymous and semantically from wan, as is xian4 (castrated bull) from xian ; wan3 (a place name) from wan ; juan (a very thin and tough type of silk fabric) or yu4 from juan or juan ; and wan3 (tactful and euphemistic ) from wan or wan. * Shiu-Sheng Chi is a professor in the Department of Chinese at the National Taiwan Normal University.

397 Keywords: juan, xiao3-wan, Warring States Period Literature, Confucius s writings