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Abstract The study of Chinese examination thought is a new but important field in examination research. It has both important academic and practical value, such as advancing the reform of university entrance examination, promoting the quality of education, and so on. The thesis uses basic educational theory as guide, with the focus on examination thought. It studies different historical periods, different classes, different stratums, different schools and different persons ideals, theories and policies about examination. It studies the related social background, the influence which exam brings to politics, economy, culture, education, teaching and public psychology. And it also studies the relationship between exam and these factors, the regularity and the course of exam development. The thesis divides into seven chapters altogether. Each chapter set up topic according to the different characteristics of examination thought development in different periods, and thus readers can see clearly the basic outline, the historical course, different era s characteristics and the possible future of Chinese examination thought development. Examination in XIAN QIN focused on appointing officials through examination. It related to officials selection and appointment. The famous scholars at that time -- ZHU ZI BAI JIA advocated that select the virtuous and appoint the able. After Qin Dynasty, CHA JU system and JIU PING ZHONG ZHENG system prevailed. These two systems although did not use exam as the main means and measurement of selecting the able and talent, the idea of examination was set up under the thought of value talents, so this period should belong to a great transitional period. In Sui and Tang Dynasties, KEJU system was established with the core of examination. But at that time, there were few statements about exam could be found, so the related chapter deduces the thought foundation of examination system s establishment and Chinese pursue of an ideal exam pattern through analysing its complete exam system and some monarchs and officials arguments and criticisms about examination. In Song and Yuan Dynasties, KEJU exam had been put into practice for a long time, the contradictions between KEJU and social politics, economy, culture, education, military affairs, nationality, etc. were more and more obvious. The examination thought also entered into the stage, in which an all-side introspection was needed. Many people engaged in the argument whether KEJU should be retained or abolished, and made a deep discussion about the exam subjects, contents, the admission patterns, and the relation between KEJU exam and school exam. The famous scholar, ZhuXi, proposed a new policy, and besides him, many new ideas emerged in this period, the exam reform also arose flourishingly, the period can be rated as the golden period of Chinese examination thought development. iv

Criticize KEJU became the theme in Ming and Qing Dynasties. Although governors carried out some reform to KEJU with their political tactics, thinkers and writers exposed the darkness and harmfulness of KEJU by using sharp and ironic words. In modern times, exam thought further developed under the intense national crisis and the changing ideological trend, BAGU KEJU became the main target attacked by each group and faction, and it was considered the basic reason that leaded to the society decline. So the voice of change KEJU became more and more strong, thinkers proposed lots of ideas and ways. As the revolutionary situation developed, abolish KEJU was finally placed on agenda. After the abolition of KEJU, new select officials systems were not set up in time. Sun Zhongshan re-established the significant status of examination, put forward an important theory of establishing the civil officials examination system. It realized the exam thought s historic leap and the system innovation. From then on, the history of Chinese examination thought came into a new development stage. Key words: examination; the history of examination thought; theory v

1 2 vi


viii 1 2 1997 3 19 3 1989 12 4 5 6

ix 7 8 9 10 1992 3 11 1985 13 12 13 1983 7 14 15 16

x 17 18 19 20 1989 49 21 22

xi 23 1989 53 24 1996 184 25 26 27 28 29

xii 30 30 31 32 33 34 35 1989 54 55 36

xiii 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47

xiv 48 49 1991 1 50 1989 5

xv 51 1996 184 52 1996 186 53 1997 31 54

xvi 55 56 57 58 59

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