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91 6 63 88 * ** * **

64 Japan as Number One: Lessons for America Vogel, 1979 developmental state Johnson, 1995 2000 14 1 1 1986 6-31

91 6 65 2001 24-31 Wolferen, 1989: 25-35 Johnson, 1995: 1-17 Curtis, 1999: 9-10 2 3 4 1994 309-423 2 3 4

66 5 5

91 6 67 1995 265-273 Shdow Shoguns

68 2000 29-30 self-governance 1994 113-114 6 1997 13 6

91 6 69 1997 14-15 1997 1-36

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72 7 7

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76 10 1999 10

91 6 77

78 1999 11 12 11 12

91 6 79 1993


91 6 81 13 Information Technology; IT 13

82 2000 68-87

91 6 83

84 1994 1999 2001 1995 1998 Leviathan 7-36 1999 1993 2000 68-87 1993 1997 2001 1995 38 2000a 42-45 2000b 2000c 46-49 2000d 34-37 1994 1995 Leviathan 52-83 2000 1999 1800

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91 6 87 Japanese Coalition Government and Political Reform in Post-Cold War Era Chun-chih Yang * Abstract The corruption issue toppled the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) from power in 1993. The anti-corruption coalition was formed immediately and tasked political reform. The Japanese political scene has witnessed a series of dramatic changes since the end of LDP s 38-year reign in 1993. These changes, for example, anti-corruption, fair representation and clear competition, have created a new political environment that has had a significant impact on Japanese political system. This article examines how political reform has been transformed under the coalition government in 1993. Key word: Japanese political reform, LDP, coalition government, Hosokawa Morihiro *Assistant Professor, Department of Public Affairs management, Hsuan-chuang University.