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.18....24...1-1 1.1...1-1 1.2...1-1 1.3...1-1 1.4...1-5...2-1 2.1...2-1 2.2...2-1 2.3...2-4 2.4... 2-14 2.5... 2-17...3-1 3.1...3-1 3.2...3-3 3.3... 3-12 3.4... 3-17...4-1 4.1...4-1 4.2...4-8 4.3... 4-24 4.4... 4-67...5-1 5.1...5-1 5.2... 5-37 5.3 TRIIS... 5-41 5.4... 5-60 5.5... 5-61 1

...6-1 6.1...6-1 6.2...6-3 6.3... 6-26 6.4... 6-28 I...7-1 II...8-1 III...9-1 IV... 10-1 V... 11-1 2

1-1...1-4 2-1...2-3 2-2...2-5 2-3...2-5 2-4...2-6 2-5...2-6 2-62004...2-7 2-72004...2-7 2-82004...2-8 2-92004...2-8 2-102004...2-9 2-112004...2-9 2-122004...2-10 2-132004...2-10 2-142004...2-11 3-1...3-5 3-2...3-6 3-3...3-15 3-4...3-22 3-5...3-23 3-6...3-24 3-7...3-25 4-1 GPS...4-2 4-2 GPS...4-4 3

4-3 GPS...4-5 4-4 GPS...4-5 4-5...4-19 4-6 FBI...4-20 4-7...4-24 4-8...4-58 4-9...4-59 4-10...4-59 4-11...4-60 4-12...4-61 4-13 ( )...4-61 4-14...4-62 5-1...5-2 5-2...5-39 5-3...5-39 5-4...5-42 5-5...5-44 5-6...5-45 5-7...5-46 5-8...5-47 5-9...5-47 5-10TRIIS...5-49 5-11TRIIS...5-50 5-12TRIIS...5-50 4

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2-1...2-2 2-2...2-4 2-3...2-12 2-4...2-12 2-52004...2-14 1. 2-5...2-18 2-6...2-20 2-7...2-21 2-8...2-22 2-9...2-23 2-10...2-24 2-11...2-25 2-12...2-26 2-13...2-27 2-14...2-28 2-15 2004...2-29 2-16 2004...2-31 2-17 2004...2-33 3-1...3-4 3-2...3-7 3-3...3-8 6

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8 5-4...5-7 5-5...5-9 5-6...5-10 5-7...5-10 5-8...5-10 5-9...5-10 5-10... 5-11 5-11... 5-11 5-12... 5-11 5-13... 5-11 5-14...5-12 5-15...5-12 5-16...5-12 5-17...5-13 5-18...5-13 5-19...5-13 5-20...5-13 5-21...5-14 5-22...5-14 5-23...5-15 5-24...5-15 5-25...5-16 5-26...5-16 5-27...5-17 5-28...5-17

9 5-29...5-18 5-30...5-18 5-31...5-18 5-32...5-18 5-33...5-19 5-34...5-19 5-35...5-19 5-36...5-19 5-37...5-19 5-38...5-19 5-39...5-20 5-40...5-20 5-41...5-20 5-42...5-20 5-43...5-21 5-44...5-21 5-45...5-21 5-46...5-21 5-47...5-22 5-48...5-22 5-49...5-22 5-50...5-22 5-51...5-23 5-52...5-23 5-53...5-23

10 5-54...5-24 5-55...5-25 5-56...5-25 5-57...5-25 5-58...5-26 5-59...5-26 5-60...5-26 5-61...5-26 5-62...5-27 5-63...5-27 5-64...5-28 5-65...5-28 5-66...5-29 5-67...5-29 5-68...5-30 5-69...5-30 5-70...5-30 5-71...5-30 5-72...5-31 5-73...5-31 5-74...5-31 5-75...5-31 5-76...5-32 5-77...5-32 5-78...5-32

5-79 _...5-33 5-80 _...5-33 5-81...5-35 5-82...5-61 6-1 (MANNING S N)...6-8 6-2...6-37 11

12 3-1 2004.11.18...3-2 3-2 2004.11.24...3-4 3-3 2004.11.09...3-18 3-4 2004.08.26...3-19 3-5 2004.04.28...3-19 3-6 2004.12.09...3-20 3-7 2004.12.13...3-21 3-8 2004.12.02...3-21 4-1 2004.11.21...4-1 4-2 2005.01.16...4-2 4-3 2004.11.19...4-3 4-4 2004.06.19...4-8 4-5 鱲 2004.06.19...4-9 4-6 鮻 2004.06.19...4-9 4-7 2004.12.02...4-10 4-8...4-13 4-9 2004.11.25...4-14 4-10

13 2004.11.16...4-15 4-11 2004.06.16...4-15 4-12 2004.08.15...4-21 4-13...4-23 4-14...4-23 4-12...4-25 4-13...4-25 4-17...4-30 4-18...4-30 4-19...4-31 4-20...4-32 4-21...4-32 4-22...4-34 4-23...4-35 4-24 2004.12.15...4-39 4-25 2004.12.13...4-39 4-26 2004.11.09...4-46 4-272004 2004.11.19...4-46 4-28 2004.11.22...4-49 4-29 2004.12.13...4-49 4-30 2004.08.19...4-49

14 4-31 2004.11.09...4-52 4-32 2004.11.22...4-53 4-33 2004.11.23...4-53 6-1...6-3 6-2 2004.08.26 2005.01.20...6-4 6-3 2004.08.26 2004.01.20...6-4 6-4 2004.07.15 2005.01.21...6-5 6-5 2004.08.26...6-5 6-6 2004.08.26 2004.08.26...6-5 6-7 2004.04.28 2005.01.20...6-6 6-8 2004.08.14 2005.01.20...6-6 6-9 2004.05.23 2004.12.02...6-6 6-10 2004.08.17 2004.11.21

...6-7 6-11 2004.08.25...6-7 6-12 2004.08.25...6-7 6-13...6-9 6-14 (2004.6.20)...6-10 6-15 (2004.6.20)...6-10 6-16 (2004.6.20)...6-10 6-17 2004.08.25... 6-11 6-18 (2004 6 20 ) 2005 1 20... 6-11 6-19 15

16 2004.08.25... 6-11 6-20 2005.01.23...6-12 6-21 2005.01.23...6-13 6-22 (2004.6.20)...6-13 6-23 2005.01.23...6-13 6-24 (2004.9.19)...6-14 6-25 2005.01.23...6-15 6-26...6-16 6-27...6-16 6-28...6-17 6-29 2005.1.16...6-18

17 6-30 1M 2005.01.23...6-18 6-31 2005.01.23...6-19 6-32 2004.12.23...6-22 6-33 2005.01.20...6-23 6-34 2.5 2005.01.20...6-24 6-35 2004.08.26...6-24 6-36 2004.08.26...6-25 6-37 2005.01.20...6-34 6-38 2004.11.24...6-35 6-39 2004.12.01...6-36 6-40 2004.11.23...6-39 6-41 2004.09.11...6-40 6-42 2004.11.15...6-40 6-43 2005.01.20...6-41 6-44 2004.11.24...6-41

2004 3 GIS 565.94 24 22.5 1,939.6 1500 mm 1800 mm 2004 8 10 8 19 3 4 3 3 2004 18

20 14 20 39 3 9 3 5 35 72 16 13 28 84 264 38 94 6 13 9 21 3 10 71 264 (2004 7-8 ) 2004 13 94 21 14 5 58 5 13 39 鳗 3 9 3 5 19

20 1. 2. 3. 12 11.5

1m 50cm PVC 1. 1. 2. 3. 1. 1. 1. 1. 2. 1. 1. PVC 2. 21

Abstract The early work on the development and management of rivers was emphasized the construction of hydraulic facilities which were related to flood-control and water resource allocation, but the ecological protection was barely concerned. The current issue in the river management is how we can balance water utilization, flood-damage mitigation, and the recovery of the local natural environment. In the demand of river environment protection, we need to establish the basic ecological data to provide the river engineers for more ideal design. The results of the investigation not only provide more complete biological and ecological data for future management of the whole Touchien River basin, but also carry out the true goal of ecological engineering methods. The major achievements of this project were: habitat investigation, river biological composition, ecological resource database and Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Through the integrated data, we provide environmental protection index and suggestions for the river management. Form the research in past one year, the river biological composition investigation revealed that the environment of the Touchien River was more stable in the midstream, and also the habitat was more diversified, thus more species could be preserved in midstream. In the branches, we found large-sized fishes in the reserve area. The compositions and distributions of the fauna and flora in Touchien River system are largely affected by environmental factors. Since 2004, we inquired into the whole Touchien River. The detailed species are stored as blow: 22

Fish Shrimp Crab Benthos Shellfish Alage Plant Bird Mammal Reptile Amphibian Insect 20 family39 species 3 family9 species 3 family5 species 37 family67 species 16 family20 species 13 family28 species 84 family264 species 38 family94 species 6 family13 species 9 family21 species 3 family14 species 10 family71 species The databank contained natural, environment data, biological resources data, and other reference documents, and pictures. The investigation data is easy to be retrieved, re-analyzed, re-present in geological layer concept for all users through Internet. 23

20 39 3 9 3 5-5 2004 8 24

5 25

2004 8 26

1 1.1 2004 4 1.2 1-1 565.94 24 1/190 252.87 44 1/49 177.80 26 1/47 1.3 1. 2. GIS 1-1

3. A B C RPI D 92 19 3 4 3 3 12 1-2

1. 1 2. 1 3. 1 4. 2 5. 1 6. 1 7. 1 8. 1 9. 1 92 1/5000 ARC/VIEW 8.x GIS 19 ARC/VIEW 8.x GIS 1-3

1-1 1-4

1.4 2000 2001 2001 2001 2004 1 88 4 89 9 1-2 1. 2. 3. 1-5

13 25 鱲 1-2 4. 6 2 2 2 6 1 2 5. 1-6

26 49 16 30 ( ) 9 18 鴴 鴴鴴 鵐鴴 ( ) 2 2 ( )1 1 3 3 6. 186 (2) 89 1 90 1 12 1-7

1. 10 鱲鱲 15 10 10 8 2. 7 4 1 1 2 2 5 2 3 1 3. 5 14 3 25 11 3 15 鴴 1-8

3 1 2001 56 186 11 66 8 21 80 15 2 120 412 15 26 5 9 82 293 18 84 264 64.1% 113 27.4% 3 63 鰟鲏 鱲 鮻 16 1-9

2 2.1 565.94 24 1/190 252.87 44 1/49 177.80 26 1/47 2-1 2.2 A. 60.03 ( 2,616 ) ( 1,913 ) 2-1 B. C. 2-1

2-1 2,616 60.03 km 1,913 1/190 565.94 km 2 187km 2 379 km 2 1500 mm 1800 4 ~9 10 ~3 mm 18.8 120.1mm 2-2

2-1 2-3

2.3 22.5 6 8 2 3 1,939.6 2 87.5 7 248.2 1500 mm 1800 mm 4 9 10 3 9 5 2.1 ~ 4.1 ( 6 ~ 8 ) ( 12 ~ 2 ) 78% 2 6 80%7 1 76%79% 4 4 2-2 1990 2003 2-2 2-5 2-2 X (Km 2 ) Y H017 145 H016 120 H014 040 H013 070 251139.200 499.18 1980~2003 2744702.700 258636.100 441.38 1990~2003 2738036.500 260738.500 221.73 1971~2003 2729329.800 267503.300 139.07 1971~2003 2733084.300 2-4

2-2 2-3 2-5

2-4 2-5 2-6

2-62004 2-72004 2-7

2-82004 2-92004 2-8

2-102004 2-112004 2-9

(CMS) 2-122004 2-132004 2-10

2-142004 92 (1) 83 65 81 65 2-3 (2) 88 86 65 65 100 2-11

65 65 65 65 2-4 2-3 ( ( ) ) 2 510 20 5 0 100 200 477.97 1150 2400 3400 4500 6000 7200 8430 258.87 720 1440 2200 2640 3530 4300 5100 242.43 700 1400 2140 2560 3430 4180 4960 221.73 650 1320 1870 2450 3300 4000 4800 198.13 600 1220 1730 2270 3060 3710 4450 20.50 62 130 180 230 320 380 460 117.80 630 1230 1720 2240 3010 3660 4380 163.90 600 1160 1630 2120 2850 3470 4150 139.07 530 1040 1440 1880 2520 3060 3670 57.00 270 530 720 920 1210 1430 1660 25.40 160 310 420 540 700 830 970 76.30 290 560 770 1010 1360 1680 2010 14.50 90 180 240 310 400 470 550 2-4 ( (cms) () ) 2 5 10 20 20 100 200 565.94 480 1400 2700 3800 5000 6800 8400 10000 477.97 290 1150 2400 3400 4500 6000 7200 8450 252.87 210 720 1440 2200 2640 3530 4300 5100 221.73 180 650 1320 1870 2450 3300 4000 4800 177.8 120 410 860 1260 1730 2500 3200 4000 139.07 95 450 940 1330 1755 2380 2900 3465 2-12

2 1,550 cms 85 90 100 A 84 12 1. 390 250 2,500 2. B 1. 390 250 2,500 40 2. 74 74.8.5 152321 87 100 21.75 139.93 33.44 42,162 3,031 153 22 10,360 4,890 2-13

2.4 23 1684 1990 324,426 2004 385,999 2000 439,713 2004 462,718 2-52004 1 26 507 29319 52039 50373 102412 2 25 472 26836 47649 45947 93596 3 20 416 20315 36569 34176 70745 4 13 244 13002 25293 23211 48504 5 19 286 9386 19439 17010 36449 6 21 297 8335 17589 15185 32774 7 12 134 5562 10822 9744 20566 8 11 152 3935 8088 6699 14787 9 9 115 3941 7193 6090 13283 2-14

10 9 97 2817 5689 4812 10501 11 6 86 1879 3478 2797 6275 12 7 86 2362 4607 3573 8180 13 4 58 1591 2667 1979 4646 13 182 2950 129280 241122 221596 462718 1 3 115 122 120 118 1. 122 120 2. 3 1. 2-15

2. 3 27.9 9 1 3 4 1. 1 2. 3 1 3. 1 1 1 4. 1 3 1930 2-16

87% 1. 2. 3. 棃 4. 5. 2.5 75 4 8 200 200 2-17

8 4 3 2-5 8 10 8 1. 2-5 1080 123 121 o 05'39'' 24 o 44'53'' 1081 121 o 03'24'' 24 o 47'00'' 1082 1 121 o 00'01'' 24 o 49'17'' 1083 120 o 58'46'' 24 o 49'29'' 1084 121 o 11'00'' 24 o 42'07'' 1085 121 o 07'11'' 24 o 40'01'' 1086 121o 06'12'' 24 o 41'17'' 1087 3121 o 06'21'' 24 o 43'18'' RPI( River Pollution Index ) RPI (BOD) (DO) (NH3-N) (SS)4 ( 2-18

) RPI RPI = 1/n = Ni n RPI 2 ( ) 23 3 6 6 2-6 2-7 2-14 8 92 4 RPI A ( Dissolved oxygendo ) B ( Biochemical oxygen demandbod ) 20 5 BOD5 C Ammonia nitrogen D ( Suspended solidsss ) 2-19

2-15~2-17 6~10 DO 100 ph 7.0 552.3 2-6 (DO) mg/l 6.5 4.66.5 2.04.5 2.0 3.0 3.04.9 5.015 15 (BOD5) mg/l (SS) 20 2049 50100 100 mg/l (NH3-N) mg/l 0.50 0.500.99 1.03.0 3.0 1 3 6 10 2.0 2.03.0 3.16.0 6.0 DOBOD5SSNH3-N 2-20

2-7 RPI (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) 93.10.04 8.5 1.2 217 1.52 4.5 93.09.06 8.2 <1 1390 0.37 3.25 93.08.04 7.7 1.2 40.7 0.12 2.25 93.07.07 7.3 <1 30.1 0.22 1.5 ( ) 93.06.03 7.6 1.7 49.5 0.21 1.5 ( ) 93.05.04 7.3 1.9 20.9 0.22 1.5 ( ) 93.04.05 8 1.5 16.1 0.16 1 ( ) 93.03.02 7.9 1.9 5.5 0.3 1 ( ) 93.02.05 7.6 3.1 26.7 0.53 2.5 93.01.07 8.9 2.3 23.3 0.35 1.5 ( ) 92.12.04 8.5 <1 3.4 0.44 1 ( ) 92.11.06 7.9 1.2 3.7 0.26 1 ( ) 92.10.01 7.2 <1 8.3 0.29 1 ( ) 92.09.04 7 1.1 8 0.25 1 ( ) 92.08.05 7.9 <1 4.8 0.26 1 ( ) 92.07.01 8.1 3.4 4.8 0.26 1.5 ( ) 92.06.03 7.7 1.9 7.9 0.11 1 ( ) 92.05.05 7.8 2 8.9 0.29 1 ( ) 92.04.09 6 <1 14.2 0.28 1.5 ( ) RPI. 2-21

2-8 RPI (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) 93.10.04 8.7 1.1 160 0.97 3.75 93.09.06 7.6 1.2 1500 0.54 3.75 93.08.04 8 <1 18.1 0.18 1 ( ) 93.07.07 8 <1 18.7 0.17 1 ( ) 93.06.03 7.9 1.6 18 0.24 1 ( ) 93.05.04 7.6 2 28.6 0.13 1.5 ( ) 93.04.05 8.8 1.4 9.9 0.21 1 ( ) 93.03.02 8.2 1.5 17.4 0.23 1 ( ) 93.02.05 8.9 2.6 22.4 0.59 2 93.01.07 8.8 2.4 9.9 0.28 1 ( ) 92.12.04 8.2 2.5 <3 0.22 1 ( ) 92.11.06 7.6 2 5 0.18 1 ( ) 92.10.01 7 1.8 17.5 0.2 1 ( ) 92.09.04 7 1.3 12.4 0.26 1 ( ) 92.08.05 7.1 1.2 17.5 0.9 1.5 ( ) 92.07.01 7.2 2.6 5.5 0.53 1.5 ( ) 92.06.03 7 1.4 19.7 0.27 1 ( ) 92.05.05 6.9 2 19.9 0.38 1 ( ) 92.04.09 5.9 <1 17.6 0.4 1.5 ( ) RPI 2-22

2-9 RPI (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) 93.10.04 8.1 1.6 190 1.21 3.25 93.09.06 7.4 <1 1600 0.56 3.75 93.08.04 8.1 <1 27.2 0.19 1.5 ( ) 93.07.07 7.5 <1 16.8 0.24 1 ( ) 93.06.03 8.8 <1 9.1 0.27 1 ( ) 93.05.04 7.5 1.8 24.8 0.37 1.5 ( ) 93.04.05 8.6 1.6 12.2 0.22 1 ( ) 93.03.02 7.9 2 11.8 0.64 1.5 ( ) 93.02.05 8.2 3 21.9 0.37 2 93.01.07 8.4 2.9 17.4 0.44 1 ( ) 92.12.04 8.7 1.8 4.3 0.54 1.5 ( ) 92.11.06 7.5 2.1 10.6 0.23 1 ( ) 92.10.01 7.3 <1 5.2 0.19 1 ( ) 92.09.04 7.1 2.7 9.2 0.37 1 ( ) 92.08.05 7.6 <1 15.6 0.25 1 ( ) 92.07.01 7.4 1.7 4.2 0.36 1 ( ) 92.06.03 7.7 1.8 9.2 <0.03 1 ( ) 92.05.05 6.8 1.5 22.6 0.27 1.5 ( ) 92.04.09 7.6 <1 19.4 0.37 1 ( ) RPI 2-23

2-10 RPI (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) 93.10.04 8.7 <1 164 0.04 3.25 93.09.06 8.9 <1 1080 0.31 3.25 93.08.04 8.2 <1 6 0.1 1 93.07.07 8 <1 17.6 0.12 1 ( ) 93.06.03 8.8 1.2 7.7 0.18 1 ( ) 93.05.04 6.8 1.4 <3 0.27 1 ( ) 93.04.05 8.5 <1 7.9 0.15 1 ( ) 93.03.02 8.3 <1 11.1 0.16 1 ( ) 93.02.05 9 2 21 0.24 1.5 ( ) 93.01.07 8.8 1.1 7.6 0.26 1 ( ) 92.12.04 7.5 <1 <3 0.28 1 ( ) 92.11.06 7.3 <1 <3 0.16 1 ( ) 92.10.01 7 <1 12.3 0.24 1 ( ) 92.09.04 7.2 3.2 3.5 0.31 1.5 ( ) 92.08.05 7.4 <1 10.7 0.27 1 ( ) 92.07.01 6.9 1.4 3.8 0.36 1 ( ) 92.06.03 5.8 <1 14 0.34 1.5 ( ) 92.05.05 8 <1 5.3 0.34 1 ( ) 92.04.03 7.5 <1 7.1 0.23 1 ( ) RPI 2-24

2-11 RPI (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) 93.10.04 8.7 <1 349 0.43 3.25 93.09.06 7.7 1.3 3820 0.39 3.75 93.08.04 8 <1 <3 0.06 1 ( ) 93.07.07 7.9 1 12.3 0.22 1 ( ) 93.06.03 7.8 <1 32.2 0.24 1.5 ( ) 93.05.04 6.6 <1 3.1 0.16 1 ( ) 93.04.05 9 1.3 7.4 0.2 1 ( ) 93.03.02 7.8 1.6 3.5 0.13 1 ( ) 93.02.05 8.7 2 11.5 0.23 1 ( ) 93.01.07 8.4 <1 <3 0.27 1 ( ) 92.12.04 7.1 1.4 3.5 0.34 1 ( ) 92.11.06 7.7 <1 <3 0.21 1 ( ) 92.10.01 8 <1 3.7 0.14 1 ( ) 92.09.04 7.3 1.7 5.1 0.21 1 ( ) 92.08.05 7.8 <1 5 0.11 1 ( ) 92.07.01 8.4 3.7 <3 0.39 1.5 ( ) 92.06.03 6.1 <1 4.3 0.07 1.5 ( ) 92.05.05 5.7 1.6 38.4 0.48 2 92.04.03 8.1 <1 <3 0.21 1 ( ) RPI 2-25

2-12 RPI (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) 93.10.04 9 <1 373 <0.03 3.25 93.09.06 7.8 1.2 3290 0.2 3.25 93.08.04 8 <1 4.9 0.06 1.5 ( ) 93.07.07 8.2 <1 14.6 0.19 1 ( ) 93.06.03 7.5 <1 4.6 0.17 1 ( ) 93.05.04 6.7 <1 3.7 0.14 1 ( ) 93.04.05 9.4 1.7 4.9 0.3 1 ( ) 93.03.02 8.2 1.3 4.9 0.1 1 ( ) 93.02.05 8.6 1.7 13.9 0.16 1 ( ) 93.01.07 8.3 <1 3.4 0.27 1 ( ) 92.12.04 7.8 <1 3.5 0.56 1.5 ( ) 92.11.06 7.5 <1 <3 0.22 1 ( ) 92.10.01 8.4 <1 <3 0.33 1 ( ) 92.09.04 7.3 <1 <3 0.25 1 ( ) 92.08.05 8 <1 3.2 0.16 1 ( ) 92.07.01 7.7 <1 <3 0.38 1 ( ) 92.06.03 6.3 <1 3.4 0.13 1.5 ( ) 92.05.05 6.2 <1 <3 0.22 1.5 ( ) 92.04.03 6.2 <1 <3 0.11 1.5 ( ) RPI 2-26

2-13 RPI (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) 93.10.04 8.7 <1 540 0.36 3.25 93.08.04 8 <1 <3 0.06 1 ( ) 93.07.07 8.2 <1 19.5 0.08 1 ( ) 93.06.03 8.3 <1 <3 0.2 1 ( ) 93.05.04 7.9 1.2 <3 0.15 1 ( ) 93.04.05 9 1.5 4.6 0.13 1 ( ) 93.03.02 8.6 1.5 4.1 0.15 1 ( ) 93.02.05 8.9 2.1 20.9 0.13 1.5 ( ) 93.01.07 9.2 <1 4.9 0.29 1 ( ) 92.12.04 7.3 <1 3.4 0.33 1 ( ) 92.11.06 8 <1 <3 0.38 1 ( ) 92.10.01 7.4 <1 3.1 0.34 1 ( ) 92.09.04 7.4 1.3 <3 0.21 1 ( ) 92.08.05 8.6 <1 3.8 0.19 1 ( ) 92.07.01 7.9 1.6 <3 0.4 1 ( ) 92.06.03 6.2 2.2 <3 0.11 1.5 ( ) 92.05.05 7.8 1.2 3.7 0.25 1 ( ) 92.04.03 6 <1 <3 0.32 1.5 ( ) RPI 2-27

2-14 RPI (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) 93.10.04 8.1 <1 29.8 0.03 1.5 ( ) 93.09.06 7.8 1.3 572 0.33 3.25 93.08.04 8 1.9 3.9 0.18 1 ( ) 93.07.07 8 <1 <3 0.19 1 ( ) 93.06.03 7.9 <1 3.2 0.21 1 ( ) 93.05.04 8.2 1.2 <3 0.22 1 ( ) 93.04.05 9.4 1.3 6.2 0.14 1 ( ) 93.03.02 9.1 <1 3.6 0.17 1 ( ) 93.02.05 9.4 1.5 19 0.27 1 ( ) 93.01.07 8.6 <1 4.4 0.4 1 ( ) 92.12.04 7 1.9 <3 0.13 1 ( ) 92.11.06 6.8 <1 <3 0.21 1 ( ) 92.10.01 8 <1 <3 0.3 1 ( ) 92.09.04 8 1 <3 0.21 1 ( ) 92.08.05 8 2 <3 0.16 1 ( ) 92.07.01 6.5 2 <3 0.4 1 ( ) 92.06.03 6.3 <1 3.5 0.09 1.5 ( ) 92.05.05 6.9 2 3.1 0.17 1 ( ) 92.04.03 8.8 <1 <3 0.17 1 ( ) RPI 2-28

2-15 2004 GIS (T67) 247110 2746706 247110 2746706 247110 2746706 247110 2746706 252827 2743422 252827 2743422 252827 2743422 252827 2743422 258695 2738073 258695 2738073 258695 2738073 258695 2738073 2-29

242827 2748859 242827 2748859 245176 2747581 245176 2747581 248877 2746195 248877 2746195 248877 2746195 250290 2745259 250290 2745259 252827 2743422 252827 2743422 256732 2739497 256732 2739497 255787 2740977 255787 2740977 2-30

2-16 2004 GIS 259905 2735197 259905 2735197 259905 2735197 259905 2735197 259652 2731785 259652 2731785 259652 2731785 259652 2731785 261746 2726609 261746 2726609 261746 2726609 261746 2726609 2-31

259314 2733832 259314 2733832 259314 2733832 259314 2733832 260720 2729409 260720 2729409 22.5 260720 2729409 260720 2729409 261688 2728210 261688 2728210 261688 2728210 261688 2728210 2-32

2-17 2004 GIS 261728 2735287 261728 2735287 261728 2735287 261728 2735287 269610 2733260 269610 2733260 269610 2733260 269610 2733260 18.0 274386 2736291 274386 2736291 274386 2736291 274386 2736291 0.13 2-33

264171 2733445 264171 2733445 263404 2734418 263404 2734418 18.6 266263 2733740 266263 2733740 266263 2733740 266263 2733740 17.8 270700 2733193 270700 2733193 270700 2733193 270700 2733193 2-34

3 habitat 3.1 3 1. 2. 3. 2,500 1,000 1,500 3-1

3-1 3-1 2004.11.18 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 3-2

3-3 3-1 3-2 3.2 macro-habitat meso-habitat micro-habitat 3.1 pool-riffle Riffle Pool Glide Run 3-1 3-2

3-2 2004.11.24 3-1 (Riffle) (Pool) (Glide) (Run) 30cm 30cm 30cm 30cm/s 30cm/s 30cm/s 3-4

3-1 3-5

3-2 3-6

3-2 % % % % 0 0 45 55 20 40 30 10 15 50 5 30 10 0 45 45 5 15 25 55 30 0 40 30 15 20 15 50 35 0 30 35 40 0 40 20 20 10 40 30 30 0 40 30 40 5 30 25 45 0 25 30 20 0 30 50 20 0 15 65 20 10 40 30 45 0 20 35 40 0 50 10 80 0 20 0 3-7

3-8 3-3 3-3 T67 1 247053 2746591 13.2m 4.5m 1.4m 2 274061 2746603 78.3m 47.3m 1.6m 3 246895 2746646 91.0m 90.0m 1.3m 300 4 248872 2746222 87.4m 7.6m 1.2m 5 248920 2446398 98.3m 23.3m 1.4m 6 252896 2743584 112.5m 28.1m 0.8m 7 258865 2738152 70.2m 17.1m 1.6m 8 258827 2738087 23.3m 7.4m 0.9m 9 258653 2738099 16.1m 12.4m 2.3m

3-9 10 258621 2738175 61.2m 7.7m 3.1m 400 3-4 T67 1 259790 2731967 20.8m 4.7m 1.1m 2 261679 2728179 8.9m 2.5m 0.65m 1 264150 2733461 10.6m 4.5m 0.8m 2 264132 2733400 12.1m 7.6m 2.0m 3 264127 2733377 10.6m 4.5m 1.0m 3-5

3-5 mm fine sediments 1 organic detritus clay silt sand 2.0 2 gravel 2.016 3 pebble 1664 4 cobble 64256 5 small boulder 256512 6 large boulder 512 () (1) (2) (3) 3-10

3-6 1 2 3 4 5 6 % % % % % % 20 10 30 20 20 0 5 10 30 40 10 5 5 10 20 40 50 5 20 10 25 25 20 0 10 10 10 25 35 10 10 15 30 25 15 5 5 10 30 40 10 5 () 3-73-8 3-7 1 2 3 4 5 6 % % % % % % 5 5 30 30 5 15 5 5 10 40 30 10 5 5 10 35 35 10 10 5 30 40 10 5 5 10 20 40 20 5 5 5 20 30 30 10 3-11

3-8 1 2 3 4 5 6 % % % % % % 10 10 30 20 20 10 5 5 30 35 20 5 10 20 30 30 10 0 5 30 35 20 5 5 5 15 30 30 15 5 5 10 10 15 50 10 3.3 6,618 (1.) 74 3-12

3.20 141.6 142.8 60.2 547 535 1,533 (2.) 225.29 (3.) 1,000 490 200 1.0 6 (4.) 2.4 21 14 13 14 14 3.0 (5.) 3 3-13

2.88 15 3,134 19.15 28.2 110 1. 26 ( 92 ) 4,703 75.8% 3-3 2. 3-14

3-3 3-15

3-9 GIS 247110 2746706 ( 10m) 247032 2746743 252827 2743422 ( 10m) 252802 2743445 ( 100m) 252144 2743798 258695 2738073 242827 2748859 250290 2745259 ( 10m) 250185 2745192 248877 2746195 ( 10m) 248884 2746202 252827 2743422 256732 2739497 255787 2740977 259905 2735197 259652 2731785 ( 100m) 259553 2732437 ( 90m) 259667 2732113 261746 2726609 261145 2729205 260720 2729409 261688 2728210 261728 2735287 269610 2733260 274386 2736291 264171 2733445 263404 2734418 267675 2733149 266263 2733740 268279 2732503 3-16

3.4 1427.59 104.10 4.25 89 80,744 56.6 20,756 25.7 59,695 73.9 294 0.4 10,113 97.2 3,414 33.8 6,627 65.5 72 0.7 91 7 5 92 3 6 ( ) 989.32 501.40 487.92 429.79 85.72 71.61 14.28 47,928 23,996 23,932 3-4 3-7 () 1. 55 5 3-17

2004 ( ) 3-3 3-3 2004.11.09 2. 2004 8 3-4 3-18

3-4 2004.08.26 3. 3-5 3-5 2004.04.28 () V 3-19

( ) 2618272727603 2004 3-6 2004.12.09 () 3-20

3-7 2004.12.13 3-8 2004.12.02 3-21

3-4 3-22

3-5 3-23

3-6 3-24

3-7 3-25

4 4.1 1 100 4-1 2004.11.21 2 2( 12 ) 4-1

4-2 2005.01.16 4-1 GPS 3 (A) 2 1 4-2

(B) 10cm 10 cm x 10 cm 4-3 2004.11.19 4 (Suber s net) 3 5 50 cm x 50cm x 3 1 1 1 10 x 10 6 ( 1983) 4-3

4-4 4-2 GPS 2 3~8 4 1,000 200 6 200 6 3 Sherman 1015 5 1

4-3 GPS 4 500 - (Randomized Walk Design) (Visual Encounter Method) 4-4 GPS 4-5

5 500 2 6 500 50 2.5 5 5 4-1 4-1 4-2 GPS 252827 2743422 256732 2739497 GPS 247110 2746706 258695 2738073 242827 2748859 245176 2747581 250290 2745259 248877 2746195 252827 2743422 255787 2740977 4-6

4-3 GPS 259652 2731785 GPS 259905 2735197 261746 2726609 259314 2733832 260720 2729409 261688 2728210 4-4 GPS 266263 2733740 269610 2733260 GPS 261728 2735287 274386 2736291 264171 2733445 263404 2734418 270700 2733193 4-7

4.2 20 39 Cyprinidae Anguillidae 鳅 Cobitididae Bagridae Megalopidae Cichlidae Gobiidae Balitoridae 鰏 Leiognathidae Ambassidae Kuhliidae Mugilidae Chanidae Sparidae Clupeidae Teraponidae Haemulidae Serranidae Percichthyidae Siluridae 1 鳗 Anguilla marmorata 4-4 2004.06.19 鮻 13 Rinogobius candidianus Acrossocheilus paradoxus 4-8

鱲 Zacco pachycephalus Sicyopterus japonicus 鳗 gill net 1.3 2~3 50 3 鮻 Chelon macrolepis 鰏 鰏 Leiognathus splendens 4-5 鱲 2004.06.19 4-6 鮻 2004.06.19 4-9

4-7 鱲 Hemimyzon formosanus Cobitis sinensis 鱲 Cadidia barbata Hemimyzon formosanus 4-7 2004.12.02 39 4-10

4-5 \ 鱲 鯝 鰟鲏 4-11

鰕 鰕 鰕 鰕 鰕 鰏 鰏 鮻 4-12

1 3 9 Macrobrachium formosense Macrobrachium japonicum Macrobrachium nipponense Macrobrachium hirtimanus Macrobrachium equidens Macrobrachium lar Macrobrachium asperulum Caridina pseudodenticulata 4-8 4-8 4-13

cobble pebble 4-9 2004.11.25 2 3 5 Varuna litterata Eriocheir japonicus 4-10 4-14

4-10 2004.11.16 Uca lactea 4-11 Parasesarma pictum 4-11 2004.06.16 4-15

4-6 \ 4-16

4-17 2004 5 3 1. 9 3572 6 720 1016 614 Shannon-Wiener Diversity Index H 4-5 H 060.8 10 0.4 0.81.2

4-18 Hilsenhoff FBI FBI Fair Good Excellent Very Good Excellent FBI 4-6 Fair Fairly Poor Good Very Good FBI EPT 襀 FBI EPT 50 FBI FBI EPT FBI EPT FBIEPT FBIEPT Genius Species

4-5 4-19

4-6 FBI 4-20

2. 71620 1 2 1 1 14 5 4-12 2004.08.15 4-21

4-22 20048 1024 Shannon-Wiener index 0.35~0.86 915 0.23~0.88 1119 0.17~0.95 1424 1021 1117 oligosaprobic mesosaprobic

mesosaprobic GI 0.230 GI GI GI 0.541 GI GI GI 1.030 GI 4-13 4-14 4-23

4.3 19 3 4 3 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 4-7 1 2 3 4 5 6 14 15 16 17 18 7 8 9 10 11, 12 13 19 4-7 84 208 4-24

264 13 16 23 71 192 241 40 23 15 11 9 7 6 5 4-13 (Glycine max subsp. formosana) ( 2003) 4-15 4-16 2004 8 20 4-25

4-7 4-8 4-7 ( ) 220.33 0.17 0.76 46.93 128.92 0.10 0.76 43.32 173.44 0.14 0.71 42.14 67.12 0.05 0.65 35.00 15 0.01 0.65 32.95 67.24 0.05 0.59 32.07 40.84 0.03 0.59 31.02 34.68 0.03 0.59 30.78 8 0.01 0.59 29.73 102.2 0.08 0.47 27.56 8.4 0.01 0.53 26.80 17.64 0.01 0.47 24.23 9.16 0.01 0.41 20.95 1 0.00 0.41 20.63 23.64 0.02 0.35 18.58 11.28 0.01 0.35 18.09 210 0.17 0.06 11.23 8.48 0.01 0.18 9.16 3.2 0.00 0.18 8.95 2.08 0.00 0.12 5.96 0.32 0.00 0.12 5.89 50 0.04 0.06 4.91 30 0.02 0.06 4.13 30 0.02 0.06 4.13 2 0.00 0.06 3.02 1 0.00 0.06 2.98 0.64 0.00 0.06 2.97 4-26

4-8 ( ) 988.44 0.22 1.00 60.89 578.32 0.13 0.76 44.61 220.88 0.05 0.82 43.61 178.4 0.04 0.76 40.20 25.84 0.01 0.76 38.52 13.28 0.00 0.71 35.44 296.4 0.07 0.59 32.68 19.68 0.00 0.65 32.57 201 0.04 0.59 31.63 33.92 0.01 0.59 29.79 8 0.00 0.59 29.50 119.16 0.03 0.53 27.78 86.92 0.02 0.53 27.43 39.76 0.01 0.53 26.91 32.96 0.01 0.53 26.83 5.8 0.00 0.53 26.53 254.2 0.06 0.47 26.33 133.68 0.03 0.47 25.00 58.4 0.01 0.47 24.17 22.88 0.01 0.47 23.78 21.36 0.00 0.47 23.76 18.56 0.00 0.47 23.73 13.96 0.00 0.47 23.68 12.36 0.00 0.47 23.67 8.8 0.00 0.47 23.63 蓟 5.28 0.00 0.47 23.59 4.48 0.00 0.47 23.58 0.16 0.00 0.47 23.53 74.34 0.02 0.41 21.41 25.2 0.01 0.41 20.87 13.32 0.00 0.41 20.74 7.8 0.00 0.41 20.67 4-27

2004 埯 黄 1 61 5-10 1.5-5 0-1.5 1.5-4 0.5-1.5 0-1.5 50 2 2~5 2.5~4 4-28

3 ( 4-17) 100% 50 1.5 100% 4-29

4-17 4 5 ( 4-18) 4-18 6 4-30

7 6-12 2-6 0.5-2,0-0.5 1 ( 4-19) 4-19 2 ( 4-20) 4-31

4-20 3 1-5 0-1 4 ( 4-21) 4-21 4-32

5 6 1 2 3 4 4-33

15 6 绿 6 5 6 ( 4-22) 4-22 7 ( 4-23) 4-34

4-23 61 (2004 7-8 ) 2004 ( 2003) ( 2003) ( http://eec.kta.org.tw/magzine_html/taiwan5-1.htm) (2003) 1 4-35

4-36 2 4-9 4-9: 黄 黄,,,,

2005 15 38 94 5 33 Shannon-Wiener Diversity 4-37

Index H H H H=1.22 H=1.24 H=1.22 鴴 鴴 2004 8 4-38

4-24 2004.12.15 4-25 2004.12.13 4-39

4-10 ( ) 2 1 22 9 11 1 59 93 63 3 2 6 6 22 5 2 15 1 12 5 1 22 1 12 3 3 33 2 30 2 2 1 4 3 5 14 1 8 46 66 5 1 1 4 1 3 2 3 4 4-40

2 4 3 7 1 3 2 3 鴴 12 28 4 21 6 鴴 15 12 鴴 8 鴴 1 鴴 4 鴴 8 2 3 28 1 7 3 1 8 5 37 5 2 12 9 1 1 2 2 11 44 15 7 13 49 2 9 5 9 1 4 2 4-41

1 1 2 8 27 38 74 83 6 8 6 3 1 4 1 13 10 15 10 60 23 2 7 2 27 17 2 16 50 1 10 6 3 2 3 3 7 7 23 3 2 2 5 8 7 7 56 5 1 1 24 2 2 2 2 7 6 31 4-42

1 1 8 1 6 31 41 30 116 4 20 99 223 12 6 2 6 9 9 6 17 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 9 11 52 24 2 1 44 82 10 1 2 3 18 53 3 7 4 7 7 1 6 2 40 1 6 12 8 4-43

1 2 4 2 1 7 1 7 5 3 1 5 9 2 3 2 2 4 2 3 100 7 25 20 30 45 鵐 29 15 60 8 40 6 20 3 88 51 45 283 8 33 4-44

2004 5 5 6 13 6 4 1 37 15 4-11 4-45

4-26 2004.11.09 4-272004 2004.11.19 4-46

4-11 1 2 2 2 3 3 1 1 5 2 2 4 15 1 1 1 3 1 1 3 1 1 2 1 1 100 45 12 3 1 1 2 1 3 2 1 1 1 2 5 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 5 2 5 1 1 3 1 1 4-47

2004 5 3 2 9 21 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( 4-48

4-28 2004.11.22 4-29 2004.12.13 4-30 2004.08.19 4-49

4-12 1 1 1 1 8 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4-50

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 2 1 4-51

2004 5 3 3 14 4-31 2004.11.09 4-52

Road-kill 4-32 2004.11.22 4-33 2004.11.23 4-53

4-13 ( ) ( ) ( ) 9 2 51 39 1 8 1 44 3 2 1 2 3 5 3 9 1 28 1 2 1 3 1 1 4 4 2 5 5 4 2 8 1 2 5 2 2 3 1 2 1 3 8 54 96 1 110 15 3 1 8 4 1 3 2 1 3 45 21 18 20 12 3 23 2 2 5 9 3 2 11 3 1 1 1 2 5 9 2 2 4 4-54

5 44 5 13 10 4 5 58 1 2004 4-55

( ) 4-56

4-57 ( ) 蔴 蔴

5 53 (91 ) (41 ) (35 ) ( ) 4-8 ( ) 4-8 (4-9) ( ) 4-58

4-9 (4-10) ( ) 4-10 4-59

5 14 657 4-11 ( ) 4-11 (4-12) ( 4-13) 4-60

4-12 4-13 ( ) (4-14) 4-61

4-14 4-62

4-14 1 2 1 8 10 4 2 1 2 1 6 4 3 1 1 1 3 1 3 3 3 1 1 2 1 1 3 2 19 4 1 2 1 1 1 4 3 1 2 1 1 3 1 3 2 4 3 3 12 3 1 2 2 5 5 29 7 18 1 5 1 10 3 3 4-63

1 2 1 3 6 1 1 4 7 1 1 2 2 6 1 2 2 1 1 4 11 2 10 5 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 9 1 1 1 2 1 4 2 2 5 4-64

2 1 1 3 5 23 8 1 2 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 3 2 2 5 3 3 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 3 1 1 1 7 1 1 3 1 1 2 4 6 4 4 21 11 7 4-65

1 3 2 1 3 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 5 2 2 7 1 4 7 1 5 1 5 5 4 5 5 4 3 24 5 1 39 477117 2 1 1 5 9 3 5 9 1 5 8 4-66

4-67 4.4

4-68 1. 2. 12 5 徳 3 3. 4. 5.

5 Taiwan River Internet Information System, TRIIS 1.GIS 2. 3. GIS GIS 5.1 1. 2. 3. A. SQL ESRI ARCGIS ARCGIS ARCINFO Desktop 9.0 ARCGIS ARCINFO 5-1

Workstation 9.0ARCSDE 9.0 Microsoft SQL 2000 5-1 ARCINFO Desktop 9.0 ARCINFO Workstation 9.0 ARCSDE 9.0 Microsoft SQL 2000 ARCIMS 9.0 Windows 2000 Server Internet Information ServerIIS ARCGIS Desktop 9.0 ARCGIS ARCINFO AR CS DE 90 Microsoft SQL 2000 ARCIMS 9.0 IIS 5-1 5-1 5-2

5-1 Windows 2000 Server Service Pack 4 Pentium 133 MHz 256 MB 2GB RAM Microsoft office 2000 *2 Pentium 133 MHz 64MB RAM ARCGIS ARCINFO Pentium 1.0 GHz 256MB RAM Desktop 9.0 *3 Service Pack 2 ARCGIS ARCINFO Pentium 650 MHz 256MB RAM Workstation 9.0 *3 Service Pack 2 ARCSDE 9.0 *3 Pentium 133 MHz 40MB RAM Service Pack 2 ARCIMS 9.0 *3 Pentium 1.0 GHz 256MB RAM Service Pack 2 170MB 700MB 700MB 200MB 300MB 5-3

5-4Microsoft Frontpage 2000 *2 Pentium 133 MHz 64MB RAM Microsoft SQL 2000 *4 Pentium 133 MHz 64MB RAM Service Pack 3a Norton Internet Security Norton Anti Virus http://www.microsoft.com/ http://www.microsoft.com/taiwan/office http://support.esri.com/ http://www.microsoft.com/taiwan/sql Pentium 133 MHz 32MB RAM Pentium 133 MHz 32MB RAM 170MB 300MB 200MB 25MB

1. 2. GIS Windows 2000 ServerMicrosoft office 2000ARCGIS ARCINFO Desktop 9.0ARCGIS ARCINFO Workstation 9.0ARCSDE 9.0Microsoft SQL 2000Norton Internet Security Norton Anti Virus Windows 2000 ServerMicrosoft office 2000ARCIMS 9.0 Norton Internet Security Norton Anti Virus 5-2 5-2 Pentium 1.0 GHz Pentium 1.0 GHz 256MB 512MB 256 OpenGL graphics card with 32MB 3 GB 4 GB B. GIS GIS Microsoft SQL 2000 Server 13 5-5

5-6 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 6 ARCSDE Feature Dataset 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 5-3 5-3

C. _ _ _ _ _ 13 5-45-16 5-4 GIS shpfile.dbf shpfile.dbf shpfile.dbf shpfile.dbf shpfile.dbf 5-7

shpfile.dbf shpfile.dbf shpfile.dbf shpfile.dbf shpfile.dbf shpfile.dbf shpfile.dbf shpfile.dbf shpfile.dbf shpfile.dbf shpfile.dbf 92touchienhsi-1m-14 tif(image).tfw 952210579522105895221067 709522107995221080 962230049622300596223014 tif(image) 962230159622302496224061.tfw 96224071739622408184 9622409396224094 shpfile.dbf shpfile.dbf shpfile.dbf shpfile 5-8

shpfile shpfile shpfile shpfile shpfile shpfile shpfile shpfile shpfile shpfile.dbf.dbf.dbf.dbf.dbf.dbf.dbf.dbf.dbf.dbf.dbf shpfile.dbf shpfile shpfile shpfile.dbf.dbf.dbf shpfile.dbf shpfile.dbf 5-5 *.dbf 5-9

*.dbf *.dbf 25 *.dbf 25 *.dbf *.dbf *.dbf 5-6 *.dbf *.dbf _ *.dbf _ *.dbf 5-7 *.dbf *.dbf _ *.dbf _ *.dbf 5-8 *.dbf _ *.dbf _ *.dbf 5-9 5-10

*.dbf _ *.dbf _ *.dbf 5-10 *.dbf *.dbf _ *.dbf _ *.dbf 5-11 *.dbf *.dbf _ *.dbf _ *.dbf 5-12 *.dbf *.dbf _ *.dbf _ *.dbf 5-13 *.dbf *.dbf 5-11

_ *.dbf _ *.dbf 5-14 *.dbf *.dbf _ *.dbf _ *.dbf 5-15 *.dbf *.dbf _ *.dbf _ *.dbf 5-16 *.dbf _ *.dbf _ *.dbf D. 5-17 5-80 1. (1) 5-175-22 5-12

5-17 M 2 AREA double 12 2 PERIMETER double 12 2 ID integer 4 AREA_HA double 10 2 5-18 M 2 AREA double 12 PERIMETER double 10 AREA_HA double 10 PCODE integer 4 PNAME text 12 5-19 M 2 AREA double 12 PERIMETER double 10 AREA_HA double 10 PCODE text 4 CCODE text 6 CNAME text 12 5-20 M 2 AREA double 12 PERIMETER double 10 5-13

AREA_HA double 10 PCODE text 4 CCODE text 6 VCODE integer 4 VNAME text 30 5-21 M 2 AREA double 12 PERIMETER double 10 AREA_HA double 10 BASINID text 4 BASINNA text 20 5-22 M 2 AREA double 12 PERIMETER double 10 AREA_HA double 10 WC_NO text 16 WC_NAME text 16 WASHEDID text 4 WASHEDNA text 20 (2) 5-235-25 5-14

5-23 BASINID text 4 RIVER_ID text 4 ORG_NA text 10 ST_ID text 10 ST_NA text 16 GPS x_t67 X67 double 10 GPS y_t67 Y67 double 12 Substance integer 4 cms FlowRate double 6 m Wide double 6 5-24 RIVER_ID integer 4 PLOT_ID text 10 Serial_N text 4 PLOT_NA text 8 Order text 4 TYPE text 8 RIVER_LC integer 4 DATE text 10 GPS x_t67 X67 double 10 GPS y_t67 Y97 double 12 1 SITE1 integer 4 5-15

2 SITE2 integer 4 NOTE text 20 5-25 BASINID text 4 RIVER_ID text 4 ST_ID text 10 Serial_N text 4 ST_NA text 16 Order text 4 GPS x_t67 X67 double 10 GPS y_t67 Y97 double 12 DATE text 10 TEMP double 4 COND double 4 DO double 4 ph double 4 (3) 7 5-265-32 5-26 M 2 AREA double 12 PERIMETER double 10 5-16

AREA_HA double 10 GEOLID text 4 GEOLNA text 15 GEOLTIME text 4 5-27 M 2 AREA double 12 PERIMETER double 10 AREA_HA double 10 SOILID text 4 SOILNA text 10 5-28 BASINID text 4 BASINNAME text 10 EXTENTKMdouble 10 AREAKM 2 double 10 RIVERHEAD text 16 ELEVATION double 8 ESTUARY text 10 BRANCH text 50 SLOPE text 10 SLOPE_PIC OLE REGION text 50 AVAILABLE text 12 5-17

5-29 ID text 10 5-30 BASINID integer 4 RIVER_ID integer 4 RIVER_NA text 16 ( ) LENGTH double 10 5-31 M 2 AREA double 12 PERIMETER double 10 AREA_HA double 10 ID text 10 5-32 M 2 AREA double 12 PERIMETER double 10 AREA_HA double 10 ID text 10 (4) 13 5-335-45 5-18

5-33 LENGTH double 12 ID integer 4 5-34 LENGTH double 12 ID integer 4 5-35 LENGTH double 12 ID integer 4 5-36 LENGTH double 12 ID integer 4 5-37 LENGTH double 12 ID integer 4 5-38 LENGTH double 12 ID integer 4 NAME text 16 5-19

5-39 LENGTH double 12 ID integer 4 NAME text 16 5-40 M2 AREA double 12 PERIMETER double 10 AREA_HA double 10 LENGTH double 12 ID integer 4 NAME text 16 5-41 M2 AREA double 12 PERIMETER double 10 AREA_HA double 10 LENGTH double 12 ID integer 4 5-42 LENGTH double 12 ID integer 4 5-20

5-43 M2 AREA double 12 PERIMETER double 10 AREA_HA double 10 ID integer 4 5-44 M2 AREA double 12 PERIMETER double 10 AREA_HA double 10 ID integer 4 5-45 M2 AREA double 12 PERIMETER double 10 AREA_HA double 10 ID integer 4 (5) 5-465-52 5-46 M2 AREA double 12 PERIMETER double 10 AREA_HA double 10 5-21

ID text 10 5-47 LENGTH double 12 ID integer 4 NAME text 16 PROTYPE integer 4 5-48 LENGTH double 12 ID integer 4 NAME text 16 PROTYPE integer 4 5-49 LENGTH double 12 ID integer 4 NAME text 16 PROTYPE integer 4 5-50 M2 AREA double 12 PERIMETER double 10 AREA_HA double 10 LENGTH double 12 5-22

ID integer 4 NAME text 16 PROTYPE integer 4 5-51 M2 AREA double 12 PERIMETER double 10 ID integer 4 BNAME text 16 BTYPE text 10 BTYPE integer 4 5-52 LENGTH double 12 ID integer 4 NAME text 16 RITYPE integer 4 2. 5-535-59 5-53 RIVER_ID integer 4 5-23

PLOT_ID text 10 Serial_N text 4 PLOT_NA text 8 Order text 4 TYPE text 8 RIVER_LC integer 4 DATE text 10 GPS x_t67 X67 double 10 GPS y_t67 Y97 double 12 1 SITE1 integer 4 2 SITE2 integer 4 TEMP double 4 COND double 4 DO double 4 ph double 4 NOTE text 20 5-54 BASINID text 4 RIVER_ID text 4 ORG_NA text 10 ST_ID text 10 ST_NA text 16 GPS x_t67 X67 double 10 GPS y_t67 Y67 double 12 5-24

Substance integer 4 cms FlowRate double 6 m Wide double 6 5-55 BASINID text 4 BASINNAME text 10 EXTENTKMdouble 10 AREAKM2 double 10 RIVERHEAD text 16 ELEVATION double 8 ESTUARY text 10 BRANCH text 50 SLOPE text 10 SLOPE_PIC OLE REGION text 50 AVAILABLE text 12 5-56 BRANCH_ID text 6 BASINID text 4 BRANCH_SN text 4 BRANCH_NA text 16 5-57 5-25

GRADE integer 2 NAME text 12 5-58 TYPE integer 2 NAME text 10 5-59 TYPE integer 2 NAME text 6 3. 5-60 5-61 _ 5-79 _ 5-80 5-60 text 10 text 20 text 10 text 20 ( ) double 10 5-61 text 10 5-26

integer 2 text 10 text 10 text 40 text 40 text 10 / / text 8 text 16 text 40 text 50 4. 5-62 5-63 _ 5-79 _ 5-80 5-62 text 10 text 20 text 10 text 20 ( ) double 10 5-63 text 10 5-27

integer 2 text 10 text 10 text 40 text 40 text 10 / / text 8 text 16 text 40 text 50 5. 5-64 _ 5-79 _ 5-80 5-64 text 10 text 20 text 20 6. 5-65 _ 5-79 _ 5-80 5-65 5-28

text 10 text 20 text 20 7. 5-66 5-67 _ 5-79 _ 5-80 5-66 text 10 text 20 text 20 text 10 5-67 text 10 integer 2 text 10 text 10 8. 5-68 _ 5-79 _ 5-80 5-29

5-68 text 10 text 20 text 20 5-69 text 10 integer 2 text 10 9. 5-70 5-71 _ 5-79 _ 5-80 5-70 text 10 text 20 text 20 text 10 5-71 text 10 integer 2 10. 5-30

5-72 5-73 _ 5-79 _ 5-80 5-72 text 10 text 20 text 10 text 20 5-73 text 10 integer 2 text 10 11. 5-74 5-75 _ 5-79 _ 5-80 5-74 text 10 text 20 text 20 5-75 5-31

text 10 integer 2 text 10 12. 5-76 5-77 _ 5-79 _ 5-80 5-76 text 10 text 20 text 20 5-77 text 10 text 10 text 10 13. 5-78 _ 5-79 _ 5-80 5-78 text 10 text 20 5-32

text 20 5-795-80 5-79 _ text 10 text 10 text 10 text 10 text 10 text 10 text 10 text 10 text 10 text 50 5-80 _ text 15 text 15 text 15 text 15 text 15 5-33

text 15 text 15 text 15 text 20 5. () (heterogeneous) () (homogeneous) () (reference system) (CDROMWWW ) the European standards organization, Comite Europeen de Normalisation Technical Committee, TC -- CEN/TC 287 the International Organization for Standards, ISO -- ISO/TC 211 1994 Open GIS Consortium, OGC Open GIS Open Abstract Specification OGC Geography Marker Language, GML XML 1. 2. 5-34

Committee, FGDC CSDGM 5-81 92 The Federal Geographic Data Content Standards for Digital Geospatial Metadata, 11 5-81 1 2 3 4 5 1.1 Citation 1.2.1 Abstract 1.2.2 Purpose 1.3.1 Time Period Information 1.3.2 Currentness Reference 1.4.1 Progress 1.4.2 Maintenance and Update Frequency 1.5 Spatial Domain 1.5.1 Bounding Coordinates West Bounding * Coordinate East Bounding * Coordinate North Bounding * Coordinate South Bounding * 5-35

Coordinate 1.6 Keywords 1.6.1 Theme Theme Keyword * Thesaurus T heme Keyword * 1.7 Access Constraints 1.8 Use Constraints 2.2 Logical Consistency Report 2.3 Completeness Report P rocess Description Process Date Map Projection Name Map Projection Parameter 5.1 Detailed Description Entity Type Label Entity Type Definition Entity Type Definition Source 5.2 Overview Description 5.2.1 Entity and Attribute Overview 5.2.2 Entity and Attribute Detail Citation 6.1 Distributor 5-36

6.3 Distribution Liability 7.1 Metadata Date 7.4 Metadata Contact 7.5 Metadata Standard Name 7.6 Metadata Standard Version 8.1 Originator * 8.2 Publication Date 8.4 Title * 9.1.1 Single Calendar Date 9.2.1 Multiple Calendar Date 9.3.1 Beginning Date 9.3.3 Ending Date 10.4.5 Postal Code 10.1.1 Contact Person 10.2.2 Contact * Organization 10.4.1 Address Type 10.4.3 City 10.4.4 State or Province 10.5 Contact Voice Telephone 1.* 2. 2003 5.2 5.1 TRIIS SQL 5-37

1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 5-2 1. 2. 3. 5-38

5-2 5-2 2. 12,366 639 3.5 GB 1. 2. 3. 4. SQL \ SQL \ SQL 5-3 5-3 5-39

Toucian River 67 5-3 02 01 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 shpfile 25000 shpfile shpfile GIS 2004 2004 25000 5-40

5.3 TRIIS Active Server Page, ASP Structured Query Language, SQL 1. 2. 3. ARCSDE GIS 1. 2. 5-4 SQL Server Internet Information Server(IIS) (IE) SQL Server (Open Database Connectivity, ODBC) SQL Server Active Server Page(ASP) A SQL ASP 5-41

5-42 5-4 B 5-4 GIS

C D E IE F SQL G SQL ASP H ESRI ARCIMS 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 5-43

5-44 5-5 5-5 2. : 5-6

5-45 5-6 3. Web 5-7

5-46 5-7 4. 5-8

5-47 5-8 5-9 5-9


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 1. / /login.htm 5-10 sun 5-11 5-10TRIIS 5-49

5-11TRIIS 2. 5-12 5-13 5-12TRIIS 5-50

5-13TRIIS 5-14 5-15 5-14TRIIS 5-51

5-15TRIIS 3. Microsoft office Excel *.XLS 5-16 5-17 5-18 5-19 5-20 5-16TRIIS 5-52

5-17TRIIS 5-18TRIIS 5-53

5-19TRIIS 5-20TRIIS 4. 5-54

5-21 *.XLS 5-22 5-23 5-21TRIIS 5-22TRIIS 5-23TRIIS 5-55

5. 5-24 GIS 5-25 OR 5-26 5-24TRIIS 5-25TRIIS 1 5-56

5-26TRIIS 2 6. 5-27 5-28 5-29 5-30 5-27TRIIS 1 5-57

5-28TRIIS 2 5-29TRIIS 5-30TRIIS 7. SQL 5-58

5-31 5-32 5-31TRIIS 5-32TRIIS 5-59

5.4 GIS GIS GIS 13 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 5-3 3.5 GB 639 12,366 5-60

3 5-82 93/4 93/5 93/6 93/7 93/8 93/9 93/10 93/11 93/12 94/1 94/2 10% 10% 15% 15% 20% 20% 10% 1.00 3.25 6.00 13.25 20.50 27.50 42.75 58.00 73.25 87.25 100 (%) 5.5 1. 5-61

5-62 2. 3. 1.

2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5-63

6 6.1 (1) (2) (3) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 6-1


6.2 6-1 6-3

93 6-2 6-14 2004 9 6-2 2004.08.26 2005.01.20 6-3 2004.08.26 2004.01.20 6-4

6-4 2004.07.15 2005.01.21 6-5 2004.08.26 6-6 2004.08.26 6-5

6-7 2004.04.28 2005.01.20 6-8 2004.08.14 2005.01.20 6-9 2004.05.23 2004.12.02 6-6

6-10 2004.08.17 2004.11.21 6-11 2004.08.25 6-12 2004.08.25 6-7

(Manning s equation) V=1/n*R 2/3 *S 1/2 V =, m/sec S =, m/m R =, m 2 /m (R= / ) n = (Manning s equation) 6-1 (Manning s n) boundary Manning s n 0.012 0.013 0.015 0.017 0.020 0.025 0.035 0.04~0.05 0.012 0.028 6-8

USDA 2.1m/sec 18.0cm 4.2m/sec 72.0cm 16 1987 2002 (1/3) 6-13 6-9

6-14 (2004.6.20) 6-15 (2004.6.20) 6-16 (2004.6.20) 6-10

6-17 2004.08.25 6-18 (2004620 ) 20051 20 6-19 2004.08.25 6-11

6-12 6-20 2005.01.23 2004

6-21 2005.01.23 6-22 (2004.6.20) 6-23 2005.01.23 6-13

6-24 (2004.9.19) 6-14

6-25 2005.01.23 6-15

6-26 6-27 6-16

12 11.5 6-28 2004 6-17

6-29 2005.1.16 2004 1m PVC 50cm 6-30 1m 2005.01.23 6-18

PVC 6-31 2005.01.23 6-1 6-5 6-1 (1) 6-19

6-2 (2) 6-3 (3) 6-20

6-4 (4) 6-5 (5) 6-21

1. 6-32 6-32 2004.12.23 6-33 6-22

6-33 2005.01.20 2. 2.5 6-34 6-23

6-34 2.5 2005.01.20 6-35 6-36 6-35 2004.08.26 6-24

6-36 2004.08.26 2004 8 3. 1. 2. 13 3. 4. 6-25

6-26 6.3 1. 2.


6-28 6.4 1

2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1. 6-29

6-30 2. 3. 4. 5.

6-31 (Pool and weir type) (stream type)

6-32 2~4

6-33 (a~a )15:1~20:1 (b~b ) 5:1~7:1 a 10cm b 2030cm a~a b~b ( b ) 5:1 30~40cm

1. 6-37 6-37 2005.01.20 2. 6-34

6-38 6-39 6-38 2004.11.24 6-35

6-39 2004.12.01 6-36

6-2 GPS (T67) 254807 2742269 15.1m 247032 2746743 (m) 1) 2.5-3.5m 2m 1m 2) 1) 10m 2) 252802 2743445 1) 10m 2) 252144 2743798 1) 100m 2) 250185 2745192 1) 10m 258680 2738162 5.5 (1) (2) 259891 2735149 259661 2731744 3.0 (1) (1) (2) (3) (4) 50m 6-37

261713 2735264 2.0 (1) (2) 20cm (1) 263463 2734489 2.0 (2) ( ) (3) 264108 2733469 1.0 (1) 1m 263828 2733626 4.0 (1) (2) (3) 6-38

3. 6-40 2004.11.23 4. 20048 6-41 6-39

6-41 2004.09.11 6-42 2004.11.15 6-40

5. 6-43 6-44 6-43 2005.01.20 6-44 2004.11.24 6-41

7 I Mandaville S.M., 2002. Benthic macroinvertebrates in freshwaters- taxa tolerance values, metrics, and protocols. Project H-1, Soil & Water Conservation Society of Metro Halifax. 120pp. Merritt R.W., and K.W. Cummins., 1983, An introduction to the aquatic insects of north America. 2nd Edition, Kendall/Hunt Publishing, 722pp. Pace G.L., 1973, The freshwater snails of TaiwanFormosa, Malacological Review supplementa1,118pp. Pace G.L., 1975, The freshwater musselsbivalvia: Unionidae of TaiwanFormosa, Bull. Chin. Malacol. Soc. 2:46-61 Yamagishi T., 1992, Plankton algae in TaiwanFormosa Uchida Rokakuho, Tokyo, 252p. 1985 409 1973 760 1988 255 1984 1990 2001 1996 24-95 1991 274 1997 2-5 7-1

2003 1982 1-4 1989 ( )2-6 1991 ( )1-2 1998 1998 16-21 ( )19932003 ( )2003 1991 54 2000 244 1993 2000 349 1990 () 85 1989 321 29-42 1989 148 1982 190 1994 2511 7-2

808-812 2001 1998 357 2000 1999 1978 2000 1997 165 1996 152 1996 181 1996 () 525 1994 220 1999 114 1998 103 1994 103-106 7-3

1999 2004 1993 246 1992 111 1997 261 1998 688 2001 3 81-90 1999 2003 2003 1986 939-54 1997 2003 1986 2004 1991 301 Sládeček Vladimir 7-4

1992 152 1992 78 1992 1993 1996 2003 97-109 1983 1999 1987 1988 199 1986 10:1-4 1986 10:5-8 2001 7-5

8-1 8 II II-1...8-5 II-2...8-7 II-3...8-8 II-4...8-10 II-5... 8-11 II-6... 8-11 II-7...8-12 II-8...8-13 II-9...8-14 II-10...8-15 II-11...8-16 II-12...8-17 II-13...8-18 II-14...8-19 II-15...8-20 II-16...8-21 II-17...8-22 II-18...8-23 II-19...8-24 II-20...8-24 II-21...8-25

8-2 II-22...8-26 II-23...8-27 II-24...8-27 II-25...8-28 II-26...8-30 II-27...8-31 II-28...8-33 II-29...8-34 II-30...8-36 II-31...8-38 II-32...8-39 II-33...8-40 II-34...8-41 II-35...8-42 II-36...8-43 II-37...8-44 II-38...8-45 II-39...8-46 II-40...8-47 II-41...8-48 II-42...8-49 II-43...8-50 II-44...8-51

8-3 II-45...8-52 II-46...8-53 II-47...8-58 II-48...8-63 II-49...8-68 II-50...8-69 II-51...8-70 II-52...8-71 II-53...8-72 II-54...8-73 II-55...8-74 II-56...8-75 II-57...8-76 II-58...8-77 II-59...8-78 II-60...8-79 II-61...8-80 II-62...8-81 II-63...8-82 II-64...8-83 II-65...8-84 II-66...8-85 II-67...8-86 II-68...8-87

II-69...8-87 II-70...8-91 II-71...8-91 II-72...8-94 8-4

II-1 \ 2004/06/19 2004/6/19 2004/10/14 2004/06/19 2004/8/14 2004/8/14 2004/6/19 2004/6/19 2004/8/14 2004/8/14 2004/8/14 2004/6/19 2004/6/19 2004/8/14 30(7~15) 4(18) 2(40) 1(13) 1(32) 1(21) 5(10~30) 1(63) 1(29) 8(3~4) 18(3~11) 6(6~10) 7(3~16) 7(6~7.5) 22(3~10) 11(3~15.5) 18(4~14) 鱲 53(3~11) 22(4~10.5) 1(8.5) 35(2.5~7.5) 12(5~8) 33(3~11) 3(3~4) 19(2~9) 7(5~9) 18(2~12) 1(6) 4(1~13.5) 1(7.5) 1(5.5) 2(5~6.5) 5(6~8) 41(5~7.5) 20(4~6.5) 1(5.5) 4(7~8) 1(6) 6(5~9) 鯝 1(23) 2(20~22) 2(16~19) 28(3.3~15) 2(14~25) 1(14) 1(10.5) 2(7) 1(7.5) 8(4~7.5) 4(6~8) 4(6~7) 4(5~7.5) 1(7) 鰟鲏 1(8.5) 3(4.5~14) 4(4.5~8.5) 2(8~10) 1(10) 26(5~16) 7(4~7) 1(10) 6(4~4.5) 5(9~13) 4(8.5~17) 4(13~16) 4(5~15) 1(13) 5(6~19.5) 1(13.5) 8(8~12) 1(10) 24(2.5~10) 7(5~10) 5(4~6) 24(2.5~5.5) 5(4~6) 1(4.5) 34(2~5) 28(2~6) 9(4~5) 10(3.5~7.5) 8(3~6.5) 62(2.5~8) 5(3~6.5) 3(4.5~8) 8-5

2(3.5~4) 2(30) 1(7) 2(11~12) 30(8~13) 1(4) 2(4~5) 1(4.5) 2(4) 13(4~8.5) 2(3.5) 6(3~5) 8(3.5~7.5) 鰏 66(1~3.5) 1(1.5) 10(2~3) 1(2.5) 2(2.2) 1(4) 5(2~3) 鮻 3(17) 58(3~10.3) 10(15~19) 1(21) 16(7~12) 16(8~13) 1(17) 30(5~11) 4(2.5~4) 9(2.5) 12(5~8) 7(11) 1(10) 12 8 13 11 4 10 12 11 7 8 9 6 6 149 162 134 58 7 126 75 109 72 30 126 34 47 (cm) 8-6

II-2 \ 2004/06/19 2004/6/19 2004/10/14 2004/06/19 2004/8/14 2004/8/14 2004/6/19 2004/6/19 2004/8/14 2004/8/14 2004/8/14 2004/6/19 2004/6/19 2004/8/14 1(10) 1(10) 4(3) 1(4.5) 2(5~5.5) 1(4) 0 1 0 1 0 2 1 0 1 0 0 0 10 0 4.5 0 3 4 0 1 0 0 (cm) 8-7

II-3 2004/12/26 2004/11/14 2004/11/14 2004/12/26 2004/11/14 2004/11/14 2004/12/26 2004/11/14 2004/12/26 2004/12/26 2004/12/26 2004/11/14 2004/11/14 2004/12/26 15(15~30) 3(18~45) 1(10) 1(20) 1(40) 3(22~55) 4(20~65) 2(25~35) 1(25) 3(9~10) 8(9~13) 6(6.5~12) 4(8.5~16) 3(13~17) 8(6.5~14.5) 4(7~12) 13(8~19.5) 11(3~9) 29(5.5~17) 12(5~16) 2(2.5) 2(8~10) 2(11~13) 鱲 9(5~7.5) 28(5~12) 5(5~5.5) 3(6.5~8.5) 2(10~12) 3(3~8) 9(4~10) 2(4.5~5.5) 10(5~7.5) 5(7~11) 2(40~45) 3(8~9) 9(6~9) 2(18~20) 2(7~8) 2(6) 3(5~6) 2(6) 2(7~7.5) 2(5~6) 1(6) 1(15) 1(17) 2(18~19) 1(14) 2(3.5) 26(5~13.5) 8(8~12) 14(5~16.5) 11(5~13) 22(6~17) 21(4~9.5) 14(6~10) 1(12.5) 6(3.5~5) 19(5~6) 10(5~7) 10(4~6) 10(3~4) 17(5~9) 15(3.5~5.5) 26(4~9) 7(3~9) 27(3~8) 6(5~6.5) 3(5) 19(5~8) 1(4) 1(4.5) 2(12~22) 2(12~24) 8-8

2(13~16) 50(6~13) 2(4) 13(3.5~5) 7(4~7) 51(3.5~9.5) 83(4~7) 17(2.5~5) 5(3.5) 1(6) 5(5~6.5) 2(9~10) 8(4.5~9.5) 5(5~10) 2(4~5) 16(5.5~8.5) 鰏 15(3~8) 1(9) 15(2.5~8) 1(4) 17(15~20) 10(16~25) 12(6~15) 6(5~8) 10(7~12) 2(8~10) 20(3~12) 2(8~10) 1(13) 1(35) 8 11 5 5 7 13 7 10 9 4 8 8 5 5 154 36 59 55 36 58 56 116 139 26 69 70 29 29 (cm) 8-9

II-4 \ 2004/11/15 2004/11/15 2005/1/20 2004/11/15 2004/11/15 2005/1/20 2004/11/15 2005/1/20 2005/1/20 2005/1/20 2004/11/15 2004/11/15 2005/1/20 1(8) 1(3.5) 鱲 1(4) 1(3.5) 1(5) 1(3.5) 4(8~15) 1(4) 1(1.5) 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 2 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 2 0 4 0 0 (cm) 8-10

II-5 \ 2004/6/21 2004/8/14 2004/06/21 2004/8/15 2004/6/21 2004/8/15 2004/6/21 2004/8/15 2004/6/21 2004/8/15 2004/6/21 2004/8/19 3(7~8) 14(4~6.5) 6(10~19) 11(4~11.5) 95(8~18) 25(4.5~12) 17(6~16) 21(1~9) 18(3~20) 64(4~18) 250(4~9) 230(3~9) 6(6~16) 8(12~26) 5(6~11) 4(9~14) 4(5~7) 3(5~6) 12(6~10.5) 1(5) 10(5~7) 鱲 34(4~10) 29(3~18.5) 30(4~10) 42(2~10.5) 15(4~10) 35(3~18) 6(8~12) 7(6~12.5) 10(7~14) 12(4~12) 250(3~9) 50(3~9) 3(5~10) 2(6~7) 1(18) 1(7) 4(5~7.5) 9(9) 2(8~9.5) 5(7~10.5) 2(7~8) 8(6~10) 18(6~7) 1(6) 1(8) 4(7.5~10.5) 5(4~7) 1(7) 4(3.5~7.5) 3(4~5) 6(3~10.5) 2(3~12) 1(6) 5(8~14) 6(8~11) 1(15) 3(14~17.5) 24(2~7) 22(3.5~6.8) 23(3~6) 14(3~5.5) 11(3~5) 37(5~5.5) 64(3~7.5) 73(3~7.5) 66(2~7) 61(3~7.5) 150(4~7) 50(3~7) 13(3~6.5) 36(3~8) 3(3.5~4) 1(6.5) 9(3~9) 2(2.5~5) 1(9) 13(4~11) 2(4~5) 4(9~10) 1(3.5) 6(7~12) 6(4~11) 15(5~10) 5(4~11) 1(8.5) 6 8 8 7 7 8 7 7 7 9 6 6 76 93 89 75 185 115 99 109 113 168 671 346 (cm) 8-11

II-6 \ 2004/6/21 2004/8/14 2004/06/21 2004/8/15 2004/6/21 2004/8/15 2004/6/21 2004/8/15 2004/6/21 2004/8/15 鱲 2(8) 2(14) 1(5) 3(8) 1(7.5) 1(8.5) 1(12.5) 5(2.5) 2(6~6.5) 1(6.5) 1(6) 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 2 3 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 (cm) 8-11

II-7 \ 2004/11/21 2004/12/26 2004/11/21 2004/12/26 2004/11/21 2004/12/26 2004/11/21 2004/12/26 2004/11/21 2004/12/26 2004/12/1 2005/3/8 10(10~17) 19(6.5~16) 27(10.5~16) 22(4~14) 32(9~16) 28(6~17.5) 32(8~15) 12(8~14) 54(6.5~17) 20(8~15) 10(8~16) 3(7~11) 1(11.5) 2(8~10) 4(10~14) 1(16) 3(9.5~21) 2(8~10) 鱲 1(11) 6(4~11) 2(4~10) 1(8) 12(8~13.5) 2(4~11) 5(7~9.5) 3(8~10.5) 2(6.5) 10(6~11.5) 5(8~12) 1(8.5) 2(8) 1(7.5) 2(7~9) 1(7) 1(6.5) 8(5~8) 1(8) 1(19.5) 1(15) 5(5~7) 9(4~7) 6(5~7) 7(4~7) 5(5~7) 2(4~5) 2(4~7) 7(4~5) 1(5) 3(4~6) 3(5~7) 7(5~6) 4(3~3.5) 4(4~5) 16(5~9) 18(4~9) 8(4~6) 10(4~9.5) 10(5~10) 11(4~6) 1(10) 1(6) 4(9) 1(7.5) 1(10.5) 2(5~7.5) 6 2 9 7 6 7 5 6 7 5 3 2 25 10 42 63 62 64 46 48 38 68 28 13 (cm) 8-12

II-8 \ 2004/11/16 2005/2/23 2004/11/18 2005/2/23 2004/11/18 2005/2/23 2004/11/18 2005/2/23 2004/11/18 2005/2/23 1(15) 2(15~20) 1(23) 2(16~22) 1(8) 1(10) 6(5~8) 2(8~12) 1(4) 1(4.5) 3(4.5) 1(4.5) 1 1 1 0 1 0 3 1 3 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 11 1 4 2 (cm) 8-13

II-9 \ 2004/6/19 2004/8/14 2004/8/15 2004/6/21 2004/6/21 2004/8/15 2004/6/21 2004/8/19 2004/6/21 2004/8/19 2004/6/21 2004/8/19 44(3~15) 19(6~18.5) 23(4~19) 53(4~18.5) 45(6~17.5) 37(5~17.5) 250(6~17) 100(5~16) 180(5~18) 4(5~8) 1(10) 100(6~10) 鱲 14(3~9) 7(4~11) 31(3.5~12) 9(6~11) 37(4~10) 13(4.5~12) 200(6~12) 150(6~10) 180(6~11) 50(5~11) 1(7.5) 3(5~7) 13(4.5~8) 1(10) 1(7.5) 1(7) 1(8) 1(4.5) 2(2~8) 1(5.5) 7(4~8) 5(6.5) 13(3.5~6.5) 26(3~8) 10(5~6) 32(2~6) 250(3~8) 100(5~7) 300(4~7) 3(5) 2(8) 45(2~7) 1(5) 30(3~8) 19(3~7.5) 1(4.5) 8(5~10.5) 3(8~11) 3(3~9.5) 6(3~6) 50(7~11) 200(6~12) 1(15) 7 4 10 6 5 9 5 0 3 0 6 0 92 32 95 95 140 93 800 0 350 0 990 0 (cm) 8-14

II-10 \ 2004/6/19 2004/8/14 2004/8/15 2004/6/21 2004/6/21 2004/8/15 鱲 2(9~10) 1(12) 1(10.5) 2(5~5.5) 2(6.5) 2(7) 2 1 1 1 1 0 4 2 1 1 2 0 (cm) 8-15

II-11 \ 2004/11/21 2004/12/26 2004/12/26 2004/11/21 2004/11/21 2004/12/26 2004/12/1 2005/3/9 2004/12/1 2005/3/9 2004/12/1 2005/3/9 15(6~14) 10(13~20) 33(7.5~16.5) 55(6~20) 45(4~17) 40(6~15) 100(6~15) 50(8~16) 12(6~12) 10(4~10) 50(3~5) 50(3~15) 1(14.5) 1(10.5) 2(11.5~12) 28(3~11.5) 2(3~10) 40(3~5) 40(8~13) 鱲 6(5~8) 1(9) 19(6~10.5) 1(10) 20(6~8) 10(6~9) 4(6~8) 2(6~8) 4(10) 2(6~8) 1(6.5) 2(8~9) 2(6~7) 2(6~10) 2(8) 2(6.5~7) 2(11) 4(6~9.5) 2(10) 6(5~8) 1(7) 1(9) 1(7) 2(16~17) 6(5~6) 12(5~7) 20(5~7) 1(6) 10(4~7) 23(5~6) 4(5~6) 6(5~7) 1(5) 31(2~9) 64(4~10) 8(3~5.5) 14(2~8) 3(4~5) 4(6~9.5) 5(5.5~10) 2(7~8) 3(7~8) 9(6~8) 8 8 8 8 6 7 4 3 4 2 3 3 71 97 86 79 68 101 126 66 19 12 94 92 (cm) 8-16

II-12 \ 2004/11/16 2005/2/23 2005/2/23 2004/11/16 2004/11/16 2005/2/23 2(6~8) 3(6~6.5) 1(10) 2(8~11) 3(5~11) 2(5~6.5) 1(3.5) 1(5) 2(4.5~5) 2(4~5) 2 1 0 1 3 3 2 2 0 2 6 7 (cm) 8-17

II-13 \ 2004/06/19 2004/8/14 2004/6/19 2004/06/19 2004/8/14 2004/8/14 2004/6/19 2004/6/19 2004/8/14 2004/8/14 2004/8/14 2004/6/19 2004/6/19 2004/8/14 6(1.5~3) 4(2~3.5) 2(1.5~2.0) 1(2.0) 9(1.5~3) 15(0.5~3) 3(0.5~2.5) 67(1~4.5) 8(1~2) 9(0.5~2.2) 8(0.5~2) 78(1~3.5) 12(0.5~3) 16(0.5~2.5) 4(1.2~2) 3(1.5~2) 1(1) 3(2~3.5) 4(1.5~5) 2(0.3) 1(0.3) 6(0.3~0.5) 1(2.5) 11(0.3~0. 5) 2(0.3) 1(0.5) 1(2.3) 3(3~3.2) 2(2.5~3) 2(3) 1(3) 10(5~10) 3(3~7) 1(6) 5(0.5~1.7) 13(0.5~1.7) 75(0.5~5) 16(3~6) 4 0 4 3 5 4 4 3 2 3 2 3 1 0 97 0 24 24 78 15 20 10 89 27 18 6 3 0 (cm) 8-18

II-14 \ 2004/06/19 2004/8/14 2004/6/19 2004/06/19 2004/8/14 2004/8/14 2004/6/19 2004/6/19 2004/8/14 2004/8/14 2004/8/14 2004/6/19 2004/6/19 2004/8/14 1(2) 1(1.5) 5(2~3) 2(0.6~2.0) 1(1.5) 1(1.0) 10(0.5~3) 5(1) 2(1.5) 3(1.5~2.0) 1(2) 2(1.5) 2(3) 2(1~1.2) 1(1.6) 2(1.5) 1(1.0) 1(2.4) 2(3~3.5) 2(0.5) 1(2.3) 2(3~3.5) 2(4.5~7) 1(4.5) 1(7) 1(12.0) 2(0.5~1.7) 0 0 3 5 3 2 3 2 1 3 1 2 1 1 0 0 4 11 12 7 5 4 1 5 2 3 1 2 (cm) 8-19

II-15 \ 2004/11/14 2004/11/14 2004/12/26 2004/11/14 2004/11/14 2004/12/26 2004/11/14 2004/12/26 2004/12/26 2004/12/26 2004/11/14 2004/11/14 2004/12/26 1(2.5) 2(1.5) 3(1~1.5) 1(1.8) 1(1.5) 2(1~1.5) 1(1.2) 40(0.5~2) 4(1.5~2) 2(0.3~0.5) 2(3.5) 3(1.5~3.5) 2(2) 7(3~8) 1(5) 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 0 0 0 4 2 4 3 3 3 2 7 1 43 0 0 0 (cm) 8-20