I N P A T I E N T S Maternity Package NO HIDDEN EXTRAS Standard Room Twin Room Private Room 4 beds 2 beds 1 bed (balcony if available ) Normal Vaginal

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I N P AT I E N T S Maternity Packages 1 Surgical Packages 2 Room Rates 4 Serviced Apartments 4 O U T P AT I E N T S Matilda Health Centre 6 Allied Health Services 6 Executive Health Assessment Programmes 7 Health Education Programmes 7 I M P O R TA N T N O T E S 5 ROAD MAP AND BUS SCHEDULE 8 Register your admission on line www.matilda.org Only the most frequently used services are packaged however we aim to be transparent in our pricing, if the service you require is not listed please contact us for an estimate of hospital charges. Client Relations Manager tel. 2849 0355 or send a request through our website www.matilda.org

I N P A T I E N T S Maternity Package NO HIDDEN EXTRAS Standard Room Twin Room Private Room 4 beds 2 beds 1 bed (balcony if available ) Normal Vaginal Delivery Package 3 Nights including forceps or vacuum delivery if required. $18,000 $22,500 $35,500 Elective (Pre-Booked) Caesarean Package 5 Nights booked at least 12 hours in advance, between the hours of 07:30 hr and 19:30 hr, Monday to Saturday. $27,500 $32,500 $50,000 A pre-booked caesarean section will be classed as an emergency caesarean if admitted in labour or with rupture membranes. Between the hours of 19:30 hr to 07:30 hr, Monday to Saturday and on Sundays and Public holidays. $45,500 $58,500 $78,000 Emergency Caesarean Section Package 5 Nights with less than 12 hours notice $35,500 $48,500 $68,000 Additional nights over package (excluding meals) $ 3,000 $ 4,800 $ 6,300 VIP Room - $3,600 per night on top of private room package $3,600 Delivery Suite charge $1,700 per day or part of $1,700 Anaesthetic Package (Normal Delivery) Epidural anaesthesia during labour $5,500 Spinal anaesthesia during labour $2,200 Induction of labour $5,000 This includes hospital procedural charge, all instruments, sterile supplies, monitoring, all initial drugs and 1:1 nursing care. Stand by charge for operating theatres $3,000 Collection of cord blood for stem cell storage service charge $1,000. Delivery suite charges are included in the packages. However, should you be admitted before the date of delivery, you will be charged for the delivery suite and meals. Important notes on page 5 1

Surgical Packages Standard Room Twin Room Private Room Surgery General Colonoscopy - L.A. (1 day) $ 5,400 $ 6,200 $ 7,600 Colonoscopy & Gastroscopy - L.A. (1 day) $ 6,700 $ 7,700 $ 9,400 Gastroscopy - L.A. (1 day) $ 5,200 $ 6,000 $ 7,000 Laparoscopy (1 day) $10,200 $11,700 $14,300 Sigmoidoscopy - L.A. (1 day) $ 3,500 $ 4,000 $ 4,900 Gynaecology Colposcopy - L.A. (1 day) $ 2,300 $ 2,600 $ 3,200 Colposcopy (1 day) $ 4,800 $ 6,265 $ 8,300 Dilatation & Curettage (D&C) (1 day) $ 5,500 $ 6,300 $ 7,700 Hysteroscopy (1 day) $ 7,800 $ 9,000 $10,900 Laparoscopy (1 day) Diagnostic $ 10,200 $11,700 $14,300 Laparoscopic Sterilization (1 day) $ 10,500 $12,100 $14,700 Letz Biopsy of Cervix (1 day) $ 7,900 $ 9,100 $11,100 Hernias Laparoscopic Inguinal Primary Unilateral (1 day) $18,700 $21,500 $26,200 Laparoscopic Inguinal Primary Bilateral (1 day) $19,300 $22,200 $27,000 Laparoscopic Inguinal Primary Unilateral + Prophylactic (1 day) $20,400 $23,500 $28,600 Laparoscopic Inguinal Primary Bilateral + Vasectomy (1 day) $22,500 $25,900 $31,500 Open Umbilical (1 day) $17,200 $19,800 $24,100 Orthopaedics Due to the large range of services available please contact us for an estimate Tel: 2849 0355 2849 0355 Urology Circumcision (1 day) $10,900 $12,500 $15,300 Vasectomy (1 day) $ 8,200 $ 9,400 $11,500 Vasectomy - L.A. (1 day) $ 5,500 $ 6,300 $ 7,700 Paediatric Adenoidectomy (day case) $ 7,900 $ 9,100 $11,100 Adenoidectomy & Tonsillectomy (1 day) $ 9,900 $11,400 $13,900 Circumcision (day case) $10,600 $12,200 $14,800 Herniotomy/Hydrocele (1 day) / $13,500 $15,500 $18,900 Hypospadias repair (1 day) $26,300 $30,200 $36,800 Myringotomy and or Grommets (day case) $ 7,800 $ 9,000 $10,900 Orchidopexy unilateral (1 day) $13,500 $15,500 $18,900 Important notes on page 5 2

Plastic Surgery (1 Day) Blepharoplasty Upper or lower eyelids IV Sedation $ 9,300 $10,700 $13,000 Upper and lower eyelids IV Sedation $10,900 $12,500 $15,300 Breast surgery Bilateral breast reduction $23,700 $27,300 $33,200 Breast enlargement - Augmentation (excluding implants) $16,600 $19,100 $23,200 Breast reconstruction by Tram Flap (5 days) $37,900 $43,600 $53,100 Exchange of Breast Implants Bilateral (excluding implants) $15,400 $17,700 $21,600 Exchange of Breast Implants Unilateral (excluding implants) $14,100 $16,200 $19,700 Mastopexy - breast lift $16,800 $19,300 $23,500 Ear Pinning Otoplasty $17,600 $20,200 $24,600 Face Lift Face lift $17,400 $20,000 $24,400 Mini face lift $13,800 $15,900 $19,300 Brow and mini face lift $20,000 $23,100 $28,100 Brow lift $14,200 $16,300 $19,900 Fat Transplant Fat injection of lips + nasolabial fold $11,000 $12,700 $15,400 Liposuction Abdomen and flank $16,800 $19,300 $23,500 Axilla and upper arms $14,600 $16,800 $20,400 Chin, Neck, Chest or knee $12,400 $14,300 $17,400 Hip/buttocks $14,700 $16,900 $20,600 Legs and thighs $18,700 $21,500 $26,200 Lower body $25,300 $29,100 $35,400 Lower legs / Upper or lower back $12,000 $13,800 $16,800 Medial thighs $13,100 $15,100 $18,300 Upper body $25,300 $29,100 $35,400 Liposculpture $6,850 per hour Nasal Surgery Rhinoplasty $23,100 $26,600 $32,300 Skin Laser Treatment (day case) For each 15 minutes (medication and dressings excluded) $ 1,300 additional time (1-5 minutes) $ 500 over five minutes charged as 15 minutes $ 1,100 Tummy Tuck (2 days) Abdominoplasty with liposuction of abdomen $27,100 $31,200 $37,900 All procedures are carried out under G.A. (general anaesthetic) unless indicated with L.A. (local anaesthetic or intravenous sedation) Important notes on page 5 3

Room Rates All rooms have telephone, TV and en-suite bathrooms. Per night Accommodation-Medical, Surgical and Paediatric Unit Observation fee Private Room (1st Class) balcony subject to availability $2,970 $1,500 Twin Room (2nd Class) $1,695 $ 970 Standard Room (3rd Class) $ 650 $ 365 Emergency Room $ 365 High Dependency Unit / Intensive Care Unit $4,500 Isolation Room $2,970 Special Care Baby Unit Level I $3,500 Level II $5,200 VIP Room $3,600 Lodgers Accommodation Private Room (1st Class) Twin Room (2nd Class) Standard Room (3rd Class ) Maternity Included in Room Rate Not Available MSP Unit (Paediatric ) Included in Room Rate $ 365 $ 365 MSP Unit ( ) Included in Room Rate Not Available Lodgers accommodation is at the discretion of the Unit Manager. Only one lodger per patient is permitted. Not Available Not Available Serviced Apartments Type of Room Single room (shared bathroom) $ 600 One bedroom apartment $1,200 Two bedroom apartment $1,500 Extra beds (no charge for childen under 12 or cot) $ 300 Rate per day A deposit equivalent to the room rate for the number of days of stay (up to a maximum of 7 days) to be collected on admission. An interim bill will be issued after 7 days of stay and one per week thereafter. Important notes on page 5 4

All Packages Notes Packages include all nursing care, room and meal charges and treatment normally associated with the procedure. All doctors: obstetricians, anaesthetists, paedratricians etc are private practitioners practising independently of the hospital and its administration. Please remember to add their fees to the package. Once a package has commenced it cannot be changed to a lower grade. However, if upgraded, the entire package will be charged at the higher rate. The full daily rate is charged for the day of admission. There is no charge for the day of departure if checkout is before 11:30 am. Emergency surgery will take priorty over elective surgery. Therefore, we cannot guarentee exact operating time. Miscellaneous items such as extra refreshments, IDD telephone calls etc are not included in the package. Accounts must be settled prior to leaving the hospital. Whilst changes in packages are not expected, amendments may be made without prior notice, therefore it is advisable to check prices and content before admission. For further details or to make a reservation please call our Client Relations Manager on tel. 2849 0355 or email communications@matilda.org Additional notes for Maternity Packages For multiple pregnancies 40% of the package charge is added for each additional baby. Extra emergency services or surgery beyond an emergency caesarean section, extra laboratory tests, X-Match procedures, treatment and drugs relating to complications or pre-existing conditions will be charged. There are stand by charges for operating theatres (should your doctor request). Special Care Baby Unit (SCBU), phototherapy and circumcision are not classed as routine procedures. Should you choose to go home early there will be no reduction in packages price for items or nights stay not used. Additional notes for Surgical Packages Post operative antibiotics are not included in the package, allowing the doctor to select the most appropriate antibiotic. Emergency services beyond the routine procedure will be charged. Extra laboratory tests, procedures, treatment & medication beyond those normally associated with the procedure or before diagnosis is confirmed will be charged individually. Laboratory tests on procedures requiring only a day stay are not included. Excess operating theatre time charges will be added if used. Clients having more than one procedure at the same time will be charged the package price for the highest priced package then 50% of subsequent packages. 5 All prices are listed in Hong Kong Dollars

O U T P A T I E N T S Matilda Health Centre Resident Medical Officer Consultation 08:00 to 20:00hr $500 Emergency Room Consultation $800 Specialist Consultation Out Patient Colposcopy (LA) excludes doctor s fee & laboratory fee ) $2,000 Weight Management Programme At specialist s discretion $5,500 (8 weeks ) Allied Health Services Physiotherapy Treatment Initial Evaluation and Treatment $ 760 Subsequent Physiotherapy Treatment $ 650 One to One Pilates & Gyrotonic Exercise Treatment Initial Evaluation (First Session) $ 720 Exercise Treatment (Subsequent Session) $ 650 Exercise Package * (10 Sessions) $5,700 One to Two Pilates Exercise Treatment (Price indicated for each person) Initial Evaluation (First Session) ) $ 720 Exercise Treatment (Subsequent Session) $ 450 Exercise Package* (10 Sessions) $4,000 Dietician Initial Consultation $ 495 Follow-up $ 295 Consultation Package* (7 sessions) ) $2,040 X-ray Breast Ultrasound $1,610 Mammogram $1,420 Dexa $ 690 Pelvic Ultrasound $1,585 CT HeartscanCT $2,950 Upper Abdominal Ultrasound $2,240 Echocardiogram $3,300 Virtual Colonoscopy $6,000 Payments can be made in cash or with most credit cards. MIH has payment agreements with a number of health insurance companies, please check with the accounts desk on 2849 0707. ) 2849 0707 Account must be settled prior to leaving MIH. Only valid for one year from date of purchase. 6

Executive Health Assessment Programme Programme Price Platinum Plus $11,000 Platinum $9,570 Gold $6,990 Silver $3,520 Cardiac Risk $5,500 Pre-employment $1,210 Domestic Helper $1,650 Programme Price Well Woman A $2,750 Well Woman B $4,750 Well Man A $3,570 Well Man B $6,800 Premarital A $1,500 Premarital B $2,500 Special rates are available on optional investigations if carried out on the day of assessment. Customised programme can be arranged to suit individual needs. Health Education Programmes Class Price Schedule Antenatal Parentcraft Classes $2,000 Mondays 18:00-21:00 Wednesdays 18:00-21:00 Antenatal Pilates Exercise Class $150 per session Tuesdays 14:00-15:30 Certified Child Care Course $1,800 including first aid kit 12 hours (for domestic helpers 12 CPR Classes $600 Flexible Paediatric First Aid and CPR Course Flexible for parents $1,600 for domestic helpers $1,350 Infant Massage Course Flexible group course $1,600 private course $2,300 Parent & Baby Group $70 per session Thursdays 10:00-11:30 Parent & Toddler Group $70 per session Thursdays 15:00-16:30 Postnatal Pilates Exercise Class $120 per session Fridays 14:00-15:00 Well Baby Clinic $150 (excluding vaccinations) Drop in Tuesdays & Thursdays 09:00-12:30 or 13:30-16:00 Payment of course fees must be made prior to commencing the courses. For courses with flexible schedules please contact the Health Education Department for detail Tel: 2849 0357. 2849 0357 7

Route to Matilda International Hospital Matilda International Hospital Shuttle Bus - direct from City Hall, Central to Matilda International Hospital. Complimentay for hospital services users. Car - from Central via Cotton Tree Drive, Magazine Gap Road, turn right on to Peak Road. Directions are then signposted. Taxi - the journey from Central or Admiralty takes approximately 15 minutes. No.1 green minibus - every 10 minutes from IFC Tower II, Central to the hospital main gate. Departure Timetable of the Hospital Shuttle Bus Departs City Hall Matilda International City Hall Hospital Departs Matilda International Hospital 06.40... 07.10 07.40... 08.10 08.40... 09.10 09.40... 10.10 10.40... 11.10 11.40... 13.10 13.40... 14.10 14.40... 15.10 15.40... 16.10 16.40... 17.10 17.40... 18.10 18.40... 19.10 Journey takes approximately 15-20 minutes. 8