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1. 201203 2. E- 201203 3. 201203 4. 201203 5 BZL 5 4 TG BZL TG ALT HE O Ridit Y =15.083X1+ 5.321X2-5.186X3-16.157X4+9.35X5+17.667X3X4-8.422X1X2-6.617X3X5 +16.571 X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 TG TG X3 X4 X1 BZL BZL TG ALT P 约 0.01 BZL doi: 10.11842/wst.2014.01.008 R285.5 A Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver NAFLD Disease NAFLD [1] NAFLD [2] 20 2013-04-23 2013-05-03 元 81173404 BZL 81384031 GLP-1 13ZR1442600 GLP-1 GC 元 元 45

2014 绎 Vol.16 No.1 [3] NAFLD 5 [4] 1 1.1 Sprague Dawley 93 160 依 10 g SCKC 2008-0016 SYXK20090069 1.2 Polydatin RE090703 Chlorogenic Acid GY0900705 Geniposide CY101018 Curcumin CU090912 Rhizoma Atractylodis Macro 原 cephalae GY090510 0.93 g /ml [5] 10045192 0.067 g L -1 10 豫 +2 豫 垣 88 豫 Triglyceride TG Lot No. 2009110003 Alanine Aminotrans ALT Lot No. 20100930 450 2 2.1 2.1.1 U 11 11 10 5 X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 5 5 5 5 1 1 5 5 /mg kg -1 X1 0.67~3.33 X2 1.00~5.00 X3 53.33~266.67 X4 9.00~45.00 X5 5.50~27.50 2 mg kg -1 d -1 1 0.67 1.00 106.67 27.00 22.00 2 0.67 2.00 160.00 45.00 11.00 3 1.33 3.00 106.67 18.00 27.50 4 1.33 4.00 53.33 45.00 16.50 5 2.00 5.00 266.67 18.00 5.50 6 2.00 1.00 213.33 36.00 27.50 7 2.67 2.00 266.67 9.00 16.50 8 2.67 3.00 53.33 36.00 5.50 9 3.33 4.00 160.00 9.00 22.00 10 3.33 5.00 213.33 27.00 11.00 10 46

10 2 2.1.2 Sprague Dawley 48 10 豫 +2 豫 垣 88 豫 8 [5] 10 12 4 4 4 2 10 ml kg -1 4 2 豫 2 ml kg -1-70 益 TG SPSS 12 援 0 P<0.05 1.2.2 8 2.2.1 Sprague Dawley 45 150 依 10 g 9 36 4 9 1 ml/100 g 4 2 豫 -70 益 2.2.2 ALT TG [5] HE O NAFLD [6] <5% 0 5%~33% 1 34%~66% 2 >66% 3 2.2.3 SPSS 12 援 0 x 依 s 琢 =0.05 Ridit 3 3.1 TG 76.57 依 31.00 mg g -1 13.68 依 4.27 mg g -1 5.59 TG 3 Y =15.083X1+5.321X2-5.186X3-16.157X4+ 9.35X5+17.667X3X4-8.422X1X2-6.617X3X5+16.571 X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 TG X3 X1 X4 TG BZL 3 TG x 依 s n=4 TG/mg g -1 13.68 依 4.27 76.57 依 31.00 1 41.66 依 9.14 2 29.90 依 8.48 3 43.13 依 22.36 4 73.26 依 10.00 5 48.30 依 15.81 6 31.30 依 24.81 7 42.14 依 9.18 8 69.34 依 33.37 9 40.25 依 17.55 10 39.45 依 9.79 47

2014 绎 Vol.16 No.1 3.2 4 x 依 s n=9 3.2.1 /g /g /% SD 5 9 438.33 依 23.96 12.82 依 1.36 2.92 依 0.26 588.89 依 52.05 ## 23.06 依 3.68 ## 3.89 依 0.34 ## BZL 478.67 依 56.05 ** 16.23 依 1.23 ** 3.42 依 0.41 * 484.22 依 58.47 ** 18.24 依 2.13 * 3.74 依 0.40 34.36% 495.22 依 44.61 ** 18.92 依 2.64 * 3.81 依 0.32 P<0.01 ## P<0.01 * P<0.05 ** P<0.01 BZL P<0.01 5 TG ALT x 依 s n=9 / 伊 100% P 0.01 TG/mg g -1 ALT/U L -1 BZL 10.82 依 3.45 25.63 依 11.23 P<0.01 4 3.2.2 TG 82.94 依 8.10 ## 39.24 依 14.10 # ALT ALT BZL 23.11 依 8.12 ** 26.42 依 8.68 ** TG P 约 0.05 31.84 依 13.31 ** 21.45 依 7.85 ** P 约 0.01 BZL TG ALT P 约 38.64 依 11.32 ** 37.56 依 8.97 0.01 5 ## P<0.01 * P<0.05 ** P<0.01 3.2.3 HE BZL 1 2010 NASH Ridit P< 0.01 BZL P<0.01 P<0.05 6 O 1 HE 伊 200 A B C BZL D E BZL 48

BZL 2 [8] 4 NAFLD 1/3 [9] NAFLD [7] NAFLD NAFLD NAFLD [10] [11] [12] 6 n=9 Ridit U 0 1 2 3 9 0 0 0 0.100 000 - [13] 0 0 2 7 0.841 976 5.470 5 ** BZL 0 6 3 0 0.453 087 2.667 2 ## 0 5 3 1 0.540 741 2.249 9 # 0 5 2 2 0.564 198 2.086 6 # ## P<0.01 * P<0.05 ** P<0.01 NAFLD [14] [5,15 16] 5 BZL BZL TG ALT NAFLD NAFLD BZL NAFLD 2 O 伊 200 A B C BZL D E 49

2014 绎 Vol.16 No.1 1 Fan J G F arrell G C 援 Epid emiolo gy of non -alcoholic fatty liver disease in China 援 JHepatol, 2009, 50(1) 颐 204~210. 2 Henao -Mejia J, Elinav E, Jin C, et al. Inflammasome -mediated dysbiosis regulates progression of NAFLD and obesity. Nature, 2012, 482(7384) 颐 179~185. 3,,,..,2011,21(3) 颐 185~187. 4.. :,2005 颐 12. 5,,,..,2010,51(3) 颐 262~264. 6 Kleiner D E, Brunt E M, Van Natta M, et al. Nonalcoholic steato 原 hepatitis clinical research network.design and validation of a histo 原 logical scoring system for nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Hepatolo 原 gy, 2005, 41(6) 颐 1313~1321. 7 Yonathan C, Cohen J D, Horton H H. Hobbs.Human fatty liver disease old questions and new insights 援 Science, 2011,33 2(6037) 颐 1519~1523 援 8,,,..,2010,18(14) 颐 1443~1451. 9,, 援 援,2009,34(9) 颐 1179~1181 援 10,,,..,2012,37 19 颐 2997~3000. 11,,,..,2012,27(1) 颐 8~9. 12,,, 援 援,2008,23(5) 颐 420~425 援 13,,,..,2010,30(1) 颐 58~63. 14,,..,2009,19(3) 颐 170~171. 15,,,. CCl4.,2006,40(3) 颐 52~55. 16,,,..,2006,16(1) 颐 26~29. Screening of Ingredients Assembling of Chinese Medicine "BZL" Prescription and Its Effect on Experimental Fatty Liver Rats Meng Shengxi 1,HuYiyang 1, 2, 3, 4,FengQin 1,PengJinghua 1,ZhaoYu 1, Chen Liang 1, Xu Lin 1,LiuLin 1 袁 Hai Yamei 1 袁 Liang Chungeng 1 (1. Institute of Liver Diseases, Shuguang Hospital A ffiliated to Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shanghai 201203, China; 2. E-institute of Traditional Chinese Internal Medicine of Shanghai Municipal Education Commission, Shanghai 201203, China; 3. Institute of Liver Disease, Shanghai 201203 袁 China; 4. TCM Clinical Key Laboratory, Shanghai 201203, China) Abstract: This study was aimed to explore five Chinese medicine components or ingredients from Qu-Shi Hua-Y u Decoction (QSHYD) with uniform design method and screen ingredients assembling of Chinese medicine "BZL" pre 鄄 scription in order to verify its therapeutic effect on experimental fatty liver rats. High-fat diet was used in the estab 鄄 lishment of fatty liver rat models. Five effective ingredients (i.e., chlorogenic acid, geniposide, curcumin, polydatin and polysaccharide of Atractylodes macrocephala Koidz) of QSHYD were used as study subjects. Uniform design was applied in the grouping design. The intragastric administration was given for four weeks. The screening index was the content of liver triglyceride (TG). The ingredients assembling of Chinese medicine "BZL" prescription was screened through uniform design and regression analysis. The same fatty liver animal model was used in the comparison be 鄄 tween QSHYD and rosiglitazone. The TG content in liver tissues of rats and serum ALT activity were detected. The pathological changes of liver tissues were observed (HE stain and oil red O stain) with Ridit analysis to verify its 50

therapeutic effect. The results showed that through screening, the regression equation was Y = 15.083X1 + 5.321X2-5.186X3-16.157X4 + 9.35X5 + 17.667X3X4-8.422X1X2-6.617X3X5 + 16.571 (X1: chlorogenic acid, X2: polydatin, X3: polysaccharide of Atractylodes macrocephala Koidz, X4: geniposide, X5: curcumin). According to this equation, the best TG reducing effect occurred when the chlorogenic acid (X1), polysaccharide of Atractylodes macrocephala Koidz (X3), and geniposide (X4) were the maximum dosage. It showed that the best combination in inhibiting TG content in liver tissues was X3, X4 andx1 (i.e. "BLZ" prescription). Among fatty liver rat mod 鄄 els induced with same high-fat diet, the screened Chinese medicine ingredient "BZL" prescription can obviously reduce its TG content in liver tissues and serum ALT activity (P < 0.01). It obviously improved the fatty degen 鄄 eration of rat's liver. It was concluded that ingredients assembling of Chinese medicine "BZL" prescription screened through uniform design can obviously prevent and treat fat deposition and injury of the liver among rat models induced by high-fat diet. Keywords: Ingredients assembling of Chinese medicine prescription, fatty liver, uniform design, screening 51