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(2, 2010), 29-51 * * 98 9 7 99 1 18 99 1 19 **

30 (2, 2010) 14-15 2-3 1 (1999: 139, 140-141, 145, 147) (2001: 73-76, 80-81, 84-85) (2000) 1. 2. 3. (1999: 25) (2000) 1 (1998) (2002)

31 2 3 2 (1998: 128) 3 (2000) (1999) (2000)

32 (2, 2010) (1985: 142-144) 4 4 1992

33 5 6 7 1992 (1986: 527) (1986: 527) 5 6 7

34 (2, 2010) (1988: 40-41) 8 8

35 9 10 9 1986: 528-532 10

36 (2, 2010) 11 11 (1961; 1962) 1992 1988:

37 4 4-5 (1999: 296) 12 12

38 (2, 2010) 1 13 14 15 16 13 9 14 7-8 15 11-12 13-14 16 (2000: 28)

39 17 2 5-6 (2000: 177-178) 17

40 (2, 2010) 18 (2000: 177) 19 18 19 (2001)

41 3-4 6 45 65 9 7-8 (2000: 325) (2000: 613) (2000: 26, 1)

42 (2, 2010) 20 21 (2000: 326) 20 21 9-12

43 22 23 50-51 51 24 25 40 22 23 24 20 25 (2000)

44 (2, 2010) 26 37-38 27 26 (2002: 225) 27

45 28 6-7 29 16-20 30 (2002: 104) 28 29 30 (2002: 112)

46 (2, 2010) 31 15-16 31 (1991: 121)

47 14-15 32 33 32 (1997) 33 NSC 98-2410-H-343-021-

48 (2, 2010) (2000) (2000) (2002) 1989 1989 2000 1986 1983 (1985) (2002) 1989 (2000) 22-24 1964 10 (2000) 322-329 (1961) 5: 543-569 (1962) 6: 621-663 (1986)

49 1990 (1988) (1998) (1997) 249-284 1987 (1999) 5: 24-28 (2000) 5: 48-53 (1999) 20 293-314 (1999) 20: 137-150 (1992) (1991) 1974 (2000) 606-624 (2000) 362-370 (2001) 3: 78-83 2003 (2001) 14: 70-87

50 (2, 2010) (2000) 37-42

51 The Humanism of the Guo-Dian Bamboo Slips Xing-Zi-Ming-Chu * Chun-Chih Hsieh Abstract The Humanity expressed in the Xing-Zi-Ming-Chu text excavated at Guodian is paved on (human) nature, emotion and mind. The key to grasping the text is to heed the propositions that the destiny is the provenance of human nature and heaven is the source of the destiny. The text does not assert that value is derived directly from (human) nature, but that value experience comes from factors of the activity of the nature in concrete emotion ; this activity is the origin of the Humanity. Probing deeper, according to the text, it is the implementation of mental arts that gives rise to the Humanity by the mind s concretely expressing the values of nature through the emotions. Therefore, we may infer that the text presents a human nature value perspective that explicates (human) nature and emotion on the basis of mind. For the text, the relevant contents of mind are to be reinforced through instruction in the Book of Odes, the Book of Documents, the Records of Rites and the Book of Music. The text regards this instruction as crucial to the formation of the moral order according to the standard of justice (yi). Keywords: Guo-dian Chu bamboo slips Xing-Zi-Ming-Chu Humanism and Humanity Heaven Destiny Nature Mind Emotion Justice * Received September 7, 2009; revised January 18, 2010; accepted January 19, 2010. Proofreaders: Yi-Chung Chen. Ya-Ting Yang ** Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy, NanHua University