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前 言 一 場 交 換 學 生 的 夢, 夢 想 不 只 是 敢 夢, 而 是 也 要 敢 去 實 踐 為 期 一 年 的 交 換 學 生 生 涯, 說 長 不 長, 說 短 不 短 再 長 的 路, 一 步 步 也 能 走 完 ; 再 短 的 路, 不 踏 出 起 步 就 無 法 到 達 這 次

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起 初, 距 離 出 版 日 期 還 有 大 半 年, 大 家 雀 躍 萬 分 之 餘 還 滿 盤 大 計, 他 答 應 做 這 樣 她 應 承 安 排 那 樣 你 負 責 做 三 件 事 我 就 辦 兩 件 大 家 都 是 成 年 而 又 自 律 的 人, 一 切 猶 如 入 了 自 動 波, 不

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可 愛 的 動 物 小 五 雷 雅 理 第 一 次 小 六 甲 黃 駿 朗 今 年 暑 假 發 生 了 一 件 令 人 非 常 難 忘 的 事 情, 我 第 一 次 參 加 宿 營, 離 開 父 母, 自 己 照 顧 自 己, 出 發 前, 我 的 心 情 十 分 緊 張 當 到 達 目 的 地 後

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目 感恩与代祷 录 编 者 1 牧者心声 勒住你的舌头 龚明鹏 3 见证与分享 我的见证 吴权伟 8 相信就能够看见 卓艳梅 12 再述主恩 爱的雕凿 张英治 19 万怡杉 28 母亲节征文 记念母亲节 凌励立 43 父母的爱和神的爱 曹 红 47 Love Lisa Wang 50

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詩 篇 第 七 篇 ( 眾 立 同 唱 ) 耶 和 華 - 我 的 上 帝 啊, 我 / 投 靠 / 你! 求 你 救 我 脫 離 所 有 追 趕 我 的 人,/ 搭 救 / 我 出 / 來! 2 免 得 他 們


2 3 9 週 周 振 輝 先 陳 穎 芬 小 姐 壽 午 正 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

2007 年 1 月 利阿賀拿 癮穌基督後期聖徒教會正式授權之國際雜誌中文版 總會會長團 興格萊戈登 孟蓀多馬 傅士德雅各 十二使徒定額組 潘培道 貝利多馬 納爾遜羅素 鄔克司達 林 培勒羅素 胡適令約瑟 司考德李察 海爾斯羅拔 賀倫 傑佛瑞 轒寧亨利 鄔希鐸迪特 貝納大衛 編輯

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Creamy Truffle Sauce with Roasted Chicken Stella s Pasta Creamy Truffle Sauce with Roasted Chicken Chicken & Mushroom in Tomato Sauce Crab & Shrimp in

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4. 每 组 学 生 将 写 有 习 语 和 含 义 的 两 组 卡 片 分 别 洗 牌, 将 顺 序 打 乱, 然 后 将 两 组 卡 片 反 面 朝 上 置 于 课 桌 上 5. 学 生 依 次 从 两 组 卡 片 中 各 抽 取 一 张, 展 示 给 小 组 成 员, 并 大 声 朗 读 卡

推 荐 序 实 践 家 教 育 集 团 林 伟 贤 2014 年, 文 珊 参 加 了 实 践 家 主 办 的 华 人 营 销 联 盟 (Chinese Marketing and Sales Alliance CMSA) 课 程, 在 淑 茵 和 Ken 两 位 老 师 的 带 领 下, 文 珊



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St. Ambrose Catholic Church CHURCH LOCATION: 1975 South 2300 East, Salt Lake City, Utah 84108 MASS SCHEDULE: Saturday 9:00 am 5:00 pm Sunday 8:30 am 11:00 am 5:00 pm Weekdays 7:00 am Holy Days (see inside) Wednesday 6:00 pm (Tridentine Latin Mass) CONFESSIONS: Wednesday from 3:005:00 pm Saturday from 3:004:40 pm both days in the Chapel PASTOR: Rev. Erik Richtsteig DEACONS: John Bash George Reade Steven Neveraski PARISH COUNCIL: Richard Rathbun, President ParishCoPres@gmail.com DIRECTOR OF LITURGY: Chris Huntzinger 8012093387 DIRECTOR OF RELIGIOUS ED: Ruth Lowe 8014859324 ext. 210 OFFICE OF BEREAVEMENT/ HOMEBOUND: Sarah Maland 8014859324 ext. 211 PARISH OFFICE: 9:00 am 5:00 pm (TuesThurs) 2315 Redondo Avenue Salt Lake City, Utah 84108 8014855610 paroff@xmission.com PARISH SCHOOL: Lisa Romero, Principal 8014863197 St. Ambrose Catholic Church www.stambrosecatholicchurch.org www.cosgriff.org Internet services donated by xmission.com.

TRANSITIONING FROM COVID19 St. Ambrose will permanently continue to offer our Sunday video Masses for shutins and those who are ill. Due to the size and health airflow in our chapel, mask wearing is optional. The reception of Holy Communion on the tongue, the universal norm of the Latin Rite, is again allowed. Please, if you are ill or think you might be ill, whether with COVID or something else, PLEASE STAY HOME. It is not a sin to miss Mass when ill. You are encouraged to watch and participate in livestreamed or televised Mass. You may call the parish office and request to receive Holy Communion at home. Easter flower donations were made in memory/honor of: Catherine E. Goodwin ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Tuesdays 8:00 am 8:00 pm Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power and riches, wisdom and strength, honor and glory and blessing. Revelation 5:12 Jesus is the Lamb that was slain. Come to Him in Adoration and give Him honor, and glory, and blessing. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is available to all every Tuesday from 8am 8pm, and on First Fridays from 10am 8 pm. Signing up ahead of time through our website is a way of firming up this commitment.the goal has always been to have at least two Adorers at all times, and currentlywe have only one Adorer per hour. Adorers are always needed. Questions? Contact Mary Pat atadorationatstambrose@gmail.com Knights of Columbus News Help the People of Ukraine: The St. Ambrose Knights of Columbus Council #15418 is fundraising for the Ukrainian Solidarity Fundraiser. Parishioners can donate at kofc.org (Council #15418) or give a donation to Richard Hall (8018919792) that will be sent to Knights of Columbus Charities. Consecration to the Holy Family: We invite all parishioners to pray the Consecration to the Holy Family. The prayer asks Jesus, Mary and Joseph to pray for our families that they may be strengthened. The Holy Family offers an ideal example for all families to follow because of their faith, hope, and love. Join us Sunday, May 8, 2022 after the 8:30AM Mass for the Consecration. The Holy Family prayer cards will be available in the vestibule. SACRIFICIAL GIVING For APRIL 910 and APRIL 1617 APRIL 910 Contributions Envelope/Basket $2,385 Automatic Electronic Contributions $1,415 Total Contributions 4/9 & 4/10 $3,800 School Collection FY to Date $3,915 APRIL 1718 Contributions Envelope/Basket $ 8,990 Automatic Electronic Contributions $ 1,415 Total Contributions 4/16 & 4/17 $10,415 School Collection FY to Date $4,170.

Bible Bits May 1, 2022 The event described in today s Gospel Reading (John 21:119) tells of the postresurrection Jesus having breakfast with his disciples, wherein He singles out Peter, saying to him, Feed my lambs (v 15), then Tend my sheep (v 16). The Greek word for tend is usually translated shepherd or pastor; so, the words shepherd and/or pastor can be either nouns or verbs the one who feeds and guides, or the action of feeding and guiding. Finally, Jesus tells Peter to Feed my sheep (v 17). So, Peter is the overall shepherd or pastor of the lambs ( babes in Christ ) as well as the sheep more mature Christians, who nonetheless find it easy to get lost. Also note: Jesus asks Peter if he loves Him three times. The first two times using the wordἀγάπη (agápē), a selfsacrificing choice to give of oneself; but the third time He uses φιλία (philía), a good feeling kind of love, which includes loyalty to friends, family, and community. So, Jesus questions whether Peter has sacrificial love or even emotional love for Him. May Baby Shower donations will be collected before and after Mass from May 1st through May 29th. Items needed: Formula Bottles Disposable Diapers Blankets and small sized clothing Lotion and shampoo Or make a monetary donation by cash or check. Can your business help St. Ambrose Catholic Church with a sponsorship in our weekly church bulletin? With the support of our advertisers, we receive this publication free of charge. Please support the people and businesses who underwrite this important weekly bulletin for St. Ambrose Catholic Church. Robert (Bob) Martin 800-950-9952 x5865 We express our sympathy to the families and friends of Bill Brennan Jo Paukovich, sister of Karen Byrne Mary Clare Tunis May they rest in Christ s peace. SACRIFICIAL GIVING For APRIL 2324 Contributions Envelope/Basket $4,221 Automatic Electronic Contributions $1,415 Total Contributions Last Week $5,636 School Collection FY to Date $4,170 Thank you for your generosity!.

Mary Jean C. Gallegos, Jubilee Ashby, Michael Davies, Bruce Lambert, Terry F. Fox, Courtney Fullmer, Congratulations to Bonnie Quigley, St. Ambrose Woman of the Year for 2022! Bonnie and her husband, Bob, have been parishioners of St. Ambrose since the dedication of the church, late in 1964. Bonnie immediately began serving the parish in various capacities. She joined the Wednesday prayer group, assisted in preparing youth for First Communion, and knitted slippers for the nuns with the St. Ann s Guild. Bonnie also became a Eucharistic Minister, serving both at Mass and to the homebound. She served on the Bereavement Committee for many years helping with funeral luncheons, was involved with RCIA as a sponsor multiple times, and sang in the choir. St. Ambrose greatly appreciates Bonnie s involvement and service in the parish over the years! Bonnie was recognized at the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women (DCCW) conference banquet on April 23rd. Below (right), she is pictured with DCCW spiritual advisor, Rev. Ariel Durian of St. Peter s Parish in American Fork, and Bishop Solis. Sign up for this virtual conference from Thursday, May 5th through Saturday May 7th, and you ll have the opportunity to identify, explore, and develop your dominant spiritual gifts. If you want to feel excitement every morning, know your purpose, and dispel boredom and stagnation from your life, this conference is for you! Are you ready to feel the excitement of living in your spiritual gifts? Browse speakers, learn more, and register for this online conference at their website: https://go.virtualcatholicconference.com/2022womens.

. MINISTRY FOR NEXT WEEKEND May 7 & 8 SATURDAY 5:00 pm: Lector Please Sign Up 5:00 pm: Lector Please Sign Up Confessions: Wednesday afternoon: 3:005:00 pm Saturday afternoon: 3:004:40 pm PARISH EVENTS MAY 2 MAY 8 Rosary follows 7:00 am Weekday Masses Monday, May 2 7:00 am Mass Church 6:30 pm Knights of Columbus VC Tuesday, May 3 7:00 am Mass Church 8:00 am Adoration Church 7:00 pm RCIA VC Wednesday, May 4 7:00 am Mass Church 3:00 pm Confession Chapel 6:00 pm Latin Mass Church 7:00 pm Choir Rehearsal VC Thursday, May 5 7:00 am Mass Church 4:00 pm SL Children s Choir Rehearsal Church Friday, May 6 7:00 am Mass Church 8:45 am Cosgriff All School Mass and May Crowning Church 10:00 am 1st Friday Adoration Church Saturday, May 7 9:00 am Mass Church 9:45 am Prayer Group Church 9:45 am 1st Saturday Prayer Group VC 3:00 pm Confession Chapel 5:00 pm Mass Church 7:00 pm SL Children s Choir Concert Church Sunday, May 8 Mass Choir Rehearsal Mass Mass Church VC Church Church Saturday, April 30 9:00 am Sunday, May 1 MASS INTENTIONS & SCRIPTURE READINGS APRIL 30 - MAY 8 First Reading Acts 5:2732, 40b41 Second Reading Revelation 5:1114 Gospel John 21:119 Second Saturday of Easter William (Bill) Brennan (St. Ambrose Parish) First Reading Acts 6:17 Gospel John 6:1621 Third Sunday of Easter 8:30 am Living and Deceased Members of the 49ers Club 11:00 am For the People of St. Ambrose 5:00 pm Peter Meldrum (The Roper siblings) Monday, May 2 7:00 am Tuesday, May 3 7:00 am Wednesday, May 4 7:00 am 6:00 pm Thursday, May 5 7:00 am 5:00 pm Gary Smith (Lynn Rohland) Friday, May 6 7:00 am Saturday, May 7 9:00 am St. Athanasius, Bishop & Doctor Norman Mendenhall (Kathy Klinkose) First Reading Acts 6:815 Gospel John 6:2229 Sts. Philip and James, Apostles Major David Richtsteig First Reading 1 Corinthians 15:18 Gospel John 14:614 Ruthie Johnson (Alexa Maland) Latin Mass First Reading Acts 8:1b8 Gospel John 6:3540 Third Wednesday of Easter Third Thursday of Easter Susan Boisvert (The Swiniarski Family) First Reading Acts 8:2640 Gospel John 6:4451 Third Friday of Easter Terry Carmichael (The Swiniarski Family) First Reading Acts 9:120 Gospel John 6:5259 Erno Daniel (Alexa Maland) First Reading Acts 9:3142 Gospel John 6:6069 5:00 pm Jackye Brooks Sunday, May 8 8:30 am Gregory Bae (The Bae Family) 11:00 am For the People of St. Ambrose 5:00 pm Perry Clausen (The Roper Family) Third Saturday of Easter *School Mass **Senior Mass Masses for the Deceased Fourth Sunday of Easter

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