( ) Wein s law = - ( ) = 540 cal/ml; 1,064 Btu/lb / / ( ).

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( ) Wein s law = - ( ) = 540 cal/ml; 1,064 Btu/lb / / ( ).

( * ) Q = [(A 1* x U 1 ) + (A 2* x U 2 )] x (T Inside -T Outside ) x W x C A = - U = - T i T 0 = - W = - C = - Q * * The subscript indicates different wall/glazing materials, e.g. wood, glass, concrete, plastics, etc.) W G = 2(L x H) + 2(W x H) + 2(L x RB) + (G x W) RB H L

(2000-6000 ft 2 )(200-600m 2 ) 175,000 Btu/hr e.g. Reznor (as in Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails), Modine 50 0.25~0.5 m/s 10~15 (3~4.5 m) ( ) 900 F = 3800 nm ( )

/ * * vs. 1 Btu/lb 970 Btu/lb 1F 1F (82 o C) (101 o C).

e.g. Biotherm TM (Btu/$) $41/ton 639,000 $0.84/gal 126,000 $4.69/ 1000ft 3 229,000

$0.50-1.00/ft 2 5~10 US$/m 2 $1.50-2.25/ft 2 15~22.5 US$/m 2 $2.50-3.25/ft 2 25~32.5 US$/m 2 $8-10/ft 2 80~100 US$/m 2 / 1. 2. CO 2 ~380 ppm, 3. /

( ) 45.7m.

= = cfm m3/sm3/min 7.6 m W G RB H L x W x H + (L x W x G)/2 = L 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 1 in 2 Corrugated cellulose pad located on opposite wall from ventilator fans (windward side) Water flows over and through the cooling pad Fans pull warm outside air through cooling pad Water absorbs heat from the air as it evaporates which cools the air as it enters the greenhouse 540 cal/g of water! That s a lot of cooling capability 30~45 m 1 ft 2 150 ft 3 2.5 ft/s 0.76 m/s 1020

½gal// ( ) (~1000 psi 68 ) 80-90% RH

Fan blows air across thermometer Prevents dead air space from developing around the sensor Gives more accurate reading of temperature Within 2-3of real temp rather than 4-5with non-aspirated unit e.g. Easter lilyphalaenopsis Heat delay e.g. hydrangea & azalea *

50 F/10 C African violets Poinsettias Hibiscus Gloxinia Tomatoes Foliage plants Phalaenopsis Chilling injury - Lipids in tropical and subtropical plant membranes solidify Growth vs. Development Increase in size (volume or weight) of plant or organ that is irreversible and permanent Aging process of the plant phases that plant goes through as gets older Germination Vegetative growth Flowering Fruit set Seed release Growth rate = The speed at which an organ goes through a certain developmental stage : Stem growth : 16~17 o C Flower production Leaf unfolding : = 40-60 F & 65-80 F 24 16 77 F 8 68 F = [(16x77)+(8x68)]/24 =74 F

Maximum X : dy/dx / e.g.# leaves/day/ F e.g. inches/day/ F = 50 F 1 F 5 degree-days = 55 F ( ) Easter Lily production during leaf development 80 Slope = 0.02 leaves/degree-day 80 Degree-day constant = 1/0.02 50 80 days @ 1 50 degree-days/leaf 40 days @ 2 What temp to produce 3 leaves in 10 days? 08 days @ 10 Avg daily temp = total degree-days + T base* desired time * T base = base temperature

Most E. Lily growers use a bud meter once flower buds are visible. What avg. daily temp to produce 3 Easter lily leaves in 10 days? Base temp = 55 F Avg temp = 3 x 50 + 55 10 70F Maintain 70F avg. temp and you should have 3 new leaves in 10 days! By measuring the length of the bud, the grower knows how warm to keep the greenhouse to get the bud to the selling stage by Easter. The bud meter is based on degree days. : = 2800 degree-days / = (T max T min )/2 T base - DIF DIF Originally discovered in 1944 DIF Rediscovered and developed as a growth regulation technique in late 1980 s by Dr. Royal Heins at MSU DIF The DIFference between day and night temperature DIF0 in a greenhouse will affect internode elongation and consequently, stem length. DIF ( )

A B C 60 F 55 F 50 F DIF 50 F 55 F +10 55 F 55 F 0 60 F 55 F -10 DIF Easter lilies Poinsettias Snapdragon Rose Petunia Carnation Impatiens Tomato Pepper Hyancith Tulip Narcissus Squash vs. -DIF Chlorosis ; (esp. DIF < -10F) Bedding plants (e.g. salvia) DIF ( ) Leaf orientation DIF Problem on Easter Lily DIF

DIF DIF DIF DIF 0 DIF 22.2 o C DIF -DIF ( -DIF ) DROP/DIP Temp. Midnight -DIF0 DIF -DIF ) DROP Noon Typical DROP/DIP daily temperature pattern 8:00 pm Above this line, plants too tall, need growth regulation Below this line, plants Pot height too short, need to elongate plant