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CONTENTS Theory and Methodology The Trends of Thought in Historical Studies in Contemporary China and the Development of Marxist Conception of History Jiang Dachun (3) The paper makes a survey of different trends of thought in historical studies in China in the new era and the inherent links between them and points out that a pluralistic situation in this field has appeared in the cou2 ntry. The theoretical influence of historical materialism is on the decline. While stressing that we should see historical materialism from a historical perspective the paper analyses its theoretical drawbacks in fundamental principles and believes there is a need for Marxist historical materialism to develop into a systematic materialist and dialectical historical outlook based on practice. Then the paper makes an analytical and composite explora2 tion of the basic contents of the new Marxist historical outlook and draws an outline thereof. Finally the paper touches on different approaches to history and their relationships with the nature of historical studies. Monographic Studies Farming during the Qin and Han Dynasties : Intensive or Extensive? Yang Jiping (22) The period from the Qin to the early Eastern Han dynasty saw a transition in Chinese agricultural produc2 tion from farming with hoes and spades into farming with ploughs. It was only during the late Eastern Han or the period of Wei, Jin, Northern and Southern Dynasties that tilling with cattle appeared in the northern Cen2 tral Plains, and still later in South China. The advanced farming system as mentioned in L shi chunqiu (Spri2 ng and Autumn Annals of LBuwei) and other books was only a recommendation by the agronomists, far from being actually popularized throughout the country, even in the northern part of China. In the larger part of China extensive cultivation prevailed. The past works concerning the history of Chinese agriculture gave people a false impression that advanced farming tools and techniques were commonly adopted throughout the country, which should be corrected. Changes in Livestock Husbandry in Middle Ancient Northern China Wang Lihua (33) The proportion of livestock husbandry in the economy of the middle and lower reaches of the Huanghe River in middle ancient China rose markedly for a while and the livestock structure also undertook tremendous changes as marked by the significant southward expansion of the nomadic area, the prosperity of state2owned and private livestock farming, the development of domestic animal2raising and the substitution of sheep for pigs as a main source of meat. However, after a period of growth and prosperity the livestock husbandry went again on the decline. These changes were closely related to the density of population and the migration of nomadic tribes, embodying the competition between agricultural farming and livestock husbandry with their different ecological adaptability and efficiency. They were also directly related to the processes of mutual assimilation of the Han and ethnical minorities in the history of China. 188