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20 xiazhongyi@vip. 163. com TitleThe Ethics of Modern Interpretation of Classical Literary TheoryAn Investigation Through Liu Xizai's General Principles of Art AbstractThis paper starts with a discussion of Liu Xizai's General Principles of Art so as to investigate the ethics of modern interpretation of Chinese classical literary theory. The two aims of the paper are to connect the ethical spaces between classics and the modern interpretations and to elucidate an approach through the example of Liu Xizai's work. The paper proposes three ways to approach Liu Xizai's original workto clarify the concepts in their original context to trace the original trajectory of reasoning in the genealogy of traditionand to interpret and pay due respect for the moral integrity reflected in the workso that the approach may tackle with the issues of aesthetics intellects and psychology. KeywordsLiu Xizai classical literary theory The General Principles of Art modern interpretation ethics AuthorXia Zhongyi is a professor with the Department of Chinese Language and Literature at Shanghai Jiao Tong University Shanghai 200240Chinawith main academic interest in Chinese literary theory of the 20th century. Emailxiazhongyi@vip. 163. com 1 102 107

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