162 25 Suidae Gray, 1821 Sus Linnaeus, 1758 Sus lydekkeri Zdansky,1928 1 P4 (V1457511) 1 M1 (V1457512) 1 M2 (V1457513) 1 m2 (V1457514) ( 1) P4 (V14575

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1 引言

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Bairoch, ) (Angus Maddison,1926 ) (Bairoch, 1976, 1981), 1960, , 220, 228 ; , 447, 310, 178 (1993) (1988) Peter Brecke (


2 : 111 ( Pinctada maxima), 13, 11,,,,,, 15, 25 cm, cm, 4 5 kg 1-2],,, 3-7] 24] 25-26],,, ] min, 1, 5 m 4 m, 20 m , 9-22],,, (


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TGF-β AngⅡ B SD ~ 220g SPF. SCXK No SYXK ~ 25 40% ~ 70% OR37G-C

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● 重要会议

28 () ( 3) % % % :1 1:2 ( ) % 13.6% 16.2% 14.9% 15.3% () 2 () 3 (%)

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David Faure

喉 的 饮 品, 又 是 聚 会 待 客 的 必 备, 被 誉 为 国 饮 A. 豆 浆 B. 茶 C. 可 乐 D. 酒 9. 中 国 是 世 界 文 明 古 国 之 一, 指 南 针 造 纸 术 印 刷 术 和 这 四 大 发 明 展 现 了 中 国 古 代 灿 烂 的 科 技 文 化 A. 日


25 2 2006 5 ACTA ANTHROPOLOGICA SINICA Vol125,No12 May,2006 1, 1, 2, 1, 3, 1, 3, 1 (11, 100044 ; 21, 230061 ; 31, 100039) : 2002 2004, 6 : ( Sus lydekkeri) ( Cervus ( Sika) ( Cervus elaphus) ( Muntiacus sp. ) ( Bison cf. nippon) ( Cervus ( Sika) grayi) palaeosinensis),,,,, Riss, 3 : ; ; ; ; : Q915187 : A : 100023193 (2006) 0220161211 2001 ( 31 1312, 118 23 ), 1, 10 3,, 8 18 23 27 [1 ] [2 ; 3 ], [4 6 ], [1 ] 2004 6 3, 18m 17m 4 [1 ], 1 Mammalia Linnaeus, 1758 Artiodactyla Owen, 1848 : 2005210217 ; : 2006203201 : (40372016) : (1958 - ),, E2mail : dongwei @ivpp. ac. cn

162 25 Suidae Gray, 1821 Sus Linnaeus, 1758 Sus lydekkeri Zdansky,1928 1 P4 (V1457511) 1 M1 (V1457512) 1 M2 (V1457513) 1 m2 (V1457514) ( 1) P4 (V1457511,1313mm 1617mm) 1 M1 (V1457512,2511mm 2119mm),,, ( ), 4 M2 (V1457513),, ( ) m2 (V1457514,2919mm 1814mm),,, ( ),,,,,, [3 ] 6 ], 1 [7 ],,, [4, 7 ] [4 1 Occlusal view of cheek teeth of Sus lydekkeri 11 (right) P4 (V1457511) ; 21 (right) M1 (V1457512) ; 31 (fragment of left) M2 (V1457513) ; 41 (right) m2 (V1457514) Cervidae Gray, 1821 Cervinae Baird, 1857 Cervus Linnaeus, 1758 Cervus ( Sika) Sclater, 1870 ( = Pseudaxis Gray, 1872) Cervus ( Sika) nippon Temminck, 1837 ( = Pseudaxis hortulorum Swinhoe, 1864)

2 : 163 1 (V1457611), 1 (V1457612) ;, (V1457613 23) ( 211, 311 312),, 23mm, 2418mm, 2313mm, 3118mm, 2814mm 50,, 57mm P2 V1457613 (1313mm 1211mm) 1 ( ), 2 ( ), P3 V1457614 (1015mm 1414mm) ( ), ( ) P4 V1457615 (1014mm 1319mm) ( ), ( ) M1 V1457616 (1710mm 1815mm) 4, M2 V1457617 (1718mm 1915mm) 4, M3 V1457618 (1818mm 1715mm) 4, p2 V1457619 (1217mm 714mm),,,, p3 V14576110 (1417mm 815mm),,,, p4 V14576111 (1417mm 812mm),,, m1 V14576112 (1711mm 1210mm) 4, m2 V14576113 (1714mm 1018mm) 4,, m3 V14576114 (2316mm 1214mm)

164 25,,, 3 [8 ] [9 ] Cervus ( Sika) nippon ( = Pseudaxis hortulorum),,, C1 ( Sika) grayi [7, 10 ],,, p3,,p4 p3,p4, C1 ( S1) magnus ( = Pseudaxis magnus) [10 ],, ( Pseudaxis hortulorum) Swinhoe 1864 1 1837 Temminck Cervus ( Sika) nippon (, [13 ] ), [8, 9 ] [11 ] ; Cervus ( Sika) Sclater 1870 ( Sika, ), Pseudaxis Gray 1872, Cervus ( Sika) Pseudaxis 2 Comparison of antlers from the Jinpendong Site 11 Cervus ( Sika) nippon (V1457611) ; 21 Cervus ( Sika) grayi (V1457711) ; 31 Cervus elaphus (V1457811) Cervus ( Sika) grayi Zdansky, 1925 1 (V1457711),1 (V1457712) ;6 (V1457713 8) ( 212, 313 314) 1 (V1457711),,

2 : 165, 2313mm, 3315mm, 3114mm, 4613mm, 4412mm 3618mm, 3412mm 37mm, 60 60mm M1 (V1457713,2014mm 2110mm) 4, M2 (V1457715,2010mm 2016mm) 4,, M3 (V1457714,2013mm 2016mm) 4 ; ;, ; p2 (V1457717,1416mm 718mm),,, p3 (V1457718,1612mm 916mm),,,,,,,,, [4 6 ] 1 [7, 10 ],, 3,,,, 3 1,, Cervus elaphus Linnaeus, 1758 1 (V1457811),, (V1457812 31) ( 213, 315 316) 1, ( 213),,, ( ), P2 V1457812 (1813mm 1611mm) 4 2 ( ), 2 ( )

166 25 3 Comparison of left cheek dentitions of Cervus from the Jinpendong Site 1 21 Cervus ( Sika) nippon, 1 : P2 M3 (V1457613 8), 2 : p2 m3 (V1457619 14) ; 3 41 Cervus ( Sika) grayi, 3 : M1 M3 (V1457713 5), 4 : p2 3 ( V1457717 8) ; 5 61 Cervus elaphus, 5 : P2 M3 (V1457812 7), 6 : p2 m3 (V1457818 13) P3 V1457813 (2010mm 1619mm) 1, 2 ( ), 2, ( ), P4 V1457814 (1818mm 2213mm) ( ), ( ) M1 V1457815 (2911mm 2913mm) 4, M2 V1457816 (2712mm 2710mm) 4, M3 V1457817 (2816mm 2718mm) 4

2 : 167, p2 V1457818 (1913mm 1017mm),,, p3 V1457819 (2313mm 918mm),,,,,,,,, p4 V14578110 (2319mm 1310mm),, m1 V14578111 (2513mm 1714mm) 4,, m2 V14578112 (2917mm 1819mm) 4, m3 V14578113 (3716mm 1712mm),,,,, Zdansky [10 ] ( ), ( red deer ),,,,,, [13 ] [10 ],,, Muntiacus Rafinesque, 1815 ( = Cervulus Blainville, 1816) Muntiacus sp1 1 p2 p3 (V14580) ( 4) p2 (715mm 418mm) ( ),,,, p3 (1219mm 619mm),,

168 25 [7 ], [7, 11 ], [3 ] [12, 14 ],,, Bovidae Gray, 1821 Bovinae Gill, 1872 Bison Smith, 1827 Bison cf1 palaeosinensis Teilhard et Piveteau,1930 2 (V1458111 2),1 (V1458113), 6 (V1458114 9) ( 5) 4 (V14580) Left mandible fragment of Muntiacus sp1(v14580) 1Π3 50mm,,,,,,, M1 (V1458114,2116mm 2412mm),, ;,,,,,, ;, ;,, ( ) ( ) M2 (V1458115,2617mm 2413mm) M3 (V1458116,2911mm 2416mm) M1,,, ( Bubalus), ( Bos), Zdansky [15 ], Ovis ammon [7 ], [3 ],, [1 ],,,,, 5 (V1458114 6) Left upper molar row of Bison cf1 palaeosinensis (V1458114 6)

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