2010.06. 1 2 56 8 ( 17 4 1931 4 ) ( 1994 4 ) 2008 1 * 2010.03.22. 2010.05.25. 2010.06.04. 1 164

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何繼文 232 詩代表因此分析黃詩的肌理特色也會從詩史的宏觀角度出發考察評價黃庭 堅對 詩法 演進所起的作用他主要從三方面探討黃庭堅詩的價值 一 薈萃宋詩 之長為宋詩之祖 二 以古人為師以質厚為本 三 運用 逆筆 本文即從 以上三方面展開討論闡述翁方綱評論黃庭堅詩的觀點剖析其背後的詩學理論依 據探討

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2010 06 163-192 叠 163

2010.06. 1 2 56 8 ( 17 4 1931 4 ) ( 1994 4 ) 2008 1 * 2010.03.22. 2010.05.25. 2010.06.04. 1 164

録 宫 蘓 顔 户 烟 2 疎 烟 3 ( ) 2 41 857 780 3 48 333 14 165

2010.06. 烟 徧 烟 4 5 6 匃 顔 烟 烟 烟 隂? 烟? 匃 顔 7 4 3 222 281-282 5 850 127 6 149 499 304 7 3 856 222 166

烟 烟 烟 烟 8 9 兹 兹 烟 10 8 228 403 9 烟 烟 烟 10 26 1480 545 167

2010.06. ( ) 11 12 録 宫 13? ( ) 14 11 1986 19 268? 14 12 850 册 127 13 7 864 册 335 14 850 111 168

夅 15 16 17 18 戸 録 19 1 2 3 4 15 1985 656 16 1989 468 17 ( ) 5 264 478 18 377 19 15 773 168 169

2010.06. 1. 20 21 黄 彚 蘂 温 22 黄 顔 23 20 850 111 21 740 423 22 1 49-50 11 23 7 852 122 170

25 26 24 凉 27 24 ( 51) ( 48 ) 2008 15-16 25 3 烟 烟 説 逺 黄 222 282 26 1 873 册 10 27 5 262-263 171

2010.06. 緜 緜 烟 巵 28 2. 戸 録 29 ( )? 3. 30 31 32 28 3 222 282 29 15 773 168 30 589 380 31 11 872 84 32 羣 28 ( 别 ) 846 61 172

33 4. (1) 爲 34 畨 縁 挿 呉 呉 録 挿 縁 35 别 36 (2) 33 13 873 225 34 18 1047 756 35 39 774 183 36 39 呉 録 774 183 173

2010.06. 悦 黒 悦 37 嫰 38 ( ) 黄 収 弃 葢 39 37 29 740 1069 38 27 773 562 39 5 263 174

徧 椀 葢 冐 40 隂 别 别 内 内 内 搃 浄 41 42 40 5 263 41 32 737 349 42 268 755 823 175

2010.06. 黄 匀 黄 殻 别 虚 殻 殻 煑 殻 匀 43 44 45 46 43 8 871 221 44 5 264 45 1981 5 44 46 10 1047 974 176

175 47 邉 内 宫 48 産 内 収 麄 産 黒 49 説 47 2008 15 48 1047 896 49 24 289 1084 177

2010.06. 50 51 絶 宫 52 宫 黄 葢 53 50 4 221 406 51 29 徳 逺 883 702 52 29 883 701 53 8 1047 688 178

54 内 髪 55 顔 鷄 黄 鷄 别 内 鷄 56 黄 黄 黄 黄 黄 黒 黄 顔 57 58 54 1990 23 1748 55 6 734 503 56 52 748 473 57 14 819 439 58 14 179

2010.06. 滚 内 温 畧 59 60 黄 毎 黄 61 819 440 59 838 722 60 590 439 61 髙 巻 15 871 748 180

温 産 内 62 1. 黒 黒 聼 黒 嵗 黒 脚 黒 内 凉 63 64 65 62 9 740 423 63 38 785 28 64 8 741 164 65 10 742 213 181

2010.06. 66 匀 67 68 2. 黄 内 虚 乆 69 70 66 11 746 382 67 20 739 436 68 yahoo 2010/01/10 http://tw.news.yahoo.com/article/url/d/a/100110/1/1yj67.html 69 26 766 896 70 22 736 717-718 182

硏 黄 71 别 3. 72 弹 隂 户 73 74 11 6 75 71 36 768 593 72 6 745 745 73 15 745 345 74 23 742 793 75 183

2010.06. 76 53 45 240 199 120 53 67 138 51 87 148 71 77 77 78 76 19 1081 274 77 藁 8 1268 845 78 5 1222 139 184

79 80 81 82 83 79 1360 80 1286 81 1354 82 1995 2 69 83 1967 2 43 185

2010.06. 84 85? 86 軰 着 84 2000 1706 85 1967 19-20 86 1999 103 186

87 抺 88 89 90 91 87 1987 583-584 88 10 1191 585 89 77 880 338 90 21? 489 131 91 5 1225 126 187

2010.06. 92 93 鞵 94 92 8 1245 298 93 133 1321 410 94 39 1317 322 188

189 1983 221 1985 850 734 1986 1986 1047 737 1081 1988 1995

2010.06. 850 222 1480 864 册 740 852 589 873 1047 1047 741 742 742 1967 2000 1967 1990 1999 489 745 1987 590 746 745 1191 1222 857 333 856 228 773 730 748 872 871 883 髙 871 766 768 藁 1268 880 1225 1245 499 羣 846 819 289 838 785 739 1321 1317 190

( 1992) ( 1981) 1981 1989 2008 1 2 1967 65-70 17 4 1931 4 1994 4 Yahoo 2010/01/10 http://tw.news.yahoo.com/article/url/d/a/100110/1/1yj67.html 191

2010.06. A Study on the Rouge Tu, Mau-Lin Lecture, the General Knowledge Center, Chien-Kuo Technological University Abstract As a main role of the woman's makeup, its origins are very ancient. Back to Song dynasty, there is sentence with blush-red, it is too red, while with white-powder it too pale. Therefore we can see that the ancient woman has the habit of using blush-red. The oldest record on using plant as the source material of rouge is shown in the book Qi Min Yao Sh of Jia Sixie back to the Northern Wei dynasty. Blue-flower was the main raw material for making rouge. Red-blue flowers came from the Western Regions and in there a mountain called Yanzhi Mountain, One of the ancient Huns queen was named Yanzhi. A proverb, losing the Qilian Mountain results of no offspring of domestic animals; ever severely, losing Yanzhi will make our women with No Color. Therefore, we can see that both the name and material of rouge is from the Western Regions. After forwarding into the China, as the long time pass, the production processes and material used were abundant and various, which were well documented in Li Ser-Jen s book Compendium of Medical Material. Ancient literature shows that the rouge can not only be used as women s makeup but as general use such as medicinal, painting, dyeing paper and so on. Its application extensively and deeply used in the daily life of the general public. As used intensively, rouge has been more than just the woman s makeup, but a necessity of life. As also used intensively, to please their men, women tried various methods, and have created a lot of make-up methods. These methods were sometimes come-out by accident. In addition to practical value, the use of rouge in the literature is also very popular. From the beginning of the Tang dynasty, in Wing-Flower poem, the rouge was used to indicate the appearance of flowers. This practice was become more accepted and even popular in Song dynasty. Overlap in the life of the ancients, people selected what they need to use, rouge has become the living image of the general public. Keywords: Rouge, Red and Blue Flowers, Makeup, Yong-Hua Shi 192