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112 Global Hakka Studies, November 2014, 3: 鄉 在 地 人 群 組 合 及 殖 民 政 治 脈 絡, 來 釐 清 18 世 紀 末 到 現 在 的 大 伯 公 信 仰 及 祭 祀 團 體 的 基 本 內 涵, 及 其 所 呈 現 出 的 人

a Honig 986 Hershatter Walder

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262 舂音詞社和漚社都成立於上海 在這個新興的文化大都會各種思想的交匯促 進了文學社團的發展不同政治社會背景的文人亦多了交往的機會 加上出版業 的蓬勃人才的集中使得上海的文學社團格外多姿多彩在全國的新舊文壇帶領 5 風騷 在詞學方面龍榆生 便將上海視為民國時期的詞學中心 另一

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* [ / ] [ ] Abstract The rites of repentance in the folk society of Putian in Fujian are a ceremony held by rich families to reward deities for wish fulfillment and are therefore religious rites of a private nature. However these rites are normally conducted in the village temple and the alleged recipients of sacrifices are communal deities. During the ritual process the family is supposed to go out begging in the neighborhood and the neighbors as well as relatives are also supposed to take part in the ritual process in various manners. As such the rites of repentance actually involve the clan the in-laws the neighbors and other social relations. It therefore bears vast amount of significances. This paper gives a detailed account of how various social relations are enterwined in the performance of the repentance rite. social 1 117

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