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Newsletter of Chinese Institute of Transportation Issue No.102 2010 8 10 5 102 103 02-27476673 02-27647215 cit.tw@msa.hinet.net www.cit.org.tw www.ceps.com.tw/ec/echome.aspx 1 2 5 8 12 1. 2. 3. 4. 10 5 E-mail 1. 99 7 26 2. 99 8 31 3. 99 8 18 13 4 4. 99 9 16 18 5. 99 10 2 8 99 9 10 2,000 1,000 10264620 9 10 Email cit.tw@msa.hinet.net 6. 2010 99 12 9~10 8 1

102 99 8 10 351 10,708 0.53% 30.53 /(- - -) (Demand Responsive Transit System, DRTS) DRTS DRTS DRTS DRTS 98 197 34.93 40 1 0.35% 1,220.95 14 1,604.23 9 40 278.13 5.77 11,408 ()30 380 122.6 / 84 87 99 7 163 ( ) 187% 2

Newsletter of Chinese Institute of Transportation, Issue No. 102, August 10, 2010 DRTS DRTS DRTS DRTS DRTS DRTS DRTS DRTS ( 1) A 3

102 99 8 10 1 (BC ) (BD ) BC BD 1 1 A 24. 20 6:00-22:00 BC 40 BD 26. 1400 4

Newsletter of Chinese Institute of Transportation, Issue No. 102, August 10, 2010 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 1950 Dell (holistic marketing) 1. 2. 3. 5

102 99 8 10 1. 2. 3. 1. (1) (2) (3) (GPS) / 2. (1) 6

Newsletter of Chinese Institute of Transportation, Issue No. 102, August 10, 2010 (2) 2 3 (3) 3. (1) (2) (3) 7

102 99 8 10 42% 30% 25% 2007 MUTCD 2009 ASTM D4957-04 ( ) (CNS) (4345-2) (99) ( ) 2010 12 9~10 ~ 100 1. Transportation Economics and Environmental Protection 2. Transportation Planning and Demand 3. Transportation Policy and Regulations 8

Newsletter of Chinese Institute of Transportation, Issue No. 102, August 10, 2010 4. Transportation Operations and Management 5. Traffic Engineering and Management 6. Transportation Safety and Facilities 7. Transportation Information and Technology 8. Rail Transportation 9. Marine Transportation and Port Facilities 10. Air Transportation 11. Intermodal Transportation and Logistics 12. Transportation Networks 13. Others 407 100 2010 12 9 10 04-24517250 4654 cjliu@fcuoa.fcu.edu.tw http://cit2010.ttm.fcu.edu.tw/ 99 2010 9 30 56 03-3282321 4291 03-3979166 E-mail tsc@mail.cpu.edu.tw http://ts.cpu.edu.tw/bin/home.php The 3rd International Conference on Transportation and Logistics (T-LOG 2010) Conference Venue: Nishijin Plaza, Kyushu University in Fukuoka City, Japan Date: September 6-8, 2010 Website: http://www.t-log2010.com 9

102 99 8 10 The 15 th HKSTS International Conference Conference Venue: Hong Kong Date: December 11-14, 2010 Topics: 1. Transportation and geography Urban, regional and cross-boundary transportation Transportation infrastructures Multi-modal transportation Aviation and maritime transportation Accessibility and mobility Geocomputation and geovisualization of space-time 2. Transportation, land use and built environment Built environment, activity space and time use Built environment and travel behavior Integrated land use and transportation modeling 3. Logistics and supply-chain management Supply chain management Logistics management and operations Freight transportation 4. Transit management and operations Public transportation Taxi services Scheduling and timetabling Railway planning and operations 5. Transportation modeling and surveys Travel behavior modeling Activity-based analysis Traffic management and control Traffic flow theories Transportation and traffic surveys 6. Transportation and Information and communication technologies (ICT) Intelligent transportation systems (ITS) Incident detection and management Transportation impacts of ICT E-shopping and teleconferncing ICT, social network and activity-travel 7. Sustainable transportation Transportation, environment and energy Transportation and the economy Transportation policy and the society Transportation safety 8. Transportation engineering and projects 10

Newsletter of Chinese Institute of Transportation, Issue No. 102, August 10, 2010 Infrastructure/project evaluation and financing Externalities and pricing of transportation services Highway pavement engineering Important Dates: Notification of acceptance of full papers 31 August, 2010 Deadline for submission of final papers 30 September, 2010 Authors are invited to submit abstracts to: Dr. Agachai SUMALEE Chair of the 15th HKSTS International Conference Department of Civil and Structural Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Hung Hom, Kowloon Hong Kong Fax: (852) 2334-6389 E-mail: ceasumal@polyu.edu.hk Website: http://home.netvigator.com/~hksts/conf.htm International Symposium of Transportation and Traffic Theory (ISTTT) Conference Venue: Berkeley, California Date: July 18-20, 2011 Topics: The symposium covers many aspects of transportation and traffic science. Sample topics welcomed by the symposium include but are not limited to: Traffic flow theories and their implications Traffic management and control Dynamics of transport phenomena, especially when coupled with observation Intelligent transport systems Travel behavior processes and demand modeling Vehicular interactions in mixed-mode traffic Congestion pricing and other policies Scheduled modes (public transport, air networks): system planning, service design and operations Pedestrian and crowd modeling Transport safety Network model formulations Routing and scheduling in transportation systems Freight transport modeling, logistics, and supply chains Terminal design and operation Important Dates: Notification of acceptance or rejection of full paper 30 November 2010 Submission of full, revised paper 30 January 2011 Website: www.isttt19.org 11

102 99 8 10 8 10 1779 1780 1781 1782 1783 E-mail http://www.cit.org.tw /02 27647215 E-mail cit.tw@msa.hinet.net 12