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彩 光 美 容 重 安 全 技 能 測 驗 要 做 先 強 烈 脈 衝 光 儀 器 操 作 員 技 能 測 驗 強 烈 脈 衝 光 儀 器 操 作 員 技 能 測 驗 考 生 手 冊 ( 內 附 應 考 必 讀 參 考 資 料 )

I. iv iv iv - vii viii - ix ix ix ix ix ix x x x x x x xi xi xi II. I. II. III. i 2 2-3 4 4-6 7 7-8 9-10 10-12 12 13

I. II. LASER III. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) IV. (i) (ii) (iii) V. I. II. III. IV. V. VI. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) VII. 15-16 17 17 17 18 18 18-19 19 19 20 20 20-21 21 22-24 24-25 25 25 25 25-26 26 27 29 29 29 29 29-30 30 30 30 30 30-31 32 I. 34 ii

II. III. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. 35 36-37 37 37-38 38 38 38 38 38-39 39 39 39 I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. 41 41 41-42 42 43 43 43 44 44 I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. iii 46 46 46 46-47 47 47 47 49-53 54 55-59 60 60

I. (VTC) (a) (b) (c) (d) (a) 80 90 60% (b) 50 60% (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) iv

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) v

1. A. B. C D. (A) 2. A B. C. D. (B) 3. (A) 4. A B C D (D) 5. A. B. C D (C) 6. A B C D (A) vi

7. A B C D (A) 8. A B C D (B) 9. A B D (B) 10. A. B. SPF15 C D (B) vii

(I) 35 5 30 10 10 5 5 15 5 (II) 60% 50 60% (III) 15 viii

(treatment head) (reflecting surface) (i) (ii) 10 1 2 3 (1) (2) (1) (2.1) 300200 100 (2.2)2418 6 http://www.vtc.edu.hk/it/bhtb/index.htm VTC 2710 2919 1599 / 3907 6803 2574 3759 (a) http://www.vtc.edu.hk/it/bhtb/index.htm (b) http://ttr.vtc.edu.hk 8:455:15 9:0012:00 VTC HK$300 HK$2,700 VTC ix

2710 VTC (a) (b) (c) (d) (1) (2.1)300200 100 (2.2)2418 6 VTC 2919 1599 3907 6803 (a) VTC (b) VTC HK$110 VTC HK$500 HK$1,000 VTC 3920 VTC HK$300 HK$2,700 x

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) VTC (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (1) (2) (3) (4) xi



I. (Cell) 1.1 (Metabolism) (Growth) (Movement) (Excretion) (Respiration) (Sensibility) (Reproduction) 1.2 (Prokaryotic cell)(eukaryotic cell) I. (Prokaryotic cell) II. (Eukaryotic cell) (Nucleus) (Mitosis) 2

1.1(Prokaryotic cell) (Cell membrane) (Nucleoid) (Flagellum) (Capsule) (Ribsomes) (Cell wall) 1.2(Eukaryotic cell) (Golgi complex) (Ribosomes) (Nucleus) (Nucleolus) (Vacuole) (Mitochondria) (Endoplasmic reticulum) 3

1.3 I(Cell Membrane) II(Cytoplasm) (Ribosomes) (Mitochondria) (Endoplasmic reticulum) (Golgi complex) (Vacuole) III (Nucleus) (Cell Division) 1.4 Asymmetrical division)1.3 4

1.3 (Genetic material) (Mitosis) (Two dipoid cells) 1.5 I(Meiosis) II(Mitosis) 1.6 (Cytokinesis) (Interphase) (Prophase)(Metaphase)(Anaphase) Telophase) 1.7 5

1.4 (Parent Cell) (Interphase) (Chromatid) (Prophase) (Chromosome) (Spindle apparatus) (Centromere) (Metaphase) (Microtubules) (centromere) (Spindle fibres) (Metaphase plate) (Anaphase) (Spindle fibres) (Telophase) (Cytokinesis) 1.8 6

II.(Skin) 1.9 1.4-2.0 1.10 1.11 I II III IV (Epidermis) 1.5 (Stratum Corneum) (Stratum Lucidum) (Stratum Granulosum) (Stratum Spinosum) (Stratum Basale) 7

1.12 1.5 I(Stratum Corneum) (Keratinized cell) (Keratin) (Natural moisturizing factor, NMF) II (Stratum Lucidum) III (Stratum Graunlosum) IV (Stratum Spinosum) (Desmosome) V (Stratum Basale) 1.13 I (Melanocytes) (Melanosome) II(Langerhans cell) III (Merkel Cell) 1.14 8

(Dermis) 1.6 (Melanocytes) (Sebaceous gland) (Hair) (Sweat pore) (Epidermis) (Papillary dermis) (Reticular dermis) (Dermis) (Subcutaneous tissue(fat)) (Blood vessels) (Nerve) (Hair follicle) (Sweat gland) 1.15 1.6(Papillary dermis (Reticular dermis) (Fibroblasts) (Collagen) [70%](Elastin) 1-3%(Ground substance) T 1.16 1.17 1.18 (subcutis) (connective tissue) 1.19 (Hydrogen bond) (Amino acid) (Tropocollagen) 9

1.7 (Tropocollagen) (Tropocollagen) 1.20 (Collagen fibrils) (Collagen bundles) 1.21 I (Tendon)(Myofibrils) II (Granulation tissue)(reticular fibre) III (Anchoring fibrils) 1.22 (Elastic fibres) 1.23 (Proteoglycans) (Hyaluronic acid) (Glycosaminoglycans, GAGs) (Glycoprotein) 1.24 (Nerve) 1.25 (Blood vessels) 1.26 (Sweat glands)(sebaceous glands)(hair follicle) (Nail) 1.27 (Eccrine gland) (Apocrine gland) 10

1.28 1.29 ( Vellus hair) ( Terminal hair) (Dermal pailla) (Hair matrix) (Cortex) 1.30 (Inner root sheath) (Outer root sheath) 1.31 (Cuticle) (Cortex) (Medulla) I. (Cuticle) II. (Cortex) III. (Medulla) 1.8 (Epidermis) (Cuticle) (Hair Cortex) (Medulla) (Sebaceous gland) (Dermis) (Inner root sheath) (Dermal papilla) (Outer root sheath) 11

1.32 I. (Anagen) II. (Categen) III. (Telogen) 1.33 1.9 1.34 0.3 0.50.1 (Subcutis) 1.35 (Subcutaneous fat) 12

III. 1.36 (Oily skin) (Dry skin) (Normal skin) (Combination skin) (Acne prone (or problem) skin) (Mature skin) (Dehydrated skin) (Sensitive skin) courperose skin) 13


I. 2.1 ( Electromagnetic radiation ) (visible light) 400nm (i) 700nm (700nm) (400nm) 2.2 (Gamma Ray) (X-ray) (Ultraviolet) (Infrared)(Microwave) (Radio) 2.3 3x10 8 2.1(a) 2.1(b) (amplitude) (frequency, Hz (ii) ) x = 3 x 10 8 2.4 2.2 2.1 (a b) 2.1(a): (Amplitude) (Wavelength) 2.1(b): (Amplitude) (Wavelength) (i) nm = nanometer (1,000,000,000nm = 1 meter) (ii) Hz = 15

2.2 100nm 10cm Gamma Ray X X-ray Ultraviolet Infrared Microwave Radio (Visible Light) 400nm (Wavelength) (Nanometer) 700nm 16

II. LASER 2.5 Laser Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation 2.6 I. (Coherence) II. (Monochromaticity) III. (Collimation) 2.7 (Chromophore) (i) (ii) (Hemoglobin) (iii) (Melanin) 2.5 2.8 I. II. III. 17

III. 2.9 (Intense Pulsed Light) 2.10 2.11 2.1 2.1 (i)(wavelength) 2.12 550nm1200nm (ii)(fluence) 2.13 (joules per square centimeter, J/cm 2 ) (cm 2 ) 18

2.14 (J/cm 2 ) = (J) cm 2 Fluence (J/cm 2 ) = Energy (J) Beam cross-sectional area (cm 2 ) (iii) (Pulse width/duration) 2.15 (iv) (Multiple sequential pulses) (Pulse delay) 2.16 2.3(a) 2.3(b) 2.3(a) (b) 2.3(a): 2.3(b): 2.3(b) ( C) 0 10 20 30 40 50 19

(v)(cooling) 2.17 (vi) (Frequency, Hz) 2.18 Light vs Skin Tissue (i) (Tissue optics) 2.19 2.4 I (Reflection) 4-6% II (Absorption) III (Scattering) IV (Transmission) (300-400nm) 0.1mm (600-1200nm) 20

2.4 (Light Energy) (Reflection) (Epidermis) (Scattering) (Absorption) (Scattering) (Dermis) (Subcutaneous tissue (fat)) (ii) Light Tissue Interaction 2.20 (Transmission) I. (Photostimulation) II. (Photodynamic reaction) III. (Photothermolytic and photomechanical reaction) 21

(iii)(theory of Selective Photothermolysis) 2.21 1983Anderson Parrish 2.22 (a)(b)(c) 2.5 2.5 Absorption) (Wavelength) (Exposure time) (Pulse width/duration) (Selective photothermolysis) Fluence) (Energy) (Selective) (Photothermolysis) 2.23 2.6 22

2.6 (Absorption Spectrum of Major Chromophores in Skin) (Absorption Scale) Hemoglobin Water Melanin 200 1000 5000 (Wavelength) (nm) 2.24 (Thermal relaxation time) 2.25 (Thermal relaxation time) (50%) 2.72.8 2.26 2.7 (Definition of Thermal Relaxation Time, TRT) ( C) 50% TRT 23

2.27 2.8 (TRT for different chromophores) (Epidermis) 3-10 msec (Melanosome) 0.1 μsec to 1 μs 100 μm (Blood vessel) 5msec 50μm (Blood vessel) 1msec (Hair follicle melanim) 2.28 (wavelength) (fluence ) (pulse width/duration) (multiple sequential pulses) (pulse delay) (cooling) (iv)(extended Theory of Selective Photothermolysis) 2.29 (Thermal Damage Time, TDT) 2.30 (TDT)(TRT) 2.31 2.32 (TRT - 1msec) (TRT - 40-100msec)25-35msec TDT 2.9 24

2.9 (Ideal Range for Laser Hair Removal) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 (msec) 2.33 500nm 1200nm 2.44 2.45 2.34 2.35 IV. 2.36 (i) ( hair removal ) 2.37 ( permanent hair reduction ) 2.38 VVI (ii) ( skin rejuvenation ) 2.39 25

2.40 2.41 (iii) 2.42 2.43 26

V. (Fitzpatrick skin type (or phototype) 2.44 (Skin phototype) (Typical features) (Tanning ability) I II III IV V VI 2.45 I IIII IV 27


I. 3.1 (UV light) 3.2 ( Freckle ) ( Lentigines ) ( Melasma / Cholasma ) 3.3 ( Naevus of Ota ) ( Café-au-lait macules ) ( Melanocytic naevus ) ( Birthmark ) II. 3.4 3.5 ( Metalloproteinase ) ( Elastosis ) 3.6 III. 3.7 3.8 IV. 3.9 590nm 3.10 V. 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 29

3.15 3.16 2-4 3.17 VI. (i) 3.18 (ii) 3.19 (i) (ii)(iii) 3.20 (iii) (Standard precautions) 3.21 (iv) 3.22 (i)(ii) ( iii ) I. II. III. 30

3.23 3.24 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 3.25 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 3.26 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 3.27 3.28 31

VII. 3.29 3.30 SPF15 3.31 3.32 3.33 32


I. 4.1 (Angiokeratoma) (Capillary Haemangioma) (Cherry Angioma) (Port-wine Stain) (Rosacea) (Spider Naevus) (Telangiectasia) ( Acquired Bilateral Naevus of Ota-like Macules ABNOM) ( Café-au-lait Macules ) ( Lentigines ) ( Melanocytic Naevus ) ( Melasma Cholasma ) (Naevus of Ota) ( Seborrhoeic Keratosis ) (Hirsutism) 4.2 34

II. 4.3 ( Keloid type skin ) ( Epilepsy ) ( Lupus Erythematosus ) ( Herpes Simplex ) ( Diabetes Mellitus ) ( Psychiatric Illness ) ( Uncontrolled Hypertension ) III. 4.4 4.5 35

(i) 4.6 4.7 I - V I I - V I 36

(a) 4.8 (b) 4.9 (ii) 4.10 (iii) 4.11 4.12 37

4.13 (iv) 4.14 (v) 4.15 SPF15 (vi) 4.16 IV. 4.17 LED C 4.18 SPF15 4.19 V. 4.20 38

4.21 4.22 VI. 4.23 4.24 4.25 4.26 VII. 4.27 4.28 4.29 VIII. 4.30 4.1-4.3 39


I. 5.1 5.2 FDACE TGA Setting FluencePulse width / duration Pulse repetition rate Optical coupling gel 5.3 5.4 5.5 Maintenance Calibration 5.6 II. 5.7 5.8 5.9 41

III. 5.10 5.11 IV. 5.12 5.13 ( Key switch ) ( Foot pedal ) ( Optical coupling gel ) 5.14 42

5.15 5.16 V. 5.17 5.18 5.19 VI. 5.20 5.21 5.22 VII. 5.23 5.24 5.25 5.26 43

VIII. 5.27 IX. 5.28 44


6.1 I. 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 II. 6.7 6.8 6.9 III. 6.10 6.11 IV. 6.12 6.13 46

6.14 6.15 V. 6.16 6.17 6.18 VI. 6.19 6.20 6.21 VII. 6.22 6.23 47


( Angiokeratoma ) Dr. VK Sugunan ( Capillary Haemangioma ) Dr. VK Sugunan ( Cherry Angioma ) 49

( Port-wine Stain ) ( Rosacea ) ( Spider Naevus ) 50

( Telangiectasia ) ( Acquired Bilateral Naevus of Ota-like Macules ABNOM ) ( Café-au-lait Macules ) 51

( Lentigines ) (Melanocytic Naevus) (Melasma / Cholasma) 52

( Naevus of Ota ) ( Seborrhoeic Keratosis ) 53 ( Hirsutism ) Dr. VK Sugunan

1. http://www.chp.gov.hk/files/pdf/use_mask_properly_chi.pdf 2. http://www.chp.gov.hk/files/pdf/grp-elderly-1-tc-20070928.pdf 3. http://www.chp.gov.hk/files/pdf/grp_recommend_integrating_gloves_20050128.pdf 54

(GLOSSARY) A Absorption Spectrum of Major Chromophores in Skin (P. 23) Absorption (P. 20-22) Acne Prone (or problem) skin (P. 13) Acquired Bilateral Naevus of Ota-like Macules ABNOM (P. 34, 51) Amino acid (P. 9, 10) Amplitude (P. 15) Anagen (P. 12, 25) Anaphase (P. 5-6) Anchoring fibrils (P. 10) Angiokeratoma (P. 34, 49) Apocrine gland (P. 10) Asymmetrical division (P. 4) B Beam cross-sectional area (cm 2 ) (cm 2 ) (P. 19) Birthmark (P. 29) Blood vessels (P. 7-10, 17, 24) C Café-au-lait Macules (P. 29, 34, 51) Calibration (P. 41) Capillary Haemangioma (P. 34, 49) Capsule (P. 3) Categen (P. 12) CE (P. 41) Cell Division (P. 4-6) Cell membrane (P. 2-4) Cell wall (P. 3) Cell (P. 2-6, 8-11, 13, 17, 21-22, 24-25, 30) Centromere (P. 6) Cherry Angioma (P. 34, 49) Chromatid (P. 6) Chromophore (P. 17-24) Chromosome (P. 5-6) Coherence (P. 17-18) Collagen bundles (P. 9-10) Collagen fibrils (P. 10) Collagen (P. 9-10, 20, 25-26, 29) Collimation (P. 17) Combination skin (P. 13) Connective tissue (P. 9-10, 12) Cooling (P. 20, 24) Cortex (P. 11) Courperose skin (P. 13) Cuticle (P. 11, 19, 25, 29) Cytokinesis (P. 5-6) Cytoplasm (P. 2, 4-6) 55

D Dehydrated skin (P. 13) Dermal pailla (P. 11, 24) Dermis (P. 7, 9-11, 21, 26) Desmosome (P. 8) Diabetes Mellitus (P. 35) Dipoid cells (P. 5) Dry skin (P. 13) E Eccrine gland (P. 10) Elastic fibres (P. 9-10) Elastin (P. 9-10) Elastosis (P. 29) Electromagnetic radiation (P. 15) Endoplasmic reticulum (P. 3-4) Energy (P. 2, 4, 12, 18-20, 22, 24, 27, 29, 36, 39) Epidermis (P. 7-11, 13, 21, 24-25, 27, 30, 39) Epilepsy (P. 35) Eukaryotic cell (P. 2-3) Excretion (P. 2, 10, 30) Exposure time (P. 22) Extended Theory of Selective Photothermolysis (P. 24) F FDA (P. 41) Fibroblasts (P. 9) Fitzpatrick skin type (or phototype) (P. 26-27, 29, 36) Flagellum (P. 3) Fluence (P. 18-19, 21-22, 24-25, 29, 36, 41) Foot pedal (P. 42) Frequency (Hz) (P. 15, 18, 20) G Gamma Ray (P. 15-16) Genetic material (P. 2, 4-6) Glycoprotein (P. 10) Glycosaminoglycans, GAGs (P. 10) Golgi complex (P. 3-4) Granulation tissue (P. 10) Ground substance (P. 9-10) Growth (P. 2, 4, 9, 11-12, 24-26) H Hair follicle (P. 9-12, 17, 20, 24-25, 38-39) Hair follicle melanim (P. 24) Hair matrix (P. 11) Hair Removal (P. 17-18, 24-26, 29-30, 36-39, 41) Hair (P. 7, 9, 11-12, 17, 24-26, 29, 36, 38-39) Hemoglobin (P. 17, 22-23, 25) Herpes Simplex (P. 35) Hirsutism (P. 34, 53) Hyaluronic acid (P. 10) Hydrogen bond (P. 9) 56

I Infrared (P. 15-16, 18) Inner root sheath (P. 11) Intense Pulsed Light (P. 14-15, 17-20, 23-27, 29-30, 32, 34-39, 41-44, 46-47, 49) Interphase (P. 5-6) J Joules per square centimeter (J/cm 2 ) (P. 18) K Keloid type skin (P. 35) Keratin (P. 8, 12) Keratinized cell (P. 8) Key switch (P. 42) L Langerhans cell (P. 8) Lentigines (P. 29, 34, 52) Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation (Laser) (P. 17) Lupus Erythematosus (P. 35) M Mature skin (P. 13) Medulla (P. 11) Meiosis (P. 5) Melanin (P. 8, 11, 17-18, 22-25, 27, 29) Melanocytes (P. 8-9, 11, 29) Melanocytic Naevus (P. 29, 34, 52) Melanosome (P. 8, 17, 24) Melasma / Cholasma )(P. 29, 34, 52) Merkel Cell (P. 8) Metabolism (P. 2, 22, 25, 29) Metalloproteinase (P. 29) Metaphase plate (P. 6) Metaphase (P. 5-6) Microtubules (P. 6) Microwave (P. 15-16) Mitochondria (P. 3-4) Mitosis (P. 2, 5) Monochromaticity (P. 17, 18) Movement (P. 2, 6) Multiple sequential pulses (P. 19, 24-25) Myofibrils (P. 10) N Naevus of Ota (P. 29, 34, 53) Nail (P. 7, 10, 12, 32) Nanometer (nm) (P. 15, 18, 25, 29) Natural Moisturizing Factor, NMF (P. 8) Nerve (P. 7-10) Normal skin (P. 13) Nucleoid (P. 3) Nucleolus (P. 3) 57

Nucleus (P. 2-6, 8) O Oily skin (P. 13, 27) Optical coupling gel (P. 20, 25, 30, 32, 37, 41, 42) Outer root sheath (P. 11) P Papillary dermis (P. 9) Parent Cell (P. 6) Permanent hair reduction (P. 25, 26) Photodynamic reaction (P. 21) Photostimulation (P. 21) Photothermolysis (P. 22) Photomechanical reaction (P. 21) Port-wine Stain (P. 34, 50) Prokaryotic cell (P. 2-3) Prophase (P. 5-6) Proteoglycans (P. 9, 10) Psychiatric Illness (P. 35) Pulse delay (P. 19, 24) Pulse repetition rate (P. 41) Pulse width/duration (P. 19, 21-24, 41) R Radio (P. 16) Reflection (P. 20-21, 25) Reproduction (P. 2) Respiration (P. 2) Reticular dermis (P. 9) Reticular fibre (P. 10) Ribosomes (P. 3-4) Rosacea (P. 34, 50) S Scattering (P. 20-21) Sebaceous gland (P. 10-11, 13) Seborrhoeic Keratosis (P. 34, 53) Selective photothermolysis (P. 22) Sensibility (P. 2, 15) Sensitive skin (P. 13) Setting (P. 41) Skin rejuvenation (P. 18, 25-26, 29-30, 36, 39, 41) Spider Naevus (P. 34, 50) Spindle apparatus (P. 6) Spindle fibres (P. 6) Standard precautions (P. 30) Stratum Basale (P. 7-8, 11) Stratum Corneum (P. 7-8, 13, 20) Stratum Granulosum (P. 7-8) Stratum Lucidum (P. 7-8) Stratum Spinosum (P. 7-8) Subcutaneous tissue (fat) (P. 7, 9, 12, 13, 21) Subcutis (P. 7, 9, 12, 20) 58

Sweat gland (P. 7, 10) Sweat pore (P. 9) T Tanning ability (P. 27) Telangiectasia (P. 34, 51) Telogen (P. 12) Telophase (P. 5-6, 12) Tendon (P. 10) Terminal hair (P. 11, 29) TGA (P. 41) Thermal Damage Time, TDT (P. 24, 25) Thermal Relaxation Time, TRT (P. 19, 21, 23-25) Tissue optics (P. 20) Transmission (P. 20-22) Tropocollagen (P. 9-10) U Ultraviolet/UV Light (P. 7-8, 15-16, 27, 29) Uncontrolled Hypertension (P. 35) V Vacuole (P. 3-4) Vellus hair (P. 11, 29) Visible light (P. 15-16) W Wavelength (P. 15-18, 20-25, 29, 37) X X-ray X(P. 15-16) 59


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