1990 1 chronotope 2 3 6 19 17 1 2006 1 138-144 2 Mikhail Bakhtin Forms of Time and of the Chronotope in the Novel in The Dialogic Imagination Austin U

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1969 Waiting for Godot 1952 Happy Days 1961 1 1969 35 Breath 2 3 1 See Tore Fr ngsmyr and Sture Allén eds. Nobel Lectures in Literature 1968-1980 Singapore World Scientific 1993 p. 17. 2 See Niklaus Gessner Die Unzul nglichkeit der Sprache Zurich Junis Verlag 1957 p. 32. 3 See Samuel Beckett Disjecta Miscellaneous Writings and a Dramatic Fragment New York Grove 1984 pp. 170-171. 124

1990 1 chronotope 2 3 6 19 17 1 2006 1 138-144 2 Mikhail Bakhtin Forms of Time and of the Chronotope in the Novel in The Dialogic Imagination Austin University of Texas Press 1981 p. 84. 3 Mikhail Bakhtin Forms of Time and of the Chronotope in the Novel pp. 84-85. 125

No. 4 2011 20 1 May May Amy 1 See Samuel Beckett Samuel Beckett The Complete Dramatic Works London Faber and Faber 1990 p. 377. 126

12 Samuel 390 Samuel 390 127

No. 4 2011 1 2 Anecdote of the Jar 1919 3 4 5 1 Mikhail Bakhtin Problems of Dostoevsky's Poetics trans. Caryl Emerson Minneapolis U of Minnesota P 1984 p. 6. 2 Mikhail Bakhtin Problems of Dostoevsky's Poetics p. 17. 3 See Wallace Stevens Anecdote of the Jar in The Collected Poems of Wallace Stevens New York Alfred Knopf 1981 p. 76. 4 James Knowlson Damned to Fame The Life of Samuel Beckett New York Simon and Schuster 1996 p. 186. 5 Come and Go 1965 Play 1963 128

1 Vi Ru Flo 2 1 See Billie Whitelaw Billie Whitelaw... Who He New York St. Martin's 1995 p. 145 2 See James Knowlson & John Haynes Images of Beckett Cambridge University Press 2003 pp. 69-70. 129

No. 4 2011 1930 1 2 3 15 16 17 4 1 Samuel Beckett Proust in Proust and Three Dialogues with Georges Duthuit London John Calder 1965 p. 92. 2 See Eric Prieto Listening In Music Mind and the Modernist Narrative Lincoln and London University of Nebraska Press 2007 p. 169. 3 Israel Shenker Moody man of letters in New York Times 6 May 1956 p. 3 4 James Knowlson Damned to Fame p. 551. 130

1960 cut-ups 1 catharsis 2 Samuel 376 3 1 See Mary Bryden Beckett and Music An Interview with Philip Glass in Samuel Beckett and Music New York Oxford University Press 1999 p. 191 p. 194. 2 See Nicholas Zurbrugg Interview with Philip Glass in Lois Oppenheim ed. Samuel Beckett and the Arts New York and London Garland 1999 p. 146. 3 See Ihab Habib Hassan The Dismemberment of Orpheus Toward a Postmodern Literature London University of Wisconsin Press 1982 p. 210 David Lodge The Modes of Modern Writing Metaphor Metonymy and the Typology of Modern Literature Chicago University of Chicago Press 1977 p. 12 131

No. 4 2011 1 2 3 1 2 3 132 Mikhail Bakhtin Forms of Time and of the Chronotope in the Novel p. 85. See Mikhail Bakhtin Forms of Time and of the Chronotope in the Novel p. 84. Qtd. by Deirdre Bair Samuel Beckett A Biography New York Simon & Schuster 1990 p. 622.

1 Samuel 83 35 Samuel 425 Samuel 378 2 1 See Ben Barnes Aspects of Directing Beckett in Irish University Review 14. 1 1984 p. 86. 2 See Mikhail Bakhtin Rabelais and His World trans. Helene Iswolsky Bloomington Indiana University Press 1984 pp. 46-48. 133

No. 4 2011 1 2 3 4 ejaculation 5 6 1 See Tom Driver Tom Driver in Columbia University Forum in Lawrence Graver and Raymond Federman eds. Samuel Beckett The Critical Heritage Abingdon and New York Routledge 1997 p. 221. 2 See Samuel Beckett Proust p. 11. 3 See Mikhail Bakhtin Rabelais and His World p. 24. 4 Mikhail Bakhtin Rabelais and His World p. 26. 5 James Knowlson & John Haynes Images of Beckett p. 49. ejaculation 6 See Mikhail Bakhtin Rabelais and His World p. 26. 134

Samuel 440 442 1 Samuel 390 2 1983 What Where Bam Bem Bim Bom Bam / / / 3 1960 4 1 Mikhail Bakhtin Rabelais and His World pp. 26-27. 2 See Antoni Libera Reading That Time in Robin J. Davis and Lance St. John Butler eds. Make Sense Who May' Essays on Samuel Beckett's Later Works Gerrards Cross Colin Smythe 1988 p. 97. 3 Diana Barth Schneider Directs Beckett in Showbill Dec. 1983 p. 3. 4 See Lawrence E. Harvey Samuel Beckett Poet and Critic Princeton Princeton University Press 1970 p. 247. 135

No. 4 2011 1 2 1981 60 3 1972 2010 10 Eugene O'Neill as Traditional Chinese Theatre Theatre Research International 34 2009 1 2 3 136 See Tom Driver Tom Driver in Columbia University Forum p. 219. See Samuel Beckett and Georges Duthuit Three Dialogues in Proust and Three Dialogues with Georges Duthuit p. 125. Qtd. by James Knowlson Damned to Fame p. 593.