2 4a 2-3 N 2-4 2-4 1978 2 5a 5b 5c a. b. 1982 4a a. b. c. 5-6 NP NP1 NP2 NP1 NP2 NP 1 2-4 NP 2. 2-4 NP NP1 NP2

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1 1. 3a-d a. a. b. c. (1984); (2002) 2002 Huang1994, 1997 Yanshi Niina Zhang

2 4a 2-3 N 2-4 2-4 1978 2 5a 5b 5c a. b. 1982 4a a. b. c. 5-6 NP NP1 NP2 NP1 NP2 NP 1 2-4 NP 2. 2-4 NP NP1 NP2

3 1978 1982 8c 9c b. c. a. b. c. 8a 8b 9b NP1-NP2 8c 9c a. b. c. d. e. f. a. b. c. d. 10 NP1 NP2 NP1 NP2 2-6 11 NP1 NP2 10-11 2-6

4 2-6 10-11 empirical flaws theoretical inadequacy 3. lexical decomposition head movement 12 2x2x3 kill cause + die die become + dead McCawley (1969)Dowty (1979) Larson(1988, 1991) give, persuade, put Larson John gave the student a book (12) VP1 V1 VP2 NP V2 V2 NP John [e] the student give a book

5 (12) VP1 VP2 VP2 VP1 V2 V1 V2 V1 John gave the student a book give [e] give Larson (1988 Huang1988, 1992 Larson (1988, 1991) Huang1988, 1992 Hale and Keyser (1993, 2002), Chomsky (1995 Huang (1994, 1997) CAUSE, BECOME DO experiential ve stative thin a. The soup is thin. [thin] b. The soup thinned. [BECOME [thin]] c. Please thin the soup. [CAUSE [BECOME [thin]]] a. [ ] b. [BECOME [ ]] c. [CAUSE [BECOME [ ]]] DO DO DO Hale & Keyser a cry, make a cry, etc. DO functional category VP 2004 Larson give CAUSE + HAVE (15) (16)

6 CAUSE V1 VP2 NP V2 V2 CAUSE NP CAUSE 15 synthetic analytic 4. 10 10b

7 (18) VP1 V1 VP2 [e] V2 18 =VP2 GP(Gerundive Phrase) GP DO 18 V1 G V2 11 1110 (19) a. DO b. i t i c. 10-11 3-4 2 (20) a. DO b. i t i

8 c. [e] i t i d. [ t ] j t j e. 2-4 10-11 8b -9b 8c-9c (8) b. c. (9) a. b. c. 8c-9c 9b 8b 8c (21) 10-11 21 21 10-11 10-11 21 DO +

9 2-4 10-11 2-4 10-11 - 8c 21-2-4 10-11 Hale & Keyser1993 L-Syntax = Lexical Syntax) S-Syntax = Syntactic Syntax L-Syntax S-Syntax DO S-Syntax functional category lexical category S-Syntax 5. a b c (22) b. * c.

10 take advantage of advantage (23) a. John took advantage of Bill. b. *John took this advantage of Bill. c. *Which advantage did John take of Bill? *Advantage, John took of Bill. (24) a. b. c. d. 24a DO 24c 23-24 S-Syntax L-Syntax 24 6. (25) a. b.

11 (26) a. b. (27) a. b. measure word (28) a. * * * b. (29) (30) (31) (32) 31 32 (33) (34)?* (33)-(34) 28a-b a b

12 (35) (36) (37) 35-37 (38) (39) (40) (41) 41 35-41 31-33 33 (42) [e]

13 GP 33 42 31-32 33 33 39 41 31-32 Kung (1993)Tang (1990) 31-32 (43) VP V D/FP 43 42 GP VP Larson VP 12 VP V 31-32 GP V 43

14 43 4342 (44) a. b. c 31-32 bare NP 44 Determiner Phrase, DP 31-32 NP 44 DP NP DP (45) a. b. c. e. (46) a. * b. * c. * NP (47) a. b. (48) a. * b. * NP DP 42 43 maximal projection, XP X 0 X (49) α α = XP X 0

15 XP-movement X 0 -movement X -movement 42 43 42 GP GP VP GP 43 V VP VP VP VP 49 42 GP 43 V /VP 42 NP 45 NP GP NP DP NP DP (50) GP VP x VP x V + NP 50 VP NP DP VP NP DP 20 45-48 NP 50 GP 49 45 DP GP 46 47 NP GP 48 DP 44 DP 42 43 43 51 (51)

16 (52) (53) 51 51 41 51 (54) (55) (56) * (57) * 51 51 Q.E.D. (58) (59) (60) 59-60 59-60 59 60

17 e e e e e trace 7. individual event individual reference) event reference lexical semantics compositional semantics) typeshifting

18 Huang19881992 i-iii (i) (ii) (iii) iii iv (iv) iii i-ii


20 VP VP V VP V a-c 46 48 a-c a-c 46 48 b. b.

21 (iii) λ (ii)


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