28 封面人物 Cover Figure 加强合作交流 拥抱行业变化 访国际会展物流协会主席 IELA 吉多 福内利 本刊记者 / 苏希玲 作为 重振业务 项目的一部分 国际 会依然是会展物流领域最重要的交流平台 会展物流协会 IELA 第 36 届年会于 6 月 29 让我们可以介绍协会所做的工作

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28 封面人物 Cover Figure 加强合作交流 拥抱行业变化 访国际会展物流协会主席 IELA 吉多 福内利 本刊记者 / 苏希玲 作为 重振业务 项目的一部分 国际 会依然是会展物流领域最重要的交流平台 会展物流协会 IELA 第 36 届年会于 6 月 29 让我们可以介绍协会所做的工作 并为全行 日至 7 月 1 日在线上成功举办 来自全球 48 业人士架起沟通之桥 个国家的 348 名行业代表在线参加 本届年 他进一步表示 所谓的 混合式活动 会有哪些亮点 新常态下会展物流领域将如 或者更确切地说 数字化元素对行业带来的 何拥抱未来变化 展览业有哪些魅力 强烈冲击 似乎已经被业界人士广泛接受了 本刊记者近日采访了 IELA 主席吉多 福内利 与中国展览行业共成长 多种元素助力行业交流 IELA 进入中国由来已久 谈到中国展览 作为全球会展物流行业最重要的交流盛 业的快速发展和复苏 吉多 福内利谈到 会 今年的 IELA 年会主题为 归零心态 中国无疑是近年来全球增长最快的展览市场 吉多 福内利解释说 业界人士需要以这种 与 1988 年我刚开始从事会展业时相比 中 心态来面对新常态 并不断革新 在日常运 国大型场馆建筑面积的增长总是令人印象深 营中更加灵活 本次大会探讨了行业内的新 趋势和外部因素 帮助参会者以全新视角和 路径来重塑自身 为了最大限度地提升行业的交流成效 本次大会精心设置 内容丰满 通过主旨演 讲 小组讨论 直播活动 分组会议 区域 市场分析等形式 供参会代表灵活选择 吉 多 福内利说 我是面对面活动的坚实拥趸 但我也对我们的线上活动比较满意 IELA 年 在 未 来 几 年 包括人工智能 和物联网在内 的一系列的数 字技术将极大 改变会展物流 领域乃至整个 物流领域 刻 他认为 新冠疫情后中国展览业的快 速复苏 得益于政府有效的疫情防控措施 也反映了中国会展主办方的活力以及良好的 宏观经济趋势 特别是近年来中国国内市场 为会展业的发展提供了主要动力 中国市场的迅速发展也体现在 IELA 在中 国的发展足迹中 吉多 福内利介绍说 截 至目前 中国的 IELA 会员为 12 家 为各国 中数量最多 在 2018 年 协会在中国举办了

07-08.2021Overseas Exhibitions 29 专场行业活动 IELA CONNECT 加强协 会会员 主办方 场馆 协会等的关系 来 自国际展览业协会和知名会展企业的人士 UFI 中国办事处代表李熠 时任上海市会展行 业协会会长陈先进等参会并听取了关于会展 物流安全方面的规定 此后 协会还举办了 多场专场活动 连接会展业内重要企业 在 刚过去的六月 有些往届嘉宾还参加了 IELA 线上年会 我们目前也正在开展 IELA 大使 项 目 目前 在中国有三名物流专业人士担任 我们的协会大使 宣传协会的品牌形象并扩 大行业影响力 吉多 福内利补充说 人才培养缔造未来 2019 年 IELA 年会现场 业的转型 例如 在 2018 年年会上通过互动 作为领先的会展行业协会 IELA 一直十 式解决方案帮助会员更好地理解数字技术带 分重视人才培养 在这方面有许多优秀案例 来的挑战和机遇 涉及物流 人工智能 数 吉多 福内利说道 从 2002 年开始 IELA 就 据分析 物联网等 开始每两年举办会员内部活动 IELA 冬季 在会展领域 数字化技术将使得会展 研讨会 聚焦会展物流日常运营中的挑战 物流有更高的效率和更安全的环境 全新的 为行业新丁打造成长平台 会展活动的打造也会成为可能 我坚信 在 吉多 福内利指出 会展物流领域的 未来几年 包括人工智能和物联网在内的一 未来取决于训练有素的人才 在 2016 年 系列的数字技术将极大改变会展物流领域乃 IELA 再度加强了行业合作 创建了 IELA 运 至整个物流领域 营峰会 专门致力于提升物流行业的服务标 在采访的最后 作为会展行业资深人士 准和运营效率 最近 协会又推出 充电 吉多 福内利还向记者分享了从业心得 他说 项目 来提升会展物流领域女性的地位 他 一直到今天 自己对于会展工作都还充满激情 透露 在短暂的中断之后 我们非常期待 在工作中 他还可以四处旅行 跟来自不同国 在今年冬季通过多项线上技术重启这一项 家 不同文化背景和不同行业的人士打交道 目 他也很喜欢不同行业展览会的布展现场 而在 个人生活方面 他每周都会抽出至少一天来做 以线上技术突破未来挑战 谈 到 行 业 趋 势 吉 多 福 内 利 指 出 IELA 近年来也已经开始关注相关技术与会展 自己喜欢的事情 包括阅读 跑步 与好友享 受美食美酒 这样 我可以带着满满的能量 去开启新的一周 他说道 国际会展物流协会简介 国际会展物流协会 IELA 是会展物流领域的全球性协会 协会通过与展馆 主办方以及其他全国性会展协会合作 推动物流行业培育 并致力于 提升安全的物流运输服务 目前 协会共有 167 个会员以及 26 个附属机构 分布在 56 个国家 自新冠肺炎疫情爆发以来 协会加强了与行业各 方的合作 助力展览行业加速复苏

30 封面人物 Cover Figure Embrace transformation with tightened industry communication Interview with Guido Fornelli, IELA Chairperson Reporter/Celion Su to adapt and be more efficient. The Congress looked at new and disruptive actions to reshape our future, and accompanied all IELA members in building new outlooks & new paths to re-invent themselves. To facilitate industry communication to the greatest level, the congress encouraged free movement between flows with panel discussions, keynote speakers, live sessions and breakout rooms and regional key industry stakeholders. Regarding the feeling on attending the online exchange platform, Guido Fornelli remarks, I am a strong supporter of person-to-person events but I am very happy with our digital event. Our congress remains the strongest business platform for the exhibition logistics industry. It makes us particularly proud to present the work we have been doing over many years in building bridges with all industry players. Strong growth accompanied by the Chinese exhibition industry The 36th IELA Congress as part of the IELA BACK IELA s presence in the Chinese market is not new. TO BUSINESS programme and took place online Concerning the rapid development and recovery from June 29th to July 1st 2021, with 348 registered of the Chinese exhibition industry, Guido Fornelli delegates from 48 countries. What were the highlights observes that China no doubt was and is the fastest of the Congress? How will the exhibition logistic growing exhibitions market globally. For me, it s section evolve to embrace the future of the industry always quite impressive to look at the number of SQM in the New Normal?What is the unique charm of the available in the main Chinese venues compared to exhibition industry? The reporter interviews Guido the those available in 1988 when I started working Fornelli, IELA Chairperson recently. in the industry. He tells the reporter. He thinks that the rapid bounce after the pandemic is the result of Strengthen industry communication with all quick development of efficient sanitary protocols, the elements dynamism of Chinese organisers as well as the Macro As the most prominent industry gathering for the trend of the economy. Of importance is how the global exhibition logistic sector, this year s IELA domestic Chinese market assumes a lead role in recent Congress was themed A Beginner s Mind. As Guido years. Fornelli, IELA Chairperson explains, A Beginner s The rapid development of the Chinese exhibition Mind is necessary to face the NEW NOW and we have industry is also reflected in the IELA footprints. As

07-08.2021Overseas Exhibitions 31 Guido Fornelli introduces, IELA has the highest number of members, namely 12 companies, in China. In 2018 IELA launched the regional event IELA CONNECT to build bridges between IELA members, organisers, venues, associations and press. The first IELA CONNECT took place in Shanghai on October 15th 2018 with Evan Li from UFI China Office, Xianjin Chen from the Shanghai Convention & Exhibition Industries Association, and other industry players & including the presentation of the IELA Security Guidelines. Numerous activities have since then been organised with industry partners from China, for instance, the ASIA PACIFIC Talk during IELA RELOAD featuring key stakeholders who also participated in the CONNECTED MIND ASIA session during the 2021 Online Congress. IELA Connect 2018 in Shanghai We are now looking at the development of the Meet future challenges with new e-tools IELA AMBASSADOR PROGRAMME, with the Concerning new trends in the industry, Guido Fornelli participation of 3 IELA Ambassadors in China to points out that IELA has been focusing on the promote our image. Guido Fornelli adds. transformation of the industry and technologies since its 2018 Congress, when an interactive, solution-based Talent cultivation leads us into the future approach were used to help the members understand To meet evolving industry needs, IELA has the challenges and benefits of digital technologies like always holding talent training in high priority and Automated Logistics, Artificial Intelligence, Cyber has many good practices to share. Guido Fornelli Security, Data Analytics and Internet of things. says, IELA has been actively boosting talent A safer, more efficient and sustainable on-site cultivation since 2002 with the IELA Winter environment and the creation of new events will Seminar, the biennial member s only education be possible through new digital applications in the and networking event for young professionals industry. I m convinced that a range of new e-tools and industry newcomers. Under the slogan will dramatically change logistics activity and more in BUILDING THE FUTURE, the focus was on general onsite operations in the years to come thanks training for day-to-day operations of exhibition also to AI and IoT. He says. freight forwarders and on-site agents. As an exhibition veteran, Guido Fornell remains The future of exhibition logistics depends on passionate about his job. He says, he still really well-trained teams. He points out. In 2016 loves the chance that this industry gave him to IELA reinforced its focus on talent, creating the travel and meet people from different regions in the IELA OPERATIONS SUMMIT. This dedicated world, experiencing different cultures from different forum offers valuable perspectives on improving economic sectors. He enjoys looking into the logistics operational efficiencies, enhancing service needs of varied industries regarding the planning of standards, optimising worldwide relationships participations at a new event. Personally, he try to and increasing the bottom line. More recently, leave at least one day per week totally dedicated to his IELA launched the POWER UP Campaign to passions: reading, running and enjoying good food and support and encourage Women s Leadership in wine with friends. This gives me the energy to start the exhibition & event logistics industry. the new week on a positive note. He says.