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2004 2005 3 30

2004... 1... 1... 2... 4... 6... 9... 10... 11... 18... 19... 22... 22 1

2004 1 2 3 4 1 Shanghai Jin Jiang International Industrial Investment Co., Ltd. JJTZ 2 3 100 28 021 63218800 021 63213119 Email dshms@jjtz.com 100 28 021 63218800 405 021 63213119 Email zqdb@jjtz.com 4 1 100 28 200002 www.jjtz.com dshms@jjtz.com 5 http://www.sse.com.cn 100 28 6 A A A 600650 B B B B 900914 7 1993 2 24 019015 310046607200690 222 30 111 26 1

2004 : : 300,198,677 190,552,163 109,615,420 450,946,837 8,817,289 127,476,546 171,816,176 936,862 30,908 282,347,246 224,571,248 : : 190,552 11,885 1,544,096 1,734,649 10,514 17,233 60,256 10,514 9,866 1,770 14,076 9,866 7,535 241,782 39,379 856 5,381 24,635 169,926 12,844 12,844 2,208 402 790 9 2,154 224,041 23,308 1,330,992 1,555,033 : : 118,040,129 936,862 1,345,192 84,123 394,803 39,864,366 80,936,743 2

2004 : : 2004 2003 2002 (%) 2,531,867,267 324,283,789 324,283,789 680.76 313,427,314 313,427,314 300,198,677 30,100,137 27,892,055 897.33 35,190,869 33,896,384 190,552,163 11,884,863 9,676,782 1,503.32 16,617,674 15,323,189 109,615,420 6,469,323 4,261,242 1,594.39 14,678,830 13,384,345 2003 2002 2004 (%) 2,754,969,309 1,954,840,232 1,954,438,258 40.92 1,940,034,126 1,941,840,234 1,734,648,519 1,544,096,356 1,543,694,382 12.34 1,532,201,549 1,534,007,657 282,347,246 66,772,836 66,772,836 322.85 106,360,831 106,360,831 2004 2003 2002 (%) 0.345 0.022 0.017 1,468.18 0.030 0.028 10.99 0.77 0.62 10.22 1.08 1.00 % 6.32 0.42 0.28 5.9 0.96 0.87 % 0.512 0.121 0.121 323.14 0.193 0.193 0.345 0.022 0.017 1,468.18 0.030 0.028 0.1987 0.012 0.0078 1,555.83 0.027 0.024 0.1987 0.012 0.0078 1,555.83 0.027 0.024 11.62 0.77 0.62 10.85 1.09 1.01 % 6.69 0.42 0.28 6.27 0.97 0.88 % 2003 2002 2004 (%) 3.14 2.80 2.80 12.14 2.78 2.78 3.14 2.79 2.79 12.54 2.62 2.62 3

2004 9 : : % 26.00 27.51 0.8175 0.8175 7.35 7.78 0.2311 0.2311 10.99 11.62 0.3454 0.3454 6.32 6.69 0.1987 0.1987 : : 551,610,107 892,040,246 66,899,481 22,873,178 33,546,522 1,544,096,356 52,164,249 16,776,246 138,387,914 190,552,163 110,322,021 110,322,021 551,610,107 892,040,246 119,063,730 39,649,424 61,612,415 110,322,021 1,734,648,519 1 2 2004 3 2004 1 : 1 223,289,675 223,289,675 223,289,675 223,289,675 2 125,452,800 125,452,800 3 4 4

2004 348,742,475 348,742,475 1 41,817,600 41,817,600 2 161,050,032 161,050,032 3 4 202,867,632 202,867,632 551,610,107 551,610,107 2 (1) (2) (3) 1 51,201 2 : ( ) (%) 261,360 227,222,620 41.19 614,718 4,691,934 0.85 11,231 3,894,935 0.71 60,635 3,761,493 0.68 3,533,587 0.64 3,136,320 0.57 SKANDIA GLOBAL FUNDS PLC 1,890,100 0.34 1,881,792 0.34 ( ) 1,881,792 0.34 1,839,974 0.33 1 4 5 10 3 1 5

2004 20 2 3 4 100% 41.19% 4 5 A B H 3,894,935 B SKANDIA GLOBAL FUNDS PLC 1,890,100 B 1,511,268 A DEBORAH WANG LIN 1,412,840 B 1,041,545 B 950,685 B 890,000 B 628,436 B 523,850 B 500,584 A 6

2004 1 : 54 200306 200606 4,182 4,182 49 200306 200606 4,182 4,182 51 200405 200606 66 200306 200606 49 200306 200606 4,182 4,182 53 200405 200606 43 200306 200606 37 200306 200606 3,883,704 3,894,935 11,231 60 200306 200606 60 200306 200606 34 200306 200606 49 200405 200606 52 200405 200606 45 200405 200606 54 200306 200503 4,182 4,182 46 200405 200606 50 200405 200606 44 200405 200606 49 200404 200606 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) 7

2004 (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (2005 3 (16) 83110 (17) (18) (19) 2 200306 200004 200306 200307 200306 1 2 3 : : 244 86 110 8

2004 3 4 5 30 2 20 ~30 5 10 ~20 2 10 4 2004 4 20 2004 5 25 12,994 353 1 12,413 173 115 98 195 2 9

2004 793 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 9 5 4 9 9 9 5 4 7 6 1 2004 5 1 2 1

2004 2 3 4 5 1 2003 2004 5 25 200 97 257,129,224 46.61% B 26 5,470,667 1 2003 2 2003 3 2003 2004 4 2003 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 2004 5 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2004 5 27 2004 2004 9 23 10 28 231,820,691 42.03% B 4 4,299,364 1 50% 2 2004 9 24 11

2004 2004 1, 25, 5 25 2003 97.87% 6 1 2 2004 253,187 220,759 680.76% 19,055 17,867 1503.32% 10.99 3 50% 50% 26.7% 19.3% 4 1 7000, 4S 4S 96961 110% 46% 2 25 5 12

2004 1 (1) (2) : : (%) (%) 174,421 68.89 12,168 26.98 59,609 23.54 17,096 37.91 19,157 7.57 15,831 35.11 : 1,808 0.71 793 1.76 253,187 / 45,095 / 18,019,691 (3) : : (%) (%) 206,486 81.55 41,424 91.86 46,701 18.45 3,671 8.14 253,187 100 45,095 100 (4) 10% : : (%) 174,421 161,621 7.34 59,609 40,539 31.99 19,157 2,816 85.30 (5) 2004 6 1 (6) 2004 6 1 2 (1) 13

2004 : : 33,849 108,552 10,526 8,049 68,142 10,935 2004 2004 12 31 14 (2) 10% : : (%) 31,302 3,256 17.09 1 2 : : 2,754,969,309 1,954,840,232 800,129,077 40.93 450,946,837 257,762,010 193,184,827 74.95 190,552,163 11,884,863 178,667,300 1,503.32 224,571,248 12,803,518 211,767,730 1653.98 1,734,648,519 1,544,096,356 190,552,163 12.34 2004 6 1 65% 20% 65% 2003 2003 2002 2001 2,208,081 1,294,485 3,100,593 401,973 60,295.95 2003 12 31 341,677.05 2005 1 10%

2004 10% 2 1 96961 4S 4S 2 30 3 1 2 3 4 5 1 1 2004 4 8 2003 2003 2003 2004 2003 2004 2004 4 10 2 2004 4 20 15

2004 2003 2004 4 22 3 2004 4 22 2004 2004 4 24 4 2004 5 25 2004 5 27 5 2004 7 23 50% 2004 7 24 6 2004 8 16 2004 2004 2004 8 18 7 2004 9 23 2004 9 24 8 2004 10 14 2004 2004 10 19 9 2004 12 15 50% 2004 12 17 2 1 2004 5 25 2003 55% 20% 95% 45% 49.5% 2004 6 1 2 2004 9 23 2004 50% 2004 12 16

2004 20,000 2004 190,552,163 10% 32,651,705 19,055, 216 13,596,489 5% 16,776,246 9,527,608 7,248,638 5% 2,736,298 33,546,522 171,934,436 2004 551,610,107, 10 2.00 ( ) B 110,322,021 61,612,415 05 P0393 2004 12 31 2004 2005 3 28 (05) P0391 2003 56 2004 2004 2005 3 28 : : 1 1 2 2 2004 12 2003 12 31 31 14 26 105 167 74 2004 12 31 2003 12 31 216 178 2,374 2,336 17

2004 2004 12 31 2004 12 31 2004 12 31 2004 12 31 2004 12 31 2004 12 31 2004 12 31 2004 12 31 2004 12 31 2004 12 31 2004 12 31 2004 12 31 2004 12 31 2004 12 31 2004 12 31 2004 12 31 2004 12 31 2003 12 31 2003 12 31 2003 12 31 2003 12 31 2003 12 31 2003 12 31 2003 12 31 2003 12 31 2003 12 31 2003 12 31 2003 12 31 2003 12 31 2003 12 31 2003 12 31 2003 12 31 2003 12 31 2003 12 31 53 56 157 160 40 59 395 414 197 158 112 196 962 839 44 591 547 23 263 240 84 226 261 119 1,680 2,000 3,124 2,804 610 120 1,281 58 7,491 8,224 28 95 605 672 2 2 22 446 45 469 5,880 5,880 2,598 3,890 1,292 286 286 1,596 1,596 29,900 29,900 11,043 11,043 20,768 49,409 1,603 2,587 22,315 49,972 1 2004 6 1 2 2004 6 1 12 31 2004 1 1 5 31 3 2004 6 1 12 31 2004 1 1 5 31 2003 56 1 2004 4 8 2003 2004 4 10 2 2004 4 20 18

2004 2004 4 22 3 2004 5 25 2006 6 2004 5 27 2004 50% 1 1 2004 4 30 23 14 1,010 2004 7 15 2 2004 12 17 50 389 2004 12 17 3 2004 12 17 19 544 2004 12 17 2 2004 12 50% 8,100 20,000 20,000 11,804 7,909 2004 7 24 2004 12 17 19

2004 3 2003 12 17 2004 4 20 2004 5 25 2003 2004 6 1 3,775.86 1 2003 7 31 122,586.96 102,982.25 55% 12,954.46 20% 6,650.25 2004 6 1 124,257.83 2 2003 7 31 126,960.9 95% 110,215.82 49.5% 9,397 45% 7,348.10 6,750 2004 6 1 128,033.69 3 3,775.86 4 95% 65% 49.5% 1 3 2 5,200 8,000 2005 2 21 2004 12 17 3 : : 11,498 602 176 4,500 3,000 1,600 1,100 2,331 1,440 / 7,567 3,142 / 4,500 3,000 20

2004 2,679 1 2 3 4 : : 20040726 3,000 20050725 20041213 450 20051213 20041216 1,150 20061216 4,600 4,600 4,150 4,150 4,600 50 70 50 1 2004 7 26 3,000 2004 7 26 2005 7 25 2004 7 24 2 2004 9 23 2,000 2004 12 13 2005 12 13 2004 9 24 2004 450 3 2004 12 16 2,000 2004 12 16 2006 12 16 2004 21

2004 12 17 2004 1,150 5 6 5% 5% 2004 12 2005 2004 11 2005 2004 130 1 2004 6 8 http //www.jjtz.com 02163218800 107 2 2004 2005 3 30 22

2004 12 31

2004 12 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 49

2004 12 31 ( ) (05) P0391 2004 12 31 2004 2 49 2004 12 31 2004 2005 3 28 1

2004 12 31 ( ) ( ) 6 417,884,580.70 193,313,332.44 112,747,599.00 143,577,258.32 7 11,042,802.77 40,942,802.77 11,042,802.77 40,942,802.77 8 200,000.00 1,689,991.91 1,689,991.91 9 2,598,247.14 5,773,039.10 2,598,247.14 5,773,039.10 10 400,157,906.68 8,847,140.18 151,385.19 6,935,380.43 11 79,614,051.25 8,796,719.08 650,585.12 3,977,107.07 13 19,052,666.21 30,196.26 14 13,550,376.30 8,556,021.86 199,975.80 5,529,462.25 15 2,692,790.19 1,876,957.66 12,626.28 60,144.77 21 _ 4,230,666.67 _ _ 951,024,087.91 269,826,201.26 _ 127,403,221.30 _ 208,485,186.62 16 _ 814,205,450.95 316,012,086.51 1,569,257,655.79 436,869,483.66 17 1,772,069,136.40 1,694,991,065.15 111,904,451.15 1,503,949,912.02 17 _ 900,044,406.89 414,323,299.89 _ 25,305,135.69 _ 361,952,573.69 17 872,024,729.51 1,280,667,765.26 86,599,315.46 1,141,997,338.33 17 _ 2,825,647.03 7,426,478.31 _ 2,710,615.73 _ 7,426,478.31 17 869,199,082.48 1,273,241,286.95 83,888,699.73 1,134,570,860.02 454,387.78 454,387.68 18 _ 16,890,433.82 73,495,555.49 6,231,708.70 _ 886,089,516.30 1,347,191,230.22 _ 83,888,699.73 1,141,256,956.40 _ 19 71,936,033.25 18,890,875.32 1,105,402.00 14,780,190.32 20 2,099,553.34 2,919,838.27 21 _ 29,614,667.25 _ _ 103,650,253.84 21,810,713.59 _ 1,105,402.00 _ 14,780,190.32 2,754,969,309.00 1,954,840,231.58 1,781,654,978.82 1,801,391,817.00 ( ) 2

( ) ( ) 22 41,124,055.72 107,500,000.00 105,000,000.00 98,900,000.00 23 296,143,129.49 6,671,055.33 344,682.50 2,612,815.21 23 59,467,206.62 3,834,330.90 224,764.90 3,728,165.40 2,132,298.70 35,085,122.95 2,426,768.90 24 8,312,344.99 1,407,154.80 1,383,526.80 1,407,154.80 25 42,221,787.06 4,027,794.21 26,064,445.17 1,581,630.09 133,005.87 115,456.18 375.40 26 182,335,928.51 156,439,514.00 4,121,246.18 142,965,695.53 27 21,460,920.20 14,867,419.00 28 17,500,000.00 _ 787,315,800.11 299,922,074.32 _ 47,006,459.95 _ 257,295,461.03 29 _ 58,840,762.41 846,156,562.52 299,922,074.32 _ 47,006,459.95 _ 257,295,461.03 174,164,227.61 110,821,801.29 30 551,610,107.00 551,610,107.00 551,610,107.00 551,610,107.00 31 892,040,245.90 892,040,245.90 892,040,245.90 892,040,245.90 32 119,063,729.74 66,899,481.32 91,238,375.65 62,655,551.21 32 39,649,423.92 22,873,177.65 30,986,143.37 21,458,535.22 33 61,612,414.83 33,546,521.75 89,437,768.92 37,790,451.86 33 _ 110,322,021.40 110,322,021.40 _ 1,734,648,518.87 1,544,096,355.97 1,734,648,518.87 _ 1,544,096,355.97 _ 2,754,969,309.00 1,954,840,231.58 1,781,654,978.82 1,801,391,817.00 2 49 3

2004 12 31 ( ) ( ) 34 2,531,867,266.92 324,283,788.73 117,192,284.93 188,600,123.06 34 2,049,757,632.61 50,521,331.52 14,264,670.97 23,935,265.74 34 _ 31,162,796.97 16,000,446.99 _ 2,308,468.36 _ 9,153,031.88 450,946,837.34 257,762,010.22 100,619,145.60 155,511,825.44 8,817,288.71 86,754.70 157,731,602.68 78,158,455.85 21,952,569.86 47,886,689.86 172,116,922.83 154,114,832.20 89,196,078.76 106,214,086.74 35 _ 2,439,054.23 9,726,018.28 _ 1,335,665.08 _ 8,164,516.55 127,476,546.31 15,849,458.59 (11,865,168.10) (6,753,467.71) 36 171,816,175.97 12,345,207.34 239,991,611.85 20,024,086.65 37 936,862.31 2,485,117.62 898,147.00 38 4,953,248.73 761,776.52 51,587.69 620,979.05 39 _ 4,984,156.41 1,341,423.09 _ 3,729,755.27 _ 1,256,414.38 300,198,676.91 30,100,136.98 224,448,276.17 13,533,330.61 40 65,769,416.06 9,345,109.50 33,896,113.27 1,648,467.42 _ 43,877,097.95 8,870,164.29 190,552,162.90 11,884,863.19 190,552,162.90 11,884,863.19 _ 33,546,521.75 25,711,959.84 _ 37,790,451.86 _ 27,688,318.16 224,098,684.65 37,596,823.03 228,342,614.76 39,573,181.35 33 35,388,002.15 2,700,200.85 19,055,216.29 1,188,486.33 33 _ 16,776,246.27 1,350,100.43 _ 9,527,608.15 _ 594,243.16 171,934,436.23 33,546,521.75 199,759,790.32 37,790,451.86 33 _ 110,322,021.40 _ 110,322,021.40 _ 61,612,414.83 _ 33,546,521.75 89,437,768.92 37,790,451.86 1 3,510,069.00 3,510,069.00 2 3 4 3,079,053.69 2,208,081.00 3,079,053.69 2,208,081.00 5 6 7 4,300,461.00 1,483,264.00 4

2004 12 31 2,548,278,356.09 327,868,272.00 111,619,634.92 191,315,052.77 _ 50,577,598.29 _ 2,885,265.19 _ 3,178,962.16 1,130,141.43 2,598,855,954.38 330,753,537.19 _ 114,798,597.08 192,445,194.20 1,848,397,177.38 50,812,793.00 14,295,996.41 23,622,919.83 261,487,320.09 89,874,168.00 40,985,188.13 60,592,577.66 80,010,191.78 30,570,475.00 13,212,761.75 15,545,820.47 42 _ 126,614,019.09 _ 92,723,265.00 _ 30,478,089.03 60,016,402.09 2,316,508,708.34 263,980,701.00 _ 98,972,035.32 159,777,720.05 282,347,246.04 66,772,836.19 _ 15,826,561.76 32,667,474.15 31,589,994.00 90,510,069.00 31,589,994.00 20,510,068.81 120,000,000.00 120,000,000.00 137,583,930.49 7,896,113.00 90,981,374.47 6,721,675.17 19,095,080.77 2,592,699.25 837,760.40 14,659.84 41 61,400,038.56 _ 4,230,666.67 _ 2,578,038.00 _ 183,463.52 1,387,748.36 _ 253,899,710.49 _ 223,576,919.25 _ 123,592,592.39 148,634,152.18 176,863,984.98 74,209,351.00 5,376,247.66 15,437,357.22 6,620,311.20 70,451,350.00 1,251,548.00 1,510,000.00 19,665,057.66 41 _ 37,758,537.65 _ 183,484,296.18 _ 145,912,249.00 _ 62,799,842.97 16,947,357.22 _ 70,415,414.31 _ 77,664,670.25 _ 60,792,749.42 131,686,794.96 162,975,000.00 107,500,000.00 105,000,000.00 _ 8,000,000.00 _ 170,975,000.00 _ 107,500,000.00 _ 105,000,000.00 291,981,925.83 223,000,000.00 105,000,000.00 200,000,000.00 6,845,946.60 16,133,988.00 2,448,970.50 8,257,255.10 _ 338,539.66 _ 299,166,412.09 _ 239,133,988.00 _ 107,448,970.50 208,257,255.10 (128,191,412.09) (131,633,988.00) _ (107,448,970.50) (103,257,255.10) _ ( ) 224,571,248.26 _ 12,803,518.44 _ (30,829,659.32) 61,097,014.01 _ 5

( ) ( ) 190,552,162.90 11,884,863.19 190,552,162.90 11,884,863.19 43,877,097.95 8,870,164.00 (157,279.49) 2,589,690.00 2,571,363.00 170,576,605.56 55,446,002.00 23,114,281.91 42,148,594.60 2,098,883.35 1,817,155.00 728,366.70 1,696,638.48 1,100,710.53 2,688,003.00 ( ) (911,609.79) (920,737.00) (310,592.83) 40,496.52 ( ) 3,025,519.01 (405,025.00) 3,634,638.93 (365,425.99) 5,477,126.85 7,008,092.00 2,425,342.50 5,824,163.85 ( ) (171,816,175.97) (12,345,207.34) (239,991,611.85) (20,024,086.65) (919,511.20) 644,285.00 354,765.79 684,765.72 ( ) 2,701,402.44 (2,406,017.66) (4,576,270.77) 838,276.43 ( ) _ 36,742,313.90 _ (8,098,431.00) _ 39,895,478.48 (12,632,175.00) 282,347,246.04 66,772,836.19 _ 15,826,561.76 32,667,474.15 _ ( ) 417,884,580.70 193,313,332.44 112,747,599.00 143,577,258.32 _ 193,313,332.44 _ 180,509,814.00 _ 143,577,258.32 82,480,244.31 ( ) 224,571,248.26 _ 12,803,518.44 _ (30,829,659.32) 61,097,014.01 _ 6

2004 12 31 1. (1) ( ) 1993 2 24 A B ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) (2) ( )95% ( )45% ( )49.5% ( ) ( ) 37,758,538.00 2004 5 27 2004 6 1 2. 1 1 12 31 7

2. 1 12 31 12 31 50% (1996)2 10% 2 8

2. (1) (2) 1 0 45 1 2 25 100 2 3 50 100 3 100 9

2. ( 10% ) (1) 10 (2) 10

2. ( ) 6 3% 10% 2050 1.94.75% 520 1.919% 210 947.5% 5 18% 510 9.519% 4%6.7% 8 12.5% 3 11

2. 20 50 10 ( ) ( ) 12

2. ( ) 13

3. 20% ( 1) 65% 65% 341,677.05 ( ) 2003 1 1 27,247,151.64 63,120,096.24 (1,806,108.00) _ 270,916.20 _ (270,916.20) 2003 1 1 25,711,959.84 62,849,180.04 2003 12 31 33,204,844.70 66,839,185.37 401,973.00 _ (60,295.95) _ 60,295.95 2003 12 31 33,546,521.75 66,899,481.32 2003 2002 2003 2002 2,208,081.00 1,294,485.00 4. 17% 3% 3% 5% 5% 10% 14

4. 33% 15% 15% 15%( ) 15% 15% 30% 15% 16.5% 15% 10% 15% 33% 2004 9 15% 5. 1(2) (%) ( 5) 33,849 95 ( 1 5) 1,000 65 ( ) 936.7 75 ( ) (%) ( 2 5) 3,000 49.5 ( ) (%) 561 87.83 ( 3) 100 80 330 100 ( 3) 80 100 ( 6) 88 100 ( 3) 30 100 200 76 ( ) 1,010 95.05 ( ) 500 70 ( ) 1,000 93.92 2,000 100 200 100 1,000 100 ( 4) 7,000 50 15

5. (%) 2,200 50 200 50 500 50 790 50 800 50 (%) 500 100 (%) 50 100 160 80 (%) ( 7) 16,000 55 ( ) ( ) ( ) % ( 7) 400 52 ( 7) 1,000 60 ( ) ( 7) 100 70 ( 7) 500 90.4 ( 7) 1,000 99.52 ( ) ( 7) 500 99.9 ( ) ( 7) 1,000 80 ( ) ( 7) 1,000 60 ( 7) 800 75 ( 7) 2,800 99.81 ( 7) 1,000 99.9 1 1(2) 40% 65% 2 16

5. 3 1996 2 10% 4 5 2004 12 31 41 6 7 2004 12 31 2004 2003 12 31 2004 1 1 2003 41 47 6. 436,799.19 1.0000 436,799.19 812,723.07 1.0000 812,723.07 387,785,402.84 1.0000 387,785,402.84 183,137,844.28 1.0000 183,137,844.28 3,092,825.34 8.2765 25,597,793.07 1,130,795.51 8.2767 9,359,255.20 1,811,096.87 1.0649 1,928,709.68 3,293.51 1.0657 3,509.89 2,121,345.94 1.0000 2,121,345.94 1,755.57 8.2765 14,529.98 417,884,580.70 193,313,332.44 7. ( ) 11,042,802.77 11,042,802.77 40,942,802.77 40,942,802.77 _ 17

7. 29,900,000.00 _ 11,042,802.77 _ 11,042,802.77 11,042,802.77 _ 40,942,802.77 _ 8. 200,000.00 1,689,991.91 200,000.00 _ 1,689,991.91 _ 9. ( ) 2,598,247.14 3,890,255.06 1,596,445.00 286,339.04 2,598,247.14 _ 5,773,039.10 _ 18

10. (%) (%) 1 403,477,783.47 99.9 3,455,647.01 400,022,136.46 8,527,315.75 92.3 61,828.02 8,465,487.73 1 2 112,192.29 30,772.78 81,419.51 249,313.33 2.7 47,820.46 201,492.87 2 3 3,518.50 3,518.50 287,421.50 3.1 107,261.92 180,159.58 3 _ 232,774.05 0.1 _ 178,423.34 54,350.71 178,378.98 1.9 _ 178,378.98 _ 403,826,268.31 100.0 3,668,361.63 400,157,906.68 9,242,429.56 100.0 395,289.38 8,847,140.18 71,432,803.58 18% 5%( 5%) 11. (%) (%) 1 70,098,064.30 86.7 1,082,101.15 69,015,963.15 6,575,649.21 73.9 17,913.33 6,557,735.88 1 2 4,113,300.38 5.1 85,043.95 4,028,256.43 269,481.94 3.0 2,093.45 267,388.49 2 3 3,166,850.35 3.9 14,220.71 3,152,629.64 1,666,133.67 18.7 914.01 1,665,219.66 3 3,466,423.95 4.3 _ 49,221.92 3,417,202.03 391,279.55 4.4 _ 84,904.50 _ 306,375.05 80,844,638.98 100.0 1,230,587.73 79,614,051.25 8,902,544.37 100.0 105,825.29 8,796,719.08 35,523,216.94 44% 5%( 5%) 14,397,582.48 11,000,000.00 19

12. 501,114.67 5,282,905.53 (394,802.87) (265,699.42) (224,568.55) 4,898,949.36 13. % % 1 19,052,666.21 100.0 10,196.26 33.8 1 2 _ 20,000.00 66.2 _ 19,052,666.21 100.0 _ 30,196.26 100.0 5%( 5%) 14. 6,243,777.29 6,243,777.29 541,263.91 541,263.91 59,097.48 59,097.48 1,865,819.26 1,865,819.26 _ 7,369,993.61 _ 122,492.08 _ 7,247,501.53 _ 7,796,953.72 _ 1,648,015.03 _ 6,148,938.69 13,672,868.38 122,492.08 13,550,376.30 _ 10,204,036.89 1,648,015.03 8,556,021.86 _ 1,648,015.03 122,492.08 (1,648,015.03) 122,492.08 20

15. 1,803,139.42 805,055.96 1,535,400.00 _ 84,594.81 _ 341,557.66 2,692,790.19 _ 1,876,957.66 _ 16. ( ) ( ) (1) 3,787,829.00 3,787,829.00 (2) 45,364,448.90 45,364,448.90 106,407,393.00 30,000.00 106,377,393.00 (3) 15,343,500.00 1,205,000.00 14,138,500.00 14,845,900.00 1,205,000.00 13,640,900.00 (4) 176,699,041.33 176,699,041.33 182,319,320.13 182,319,320.13 (5) _ 574,215,631.72 574,215,631.72 _ 13,674,473.38 13,674,473.38 815,410,450.95 1,205,000.00 814,205,450.95 317,247,086.51 1,235,000.00 316,012,086.51 21

16. (1) ( ) 20 300,000.00 300,000.00 100% 5,364.61 9,309.30 14,673.91 ( 1) 15 3,100,000.00 (3,100,000.00) 100% 1,784,053.08 (1,784,053.08) 15 800,000.00 800,000.00 100% 215,156.05 124,625.23 339,781.28 15 640,000.00 640,000.00 80% 535,780.69 111,992.32 647,773.01 ( 2) 15 850,000.00 180,364.00 1,030,364.00 100% 231,619.09 (216,382.29) 15,236.80 ( 1) 15 6,000,000.00 (6,000,000.00) 100% 816,045.87 (816,045.87) 15,278,019.39 (11,490,190.39) 3,787,829.00 1 2 ( ) 29,544.56 22

16. (2) ( ) 20 80,999,871.00 (80,999,871.00) 50% ( 1 4) 20 22,247,455.00 (22,247,455.00) 20% 3,130,067.00 (3,130,067.00) ( 2) 15 14,614,900.00 14,614,900.00 50% 2,936,984.92 3,018,650.62 5,955,635.54 ( 2 5) 30 500,000.00 500,000.00 50% 3,783,011.16 553,978.54 4,336,989.70 ( 2) 15 150,000.00 150,000.00 50% 77,951.29 49,261.62 127,212.91 20 6,000,000.00 6,000,000.00 40% 1,203,217.84 432,071.80 1,635,289.64 5 4,500,000.00 4,500,000.00 30% 1,350,680.74 272,273.19 1,622,953.93 30 3,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 30% 510,648.88 683,449.75 1,194,098.63 20 1,500,000.00 1,500,000.00 30% (133,517.74) 360,886.29 227,368.55 ( 3) 10 30% _ 106,377,393.00 39,993,877.09 _ (101,006,821.19) 45,364,448.90 _ 1 2004 6 1 2004 1 1 2004 2004 5 31 3,079,053.70 2 3 30,000.00 30,000.00 4 ( ) 3,079,053.70 28,456,575.70 5 200,000.00 23

16. (3) 338,800 1,240,000.00 1,240,000.00 <1% 777,546 1,832,600.00 1,832,600.00 <1% 515,315 1,522,300.00 1,522,300.00 <1% 242,000 490,000.00 490,000.00 <1% 1,875,049 6,300,000.00 6,300,000.00 <1% 479,160 1,352,000.00 1,352,000.00 <1% 422,420 484,000.00 484,000.00 <1% 607,602 650,000.00 (650,000.00) <1% 100,000 280,000.00 280,000.00 <1% 66,000 140,000.00 140,000.00 <1% 500,000 555,000.00 (555,000.00) <1% 163,200 _ 497,600.00 497,600.00 <1% 14,845,900.00 497,600.00 (1,205,000.00) 14,138,500.00 24

16. (4) ( 1) 7,000,000.00 7,000,000.00 20% 16,555,237.81 16,555,237.81 10% 30 41,459,959.32 41,459,959.32 10% 20 746,253.00 746,253.00 10% 8,106,520.00 8,106,520.00 5% 48,000,000.00 48,000,000.00 5% ( 1) 60,000,000.00 (60,000,000.00) 20% 20 2,240,000.00 2,240,000.00 11% ( 2) 30 5,000,000.00 2,500,000.00 7,500,000.00 10% 14,850.00 14,850.00 5% 451,350.00 (451,350.00) 15% ( 1) 20 38,322,000.00 38,322,000.00 20% ( 1) 20 2,814,274.00 2,814,274.00 34% ( 1 2) 20 _ 3,939,947.20 _ 3,939,947.20 34% 182,319,320.13 48,391,124.00 (60,451,350.00) 6,439,947.20 _ 176,699,041.33 _ 1 2 25

16. (5) ( ) 1,185,030.41 800,695.42 (774,005.55) (26,689.87) 18.5 529,485,920.46 529,485,920.46 (6,629,466.27) 522,856,454.19 46.6 ( 1) 31,088,745.45 12,873,777.96 15,148,912.36 (1,191,133.48) 26,831,556.84 23 /18.5 24,135,106.07 24,135,106.07 (306,061.14) 23,829,044.93 46 853,161.51 648,919.05 (51,618.56) 597,300.49 10 _ 144,678.90 _ 109,714.87 (8,439.60) _ 101,275.27 10 586,892,642.80 13,674,473.38 758,633.92 (774,005.55) 568,769,938.89 (8,213,408.92) 574,215,631.72 _ 1 15,939,833.09 23 15,148,912.36 18.5 26

17. 1,408,539,820.23 63,050,806.26 80,031,139.34 9,496,768.22 21,765,257.69 112,107,273.41 1,694,991,065.15 61,001,768.86 20,042,565.03 44,816,042.34 1,432,616,384.66 37,770,396.80 1,596,247,157.69 521,953.04 4,784,490.33 2,542,274.80 20,644,121.44 4,465,706.97 4,285,917.00 37,244,463.58 3,553,847.00 4,471,018.62 96,595,497.82 1,732,753.09 14,957,840.00 121,310,956.53 (6,224,701.87) (4,018,602.83) (8,457,145.64) (69,897,810.68) (1,462,008.02) (90,060,269.04) (1,308,220,530.36) _ (46,348,567.71) _ (79,693,257.71) _ (8,144,345.77) (38,608,905.39) (106,648,630.57) (1,587,664,237.51) 155,618,309.90 41,064,538.08 _ 43,710,071.75 1,479,958,193.24 _ 43,859,271.29 _ 2,400,109.30 _ 5,458,642.84 1,772,069,136.40 _ 277,738,377.15 30,979,543.73 50,940,240.53 7,022,707.50 5,865,629.97 41,776,801.01 414,323,299.89 11,238,543.29 11,752,627.76 28,564,751.89 710,997,243.65 19,415,442.28 781,968,608.87 15,250,845.53 6,321,777.07 6,002,119.38 130,498,470.50 3,577,766.14 763,797.56 8,161,829.38 170,576,605.56 (2,607,749.78) (3,035,915.60) (6,655,257.20) (53,340,089.50) (536,010.74) (1,764,646.44) (67,939,669.26) _ (273,019,813.19) (19,310,918.81) _ (50,394,964.18) _ (5,881,487.16) _ (4,525,162.76) _ (45,752,092.07) _ (398,884,438.17) _ 28,600,203.00 26,707,114.15 _ 28,456,890.42 _ 788,155,624.65 23,598,418.02 _ 2,104,264.77 _ 2,421,891.88 _ 900,044,406.89 33,183.19 3,331,890.86 4,061,404.26 7,426,478.31 21,110.30 93,921.00 115,031.30 _ (33,183.19) (621,275.13) _ (4,061,404.26) (4,715,862.58) _ 2,731,726.03 _ 93,921.00 2,825,647.03 1,130,768,259.89 _ 28,739,371.67 25,029,494.55 2,474,060.72 15,899,627.72 _ 70,330,472.40 _ 1,273,241,286.95 _ 127,018,106.90 _ 11,625,697.90 15,159,260.33 _ 691,802,568.59 _ 20,260,853.27 295,844.53 _ 3,036,750.96 _ 869,199,082.48 _ 23,267,474.27 (2003 23,709,000.00 ) 1,861,000.00 2,500,000.00 18. 731,488.68 892,379.00 (1,602,515.55) (21,352.13) 67,263,845.89 26,752,890.09 (72,078,467.01) (21,565,315.20) (372,953.77) 5,611,055.50 5,611,055.50 16,879,056.80 92,010,483.43 (98,328,250.91) 10,561,289.32 5,500,220.92 406,020.08 3,342,180.11 _ (7,134,293.82) (1,396,038.29) _ 718,089.00 73,495,555.49 17,285,076.88 128,608,988.13 (80,815,276.38) (121,310,956.53) _ (372,953.77) 16,890,433.82 _ 73,495,555.49 16,890,433.82 _ 811,058.00 811,058.00 27

19. 30,650,000.00 5,977,920.00 1,067,000.00 206,945.00 37,901,865.00 86,338,961.60 86,338,961.60 7,710,308.90 1,856,250.00 9,566,558.90 (30,650,000.00) _ (4,600,000.00) (1,067,000.00) (206,945.00) (36,523,945.00) _ 94,049,270.50 _ 1,377,920.00 1,856,250.00 _ 97,283,440.50 17,755,628.16 725,089.00 340,795.00 189,477.52 19,010,989.68 23,754,587.60 23,754,587.60 1,003,795.26 638,541.65 86,959.00 35,613.57 17,467.48 316,506.39 2,098,883.35 (18,394,169.81) _ (539,530.00) (376,408.57) (206,945.00) (19,517,053.38) _ 24,758,382.86 _ 272,518.00 316,506.39 _ 25,347,407.25 12,894,371.84 5,252,831.00 726,205.00 _ 17,467.48 18,890,875.32 _ 69,290,887.64 1,105,402.00 _ 1,539,743.61 71,936,033.25 _ 20. 1,085,047.28 1,085,047.28 2,124,999.93 (2,124,999.93) 979,166.67 (291,670.00) 687,496.67 3 794,838.34 _ 261,395.51 813,313.87 _ (441,827.80) (1,100,710.53) 327,009.39 5 2,919,838.27 1,240,562.18 1,898,361.15 (2,858,497.73) (1,100,710.53) 2,099,553.34 21. 33,845,333.92 (4,230,666.67) _ 29,614,667.25 _ 50,768,000.00 12 28

22. 34,455,000.00 107,500,000.00 549,055.72 6,120,000.00 _ 41,124,055.72 107,500,000.00 _ 30,000,000.00 (2003 55,000,000 ) 6,120,000.00 4,455,000 23. 5%( 5%) 24. 1,383,526.80 1,407,154.80 6,928,818.19 8,312,344.99 1,407,154.80 25. 35,856,376.23 2,071,902.46 3,986,407.70 1,806,166.63 (183,723.93) 90,945.22 _ 2,562,727.06 58,779.90 42,221,787.06 4,027,794.21 _ 29

26. 5% ( ) 177,926.14 _ 27. 2004 11 1,487 2002 3 2004 12 31 659 28. 2,500,000.00 1999.122004.12 6.03% 3,000,000.00 2000.52004.12 6.03% 12,000,000.00 2001.92004.9 5.94% (17,500,000.00) _ 17,500,000.00 _ ( ) 17,500,000.00 2004 29. 30

30. 1 223,289,675 2 125,452,800 348,742,475 1 41,817,600 2 161,050,032 202,867,632 551,610,107 1 31. 2003 1 1 577,435,965.00 266,218,226.90 5,500,962.00 42,875,149.00 892,030,302.90 _ 9,943.00 9,943.00 2003 12 31 577,435,965.00 266,218,226.90 5,500,962.00 42,885,092.00 892,040,245.90 ( ) ( ) _ (577,435,965.00) (5,500,962.00) 582,936,927.00 2004 12 31 266,218,226.90 625,822,019.00 892,040,245.90 _ 31

32. 2003 1 1 ( ) 30,641,466.82 21,523,077.22 10,684,636.00 62,849,180.04 _ 2,700,200.85 1,350,100.43 4,050,301.28 2003 12 31 ( ) 33,341,667.67 22,873,177.65 10,684,636.00 66,899,481.32 _ 32,651,704.59 16,776,246.27 2,736,297.56 52,164,248.42 2004 12 31 65,993,372.26 39,649,423.92 10,684,636.00 2,736,297.56 119,063,729.74 33. ( 3) 33,546,521.75 25,711,959.84 190,552,162.90 11,884,863.19 ( 1) 19,055,216.29 1,188,486.32 ( 2) 9,527,608.15 594,243.16 13,596,488.30 1,511,714.53 7,248,638.12 755,857.27 ( 3) 2,736,297.56 ( 4) 110,322,021.40 _ 61,612,414.83 33,546,521.75 _ 1 177 10% 2 177 2004 5% 3 2003 5% 32

33. 4 2004 551,610,107 10 2.00 ( ) B 110,322,021.40 61,612,414.83 34. 307,914,862.20 12% 2004 1,744,207,512.28 596,085,493.61 191,574,261.03 2,531,867,266.92 1,622,530,433.03 425,129,412.10 33,260,584.45 2,080,920,429.58 (3,984.00) 8,811,668.51 9,604.20 8,817,288.71 _ 72,558,234.56 101,734,266.23 130,795,403.93 27,199,675.02 332,287,579.74 49,114,860.69 _ 78,033,483.79 27,527,876.85 (27,199,675.02) 127,476,546.31 625,333,650.95 _ 1,633,056,127.37 206,701,574.76 289,877,955.92 2,754,969,309.00 413,102,127.91 _ 327,565,273.95 27,125,791.08 78,363,369.58 846,156,562.52 2003 2003 ( ) 35. 6,822,318.60 10,577,772.96 6,541,387.42 3,569,681.40 ( ) 255,837.81 158,121.20 _ 1,902,285.24 2,559,805.52 2,439,054.23 _ 9,726,018.28 _ 636,544.00 33

36. 1,174,438.36 183,463.52 90,158.00 ( 1) 118,040,129.00 3,510,068.81 ( 2) 53,126,822.30 8,839,598.17 8,679,170.07 (8,213,408.92) (64,056.00) _ (1,205,000.00) 171,816,175.97 _ 12,345,207.34 1 2 50,084,769.08 37. 38. 1,550,561.16 448,382.62 12,315.10 2,349,518.07 1,053,169.50 301,078.80 4,953,248.73 761,776.52 39. 115,031.30 1,220,552.37 4,576,081.17 43,358.08 293,043.94 77,512.64 4,984,156.41 1,341,423.09 34

40. ( 1) 33,896,113.27 1,648,468.28 ( 2) _ 31,873,302.79 7,696,641.22 65,769,416.06 _ 9,345,109.50 1 33% 1,487 27 [2001] 409 2 41. 2004 6 1 ( ) 1(2) (1) 2003 12 31 2004 6 1 2003 12 31 38,287,862.89 48,103,847.27 86,391,710.16 96,774,741.51 60,000,000.00 451,350.00 60,451,350.00 60,451,350.00 1,035,157,823.09 229,721,390.05 1,264,879,213.14 1,251,547,359.06 12,946,421.62 _ 6,918,967.73 19,865,389.35 _ 20,668,565.59 1,146,392,107.60 285,195,555.05 1,431,587,662.65 1,429,442,016.16 (26,160,851.60) (49,887,297.38) (76,048,148.98) (68,220,923.82) (113,735,186.26) (113,735,186.26) _ (109,495,528.21) 1,120,231,256.00 121,573,071.41 1,241,804,327.41 1,251,725,564.13 774,005.55 774,005.55 _ 1,120,231,256.00 122,347,076.96 1,242,578,332.96 1,251,725,564.13 35

41. (2) 2004 6 1 737,990,164.15 104,919,254.40 831,563,625.70 97,670,270.10 1,772,143,314.35 (905,735,803.58) (154,840,579.05) 711,566,931.72 568,769,938.89 1,280,336,870.61 (3) 1,280,336,870.61 1,242,578,332.96 37,758,537.65 224,827,568.16 68,803,269.16 56,865,722.79 37,758,537.65 61,400,038.56 36

41. (4) 2004 1 1 2003 2004 1 1 2004 5 31 159,477,086.05 297,903,302.41 131,676,686.01 236,173,592.91 36,964,182.07 28,143,515.27 13,792,750.79 10,775,106.26 _ 4,239,658.05 8,997,409.82 18,931,773.23 _ 8,370,999.19 (5) 2004 12 31 2004 6 1 2004 12 31 2,340,293,005.89 292,633,160.75 190,038,058.50 26,865,080.14 43,754,702.27 119,418,276.09 (6) 2004 12 31 2004 6 1 2004 12 31 7,413,195.82 42. 126,614,019.09 37

43. (1) (a) ( ) 5 (b) ( ) 200,000 (c) / % ( ) 22,722 41.19 (d) 38

43. (1) (d) (2) 7 8 9 22 28 41 (a) 7,630,179.00 9,575,769.00 7,370,619.00 1,728.00 2,640.00 812,015.00 61,966.00 18,081,657.00 7,373,259.00 39

43. (2) (a) 4,408,220.00 8,861,531.00 1,900,000.00 8,126,239.00 1,009,659.00 _ 567,867.00 16,011,985.00 8,861,531.00 _ (b) 20,000,000.00 _ (45,000,000.00) 30,000,000.00 (10,000,000.00) _ 55,000,000.00 4.779% _ (300,000.00) 300,000.00 4.5 (c) 3,007,544.00 1,268,429.00 2,920,227.00 2,505,930.00 3,113,301.00 4,165,742.00 2,756,313.00 _ 626,511.00 1,764,477.00 352,714.00 1,345,192.00 _ 1,596,445.00 1.5% 40

43. (2) (d) 6,015,281.00 121,005,251.00 1,224,884.84 2,070,169.00 380.00 1,224,884.84 2,070,549.00 5,902,084.00 5,661.00 7,125.00 7,000,000.00 1,785,745.00 11,000,000.00 59,634.00 14,397,582.00 38,359,300.00 1,798,531.00 955,083.00 358,161.00 358,161.00 955,083.00 892,145.00 1,287,016.00 631,609.00 137,257.00 103,500.00 1,764,511.00 1,287,016.00 70,916.00 41

44. (1) 10,799 14,089 (2) 2004 12 15 50% 3,892,490.60 50% (3) 2004 12 15 ( ) ) 544 19 (4) 2004 12 15 8,000 5,200 65% 45. 1 18,125 8,385 2 10,191 8,080 3 7,143 8,342 32,030 118,576 67,489 143,383 42

46. (1) 450 (2) 2004 12 15 2,000 (3) 1,000 500 47. (1) 80,585.23 1.0000 80,585.23 224,575.49 1.0000 224,575.49 112,660,719.33 1.0000 112,660,719.33 133,991,085.75 1.0000 133,991,085.75 3,293.51 1.0657 3,509.89 760.52 8.2765 6,294.44 1,130,654.39 8.2767 9,358,087.19 112,747,599.00 143,577,258.32 (2) (%) (%) 1 149,733.31 45.3 3,617.57 146,115.74 6,632,954.37 90.6 56,252.40 6,576,701.97 1 2 2,000.00 0.6 2,000.00 227,542.78 3.1 47,787.56 179,755.22 2 3 400.00 0.1 400.00 286,179.93 3.9 107,256.69 178,923.24 3 _ 178,478.96 54.0 175,609.51 2,869.45 _ 178,378.96 2.4 _ 178,378.96 _ 330,612.27 100.0 179,227.08 151,385.19 7,325,056.04 100.0 389,675.61 6,935,380.43 187,943.45 57% 43

47. (3) (%) (%) 1 83,483.23 12.5 83,483.23 2,179,545.22 53.5 9,997.67 2,169,547.55 1 2 981.07 0.1 981.07 18,791.50 0.5 840.00 17,951.50 2 3 8,000.00 1.2 8,000.00 1,483,331.44 36.4 1,483,331.44 3 _ 577,342.74 86.2 19,221.92 558,120.82 _ 391,179.55 9.6 _ 84,902.97 _ 306,276.58 669,807.04 100.0 19,221.92 650,585.12 4,072,847.71 100.0 95,740.64 3,977,107.07 (4) 485,416.25 (250,000.00) (36,967.25) 198,449.00 (5) 130,266.92 5,657,741.49 59,097.48 1,107,882.01 _ 10,611.40 _ 411,853.78 199,975.80 7,177,477.28 1,648,015.03 199,975.80 _ 5,529,462.25 _ 1,648,015.03 (1,648,015.03) 44

47. (6) (1) 1,339,762,510.84 1,339,762,510.84 122,109,442.57 122,109,442.57 (2) 93,986,274.82 93,986,274.82 (3) 119,251,170.96 119,251,170.96 (4) 14,845,900.00 1,205,000.00 13,640,900.00 14,845,900.00 1,205,000.00 13,640,900.00 (5) _ 121,867,970.13 121,867,970.13 _ 181,867,970.13 181,867,970.13 1,570,462,655.79 _ 1,205,000.00 _ 1,569,257,655.79 _ 438,074,483.66 _ 1,205,000.00 _ 436,869,483.66 _ (6.1) ( ) 20 55% 96,014,969.59 (96,014,969.59) 800,695.42 (26,689.87) (774,005.55) 15,805,541.96 4,241,654.20 (20,047,196.16) 5,510,905.66 (5,510,905.66) _ 118,132,112.63 _ 4,214,964.33 (122,347,076.96) 18.5 75% 6,100,000.00 6,100,000.00 (2,122,670.06) _ (915,210.07) (3,037,880.13) 3,977,329.94 _ (915,210.07) 3,062,119.87 46.59 95% 595,836,440.72 595,836,440.72 522,856,454.19 522,856,454.19 _ 59,868,890.80 59,868,890.80 595,836,440.72 _ 582,725,344.99 1,178,561,785.71 ( 1 23 65% 22,247,455.00 50,338,590.00 72,586,045.00 12,160,312.93 14,671,243.91 26,831,556.84 _ 6,209,120.70 52,511,882.72 58,721,003.42 _ 40,616,888.63 50,338,590.00 _ 67,183,126.63 158,138,605.26 122,109,442.57 40,616,888.63 _ 646,175,030.72 653,208,225.88 (122,347,076.96) _ 1,339,762,510.84 _ 1 2004 6 1 ( ) 121,791,087.70 6,083,870.05 544,634,832.82 7,133,824.59 (6.2) ( ) 46 49.5% 65,391,901.00 65,391,901.00 23,829,044.93 23,829,044.93 _ 4,765,328.89 4,765,328.89 65,391,901.00 28,594,373.82 93,986,274.82 _ ( ) 4,765,328.89 24,135,106.07 306,061.14 45

47. (6.3) ( ) 23 65% ( 1 22,247,455.00 (22,247,455.00) 12,873,777.96 (713,465.03) (12,160,312.93) 3,130,067.00 3,079,053.70 (6,209,120.70) 38,251,299.96 2,365,588.67 (40,616,888.63) 20 50% 80,999,871.00 (80,999,871.00) 119,251,170.96 (78,634,282.33) (40,616,888.63) 1 2004 6 (6.4) 338,800 1,240,000.00 1,240,000.00 <1% 777,546 1,832,600.00 1,832,600.00 <1% 515,315 1,522,300.00 1,522,300.00 <1% 242,000 490,000.00 490,000.00 <1% 1,875,049 6,300,000.00 6,300,000.00 <1% 479,160 1,352,000.00 1,352,000.00 <1% 422,420 484,000.00 484,000.00 <1% 607,602 650,000.00 (650,000.00) <1% 100,000 280,000.00 280,000.00 <1% 66,000 140,000.00 140,000.00 <1% 500,000 _ 555,000.00 (555,000.00) _ <1% 14,845,900.00 (1,205,000.00) _ 13,640,900.00 _ (6.5) ( ) ( 7,000,000.00 7,000,000.00 20% 16,555,237.81 16,555,237.81 10% 30 41,459,959.32 41,459,959.32 10% 20 746,253.00 746,253.00 10% 8,106,520.00 8,106,520.00 5 48,000,000.00 48,000,000.00 5 60,000,000.00 (60,000,000.00) 20% 181,867,970.13 (60,000,000.00) 121,867,970.13 46

47. (7) 1,297,075,788.08 24,189,145.48 62,495,706.44 5,681,889.78 2,400,108.83 112,107,273.41 1,503,949,912.02 483,432.04 2,383,606.47 1,310,306.52 4,177,345.03 (6,224,702.29) (2,327,217.90) (2,290,912.97) (3,080.00) (10,845,913.16) (1,196,717,977.28) (16,521,801.53) (59,845,173.58) _ (5,643,309.78) (106,648,630.57) (1,385,376,892.74) 94,616,540.55 7,723,732.52 1,669,926.41 _ 35,500.00 _ 2,400,108.83 _ 5,458,642.84 _ 111,904,451.15 260,725,097.80 10,619,690.39 42,253,793.67 4,672,942.70 1,904,248.12 41,776,801.01 361,952,573.69 11,598,824.57 1,464,531.84 1,457,223.17 231,856.20 200,016.96 8,161,829.17 23,114,281.91 (2,055,947.62) (1,695,697.28) (856,044.39) (1,178.10) (1,764,646.44) (6,373,513.83) (253,699,819.90) (7,600,746.98) (41,467,426.33) _ (4,868,120.80) (45,752,092.07) _ (353,388,206.08) 16,568,154.85 2,787,777.97 1,387,546.12 _ 35,500.00 _ 2,104,265.08 _ 2,421,891.67 _ 25,305,135.69 33,183.19 3,331,890.86 4,061,404.26 7,426,478.31 (33,183.19) (621,275.13) (4,061,404.26) (4,715,862.58) 2,710,615.73 2,710,615.73 1,036,317,507.09 10,237,564.23 16,180,508.51 1,008,947.08 495,860.71 70,330,472.40 1,134,570,860.02 78,048,385.70 2,225,338.82 282,380.29 295,843.75 3,036,751.17 83,888,699.73 (8) 25,946,411.85 374,161.21 118,033.32 1,157,963.95 49,504.93 (9) 26,064,445.17 1,581,630.09 41,197,015.99 21,458,535.22 62,655,551.21 19,055,216.29 _ 9,527,608.15 _ 28,582,824.44 60,252,232.28 30,986,143.37 _ 91,238,375.65 _ 47

47. (10) 110,579,637.06 132,511,457.81 6,509,444.07 54,037,442.92 103,203.80 2,051,222.33 117,192,284.93 188,600,123.06 (11) 10,782,385.84 2,883,756.93 3,406,313.31 19,492,930.66 75,971.82 1,558,578.15 14,264,670.97 23,935,265.74 (12) 510% (13) 2,425,342.50 8,203,555.00 (2,324,711.14) (2,379,391.15) ( ) 42,384.54 158,370.05 1,192,649.18 2,181,982.65 1,335,665.08 8,164,516.55 48

47. (14) 183,463.52 90,158.00 118,040,129.00 3,510,068.81 285,899.80 6,631,517.47 129,635,470.29 11,061,398.37 (8,153,350.76) (64,056.00) (1,205,000.00) 239,991,611.85 20,024,086.65 * * * * * * 49

2004 1 2004 12 31 190,552 1,734,629 2004 2004 190,552 1,734,649 (10,514) (10,514) (9,866) (9,866) 12,844 12,844 39,379 856 (169,926) 790 (2,154) 224,041 1,555,033 2 118,040,129.00 936,862.31 1,345,191.75 84,123.62 394,802.87 120,801,109.55 (39,864,366.15) 80,936,743.40

2004 3 26.00% 27.51% 0.8175 0.8175 7.35% 7.78% 0.2311 0.2311 10.99% 11.62% 0.3454 0.3454 6.32% 6.69% 0.1987 0.1987 4 2004 1 1 ( ) 2004 12 31 501,114.67 485,416.25 5,282,905.53 (394,802.87) (265,699.42) (250,000.00) (224,568.55) (36,967.25) 4,898,949.36 198,449.00 395,289.38 389,675.61 4,901,987.96 (1,225,250.14) (179,097.02) (173,481.28) (224,568.55) (36,967.25) 3,668,361.63 179,227.08 105,825.29 95,740.64 380,917.57 830,447.27 (86,602.40) (76,518.72) 1,230,587.73 19,221.92 1,648,015.03 1,648,015.03 122,492.08 (1,648,015.03) (1,648,015.03) 122,492.08 1,648,015.03 1,648,015.03 122,492.08 (1,648,015.03) (1,648,015.03) 122,492.08 1,235,000.00 1,205,000.00 (30,000.00) 1,205,000.00 1,205,000.00 30,000.00 (30,000.00) 1,205,000.00 1,205,000.00 1,205,000.00 1,205,000.00 7,426,478.31 7,426,478.31 115,031.30 (4,715,862.58) (4,715,862.58) 2,825,647.03 2,710,615.73 33,183.19 33,183.19 (33,183.19) (33,183.19) 3,331,890.86 3,331,890.86 21,110.30 (621,275.13) (621,275.13) 2,731,726.03 2,710,615.73 4,061,404.26 4,061,404.26 93,921.00 (4,061,404.26) (4,061,404.26) 93,921.00 5 30%( 30%) 5%( 5%) 10%( 10%) 1(2) 41

SHANGHAI JINJIANG INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT CO., LTD. Report of the Auditors and Financial Statements For the year ended 31 December 2004


De Shi Bao Shen Zi (05) No.P0 [Translation] AUDITORS' REPORT TO THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF SHANGHAI JINJIANG INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT CO., LTD. We have audited the accompanying balance sheets of the Company and the Group as of 31 December 2004 and the related statements of income and income appropriation and cash flows of the Company and the Group for the year then ended. The preparation of these financial statements is the responsibility of the Company's management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We planned and performed our audit in accordance with China's Independent Auditing Standards to obtain reasonable assurance as to whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting policies used and significant accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion. In our opinion, the financial statements on pages 2 to 59, present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Company and the Group as of 31 December 2004 and the results of its operations and cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with the requirements of the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises and the Accounting System for Business Enterprises promulgated by the State. Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu CPA Ltd. Shanghai, China Gu Hong Yu Fang Hong Bin Chinese Certified Public Accountant 28 March 2005 The auditors report and the accompanying financial statements are English translations of the Chinese auditors report and statutory financial statements prepared under accounting principles and practices generally accepted in the People s Republic of China. These financial statements are not intended to present the financial position and results of operations and cash flows in accordance with accounting principles and practices generally accepted in other countries and jurisdictions. In case the English version does not conform to the Chinese version, the Chinese version prevails. 1

SHANGHAI JINJIANG INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT CO., LTD. BALANCE SHEET AT 31 DECEMBER 2004 The Group The Company NOTES 2004 2003 2004 2003 RMB RMB RMB RMB (Restated) (Restated) ASSETS CURRENT ASSETS Bank balances and cash 6 417,884,580.70 193,313,332.44 112,747,599.00 143,577,258.32 Short term investments 7 11,042,802.77 40,942,802.77 11,042,802.77 40,942,802.77 Dividends receivable 8 200,000.00 1,689,991.91 1,689,991.91 Interest receivable 9 2,598,247.14 5,773,039.10 2,598,247.14 5,773,039.10 Accounts receivable 10 400,157,906.68 8,847,140.18 151,385.19 6,935,380.43 Other receivables 11 79,614,051.25 8,796,719.08 650,585.12 3,977,107.07 Prepayments 13 19,052,666.21 30,196.26 Inventories 14 13,550,376.30 8,556,021.86 199,975.80 5,529,462.25 Deferred expenses 15 2,692,790.19 1,876,957.66 12,626.28 60,144.77 Other current assets 21 _ 4,230,666.67 _ Total current assets 951,024,087.91 269,826,201.26 127,403,221.30 208,485,186.62 LONG TERM INVESTMENTS Longterm equity investments 16 _ 814,205,450.95 316,012,086.51 1,569,257,655.79 436,869,483.66 FIXED ASSETS Fixed assets cost 17 1,772,069,136.40 1,694,991,065.15 111,904,451.15 1,503,949,912.02 Less: Accumulated depreciation 17 _ 900,044,406.89 414,323,299.89 _ 25,305,135.69 _ 361,952,573.69 Fixed assets net 17 872,024,729.51 1,280,667,765.26 86,599,315.46 1,141,997,338.33 Less: Impairment 17 2,825,647.03 7,426,478.31 2,710,615.73 7,426,478.31 Fixed assets net book value 17 869,199,082.48 1,273,241,286.95 83,888,699.73 1,134,570,860.02 Materials for constructing fixed assets 454,387.78 454,387.68 Fixed assets under construction 18 _ 16,890,433.82 73,495,555.49 6,231,708.70 Total fixed assets 886,089,516.30 1,347,191,230.22 83,888,699.73 1,141,256,956.40 INTANGIBLE ASSETS AND OTHER ASSETS Intangible assets 19 71,936,033.25 18,890,875.32 1,105,402.00 14,780,190.32 Long term deferred expenses 20 2,099,553.34 2,919,838.27 Others long term assets 21 _ 29,614,667.25 _ Total intangible assets and other assets _ 103,650,253.84 21,810,713.59 _ 1,105,402.00 _ 14,780,190.32 TOTAL ASSETS 2,754,969,309.00 1,954,840,231.58 1,781,654,978.82 1,801,391,817.00 (Continued) 2

SHANGHAI JINJIANG INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT CO., LTD. The Group The Company NOTES 2004 2003 2004 2003 RMB RMB RMB RMB (Restated) (Restated) LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY CURRENT LIABILITIES Short term loans 22 41,124,055.72 107,500,000.00 105,000,000.00 Notes payable 98,900,000.00 Accounts payable 23 296,143,129.49 6,671,055.33 344,682.50 2,612,815.21 Advances from customers 23 59,467,206.62 3,834,330.90 224,764.90 3,728,165.40 Salaries and wages payable 2,132,298.70 Employee benefits payable 35,085,122.95 2,426,768.90 Dividends payable 24 8,312,344.99 1,407,154.80 1,383,526.80 1,407,154.80 Taxes payable 25 42,221,787.06 4,027,794.21 26,064,445.17 1,581,630.09 Other fees payable 133,005.87 115,456.18 375.40 Other payables 26 182,335,928.51 156,439,514.00 4,121,246.18 142,965,695.53 Provisions 27 21,460,920.20 14,867,419.00 Long term liabilities due within one year 28 17,500,000.00 Total current liabilities 787,315,800.11 299,922,074.32 47,006,459.95 257,295,461.03 LONG TERM LIABILITIES Other long term liabilities 29 _ 58,840,762.41 _ TOTAL LIABILITIES 846,156,562.52 299,922,074.32 47,006,459.95 257,295,461.03 MINORITY INTERESTS 174,164,227.61 110,821,801.29 SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY Paidin capital 30 551,610,107.00 551,610,107.00 551,610,107.00 551,610,107.00 Capital reserves 31 892,040,245.90 892,040,245.90 892,040,245.90 892,040,245.90 Surplus reserve 32 119,063,729.74 66,899,481.32 91,238,375.65 62,655,551.21 Including: Statutory public welfare fund 32 39,649,423.92 22,873,177.65 30,986,143.37 21,458,535.22 Retained earnings 33 61,612,414.83 33,546,521.75 89,437,768.92 37,790,451.86 Cash dividends declared after balance sheet date 33 _ 110,322,021.40 110,322,031.40 _ Total shareholders' equity 1,734,648,518.87 1,544,096,355.97 1,734,648,518.87 1,544,096,355.97 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY 2,754,969,309.00 1,954,840,231.58 1,781,654,978.82 _ 1,801,391,817.00 _ The accompanying notes are part of the financial statements. The financial statements on pages 2 to 59 were signed by the following: Head of the Company: Chief Financial Officer: Head of Accounting Department: INCOME AND INCOME APPROPRIATION STATEMENT 3

SHANGHAI JINJIANG INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT CO., LTD. FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2004 The Group The Company NOTES 2004 2003 2004 2003 RMB RMB RMB RMB (Restated) (Restated) Revenue 34 2,531,867,266.92 324,283,788.73 117,192,284.93 188,600,123.06 Less: Cost of sales 34 2,049,757,632.61 50,521,331.52 14,264,670.97 23,935,265.74 Sales taxes 34 _ 31,162,796.97 16,000,446.99 _ 2,308,468.36 _ 9,153,031.88 Gross profit 450,946,837.34 257,762,010.22 100,619,145.60 155,511,825.44 Add: Other operating profit 8,817,288.71 86,754.70 Less: Operating expenses 157,731,602.68 78,158,455.85 21,952,569.86 47,886,689.86 General and administrative expenses 172,116,922.83 154,114,832.20 89,196,078.76 106,214,086.74 Finance expenses 35 _ 2,439,054.23 9,726,018.28 _ 1,335,665.08 _ 8,164,516.55 Profit from operations 127,476,546.31 15,849,458.59 (11,865,168.10) (6,753,467.71) Add: Investment income 36 171,816,175.97 12,345,207.34 239,991,611.85 20,024,086.65 Subsidy income 37 936,862.31 2,485,117.62 898,147.00 Nonoperating income 38 4,953,248.73 761,776.52 51,587.69 620,979.05 Less: Nonoperating expenses 39 _ 4,984,156.41 1,341,423.09 _ 3,729,755.27 _ 1,256,414.38 Profit before tax 300,198,676.91 30,100,136.98 224,448,276.17 13,533,330.61 Less: Income tax 40 65,769,416.06 9,345,109.50 33,896,113.27 1,648,467.43 Minority interests _ 43,877,097.95 8,870,164.29 Net profit for the year 190,552,162.90 11,884,863.19 190,552,162.90 11,884,863.19 Add: Opening balance of retained earnings _ 33,546,521.75 25,711,959.84 _ 37,790,451.86 _ 27,688,318.16 Profit available for appropriation 224,098,684.65 37,596,823.03 228,342,614.76 39,573,181.34 Less: Appropriation of statutory surplus reserve 33 35,388,002.15 2,700,200.85 19,055,216.29 1,188,486.33 Appropriation of statutory public welfare fund 33 _ 16,776,246.27 1,350,100.43 _ 9,527,608.15 _ 594,243.16 Profit available for shareholders' distribution 171,934,436.23 33,546,521.75 199,759,790.32 37,790,451.86 Less: Cash dividends declared after the balance sheet date 33 _ 110,322,021.40 _ 110,322,021.40 _ Retained earnings 61,612,414.83 _ 33,546,521.75 89,437,468.92 _ 37,790,451.86 _ (Continued) 4

SHANGHAI JINJIANG INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT CO., LTD. Supplementary information The Group The Company 2004 2003 2004 2003 RMB RMB RMB RMB 1. Gains on disposal of operating divisions or investments 3,510,069.00 3,510,069.00 2. Losses from natural disaster 3. Profit increase/(decrease) due to changes in accounting policies 4. Increase (decrease) of profit by adjusting Prior years profit 3,079,053.69 2,208,081.00 3,079,053.69 2,208,081.00 5. Profit increase/(decrease) due to changes in accounting estimates 6. Losses from debt restructuring 7. Others 4,300,461.00 1,483,264.00 The accompanying notes are part of the financial statements. 5

SHANGHAI JINJIANG INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT CO., LTD. CASH FLOW STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2004 The Group The Company NOTES 2004 2003 2004 2003 RMB RMB RMB RMB Cash flow from operating activities: Cash received from sales of goods or rendering of services 2,548,278,356.09 327,868,272.00 111,619,634.92 191,315,052.77 Other cash received relating to operating activities 50,577,598.29 _ 2,885,265.18 _ 3,178,962.16 1,130,141.43 Subtotal of cash inflows 2,598,855,954.38 330,753,537.18 _ 114,798,597.08 _ 192,445,194.20 Cash paid for goods and services 1,848,397,177.38 50,812,793.00 14,295,996.41 23,622,919.83 Cash paid to and on behalf of employees 261,487,320.09 89,874,168.00 40,985,188.13 60,592,577.66 Tax payments 80,010,191.78 30,570,475.00 13,212,761.75 15,545,820.47 Cash paid relating to other operating activities 42 126,614,019.09 _ 92,723,265.00 _ 30,478,089.03 60,016,402.09 Subtotal of cash outflows 2,316,508,708.34 _ 263,980,701.00 _ 98,972,035.32 159,777,720.05 Net cash flow from operating activities 282,347,246.04 _ 66,772,836.18 _ 15,826,561.76 32,667,474.15 Cash flow from investing activities: Cash received from disposal of investments disposal of subsidy or other 31,589,994.00 90,510,069.00 31,589,994.00 20,510,068.81 Cash received from disposal of subsidiary or other operating business divisions 120,000,000.00 120,000,000.00 Cash received from return on investments 137,583,930.49 7,896,113.00 90,981,374.47 6,721,675.17 Net cash receipts from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other longterm assets 19,095,080.77 2,592,699.26 837,760.40 14,659.84 Net cash inflow from assets restructing 41 61,400,038.56 Cash receipts relating to other investing activities 4,230,666.67 _ 2,578,038.00 _ 183,463.52 1,387,748.36 Subtotal of cash inflows 253,899,710.49 _ 223,576,919.26 _ 123,592,592.39 148,634,152.18 Cash paid to acquire fixed assets, intangible assets and other longterm assets 176,863,984.98 74,209,351.00 5,376,247.66 15,437,357.22 Cash paid to acquire investments 6,620,311.20 70,451,350.00 from assets restructing Cash payments for acquisition of subsidiary or other operating business divisions 1,251,548.00 1,510,000.00 Net cash outflow from assets restructing 19,665,057.66 Cash payments relating to other investing activities 41 _ 37,758,537.65 Subtotal of cash outflows 183,484,296.18 _ 145,912,249.00 _ 62,799,842.97 16,947,357.22 Net cash flow from investing activities 70,415,414.31 _ 77,664,670.26 _ 60,792,749.42 131,686,794.96 (Continued) 6

SHANGHAI JINJIANG INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT CO., LTD. The Group The Company NOTES 2004 2003 2004 2003 RMB RMB RMB RMB Cash flow from financing activities: Cash received from borrowings 162,975,000.00 107,500,000.00 105,000,000.00 Cash received from investors _ 8,000,000.00 Subtotal of cash inflows _ 170,975,000.00 _ 107,500,000.00 _ 105,000,000.00 Repayments of borrowings 291,981,925.83 223,000,000.00 105,000,000.00 200,000,000.00 Dividends paid, profit distributed or interest paid 6,845,946.60 16,133,988.00 2,448,970.50 8,257,255.10 Cash payments relating to other financing activities _ 338,539.66 Subtotal of cash outflows _ 299,166,412.09 _ 239,133,988.00 _ 107,448,970.50 208,257,255.10 Net cash flow from financing activities (128,191,412.09) (131,633,988.00) (107,448,970.50) (103,257,255.10) _ Effect of foreign exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents _ Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 224,571,248.26 _ 12,803,518.44 _ (30,829,659.32) 61,097,014.01 _ (Continued) 7