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Light. Axis 光軸 2005 2002 Create + Think Studio / Arthur Ho M.A Pratt Institute DIS Workshop Arthur Ho 設計者 參與者 攝影者 空間性質 坐落位置 主要材料 PVC 面積 625 設計時間 2014 3 10 施工時間 2015 1 10 Designer Create + Think Design Studio/ Arthur Ho Participants Grace Hou, Anita Tsai, Szu-Wei Tseng Photographer Figure x Lee Kuo-Min Studio Category Working space Location Taiwan Materials Wood Veneer - White Walnut, Cut Pebble, Granite, Carrara White Marble, PVC Floor Tile, Metal Strip, Metal Baked Enamel Panel, Fluorocarbon Paint Steel Panel, Stainless Steel, Solid Wood Countertop, Upholstery Fabric, Vinyl Wall Covering, Spray Paint Finish Size 2065m 2 Design period March October 2014 Completion period January October 2015 DIS Pratt Institute 2016 Red Dot Best of the Best 2016 A' Design Award and Competition 2016 Architizer A+ Awards 2015 IDA 2015 TID 2015 2015 APIDA Best 10 2014 TID 2013 TID 2002 Ho's Design Studio 2005 Create + Think Studio was founded Main Award Records: 2016 Red Dot Design Award, Best of the Best 2016 A'Design Award and Competition, Architecture-Gold Award, Silver Award Interior Design- Bronze Award, Winner 2016 Architizer A+ Awards, Juror's Award 2015 IDA Design Awards, Office, Honorable Mention 2015 TID Award, Residential Space / Single Level 2015 Taipei Design Award, Most Popular Award 2015 APIDA, Best 10 2014 TID Award, Working Space 2013 TID Award, Residential Space / Single Level 2011 TID 2011 TID Award, Residential Space / Multi Level 萋萋菶菶一地碧草芊綿而散, 從前後之勢拱衛著體氣矍鑠的半百校樓, 幾株桐生茂豫嘉樹則於檐廊兩脅晻翳了這幢舊量體, 讓盛夏的濃綠氣息懷挾著人文雅質, 馝馞地沁入學府 逕往修葺後的校樓大廳蹓躂, 橫向拉開之長空間釐整為條暢格局, 佐以新造的無框式落地窗牖攬景無遺, 大大方方將室內與蔥蒨外景遐邇接壤成色 在這次中原大學舊行政大樓翻新案裡, 何俊宏先從格局面鬆開舊日隔牆重重的樊籠之困, 藉以捕捉基地草茵那份婉孌清韻 繼之, 設計自扁長建築之短軸 長軸特色發展水平動向, 隱喻後方綠地上之十字架鐘塔 ; 接續恢廓大廳側牆再鐫鑿一道十字光雕, 尤其光雕垂直軸再往地面擲落拉伸 並呈 15 度銳角朝鐘塔方向射去, 讓外內 高低兩道十字架如映照般遙望 顧影成趣 而每逢夜幕冪蓋, 聖潔十字燈體若浮空吐曜, 空間則在皦然雅澹光芒中降下了祈禱式的寧靜 半百校樓新舊並濟 本校樓為中原大學 1955 年創校以降 時隔 14 年後所興造, 韶光荏苒, 迄今該樓也已近半世紀之遠 隨新行政大樓竣工, 這幢舊建物便隨之寥寂塵封, 但量體所在不僅為校地樞紐, 兩端更由一小一大津潤草坪所簇擁, 尤其後方廣袤而蘢蔥的綠意, 校內建物亦彷若以此為中心點圜列輻集, 因此校方遂將此樓擬制為校長及其核心幕僚辦公室所用 校方委託之初是冀盼保存原始狀態, 唯陳設與結構已顯不合時宜, 因此重新葺繕的三層大樓室內空間, 設計面非耽湎於修舊如舊, 而是從合乎當代語彙和機能性的態度待之, 對此何俊宏解釋 : 建築結構無法變動, 外牆也保留了舊有的皮層, 但原本繁瑣的窗框 封閉壅塞的格局還是做了全面性調整, 同時為表達傳承 內外呼應的概念, 建築外觀柱列的斬石子材料也延續到室內柱列 開放平面 煥發乾淨線條感的落地窗提升了內外依存性, 縱然滿室新湛湛味道, 但藉著建築舊元素的挪用, 師生薪火相傳以及古今並濟的襲嗣意味則得到了體現 另一方面何俊宏再採質樸 單純語彙來陶鈞空間性格, 除斬石子外, 大面積鋪砌者僅為粗獷石料 紋理豐厚木皮等未出四種非裝飾性材料, 從中勾摹校園質樸的學風 十字光軸遙矚鐘塔 本案量體形廓呈東西寬 ( 長軸 ) 南北窄( 短軸 ) 之扁長貌, 這般特徵不僅讓建築前後兩端 ( 南北向 ) 綠意顯得聚攏, 亦為設計概念的關鍵附著點 由於中原大學為基督教學校, 中央大草地上聳峙著一座十字架鐘塔, 本於涵構觀點, 何俊宏設定校長辦公室應與鐘塔和基督教學校有所呼應, 所以他從大廳從空間拉出 長 短 斜 三條軸線, 長軸短軸是該建築的水平尺度計量, 亦為十字架之構成, 至於斜軸乃是方向指引 一段室內 外兩座十字架鏈結的繫繩 1 1. 1. The old administrative building stands right between two pieces of lawn 111

2 3 2. 3. 4. 58 5. 15 6. 7. 8. 2. Diagram of building in campus 3. Light axis diagram 4. Renovation looked for dialogue between old and new entrance view 5. 15 degree axis points to the bell tower, a monument proclaims school s past to Christian missionary 6. The first floor grand hall in a tranquil mood 7. Internal structural elements used nostalgic pebble on the surface 8. A view from the main hall facing the beautiful lawn 8 不僅試從 軸線 將性靈表徵的十字架與量體結合, 設計上還挹注了光來深化意象, 何俊宏在大廳後方側牆上鐫雕了一道光十字架, 藉此清晰地呼應鐘塔, 隨之十字垂直軸再向下延伸, 一條鑿於地面的斜軸光帶筆直朝戶外鐘塔之位馳射而往, 而細覷地板斜軸光帶, 還虔誠地註上一段 Jesus says : I am the way, the truth, and the life. 此絹印經文 在熒熒熠熠的軌跡中, 軸線意蘊於此表露無遺, 而一內一外光十字則儼如低謳微吟般唱和, 迢遙與對, 脈脈相映 開豁視域貫穿始終 引泱瀼日光和草木翠澤實為本案佈局之要, 由於大廳在涵義上是對外空間, 軒昂恢弘風範自不可免, 除了左右兩側為獨立的展覽空間, 一樓平面中央清簡地留白而使前後水平貫穿, 讓基地那份碧草蘊藹的寫意景致得以前前後後向內霑染 開靨迎賓, 對此何俊宏解釋 : 一樓有良好對外關係, 因此格局上是希望盡量敞開, 在破除往昔多隔間的狀態後, 立面也採用了無邊框玻璃, 目的就是讓整個內外能夠無盡延伸 一樓為光軸意象所在, 亦是彰顯開豁氣度的場所, 行動和 4 5 目的上皆為釋放空間感, 而直至二 三樓才屬校方人員辦公室, 因此設計特意將上層兩道樓面視為相對於一樓的獨立場域 為讓二 三樓成整體感的合併單元, 何俊宏利用一道斜牆的垂直結構去貫穿兩道樓面 二樓基本上屬於比較庶務型態的場域, 如文書 稽核 公共事務 發展中心與大會議室等, 走道刻意放得比較寬, 無論從兩側樓梯抑或後方玻璃電梯走進, 能感受到一種朗暢的迎接氛圍 倘若一樓是靈性場域, 三樓就是機能樞紐, 校長 副校長以及主秘辦公室都歸於三樓, 此層雖分區林立, 但一如擘劃全棟建築時的空間觀, 何俊宏依舊藉清透隔間材料而使水平景深未顯斲損 三樓一如二樓將梯廳營造得十分寬綽, 接著設計再將廊道一端的中型會議室隔間改為活動式推拉門, 另一端隸屬校長室的接待區則以鐵件和清玻璃圍塑, 縱非開放空間亦不覺跼促, 對此何俊宏談到 : 用玻璃圍出接待區是考量一側就是走道, 讓訪客在走道上等待是件不太禮貌的事 所以還是創造獨立空間讓訪客等待正式的會晤到來 踟躕往復三樓廊 6 7 道, 穿透格局將視野迎向樓窗, 但見幾株黛樹兀自婆娑, 林梢枝葉搖 曳便知迴風颸颸, 人與天地景存, 情懷陶然 採訪 劉芝君 113

10 9. 10. 11. 9. A dominating wall on the second and third floor to divide the spatial sections 10. Meeting room on the second floor 11. The second floor staircase hall and gallery 9 115

16 17 18 12 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 12. Glass covered elevator and its supporting system 13. Gallery on the third floor at one side links to the president s office, the other links to a meeting room 14. Entrance leading towards the president s office 15. Solid wood and beige color furniture pieces set the main tone of the president s office 16. The first floor plan 17. The second floor plan 18. The third floor plan Surrounded by trees and beautiful greenery, the CYCU administration building encountered the first total renovation since it was built a half century ago. The effort has transformed its aging interior and provided a total brand-new façade which was once jailed by heavy walls and has now been turned into one glass clad. Arthur Ho, the designer, knew that the school s past was linked to Christian missionaries so the design implemented has a strong symbolic link to Christian symbols such as a cross lighting art which is joined to a bell tower by a 15 degree axis. At night when the light is on, the campus is illuminated by the cross in a tranquil light of great mystery. Old joins new The Administrative building was built in 1969, and almost half century has passed. A few years ago when a new administrative building was erected, the old structure became vacant and waited for a new plan. Read within the existing layout of the campus, the old building stands in a pivot position and all other classrooms are orientated by the building. This historical reason gave the school second thoughts about tearing it down but rather chose to renovate it for the president s office and key conference spaces. Even though preservation was a key idea for the renovation, aging utilities and layout required a total transformation for the new program; Arthur decided to keep the structure and most of the old skin intact yet changed the windows and all its internal furnishings. To make dialogue with the old structure, Arthur even invited external materials inside as cladding over on old structural posts. Furnishing elements were selected to provide color and physiological link to old materials; textural rich wood, pebble, and rustic surface granite were the only materials used in the renovation work. 13 Cross axis Rectangular plan has a long façade facing south and north, and short facing east and west. The cross internal axis symbolizes a cross in shape but a new axis is created under the effort of the renovation. An axis from the central hall at 15 degrees point to a bell tower sitting in the lawn signifies the second cross axis which joins with the first from president s office. Right behind the main wall of the central hall, Arthur installed a lighting object in a cross shape. When the light is on, it casts a cross shape figure on the ground and joins with the line facing the bell tower. The floor where the cross lighting figure can read an inscribed literature: Jesus says: I am the way, the truth, and the life. 14 15 117

Ample sight The grand hall in the first floor is divided by two individual exhibition spaces, and the central hall is virtually transparent from front to rear. Large windows without metal frames offer a disrupted view to the beautiful lawn, and transformed this dark structure into a light permeated space. The second and third floors are reserved for office space. The second floor is still occupied by working sections like the offices of public relations, auditing, personnel, future offices and meeting rooms. Different than typical administrative office at other schools, this office enjoys a rather ample pathway and open working environment, and all service spaces are treated in rather cozy and comfortable ways. The third floor is designated for the offices of top administrative members offices for the president, vice-president, and chief secretaries. The reception is spacious and a gallery leads to a meeting room, where a sliding door changes the view. The other side leads to president s office, introduced by a glassed reception area. 22 19 20 23 24 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 19. Reception space for president s office has a beautiful outdoor view to the greenery 20. Buffet table, kitchen and a small bar in a meeting room 21. A view from the meeting room towards the gallery 22. Solid wood matches with the Chinese calligraphy in the president s office 23. Details, president s office 24. A view from the president s office toward gallery 溝通重點 Communication Note 建材分析 Material Analysis 21 1. 2. 3. 1. The existing building was preserved while renovated in all interior furnishings and many portions of the façade 2. Humble material responds to the tradition of the school 3. The furnishings of the first floor are expected to be encountered by visitors as the gateway of the school 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. Humble materials were used to portray the teaching philosophy of CYCU 2. The floor and wall are covered by black color granites yet different in surface texture 3. Internal structure posts are covered by fine pebble 4. From the first to the third floor uses light color walnut veneer extensively 5. Metal, glass and paints were applied in designated portions 119