12 天 日本本州+中部+北海道 賞櫻之旅 本州 大阪 / 京都 / 富士山 / 東京 中部 岐阜 / 白川鄉 / 高山 / 松本 北海道 登別 / 昭和新山 / 函馆/小樽 / 札幌 / 千歲 團費包含 : 機票 + 機場稅依據行程上 華語導游 + 司機小費 酒店 交通 及 膳食依據行程上 個人旅

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界遗产富士山的构成资产 遊覽被稱為日本最迷人的松本城堡, 它也是日本現存最為古老的建築, 已被指定為國寶 因處在有美麗的阿爾卑斯山為背景而聞名 第五天松本高山白川鄉岐阜旅游車 ( 三餐 ) 早餐后, 乘車前往高山, 飛彈高山懷舊古街 隨後前往白川鄉 參觀世界文化遺產合掌村落 這個地方的民宅大都是 合掌造 ( 茅草的人字型木屋頂 ) 式的 3 4 層建築, 有些還超過 250 年歷史 為了防止積雪, 屋頂造成 60º 的斜面 ( 以防冬天厚雪重壓而坍塌 ), 寸釘不用 因為它景觀獨特, 已被指定為世界遺產 得愛橋, 明善寺 - 遠觀 除了日本京都, 高山市大概是觀光客最推崇的懷舊都市, 有 小京都 稱號, 典雅恬靜的小鎮風貌, 韻味更甚京都 隨後, 前往郡上 第六天岐阜京都大阪關西旅游車 ( 三餐 ) 早餐后, 乘車前往京都, 參觀香火最鼎盛的寺廟清水寺, 因寺內擁有一處清泉而得名, 被稱為清水舞台的殿廊, 大舞台支架未用一釘, 只靠著 139 根木柱綜橫交錯取得支撐力著 清水寺正殿旁有一山泉, 稱為音羽瀑布, 流水清冽, 終年不斷, 被列為日本十大名水之首, 清水寺因此而得名 位於清水寺中近高台寺時會經過兩段石阪階梯, 第一段是三年阪步行街, 第二段是二年阪手工藝品街 二者是因為建成時代有別, 而有不同的稱呼, 二年阪建於大同二年 ( 西元 808 年 ), 另一段則於次年建成 遊客想深刻體會京都古風, 這段步道是最佳路線, 沿途有各種清水寺燒的古瓷店, 古樸的飲食店和紀念品店, 也是一條不錯的購物路線 隨後, 前往心斎橋購物商場自由購物 第七天關西 千歲登別飛機 / 旅游車 ( 三餐 ) 早餐后, 前往關西國際機場乘達日本內陸航班飛往千歲機場, 北海道 抵達北海道國際機場后, 由當地導遊接見並乘車前往登別 隨後, 游覽忍者村及遊覽地獄谷, 為火山口爆發遺跡 大約在一萬年前形成, 有直徑大約 450 米的地方依然在噴白煙, 而且寸草不生, 又有強烈硫磺味, 由於就像在地獄之中, 因而得名 地獄谷提供多達 11 種不同礦物質的泉水給附近的有名的登別溫泉, 早在百多年前已有人懂得在地獄谷開採泉水 從觀光行道可近距離看到間歇泉和滾燙的河水 今晚入住溫泉酒店 第八天登別函館旅游車 ( 三餐 ) 早餐後, 參觀尼克斯海洋公園, 是個以丹麥古城為依據的尼可斯城堡為中心, 再加上浪漫北歐街景而組成的北歐風情水族館 擁有 8 公尺高, 名為水晶塔的水槽, 其中主要展示拿破崙魚 此外, 穿越水底參觀隧道還可以欣賞到大大小小不同種類的魚穿梭其中, 就像是在海地散步一樣 當然還有可愛的企鵝游行 海豚表演以及海獅秀可以欣賞得到 遊畢! 乘車前往函館, 是北海道第三大城, 在整個北海道的南端, 居於函館山下, 西南延伸到函館半島的沙洲, 形似一支扇子, 可說是進入北海道的重要孔道, 和本州東北青森 參觀哥德式建築的羅馬天主教元町教會拍照留念 接著參觀明治時代的舊倉庫改裝而成的金森倉庫群 一連有五座倉庫, 現今幾乎都改裝成格調高雅的商店, 餐廳及啤酒屋 第九天函館昭和新山札幌旅游車 ( 三餐 ) 早餐後, 前往體驗函館早集市場 隨後, 參觀規模宏大的昭和新山熊牧場 牧場里飼養了上百頭大大小小的北海道熊, 您可以在此自費購買餵熊小點心, 感受餵食的樂趣 於此同時, 您也將有機會觀賞到 1944 年爆發從農田中滿灌, 北海道唯一活火山 昭和新山 ( 拍照站 ) 乘車前往北海道首府札幌 大通公園, 不僅是市民及遊客遊憩的好場所, 亦是一年四季各種祭祀活動的主要場地 在這您也可展望宏偉的電視塔 ( 拍照站 ) 隨後路過明治 11 年所遺留的計時台 ( 車覽 ) 前往札幌著名大道狸小路毗鄰的百貨商店區購物, 超過 150 家的流行服飾店 餐廳 土產店等, 讓您大肆購物直呼過癮 遊畢! 安排著名夜區 蒲野不夜天逛一逛 這裡娛樂場所豐富, 夜生活多姿多彩, 是北海道首屈一指的繁華街, 其鄰近的拉麵街亦是札幌名物之所在 第十天札幌小樽札幌旅游車 ( 三餐 ) 早餐后, 乘車前往有山 海 坡道等港口 小樽 遊覽日本唯一僅存古色古香, 並富有歐洲風情浪漫的小樽運河 ( 拍照站 ), 在此可漫步於羅曼蒂克之古老街道, 周圍並排著明治 大正時代由紅色磚瓦所建造的倉庫群, 寧靜中漂流著鄉愁的氣息 再前往參觀四千種各式各樣的音樂盒博物館, 聆聽幽美的節奏 轉往素有玻璃工房盛名的北一硝子館, 是明治時期所建造的石材建築而成的倉庫 經過改裝後, 參觀精巧的彩繪玻璃藝術, 此地常吸引無數觀光客注目 隨後, 前往白色戀人公園 ( 拍照站 ), 是一個日本巧克力公司 白之戀人的主題公

園, 公司的主打產品就是白色戀人蛋糕, 兩快薄奶油蛋糕中間夾著巧克力, 這作為所有到北海道旅遊的紀念品清單上必不可少的一項 遊畢! 安排 MITSUI 名牌購物商場 ; 自由購物 第十一天札幌千嵗成田旅游車 ( 三餐 ) 早餐后, 乘車前往札幌展望臺及北海道神宮, 明治 2 (1869) 年 9 月 1 日, 奉明治天皇的詔令, 創建北海道神宮 游畢! 第十二天成田 汶萊 古晉旅游車 / 飛機 ( 早餐 / 機上便餐 ) 早餐后, 送往成田國際機場, 辦妥離境手續后乘搭航班飛返汶萊 抵達汶萊國際機場后, 于預定時間前往轉機乘搭航班飛返美麗家園 古晉 < 以上行程僅供參考, 正確行程以當地接待為標准 > < 各航空公司之燃油費及保險附加費, 將以最後更新之價格為准 > 團費 2 或 3 大人一房 小孩加床 小孩不加床 每人 ( 馬幣 ) 團費適合用于最少 16 大人以上 如少於 16 大人, 團費將有差別 12,388.00 酒店 : 川口市 Tominoko Hot Spring 或同級 登別 Manseikaku Hot Spring 或同級 松本 Alpico Plaza 或同級函館 Royal 或同級 岐阜 Resol 或同級札幌 View 或同級 關西 Bellevue Garden Kansai Airport 或同級成田 Narita Tobu 或同級 汶萊 待告 航班資料 : 08APR BI 854 古晉 / 汶萊 1225 1415 10APR BI 695 汶萊 / 成田 0035 0730 14APR TBA 關西 / 千歲 TBA 18APR TBA 千歲 / 成田 TBA 19APR BI 696 成田 / 汶萊 1145 1710 19APR BI 855 汶萊 / 古晉 1945 2135

12Days Japan Honshu + Chubu + Hokkaido HONSHU OSAKA/ KYOTO/ MT. FUJI/ TOKYO CHUBU GIFU/SHIRAKAWA/ TAKAYAMA/MATSUMOTO HOKKAIDO NOBORIBETSU / HAKODATE/ SHOWA SHINZAN/ OTARU / SAPPORO / CHITOSE Tour Includes Tour Excludes : Air Ticket + Airport Tax as per Itinerary, Mandarin Speaking Guide + Driver Tipping, Hotel, Transfer & Meals as per Itinerary, Personal Travel Insurance (12 Days Only. For age below 70 years old, if age exceed than 70 years old, there is an extra amount to be charge), Entrance Fee as per Itinerary. : Luggage Access Fee, Optional Tour, Own Expenses, Loses due to Flights Delayed & Natural Disasters. Departure Date : 08 APR 2020 Tour Fare : RM 12,388.00 all in per person Day 01 Kuching Brunei Flight (MOB) Assemble at Kuching Airport and depart for your exciting holiday with a pleasant flight to Brunei International Airport. Upon arrival at Brunei, check in hotel and free and easy. Day 02 Brunei Narita Flight (B / MOB) After breakfast, proceed for Brunei City Tour. After that, transfer to Brunei International Airport, take your flight to Narita, Tokyo Japan. Stay overnight on flight. Day 03 Brunei Narita Tokyo Flight /Coach (MOB / L / D) Arrive in the morning at Narita International Airport. Upon arrival, meet and greet by the local tour guide and then head to visit Asakusa Kannon Temple; perhaps the oldest Buddhist temple in the region and a draw for people from around Japan who brought with them spending money to make Asakusa proper. In front of Asakusa Kannon Temple is Nakamise Shopping Street. Alongside typical Japanese souvenirs such as yukata and folding fans, various traditional local snacks from the Asakusa area are sold along Nakamise. Next, Photo Stop at Tokyo Sky Tree and Passby Imperial Palace, the home of the emperor and empress, surrounding by a high stone slab. Thereafter, proceed visit to Shinjuku Shopping Street a place to be seen emptying your wallet and famous entertainment area ~ BIC Camera, Sakuraya watches, Isetan HQ, Muji and etc. Visit the Kabuki-Cho nightlife are and its show can be arranged too by own expenses.

Day 04 Mt. Fuji Matsumoto Oshino Hakkai Coach (B / L / D) After breakfast, transfer to the Mt. Fuji. If weather permitted, we are able to drive up to the level 5 of the Japan tallest mountain Mt. Fuji (Subject to Weather Permit). Oshino Hakkai located in Fuji Five Lakes region is a small village with 8 ponds of filled spring water from underground water reservoir filtered through volcanic lavas. The purity of spring water is highly rated. Then, visit Matsumoto Castle, it is one of the most complete and beautiful among Japan's original castles. It is a "hirajiro" - a castle built on plains rather than on a hill or mountain. Day 05 Matsumoto Takayama Gifu Coach (B / L / D) After breakfast, Head to Takayama, Takayama Sannomachi Suji Old Street. Cotinue your journey by departing to Shirakawago. Visit Shirakawa-Go Village ~ The UNESCO World Heritage Site, they are famous for their traditional gassho-zukuri farmhouses, some of which are more than 250 years old. Gassho-zukuri means constructed like hands in prayer, as the farmhouses steep thatched roofs resemble the hands of Buddhist monks pressed together in prayer. The architectural style developed over many generations and is designed to withstand the large amounts of heavy snow that falls in the region during winter. The roofs, made without nails, provided a large attic space used for cultivating silkworms. Deai Bridge and view of Myozenji Temple. Then, continue to Gujo Hachiman. Day 06 Gifu Kyoto Osaka Kansai Coach (B / L / D) After breakfast, head to Kyoto, visit Kiyomizu Temple. Founded in 788, predates Kyoto and is dedicated to the 11 faced kannon. Otowa-no-taki a waterfall where visitors sip water from a spring said to have many health benefit if not sheer divine power for the true believer. Sanenzaka and Ninezaka typical Japanese souvenirs street. Then, visit Shinsaibashi Shopping Street, enjoy shopping. Day 07 Kansai Airport Chitose Noboribetsu Flight /Coach (B / L / D) After breakfast, transfer to Kansai Airport for domestic flight to Chitose Airport. Then continue our journey to Noboribetsu which is known for its natural hot springs. Then, visit to Ninja Village and also visit Jigokudani (Hell Valley), is a part of an old crater. Columns of steam are incessantly raised from the numerous fissures in the rocks, and hot water bubbles out at many places. Tonight overnight at Hot Spring. Day 08 Noboribetsu Hakodate Coach (B / L / D) After breakfast, visit Nixe Marine Park, an aquarium with central building of Nixe castle, modeled real ancient castle in Denmark, and reproduced Northern European streets. In the Crystal tower, fish tank as high as 8 meter, the main inhabitant is Napoleon fish. In aqua tunnel, you will find yourself as if you were walking bottom of the sea by watching fishes of varied sizes surrounding. Next, head to Hakodate, one of the most beautiful port cities of Japan and one of the first three ports in Japan opened for foreign trade in 1859. Photo stop at Motomachi Roman Catholic Church, It is a symbol of resurrection of the Christian faith in Japan after years of suppression. It is built in Gothic architectural style and it is one of the oldest Catholic churches in Japan, along with those in Yokohama and Nagasaki. Next, walk around the Kanemori Old Port Store Street. Day 09 Hakodate Showa Shinzan Sapporo Coach (B / L / D) After breakfast, enjoy at Hakodate Morning Market. Then, visit Showa Shinzan Bear Park, nicknamed Hito-No-Ori (the human cage), is home to around 100 bears. The park s design allows you to feel the overwhelming power of the bears from the safe haven of the human cage. From here, have a photo session of Mt. Showa Shinza (Photostop), is an active volcano rising south of Toyako. Next, transfer to Sapporo. Visit Odori Park, is a 105 m wide, 1.5 km long parkway slicing through the heart citizens. From here you are able to see Sapporo TV Tower (Photostop), it is built in 1957, is a 147.2 metre high TV tower with an observation deck at a height of 90.38 metres. Pass by Clock Tower Building. At Tanukikoji Shopping Street, enjoy your shopping at more than 150 boutiques, souvenirs, shops and restaurant. Continue explore the Susukino District, is the city s nightlife amusement area accommodating about 4,500 restaurant, bars, cabarets and nightclubs. And, the famous Ramen Street, currently 16 well-established Ramen restaurants are competing over tastes.

Day 10 Sapporo Otaru Sapporo Coach (B / L / D) After breakfast, Head to Otaru to visit Otaru Canal (Photostop), is the symbol of the commercial city Otaru that once prospered as Hokkaido s economic hub. After that, visit to Kitaichi Glass Museum and Otaru Music Box Workshop. Thereafter, visit to Shiroi Koibito Park (Photo Stop), it is a white chocolate park. Shopping at Mitsui Outlet Mall. Day 11 Sapporo Chitose Narita Coach (B / L / D) After breakfast, visit to Okurayama and Hokkaido Shrine, the Meiji Emperor decided on the policy of developing Hokkaido Shrine in 1869. The shrine has been the main shrine protecting Hokkaido. Day 12 Narita Brunei Kuching Coach /Flight (B / MOB) After breakfast, transfer to Kansai International Airport for your flight back to Brunei. Upon arrival Brunei International Airport, take another flight back to home sweet home Kuching. <Please note that above itinerary is for your reference purpose. However, entire journey still base on local tour guide arrangement> <Airlines Fuel Surcharge and YQ Tax subject to change without prior notice> Tour Fare Per Pax (RM) Prices applicable for minimum of 16 Adults & Above. If less than 16 Adults, price will be different. Twin or Triple Sharing per Adult 12,388.00 Child with Extra Bed Child No Bed Hotel : Kawaguchi Tominoko Hot Spring or Similar Noboribetsu Manseikaku Hot Spring or Similar Matsumoto Alpico Plaza or Similar Hakodate Royal or Similar Gifu Resol or Similar Sapporo View or Similar Kansai Bellevue Garden Kansai Airport or Similar Narita Narita Tobu or Similar Brunei To Be Advice Flight Detail : 08APR BI 854 KUCHING / BRUNEI 1225 1415 10APR BI 695 BRUNEI / NARITA 0035 0730 14APR TBA KANSAI / CHITOSE TBA 18APR TBA CHITOSE / NARITA TBA 19APR BI 696 NARITA / BRUNEI 1145 1710 19APR BI 855 BRUNEI / KUCHING 1945 2135