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(ICL),, 5 ( ), 40,, , [2,15-19], 3, (THI) (WCI) ( 1) 1 Tab.1 THI WCI and ICL grade standard,, ( ); 3, ;, 1 1, Fig.1 Structur


(2020 一前医療 保健英 4-16) [ ],,, -1-

(2020 一前医療 保健英 5-16) ( 1 ),,,,,,,,,, -2-

(2020 一前医療 保健英 6-16),,,,, -3-

(2020 一前医療 保健英 7-16),,,, -4-

(2020 一前医療 保健英 8-16), [21] [30],,,, [ 21 ], [ 22 ],, [ 23 ] [ 24 ],,[ 25 ],, [ 26 ] [ 27 ] [ 28 ],,,,, [ 29 ], ;, [ 30 ];,,,,,, -5-

(2020 一前医療 保健英 9-16) [ ] Thingalytics : Smart Big Data Analytics for the Internet of Things by Dr. John Bates, 2015. Copyright 2015 Dr. John Bates. Reproduced by permission of the author. -6-

(2020 一前医療 保健英 10-16) 第 5 問次の英文を読んで, 以下の問い ( 問 ~ 問 6) に答え, 記述用解答用紙に解答しなさい なお, * の付いた語句には, 文末に注があります We all experience stress when we deal with pressure from family members, friends, work, *societal expectations, and more. To deal with stress, many people listen to music, watch television, go for a walk outside, or take deep breaths. But for female *Japanese maca ues, they love to bathe in hot tubs to relax. It ( ア ) ( )( )( )( )( )( )( ) the maca ues uni ue activity. A couple of tourists noticed a young maca ue bathing in a hot spring owned by a hotel in Japan s Jigokudani Monkey Park. Soon, A. The problem was that humans could not bathe in the same water due to the monkeys *unhygienic lifestyles. Therefore, B and now, around one-third of the female monkeys living in Jigokudani bathe there. Japanese maca ues can be found in a wide variety of habitats some filled with forestry or next to the ocean. In the central region, the monkeys live in Nagano, an extremely cold, mountainous and snowy area あ in northern Japan. Their habitat is filled with naturally-formed hot springs that are over *140 degrees Fahrenheit, and often during the wintertime, these maca ues can be い soaking in these naturally-formed pools! Depending on seasonal changes, the monkeys will う to new areas to live such as the island of Yaku-Shima where there are *subtropical temperatures. In fact, the majority of maca ues live there. Based on their environment and the season, maca ues eat a wide range of foods from tree *bark in the wintertime and fruits in the fall. At first, scientists believed that monkeys bathed in hot tubs to stay warm during the cold and harsh climate. However, scientists from Kyoto University thought that the monkeys bathed to lower their stress levels. ( イ ) To determine whether this hypothesis was true, they obtained and tested monkey *feces for levels of *glucocorticoids, a hormone which increases stress. Researchers tracked 12 maca ues during their birth season (April to June) and winter season (October to December) to analyze which monkeys bathed the longest and their traits. The results showed that maca ues typically stopped bathing once air temperatures warmed up, and that those who bathed in hot tubs exhibited 20% lower glucocorticoid levels. ( ウ ) This discovery was crucial as C, like humans, and they too, bathe to relax. It was also interesting to note that the majority of bathing monkeys were, in fact, dominant females who were involved in more aggressive conflicts and were using up more energy. This showed D -7-

(2020 一前医療 保健英 11-16),,, [ https://www.youngzi ne.org/news/our-earth/snow-monkeys-love-hot-baths-too ] unhygienic 140 degrees Fahrenheit 140 60 subtropical bark feces glucocorticoid saliva unwind ( ), 2, 4, 6, (a), (a) 1963 (b) (c) (e) (f),,, (1) park management decided to build a hot spring made only for the monkeys (2) there was a correlation between high amounts of stress and bathing (3) (4) monkeys released more stress hormones in colder temperatures,,, 問 5 下線部 ( ウ ) の This discovery の指し示す内容となるように, 次の空所 1 ~ 3 適切な日本語を入れなさい に, 1,, 2, 3 問 6 下線部 ( エ ) を英語にするとき, 次の空所 ( ) に適切な英語を 1 語ずつ入れなさい the ( )( )( )( )( ), ( )( ) a bath -8-