GB/T BibT.7exEX style

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GB/T 7714-2015 BibT E X style Zeping Lee 2019/11/20 v1.1.2 摘要 The gbt7714 package provides a BibT E X implementation for the China s bibliography style standard GB/T 7714-2015. It consists of two bst files for numerical and authoryear styles as well as a L A TEX package which provides the citation style defined in the standard. It is compatible with natbib and supports language detection (Chinese and English) for each biblilography entry. 1 简介 GB/T 7714-2015 信息与文献参考文献著录规则 [1] ( 以下简称 国标 ) 是中国的参考文献推荐标准 本宏包是国标的 BibT E X [2] 实现, 具有以下特性 : [3] 兼容 natbib 宏包 支持顺序编码制和著者 - 出版年制两种风格 自动识别语言并进行相应处理 提供了简单的接口供用户修改样式本宏包的主页 : 2 使用方法 super numbers authoryear 按照国标的规定, 参考文献的标注体系分为 顺序编码制 和 著者 - 出版年制 (authoryear), 其中顺序编码制根据引用标注样式的不同分为角标数字式 (super) 和与正文平排的数字式 (numbers) 用户应在导言区调用宏包 gbt7714, 并在参数中选择参考文献的标注样式 默认的参数是 super, 额外的参数会传递给 natbib 宏包, 比如 : \usepackage[authoryear]{gbt7714} 然后不再需要调用 \bibliographystyle 命令设置参考文献列表风格 使用时需要注意以下几点 : 不再需要调用 \bibliographystyle 命令选择参考文献表的格式 bib 数据库应使用 UTF-8 编码 使用著者 - 出版年制参考文献表时, 中文的文献必须在 key 域填写作者姓名的拼音, 才能按照拼音排序, 详见第 5 节 1

\cite \bibliography 在正文中引用文献时应使用 \cite 命令 同一处引用多篇文献时, 应将各篇文献的 key 一同写在 \cite 命令中, 如 \cite{knuth84,lamport94,mittelbach04} 如遇连续编号, 可以自动转为起讫序号并用短横线连接 它可以自动排序并用处理连续编号 若需要标出引文的页码, 可以标在 \cite 的可选参数中, 如 \cite[42]{knuth84} 更多的引用标注方法可以参考 natbib 宏包的使用说明 [3] 参考文献表可以在文中使用 \bibliography 命令调用 注意文献列表的样式已经在模板中根据选项设置, 用户不再需要使用 \bibliographystyle 命令 3 文献类型 国标中规定了 16 种参考文献类型, 表 1 列举了 bib 数据库中对应的文献类型 这些尽可能兼容 BibT E X 的标准类型, 但是新增了若干文献类型 ( 带 * 号 ) 表 1: 全部文献类型 文献类型 标识代码 Entry Type 普通图书 M book 图书的析出文献 M incollection 会议录 C proceedings 会议录的析出文献 C inproceedings 或 conference 汇编 G collection* 报纸 N newspaper* 期刊的析出文献 J article 学位论文 D mastersthesis 或 phdthesis 报告 R techreport 标准 S standard* 专利 P patent* 数据库 DB database* 计算机程序 CP software* 电子公告 EB online* 档案 A archive* 舆图 CM map* 数据集 DS dataset* 其他 Z misc 4 著录项目 由于国标中规定的著录项目多于 BibT E X 的标准域, 必须新增一些著录项目 ( 带 * 号 ), 这些新增的类型在设计时参考了 BibLaTeX, 如 date 和 urldate 本宏包支持的全部域如下: author 主要责任者 title 题名 mark* 文献类型标识 medium* 载体类型标识 zepinglee AT 2

translator* 译者 editor 编辑 organization 组织 ( 用于会议 ) booktitle 图书题名 series 系列 journal 期刊题名 edition 版本 address 出版地 publisher 出版者 school 学校 ( 用于 phdthesis) institution 机构 ( 用于 techreport) year 出版年 volume 卷 number 期 ( 或者专利号 ) pages 引文页码 date* 更新或修改日期 urldate* 引用日期 url 获取和访问路径 doi 数字对象唯一标识符 language* 语言 key 拼音 ( 用于排序 ) 不支持的 BibT E X 标准著录项目有 annote, chapter, crossref, month, type 本宏包默认情况下可以自动识别文献语言, 并自动处理文献类型和载体类型标识, 但是在少数情况下需要用户手动指定, 如 : @misc{citekey, language = {japanese}, mark medium... = {Z}, = {DK}, 可选的语言有 english, chinese, japanese, russian 5 文献列表的排序 国标规定参考文献表采用著者 - 出版年制组织时, 各篇文献首先按文种集中, 然后按著者字顺和出版年排列 ; 中文文献可以按著者汉语拼音字顺排列, 也可以按著者的笔画笔顺排列 然而由于 BibT E X 功能的局限性, 无法自动获取著者姓名的拼音或笔画笔顺, 所以必须在 bib 数据库中的 key 域手动录入著者姓名的拼音, 如 : @book{capital, author = { 马克思 and 恩格斯 }, key = {ma3 ke4 si1 en1 ge2 si1},... 3

6 自定义样式 BibT E X 对自定义样式的支持比较有限, 所以用户只能通过修改 bst 文件来修改文献列表的格式 本宏包提供了一些接口供用户更方便地修改 在 bst 文件开始处的 load.config 函数中, 有一组配置参数用来控制样式, 表 2 列出了每一项的默认值和功能 若变量被设为 #1 则表示该项被启用, 设为 #0 则不启用 默认的值是严格遵循国标的配置 表 2: 参考文献表样式的配置参数 参数值 默认值 功能 #1 将著者姓名转为大写 max.num.authors #3 输出著者的最多数量 #0 著者和年份之间使用句点连接 #1 将西文的题名转为 sentence case link.title #0 在题名上添加 url 的超链接 show.mark #1 显示文献类型标识 italic.jounal #0 西文期刊名使用斜体 show.missing.address.publisher #1 出版项缺失时显示 出版者不详 show.url #1 显示 url show.doi #1 显示 doi show.note #0 显示 note 域的信息 若用户需要定制更多内容, 可以学习 bst 文件的语法并修改 [4-6], 或者联系作者 7 相关工作 [7] TeX 社区也有其他关于 GB/T 7714 系列参考文献标准的工作 2005 年吴凯发布了基于 [8] GB/T 7714-2005 的 BibT E X 样式, 支持顺序编码制和著者出版年制两种风格 李志奇发布了 [9] 严格遵循 GB/T 7714-2005 的 BibLaTeX 的样式 胡海星提供了另一个 BibT E X 实现, 还给每行 [10] bst 代码写了 java 语言注释 沈周基于 biblatex-caspervector [11] 进行修改, 以符合国标的格式 胡振震发布了符合 GB/T 7714-2015 标准的 BibLaTeX 参考文献样式 [12], 并进行了比较完善的持续维护 参考文献 [1] 中国国家标准化委员会. 信息与文献 参考文献著录规则 : GB/T 7714 2015[S]. 北京 : 中国 标准出版社, 2015. [2] PATASHNIK O. BibT E Xing[M/OL]. 1988. [3] DALY P W. Natural sciences citations and references[m/ol]. 1999. ros/latex/contrib/natbib/natbib.pdf. [4] PATASHNIK O. Designing BibT E X styles[m/ol]. 1988. e/btxhak.pdf. 4

[5] MARKEY N. Tame the beast[m/ol]. 2003. en.pdf. [6] MITTELBACH F, GOOSSENS M, BRAAMS J, et al. The L A TEX companion[m]. 2nd ed. Reading, MA, USA: Addison-Wesley, 2004. [7] 吴凯. 发布 GBT7714-2005.bst version1 Beta 版 [EB/OL]. 2006. od=viewthread&tid=33591. [8] 李志奇. 基于 biblatex 的符合 GBT7714-2005 的中文文献生成工具 [EB/OL]. 2013. http://bbs. [9] 胡海星. A GB/T 7714-2005 national standard compliant BibTeX style[eb/ol]. 2013. https: // [10] 沈周. 基于 caspervector 改写的符合 GB/T 7714-2005 标准的参考文献格式 [EB/OL]. 2016. [11] VECTOR C T. biblatex 参考文献和引用样式 : caspervector[m/ol]. 2012. http://mirrors.ctan.o rg/macros/latex/contrib/biblatex-contrib/biblatex-caspervector/doc/caspervector.pdf. [12] 胡振震. 符合 GB/T 7714-2015 标准的 biblatex 参考文献样式 [M/OL]. 2016. 5

A 宏包的代码实现 下面声明和处理宏包的选项, 有 authoryear 和 numbers 1 *package 2 \newif\if@gbt@mmxv 3 \newif\if@gbt@numerical 4 \newif\if@gbt@super 5 \DeclareOption{2015}{\@gbt@mmxvtrue} 6 \DeclareOption{2005}{\@gbt@mmxvfalse} 7 \DeclareOption{super}{\@gbt@numericaltrue\@gbt@supertrue} 8 \DeclareOption{numbers}{\@gbt@numericaltrue\@gbt@superfalse} 9 \DeclareOption{authoryear}{\@gbt@numericalfalse} 10 \DeclareOption*{\PassOptionsToPackage{\CurrentOption}{natbib}} 11 \ExecuteOptions{2015,super} 12 \ProcessOptions\relax 只在顺序编码时使用 sort&compress 13 \if@gbt@numerical 14 \PassOptionsToPackage{sort&compress}{natbib} 15 \fi 16 \RequirePackage{natbib} 17 \RequirePackage{url} \citestyle 定义接口切换引用文献的标注法, 可用 \citestyle 调用 numerical 或 authoryear, 参见 natbib 18 \newcommand\bibstyle@super{\bibpunct{[}{]}{,}{s}{,}{\textsuperscript{,}}} 19 \newcommand\bibstyle@numbers{\bibpunct{[}{]}{,}{n}{,}{,}} 20 \newcommand\bibstyle@authoryear{\bibpunct{(}{)}{;}{a}{,}{,}} \gbtbibstyle 定义接口切换参考文献表的风格, 可选 authoryear 和 numerical, 这个仅用于 chapterbib 21 \newcommand\gbtbibstyle[1]{% 22 \@ifundefined{gbt@bib@#1}{% 23 \PackageError{gbt7714}{Invalid argument #1}{}% 24 }{% 25 \@nameuse{gbt@bib@#1} 26 }% 27 } 28 \newcommand\gbt@bib@numerical{% 29 \if@gbt@mmxv 30 \bibliographystyle{gbt7714-unsrt}% 31 \else 32 \bibliographystyle{gbt7714-2005-unsrt}% 33 \fi 34 } 35 \newcommand\gbt@bib@authoryear{% 36 \if@gbt@mmxv 37 \bibliographystyle{gbt7714-plain}% 38 \else 39 \bibliographystyle{gbt7714-2005-plain}% 40 \fi 41 } 6

处理宏包选项 42 \if@gbt@numerical 43 \if@gbt@super 44 \citestyle{super}% 45 \gbtbibstyle{numerical}% 46 \else 47 \citestyle{numbers} 48 \gbtbibstyle{numerical}% 49 \fi 50 \else 51 \citestyle{authoryear} 52 \gbtbibstyle{authoryear}% 53 \fi \cite 下面修改 natbib 的引用格式, 将页码写在上标位置 为了减少依赖的宏包, 这里直接重定义命 令不使用 \patchcmd Numerical 模式的 \citet 的页码 : 54 \def\nat@citexnum[#1][#2]#3{% 55 \NAT@reset@parser 56 \NAT@sort@cites{#3}% 57 \NAT@reset@citea 58 \@cite{\def\nat@num{-1}\let\nat@last@yr\relax\let\nat@nm\@empty 59 \@for\@citeb:=\nat@cite@list\do 60 {\@safe@activestrue 61 \edef\@citeb{\expandafter\@firstofone\@citeb\@empty}% 62 \@safe@activesfalse 63 \@ifundefined{b@\@citeb\@extra@b@citeb}{% 64 {\reset@font\bfseries?} 65 \NAT@citeundefined\PackageWarning{natbib}% 66 {Citation `\@citeb' on page \thepage \space undefined}}% 67 {\let\nat@last@num\nat@num\let\nat@last@nm\nat@nm 68 \NAT@parse{\@citeb}% 69 \ifnat@longnames\@ifundefined{bv@\@citeb\@extra@b@citeb}{% 70 \let\nat@name=\nat@all@names 71 \global\@namedef{bv@\@citeb\@extra@b@citeb}{}}{}% 72 \fi 73 \ifnat@full\let\nat@nm\nat@all@names\else 74 \let\nat@nm\nat@name\fi 75 \ifnat@swa 76 \@ifnum{\nat@ctype>\@ne}{% 77 \@citea 78 \NAT@hyper@{\@ifnum{\NAT@ctype=\tw@}{\NAT@test{\NAT@ctype}}{\NAT@alias}}% 79 }{% 80 \@ifnum{\nat@cmprs>\z@}{% 81 \NAT@ifcat@num\NAT@num 82 {\let\nat@nm=\nat@num}% 83 {\def\nat@nm{-2}}% 84 \NAT@ifcat@num\NAT@last@num 85 {\@tempcnta=\nat@last@num\relax}% 7

86 {\@tempcnta\m@ne}% 87 \@ifnum{\nat@nm=\@tempcnta}{% 88 \@ifnum{\nat@merge>\@ne}{}{\nat@last@yr@mbox}% 89 }{% 90 \advance\@tempcnta by\@ne 91 \@ifnum{\nat@nm=\@tempcnta}{% 在顺序编码制下,natbib 只有在三个以上连续文献引用才会使用连接号, 这里修改为允许两个引用使用连接号 92 % \ifx\nat@last@yr\relax 93 % \def@nat@last@yr{\@citea}% 94 % \else 95 % \def@nat@last@yr{--\nat@penalty}% 96 % \fi 97 \def@nat@last@yr{-\nat@penalty}% 98 }{% 99 \NAT@last@yr@mbox 100 }% 101 }% 102 }{% 103 \@tempswatrue 104 \@ifnum{\nat@merge>\@ne}{\@ifnum{\nat@last@num=\nat@num\relax}{\@tempswafalse}{}}{}% 105 \if@tempswa\nat@citea@mbox\fi 106 }% 107 }% 108 \NAT@def@citea 109 \else 110 \ifcase\nat@ctype 111 \ifx\nat@last@nm\nat@nm \NAT@yrsep\NAT@penalty\NAT@space\else 112 \@citea \NAT@test{\@ne}\NAT@spacechar\NAT@mbox{\NAT@super@kern\NAT@@open}% 113 \fi 114 \if*#1*\else#1\nat@spacechar\fi 115 \NAT@mbox{\NAT@hyper@{{\citenumfont{\NAT@num}}}}% 116 \NAT@def@citea@box 117 \or 118 \NAT@hyper@citea@space{\NAT@test{\NAT@ctype}}% 119 \or 120 \NAT@hyper@citea@space{\NAT@test{\NAT@ctype}}% 121 \or 122 \NAT@hyper@citea@space\NAT@alias 123 \fi 124 \fi 125 }% 126 }% 127 \@ifnum{\nat@cmprs>\z@}{\nat@last@yr}{}% 128 \ifnat@swa\else 将页码放在括号外边, 并且置于上标 129 % \@ifnum{\nat@ctype=\z@}{% 130 % \if*#2*\else\nat@cmt#2\fi 8

131 % }{}% 132 \NAT@mbox{\NAT@@close}% 133 \@ifnum{\nat@ctype=\z@}{% 134 \if*#2*\else\textsuperscript{#2}\fi 135 }{}% 136 \fi 137 }{#1}{#2}% 138 }% Numerical 模式的 \citep 的页码 : 139 \renewcommand\nat@citesuper[3]{\ifnat@swa 140 \if*#2*\else#2\nat@spacechar\fi 141 \unskip\kern\p@\textsuperscript{\nat@@open#1\nat@@close\if*#3*\else#3\fi}% 142 \else #1\fi\endgroup} Author-year 模式的 \citet 的页码 : 143 \def\nat@citex% 144 [#1][#2]#3{% 145 \NAT@reset@parser 146 \NAT@sort@cites{#3}% 147 \NAT@reset@citea 148 \@cite{\let\nat@nm\@empty\let\nat@year\@empty 149 \@for\@citeb:=\nat@cite@list\do 150 {\@safe@activestrue 151 \edef\@citeb{\expandafter\@firstofone\@citeb\@empty}% 152 \@safe@activesfalse 153 \@ifundefined{b@\@citeb\@extra@b@citeb}{\@citea% 154 {\reset@font\bfseries?}\nat@citeundefined 155 \PackageWarning{natbib}% 156 {Citation `\@citeb' on page \thepage \space undefined}\def\nat@date{}}% 157 {\let\nat@last@nm=\nat@nm\let\nat@last@yr=\nat@year 158 \NAT@parse{\@citeb}% 159 \ifnat@longnames\@ifundefined{bv@\@citeb\@extra@b@citeb}{% 160 \let\nat@name=\nat@all@names 161 \global\@namedef{bv@\@citeb\@extra@b@citeb}{}}{}% 162 \fi 163 \ifnat@full\let\nat@nm\nat@all@names\else 164 \let\nat@nm\nat@name\fi 165 \ifnat@swa\ifcase\nat@ctype 166 \if\relax\nat@date\relax 167 \@citea\nat@hyper@{\nat@nmfmt{\nat@nm}\nat@date}% 168 \else 169 \ifx\nat@last@nm\nat@nm\nat@yrsep 170 \ifx\nat@last@yr\nat@year 171 \def\nat@temp{{?}}% 172 \ifx\nat@temp\nat@exlab\packagewarningnoline{natbib}% 173 {Multiple citation on page \thepage: same authors and 174 year\messagebreak without distinguishing extra 175 letter,\messagebreak appears as question mark}\fi 176 \NAT@hyper@{\NAT@exlab}% 177 \else\unskip\nat@spacechar 9

178 \NAT@hyper@{\NAT@date}% 179 \fi 180 \else 181 \@citea\nat@hyper@{% 182 \NAT@nmfmt{\NAT@nm}% 183 \hyper@natlinkbreak{% 184 \NAT@aysep\NAT@spacechar}{\@citeb\@extra@b@citeb 185 }% 186 \NAT@date 187 }% 188 \fi 189 \fi 190 \or\@citea\nat@hyper@{\nat@nmfmt{\nat@nm}}% 191 \or\@citea\nat@hyper@{\nat@date}% 192 \or\@citea\nat@hyper@{\nat@alias}% 193 \fi \NAT@def@citea 194 \else 195 \ifcase\nat@ctype 196 \if\relax\nat@date\relax 197 \@citea\nat@hyper@{\nat@nmfmt{\nat@nm}}% 198 \else 199 \ifx\nat@last@nm\nat@nm\nat@yrsep 200 \ifx\nat@last@yr\nat@year 201 \def\nat@temp{{?}}% 202 \ifx\nat@temp\nat@exlab\packagewarningnoline{natbib}% 203 {Multiple citation on page \thepage: same authors and 204 year\messagebreak without distinguishing extra 205 letter,\messagebreak appears as question mark}\fi 206 \NAT@hyper@{\NAT@exlab}% 207 \else 208 \unskip\nat@spacechar 209 \NAT@hyper@{\NAT@date}% 210 \fi 211 \else 212 \@citea\nat@hyper@{% 213 \NAT@nmfmt{\NAT@nm}% 214 \hyper@natlinkbreak{\nat@spacechar\nat@@open\if*#1*\else#1\nat@spacechar\fi}% 215 {\@citeb\@extra@b@citeb}% 216 \NAT@date 217 }% 218 \fi 219 \fi 220 \or\@citea\nat@hyper@{\nat@nmfmt{\nat@nm}}% 221 \or\@citea\nat@hyper@{\nat@date}% 222 \or\@citea\nat@hyper@{\nat@alias}% 223 \fi 224 \if\relax\nat@date\relax 225 \NAT@def@citea 226 \else 10

227 \NAT@def@citea@close 228 \fi 229 \fi 230 }}\ifnat@swa\else 将页码放在括号外边, 并且置于上标 231 % \if*#2*\else\nat@cmt#2\fi 232 \if\relax\nat@date\relax\else\nat@@close\fi 233 \if*#2*\else\textsuperscript{#2}\fi 234 \fi}{#1}{#2}} Author-year 模式的 \citep 的页码 : 235 \renewcommand\nat@cite% 236 [3]{\ifNAT@swa\NAT@@open\if*#2*\else#2\NAT@spacechar\fi 237 #1\NAT@@close\if*#3*\else\textsuperscript{#3}\fi\else#1\fi\endgroup} thebibliography 参考文献列表的标签左对齐 238 \renewcommand\@biblabel[1]{[#1]\hfill} \url 使用 xurl 宏包的方法, 增加 URL 可断行的位置 239 \g@addto@macro\urlbreaks{% 240 \do0\do1\do2\do3\do4\do5\do6\do7\do8\do9% 241 \do\a\do\b\do\c\do\d\do\e\do\f\do\g\do\h\do\i\do\j\do\k\do\l\do\m 242 \do\n\do\o\do\p\do\q\do\r\do\s\do\t\do\u\do\v\do\w\do\x\do\y\do\z 243 \do\a\do\b\do\c\do\d\do\e\do\f\do\g\do\h\do\i\do\j\do\k\do\l\do\m 244 \do\n\do\o\do\p\do\q\do\r\do\s\do\t\do\u\do\v\do\w\do\x\do\y\do\z 245 } 246 \Urlmuskip=0mu plus 0.1mu 247 /package B BibTeX 样式的代码实现 B.1 自定义选项 bst 这里定义了一些变量用于定制样式, 可以在下面的 load.config 函数中选择是否启用 248 *authoryear numerical 249 INTEGERS { 250 251 max.num.authors 252 253 254 link.title 255 show.mark 256 slash.for.extraction 257 in.booktitle 258 italic.jounal 259 bold.journal.volume 260 show.missing.address.publisher 261 show.url 262 show.doi 263 show.note 264 *authoryear 265 lang.zh.order 266 lang.ja.order 267 lang.en.order 11

268 269 lang.other.order 270 /authoryear 271 } 272 下面每个变量若被设为 #1 则启用该项, 若被设为 #0 则不启用 默认的值是严格遵循国标 的配置 273 FUNCTION {load.config} 274 { 英文姓名转为全大写 : 275 *!nouppercase&!thu 276 #1 ' := 277 /!nouppercase&!thu 278 *nouppercase thu 279 #0 ' := 280 /nouppercase thu 最多显示的作者数量 : 281 #3 'max.num.authors := 采用著者 - 出版年制时, 作者姓名与年份之间使用句点连接 : 282 *authoryear 283 *!period&!2005&!ustc 284 #0 ' := 285 /!period&!2005&!ustc 286 *period 2005 ustc 287 #1 ' := 288 /period 2005 ustc 289 /authoryear 英文标题转为 sentence case ( 句首字母大写, 其余小写 ): 290 #1 ' := 291 *nosentencecase 292 #0 ' := 293 /nosentencecase 在标题添加超链接 : 294 #0 'link.title := 295 *linktitle 296 #1 'link.title := 297 /linktitle 著录文献类型标识 ( 比如 [M/OL] ): 298 #1 'show.mark := 299 *nomark 300 #0 'show.mark := 301 /nomark 使用 // 表示析出文献 302 #1 'slash.for.extraction := 303 *noslash 304 #0 'slash.for.extraction := 305 /noslash 使用 In: 表示析出文献 306 #0 'in.booktitle := 期刊名使用斜体 : 307 #0 'italic.jounal := 308 *italicjournal 309 #1 'italic.jounal := 310 /italicjournal 12

期刊的卷使用粗体 : 311 #0 'bold.journal.volume := 无出版地或出版者时, 著录 出版地不详, 出版者不详, S.l. 或 s.n. : 312 *!noslsn&!thu&!ustc 313 #1 'show.missing.address.publisher := 314 /!noslsn&!thu&!ustc 315 *noslsn thu ustc 316 #0 'show.missing.address.publisher := 317 /noslsn thu ustc 是否著录 URL: 318 #1 'show.url := 319 *nourl 320 #0 'show.url := 321 /nourl 是否著录 DOI: 322 *!nodoi&!2005 323 #1 'show.doi := 324 /!nodoi&!2005 325 *nodoi 2005 326 #0 'show.doi := 327 /nodoi 2005 在每一条文献最后输出注释 (note) 的内容 : 328 #0 'show.note := 参考文献表按照 著者 - 出版年 组织时, 各个文种的顺序 : 329 *authoryear 330 #1 'lang.zh.order := 331 #2 'lang.ja.order := 332 #3 'lang.en.order := 333 #4 ' := 334 #5 'lang.other.order := 335 /authoryear 336 } 337 B.2 The ENTRY declaration Like Scribe s (according to pages 231-2 of the April 84 edition), but no fullauthor or editors fields because BibTeX does name handling. The annote field is commented out here because this family doesn t include an annotated bibliography style. And in addition to the fields listed here, BibTeX has a built-in crossref field, explained later. 338 ENTRY 339 { address 340 author 341 booktitle 342 date 343 doi 344 edition 345 editor 346 howpublished 347 institution 348 journal 349 key 350 language 351 mark 352 medium 353 note 13

354 number 355 organization 356 pages 357 publisher 358 school 359 series 360 title 361 translator 362 url 363 urldate 364 volume 365 year 366 } 367 { entry.lang entry.numbered } These string entry variables are used to form the citation label. In a storage pinch, sort.label can be easily computed on the fly. 368 { label extra.label sort.label short.list entry.mark entry.url } 369 B.3 Entry functions Each entry function starts by calling output.bibitem, to write the \bibitem and its arguments to the.bbl file. Then the various fields are formatted and printed by output or output.check. Those functions handle the writing of separators (commas, periods, \newblock s), taking care not to do so when they are passed a null string. Finally, fin.entry is called to add the final period and finish the entry. A bibliographic reference is formatted into a number of blocks : in the open format, a block begins on a new line and subsequent lines of the block are indented. A block may contain more than one sentence (well, not a grammatical sentence, but something to be ended with a sentence ending period). The entry functions should call new.block whenever a block other than the first is about to be started. They should call new.sentence whenever a new sentence is to be started. The output functions will ensure that if two new.sentence s occur without any non-null string being output between them then there won t be two periods output. Similarly for two successive new.block s. The output routines don t write their argument immediately. Instead, by convention, that argument is saved on the stack to be output next time (when we ll know what separator needs to come after it). Meanwhile, the output routine has to pop the pending output off the stack, append any needed separator, and write it. To tell which separator is needed, we maintain an output.state. It will be one of these values: before.all just after the \bibitem mid.sentence in the middle of a sentence: comma needed if more sentence is output after.sentence just after a sentence: period needed after.block just after a block (and sentence): period and \newblock needed. Note: These styles don t use after.sentence VAR: output.state : INTEGER state variable for output The output.nonnull function saves its argument (assumed to be nonnull) on the stack, and writes the old saved value followed by any needed separator. The ordering of the tests is decreasing frequency of occurrence. 由于专著中的析出文献需要用到很特殊的 //, 所以我又加了一个 after.slash 其他需要在特 定符号后面输出, 所以写了一个 output.after output.nonnull(s) == BEGIN s := argument on stack 14

END if output.state = mid.sentence then write$(pop() * ", ") -- "pop" isn't a function: just use stack top else if output.state = after.block then write$(add.period$(pop())) newline$ write$("\newblock ") else if output.state = before.all then write$(pop()) else -- output.state should be after.sentence write$(add.period$(pop()) * " ") fi fi output.state := mid.sentence fi push s on stack The output function calls output.nonnull if its argument is non-empty; its argument may be a missing field (thus, not necessarily a string) output(s) == BEGIN if not empty$(s) then output.nonnull(s) fi END The output.check function is the same as the output function except that, if necessary, output.check warns the user that the t field shouldn t be empty (this is because it probably won t be a good reference without the field; the entry functions try to make the formatting look reasonable even when such fields are empty). output.check(s,t) == BEGIN if empty$(s) then warning$("empty " * t * " in " * cite$) else output.nonnull(s) fi END The output.bibitem function writes the \bibitem for the current entry (the label should already have been set up), and sets up the separator state for the output functions. And, it leaves a string on the stack as per the output convention. output.bibitem == BEGIN newline$ write$("\bibitem[") % for alphabetic labels, write$(label) % these three lines write$("]{") % are used write$("\bibitem{") % this line for numeric labels write$(cite$) write$("}") push "" on stack output.state := before.all END The fin.entry function finishes off an entry by adding a period to the string remaining on the stack. If the state is still before.all then nothing was produced for this entry, so the result will look bad, but the 15

user deserves it. (We don t omit the whole entry because the entry was cited, and a bibitem is needed to define the citation label.) fin.entry == BEGIN write$(add.period$(pop())) newline$ END sentence. The new.block function prepares for a new block to be output, and new.sentence prepares for a new new.block == BEGIN if output.state <> before.all then output.state := after.block fi END new.sentence == BEGIN if output.state <> after.block then if output.state <> before.all then output.state := after.sentence fi fi END 370 INTEGERS { output.state before.all mid.sentence after.sentence after.block after.slash } 371 372 INTEGERS { lang.zh lang.ja lang.en lang.other } 373 374 INTEGERS { charptr len } 375 376 FUNCTION {init.state.consts} 377 { #0 'before.all := 378 #1 'mid.sentence := 379 #2 'after.sentence := 380 #3 'after.block := 381 #4 'after.slash := 382 #3 'lang.zh := 383 #4 'lang.ja := 384 #1 'lang.en := 385 #2 ' := 386 #0 'lang.other := 387 } 388 下面是一些常量的定义 389 FUNCTION {bbl.anonymous} 390 { entry.lang lang.zh = 391 { " 佚名 " } 392 { "Anon" } 393 if$ 394 } 395 396 FUNCTION {} 397 { entry.lang lang.zh = 398 { "\ " } 399 { " " } 400 if$ 401 } 402 16

403 FUNCTION {} 404 { entry.lang lang.zh = 405 { " 等 " } 406 { entry.lang lang.ja = 407 { " 他 " } 408 { entry.lang = 409 { "идр" } 410 { "et~al." } 411 if$ 412 } 413 if$ 414 } 415 if$ 416 } 417 418 FUNCTION {} 419 { } 420 421 FUNCTION {bbl.colon} { ": " } 422 423 *2015 424 FUNCTION {} { "\quad " } 425 /2015 426 *2005 427 FUNCTION {} { "\ " } 428 /2005 429 430 *!thu 431 FUNCTION {bbl.slash} { "//\allowbreak " } 432 /!thu 433 *thu 434 FUNCTION {bbl.slash} { " // " } 435 /thu 436 437 FUNCTION {bbl.sine.loco} 438 { entry.lang lang.zh = 439 { "[ 出版地不详 ]" } 440 { "[S.l.]" } 441 if$ 442 } 443 444 FUNCTION {bbl.sine.nomine} 445 { entry.lang lang.zh = 446 { "[ 出版者不详 ]" } 447 { "[s.n.]" } 448 if$ 449 } 450 451 FUNCTION {bbl.sine.loco.sine.nomine} 452 { entry.lang lang.zh = 453 { "[ 出版地不详 : 出版者不详 ]" } 454 { "[S.l.: s.n.]" } 455 if$ 456 } 457 These three functions pop one or two (integer) arguments from the stack and push a single one, either 0 or 1. The 'skip$ in the and and or functions are used because the corresponding if$ would be idempotent 458 FUNCTION {not} 459 { { #0 } 460 { #1 } 461 if$ 17

462 } 463 464 FUNCTION {and} 465 { 'skip$ 466 { pop$ #0 } 467 if$ 468 } 469 470 FUNCTION {or} 471 { { pop$ #1 } 472 'skip$ 473 if$ 474 } 475 the variables s and t are temporary string holders 476 STRINGS { s t } 477 478 FUNCTION {output.nonnull} 479 { 's := 480 output.state mid.sentence = 481 { ", " * write$ } 482 { output.state after.block = 483 { add.period$ write$ 484 newline$ 485 "\newblock " write$ 486 } 487 { output.state before.all = 488 'write$ 489 { output.state after.slash = 490 { bbl.slash * write$ 491 newline$ 492 } 493 { add.period$ " " * write$ } 494 if$ 495 } 496 if$ 497 } 498 if$ 499 mid.sentence 'output.state := 500 } 501 if$ 502 s 503 } 504 505 FUNCTION {output} 506 { duplicate$ empty$ 507 'pop$ 508 'output.nonnull 509 if$ 510 } 511 512 FUNCTION {output.after} 513 { 't := 514 duplicate$ empty$ 515 'pop$ 516 { 's := 517 output.state mid.sentence = 518 { t * write$ } 519 { output.state after.block = 520 { add.period$ write$ 521 newline$ 522 "\newblock " write$ 523 } 18

524 { output.state before.all = 525 'write$ 526 { output.state after.slash = 527 { bbl.slash * write$ } 528 { add.period$ " " * write$ } 529 if$ 530 } 531 if$ 532 } 533 if$ 534 mid.sentence 'output.state := 535 } 536 if$ 537 s 538 } 539 if$ 540 } 541 542 FUNCTION {output.check} 543 { 't := 544 duplicate$ empty$ 545 { pop$ "empty " t * " in " * cite$ * warning$ } 546 'output.nonnull 547 if$ 548 } 549 This function finishes all entries. 550 FUNCTION {fin.entry} 551 { add.period$ 552 write$ 553 newline$ 554 } 555 556 FUNCTION {new.block} 557 { output.state before.all = 558 'skip$ 559 { output.state after.slash = 560 'skip$ 561 { after.block 'output.state := } 562 if$ 563 } 564 if$ 565 } 566 567 FUNCTION {new.sentence} 568 { output.state after.block = 569 'skip$ 570 { output.state before.all = 571 'skip$ 572 { output.state after.slash = 573 'skip$ 574 { after.sentence 'output.state := } 575 if$ 576 } 577 if$ 578 } 579 if$ 580 } 581 582 FUNCTION {new.slash} 583 { output.state before.all = 584 'skip$ 585 { slash.for.extraction 19

586 { after.slash 'output.state := } 587 { after.block 'output.state := } 588 if$ 589 } 590 if$ 591 } 592 Sometimes we begin a new block only if the block will be big enough. The new.block.checka function issues a new.block if its argument is nonempty; new.block.checkb does the same if either of its TWO arguments is nonempty. 593 FUNCTION {new.block.checka} 594 { empty$ 595 'skip$ 596 'new.block 597 if$ 598 } 599 600 FUNCTION {new.block.checkb} 601 { empty$ 602 swap$ empty$ 603 and 604 'skip$ 605 'new.block 606 if$ 607 } 608 The new.sentence.check functions are analogous. 609 FUNCTION {new.sentence.checka} 610 { empty$ 611 'skip$ 612 'new.sentence 613 if$ 614 } 615 616 FUNCTION {new.sentence.checkb} 617 { empty$ 618 swap$ empty$ 619 and 620 'skip$ 621 'new.sentence 622 if$ 623 } 624 B.4 Formatting chunks Here are some functions for formatting chunks of an entry. By convention they either produce a string that can be followed by a comma or period (using add.period$, so it is OK to end in a period), or they produce the null string. A useful utility is the field.or.null function, which checks if the argument is the result of pushing a missing field (one for which no assignment was made when the current entry was read in from the database) or the result of pushing a string having no non-white-space characters. It returns the null string if so, otherwise it returns the field string. Its main (but not only) purpose is to guarantee that what s left on the stack is a string rather than a missing field. field.or.null(s) == BEGIN 20

END if empty$(s) then return "" else return s Another helper function is emphasize, which returns the argument emphazised, if that is non-empty, otherwise it returns the null string. Italic corrections aren t used, so this function should be used when punctation will follow the result. emphasize(s) == BEGIN if empty$(s) then return "" else return "{\em " * s * "}" The pop$ in this function gets rid of the duplicate empty value and the skip$ returns the duplicate field value 625 FUNCTION {field.or.null} 626 { duplicate$ empty$ 627 { pop$ "" } 628 'skip$ 629 if$ 630 } 631 632 FUNCTION {italicize} 633 { duplicate$ empty$ 634 { pop$ "" } 635 { "\textit{" swap$ * "}" * } 636 if$ 637 } 638 B.4.1 Detect Language 639 INTEGERS { byte second.byte } 640 641 INTEGERS { char.lang tmp.lang } 642 643 STRINGS { tmp.str } 644 645 FUNCTION {get.str.lang} 646 { 'tmp.str := 647 lang.other 'tmp.lang := 648 #1 'charptr := 649 tmp.str text.length$ #1 + 'len := 650 { charptr len < } 651 { tmp.str charptr #1 substring$$ 'byte := 652 byte #128 < 653 { charptr #1 + 'charptr := 654 byte #64 > byte #91 < and byte #96 > byte #123 < and or 655 { lang.en 'char.lang := } 656 { lang.other 'char.lang := } 657 if$ 658 } 659 { tmp.str charptr #1 + #1 substring$$ 'second.byte := 660 byte #224 < 俄文西里尔字母 :U+0400 到 U+052F, 对应 UTF-8 从 D0 80 到 D4 AF 661 { charptr #2 + 'charptr := 662 byte #207 > byte #212 < and 663 byte #212 = second.byte #176 < and or 664 { 'char.lang := } 665 { lang.other 'char.lang := } 666 if$ 21

667 } 668 { byte #240 < CJK Unified Ideographs: U+4E00 U+9FFF; UTF-8: E4 B8 80 E9 BF BF. 669 { charptr #3 + 'charptr := 670 byte #227 > byte #234 < and 671 { lang.zh 'char.lang := } CJK Unified Ideographs Extension A: U+3400 U+4DBF; UTF-8: E3 90 80 E4 B6 BF. 672 { byte #227 = 673 { second.byte #143 > 674 { lang.zh 'char.lang := } 日语假名 :U+3040 U+30FF, UTF-8: E3 81 80 E3 83 BF. 675 { second.byte #128 > second.byte #132 < and 676 { lang.ja 'char.lang := } 677 { lang.other 'char.lang := } 678 if$ 679 } 680 if$ 681 } CJK Compatibility Ideographs: U+F900 U+FAFF, UTF-8: EF A4 80 EF AB BF. 682 { byte #239 = 683 second.byte #163 > second.byte #172 < and and 684 { lang.zh 'char.lang := } 685 { lang.other 'char.lang := } 686 if$ 687 } 688 if$ 689 } 690 if$ 691 } CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B F: U+20000 U+2EBEF, UTF-8: F0 A0 80 80 F0 AE AF AF. CJK Compatibility Ideographs Supplement: U+2F800 U+2FA1F, UTF-8: F0 AF A0 80 F0 AF A8 9F. 692 { charptr #4 + 'charptr := 693 byte #240 = second.byte #159 > and 694 { lang.zh 'char.lang := } 695 { lang.other 'char.lang := } 696 if$ 697 } 698 if$ 699 } 700 if$ 701 } 702 if$ 703 char.lang tmp.lang > 704 { char.lang 'tmp.lang := } 705 'skip$ 706 if$ 707 } 708 while$ 709 tmp.lang 710 } 711 712 FUNCTION {check.entry.lang} 713 { author field.or.null 714 title field.or.null * 715 get.str.lang 716 } 717 718 FUNCTION {set.entry.lang} 719 { language empty$ 720 { check.entry.lang } 22

721 { language "english" = language "american" = or language "british" = or 722 { lang.en } 723 { language "chinese" = 724 { lang.zh } 725 { language "japanese" = 726 { lang.ja } 727 { language "russian" = 728 { } 729 { check.entry.lang } 730 if$ 731 } 732 if$ 733 } 734 if$ 735 } 736 if$ 737 } 738 if$ 739 'entry.lang := 740 } 741 742 FUNCTION {set.entry.numbered} 743 { type$ "patent" = 744 type$ "standard" = or 745 type$ "techreport" = or 746 { #1 'entry.numbered := } 747 { #0 'entry.numbered := } 748 if$ 749 } 750 B.4.2 Format names The format.names function formats the argument (which should be in BibTeX name format) into First Von Last, Junior, separated by commas and with an and before the last (but ending with et al. if the last of multiple authors is others ). This function s argument should always contain at least one name. VAR: nameptr, namesleft, numnames: INTEGER pseudovar: nameresult: STRING (it's what's accumulated on the stack) format.names(s) == BEGIN nameptr := 1 numnames := num.names$(s) namesleft := numnames while namesleft > 0 do % for full names: t :=$(s, nameptr, "{ff~}{vv~}{ll}{, jj}") % for abbreviated first names: t :=$(s, nameptr, "{f.~}{vv~}{ll}{, jj}") if nameptr > 1 then if namesleft > 1 then nameresult := nameresult * ", " * t else if numnames > 2 then nameresult := nameresult * "," fi if t = "others" then nameresult := nameresult * " et~al." else nameresult := nameresult * " and " * t fi fi else nameresult := t fi 23

END nameptr := nameptr + 1 namesleft := namesleft - 1 od return nameresult The format.authors function returns the result of format.names(author) if the author is present, or else it returns the null string format.authors == BEGIN if empty$(author) then return "" else return format.names(author) fi END Format.editors is like format.authors, but it uses the editor field, and appends, editor or, editors format.editors == BEGIN if empty$(editor) then return "" else if num.names$(editor) > 1 then return format.names(editor) * ", editors" else return format.names(editor) * ", editor" fi fi END Other formatting functions are similar, so no comment version will be given for them. 751 INTEGERS { nameptr namesleft numnames name.lang } 752 753 FUNCTION {format.names} 754 { 's := 755 #1 'nameptr := 756 s num.names$ 'numnames := 757 numnames 'namesleft := 758 { namesleft #0 > } 759 { s nameptr "{vv~}{ll}{, jj}{, ff}"$ 't := 760 nameptr max.num.authors > 761 { 762 #1 'namesleft := 763 } 764 { t "others" = 765 { } 766 { t get.str.lang 'name.lang := 767 name.lang lang.en = 768 { t #1 "{vv~}{ll}{~f{~}}"$ 769 770 { "u"$ } 771 'skip$ 772 if$ 773 t #1 "{, jj}"$ * 774 } 775 { t #1 "{ll}{ff}"$ } 776 if$ 777 } 778 if$ 779 } 780 if$ 781 nameptr #1 > 782 { ", " swap$ * * } 24

783 'skip$ 784 if$ 785 nameptr #1 + 'nameptr := 786 namesleft #1 - 'namesleft := 787 } 788 while$ 789 } 790 791 FUNCTION {format.key} 792 { empty$ 793 { key field.or.null } 794 { "" } 795 if$ 796 } 797 798 FUNCTION {format.authors} 799 { author empty$ not 800 { author format.names } 801 { "empty author in " cite$ * warning$ 802 *authoryear 803 bbl.anonymous 804 /authoryear 805 *numerical 806 "" 807 /numerical 808 } 809 if$ 810 } 811 812 FUNCTION {format.editors} 813 { editor empty$ 814 { "" } 815 { editor format.names } 816 if$ 817 } 818 819 FUNCTION {format.translators} 820 { translator empty$ 821 { "" } 822 { translator format.names 823 entry.lang lang.zh = 824 { translator num.names$ #3 > 825 { " 译 " * } 826 { ", 译 " * } 827 if$ 828 } 829 'skip$ 830 if$ 831 } 832 if$ 833 } 834 835 FUNCTION {format.full.names} 836 {'s := 837 #1 'nameptr := 838 s num.names$ 'numnames := 839 numnames 'namesleft := 840 { namesleft #0 > } 841 { s nameptr "{vv~}{ll}{, jj}{, ff}"$ 't := 842 t get.str.lang 'name.lang := 843 name.lang lang.en = 844 { t #1 "{vv~}{ll}"$ 't := } 845 { t #1 "{ll}{ff}"$ 't := } 846 if$ 25

847 nameptr #1 > 848 { 849 namesleft #1 > 850 { ", " * t * } 851 { 852 numnames #2 > 853 { "," * } 854 'skip$ 855 if$ 856 t "others" = 857 { " et~al." * } 858 { " and " * t * } 859 if$ 860 } 861 if$ 862 } 863 't 864 if$ 865 nameptr #1 + 'nameptr := 866 namesleft #1 - 'namesleft := 867 } 868 while$ 869 } 870 871 FUNCTION {author.editor.full} 872 { author empty$ 873 { editor empty$ 874 { "" } 875 { editor format.full.names } 876 if$ 877 } 878 { author format.full.names } 879 if$ 880 } 881 882 FUNCTION {author.full} 883 { author empty$ 884 { "" } 885 { author format.full.names } 886 if$ 887 } 888 889 FUNCTION {editor.full} 890 { editor empty$ 891 { "" } 892 { editor format.full.names } 893 if$ 894 } 895 896 FUNCTION {make.full.names} 897 { type$ "book" = 898 type$ "inbook" = 899 or 900 'author.editor.full 901 { type$ "collection" = 902 type$ "proceedings" = 903 or 904 'editor.full 905 'author.full 906 if$ 907 } 908 if$ 909 } 910 26

911 FUNCTION {output.bibitem} 912 { newline$ 913 "\bibitem[" write$ 914 label ")" * 915 make.full.names duplicate$ short.list = 916 { pop$ } 917 { * } 918 if$ 919 's := 920 s text.length$ 'charptr := 921 { charptr #0 > s charptr #1 substring$ "[" = not and } 922 { charptr #1 - 'charptr := } 923 while$ 924 charptr #0 > 925 { "{" s * "}" * } 926 { s } 927 if$ 928 "]{" * write$ 929 cite$ write$ 930 "}" write$ 931 newline$ 932 "" 933 before.all 'output.state := 934 } 935 B.4.3 Format title The format.title function is used for non-book-like titles. For most styles we convert to lowercase (except for the very first letter, and except for the first one after a colon (followed by whitespace)), and hope the user has brace-surrounded words that need to stay capitilized; for some styles, however, we leave it as it is in the database. 936 FUNCTION {} 937 { entry.lang lang.en = 938 { "t"$ } 939 'skip$ 940 if$ 941 } 942 943 FUNCTION {} 944 { url empty$ not 945 { "\href{" url * "}{" * swap$ * "}" * } 946 { doi empty$ not 947 { "\href{" doi * "}{" * swap$ * "}" * } 948 'skip$ 949 if$ 950 } 951 if$ 952 } 953 954 FUNCTION {format.title} 955 { title empty$ 956 { "" } 957 { title 958 959 ' 960 'skip$ 961 if$ 962 entry.numbered number empty$ not and 963 { bbl.colon * number * } 964 'skip$ 965 if$ 27

966 link.title 967 ' 968 'skip$ 969 if$ 970 } 971 if$ 972 } 973 For several functions we ll need to connect two strings with a tie (~) if the second one isn t very long (fewer than 3 characters). The function does that. It concatenates the two strings on top of the stack, along with either a tie or space between them, and puts this concatenation back onto the stack:,str2) == BEGIN if text.length$(str2) < 3 then return the concatenation of str1, "~", and str2 else return the concatenation of str1, " ", and str2 END 974 FUNCTION {} 975 { duplicate$ text.length$ #3 < 976 { "~" } 977 { " " } 978 if$ 979 swap$ * * 980 } 981 The either.or.check function complains if both fields or an either-or pair are nonempty. either.or.check(t,s) == BEGIN if empty$(s) then warning$(can't use both " * t * " fields in " * cite$) fi END 982 FUNCTION {either.or.check} 983 { empty$ 984 'pop$ 985 { "can't use both " swap$ * " fields in " * cite$ * warning$ } 986 if$ 987 } 988 The format.bvolume function is for formatting the volume and perhaps series name of a multivolume work. If both a volume and a series field are there, we assume the series field is the title of the whole multivolume work (the title field should be the title of the thing being referred to), and we add an of <series>. This function is called in mid-sentence. The format.number.series function is for formatting the series name and perhaps number of a work in a series. This function is similar to format.bvolume, although for this one the series must exist (and the volume must not exist). If the number field is empty we output either the series field unchanged if it exists or else the null string. If both the number and series fields are there we assume the series field gives the name of the whole series (the title field should be the title of the work being one referred to), and we add an in <series>. We capitilize Number when this function is used at the beginning of a block. 989 FUNCTION {is.digit} 28

990 { duplicate$ empty$ 991 { pop$ #0 } 992 {$ 993 duplicate$ "0"$ < 994 { pop$ #0 } 995 { "9"$ > 996 { #0 } 997 { #1 } 998 if$ 999 } 1000 if$ 1001 } 1002 if$ 1003 } 1004 1005 FUNCTION {is.number} 1006 { 's := 1007 s empty$ 1008 { #0 } 1009 { s text.length$ 'charptr := 1010 { charptr #0 > 1011 s charptr #1 substring$ is.digit 1012 and 1013 } 1014 { charptr #1 - 'charptr := } 1015 while$ 1016 charptr not 1017 } 1018 if$ 1019 } 1020 1021 FUNCTION {format.volume} 1022 { volume empty$ not 1023 { volume is.number 1024 { entry.lang lang.zh = 1025 { " 第 " volume * " 卷 " * } 1026 { "volume" volume } 1027 if$ 1028 } 1029 { volume } 1030 if$ 1031 } 1032 { "" } 1033 if$ 1034 } 1035 1036 FUNCTION {format.number} 1037 { number empty$ not 1038 { number is.number 1039 { entry.lang lang.zh = 1040 { " 第 " number * " 册 " * } 1041 { "number" number } 1042 if$ 1043 } 1044 { number } 1045 if$ 1046 } 1047 { "" } 1048 if$ 1049 } 1050 1051 FUNCTION {format.volume.number} 1052 { volume empty$ not 1053 { format.volume } 29

1054 { format.number } 1055 if$ 1056 } 1057 1058 FUNCTION {format.title.vol.num} 1059 { title 1060 1061 ' 1062 'skip$ 1063 if$ 1064 entry.numbered 1065 { number empty$ not 1066 { bbl.colon * number * } 1067 'skip$ 1068 if$ 1069 } 1070 { format.volume.number 's := 1071 s empty$ not 1072 { bbl.colon * s * } 1073 'skip$ 1074 if$ 1075 } 1076 if$ 1077 } 1078 1079 FUNCTION {format.series.vol.num.title} 1080 { format.volume.number 's := 1081 series empty$ not 1082 { series 1083 1084 ' 1085 'skip$ 1086 if$ 1087 entry.numbered 1088 { * } 1089 { bbl.colon * 1090 s empty$ not 1091 { s * * } 1092 'skip$ 1093 if$ 1094 } 1095 if$ 1096 title * 1097 1098 ' 1099 'skip$ 1100 if$ 1101 entry.numbered number empty$ not and 1102 { bbl.colon * number * } 1103 'skip$ 1104 if$ 1105 } 1106 { format.title.vol.num } 1107 if$ 1108 link.title 1109 ' 1110 'skip$ 1111 if$ 1112 } 1113 1114 FUNCTION {format.booktitle.vol.num} 1115 { booktitle 1116 entry.numbered 1117 'skip$ 30

1118 { format.volume.number 's := 1119 s empty$ not 1120 { bbl.colon * s * } 1121 'skip$ 1122 if$ 1123 } 1124 if$ 1125 } 1126 1127 FUNCTION {format.series.vol.num.booktitle} 1128 { format.volume.number 's := 1129 series empty$ not 1130 { series bbl.colon * 1131 entry.numbered not s empty$ not and 1132 { s * * } 1133 'skip$ 1134 if$ 1135 booktitle * 1136 } 1137 { format.booktitle.vol.num } 1138 if$ 1139 in.booktitle 1140 { duplicate$ empty$ not entry.lang lang.en = and 1141 { "In: " swap$ * } 1142 'skip$ 1143 if$ 1144 } 1145 'skip$ 1146 if$ 1147 } 1148 1149 FUNCTION {format.journal} 1150 { journal 1151 italic.jounal entry.lang lang.en = and 1152 'italicize 1153 'skip$ 1154 if$ 1155 } 1156 B.4.4 Format entry type mark 1157 FUNCTION {set.entry.mark} 1158 { entry.mark empty$ not 1159 'pop$ 1160 { mark empty$ not 1161 { pop$ mark 'entry.mark := } 1162 { 'entry.mark := } 1163 if$ 1164 } 1165 if$ 1166 } 1167 1168 FUNCTION {format.mark} 1169 { show.mark 1170 *thu 1171 type$ "phdthesis" = type$ "mastersthesis" = or type$ "patent" = or 1172 medium empty$ not or or 1173 and 1174 /thu 1175 { medium empty$ not 1176 { entry.mark "/" * medium * 'entry.mark := } 1177 { 1178 { entry.mark "/OL" * 'entry.mark := } 31

1179 'skip$ 1180 if$ 1181 } 1182 if$ 1183 *!thu 1184 "\allowbreak[" entry.mark * "]" * 1185 /!thu 1186 *thu 1187 " [" entry.mark * "]" * 1188 /thu 1189 } 1190 { "" } 1191 if$ 1192 } 1193 B.4.5 Format edition The format.edition function appends edition to the edition, if present. We lowercase the edition (it should be something like Third ), because this doesn t start a sentence. 1194 FUNCTION {} 1195 { duplicate$ text.length$ 'charptr := 1196 duplicate$ charptr #1 substring$ 's := 1197 s "1" = 1198 { "st" * } 1199 { s "2" = 1200 { "nd" * } 1201 { s "3" = 1202 { "rd" * } 1203 { "th" * } 1204 if$ 1205 } 1206 if$ 1207 } 1208 if$ 1209 } 1210 1211 FUNCTION {format.edition} 1212 { edition empty$ 1213 { "" } 1214 { edition is.number 1215 { entry.lang lang.zh = 1216 { edition " 版 " * } 1217 { edition " ed." * } 1218 if$ 1219 } 1220 { entry.lang lang.en = 1221 { edition 's := 1222 s "Revised" = s "Revised edition" = or 1223 { "Rev. ed." } 1224 { s " ed." *} 1225 if$ 1226 } 1227 { edition } 1228 if$ 1229 } 1230 if$ 1231 } 1232 if$ 1233 } 1234 32

B.4.6 Format publishing items 出版地址和出版社会有 [S.l.: s.n.] 的情况, 所以必须一起处理 1235 FUNCTION {format.publisher} 1236 { publisher empty$ not 1237 { publisher } 1238 { school empty$ not 1239 { school } 1240 { organization empty$ not 1241 { organization } 1242 { institution empty$ not 1243 { institution } 1244 { "" } 1245 if$ 1246 } 1247 if$ 1248 } 1249 if$ 1250 } 1251 if$ 1252 } 1253 1254 FUNCTION {format.address.publisher} 1255 { address empty$ not 1256 { address 1257 format.publisher empty$ not 1258 { bbl.colon * format.publisher * } 1259 { not show.missing.address.publisher and 1260 { bbl.colon * bbl.sine.nomine * } 1261 'skip$ 1262 if$ 1263 } 1264 if$ 1265 } 1266 { not show.missing.address.publisher and 1267 { format.publisher empty$ not 1268 { bbl.sine.loco bbl.colon * format.publisher * } 1269 { bbl.sine.loco.sine.nomine } 1270 if$ 1271 } 1272 { format.publisher empty$ not 1273 { format.publisher } 1274 { "" } 1275 if$ 1276 } 1277 if$ 1278 } 1279 if$ 1280 } 1281 B.4.7 Format date The function is for the month and year, but we give a warning if there s an empty year but the month is there, and we return the empty string if they re both empty. Newspaer 和 paptent 要显示完整的日期, 同时不再显示修改日期 但是在 author-year 模式 下, 需要单独设置 format.year 1282 FUNCTION {extract.before.dash} 1283 { duplicate$ empty$ 1284 { pop$ "" } 1285 { 's := 33

1286 #1 'charptr := 1287 s text.length$ #1 + 'len := 1288 { charptr len < 1289 s charptr #1 substring$ "-" = not 1290 and 1291 } 1292 { charptr #1 + 'charptr := } 1293 while$ 1294 s #1 charptr #1 - substring$ 1295 } 1296 if$ 1297 } 1298 1299 FUNCTION {extract.after.dash} 1300 { duplicate$ empty$ 1301 { pop$ "" } 1302 { 's := 1303 #1 'charptr := 1304 s text.length$ #1 + 'len := 1305 { charptr len < 1306 s charptr #1 substring$ "-" = not 1307 and 1308 } 1309 { charptr #1 + 'charptr := } 1310 while$ 1311 { charptr len < 1312 s charptr #1 substring$ "-" = 1313 and 1314 } 1315 { charptr #1 + 'charptr := } 1316 while$ 1317 s charptr global.max$ substring$ 1318 } 1319 if$ 1320 } 1321 1322 FUNCTION {contains.dash} 1323 { duplicate$ empty$ 1324 { pop$ #0 } 1325 { 's := 1326 { s empty$ not 1327 s #1 #1 substring$ "-" = not 1328 and 1329 } 1330 { s #2 global.max$ substring$ 's := } 1331 while$ 1332 s empty$ not 1333 } 1334 if$ 1335 } 1336 著者 - 出版年制必须提取出年份 1337 FUNCTION {format.year} 1338 { year empty$ not 1339 { year extract.before.dash } 1340 { date empty$ not 1341 { date extract.before.dash } 1342 { "empty year in " cite$ * warning$ 1343 urldate empty$ not 1344 { "[" urldate extract.before.dash * "]" * } 1345 { "" } 1346 if$ 1347 } 34

1348 if$ 1349 } 1350 if$ 1351 extra.label * 1352 } 1353 专利和报纸都是使用日期而不是年 1354 FUNCTION {} 1355 { type$ "patent" = type$ "newspaper" = or 1356 date empty$ not and 1357 { date } 1358 { year } 1359 if$ 1360 } 1361 更新 修改日期只用于电子资源 elctronic 1362 FUNCTION {format.editdate} 1363 { date empty$ not 1364 { "\allowbreak(" date * ")" * } 1365 { "" } 1366 if$ 1367 } 1368 国标中的 引用日期 都是与 URL 同时出现的, 所以其实为 urldate, 这个虽然不是 BibT E X 标 准的域, 但是实际中很常见 1369 FUNCTION {format.urldate} 1370 { urldate empty$ not and 1371 { "\allowbreak[" urldate * "]" * } 1372 { "" } 1373 if$ 1374 } 1375 B.4.8 Format pages By default, BibTeX sets the global integer variable global.max$ to the BibTeX constant glob_str_size, the maximum length of a global string variable. Analogously, BibTeX sets the global integer variable entry.max$ to ent_str_size, the maximum length of an entry string variable. The style designer may change these if necessary (but this is unlikely) The n.dashify function makes each single `-' in a string a double `--' if it s not already pseudovar: pageresult: STRING (it's what's accumulated on the stack) n.dashify(s) == BEGIN t := s pageresult := "" while (not empty$(t)) do if (first character of t = "-") then if (next character isn't) then pageresult := pageresult * "--" t := t with the "-" removed else while (first character of t = "-") do 35

END pageresult := pageresult * "-" t := t with the "-" removed od fi else pageresult := pageresult * the first character t := t with the first character removed fi od return pageresult 国标里页码范围的连接号使用 hyphen, 需要将 dash 转为 hyphen 1376 FUNCTION {hyphenate} 1377 { 't := 1378 "" 1379 { t empty$ not } 1380 { t #1 #1 substring$ "-" = 1381 { "-" * 1382 { t #1 #1 substring$ "-" = } 1383 { t #2 global.max$ substring$ 't := } 1384 while$ 1385 } 1386 { t #1 #1 substring$ * 1387 t #2 global.max$ substring$ 't := 1388 } 1389 if$ 1390 } 1391 while$ 1392 } 1393 This function doesn t begin a sentence so pages isn t capitalized. Other functions that use this should keep that in mind. 1394 FUNCTION {format.pages} 1395 { pages empty$ 1396 { "" } 1397 { pages hyphenate } 1398 if$ 1399 } 1400 The format.vol.num.pages function is for the volume, number, and page range of a journal article. We use the format: vol(number):pages, with some variations for empty fields. This doesn t begin a sentence. 报纸在卷号缺失时, 期号与前面的日期直接相连, 所以必须拆开输出 1401 FUNCTION {format.journal.volume} 1402 { volume empty$ not 1403 { bold.journal.volume 1404 { "\textbf{" volume * "}" * } 1405 { volume } 1406 if$ 1407 } 1408 { "" } 1409 if$ 1410 } 1411 1412 FUNCTION {format.journal.number} 1413 { number empty$ not 1414 { "\penalty0 (" number * ")" * } 1415 { "" } 1416 if$ 36

1417 } 1418 1419 FUNCTION {format.journal.pages} 1420 { pages empty$ 1421 { "" } 1422 { ":\penalty0 " pages hyphenate * } 1423 if$ 1424 } 1425 连续出版物的年卷期有起止范围, 需要特殊处理 1426 FUNCTION {format.periodical.year.volume.number} 1427 { year empty$ not 1428 { year extract.before.dash } 1429 { "empty year in periodical " cite$ * warning$ } 1430 if$ 1431 volume empty$ not 1432 { ", " * volume extract.before.dash * } 1433 'skip$ 1434 if$ 1435 number empty$ not 1436 { "\penalty0 (" * number extract.before.dash * ")" * } 1437 'skip$ 1438 if$ 1439 year contains.dash 1440 { "--" * 1441 year extract.after.dash empty$ 1442 volume extract.after.dash empty$ and 1443 number extract.after.dash empty$ and not 1444 { year extract.after.dash empty$ not 1445 { year extract.after.dash * } 1446 { year extract.before.dash * } 1447 if$ 1448 volume empty$ not 1449 { ", " * volume extract.after.dash * } 1450 'skip$ 1451 if$ 1452 number empty$ not 1453 { "\penalty0 (" * number extract.after.dash * ")" * } 1454 'skip$ 1455 if$ 1456 } 1457 'skip$ 1458 if$ 1459 } 1460 'skip$ 1461 if$ 1462 } 1463 B.4.9 Format url and doi 传统的 BibT E X 习惯使用 howpublished 著录 url, 这里提供支持 1464 FUNCTION {check.url} 1465 { url empty$ not 1466 { "\url{" url * "}" * 'entry.url := 1467 #1 ' := 1468 } 1469 { howpublished empty$ not 1470 { howpublished #1 #5 substring$ "\url{" = 1471 { howpublished 'entry.url := 1472 #1 ' := 1473 } 37

1474 'skip$ 1475 if$ 1476 } 1477 { note empty$ not 1478 { note #1 #5 substring$ "\url{" = 1479 { note 'entry.url := 1480 #1 ' := 1481 } 1482 'skip$ 1483 if$ 1484 } 1485 'skip$ 1486 if$ 1487 } 1488 if$ 1489 } 1490 if$ 1491 } 1492 1493 FUNCTION {format.url} 1494 { entry.url empty$ not 1495 { new.block entry.url } 1496 { "" } 1497 if$ 1498 } 1499 需要检测 DOI 是否已经包含在 URL 中 1500 FUNCTION {check.doi} 1501 { doi empty$ not 1502 { #1 ' := } 1503 'skip$ 1504 if$ 1505 } 1506 1507 FUNCTION {} 1508 { 's := 1509 s empty$ 1510 { #1 } 1511 { entry.url empty$ 1512 { #0 } 1513 { s text.length$ 'len := 1514 entry.url text.length$ 'charptr := 1515 { entry.url charptr len substring$ s = not 1516 charptr #0 > 1517 and 1518 } 1519 { charptr #1 - 'charptr := } 1520 while$ 1521 charptr 1522 } 1523 if$ 1524 } 1525 if$ 1526 } 1527 1528 FUNCTION {format.doi} 1529 { "" 1530 doi empty$ not show.doi and 1531 { "" 's := 1532 doi 't := 1533 #0 'numnames := 1534 { t empty$ not} 1535 { t #1 #1 substring$ 'tmp.str := 38