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國立台灣大學醫學院 107 學年度學習指引 ;3-1 學及實驗上 組織學上 生理學甲上 胚胎學上 臺大醫學院共同教育及教師培訓中心編印

編輯緣起 本院自八十一學年度起開始編輯及出版學習指引系列 其最主要目的是讓學生對於各學科的學習內容, 以及教師的教學進度 教學方式 作業或評量要求等有一全面性的瞭解, 以加強學習效果 編輯學習指引系列的另一目的是希望能藉其使不同學科的教師及同一學科的授課老師, 彼此了解授課的內容及教學的方式, 加強學習內容的協調, 避免不必要的重複或遺漏, 以提昇本院的教學品質 完整的學習指引, 其內容應包括 : 該學科的教學目標, 教學進度, 所涵蓋的單元主題, 教學方法及詳細的教學活動方式, 詳細的作業及成績評量規定, 參考資料, 教師的其他要求 本指引每年均根據老師與學生反應由相關單位的授課教師提供修正資料, 以期更能充實內容 ; 同時希望使用本指引的同學能夠繼續提出修正的建議, 使學習指引系列的內容更能符合同學的學習需求 臺大醫學院共同教育及教師培訓中心 民國 107 年 8 月 1

序 醫學系的教育目標是讓學生在七年的修業期間之內能夠學習到做為一個醫師所必須具備的知識 技能 態度並培養終生學習的動機和主動學習的習慣 此一目標的達成必須依賴教師與學生的共同合作 ; 教師方面以積極的熱忱提供各種教學活動, 學生方面則應有充分的配合意願與行動 除了知識與技能之外, 豐富的人性與積極的社會使命感等做為醫師必須具備的人格 科學的思考能力以及適當判斷力的養成, 尤其需要學生方面的體能及力行 本手冊的主要目的在於讓學生了解本系目前的課程 教學計畫 及教學主題, 希望他有助於促進師生間良好的溝通, 學生能夠了解而且善盡自己的學習責任, 教師能夠妥適規劃教學內容, 以提昇醫學系的教學品質 自八十三學年度開始, 本院醫學系一年級至六年級的學生均按照新課程實施教學 ; 已將臨床預備階段的傳統型課程轉變為整合型課程, 將臨床階段的傳統型課程轉變為核心 選修型課程 ; 啟發式小班教學也全面實施並逐漸落實 在這新階段的開始, 希望教師同仁們繼續在教學方面加以改進, 使本院的新課程能夠展示其效果 教學改進的成功有賴於事前的充分準備 學生的充分了解 教師的充分配合, 以及不斷的檢討改進, 希望本手冊的編印能對於提昇本院的教學品質, 提高本院的教學成效有所協助 敬請使用本手冊的教師同仁以及同學, 對於本書在內容方面的缺失及應改進的地方, 提出高見, 以便修正 臺大醫學院共同教育及教師培訓中心 民國 107 年 8 月 2

目 錄 編輯緣起序壹 教學時間表 1 貳 學及實驗上 19 參 組織學上 36 肆 生理學甲上 51 伍 胚胎學上 58 3

壹 醫學系三年級整合課程教學時間表 107 學年度第 1 學期 第一週 -Introduction & [Integumentary /Muscloskeletal] 日期時間科別主題教師 09/10 Mon 08:10-08:30 08:00-08:45 08:45-09:00 09:10-10:00 10:20-12:10 組織組織組織組織組織 Introduction (20 min) LM technique (15 min) EM technique (15 min) Cell (I) Lab orientation; Microscope check-out ( 三東 ) Slide box check-out ( 三東 ) 王淑慧龔秀妮龔秀妮黃敏銓全體教師 09/11 13:20-15:10 08:10-08:40 08:40-12:10 小組討論 解剖 生理小組討論 ( 含課前教育 ) Introduction (501) Basic terms in Anatomy (501) Skeletal system I: Vertebrae and Thoracic cage (501) 13:20-15:10 15:30-17:20 組織組織 Cell (II) Epithelial Tissue 09/12 13:20-15:10 組織 Muscular Tissue Wed 15:30-17:20 組織 Muscular Tissue Lab and Epithelial Tissue 09/13 Thu 09/14 Fri 備註 : * 為尊重大體老師及感謝家屬, 除特殊理由請假外, 請同學務必出席大體老師之 重要儀式 * 本校成績優良書卷獎獲獎基本資格, 當學期修課不得少於十五學分 1. 大講堂上課教室 : 基礎醫學大樓 501 302 講堂 2. 107 年 09 月 10 日 ( 星期一 ) 本學期上課開始 3. 107 年 09 月 24 日 ( 星期一 ) 中秋節放假日 4. 107 年 10 月 10 日 ( 星期三 ) 國慶紀念日 6. 107 年 11 月 15 日 ( 星期四 ) 本校校慶 ( 停課一天 ) 7. 107 年 12 月 31 日 ( 星期一 ) 調整放假 ( 於 12 月 22 日星期六補上班 上課 ) 8. 108 年 01 月 01 日 ( 星期一 ) 開國紀念日 9. 108 年 01 月 04 日 ( 星期五 ) 本學期上課最後一天 小班老師李立仁謝松蒼黃敏銓龔秀妮王淑慧全體教師 - 1 -

第二週 -Introduction & [Muscloskeletal] &[Blood/Heart/Circulation] 日期時間科別主題教師 09/17 Mon 08:10-10:00 10:20-12:10 組織 組織 Connective Tissue Connective Tissue Lab 龔秀妮 全體教師 13:20-15:10 小組討論 解剖 生理小組討論 小班老師 09/18 08:10-10:00 單元一 : 遺傳基因 I( 人文社會 ) Lab: Skeletal system: Vertebrae and Thoracic cage ( 三東 ) 分發骨箱 謝松蒼 10:20-12:10 胚胎 Introduction; Bilaminar and trilaminar germ 黃敏銓 disk 09/19 Wed 09/20 Thu 09/21 Fri 13:20-17:20 13:20-15:10 15:30-17:20 13:05-13:20 13:20-17:20 胚胎生理生理 Skeletal system II: Cranial skeleton (501) 大體老師家庭訪視行前輔導 03:30-05:20 Lab Cranial skeleton ( 三東 ) Embryonic and fetal period Introduction Ion channels & Membrane excitability 謝松蒼蔡詩力謝松蒼賴逸儒胡孟君郭鐘金 - 2 -

第三週 -[Muscloskeletal] &[Blood/Heart/Circulation] 日期時間科別主題教師 09/24 Mon 09/25 08:10-10:00 10:20-12:10 組織 組織 中秋節 ( 放假日 ) Cartilage & Bone & Bone Formation Cartilage & Bone & Bone Formation Lab 王淑慧 全體教師 09/26 Wed 09/27 Thu 09/28 Fri 13:20-17:20 Skeletal system II: Facial skeleton (501) Lab Facial skeleton ( 三東 ) 03:30-05:20 13:20-17:20 Skeletal system III: Upper limb (501) Lab Upper limb ( 三東 ) 15:10-17:20 謝松蒼 謝松蒼 13:20-17:20 生理 Muscle 郭鐘金 - 3 -

第四週 -[Muscloskeletal/Nervous] &[Blood/Heart/Circulation] 日期時間科別主題教師 10/01 Mon 08:10-10:00 10:20-12:10 胚胎 Placenta and fetal membrane Skeletal system IV: Lower limb (501) 賴逸儒 謝松蒼 13:20-15:10 小組討論 解剖 生理小組討論 小班老師 單元一 : 遺傳基因 I( 人文社會 ) 10/02 08:10-10:00 10:20-12:10 組織 組織 單元二 : 安寧緩和醫療 ( 人文社會 ) Blood Blood Lab and lab review 黃敏銓 全體教師 10/03 Wed 13:20-15:10 15:30-17:20 09:10-12:10 胚胎 生理 Skeletal and muscular system Lower limb Lab Blood 李立仁 謝松蒼 余佳慧 10/04 Thu 10/05 Fri 13:20-15:10 Vascular system I (501) 陳玉怜 15:30-17:20 Vascular system I Lab 全體教師 13:20-17:20 生理 Heart 李宗玄 - 4 -

第五週 - [Muscloskeletal/Nervous] & [Blood/Heart/Circulation] 日期時間科別主題教師 10/08 Mon 08:10-10:00 10:20-12:10 Vascular system II (501) Vscular system II Lab 陳玉怜 10/09 13:20-15:10 08:10-12:10 小組討論 解剖 生理小組討論 單元二 : 安寧緩和醫療 ( 人文社會 ) Muscular system I (501) 小班老師李立仁 10/10 Wed 10/11 Thu 10/12 Fri 13:20-15:10 15:30-17:20 13:20-15:10 15:30-17:20 組織組織生理生理 Cardiovascular System Cardiovascular System Lab 國慶紀念日 Heart 心臟電生理綜合討論 陳玉怜全體教師李宗玄湯志永 - 5 -

第六週 -[Integumentary /Muscloskeletal/Nervous] &[Blood/Heart/Circulation] 日期時間科別主題教師 10/15 Mon 08:10-10:00 10:20-12:10 組織 組織 Nervous Tissue (PNS) Nervous Tissue (PNS) Lab 謝松蒼 全體教師 13:20-15:10 小組討論 解剖 生理小組討論 小班老師 單元二 : 安寧緩和醫療 ( 人文社會 ) 10/16 08:10-10:00 10:20-12:10 組織 組織 單元三 : 遺傳基因 II( 人文社會 ) Integumentary System Integumentary System Lab 龔秀妮 全體教師 10/17 Wed 10/18 Thu 10/19 Fri 13:20-17:20 10:20-12:10 13:20-15:10 15:30-17:20 生理 組織 Muscular system II (501) Clinical ECG Quiz (I); Lab Review ( 三東 ) Muscular system Lab 13:20-15:10 生理 Lab 1: 動物保定 消防安全與 Chart 軟體 介紹 李立仁蔡佳醍全體教師李立仁 - 6 -

第七週 -[Integumentary /Muscloskeletal/Nervous] &[Blood/Heart/Circulation] 日期時間科別主題教師 10/22 Mon 08:10-12:10 組織 Histology Exam (Lec and Lab) 全體教師 13:20-15:10 小組討論 解剖 生理小組討論 小班老師 10/23 08:10-09:00 09:10-12:10 胚胎 單元三 : 遺傳基因 II( 人文社會 ) Integumentary system Nervous system I (501) 龔秀妮謝松蒼 10/24 Wed 13:20-15:10 15:30-17:20 09:10-12:10 組織組織生理 Nervous Tissue (CNS) Nervous Tissue (CNS) Lab Circulation 謝松蒼全體教師張哲逢 10/25 Thu 10/26 Fri 13:20-15:10 15:30-17:20 Nervous system II (501) Skeletal and Muscular systems Lab II 謝松蒼李立仁 Lab Review 13:20-16:20 生理 Circulation 張哲逢 - 7 -

第八週 -[ Muscloskeletal/Nervous] &[Blood/Heart/Circulation] 日期時間科別主題教師 10/29 Mon 08:10-12:10 Midterm Exam: Skeletal, Muscular, Nervous, Vascular system (Lec + Lab) 全體教師 13:20-15:10 小組討論 解剖 生理小組討論 小班老師 單元三 : 遺傳基因 II( 人文社會 ) 單元四 : 下肢 ( 解剖 ) 10/30 08:10-09:50 09:50-10:10 Pectoral region and Axilla (I) (Lec) (501) Upper limb 針扎割傷處理 Lab safety and skin 黃敏銓葉啟娟 10:10-11:00 preparation 啟用儀式預演 全體教師 11:00-12:10 大體老師啟用儀式 13:20-17:20 Lab orientation (501) 黃敏銓 10/31 Wed 09:10-11:10 11:20-12:10 13:20-17:20 生理生理 Pectoral region Lab Circulation Lab 2: Cardiovascular simulation Axilla Lab 張哲逢張哲逢黃敏銓 11/01 Thu 11/02 Fri 13:20-17:20 生理 Lab 3 : 心電圖描記術 & 動脈血壓及寒冷檢 壓試驗 - 8 -

第九週 -[Muscloskeletal/Nervous] &[Blood/Heart/Circulation] 日期時間科別主題教師 11/05 Mon 11/06 11/07 Wed 11/08 Thu 11/09 Fri 08:10-12:10 13:20-15:10 08:10-12:10 13:20-17:20 10:20-12:00 13:20-17:20 小組討論 生理 Arm and cubital region & Superficial back and scapular region (Lec + Lab) Brachial and Anterior cubital regions Lab Back & Scapular and deltoid regions Lab 解剖 生理小組討論 單元四 : 下肢 ( 解剖 )-- 與物治系跨學系討論 Forearm (I) (Lec + Lab) Back & Scapular and deltoid regions Lab Forearm (II) Lab 期中考 Hand (Lec + Lab) Hand Lab 12:30-17:20 生理 Lab 4-1: 影響動脈血壓之諸多因素 & 神經刺激 與肌肉收縮 黃敏銓 小班老師 黃敏銓 黃敏銓 黃敏銓 - 9 -

第十週 -[Respiratory] &[Blood/Heart/Circulation] 日期時間科別主題教師 11/12 Mon 08:10-10:00 10:20-12:10 Joints of shoulder girdle and upper limb Lec Joints of shoulder girdle and upper limb Lab 曾國藩 曾國藩 11/13 13:20-15:10 08:10-09:00 09:10-12:10 小組討論 解剖 生理小組討論單元四 : 下肢 ( 解剖 )- 與物治系跨學系討論單元五 : 心血管循環系統 ( 生理 解剖 ) -- 與物治系跨學系討論 Clinical lecture Lab review 小班老師 謝榮賢 11/14 Wed 11/15 Thu 11/16 Fri 13:20-15:10 15:30-17:20 13:20-15:10 15:30-17:20 組織 組織 Thoracic wall and Lungs Thoracic wall Pleural cavities and Lungs Lab Respiratory System Respiratory System Lab 本校校慶停課一天 12:30-17:20 生理 Lab 4-2: 影響動脈血壓之諸多因素 & 神經刺 激與肌肉收縮 李立仁 陳玉怜 全體教師 - 10 -

第十一週 -[Respiratory] & [ Digestion] 日期時間科別主題教師 11/19 Mon 11/20 11/21 Wed 11/22 Thu 11/23 Fri 08:10-12:10 13:20-15:10 08:10-10:00 10:20-12:10 13:20-15:10 15:30-17:20 13:20-15:10 15:30-17:20 小組討論 胚胎 組織 組織 組織 組織 Middle mediastinum and Heart (I) Middle mediastinum and Heart Lab 解剖 生理小組討論 單元五 : 心血管循環系統 ( 生理 解剖 ) -- 與物治系跨學系討論 Respiratory system Middle mediastinum and Heart (II) Middle mediastinum and Heart Lab Lymph Node & Thymus Lymph Node & Thymus Lab Spleen, Tonsil & Haemopoiesis Spleen, Tonsil & Haemopoiesis Lab 李立仁 小班老師 陳玉怜 李立仁 許書豪 全體教師 許書豪 全體教師 13:20-16:20 生理 Respiration 賴亮全 - 11 -

第十二週 -[Respiratory] & [ Digestion] 日期時間科別主題教師 11/26 Mon 11/27 11/28 Wed 11/29 Thu 11/30 Fri 08:10-10:00 10:20-12:10 13:20-15:10 08:10-12:10 13:20-17:20 09:10-12:10 13:20-17:20 13:20-14:10 14:20-15:10 胚胎 小組討論 生理 生理 生理 Cardiovascular system (I) Superior and Posterior mediastinum; Joints of thorax Superior and Posterior mediastinum Lab 解剖 生理小組討論 單元五 : 心血管循環系統 ( 生理 解剖 ) -- 與物治系跨學系討論 單元六 : 血液系統 ( 生理 ) Anterior abdominal wall (I) Anterior abdominal wall Lab Anterior abdominal wall (II) and The abdominal cavity (I) Respiration The abdominal cavity (II) Abdomino-pelvic cavity in situ Lab Respiration Lab 5: 呼吸生理學模擬軟體 Abdomen 黃敏銓 李立仁 小班老師 賴逸儒 賴逸儒 賴亮全 賴逸儒 賴亮全 賴亮全 - 12 -

第十三週 -[Respiratory] & [ Digestion] 日期時間科別主題教師 12/03 Mon 12/04 12/05 Wed 12/06 Thu 12/07 Fri 08:10-10:00 10:20-12:10 13:20-15:10 08:10-12:10 13:20-15:10 15:30-17:20 09:10-12:10 13:20-15:10 15:30-17:20 胚胎 小組討論 組織 組織 生理 組織 組織 Cardiovascular system (II) Detailed examination of abdominal viscera(i) Detailed examination of abdominal viscera Lab 解剖 生理小組討論 英文口頭報告 Detailed examination of abdominal viscera(ii) Detailed examination of abdominal viscera Lab Oral cavity & Teeth Oral cavity & Teeth Lab Digestion Major salivary gland, Esophagus & Stomach Major salivary gland, Esophagus & Stomach Lab 13:20-16:20 生理 Lab 6: 人體呼吸之化學調節 黃敏銓 賴逸儒 小班老師 賴逸儒 錢宗良 全體教師 余佳慧 王淑慧 全體教師 - 13 -

第十四週 -[Respiratory] & [ Digestion] & [Uro-genitary and affiliate] 日期時間科別主題教師 12/10 Mon 08:10-10:00 10:20-12:10 組織 組織 Intestine and Pancreas Intestine and Pancreas Lab 陳玉怜 全體教師 13:20-15:10 小組討論 解剖 生理小組討論 小班老師 單元六 : 血液系統 ( 生理 ) 12/11 08:10-09:00 09:10-12:10 胚胎 Congenital heart disease Kidney and Suprarenal gland 王主科賴逸儒 Kidney and Suprarenal gland Lab 12/12 Wed 13:20-15:10 15:30-17:20 09:10-12:10 組織組織生理 Liver & Gall Bladder Liver & Gall Bladder Lab Digestion 許書豪全體教師余佳慧 12/13 Thu 12/14 Fri 13:20-15:10 組織 Kidney & Lower Urinary tract 陳玉怜 15:30-17:20 組織 Kidney & Lower Urinary tract Lab 全體教師 13:20-17:20 生理 Kidney 林水龍 - 14 -

第十五週 -[ Digestion] & [Uro-genitary and affiliate] 日期時間科別主題教師 12/17 08:10-12:10 Posterior abdominal wall and Diaphragm 王淑慧 Mon 13:20-15:10 小組討論 (Lec+ Lab) 解剖 生理小組討論 小班老師 單元六 : 血液系統 ( 生理 ) 單元七 : 胸腔系統 ( 生理 解剖 ) 12/18 08:10-10:00 10:20-12:10 胚胎組織 Digestive System Lab Review ( 三東 ) 賴逸儒全體教師 12/19 Wed 12/20 Thu 12/21 Fri 12/22 Sat 13:20-17:20 Gluteal region (Lec+ Lab) Pelvis & Perineum 08:10-10:00 生理 Kidney 13:20-17:20 Blood vessels, nerves and muscles of pelvis (Lec+ Lab) (I) Pelvic wall; Scrotum, spermatic cord, and testis Lab 12:30-17:20 生理 Lab 7-1: 腸道雙醣酶活性實驗 & 腎臟調控體 液的能力 08:10-12:10 Blood vessels, nerves and muscles of pelvis (Lec+ Lab) (II) Pelvic viscera (I) (Lec+ Lab) Pelvic wall; Scrotum, spermatic cord, and testis Lab 陳玉怜林水龍陳玉怜陳玉怜 - 15 -

第十六週 -[Uro-genitary and affiliate] 日期時間科別主題教師 12/24 Mon 08:10-09:00 09:10-12:10 組織 Quiz(II) Pelvic viscera (II) (Lec+ Lab) 全體教師 陳玉怜 12/25 12/26 Wed 12/27 Thu 12/28 Fri 13:20-15:10 小組討論 解剖 生理小組討論 小班老師 單元七 : 胸腔系統 ( 生理 解剖 ) 08:10-09:00 Clinical lecture 梁金銅 09:20-17:20 Perineum (I and II) (Lec+ Lab) 呂俊宏 Anal triangle and Urogenital triangle Lab 13:20-17:20 組織 第一學期 Exam (Lec+Lab) 全體教師 12:30-17:20 生理 Lab 7-2: 腸道雙醣酶活性實驗 & 腎臟調控體 液的能力 - 16 -

第十七週 -[Uro-genitary and affiliate] 日期時間科別主題教師 12/31 Mon 01/01 01/02 Wed 13:30-15:10 15:30-17:20 調整放假 ( 於 12 月 22 日星期六補上班上課 ) 胚胎 開國紀念日 ( 放假日 ) Final Exam Perineum (III) (Lec + Lab) Urogenital triangle Lab 01/03 Thu 01/04 Fri 107 年 12 月 31 日 ( 星期一 ) 調整放假 ( 於 12 月 22 日星期六補上班上課 ) 108 年 1 月 1 日 ( 星期一 ) 開國紀念日 ( 放假日 ) 108 年 1 月 4 日 ( 星期五 ) 本學期上課最後一天 全體教師 呂俊宏 - 17 -

第十八週 - 期末考週 日期時間科別主題教師 01/07 Mon 08:10-12:10 13:20-15:10 小組討論 Lab review 解剖 生理小組討論 單元七 : 胸腔系統 ( 生理 解剖 ) 小班老師 學期末老師總結討論 01/08 08:10-12:10 Gross Exam : Lec and Lab 全體教師 01/09 Wed 09:20-12:00 生理 正課 實驗期末考 01/10 08:10-10:00 Thu 13:20-15:10 01/11 Fri 08:10-10:00 備註 : 108 年 01 月 07 日 ( 星期一 ) 期末考試開始 108 年 01 月 11 日 ( 星期五 ) 期末考試結束 - 18 -

貳 學及實驗上 教學內容 : 課程內容融合系統解剖學與局部解剖學 上學期前八週簡單介紹骨骼 肌肉 神經與脈管系統, 尤其著重於骨骼系統, 配合骨骼標本分組實習 ; 上學期前七週後十週與下學期十五週進行局部解剖之實際操作, 包括頭頸 胸腹 骨盆 上肢及下肢 每次實習前由老師就當日實習內容做重點提示與扼要講解 學分數 :4 / 3 學分 ( 上下學期 ) 上課時間 :2018 年 9 月 11 日至 2019 年 6 月 28 日, 每半天為一單元上午 8:10-12:10 及下午 1:20-5:20( 上學期 ) -6:20( 下學期 ) Date Time Topics Lab Lecturer 09-11 -AM 08:10 08:40 08:40 12:10 Introduction (501) Basic terms in Anatomy (501) Skeletal system I: Vertebrae and Thoracic cage (501) 09-18 -AM 08:10 10:00 Lab: Skeletal system: Vertebrae and Thoracic cage ( 三東 ) 09-18 -PM 01:20 05:20 Skeletal system II: Cranial skeleton (501) 大體老師家庭訪視行前輔導 03:30-05:20 分發骨箱 ( 三東實習室 ) 08:10 10:00 09-19 Wed-PM 01:20 03:10 Lab Cranial skeleton ( 三東 ) 09-25 -PM 01:20 05:20 Skeletal system II: Facial skeleton (501) Lab Facial skeleton ( 三東 ) 03:30-05:20 李立仁謝松蒼 謝松蒼 謝松蒼蔡詩力 謝松蒼 09-26 Wed-PM 01:20 05:20 Skeletal system III: Upper limb (501) Lab Upper limb ( 三東 ) 03:30-05:20 謝松蒼 10-01 Mon-AM 10:20 12:10 Skeletal system IV: Lower limb (501) 謝松蒼 10-02 -PM 03:30 05:20 Lab Lower limb ( 三東 ) 03:30-05:20 謝松蒼 10-03 Wed -PM 01:20 05:20 Vascular system I (501) + Lab vascular system I Lab ( 三東實習室 ) 03:30-05:20 陳玉怜 10-08 Mon-AM 08:10 12:10 Vascular system II (501) + Lab vascular system II Lab ( 三東實習室 ) 10:20-12:10 陳玉怜 10-09 -AM 08:10 12:10 Muscular system I (501) 李立仁 10-16 -PM 01:20 05:20 Muscular system II (501) 李立仁 10-17 Wed-PM 03:30 05:20 Lab Muscular system ( 三東 ) 李立仁 10-23 -AM 09:10 12:10 Nervous system I (501) 謝松蒼 10-24 Wed-PM 01:20 03:10 Nervous system II (501) 謝松蒼 10-24 Wed-PM 03:30 05:20 Lab V: Skeletal and Muscular systems Lab ( 三東實習室 ) 03:30-05:20 謝松蒼 and Review ( 三東 ) 10-29 Mon-AM 08:10 12:10 Midterm Exam: Skeletal, Muscular, Nervous, Vascular system (Lec + Lab) 10-30 -AM 08:10 09:50 Pectoral region and Axilla (I) (Lec) (501) Upper limb 10-30 -AM 09:50 10:10 針扎割傷處理 Lab safety and skin preparation 10-30 -AM 10:10 11:00 11:00 12:10 啟用儀式預演 大體老師啟用儀式 10-30-PM 01:20 05:20 Lab orientation (501) +Pectoral region (Lab) Pectoral region Pectoral region 李立仁全體教師 黃敏銓 葉啟娟 全體教師黃敏銓 - 19 -

10-31 Wed-PM 01:20 05:20 Axilla (Lab) Axilla 黃敏銓 11-05 Mon-AM 08:10 12:10 Arm and cubital region & Superficial back and scapular region (Lec + Lab) Brachial and Anterior cubital regions Back & Scapular and deltoid regions 黃敏銓 11-06 -AM 08:10 12:10 Forearm (I) (Lec + Lab) Back & Scapular and deltoid regions 黃敏銓 11-06 -PM 01:20 05:20 Forearm (II) (Lab) Forearm 黃敏銓 11-07 Wed PM 01:20 05:20 Hand (Lec + Lab) Hand 黃敏銓 11-12 Mon AM 08:10 10:00 Joints of shoulder girdle and upper limb Joints of upper limbs (Lec) 曾國藩 11-12 Mon-AM 10:20 12:10 Joints of shoulder girdle and upper limb Joints of upper limbs (Lab) 曾國藩 11-13 -AM 08:10 09:00 Clinical lecture 謝榮賢 11-13 -AM 09:10 12:10 Lab review 11-13 -PM 01:20 05:20 Thoracic wall and Lungs Thorax Thoracic wall Pleural cavities and Lungs 李立仁 11-19 Mon-AM 08:10-12:10 Middle mediastinum and Heart (I) Middle mediastinum and Heart 李立仁 11-20 -AM 10:20-12:10 Middle mediastinum and Heart (II) Middle mediastinum and Heart 李立仁 11-26 Mon-AM 10:20 12:10 Superior and Posterior mediastinum; Joints Superior and Posterior mediastinum of thorax 李立仁 11-27 -AM 08:10 12:10 Anterior abdominal wall (I) Anterior abdominal wall Abdomen 賴逸儒 賴逸儒 11-27 -PM 01:20 05:20 Anterior abdominal wall (II) and The abdominal cavity (I) 11-28 Wed-PM 01:20 05:20 The abdominal cavity (II) Abdomino-pelvic cavity in situ 賴逸儒 12-03 Mon-AM 10:20 12:10 Detailed examination of abdominal Detailed examination of abdominal viscera(i) viscera 賴逸儒 12-04 -AM 08:10 12:10 Detailed examination of abdominal Detailed examination of abdominal viscera(ii) viscera 賴逸儒 12-11 -AM 09:10-12:10 Kidney and Suprarenal gland (Lec+ Lab) Kidney and Suprarenal gland 賴逸儒 12-17 Mon-AM 08:10-12:10 Posterior abdominal wall and Diaphragm (Lec+ Lab) 12-18 -PM 01:20 05:20 Gluteal region (Lec+ Lab) Pelvis & Perineum 12-19 Wed-PM 01:20 05:20 Blood vessels, nerves and muscles of pelvis (Lec+ Lab) (I) 12-22 Sat-AM 08:10 12:10 Blood vessels, nerves and muscles of pelvis (Lec+ Lab) (II) Pelvic viscera (I) (Lec+ Lab) Posterior abdominal wall and Diaphragm Gluteal region Pelvic wall; Scrotum, spermatic cord, and testis Pelvic wall; Scrotum, spermatic cord, and testis 王淑慧 陳玉怜 陳玉怜 陳玉怜 12-24 Mon-AM 09:10 12:10 Pelvic viscera (II) (Lec+ Lab) Pelvic cavity 陳玉怜 12-25 -AM 08:10 09:00 Clinical lecture 梁金銅 12-25 -AM 09:20 05:20 Perineum (I and II) (Lec+ Lab) Anal triangle and Urogenital triangle 呂俊宏 01-02 Wed-PM 03:30 05:20 Perineum (III) (Lec + Lab) Urogenital triangle 呂俊宏 01-07 Mon-AM 08:10 12:10 Lab review 01-08 -AM 08:10 12:10 Gross Exam : Lec and Lab 全體教師 教科書 Clinically Oriented Anatomy, KL Moore, AF Dalley, and AMR Agur,, Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins 實習手冊 *Grant s Dissector, PW Tank, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 圖譜 僅供參考 : 1. Atlas of Human Anatomy, FH Netter, Novartis 2. Grant s Atlas of Anatomy, AMR Agur and AF Dalley, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins - 20 -

3. Atlas of Anatomy, PW Tank and TR Gest, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 重要日期 大體老師縫皮復原( 一東 ):2019 年 6 月 24 日至 2019 年 6 月 28 日課程負責人 : 李立仁基礎醫學大樓六樓分機 88175 助教 : 張銘峰基礎醫學大樓六樓分機 62212-21 -

教學大綱 : 教學大綱 : 系統解剖學 : 1. 題目 :Skeletal system (Ⅰ) (Ⅱ) 教學目標 :1.Divisions of the skeleton 2.The axia1 skeleton and its locations and main features 講授大綱 :1.General features and surface markings of bones 2.Divisions of the skeleton 3.The vertebral column Curvatures of the vertebral column A typical vertebra Cervical vertebrae Thoracic vertebrae Lumbar vertebrae Sacrum and coccyx 4.The thorax Sternum Ribs 5.The skull Suture and fontanels Bones of the cranium Paranasal sinuses Bones of the face Ossicles of the ear Hyoid bone 2. 題目 :Skeletal system (Ⅲ) (IV) 教學目標 :1.The appendicular skeleton and its locations and main features 2.Classification of joint 3.Description of some major joints 講授大綱 :1.The upper extremities (limbs) Pectoral girdle Bones of the arm, forearm, and hand 2.The lower extremities (limbs) Pelvic girdle and pelvis Bones of the thigh, leg, and foot Arches of the foot 3.Classification of joints - 22 -

Fibrous joints Cartilaginous joints Synovial joints Movement at synovial joints Types of synovial joints 4.Description of some major joints Glenohumeral (shoulder) joint Coxal (hip) joint 3. 題目 :Muscular System (Ⅰ) (Ⅱ) 教學目標 :1.General description of muscles 2.Specific muscles and their function 講授大綱 :1.General description A. How muscles are named B. Attachment of muscles C. Architecture of muscles D. Individual and group action of muscles E. Lever system and muscle actions 2.Specific muscle groups A. Muscles of facial expression B. Muscles that move the eyeball C. Muscles of mastication D. Muscles that move the tongue E. Muscles that move the head and the vertebral column F. Muscles used in quiet breathing G. Muscles that support the abdominal wall H. Muscles that move the shoulder girdle and humerus I. Muscles that move the elbow and wrist joints J. Muscles that move the thumb and fingers K. Muscles that move the femur at hip joint L. Muscles that act on the knee joint M. Muscles that move the feet and toes 4. 題目 :Nervous System 教學目標 :1.To study the anatomical organization of the nervous system. 2.To understand the regional anatomy of the central nervous system (I) 3. To understand the regional anatomy of the CNS (II) 4.To understand the anatomical organization of the PNS 5. To understand the general orgainzation of the autonomic nervous system - 23 -

講授大綱 :Central Nervous System (CNS) Spinal cord Brainstem Medulla oblongata (Myelencephalon) Pons and cerebellum (Metencephalon) Midbrain (Mesenphalon) Diencephalon Telencephalon Prosencephalon Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) Spinal nerves Sensory ganglia Cranial nerves Autonomic ganglia Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) Sympathetic -- thoracolumbar outflow Parasympathetic -- craniosacral outflow Regional Anatomy of the CNS (I) Spinal cord External features of the spinal cord Meningeal coverings of the spinal cord Topographical relation of the cord segments to vertebrae Internal structure of the spinal cord Brainstem (BS) External features of the BS Internal structure of ths BS Cerebellum Diencephalon Subdivisions of the diencephalon External features of the diencephalon Internal capsule Cerebrum Cerebral topographical of the cerebrum Basal ganglia Cavity of the CNS Ventricles Canal Peripheral Nervous System Spinal nerves -- 31 pairs Sensory ganglia Cranial nerves -- 12 pairs - 24 -

Autonomic ganglia General Organization Sympathetic -- thoracolumbar outflow Parasympathetic -- cranial outflow Sympathetic Nervous System Preganglionic neurons and fibers Location of postganglionic neurons Postganglionic fibers Parasympathetic Nervous System Cranial part Sacral part Parasympathetic nucleus of spinal segments of S2-4 Preganglionic fibers Postganglionic parasympathetic neurons 5. 題目 :Cardiovascular System 教學目標 :1.To understand the general morphology and structure of the heart 2. To understand the vasculature of the human body 講授大綱 :1.Introduction to the cardiovascular system 2.Morphology and structure of the heart A. Location and size B. Morphology C. Wall of the heart and pericardium D. Cardiac skeleton E. Heart chambers and valves F. Blood supply of the heart G. Conducting system of the heart H. Nervous control of the heart Types of Blood Vessels I. Major Arteries and Veins of the Body J. Lymphatic System 局部解剖學進度 1:Pectoral Region and Axilla Relevant skeletal features:- thoracic cage - sternum; costal cartilages; ribs and thoracic vertebrae; sternum - manubrium; body; xiphoid process; jugular suprasternal)notch; manubriosternal angle (angle of Louis); first rib - surfaces; borders; ends; - 25 -

clavicle scapula humerus - medial end; shaft; lateral end - surfaces; borders; processes (spine, accomion, coracoid); - head; greater and lesser tubercles; crests of the greater and lesser tubercles; intertubercular groove; surgical neck. Subcutaneous structures:- mammary gland; supraclavicular nerves; anterior and lateral cutaneous branches of intercostal nerves and accompanying arteries; cephalic vein. Deep fascia:- pectoral; clavipectoral ; axillary. Muscles:- pectoralis major; obliquus externus abdominis; serratus anterior; pectoralis minor; subclavius; subscapularis; teres major; latissimus dorsi; coracobrachialis; shiort head of biceps; long head of triceps; deltoid. Boundaries of axilla Nerves:- roots, trunks, divisions and cords of brachial plexus. Arteries:- axillary artery and its branches. Veins:- axillary vein and its tributaries. Lymph nodes:- axillary groups. Surface anatomy:- axillary artery. Applied anatomy:- injuries to brachial plexus; lymph drainage of breast. 進度 2:Front of Arm and Cubital Region Relevant skeletal features:- humerus-deltoid tuberosity;supracondylar ridges; epicondyles; radius -head; radial tuberosity; ulna -coronoid process. Subcutaneous structures:- medial cutaneous nerves of arm and forearm; upper and lower lateral cutaneous nerves of arm; lateral and posterior cutaneous nerves of forearm; cephalic, basilic and median cubital veins; cubital lymph nodes. Deep fascia:- medial and lateral intermuscular septa; (flexor and extensor compartments). Muscles:- biceps brachii; brachiahs; coracobrachialis; pronator teres; brachioradialis. Boundafies of cubital fossa Nerves:- musculocutaneous; ulnar; median; radial. Arteries:- brachial artery and its branches; radial and ulnar arteries. Veins:- venae comitantes of brachial artery. Surface anatomy:- brachial artery. Applied anatomy:- suitability of antecubital veins for intravenous injections and taking blood for analysis and for transfusion. 進度 3:Superficial Dissection of Back of Trunk, Scapular Region and Back of Arm - 26 -

Relevant skeletal features:- skull - mastoid process; superior nuchal line; external occipital protuberance and crest; vertebral column - spines of vertebrae; vertebra prominens C7 (ort 1); sacrum; coccyx; hip bone - iliac crest; supracristal plane at the level of L4 spine; posterior superior iliac spine at the level of S2 spine; scapula - medial, superior and lateral (axillary) borders; scapular notch; spine of scapula; supra- and infraspinous fossae; spinoglenoid notch; glenoid cavity; infraglenoid tubercle; superior angle at the level of T2 spine; spine of scapula at the level of T3 spine; inferior angle at the level of T7 spine; humerus - greater and lesser tubercles; deltoid tuberosity; radial groove; ulna - olecranon process. Subcutaneous structures:- cutaneous branches of dorsal rami; posterior cutaneous nerve of arm. Deep fascia:- thoracolumbar fascia. Ligaments:- ligamentum nuchae; supraspinous ligaments; coraco-acromial ligament; superior transverse scapular ligament. Muscles:- trapezium; latissimus dorsi; levator scapulae; rhomboideus minor and major; deltoid; supraspinatus; infraspinatus; teres major and minor; inferior belly of omohyoid; subscapularis; serratus anterior; triceps brachii; anconeus. Boundaries of quadrangular and triangular spaces Nerves:- accessory; suprascapular; axillary; other nerves supplying muscles. Arteries:- transverse cervical; suprascapular; circumflex scapular; anastomoses around scapula; posterior circumflex humeral. Surface anatomy:- axillary nerve; radial nerve. Applied anatomy:- fracture of the neck of the humerus; fracture of the middle of the shaft of the humerus. 進度 4:Front of Forearm and Hand Relevant skeletal features:- humerus - medial epicondyle; medial supracondylar ridge; radius - surfaces; borders ; styloid process; ulna - surfaces; borders; styloid process; carpus - hook of hamate; tubercle of scaphoid; pisiform; tubercle and groove of trapezium; metacarpus; phalanges. Subcutaneous structures: - medial cutaneous nerve of forearm; lateral cutaneous nerve of forearm; palmar cutaneous branch of ulnar nerve; palmar cutaneous branch of median nerve; digital nerves and vessels; cephalic, basilic and median cubital veins. Deep fascia:- flexor retinaculum; palmar aponeurosis; fascial septa of the hand. Ligaments:- superficial and deep transverse metacarpal ligaments. Muscles:- flexor carpi ulnaris; palmaris longus; flexor carpi radialis; pronator teres; - 27 -

flexor digitorum superficialis; flexor digitorum profundus; flexor pollicis longus; pronator quadratus; thenar and hypothenar muscles; lumbricals; adductor pollicis; interossei. synovial sheaths of long flexor tendons Nerves:- median; ulnar; superficial radial. Arteries:- radial and ulnar arteries and their branches; superficial and deep palmar arches. Surface anatomy:- radial and ulnar arteries; median nerve near the wrist. AppHed anatomy:- Volkmann's ischaemic contracture; Dupuytren's contracture; fascial spaces of hand. 進度 5:Joints of Shoulder Girdle Sternoclavicular Joint Relevant skeletal features:- manubrium; medial end of clavicle; first costal cartilage. Muscles in relation to capsule of joint: - pectoralis major; stemomastoid; subclavius. Capsule:- attachments. Ligaments:- anterior and posterior sternoclavicular; interclavicular; costoclavicular. Synovial membrane:- reflection. Intra-articular structures:- articular disc. Articular surfaces:- size of sternal and clavicular articular surfaces. Movements: - gliding; rotation. Nerve supply:- medial supraclavicular; nerve to subclavius. Acromioclavicular Joint Relevant skeletal features:- lateral end of clavicle; acromion process of scapula. Muscles in relation to capsule of joint:- trapezius; deltoid. Capsule:- attachments. Ligaments:- coracoclavicular. Synovial membrane:- reflection. Intra-articular structures:- articular disc sometimes present. Articular surfaces:- shape. Movements:- gliding; rotation. Nerve supply:- suprascapular; lateral pectoral. Applied anatomy:- dislocation. Shoulder Joint Relevant skeletal features:- glenoid cavity; head of humerus. Muscles in relation to capsule of joint:- deltoid; rotator cuff muscles; long head of biceps; long head of triceps. Capsule: - attachments. Ligaments: - coraco-acromial; coracohumeral; glenohumeral. Intracapsular structures:- tendon of long head of biceps. Synovial membrane:- reflection. - 28 -

Intra-articular structures:- labrum glenoidale. Articular surfaces:- humeral and glenoidal articular surfaces; labrum glenoidale. Movements:- flexion; extension; abduction; adduction; medial and lateral rotation; circumduction. Nerve supply:- suprascapular; axiuary; lateral pectoral. Applied anatomy:- dislocation. Back of Forearm and Hand Relevant skeletal features:- radius - posterior surface; dorsal tubercle; styloid process; ulna - supinator crest; posterior surface; head; styloid process; metacarpus; phalanges. Subcutaneous structures: - posterior cutaneous nerve of forearm; superficial branch of radial nerve; dorsal branch of ulnar nerve. Deep fascia:- extensor retinaculum; (osteofascial compartments). Muscles:- brachioradialis; extensor carpi radialis longus and brevis; extensor digitorum; extensor digiti minimi; extensor carpi ulnaris; supinator; abductor pollicis longus; extensor pollicis longus; extensor indicis. Nerves:- deep branch of radial; posterior interosseous. Arteries:- posterior interosseous; dorsal carpal arch and branches. Veins:- dorsal venous arch; basilic and cephalic veins. Applied anatomy:- radial nerve palsy; fracture of lower end of radius (Cofles' fracture). 進度 6:Joints of Free Upper Limb Elbow Joint Relevant skeletal features:- humerus - trochlea; capitulum; radial, coronoid and olecranon fossae; ulna - trochlear notch; coronoid and olecranon processes; radius - head; neck; tuberosity. Muscles in relation to capsule of joint:-brachialis; biceps; triceps; anconeus. Capsule:- attachments. Ligaments:- ulnar collateral; radial collateral. Synovial membrane:- reflection. Articular surfaces:- shape; carrying angle; Movements:- flexion; extension. Nerve supply:- musculocutaneous; radial. Blood supply:- anastomosis around elbow. Applied anatomy:- dislocations; fractures. Proximal and Distal Radio-ulnar Joints Relevant skeletal features:- radius - head; ulnar notch., - 29 -

ulna - radial notch; head. Capsule:- attachments. Ligaments:- annular (proximal joint). Intra-articular structures:- articular disc (distal joint). Synovial membrane:- reflection. Movements:- pronation; supination; axis of movement. Middle Radio-ulnar Joint oblique cord; interosseous membrane. Wrist Joint Relevant skeletal features:- distal end of radius; articular disc; scaphoid; lunate; triquetrum. Capsule:- attachments. Ligaments:- palmar radiocarpal and palmar ulnocarpal; dorsal radiocarpal; radial and ulnar collateral. Synovial membrane:- reflection. Articular surfaces:- shape. Movements:- flexion; extension; adduction; abduction; circumduction. Intercarpal, Midcarpal, Carpometacarpal, Metacarpophalangeal and Interphalangeal Joints Relevant skeletal features:- carpus; metacarpus; phalanges. Capsule:- attachments. Ligaments:- dorsal and palmar; collateral; interosseous. Synovial membrane:- reflection. Movements:- flexion, extension (all joints); adduction, abduction (midcarpal joint, metacarpophalangeal joints and carpometacarpal joint of thumb); rotation and circumduction (carpometacarpal joint of thumb). 進度 7:Thoracic Wall and Lungs Relevant skeletal features:- thoracic cage - sternum; costal cartilages; ribs; thoracic vertebrae; inlet; outlet; sternum - manubrium; body; xiphoid process; jugular notch; manubriosternal angle (angle of Louis); rib - head; neck; tubercle; shaft; angle; costal groove. typical intercostal space Subcutaneous structures: - anterior and lateral cutaneous branches of intercostal nerves. Muscles:- intercostales (external, internal, innermost). Nerves:- intercostal. Arteries:- internal thoracic; anterior and posterior intercostal. Veins:- internal thoracic; anterior and posterior intercostal. Pleurae and lungs:- pleural reflection; surfaces and borders of lungs; root of lung; fissures; lobes; bronchopulmonary segments. Surface anatomy:- surface marking of pleura, lungs and fissures. - 30 -

Applied anatomy:- auscultation of breath sounds; plain X-ray of chest;bronchogram; bronchoscopy; paracentesis thoracis;bronchopulmonary segments. 進度 8:Superior and Middle Mediastinum Superior mediastinum and contents:- thymus; brachiocephalic veins; phrenic and vagus nerves; arch of aorta and branches; trachea; oesophagus. Middle mediastinum and contents:- pericardium - fibrous; serous (parietal, visceral); transverse sinus;oblique sinus; heart - surfaces and borders; coronary arteries; coronary sinus; cardiac veins; chambers; innervation; great vessels - ascending aorta; pulmonary trunks; superior and inferior venae cavae; primary bronchi. Surface anatomy:- surface marking of heart and valvular openings. Applied anatomy:- apex beat; percussion of borders; auscultation of heart sounds; X-ray of chest (pulmonary conus, aortic knuckle); E.C.G. 進度 9:Superior and Posterior Mediastinum and Joints of Thorax Superior and posterior mediastinum:- aorta - ascending; arch; descending; branches; venae cavae - superior; inferior; trachea - thoracic part; primary bronchi; oesophagus - thoracic part; constrictions; nerves - vagus; sympathetic trunk; splanchnic nerves: nerve plexuses - cardiac; pulmonary; oesopnageal; veins -posterior intercostal; hemiazygos; accessory hemiazygos; vena azygos; thoracic duct - course. Surface anatomy:- arch of aorta; superior vena cava; inferior vena cava; vena azygos; openings in the diaphragm. Applied anatomy:- barium swallow; oesophagoscopy. Joints of thorax:- manubriosternal - secondary cartilaginous type sternocostal - synovial type except the first sternocostal joint which is a primary cartilaginous joint; interchondral - synovial type except that between ninth and tenth costal cartilages which is fibrous; costovertebral - synovial type with double synovial cavities; radiate ligament; intra-articular ligament; costotransverse - synovial type; superior costotransverse igament;costotransverse ligament; lateral costotransverse ligament; no costotransverse joints for eleventh and twelfth ribs. Applied anatomy:- movements of the thoracic cage during respiration. 進度 10:Anterior Abdominal Wall and External Genitalia - 31 -

Relevant skeletal features:- thoracic cage - lower part; vertebral column - lumbar region; hip bones - pubic symphysis; pubic crest; pubic tubercle; pectineal line; anterior superior iliac spine; iliac crest. Relevant landmarks: - linea alba; umbilicus; linea semilunaris; midaxillary line; posterior axillary line. Subcutaneous structures:- anterior and lateral cutaneous branches of lower intercostal nerves; subcostal nerve; iliohypogastric nerve; superficial epigastric artery; dartos muscle; fatty and membranous layers of the superficial fascia. Muscles:- obliquus externus abdominis; obliquus internus abdominis;cremaster muscle; transversus abdominis; rectus abdominis; pyramidalis; superficial inguinal ring; deep inguinal ring,; rectus sheath. Nerves:- muscular branches of lower intercostal; subcostal; iliohypogastric;ilioinguinal; genitofemoral. Arteries:- lower posterior intercostal; subcostal; lumbar; superior epigastric; inferior epigastric; deep circumflex iliac. Veins:- veins accompanying the above arteries. External genitalia:- male-testes and its coverings; spermatic cord and contents; female - round ligaments. Surface anatomy:- superficial inguinal ring; deep inguinal ring; inguinal canal. Applied anatomy:- surgical incisions on the anterior abdominal wall; vasectomy; inguinal hernia; hydrocele; undescended testis. 進度 11:Abdominal Cavity, Stomach and Intestine Planes of abdomen:- vertical; subcostal; transtubercular; transpyloric. Regions of abdomen:- epigastric; umbilical; hypogastric; right and left hypochondriac; right and left lumbar; right and left iliac. Peritoneum:- parietal; visceral; greater sac; lesser sac; foramen of Winslow; median umbilical fold; medial umbilical fold; lateral umbilical fold; falciforrn ligament; left triangular ligament; lesser omentum; greater omentum; gastrosplenic ligament; lienorenal ligament; mesentery; meso-appendix; transverse mesocolon; phrenicocolic ligament. Viscera:- liver - lower margin; fissure for ligamentum teres; fissure for ligamentum venosum; porta hepatis; caudate lobe; gallbladder - fundus; stomach - fundus; body; pyloric part; greater and lesser curvatures; incisura angularis; sulcus intermedius; stomach bed; interior of the stomach; arterial supply; venous drainage; lymphatic rainage; nerve supply; jejunum and ileum - extent; differences; arterial supply; venous drainage; lymphatic drainage; nerve supply; appendix - position; arterial supply; caecum - posterior relations; colon - ascending; transverse; descending; pelvic; arterial supply; venous drainage; lymphatic drainage; nerve supply. - 32 -

Portal vein:- formation; location. Surface anatomy:- fundus of gall bladder; cardiac and pyloric orifices of the stomach; caecum and appendix. Applied anatomy:- referred pain over the umbilical region and pain over right iliac fossa in appendicitis. 進度 12:Liver, Pancreas, Duodenum and Spleen Liver:- surfaces and margins; lobes; relations; structures passing through porta hepatis; bare area; common hepatic duct. Gall bladder:- subdivisions; cystic duct; arterial supply. Pancreas:- subdivisions; relations; arterial supply; venous drainage; openings of the pancreatic ducts. Duodenum:- subdivisions; relations; arterial supply; venous drainage; lymphatic drainage; opening of the bile duct. Spleen:- position; relations. Portal vein:- formation and its tributaries; portosystemic anastomoses. Surface anatomy:- liver; gall bladder; common bile duct; duodenum; spleen. Applied anatomy:- portal obstruction; biliary colic. 進度 13:Kidney, Suprarenal and Posterior Abdominal Wall Kidney:- coverings; relations; arterial supply; venous drainage; hilum. Ureter:- course; constrictions; arterial supply; nerve supply. Suprarenal:- relations; arterial supply; venous drainage. Posterior Abdominal Wall:- Muscles:- diaphragm; psoas; quadratus lumborum; transversus abdominis;iliacus. Nerves:- subcostal; lumbar plexus and branches; sympathetic trunk; coeliac, renal, intermesenteric and hypogastric plexuses. Arteries:- aorta and branches. Veins:- subcostal; inferior vena cava and tributaries; azygos. Lymphatics:- cisterna chyli. Surface anatomy:- kidney; ureter; spleen; aorta; inferior vena cava. Applied anatomy:- inferior vena caval obstruction; renal infarction; polycystic kidneys; ureteric colic. 進度 14:Gluteal Region and Posterior Aspect of the Thigh Relevant skeletal features:- hip bone - gluteal surface; sciatic notches and foramina; iliac crest, tubercle and spines; ischial spine and tuberosity; sacrum; coccyx; - 33 -

femur - greater trochanter; trochanteric fossa; trochanteric crest; quadrate tubercle; gluteal tuberosity; linea aspera; tibia - condyles and shaft; fibula - head. Subcutaneous structures:- cutaneous nerves. Muscles:- gluteus maximus, medius, minimus; tensor fasciae latae; piriformis; obturator internus and gemelh; quadratus femoris; hamstring muscles including the ischiocondylar part of adductor magnus. Nerves:- sciatic nerve and its divisions; inferior gluteal nerve; nerve to quadratus femoris; nerve to obturator internus; pudendal nerve; and superior gluteal nerve. Arteries:- superior and inferior gluteal arteries; arterial anastomoses. Surface anatomy:- posterior superior iliac spine; greater trochanter; gluteal fold; sciatic nerve. Applied anatomy:- site for intramuscular injection. 進度 15:Blood Vessels, Nerves and Muscles of the Pelvis Arteries:- internal iliac, divisions and branches; median sacral. Vein:- internal iliac and tributaries. Nerves:- Sacral plexus; coccygeal plexus; autonomic plexuses. Muscles:-piriformis; obturator internus; coccygeus; levator ani and its subdivisions; pelvic diaphragm Applied anatomy:- pelvic diaphragm and mechanics of labour. 進度 16:Pelvic Viscera Relevant skeletal features:- hip bones - ilium; ischium; pubis; sacrum - ala; anterior sacral foramina; coccyx - coccygeal vertebrae; sacrococcygeal articulation; bony pelvis - inlet; outlet; diameters; ligaments. Peritoneum:- male - pelvic mesocolon; rectovesical pouch; female - pelvic mesocolon; rectouterine pouch; uterovesical pouch; broad ligament of uterus; mesovarium; uterosacral folds. Rectum:- flexures; ampulla; relations; arterial supply; venous drainage; lymphatic drainage; nerve supply; lateral ligaments; Waldeyer's fascia. Uterus:- position; subdivisions; cavity; arterial supply; venous drainage; support; transverse cervical ligament; uterosacral ligament; round ligament. Fallopian tubes:- intramural part; isthmus; ampulla; infundibulum, fimbriae; abdominal ostium. Ovary:- attachments; relations; arterial supply; venous drainage; nerve supply; ligament of ovary. Vagina:- fornices; relations. Urinary bladder:- shape; surfaces; relations in both sexes; arterial supply; venous drainage; nerve supply. - 34 -

Ureter:- pelvic part - course; termination; arterial supply in both sexes. Ductus deferens:- course; termination. Seminal vesicle:- shape; position; duct. Prostate:- shape; size; position; subdivisions; capsules; prostatic venous plexus; prostatic urethra; openings of ducts. Surface anatomy:- fundus of the urinary bladder. Applied anatomy:- prolapse of uterus; prolapse of rectum; enlargement of prostate; spread of cancer from pelvic viscera. 進度 17:Perineum Ischiorectal fossa:- boundaries; rectum - sphincters; relations; mucous membrane; arterial supply; venous drainage; portosystemic anastomosis; nerve supply. Urogenital triangle:- superficial perineal pouch and contents; deep perineal pouch and contents. Nerves:- pudendal nerve and branches. Arteries:- internal pudendal artery and branches. Veins:- internal pudendal vein and tributaries. Lymphatics:- superficial inguinal lymph nodes. Surface anatomy:- pudendal canal. Applied anatomy:- rectal examination; vaginal examination;. pudendal block anaesthesia. - 35 -

參 組織學上 教學內容 : 本課程之授課對象為醫學院之醫學系三年級 牙醫系三年級 解剖學暨細胞生物學研究所及法醫學研究所碩士般一年級學生, 上課包括演講一至二小時 實驗二至三小時 課程內容之講授以幻燈片為主, 電腦輔助教學教材為輔, 介紹人體各組織之基本結構, 涵蓋層次包括細胞組織之顯微及超微結構, 以及器官系統結構與功能之整合 實驗課主要利用顯微鏡來觀察組織切片, 另有立體模型及顯微與超微相片來輔助教材 每次實驗課前, 由老師就當日實驗內容, 做十五分鐘之重點提示與扼要講解 實驗課結束前二十分鐘, 再由授課老師以電視教學位同學解說當日實驗內容之疑義 學分數 :1 學分上課教室 :501 講堂課程表 : 日期 時間 主 題 任課教師 01 09/10 8:10-10:00 Introduction 王淑慧 Mon LM technique 龔秀妮 EM technique 龔秀妮 Cell (I) 黃敏銓 10:20-12:10 Lab orientation; Microscope check-out ( 三東 ) 全體教師 Slide box check-out ( 三東 ) 02 09/11 03 09/12 Wed 04 09/17 Mon 05 09/25 06 10/02 07 10/09 08 10/15 Mon 09 10/16 10 10/17 Wed 11 10/22 Mon 12 10/23 1:20-3:10 3:30-5:20 1:20-3:10 3:30-5:20 8:10-10:00 10:20-12:10 Cell (II) Epithelial Tissue Muscular Tissue Muscular Tissue Lab and Epithelial Tissue Connective Tissue Connective Tissue Lab 黃敏銓龔秀妮王淑慧全體教師龔秀妮全體教師 8:10-10:00 10:20-12:10 Cartilage & Bone & Bone Formation Cartilage & Bone & Bone Formation Lab 王淑慧全體教師 8:10-10:00 Blood 黃敏銓 10:20-12:10 Blood Lab and lab review 全體教師 1:20-3:10 Cardiovascular System 陳玉怜 3:30-5:20 Cardiovascular System Lab 全體教師 8:10-10:00 Nervous Tissue (PNS) 謝松蒼 10:20-12:10 Nervous Tissue (PNS) Lab 全體教師 8:10-10:00 Integumentary System 龔秀妮 10:20-12:10 Integumentary System Lab 全體教師 1:20-3:10 Quiz (I); 全體教師 Lab Review ( 三東 ) 8:10-12:10 Histology Exam (Lec and Lab) 全體教師 1:20-3:10 3:30-5:20 Nervous Tissue (CNS) Nervous Tissue (CNS) Lab 謝松蒼全體教師 - 36 -

13 11/14 Wed 14 11/20 15 11/21 Wed 16 12/04 17 12/05 Wed 18 12/10 Mon 19 12/11 20 12/12 Wed 21 12/18 22 12/24 Mon 23 12/26 Wed 1:20-3:10 3:30-5:20 1:20-3:10 3:30-5:20 1:20-3:10 3:30-5:20 1:20-3:10 3:30-5:20 1:20-3:10 3:30-5:20 Respiratory System Respiratory System Lab Lymph Node & Thymus Lymph Node & Thymus Lab Spleen, Tonsil & Haemopoiesis Spleen, Tonsil & Haemopoiesis Lab Oral cavity & Teeth Oral cavity & Teeth Lab Major salivary gland, Esophagus & Stomach Major salivary gland, Esophagus & Stomach Lab Intestine and Pancreas Intestine and Pancreas Lab 陳玉怜全體教師許書豪全體教師許書豪全體教師錢宗良全體教師王淑慧全體教師 8:10-10:00 10:20-12:10 陳玉怜全體教師 1:20-3:10 Liver & Gall Bladder 許書豪 3:30-5:20 Liver & Gall Bladder Lab 全體教師 1:20-3:10 Kidney & Lower Urinary tract 陳玉怜 3:30-5:20 Kidney & Lower Urinary tract Lab 全體教師 10:20-12:10 Lab Review ( 三東 ) 全體教師 全體教師 8:10-09:00 Quiz(II) 全體教師 1:20-3:10 3:30-5:20 第一學期 Exam (Lec+Lab) 全體教師 上課用教課書 : Histology: a text and atlas with correlated cell and molecular biology. seventh edition, 2016. ( 最新版 ) Edited by Michael H. Ross and Wojciech Pawlina Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 參考用教課書 : Wheater s Functional Histology: a text and colour atlas. 6th edition. Edited by Barbara Young, Phillip Woodford and Geraldine O'Dowd. 2013. Churchill Livingstone ELSEVIER 實習用教課書 : 組織學實驗手冊 : 台大醫學院解剖學科編著, 今名圖書公司經銷 課程負責人 : 王淑慧老師助教 : 鄭珮容分機 62212-37 -

教學大綱 : 組織學教學大綱 : 1. 題目 :Introduction, LM & EM Techniques 教學目標 :Definition of Histology and the Study Methods of Histology 講授大綱 : Definition of Histology Overview of Methods used in Histology Histochemistry and Cytochemistry Light microscopy preparation of HE stained histology section Electron microscopy preparation of thin sections for EM Textbook and Atlas : Ross and Pawlina (2011) HISTOLOGY : A Text and Atlas. 6 th ed. Chapter 1, pp.1-21 2. 題目 : 細胞 ( 一 ) ( 二 ) Cell (I, II) 教學目標 :Structure and function of the cell cytoplasm(organelles and inclusions), cell cycle 講授大綱 : organelles:plasma membrane(cell coat or glycocalyx), unit membrane, ribosomes, polyribosomes, endoplasmic reticulum(rough and smooth), Golgi apparatus,lysosomes, peroxisomes, mitochondria, centrioles, microtubules,microfilaments, intermediate filaments. inclusions:pigment, glycogen, lipids, secretory granules nucleus:nuclear envelope pore, chromatin, sex chromatin, chromosomes, nucleolus Textbook and Atlas : Ross and Pawlina (2011) HISTOLOGY: A Text and Atlas. 6 th ed. Chapter 2 & 3, pp.22-74, & 75-97 3. 題目 : 上皮組織 Epithelial tissue 教學目標 : 1.Four basic tissues:concept and classification 2.Various types of epithelium and examples for each type of epithelium 3.Structure and function of each type of epithelium 4.Surface specialization of epithelial cells 5.Functional significance of various intercellular junctions 講授大綱 : 1. Four basic tissues(epithelium, connective tissue, muscluar tissue and nervous tissue) 2. Covering or lining epithelium, glandular epithelium - 38 -

3. Classification of the epithelium: Simple epithelium and stratified epithelium;squamous, cuboidal and columnar epithelium, pseudostratified and transitional epithelium 4. Cell polarity 5. Surface modification : microvilli, striated borders, brush borders, stereocilia, kinocilia 6. Specialization of intercellular junction : zonula occludens (tight junction), zonula adherens (intermediate junction), macula adherens (desmosomes), gap junctions (nexus) and hemidesmosomes. 7. Basement membrane:basal lamina, reticular lamina 8. Gland Textbook and Atlas : Ross and Pawlina (2011) HISTOLOGY : A Text and Atlas. 6 th ed. Chapter 4 & 5, pp.98-104, & 105-157 4. 題目 : 肌肉組織 Muscular tissue 教學目標 : Histological features of three types of muscular tissues 講授大綱 : Epimysium, perimysium, endomysium Skeletal muscle White and Red myofibers: multinucleated Myofibrils--sarcomeres--thin and thick filaments A band, I band, M line, H band, Z line Sarcoplasmic reticulum: site of calcium storage T-tubule: invagination of plasma membrane Triad, function in muscle contraction Motor end plates--neuromuscular junction Satellite cells: muscle regeneration Cardiac muscle Myocardium, epicardium, endocardium Myofibers: single, centrally located nucleus Myofibrils Intercalated disc desmosome-like junction, gap junction Atrial granules Conducting system Smooth muscle single, ovoid nucleus no myofibrils (no striation) myofilaments, dense bodies, intermediate filaments (desmin) gap junction between cells Textbook and Atlas : Ross and Pawlina (2011) HISTOLOGY : A Text and Atlas. 6 th ed. Chapter - 39 -

11, pp.310-351 5. 題目 : 血液 Blood 教學目標 : 1. Formed elements of blood 2. Structural features of platelets, erythrocytes and leucocytes 講授大綱 : Erythrocytes Leucocytes agranulocytes: 1. lymphocytes : T lymphocytes(cell-mediated immune response) B lymphocytes(plasma cells;antibody production) 2. monocytes(azurophilic granules;phagocytosis;macrophages) granulocytes: 1. neutrophils (multilobed nucleus;azurophilic and specific granules) 2. basophils(s or U-shaped nucleus; basophil granules/histamine, haparin, vasodilation) 3. eosinophils(bilobed nucleus;eosinophilic granules/lysosmal enzymes, peroxidase) Platelets blood clotting megakaryocytes Textbook and Atlas : Ross and Pawlina (2011) HISTOLOGY : A Text and Atlas. 6 th ed. Chapter 10, pp.268-309 6. 題目 : 結締組織 Connective tissue 教學目標 : 1. Struture and function of connective tissue components 2. Classification of connective tissue 講授大綱 : Ground substances(hyaluronic acid, chondroitin sulfate) Cells Fibroblasts:collagen production Mast cells:basophilic granules;metachromasia Plasma cells:eccentric nucleus, basophilic cytoplasm, antibody production Leucocytes Fat cells Pigment cells Fibers Collagenous fiber:collagen Reticular fiber:reticulin;silver stain - 40 -

Elastic fiber:elastin;resorcin fuchsin stain Classification Embryonic connective tissue Adult connective tissue proper Textbook and Atlas : Ross and Pawlina (2011) HISTOLOGY : A Text and Atlas. 6 th ed. Chapter 6, pp.158-197 7. 題目 : 軟骨與硬骨 Cartilage and Bone 教學目標 : 1.Histological features of three types of cartilages 2.Growth and development of cartilages 3.Components of the bone 講授大綱 : Cartilage Component:chondrocytes(in lacuna), fibers, ground substance Types Hyaline cartilage Elastic cartilage Fibrocartilage Growth Insterstitial growth Appositional growth Perichondrium Bone Matrix:organic and inorganic substance Cells Osteocytes Osteoblasts Osteoclasts:ruffled border;howship's lacuna Periosteum, endosteum Architecture Spongy bone:trabeculae Circumferential and interstitial lamellae Textbook and Atlas : Ross and Pawlina (2011) HISTOLOGY : A Text and Atlas. 6 th ed. Chapter 7 & 8, pp.198-217, & 218-227, 244-247 8. 題目 : 骨形成 Bone formation 教學目標 : 1.Intramambranous and endochondral bone formation 2.Bone remodeling - 41 -

講授大綱 : Intramembranous bone formation Mesenchyme--osteoblasts--osteocytes Bone spicules--bone trabeculae--lamellar bone Endochondral bone formation Cartilage model--bone deposition Invasion of osteogenic buds Primary ossification centers Growth in length Epiphyseal plate:five zones Zone of resting cartilage Zone of proliferation Zone of hypertrophy Zone of calcification Zone of cartilage resorption and bone deposition Bone collar:intramembranous bone formation Growth in diameter appositional growth selective resorption Bone remodeling Internal and external remodeling Textbook and Atlas : Ross and Pawlina (2011) HISTOLOGY : A Text and Atlas. 6 th ed. Chapter 8, pp.232-243, 248-253 9. 題目 : 神經組織 ( 週邊神經組織, PNS) 教學目標 :general structure of the neuron the peripheral nervous system(nerve fibers and ganglions) 講授大綱 : Neurons:perikaryon, dendrites, axon Nerve fibers:myelin sheath, node of Ranvier Schwann cells Cranio-spinal ganglia:pseudounipolar neurons, satellite cells Autonomic ganglia:multipolar neurons Nerve endings:free and encapsulated endings Textbook and Atlas : Ross and Pawlina (2011) HISTOLOGY : A Text and Atlas. 6 th ed. Chapter 12, pp.352-399 10. 題目 : 神經組織 ( 中樞神經系統 ) Nervous Tissue, CNS 教學目標 :Histological organization of CNS Light and electron microscopic features of the CNS in general Neuroglia - 42 -