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1 國立台灣大學醫學院 107 學年度學習指引 ;3-2 大體解剖學及實驗下 組織學下 生理學甲下 胚胎學下 神經解剖學 臺大醫學院共同教育及教師培訓中心編印

2 編輯緣起 本院自八十一學年度起開始編輯及出版學習指引系列 其最主要目的是讓學生對於各學科的學習內容, 以及教師的教學進度 教學方式 作業或評量要求等有一全面性的瞭解, 以加強學習效果 編輯學習指引系列的另一目的是希望能藉其使不同學科的教師及同一學科的授課老師, 彼此了解授課的內容及教學的方式, 加強學習內容的協調, 避免不必要的重複或遺漏, 以提昇本院的教學品質 完整的學習指引, 其內容應包括 : 該學科的教學目標, 教學進度, 所涵蓋的單元主題, 教學方法及詳細的教學活動方式, 詳細的作業及成績評量規定, 參考資料, 教師的其他要求 本指引每年均根據老師與學生反應由相關單位的授課教師提供修正資料, 以期更能充實內容 ; 同時希望使用本指引的同學能夠繼續提出修正的建議, 使學習指引系列的內容更能符合同學的學習需求 臺大醫學院共同教育及教師培訓中心 民國 108 年 2 月 1

3 序 醫學系的教育目標是讓學生在六年的修業期間之內能夠學習到做為一個醫師所必須具備的知識 技能 態度並培養終生學習的動機和主動學習的習慣 此一目標的達成必須依賴教師與學生的共同合作 ; 教師方面以積極的熱忱提供各種教學活動, 學生方面則應有充分的配合意願與行動 除了知識與技能之外, 豐富的人性與積極的社會使命感等做為醫師必須具備的人格 科學的思考能力以及適當判斷力的養成, 尤其需要學生方面的體能及力行 本手冊的主要目的在於讓學生了解本系目前的課程 教學計畫 及教學主題, 希望他有助於促進師生間良好的溝通, 學生能夠了解而且善盡自己的學習責任, 教師能夠妥適規劃教學內容, 以提昇醫學系的教學品質 自八十三學年度開始, 本院醫學系一年級至六年級的學生均按照新課程實施教學 ; 已將臨床預備階段的傳統型課程轉變為整合型課程, 將臨床階段的傳統型課程轉變為核心 選修型課程 ; 啟發式小班教學也全面實施並逐漸落實 在這新階段的開始, 希望教師同仁們繼續在教學方面加以改進, 使本院的新課程能夠展示其效果 教學改進的成功有賴於事前的充分準備 學生的充分了解 教師的充分配合, 以及不斷的檢討改進, 希望本手冊的編印能對於提昇本院的教學品質, 提高本院的教學成效有所協助 敬請使用本手冊的教師同仁以及同學, 對於本書在內容方面的缺失及應改進的地方, 提出高見, 以便修正 臺大醫學院共同教育及教師培訓中心 民國 108 年 2 月 2

4 目 錄 編輯緣起序壹 教學時間表 1 貳 大體解剖學及實驗下 19 參 組織學下 33 肆 生理學甲下 38 伍 胚胎學下 55 陸 神經解剖學 61 3

5 壹 醫學系三年級整合課程教學時間表 107 學年度第 2 學期 第一週 --[Endocrine system] & [Head & Neck] 日期時間科別主題教師 02/18 02/19 Tue 08:10-08:20 08:20-10:00 10:20-12:10 13:10-15:10 08:10-10:00 10:20-12:10 神經解剖 Introduction to the course (10 min) 神經解剖 Overview of CNS, meninges, and Cerebrospinal 胚胎 小組討論 組織 組織 fluid Body cavities and serous membrane 解剖 生理小組討論課 ( 含課前教育 ) [ 第一階段 ] 單元一 : 循環系統 ( 解剖生理 ) [ 第二階段 ] 單元一 : 循環系統 ( 解剖生理 ) Pineal, Pituitary, Adrenal, Thyroid and Parathyroid Pituitary, Pineal, Adrenal, Thyroid and Parathyroid glands Lab 呂俊宏 謝松蒼 陳玉怜 小班老師 李立仁 全體教師 02/20 Wed 02/21 Thu 02/22 Fri 02/23 13:20-17:20 大體解剖 Posterior triangle of neck Posterior cervical triangle Lab Head & Neck 13:20-16:20 生理 Energy metabolism and homeostasis & The endocrine system 13:20-16:20 生理 The endocrine system & Hypothalamus-pituitary axis Sat 備註 : 年 2 月 18 日 ( 星期一 ) 本學期上課開始 年 2 月 28 日 ( 星期四 ) 和平紀念日 年 3 月 01 日 ( 星期五 ) 調整放假 ( 於 2 月 23 日補上課 ) 年 4 月 02 日 ( 星期一 ) 溫書假 年 4 月 03 日 ( 星期二 ) 溫書假 年 4 月 04 日 ( 星期三 ) 兒童節 年 4 月 05 日 ( 星期四 ) 民族掃墓節 年 6 月 07 日 ( 星期五 ) 端午節 9. 上課內容大綱請至共同教育及教師培訓中心網頁中 學習指引 查閱, 賴逸儒 蘇慧敏 蘇慧敏 - 1 -

6 第二週 -- [Nervous system Part1 Structural] & [ Reproductive system] 日期 時間 科別 主題 教師 02/25 08:10-10:00 神經解剖 Spinal Cord 呂俊宏 10:20-12:10 神經解剖 Brainstem (I) : External Morphology & Inner 李立仁 Structure 13:20-15:10 小組討論 解剖 生理小組討論課 小班老師 [ 第三階段 ] 單元一 : 循環系統 ( 解剖生理 ) [ 第一階段 ] 單元二 : 消化系統 ( 生理 ) 02/26 Tue 08:10-10:00 10:20-12:10 組織 組織 Female Reproductive System (I) Female Reproductive System (I) Lab 王淑慧 全體教師 13:20-18:20 大體解剖 Anterior triangle of neck and Submandibular 賴逸儒 region Anterior cervical triangle Lab 02/27 Wed 02/28 Thu 和平紀念日 ( 放假日 ) 03/01 Fri 調整放假 ( 於 2 月 23 日補上班 上課 ) - 2 -

7 第三週 --[Nervous system Part1 Structural]& [ Reproductive system] & [Head & Neck] &[Endocrine system] 日期 時間 科別 主題 教師 03/04 08:10-10:00 神經解剖 Brainstem (II) : External Morphology & Inner Structure 李立仁 10:20-12:10 胚胎 Human Birth Defects 陳啟豪 13:20-15:10 小組討論 解剖 生理小組討論課 小班老師 [ 第二階段 ] 單元二 : 消化系統 ( 生理 ) 03/05 08:10-12:10 大體解剖 Deep dissection of neck (I) 賴逸儒 Tue Cervical viscera and Root of neck Lab 王淑慧 03/06 Wed 03/07 Thu 03/08 Fri 13:20-15:10 15:30-17:20 組織組織 Female Reproductive System (II) Female Reproductive System (II) Lab 全體教師 13:20-16:20 生理 GH & TH & Endocrine regulation of Ca & P 蘇慧敏 metabolism 13:20-16:20 生理 Endocrine pancreas and adrenal 胡孟君 - 3 -

8 第四週 --[Nervous system Part1 Structural] & [ Reproductive system] [Head & Neck] 日期時間科別主題教師 03/11 03/12 Tue 08:10-10:00 10:20-12:10 13:20-15:10 08:10-12:10 神經解剖 Brainstem (III) : External Morphology & Inner 胚胎 小組討論 Structure Common signaling pathways used during development 解剖 生理小組討論 [ 第三階段 ] 單元二 : 消化系統 ( 生理 ) [ 第一階段 ] 單元三 : 呼吸系統 ( 解剖 ) 大體解剖 Deep dissection of neck (II) Cervical viscera and Root of neck Lab 李立仁 錢宗良 小班老師 賴逸儒 李立仁 13:20-15:10 15:30-17:20 組織 組織 Male Reproductive System (I) Male Reproductive System (I) Lab 全體教師 03/13 Wed 03/14 Thu 03/15 Fri 13:20-16:20 生理 Reproduction 胡孟君 13:20-16:20 生理 Lab 1-4 -

9 第五週 --[Nervous system Part1 Structural] & [ Reproductive system] & [Head & Neck] 日期時間科別主題教師 03/18 03/19 Tue 08:10-10:00 10:20-12:10 13:20-15:10 08:10-09:00 09:10-10:00 10:20-12:10 神經解剖 Cerebellum : External Morphology & Inner 神經解剖 小組討論 組織 組織 組織 structure Diencephalon:External Morphology & Inner Structure 解剖 生理小組討論 [ 第二階段 ] 單元三 : 呼吸系統 ( 解剖 ) Male Reproductive System (Il) Ear Male Reproductive System (Il) Lab 錢宗良 錢宗良 小班老師 李立仁 林能裕 全體教師 03/20 Wed 03/21 Thu 03/22 Fri 13:20-18:20 大體解剖 Face and scalp Face and scalp Lab 13:20-15:10 生理 Synaptic physiology 13:20-15:10 生理 Synaptic physiology 15:30-17:20 生理 Lab 2 賴逸儒 湯志永 湯志永 - 5 -

10 第六週 --[Nervous system Part1 Structural] & [ Reproductive system] [Head & Neck] & [Ent & Eye System ] 日期時間科別主題教師 03/25 08:10-10:00 神經解剖 Midterm ( lecture only 2/25~3/18) 10:20-12:10 胚胎 Urogenital system (I) 呂俊宏 13:00-14:40 小組討論 解剖 生理小組討論 小班老師 [ 第三階段 ] 單元三 : 呼吸系統 ( 解剖 ) [ 第一階段 ] 單元四 : 周邊神經系統 ( 神經解 剖生理 ) 15:00-16:30 慰靈公祭 03/26 Tue 08:10-10:00 10:20-12:10 組織 組織 Eye Eye & Ear Lab 林能裕 全體教師 03/27 Wed 03/28 Thu 03/29 Fri 13:20-14:10 14:20-18:20 大體解剖 Clinical lecture: Endocrine surgery 大體解剖 Deep structures of the back of neck and trunk 黃實宏龔秀妮 and spinal cord Back, suboccipital region and Spinal cord Lab 13:20-15:10 生理 Somatic sensory physiology 湯志永 13:20-15:10 生理 Somatic sensory physiology 湯志永 15:30-17:20 生理 Lab 3-6 -

11 第七週 --[Nervous system Part1 Structural] 日期時間科別主題教師 04/01 08:10-10:00 10:20-12:10 神經解剖 Telencephalon (I) : External Morphology & Inner Structure 神經解剖 Lab Introduction (501) Gross Anatomy:brain stem and cerebellum (501) Lab I ( 一東 ) 尹相姝 13:20-15:10 小組討論 解剖 生理小組討論 小班老師 [ 第二階段 ] 單元四 : 周邊神經系統 ( 神經解 剖生理 ) 04/02 Tue 溫書假 04/03 Wed 溫書假 04/04 Thu 兒童節 04/05 Fri 民族掃墓節 - 7 -

12 第八週 -- [Nervous system Part1 Structural] & [ Reproductive system] 日期時間科別主題教師 04/08 08:10-08:30 08:30-10:40 10:50-11:10 11:30-12:10 神經解剖 quiz -- Gross Anatomy:brain stem and cerebellum 神經解剖 Telencephalon (II) : External Morphology & 神經解剖 Inner Structure Gross Anatomy:cerebrum and brain section 神經解剖 (501)Lab II ( 一東 ) 尹相姝 13:20-15:10 小組討論 解剖 生理小組討論 小班老師 [ 第三階段 ] 單元四 : 周邊神經系統 ( 神經解 剖生理 ) [ 第一階段 ] 單元五 : 男性生殖泌尿系統 ( 解 剖 ) 04/09 Tue 08:10-10:00 10:20-12:10 組織 胚胎 Quiz Lab Review Urogenital system (II) 全體教師 呂俊宏 04/10 Wed 04/11 Thu 04/12 Fri 13:20-18:20 大體解剖 Cranial cavity (I) 龔秀妮 Removal of skull cap, meninges and brain Brain and Floor of cranial cavity Lab 13:20-15:10 生理 Motor physiology 湯志永 13:20-15:10 生理 Motor physiology 湯志永 - 8 -

13 第九週 [ 期中考週 ]-- [Nervous system Part1 Structural] &[Head & Neck] 日期時間科別主題教師 04/15 08:10-08:30 08:30-10:40 10:50-12:10 神經解剖 quiz -- Gross Anatomy:cerebrum and brain section 神經解剖 Limbic System 神經解剖 Lab III (501) Microscope brain slice: spinal cord ~ inferior colliculus 謝松蒼 04/16 Tue 04/17 Wed 04/18 Thu 04/19 Fri 13:20-15:10 小組討論解剖 生理小組討論 [ 第二階段 ] 單元五 : 男性生殖泌尿系統 ( 解 剖 ) 08:10-12:10 組織 第二學期 Final Examination (Lec & Lab) 13:20-15:10 組織 Microscope check-in, Slide Box check-in ( 三 東 ) 15:30-18:20 大體解剖 Cranial cavity (II) 13:20-15:00 生理 期中考試 13:20-17:20 生理 Lab 4 小班老師 全體教師 龔秀妮 - 9 -

14 第十週 --[Nervous system Part1 Structural] & [Head & Neck] 日期時間科別主題教師 04/22 08:10-08:30 08:30-10:40 10:50-12:10 神經解剖 quiz -- Microscope brain slice: spinal cord ~ inferior colliculus 神經解剖 Motor System I : Pyramidal System 神經解剖 Lab IV ( 三東 ) Review-- Microscope brain slice:spinal cord ~ inferior colliculus 曾國藩 13:20-15:10 小組討論 解剖 生理小組討論 小班老師 [ 第三階段 ] 單元五 : 男性生殖泌尿系統 ( 解 剖 ) [ 第一階段 ] 單元六 : 肌肉骨骼系統 ( 解剖 ) 04/23 08:30-12:10 大體解剖 Orbit and Lacrimal apparatus (I) 王淑慧 Tue Orbit, contents of orbit and eyeball Lab 04/24 Wed 04/25 Thu 04/26 Fri 13:20-18:20 大體解剖 Orbit and Lacrimal apparatus (II) 王淑慧 Orbit, contents of orbit and eyeball Lab 13:20-16:20 生理 Function of autonomic nervous system 詹智強 13:20-16:20 生理 Hypothalamus and motivated behavior 詹智強 Emotion and mental disorde

15 第十一週 --[Nervous system Part1 Structural] & [Head & Neck] 日期時間科別主題教師 04/29 08:10-10:00 10:20-12:10 神經解剖 Motor System II : Extrapyramidal System; 胚胎 Central Control of Visceral Innervatio Head and neck:pharyngeal apparatus 曾國藩 婁培人 04/30 Tue 05/01 Wed 05/02 Thu 05/03 Fri 13:20-15:10 小組討論解剖 生理小組討論 小班老師 [ 第二階段 ] 單元六 : 肌肉骨骼系統 ( 解剖 ) 08:10-12:10 13:20-15:10 15:30-18:20 13:20-15:10 15:30-17:20 大體解剖 Gross Exam (Lec+Lab) 全體教師 胚胎 Nervous system 謝松蒼 大體解剖 Infratemporal region & Temporomandibular 林能裕 joint (I) Masseteric & Infratemporal region Lab 生理 Sex and brain 詹智強 生理 Lab 5 蘇慧敏 13:00-17:30 生理 Consciousness and sensori-motor integration 郭鐘金

16 第十二週 --[Nervous system Part2 Functional] & [Ent & Eye System ] [Head & Neck] 日期時間科別主題教師 05/06 08:10-10:00 10:20-12:10 神經解剖 General and Visceral Sensory Systems 神經解剖 Lab V (501) Microscope brain slice:superior colliculus ~ thalamus 呂俊宏 13:20-15:10 小組討論 解剖 生理小組討論 小班老師 [ 第三階段 ] 單元六 : 肌肉骨骼系統 ( 解剖 ) [ 第一階段 ] 單元七 : 動作感覺系統 ( 神經生 物 ) 05/07 08:10-12:10 大體解剖 Infratemporal region & Temporomandibular 林能裕 Tue joint (II) Masseteric & Infratemporal region Lab 05/08 Wed 05/09 Thu 05/10 Fri 13:20-18:20 大體解剖 Pterygopalatine fossa Masseteric & Infratemporal region Lab 13:20-15:10 生理 Olfactory and Gustation 15:30-17:20 生理 Lab 6 13:20-17:20 生理 Lab 7-1 林能裕 林怡岑 詹智強

17 第十三週 --[Nervous system Part2 Functional] & [Ent & Eye System ] [Head & Neck] 日期時間科別主題教師 05/13 08:10-08:30 08:30-10:40 10:50-12:10 神經解剖 quiz -- Microscope brain slice:superior colliculus ~ thalamus 神經解剖 Visual System 神經解剖 Lab VI ( 三東 ) Review-- Microscope brain slice:superior colliculus ~ thalamus 呂俊宏 13:20-15:10 小組討論 解剖 生理小組討論 小班老師 英文口頭報告 05/14 08:10-12:10 大體解剖 Pharynx and Nasal cavity 呂俊宏 Tue Pharynx and Bisection of head Lab 05/15 Wed 05/16 Thu 05/17 Fri 13:20-14:10 大體解剖 Clinical lecture : Parotid and Temporal Region Parotid region ; Temporal region Lab 14:20-18:20 大體解剖 Pharynx and Nasal cavity Pharynx and Bisection of head Lab 13:20-17:20 生理 Lab 7-2 婁培人 呂俊宏

18 第十四週 --[Nervous system Part2 Functional]& [Ent & Eye System ] [Head & Neck] 日期 時間 科別 主題 教師 05/20 08:10-10:00 10:20-12:10 神經解剖 Auditory and Vestibular Systems 神經解剖 Blood Supply of Central Nervous System 呂俊宏謝松蒼 13:20-15:10 小組討論 解剖 生理小組討論 小班老師 [ 第二階段 ] 單元七 : 動作感覺系統 ( 神經生 物 ) 05/21 08:10-12:10 大體解剖 Oral cavity and Soft palate 呂俊宏 Tue Pharyngeal wall, mouth and tongue Lab 05/22 Wed 05/23 Thu 05/24 Fri 13:20-18:20 大體解剖 Larynx 呂俊宏 Larynx Lab 15:30-17:20 生理 Vision 楊長豪 13:20-17:20 生理 Lab

19 第十五週 --[Nervous system Part2 Functional]& [Ent & Eye System ] [Head & Neck] 日期 時間 科別 主題 教師 05/27 08:10-10:00 大體解剖 Ear (I) Ear Lab 呂俊宏林能裕 10:20-12:10 胚胎 Eyes and ears 13:20-15:10 小組討論 解剖 生理小組討論 小班老師 [ 第三階段 ] 單元七 : 動作感覺系統 ( 神經生 物 ) [ 第一階段 ] 單元八 : 鼻咽喉週邊系統疾病 ( 解 剖 ) 牙醫系跨學系討論 05/28 08:10-12:10 大體解剖 Ear (II) 呂俊宏 Tue Ear Lab 05/29 Wed 05/30 Thu 05/31 Fri 13:20-18:20 大體解剖 Anterior and medial regions of thigh 許書豪 Anterior and medial regions of thigh Lab 13:20-15:10 生理 Equilibrium 楊庭華 13:20-17:20 生理 Lab

20 第十六週 --[Nervous system Part2 Functional]& [Ent & Eye System ] [Head & Neck] 日期 時間 科別 主題 教師 06/03 08:10-12:10 神經解剖 Final Exam (lecture 4/01~ 5/20 and lab ) 13:20-15:10 小組討論 [ 第二階段 ] 單元八 : 鼻咽喉週邊系統疾病 ( 解剖 ) 牙醫系跨學系討論 06/04 Tue 08:10-12:10 大體解剖 Back of thigh and Popliteal fossa Back of thigh and Popliteal fossa Lab 許書豪 06/05 Wed 06/06 Thu 06/07 Fri 13:20-17:20 大體解剖 Lateral and anterior compartments of the 許書豪 leg; Dorsum of foot Lateral and anterior compartments of the leg Dorsum of foot Lab 13:20-15:10 生理 Hearing 吳振吉 端午節 ( 放假日 )

21 第十七週 --[Nervous system Part2 Functional]& [Head & Neck ] 日期時間科別主題教師 06/10 06/11 Tue 06/12 Wed 06/13 Thu 06/14 08:10-12:10 13:20-15:10 08:10-12:10 13:20-18:20 大體解剖 Lateral and anterior compartments of the 小組討論 leg; Dorsum of foot Lateral and anterior compartments of the leg Dorsum of foot Lab [ 第三階段 ] 單元八 : 鼻咽喉週邊系統疾病 ( 解 學期末老師總結討論 剖 ) 牙醫系跨學系討論 大體解剖 Posterior compartment of the leg; Sole of foot 大體解剖 Joints of Lower limb Joints of lower limbs Lab 13:20-16:00 生理期末考試 實驗考試 Fri 備註 :1.108 年 6 月 14 日 ( 星期五 ) 本學期上課最後一天 許書豪 許書豪 許書豪

22 第十八週 [ 期末考週 ] 日期時間科別主題教師 06/17 06/18 Tue 06/19 Wed 06/20 Thu 06/21 08:10-12:10 大體解剖 Lab review 08:10-12:10 大體解剖 Gross Exam 全體教師 Fri 備註 : 年 6 月 17 日 ( 星期一 ) 期末考試開始 年 6 月 21 日 ( 星期五 ) 期末考試結束 第十九週 [ 期末考週 ] 日期 時間 科別 主題 教師 06/24 09:10-12:10 大體解剖大體老師縫皮教學 ( 一東實習室 ) 葉啟娟

23 貳 大體解剖學及實驗下 一百零七學年度大體解剖學課程表 ( 上學期四學分 下學期三學分 ) 2018 年 9 月 11 日至 2019 年 6 月 28 日, 每半天為一單元, 上午 8:10-12:10 及下午 1:20-5:20( 上學期 ) -6:20( 下學期 ) 寒假 Tue-PM 01:20 05:20 Posterior triangle of neck Head & Neck Posterior cervical triangle 賴逸儒 Tue-PM 01:20 06:20 Anterior triangle of neck and Submandibular region Anterior cervical triangle 賴逸儒 Tue-AM 08:10 12:10 Deep dissection of neck (I) Cervical viscera and Root of neck 賴逸儒 Tue-AM 08:10 12:10 Deep dissection of neck (II) Cervical viscera and Root of neck 賴逸儒 Tue-PM 01:20 06:20 Face and scalp Face and scalp 賴逸儒 Tue-PM 01:20 02:10 Clinical lecture: Endocrine surgery 黃實宏 Tue-PM 02:20 06:20 Deep structures of the back of neck and trunk and spinal cord Back, suboccipital region and Spinal cord; 龔秀妮 Tue-PM 01:20 06:20 Cranial cavity (I) Removal of skull cap, meninges and brain 龔秀妮 Brain and Floor of cranial cavity Tue-PM 03:30 06:20 Cranial cavity (II) 龔秀妮 Tue-AM 08:10 12:10 Orbit and Lacrimal apparatus (I) Orbit, contents of orbit and eyeball 王淑慧 Tue-PM 01:20 06:20 Orbit and Lacrimal apparatus (II) Orbit, contents of orbit and eyeball 王淑慧 Tue-AM 08:10 12:10 Gross Exam (Lec+Lab) 全體教師 Tue-PM 03:30 06:20 Infratemporal region & Temporomandibular joint (I) Masseteric & Infratemporal region 林能裕 Tue-AM 08:10 12:10 Infratemporal region & Temporomandibular joint (II) Masseteric & Infratemporal region 林能裕 Tue-PM 01:20 06:20 Pterygopalatine fossa Masseteric & Infratemporal region 林能裕 Tue-AM 08:10 12:10 Pharynx and Nasal cavity Pharynx and Bisection of head 呂俊宏 Tue-PM 01:20 02:10 Clinical lecture : Parotid and Temporal region Parotid region ; Temporal region 婁培人 Tue-PM 02:20 06:20 Pharynx and Nasal cavity Pharynx and Bisection of head 呂俊宏 Tue-AM 08:10 12:10 Oral cavity and Soft palate Pharyngeal wall, mouth and tongue 呂俊宏 Tue-PM 01:20 06:20 Larynx Larynx 呂俊宏 AM 10:20 12:10 Ear (I) Ear 呂俊宏

24 05-28 Tue-AM 08:10 12:10 Ear (II) Ear 呂俊宏 Tue-PM 01:20 06:20 Anterior and medial regions of thigh Lower limb Anterior and medial regions of thigh 許書豪 Tue-AM 08:10 12:10 Back of thigh and Popliteal fossa Back of thigh and Popliteal fossa 許書豪 Tue-PM 01:10 06:20 Lateral and anterior compartments of the leg; Dorsum of foot Lateral and anterior compartments of the leg 許書豪 Dorsum of foot AM 08:10 12:10 Lateral and anterior compartments of the leg; Dorsum of foot Lateral and anterior compartments of the leg Dorsum of foot 許書豪 Tue-AM 08:10 12:10 Posterior compartment of the leg; Sole of foot Posterior compartment of the leg ; Sole of foot 許書豪 Tue-PM 01:20 06:20 Joints of Lower limb Joints of lower limbs 許書豪 AM 08:10 12:10 Lab review Tue-AM 08:10 12:10 Gross Exam 全體教師 AM 09:10 12:10 大體老師縫皮教學 ( 一東實習室 ) 葉啟娟 教科書 Clinically Oriented Anatomy, KL Moore, AF Dalley, and AMR Agur,, Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins 實習手冊 *Grant s Dissector, PW Tank, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 圖譜 僅供參考 : 1. Atlas of Human Anatomy, FH Netter, Novartis 2. Grant s Atlas of Anatomy, AMR Agur and AF Dalley, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 3. Atlas of Anatomy, PW Tank and TR Gest, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 重要日期 大體老師縫皮復原 ( 一東 ):2019 年 6 月 24 日至 2019 年 6 月 28 日課程負責人 : 李立仁基礎醫學大樓六樓分機 助教 : 張銘峰基礎醫學大樓六樓分機

25 教學大綱 : 進度 1:Posterior Triangle of the Neck Relevant skeletal features:- temporal bone - mastoid process; mandible - angle; lower border; symphysis menti; sternum - jugular notch; clavicle - medial end; shaft; lateral end. Subcutaneous structures:- platysma muscle; external jugular vein; lesser occipital nerve; great auricular nerve; transverse cutaneous nerve of neck; supraclavicular nerves. Deep fascia:- investing layer forming roof of posterior triangle; prevertebral fascia; axiliary sheath. Muscles:- sternomastoid; trapezius; inferior belly of omohyoid; scalenus anterior; scalenus medius; levator scapulae; splenius capitis; semispinalis capitis. Nerves:- accessory nerve; brachial plexus: roots; trunks; dorsal scapular; nerve to subclavius; suprascapular; long thoracic; cervical plexus: cutaneous branches; phrenic nerve. Arteries:- occipital; transverse cervical; suprascapular; subclavian. Veins:- suprascapular; transverse cervical; anterior jugular; subclavian. Lymph nodes:- superficial cervical nodes along external jugular vein. Surface anatomy:- accessory nerve; external jugular vein. Applied anatomy:- injury to roots and trunks of brachial plexus. 進度 2:Anterior Triangle of the Neck Relevant skeletal features:- occipital bone - superior nuchal line; temporal bone - mastoid process; mandible - lower border; symphysis menti; hyoid bone - body; lesser and greater cornua; thyroid cartilage - thyroid notch; oblique line; cricoid cartilage - arch; trachea - cartilaginous rings; manubrium sterni - jugular notch. Subcutaneous structures:- platysma; anterior jugular vein; cervical branch of facial nerve; transverse cutaneous nerve of neck; submental lymph nodes. Deep fascia:- cervical fascia; investing layer; pretracheal; prevertebral; carotid sheath. Ligaments:- median thyrohyoid; cricothyroid; cricotracheal. Glands:- parotid; thyroid; parathyroid. Trachea:- cervical part. Oesophagus:- cervical part

26 Muscles:- sternomastoid; digastric; mylohyoid; levator glandulae thyroideae; sternohyoid; superior belly of omohyoid; sternothyroid; thyrohyoid; cricothyroid; inferior constrictor of pharynx. Nerves:- external laryngeal; internal laryngeal; recurrent laryngeal; hypoglossal; ansa cervicalis; vagus; sympathetic trunk. Arteries:- common carotid; internal carotid; external carotid; superior thyroid; lingual; facial; occipital; posterior auricular; inferior thyroid; thyroidea ima. Veins:- internal jugular; superior thyroid; middle thyroid; inferior thyroid; brachiocephalic. Lymph nodes:- anterior cervical; jugulodiagastric; jugulo-omohyoid. Surface anatomy:- thryoid gland; common carotid artery. Applied anatomy:- tracheostomy; laryngostomy. 進度 3:Submandibular Region and Deep Dissection of the Neck Submandibular Region Relevant skeletal features:- mandible - lower border; digastric fossa; superior and inferior mental spines; hyoid bone - body; lesser and greater cornua; temporal bone - mastoid and styloid processes; mastoid notch. Ligaments:- stylohyoid ligament. Submandibudar gland: -surfaces; relations; duct; nerve supply. Muscles:- digastric; mylohyoid; hyoglossus; genioglossus; geniohyoid; styloglossus; middle and superior constrictors of pharynx. Nerves:- lingual; inferior alveolar; facial; glossopharyngeal; hypoglossal. stibmandibular ganglion Arteries: - facial; lingual. Veins:- facial; retromandibular; common facial. Surface anatomy:- facial artery; submandibular duct. Applied anatomy:- salivary calculi; veins and lymph nodes in relation to submandibular gland. 進度 4:Deep Dissection of the Neck Relevant skeletal features:- cervical vertebrae - transverse processes; foramina trnsversaria; first rib - neck; shaft; scalene tuberce. Deep fascia:- prevertebral. Muscles:- sternomastoid; scalenus anterior; scalenus medius et posterior; rectus capitis anterior; rectus capitis lateralis; longus colli; longus capitis. Nerves:- glossopharyngeal; vagus; accessory; hypoglossal; sympathetic trunk; cervical plexus. Arteries:- common carotid; internal carotid; external carotid; subclavian; vertebral. Veins:- internal jugular; subclavian;brachiocephalic; vertebral. Lymphatic ducts:- thoracic; right lymphatic. Surface anatomy:- apex of lung and pleura; carotid arteries; subclavian artery; accessory nerve. Applied anatomy:- fascial spaces of neck; jugular venous pulse; vertebro- basflar insufficiency; thoracic duct at the root of the neck

27 進度 5:Face and Scalp Face Relevant skeletal features:- nasal bone - root of nose; maxilla - body; processes; infra-orbital foramen; zygomatic bone - arch; zygomatico-orbital; zygomaticofacial and zygomaticotemporal foramina; mandible - ramus; angle; body; symphysis; mental foramen. Subcutaneous structures:- palpebral branch of lacrimal; infratrochlear; external nasal; infra-orbital; zygomaticofacial; buccal; mental and great auricular nerves. Muscles:- orbicularis oculi; orbicularis oris; buccinator and other muscles of facial expression. Nerves:- temporal; zygomatic; buccal; mandibular and cervical branches of facial nerve. Arteries:- facial; transverse facial; buccal and infra-orbital branches of maxiuary artery. Veins:- facial and transverse facial veins. Surface anatomy:- parotid duct; facial artery (pulse). Applied anatomy:- dangerous area' of face; facial palsy. Scalp Relevant skeletal features:- skull - vault and base; individual bones - frontal; parietal; temporal; occipital; sutures - sagittal; coronal; lambdoid; meeting point of sutures - bregma; lambda; pterion; asterion; eminence - frontal; parietal; landmarks - nasion; superior orbital margins; supra-orbital notch; temporal lines; mastoid process; inion; external occipital protuberance; superior nuchal line; emissary foramina - parietal; mastoid; condylar; etc. Subcutaneous structures:- supratrochlear nerve and vessels; supra-orbital nerve and vessels; zygomaticotemporal nerve; auriculotemporal nerve and superficial temporal vessels; great auricular nerve; lesser occipital nerve; greater occipital nerve and occipital vessels; third occipital nerve; posterior auricular vessels. Deep fascia:- temporalis fascia. Muscles:- occipitofrontalis muscle; epicranial aponeurosis. Nerves:- posterior auricular and temporal branches of facial. Lymph nodes:- occipital; mastoid. Applied anatomy:- scalp wounds; 'dangerous area' of scalp

28 進度 6:Deep Structures of the Back of the Neck and the Trunk Deep Dissection of the Back Relevant skeletal features:- occipital bone - superior and inferior nuchal lines; foramen magnum; temporal bone - mastoid process; vertebral column - atlas; posterior tubercle; posterior arch; transverse processes; axis; odontoid process; spine; vertebral arch; typical vertebra; spinous process; laminae; transverse processes; sacrum; sacral canal; coccyx. Subcutaneous structures:- greater occipital nerve; occipital artery. Deep fascia:- thoracolumbar. Ligaments:- supraspinous; interspinous; ligaments flava; posterior atlantooccipital membrane. Muscles:- splenius capitis; semispinalis capitis; rectus capitis posterior major and minor; obliquus capitis superior and inferior; erector spinae. Nerves:- suboccipital; dorsal rami of spinal nerves. Arteries:- deep cervical; vertebral. Veins:- suboccipital plexus. Surface anatomy:- transverse process of atlas. Applied anatomy:- cisternal puncture. Spinal Cord and Meninges Coverings:- dura mater; archnoid mater; pia mater and its processes. Spaces:- epidural, containing vertebral venous plexus; subdural, containing lymph; subarachnoid, containing cerebrospinal fluid. Spinal cord:- anteromedian sulcus; posteromedian fissure; antero- and posterolateral fissures; cervical and lumbar enlargements; conus medullaris. Spinal nerves:- 31 pairs; rootlets; roots; ganglia; trunk; cauda equina. Arteries:- anterior and posterior spinal; spinal branches of intersegmental arteries. Veins:- longitudinal venous channels. Surface anatomy:- emergence of spinal nerves in relation to the vertebrae; conus medullaris. Applied anatomy:- lumbar puncture. Joints of the Skull; Joints of the Vertebral Column; Sacro-iliac Joint Joints of the skull:- sutural joints between skull bones; primary cartilaginous joint between basisphenoid and basi-occiput; peg and socket joints between teeth and alveolus. Joints of the vertebral column:- secondary cartilaginous joints between vertebral bodies; synovial joints between atlas and occiput between odontoid process of axis and atlas; between articular processes of adjacent vertebrae. Ligaments:- atlanto-occipital membranes; membrana tectoria; cruciate ligament; transverse ligament of atlas; apical; alar. Sacro-iliac joint:- synovial type. Ligaments:- ventral, dorsal and interosseous sacro-iliac ligaments; iliolumbar; sacrotuberous; sacrospinous

29 進度 7:Cranial Cavity Relevant skeletal features:- skull - vault; inner and outer tables; dipiöe. Anterior cranial fossa:- ethmoid bone - cribriform plate; crista galli; frontal bone - frontal crest; orbital plates; sphenoid bone - jugum sphenoidale; lesser. wing; anterior clinoid process; foramina - olfactory; anterior and posterior ethmoidal; optic canal; foramen caecum. Middle cranial fossa:- sphenoid bone - body; sella turcica; dorsum sellae; posterior clinoid process; basisphenoid; groove for cavernous sinus; greater wing; temporal bone - anterior surface of petrous part; squamous part; groove for parietal bone - posterior branch of middle meningeal artery and vein; antero-inferior angle; groove for anterior branch of middle meningeal artery and vein; foramina - superior orbital fissure; foramen rotundum; canaliculus innominatus; foramen lacerum; foramen ovale; foramen spinosum; hiatuses for greater and lesser superficial petrosal nerves. Posterior cranial fossa:- temporal bone - posterior surface of petrous part; squamous part; mastoid part; groove for sigmoid sinus; occipital bone - groove for superior sagittal sinus; internal occipital protuberance; internal occipital crest; groove for transverse sinus; parietal bone - postero-inferior angle; groove for sigmoid sinus; foramina - internal acoustic meatus; jugular foramen; hypoglossal canal; foramen magnum. Dural folds:- falx cerebri; falx cerebeui; tentorium cerebella; diaphragms sellae; cavum trigeminale. Dural venous sinuses:- superior sagittal sinus; inferior sagittal sinus; straight sinus; occipital sinus; sphenoparietal sinus; cavernous sinus; superior petrosal sinus; inferior petrosal sinus; transverse sinus; sigmoid sinus. Emissary foramina:- foramen caecum; emissary sphenoidal foramen; parietal foramen; mastoid foramen; condylar canal. Cranial nerves:- olfactory; optic; oculomotor; trochlear; trigeminal; abducent; facial; nervus intermedius; vestibulocochlear; glossopharyngeal; vagus; accessory; hypoglossal. Arteries:- middle meningeal (extradural); internal carotid and branches. Surface anatomy:- middle meningeal artery. Applied anatomy:- subdural and extradural haemorrhage; fractures of base of skull

30 進度 8:Orbit and Lacrimal Apparatus Relevant skeletal features: - bony orbit - axis; medial wall - frontal process of the maxilla; lacrimal; orbital plate of' the ethmoid; body of the sphenoid; floor - zygomatic; maxilla; orbital process of the palatine; lateral wall - zygomatic; greater wing of the sphenoid; roof - orbital plate of the frontal; lesser wing of the sphenoid; openings - optic canal; superior orbital fissure; inferior orbital fissure; infra- orbital foramen; supra-orbital notch or foramen; nasolacrimal canal; anterior ethmoidal foramen; posterior ethmoidal foramen; zygomatico-orbital foramen. fossa for lacrimal gland; Whitnall's tubercle Fascia bulbi:- check ligaments; suspensory ligament. Extra-ocular muscles:- levator palpebrae superioris; superior rectus; inferior rectus; medial rectus; lateral rectus; superior oblique; inferior oblique. Nerves:- optic; ophthalmic division of trigeminal; oculomotor; trochlear; abducent; zygomatic; infra-orbital. Ciliary ganglion Arteries:- ophthalmic artery and its branches. Veins:- superior and inferior ophthalmic. Lacrimal apparatus:- lacrimal gland; lacrimal ducts; conjunctival sac; lacus lacrimalis; lacrimal papilla; lacrimal punctum; lacrimal canaliculus; lacrimal sac; nasolacrimal duct; nasolacrimal fold. Surface anatomy:- supra- and infra-orbital foramina. Appfied anatomy:- spread of infection to cavernous sinus; occlusion of central artery of retina; lesions of ocular motor nerves. 進度 9:Parotid and Infratemporal Regions and Temporomandibular Joint Parotid and Infratemporal Regions Relevant skeletal features:- mandible - body; mylohyoid line and groove; mental foramen; angle; ramus; condylar process (head); neck; pterygoid fovea; coronoid process; mandibular notch; lingula; mandibular foramen; temporal bone - squamous; petromastoid; tympanic plate; styloid process; zygomatic process; external acoustic meatus; mastoid process; stylomastoid foramen; squamotympanic and petrotympanic fissures; mandibular fossa; articular tubercle; postglenoid tubercle; sphenoid bone - greater wing; infratemporal crest; lateral and medial pterygoid plates; scaphoid fossa; spine; foramen ovale; foramen spinosum; emissary sphenoidal foramen; maxilla - tuberosity; posterior surface. Pterygomaxillary fissure; pterygopalatine fossa

31 Deep fascia:- capsule of parotid gland. Ligatnents:- stylomandibular; sphenomandibular. Parotid gland:- surfaces and relations; duct; facial nerve and branches; retromandibular vein; external carotid artery; lymph nodes; nerve supply of the gland. Muscles:- masseter; temporalis; pterygoids. Nerves:- mandibular and branches; chorda tympani; maxillary and branches. Arteries:- maxillary artery and branches. Veins:- pterygoid plexus. Surface anatomy:- parotid duct. Applied anatomy:- facial palsy; parotid infections. Temporomandibular Joint Muscles in relation to capsule:- lateral pterygoid. Capsule:- attachments. Ligaments:- lateral ligament. Accessory ligaments:- sphenomandibular; stylomandibular. Intra-articular structures:- articular disc. Synovial membrane:- reflection. Movements:- protraction; retraction; elevation; depression; side to side movements. Nerve supply:- auriculotemporal; masseteric. Blood supply:- superficial temporal artery. Applied anatomy:- dislocation. 進度 10:Nasal Cavities Relevant skeletal features:- floor lateral wall roof nasal septum foramen and canal - palatine processes of maxilla; horizontal plates of palatine bones; - frontal process of maxilla; vertical plate of palatine bone; inferior choncha (turbinate); middle and superior chonchae; - nasal bone; cribriforin plate of ethmoid bone; body of sphenoid; - vomer; perpendicular plate of ethmoid; septal cartilage; - incisive foramen; greater palatine foramen and canal; sphenopalatine (pterygopalatine) foramen; pterygoid canal. Lateral wall:- choncha (superior, middle and inferior); meatus (superior, middle and inferior); vestibule; atrium; hiatus semilunaris; ethmoid bulla; frontal nasal duct. Paranasal sinuses:- frontal sinus; maxillary sinus; ethmoid cells (sinus); openings of sinuses. Arteries:- maxillary artery; sphenopalatine artery; posterior septal branch; greater palatine artery. Nerves:- anterior ethmoidal nerve; nasopalatine nerve; greater palatine nerve; pterygopalatine (sphenopalatine) ganglion; nerve of pterygoid canal (Vidian nerve). Pterygopalatine fossa:- Applied anatomy:- epistaxis

32 進度 11:Oral Cavity Vestibule of mouth:- mentalis; inferior border of zygomatic arch; maxilla; ramus and coronoid process of mandible; tendon of temporalis; masseter; frenulum; orifice of parotid duct. Oral cavity proper:- sublingual region; frenultun linguae; deep lingual veins; opening of submandibular duct; plica sublingualis; hainulus of medial pterygoid plate; palatine tonsil; sulcus limitans; vallecula. Sublingual region:- mylohyoid line; sublingual fossa. Muscles:- mylohyoid; geniohyoid; genioglossus. Glands:- sublingual gland and its duct; submandibular gland and its duct. Nerves and ganglion:- lingual nerve; hypoglossal nerve; submandibular ganglion. Tongue:- styloglossus; genioglossus; geniohyoid; intrinsic musculature; lingual artery; hypoglossal nerve. 進度 12:Soft Palate and Pharynx Pharyngeal wall:- buccopharyngeal fascia; pharyngeal muscles; pharygobasilar fascia; mucous membrane. Muscles:- superior, middle and inferior constrictors; tensor veli palatini; levator veli palatini. Pharyngeal orifice of auditory tube:- torus tubarius. Pharyngeal tonsil (adenoids):- Palatine tonsil:- uvula; palatoglossal arch; palatopharyngeal arch; palatine tonsil; palatoglossus and palatopharyngeal muscles. Nerves:- lesser palatine nerves. Arteries:- descending palatine artery. 進度 13:Larynx Cartilages:- Muscles:- posterior cricoarytenoid; lateral cricoarytenoid; transverse arytenoid; oblique arytenoid; cricothyroid; thyroarytenoid; vocalis; vocal process of arytenoid. Membranes and ligaments:- thyrohyoid membrane; thyrohyoid ligament; cricothyroid ligament; vocal ligament; quadrangular membrane. Cavities:- vestibule; ventricle; infraglottic cavity; vestibular fold; vocal fold; rima glottides. Sensory nerves:- internal laryngeal nerve

33 進度 14:Eye Chief structures:- sclera; cornea; choroid; ciliary body; iris; optic papilla or disc. 進度 15:Ear Relevant skeletal features:- mastoid process; external acoustic meatus; supratneatal spine; internal acoustic meatus; hiatus for greater petrosal nerve; tegrnen tympani; jugular fossa; bony portion of auditory tube; carotid canal; stylomastoid foramen. Chief structures:- tympanic membrane; epitympanic recess; aditus; air cells of mastoid process; carotid canal; jugular fossa; tegmen tympani; stapes; malleus; incus. Nerves:- facial nerve. 進度 16:Anterior and Medial Aspects of the Thigh Relevant skeletal features:- hip bone - pubic tubercle; anterior superior iliac spine; iliac crest; tubercle of iliac crest; femur - head; neck; greater and lesser trochanters; linea aspera; condyles; epicondyles; adductor tubercle; supracondylar ridges; patella; tibia - condyles; tibia tuberosity. Subcutaneous structures:- great saphenous vein, its tributaries with accompanying arterial branches; lateral, intermediate and medial cutaneous nerves of thigh; femoral branch of genitofemoral nerve; saphenous nerve; superficial inguinal lymph nodes. Deep fascia:- fascia lata; iliotibial tract; intermuscular septa; compartments of the thigh. Muscles:- sartorius; ilio-psoas; quadriceps femoris; pectineus; adductors. Boundaries of femoral triangle and adductor (subsartorial) canal Nerves:- femoral and obturator nerves and their branches. Arteries:- femoral artery and its branches. Veins:- femoral vein and its tributaries. Deep lymph nodes:- deep inguinal nodes. Surface anatomy:- femoral artery. Applied anatomy:- injury to femoral artery; disuse atrophy of extensors;femoral hernia 進度 17:Anterior and Lateral Aspects of the Leg and Dorsum of the Foot Relevant skeletal features:- tibia - borders and surfaces; fibula - borders and surfaces; bones of foot - tarsus; metatarsus; phalanges. Subcutaneous structures:

34 superficial peroneal nerve; lateral cutaneous nerve of calf; saphenous nerve; sural nerve; deep peroneal nerve; great saphenous vein; small saphenous vein. Deep fascia:- osteofascial compartments; extensor retinacula; peroneal retinacula. Muscles:- peroneus longus; peroneus brevis; tibialis anterior; extensor hallucis longus; extensor digitorum longus; peroneus tertius; extensor digitorum brevis. Nerves:- superficial peroneal nerve; deep peroneal nerve. Arteries:- anterior tibial artery; dorsahs pedis. Applied anatomy:- dorsalis pedis arterial pulse; intravenous infusion into great saphenous vein. Knee Joint Relevant skeletal features:- femur - articular areas for tibia and patella; intercondylar notch; patella - subdivision of articular surface; tibia - condylar articular area; intercondylar eminence and tubercles; tibial tubercle. Muscles in relation to capsule of joint:- quadriceps; sartorius; gracilis; sen-litendinosus; semimembranosus; adductor magnus; gas.trocnen-lius; popliteus; peroneus longus. Capsule:- attachments. Ligaments:- medial, lateral; oblique popliteal. Intra-articular structures:- cruciate ligaments; menisci; popliteus tendon. Synovial membrane:-reflection; inftapaterar and alar folds; suprapatellar bursa. Articular surfaces:- articular cartilage. Movements:- flexion; extension and rotation; 'locking' and 'unlocking'. Nerve supply:- genicular nerves. Blood supply:- genicular arteries. Applied anatomy:- internal derangements. 進度 18:Sole of Foot Relevant skeletal features:- calcaneus - medial and lateral processes of tuber calcaneus; sustentaculum tali; talus; navicular - tuberosity; cuboid - groove for peroneus longus tendon; fifth metatarsal bone - styloid process (tuberosity). Subcutaneous structures:- medial calcanean nerves and vessels; digital nerves and vessels. Deep fascia:- plantar aponeurosis; intermuscudar septa; muscular compartments. Muscles:- first layer - abductor hallucis; flexor digitorum brevis; abductor digiti minimi; second layer- flexor hallucis longus and flexor digitorum longus tendons, third layer- lumbricals and flexor accessorius; flexor hallucis brevis; adductor hallucis; flexor digiti minin brevis; fourth layer - tibialis posterior and peroneus longus tendons; interossei. Ligaments:- long plantar ligament; spring ligament. Nerves:- medial plantar; lateral plantar

35 Arteries:- medial plantar artery; lateral. plantar artery; plantar arterial arch. 進度 19:Hip Joint Relevant skeletal features:- acetabulum - developmental components; head of femur. Muscles in immediate relation to capsule of joint:- iliopsoas; pectineus; obturator externus; short lateral rotators; gluteus minimus; reflected head of rectus femoris. Capsule:- attachments. Thickenings of capstde:- iliofemoral, pubofemoral, and iscmofemoral ligaments; retinacular fibres. Intra-articular structures:- ligamentumteres. Synovial membrane:- reflection; retinacular vessels. Articular surfaces:- articular cartilage; labrum acetabulare; transverse ligament. Movements:- flexion; extension; abduction; adduction; medial and lateral rotation; circumduction. Nerve supply:- application of Hilton's law. Blood supply:- to joint and to head of femur. Applied anatomy:- dislocation of hip; fractures of femoral neck. Popliteal Fossa and Back of the Leg Relevant skeletal features:- femur - popliteal surface; condyles; tibia - condyles; upper end of medial surface; posterior surface; soleal line; medial malleolus; flbulda - posterior surface; lateral malleolus; calcaneus - attachment of flexor retinaculum. Subcutaneous structures:- posterior femoral cutaneous nerve; sural nerve; peroneal communicating nerve; saphenous nerve; medial calcanean branches of tibial nerve; small saphenous vein. Deep fascia:- osteofascial compartments; transverse septum; flexor retinaculum. Muscles:- semitendinosus; semimembranosus; biceps femoris; gastrocnemius; plantaris; soleus; popliteus. Boundaiies of popliteal fossa flexor digitorum longus; flexor hallucis longus; tibialis posterior. Nerves:- sciatic nerve; tibial nerve; common peroneal nerve. Arteries:- popliteal; posterior tibial; anterior tibial; peroneal. Veins:- popliteal vein and its formation. Lymph nodes:- popliteal. Surface anatomy:- popliteal artery; posterior tibial artery. Applied anatomy:- recording of blood pressure in the lower limb

36 進度 20:Ankle Joint Relevant skeletal features:-lower end of tibia and fibula; talus. Muscles in immediate relation to capsule of joint:- tibialis anterior; extensor hallucis longus; extensor digitorum longus; peroneus tertius; peroneus brevis; peroneus longus; tibialis posterior; flexor digitorum longus; flexor hallucis longus; tendo calcaneus. Capsule:- attachments. Ligaments:- deltoid ligament; lateral ligament. Synovial membrane:- reflection. Articular surfaces:- tibiofibular mortise; posterior tibiofibular ligament;trochlear and malleolar surfaces of talus. Movements:- dorsi flexion; plantar flexion; side to side movement in plantar flexion. Applied anatomy:- sprains; avulsion of medial malleolus; Pott's fracture. Subtalar, Midtarsal and other Joints Relevant skeletal features:-bones of foot; arches of foot. Capsule:- attachments. Ligaments:- spring ligament; short and long plantar ligaments; deep transverse metatarsal ligaments. Synovial membranes:- reflection. Articular surfaces:- between talus and calcaneus; talus and navicular; calcaneus and cuboid. Movements:- inversion and eversion at subtalar and midtarsal joints; movements at other joints. Muscles concerned in movements:- investors and evertors; flexors and extensors. Applied anatomy:- club foot

37 參 組織學下 教學內容 : 本課程之授課對象為醫學院之醫學系三年級 牙醫系三年級 解剖學暨細胞生物學研究所及法醫學研究所碩士般一年級學生, 上課包括演講一至二小時 實驗二至三小時 課程內容之講授以幻燈片為主, 電腦輔助教學教材為輔, 介紹人體各組織之基本結構, 涵蓋層次包括細胞組織之顯微及超微結構, 以及器官系統結構與功能之整合 實驗課主要利用顯微鏡來觀察組織切片, 另有立體模型及顯微與超微相片來輔助教材 每次實驗課前, 由老師就當日實驗內容, 做十五分鐘之重點提示與扼要講解 實驗課結束前二十分鐘, 再由授課老師以電視教學位同學解說當日實驗內容之疑義 學分數 :1 學分上課教室 :501 講堂課程表 : 01 2/19 日期時間主題任課教師 Tue 02 2/26 Tue 03 3/05 Tue 04 3/12 Tue 05 3/19 Tue 06 3/26 Tue 07 4/9 Tue 08 4/16 Tue 08:10-10:00 10:20-12:10 08:10-10:00 10:20-12:10 13:20-15:10 15:30-17:20 13:20-15:10 15:30-17:20 08:10-09:00 09:10-10:00 10:20-12:10 08:10-10:00 10:20-12:10 Pineal, Pituitary, Adrenal, Thyroid and Parathyroid Pituitary, Pineal, Adrenal, Thyroid and Parathyroid glands Lab Female Reproductive System (I) Female Reproductive System (I) Lab Female Reproductive System (II) Female Reproductive System (II) Lab Male Reproductive System (I) Male Reproductive System (I) Lab Male Reproductive System (Il) Ear Male Reproductive System (Il) Lab Eye 08:10-10:00 Quiz 08:10-12:10 13:20-15:10 Eye & Ear Lab Lab Review 第二學期 Final Examination (Lec & Lab) Microscope check-in, Slide Box check-in ( 三東 ) 李立仁 全體教師 王淑慧 全體教師 王淑慧 全體教師 李立仁 全體教師 李立仁 林能裕 全體教師 林能裕 全體教師 全體教師 全體教師 上課用教課書 : Histology: a text and atlas with correlated cell and molecular biology. seventh edition, ( 最新版 ) Edited by Michael H. Ross and Wojciech Pawlina Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 參考用教課書 : Wheater s Functional Histology: a text and colour atlas. 6th edition. Edited by Barbara Young, Phillip Woodford and Geraldine O'Dowd Churchill Livingstone ELSEVIER 實習用教課書 : 組織學實驗手冊 : 台大醫學院解剖學科編著, 今名圖書公司經銷 課程負責人 : 王淑慧老師助教 : 鄭珮容分機

38 教學大綱 : 1. 題目 : 內分泌系統腦下腺 松果腺 腎上腺 甲狀腺與副甲狀腺 Pituitary, Pineal Adrenal, Thyroid, and Parathyroid glands 教學目標 :Structure and function of pituitary, pineal, thyroid, parathyroid and adrenal glands Pituitary Adenohypophysis Pars distalis, pars intermedia, pars tuberalis Cells Acidophils:somatotrophs, mammotrophs Basophils:thyrotrophs, gonadotrophs corticotrophs Chromophobes:follicular cells, degranulated cells Sinusoids Hypophyseal portal system Neurohypophysis:pituicytes, Herring bodies Hypothalamo-hypophyseal tract Pineal gland pinealocytes, glial cells, brain sand, function of pineal gland Thyroid gland Thyroid follicles Follicular cells:thyroid hormones Parafollicular cells:argyrophil granules/calcitonin Parathyroid gland Principal cells:parathyroid hormone Oxyphil cells Adrenal gland Cortex Zona glomerulosa: aldosterone Zona fasciculata: glucocorticoid Zone reticularis Medulla ganglion cells, chromaffin cells Blood supply Textbook and Atlas : Ross and Pawlina (2006) HISTOLOGY : A Text and Atlas. 5 th ed. Chapter 21, pp ,

39 2. 題目 : 男性生殖系統 ( 一 ) Male reproductive system Ⅰ 教學目標 : Testis, epididymis Testis: Function (a) production of sepermatozoa (b) secretion of androgens (a) seminiferous tubules(sertoli cells, spermatogenic cells, mitosis and meiosis) (b) interstitial cells of Leydig(endocrine cells) Excretory ducts:straight tubules, rete testis, efferent ductules, ductus epididymis, ductus deferens, ejaculatory ducts Textbook and Atlas : Ross and Pawlina (2006) HISTOLOGY : A Text and Atlas. 5 th ed. Chapter 22, pp 題目 : 男性生殖系統 ( 二 ) Male reproductive system Ⅱ 教學目標 : Structures of accessory sex glands(prostate, seminal vesicles, bulbourethral gland) Penis, scrotum 教學大綱 : Accessory glands: Prostate(compound tubuloalveolar glands, corpora amylacea) Seminal vesicles store the fluid secreted by the lining epithelial cells Bulbo-urethral glands(cowper's glands) Penis:thin skin, tunical albuginea, corporal cavernosa, corpus spongiosum, cavernous spaces(blood lacunae), trabeculae, penile urethra, glans penis Textbook and Atlas : Ross and Pawlina (2006) HISTOLOGY : A Text and Atlas. 5 th ed. Chapter 22, pp 題目 :Ear and Eye 教學目標 : Histological organization of eye in general, retina--light and electron microscopic features, accessory structure of the eye--eyelid and lacrimal gland Organ of Corti -- light and electron microscopic features : vestibule apparatus cochlea Vestibular Apparatus

40 Eye Ball: Tunica fibrosa fulbi -- cornea and sclera Tunica vasculosa -- choroid, ciliary process, iris Tunica interna -- retina (pars optica and pars caeca) Content - lens, vitrous body, aqueous humor Acessory structures -- eyelids and lacrimal gland Ear: External ear -- auricle, external acoustic meatus, tympanic membrane Middle ear -- tympanic cavity, Eustachian tube, tympanic antrum, auditory ossicles Inner ear -- osseous labyrinth semicircular canals, vestibule, cochelea membrane labyrinth semi-circular duct, utricle and saccule, cochlear duct Textbook and Atlas : Ross and Pawlina (2006) HISTOLOGY : A Text and Atlas. 5 th ed. Chapter 24 & 25, pp 題目 : 女性生殖系統 ( 一 ) Female reproductive system I 教學目標 : Structures of ovary, uterine tube and mammary gland Ovary: Development and maturation of ovarian follicles and ovulation Ovarian follicles:primordial f., growing f. mature or Graafian f.(oocyte, zona pellucida, follicular epithelium, membrana granulosa, cumulus oophorus, theca folliculi) Formation and involution of corpus luteum and corpus albicans Atresia of follicles Formation and function of coupus luteum Formation of corpus albicans Secretion of female sex hormones:estrogen and progesterone Oviduct: epithelium (ciliated and nonciliated cells), muscle layer Mammary gland Development resting stage:lactiferous sinuses and ducts, no alveoli active stage:proliferation of terminal ducts to form alveoli(secretory cells and myoepithelial cells) Textbook and Atlas : Ross and Pawlina (2006) HISTOLOGY : A Text and Atlas. 5 th ed. Chapter 23, pp , ,

41 6. 題目 : 女性生殖系統 ( 二 ) Female reproductive system II 教學目標 : Histological organization of uterus, cervix, vagina and placenta Uterus: Endometrium(uterine glands, straight and coiled arteries) endometrial matrix Myometrium Perimetrium Uterine cycle: menstrual,proliferative,secretory and ischemic stages Relationship between ovarian cycle and menstrual(uterine)cycle Vagina, cervical canal Placenta Textbook and Atlas : Ross and Pawlina (2006) HISTOLOGY : A Text and Atlas. 5 th ed. Chapter 23, pp ,

42 肆 生理學甲下 上課時間 : 週四 6-9 週五 6-9 地點 : 基 501 授課對象 : 醫學系 法醫所上學期課程 : 生理學甲下 (4 學分 ) 週次日期星期時數時間主題教師週次日期星期時數時間主題教師一 2/21 四 3 13:20-16:2Energy metabolism and homeostasis & The endocrine sys 蘇慧敏 2/22 五 3 13:20-16:20 The endocrine system & Hypothalamus-pituitary axis 蘇慧敏二 228 2/28 四連假 三 四 五 六 七 3/1 五 3/7 四 3 13:20-16:2GH & TH & Endocrine regulation of Ca & P metabolism 蘇慧敏 3/8 五 3 13:20-16:20 Endocrine pancreas and adrenal 胡孟君 3/14 四 3 13:20-16:2Reproduction 胡孟君 3/15 五 13:20-16:2Lab 1 3/21 四 2 13:20-15:10 Synaptic physiology 湯志永 3/22 五 2 13:20-15:1Synaptic physiology 湯志永 15:30-17:2Lab 2 3/28 四 2 13:20-15:10 Somatic sensory physiology 湯志永 3/29 五 2 13:20-15:1Somatic sensory physiology 湯志永 4/4 4/5 四五 清明連假 15:30-17:20 Lab 3 4/11 四 2 13:20-15:10 Motor physiology 湯志永 八 4/12 五 2 13:20-15:1Motor physiology 湯志永 九 4/18 四 2 13:20-15:00 期中考試 4/19 五 4 13:20-17:20 Lab 4 十 4/25 四 3 13:20-16:20 Function of autonomic nervous system 詹智強 4/26 五 3 13:20-16:20 Hypothalamus and motivated behavior Emotion and mental disorder 詹智強 十一 5/2 四 2 13:20-15:10 Sex and brain 詹智強 2 15:30-17:20 Lab 5 蘇慧敏 13:00-14:20 5/3 五 5 14:30-15:50 Consciousness and sensori-motor integration 郭鐘金 十二 16:00-17:30 5/9 四 2 13:20-15:10 Olfactory and Gustation 林怡岑 15:30-17:20 Lab 6 詹智強 5/10 五 4 13:20-17:20 Lab 7-1 十三 5/16 四停課 5/17 五 4 13:20-17:20 Lab 7-2 十四 5/23 四 2 15:30-17:20 Vision 楊長豪 5/24 五 4 13:20-17:20 Lab

43 十五 5/30 四 2 13:20-15:10 Equilibrium 楊庭華 5/31 五 4 13:20-17:20 Lab 8-2 6/6 四 2 13:20-15:10 Hearing 吳振吉十六端午 6/7 五連假十七 6/13 四 13:20-16:00 期末考試 實驗考試 6/14 五十八 6/20 四 6/21 五 課程負責老師 : 胡孟君老師 ( 分機 :88239; mengchun@ntu.edu.tw) 負責助教 : 陳怡文 ( 分機 :88250; ntupy@ntu.edu.tw; office: 基醫大樓 1007 室 ) 成績計算方式 :(1) 期中考佔 1/3; 期末考佔 1/3( 兩次考試總分 200 分, 依不同章節的授課時數予以配分 );(2) 實驗成績佔 1/3, 包括 : 報告 小考 實驗態度及實驗期末考

44 教學大綱 : 課程目標 課程概述 Lecture 生理學甲下課程大綱學習完整人體生理學知識 Energy metabolism and homeostasis The endocrine system Hypothalamus-pituitary axis GH & TH Endocrine regulation of Ca & P metabolism Endocrine pancreas and adrenal Reproduction Synaptic physiology Somatic sensory physiology Motor physiology Function of autonomic nervous system Hypothalamus and motivated behavior Sex and brain Emotion and mental disorder Consciousness and sensori-motor integration Vision Hearing Olfaction and Gustation Equilibrium

45 實驗項目 雌鼠性週期觀察 NIA2 (I) : The Na action potential & Threshold: To fire or not to fire NIA2 (II) : The neuromuscular junction & Postsynaptic inhibition & Interactions of synaptic potentials NIA2 (III) : Site of impulse initiation & Impulse invasion of the presynaptic terminal & Coincidence detection Physiology of animal behavior Animal models for neurophysiology 睪丸摘除對雄鼠性行為之影響影片教學與小組討論複合動作電位 I ( 電刺激閾值, 傳導速度 ) 複合動作電位 II ( 不反應期與碰撞現象 ) 眼球震顫

46 生理學甲課程大綱 : 下學期 1. 題目 :Energy homeostasis & body temperature regulation 教學目標 :Energy Balance & Thermal Balance 1. Energy balance a. Energy intake b. Energy output 2. BMR 3. Hormonal regulation of energy intake a. leptin b. grelin 4. ATP 5. Body temperature regulation 6. Thermal balance a. Heat production b. Heat loss 2. 題目 :The Endocrine system 教學目標 :Principle of Endocrinology Hormone classification 1. Protein / polypeptide hormones 2. Steroid hormones 3. Amine-derived hormones 4. Lipid-derived hormones: eicosanoids 3. 題目 :Hypothalamus-pituitary gland 教學目標 :Hypothalamus-pituitary axis 1. Hypothalamus-posterior pituitary gland a. Hypothalamus-pituitary gland axis b. Posterior pituitary gland anti-diuretic hormone (ADH) Oxytocin 2. Hypothalamus- anterior pituitary-target axis 4. 題目 :GH melatonin & TH 教學目標 :growth hormone, melatonin & thyroid hormone 1. Growth Hormone (GH) a. Synthesis & release of GH. b. Mechanism of GH Actions


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