All Nippon Airways Co., Ltd. Financial Results of FY2001 ended March 31,2002 May 27, 2002

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All Nippon Airways Co., Ltd. Financial Results of FY2001 ended March 31,2002 May 27, 2002

Results of FY2001 Consolidated Financial Summary Statements of Income 100 Million reference

Results of FY2001 Balance Sheet ( 100Million) ( ) except of off-balanced transaction

Results of FY2001 Consolidated Summary of Cash Flow ( 100 Million)

Results of FY2001 15 Domestic Operations Non-Consolidated (01.11.22) Compared to the Initial Revised Forecast on Nov.22, 01 Chg. of Number of Passengers 10 5 0 Terrorist attacks Results -5 Assumptions -10 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 2002.1 2 3

Results of FY2001 60 International Operations Non-Consolidated (01.11.22) Compared to the Initial Revised Forecast on Nov.22, 01 Chg. of Number of Passengers 40 20 0-20 -40-60 4 5 6 7 8 Terrorist attacks 9 10 11 12 2002.1 2 3 Results ASK Assumptions

Results of FY2001 Segment Information Revenues Others 1,881(13.5%) Hotels 756(5.4%) Travel 1,585(11.3%) Air Transportation 9,784(69.8%) Others 49(21.6%) ( 100Million) Operating Income Air Transportation 187(81.5%) Hotels -6(-2.8%) Travel -0(-0.3%) ) Revenues include intra-group sales and transfers

Results of FY2001 Pension Liability 100 Million

Air Transportation Business Operating Data Breakdown of Revenues 100 Million

Air Transportation Business /RPK ( Yen) Domestic International

Air Transportation Business Operating Expenses 100 Million Non-Consolidated

Air Transportation Business Domestic Flight Operations Operating data Consolidated Domestic Passenger

Air Transportation Business International Flight Operations Operating data Consolidated International Passenger F:89% C:86% Y:80%

Air Transportation Business Passenger Revenues by Route Non-Consolidated 100 Million Transpacific Europe Asia

Air Transportation Business Topics Internet Reservation Sales 100 Million 1600 Sales of approx.80 billion Yen in FY2001. 1400 Non-Consolidated 1200 Estimate 15% of total reservation from individual. 1000 800 The No.1 airline travel website in 600 Japan and Asia. 400 200 Sales estimated to exceed 100 billion Yen in FY2002. 0 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002

Forecast of FY2002 Forecast of FY2002 ( 100 Million ) change from previous year

Forecast of FY2002 Business Segment Forecast of FY2002 ( 100 Million

Forecast for FY2002 Significant Strategy Domestic Flight International Flight Scale of Operation(ASK) Haneda routes Overall Haneda Concentrating of large aircraft Narita routes Overall Narita Prioritizing Asian routes 130% Asian routes :up Approx. 30% Focusing Management Resources on each route

Forecast for FY2002 Scale on International Operation Share of the slot [Narita] 1) 2) :OAG 6 11% ASK based on routes FY2000=100 Asia 122 100 European 86 Overall N.America 81 60 ANA will significantly increase flight to Asia,particularly to China on International Operation

Forecast of FY2002 Non-Consolidated Feature about Sales revenue and Expenses 100 Million Domestic Operations Revenues International Operations 120 300 Expenses

Forecast of FY2002 Capital Expenditure Aircraft Deliveries In-flight Maintenance System Maintenance 100 Million Capital Expenditures 100 Million Depreciation & Amortization

Forecast of FY2002 Interest Bearing Debts includes off-balanced lease obligation

Forecast for FY2002 Others To serve the World Cup Soccer Traffic Charter flights are requested from JAWOC 2030 Players delegation,tournament staff concerned :2030 round trip flights Charter flights from Haneda during daytime Applied 8 round trip flights in April 4 8 Planning of Charter Flights Services at Haneda Proceeding expansion of customs,immigration etc., (01 :30) Number of Flights:300 flights per year(fy2001 30 flights) Destination:Seoul,Guam,Honolulu etc.

Forecast of FY2002 Assumptions %chg

Forecast of FY2002 Non-Consolidated Trend of Crude oil & Hedge Policy Effect on fluctuation of Crude oil & Exchange Rates 1 2 Billion per year 1 0.6 Billion per year

Forecast for FY2002 (1992-2002) Kerosene Crude Oil

(ASK) (RPK) (L/F) 100 ( ) 2 ANA ( ) PROS(Passenger Revenue Optimization System)

This material & monthly operational results are available to see in our web site. about ANA Investor Relations Financial Information IR Events