2015 年奖学金讯息 序 大学名称 奖学金名称 申请条件 申请程序 / 文件 名额 截止日期 1 澳门大学 学士学位推荐计划 理科与文商科年度排名前 合格马来西亚护照 ( 影印前后在 3 10/01/ % 一张 ) 高中最后两年成绩报告表 ( 影印本 ) 校长推荐函 奖证书 ( 如适用

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2015 年奖学金讯息 序 大学名称 奖学金名称 申请条件 申请程序 / 文件 名额 截止日期 1 澳门大学 学士学位推荐计划 理科与文商科年度排名前 合格马来西亚护照 ( 影印前后在 3 10/01/2015 10% 一张 ) 高中最后两年成绩报告表 ( 影印本 ) 校长推荐函 奖证书 ( 如适用 ) 2 台湾清华大学 学生保送计划 以侨生身份申请 参加台湾 海外联合招生委员会 3 理科与文商科年度排名前 10% 联合招生 ( 个人申请制 联合分发制, 两制本校皆有参加 ), 于海联会个人申请制内本校提供招生名额, 其中以 大一不分系 招生, 分为第 1 类组 (3 名 ) 第 2 类组 (4 名 ) 第 3 类组 (2 名 ) 招生, 共有 9 个招生名额 另外数学 2 名 物理 2 名 电机各 2 名, 化工 1 名 ( 共 7 名 ) 备注 : 09/2015 入学 规划以台湾 海外联合招生委员会 联合招生个人申请制 大一不分系招生 内审查录取, 惟申请者需透过台湾 海外联合招生委员会网站报名, 网址如右 :http://www.overseas.ncnu.edu.tw/query.aspx 招生名额可参考网址 :http://overseas.cloud.ncnu.edu.tw:8081/amount/selfamount.php

序大学名称奖学金名称申请条件申请程序 / 文件名额截止日期 3 University of International Demonstrate financial need in order to Toronto scholarship Program pursue studies at the University of Toronto, as documented by the application form and supported by the reference letter. Be in their final year of high school, applying for September entry to first year studies in Arts, Science, Commerce, Management, Engineering, Music or Kinesiology and Physical Education at the University of Toronto. Must NOT be Canadian citizens or permanent residents. Have an outstanding academic record and have made an extraordinary impact on their school and/or the wider community. 1 January 14 (Music, Architecture, Landscape and Design) January 30 (Engineering; Kinesiology & Physical Education; Arts and Science Programs: St. George, Mississauga, and Scarborough campuses) 优惠 : full costs of tuition and incidental fees, residence fees and living costs, an allowance for transportation to and from the home country, books and other essential expenses. 备注 : The award is renewable throughout the student's four-year undergraduate program.

序 大学名称 奖学金名称 申请条件 申请程序 / 文件 名额 截止日期 4 The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) 3 6 th January 2015 Scholarships for International Students for Undergraduate Studies (2015 Entry) All international applicants will automatically be considered for the scholarships once formal admission offers have been given. Shortlisted candidates may be asked to submit further information on financial circumstances. 1. Rank in the top 10% of the class; 2. Are expecting to obtain a high school diploma in summer 2014; 3. Require a student visa to study in Hong Kong; 4. Interested in pursuing undergraduate studies at CUHK commencing September 2015 The recipients will be selected on the basis of academic merits. Nominees will be contacted individually to provide further information by completing a nominee s form and submitting supporting documents if necessary. Those who have been chosen for the scholarships will be notified around early May 2015. 优惠 : The values of the Scholarships vary from HK$60,000 to HK$165,000 (approx. US$7,700 to US$21,200) for the academic year 2015-16. The tuition fee for international students for the academic year 2015-16 is HK$120,000 (approx. US$15,500). These awards are intended to cover partial or full tuition or up to annual total cost of attendance at CUHK. Renewable for the entire attendance period subject to continued satisfactory academic performance.

序大学名称奖学金名称申请条件申请程序 / 文件名额截止日期 5 Sunway 2 16 th January 2015 University Special Chinese Independent School Scholarship Courses available: 1. BSc (Hons) International Hospitality Management 2. BSc (Hons) Culinary Management Eligibility: 1 candidate for Full Scholarship ( max 15 points for 5 subjects) 1 candidate for 50% Scholarship (max 24 points for 5 subjects) Scholarship application form 1 copy of IC UEC 2014 results Recommendation letter from school principal 6 Berjaya University College Of Hospitality TAN SRI VINCENT TAN Scholarship: Entrance Scholarship 独中统考 (UEC) 最佳 6 科成绩介于 17 分或以下, 可享有 RM30000 学费减免 独中统考 (UEC) 最佳 6 科成绩介于 18 分至 24 分之间, 可享有 RM21000 学费减免 申请表 身份证印影 个人头照 统考成绩 无限 制 2015 年各开课入 学日前 TAN SRI VINCENT TAN Scholarship: Community Award 70%-100% 学费减免 须达到课程入学标准 需要经济援助之家庭 须经过面试考核 申请表 身份证印影 个人头照 统考成绩 双亲身份证印影本及近期之 BE form / Income Tax Return Form / Pay Slip

序大学名称奖学金名称申请条件申请程序 / 文件名额截止日期 TAN SRI VINCENT 50% 学费减免 身份证印影 TAN Scholarship: 须达到课程入学标准 个人头照 Teacher s Children Award 双亲至少 1 人目前是政府 或私人小学或中学教师 统考成绩 父母在校教师证明文件 7 Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR) 备注 : 欲申请之毕业生, 于选定开学日之前, 将资料备齐后, 可邮寄或亲自缴交至相关单位 欲知更多详情, 请参阅网 址 http://www.berjaya.edu.my/financial-aid/scholarship-application-procedures 或亲临兴华中学辅导处索取申请简章 UEC Scholarship Obtained good academic 点击网址无限 15/01/2015 results in UEC with http://afterschool.my/scholarship/utaruec-scholarship/, 下载相关表格, 备齐制 minimum of 4A s in relevant subjects. 所有文件后邮寄或缴交至 Good extra-curricular activities. Good personality University Tunku Abdul Rahman and leadership qualities. Off Jalan Genting Kelang, Setapak, Obtained admission to 53300 Kuala Lumpur Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR) Contact Info:03-79582628 / 03- Bachelor s degree 79561923 programme except for Programmes at Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. Not being bonded or receiving any form of financial assistance from any other organization. Students from family with lower income will be given preference. Must be recommended by the Headmaster/Principal of

优惠 : the School via the parties in collaboration [(such as Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Malaysia (ACCCIM), The Federation of Chinese Associations Malaysia (Hua Zong) and Dong Jia Zong (United Chinese School Committees Association of Malaysia and United Chinese School Teachers Association of Malaysia).] The short listed candidates may be required to attend an interview and will be notified of the date, time and venue of the interview. 依据学生家庭经济情况及表现作出衡量予以配给

序 大学名称 奖学金名称 申请条件 申请程序 / 文件 名额 截止日期 8 Taylor s UEC student 详情见附件 a. 点击网址 http://university.taylors.edu.my/admissions-aid/scholarshipsfinancial-aid/undergraduate-studies, 凡符 2015 年各 University Scholarship: ( 一 ) 选择 UEC Student 下载宣传简章填 合条 开课入学 UEC Golden Virtues Award 写后连同报名表格邮寄至相关单位或进行线上申请 b. 点击网址 http://www.taylors.edu.my/popup/prosstudents/uec_golden_virtues_award.php 阅读详情 件者 都能 申请 日前 UEC student Scholarship: Taylor s Outreach Study Grant 马来西亚特 定地区的中 学毕业生 凡符合 ➊ 入学标准及 ➋ 特定地区的中学生皆可提出申请 步骤 1: 线上报名或填写助学金申请表格 ( 网址 : www.taylors.edu.my/tosg) 步骤 2: 完成后提交申请表格及附上高中统考文凭副本寄至以下地址 完成申请程序, 详情请参阅网址 http://www.taylors.edu.my/popup/prosstudents/taylors-outreachstudy-grant/ Taylor s University Lakeside Campus No.1,Jalan Taylor s,47500 Subang Jaya,Selangor 优惠 : 入学第一年 RM5000 学费减免 ( 除了英语密集课程的报名学生 )

附件 ( 一 ) 受保课程 奖学金减免数额 最低学历资格 建筑及工料测量资讯科技生物科学 RM5000 RM8000 RM10000 5 科 B 以及 5 科积分不超过二十分 教育学传播设计 RM20000 ( 每年学费减免数额 ) 入学月份 : 三月和八月 法学美国学分转移课程 RM5000 RM8000 RM10000 RM20000 ( 每年学费减免数额 - 分开五个学期扣除 ) 入学月份 : 一月 五月和八月 5 科 B 以及 5 科积分不超过二十分 必须符合您所报名课程的入学要求 现在, 您可以为您原有的申请进行加分, 如果 : (1) 您的 操行 是 B+ 或以上, 又或者 (2) 您在学校服务, 担任学会主席, 副主席或财政, 您可以申请升级, 从 RM5,000 升级到 RM8,000 从 RM8,000 升级到 RM10,000 从 RM10,000 升级到 RM20,000( 需面试 )

序 大学名称 奖学金名称 申请条件 申请程序 / 文件 名额 截止日期 9 台湾国立彰化师范大学 楊忠禮博士鼓勵馬來西亞學生勤學獎學金 侨外生皆可提出申请 参加台湾 海外联 欲知更多详情, 请致电巴生兴华中学副校长兼课外活动处主任谢锡福副校长 ( 国立彰化师范大学马来西亚校友 无限制 每年 9 月份秋季班开课前 合招生委员会 联合招生 ( 个人申请制 联合分发制 ) 或以外籍生身份申请应届秋季班, 并将国立彰化师范大学列为首 3 个志愿内之毕业生皆可提出申请 会会长 ) 优惠 : 每年提供 RM8000 奖学金及豁免宿舍费用

序大学名称奖学金名称申请条件优惠名额截止日期 10 UCSI TAN SRI UEC result 1. Full fee waiver 凡符 April and University AHMAD 7A 2. On-campus accommodation 合条 May RAZALI 3. RM500 monthly allowance 件者 Intake Merit Scholarship UCSI University Trust Scholarship UCSI University Trust Sports Bursary 申请程序 / 文件 Step 1: UEC result 5A UEC result 5A 4. Book and laptop allowance for the duration of undergraduate study at UCSI University 50% to 100% tuition fee waivers for the duration of undergraduate study at UCSI University Get the application form online by visiting usciuniversity.com. Call 03-91018882 for more information Full or partial tuition fee waivers for national or state athletes from Malaysia 都能 提出 申请 (4 April 2015) Step 2: Complete your application form and prepare:- i. Certified copies of documents --UEC results (Depending on intake) --Certificates of achievements from extra-curricular activities (ECA) ii. One passport-sized photograph iii.one photocopy of your identity card Step 3: Email completed forms and attach all supporting files to scholarship@ucsiuniversitytrust.com

Forms may also be mailed to: UCSI University Trust UCSI University KL campus (North Wing) Jalan Choo Lip Kung, Taman Taynton View, 56000 Kuala Lumpur Step 4: Shortlisted and successful applicants will be notified via email/sms. Candidates will be informed should the need for an interview arise. TEL : (03)91018882 MAIL : scholarship@ucsiuniversitytrust.com Website : www.ucsiuniversitytrust.com/scholarship

序 大学名称 奖学金名称 优惠 申请条件 名额 截止日期 11 KDU University College UEC Bursary 1. 就读于吉隆坡与雪兰莪州内的独中毕业生 2. 选择以下学系中的文凭及学士学位课程, 并符合欲选择之课程入 凡符合条 TEO SOO PIN Scholarship KDU High Achievers Tertiary Scholarship Driving Dreams Scholarship 20% tuition fee waiver for the duration of programme in KDU 100% tuition fee waiver for the duration of programme in KDU 50% tuition fee waiver for the duration of programme in KDU 30% tuition fee waiver for the duration of programme in KDU 50% tuition fee waiver for the 学标准 --School of Business & Law --School of Hospitality, Tourism & Culinary Arts --School of Computing & Creative Media --School of Communication & Creative Arts --School of Engineering UEC results: aggregate 10 (5 subjects) Applicant must attend an interview Successful students are required to maintain a minimum CGPA of 3.5 (or equivalent) throughout their duration of study. UEC results: aggregate 16 (5 subjects) Successful students are required to maintain a minimum CGPA of 3.0 (or equivalent) throughout their duration of study. UEC results: aggregate 20 (5 subjects) Successful students are required to maintain a minimum CGPA of 3.0 (or equivalent) throughout their duration of study. This scholarship is open for students who: Chairperson or president from a club/ society/ school uniform body at school/ state/ national level 件者 都能 提出 申请 The deadline for application with submission of relevant documents is 1 month after every intake date. Subject to availability of the scholarship.

duration of programme in KDU School head prefects National or state sport athletes Must meet minimum entry requirements of programme Applicant must attend an interview Professional Accounting Centre(PAC) Scholarship Hope Bursary 申请程序 / 文件 Successful applicants are required to maintain CGPA of 2.5 (or equivalent) throughout their duration of studies. PAC Scholarship is a special arrangement for students who want to excel in the accountancy profession. This scholarship is awarded to students who pursue CAT/ ACCA programmes in KDU University College PAC Programmes: CAT (Certified Accounting Technician) ACCA (The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) 100% tuition UEC results: aggregate 10 (5 subjects) fee waiver for ACCA, F1 to F3 50% tuition UEC results: aggregate 20 (5 subjects) fee waiver for ACCA, F1 to F3 The Hope Bursary is awarded to deserving candidates who require financial aid to pursue higher education. 50% - 100% tuition fee waiver Parents annual income must be below RM60,000 per annum Must meet minimum requirement of programs enrolled Applicants must attend an interview Step 1: Apply online at kdu.edu.my/admission/scholarships or get your Application Form from your school counsellor or at KDU Damansara Jaya or Glenmarie Campus. 凡符合条件者都能提出申请 The deadline for application with submission of relevant documents is 1 month after every intake date. Subject to availability of the scholarship

Step 2: Attach completed Application Form with UEC or any relevant examination transcripts. Step 3: Submit your application form online or submit to: Damansara Jaya Campus c/o Marketing Department SS22/41, Damansara Jaya, 47400 Petaling Jaya, Selangor. Tel: +603 7953 6688 Fax: +603 7726 9941 and starting 2015, submit to: Glenmarie Campus c/o Marketing Department Jalan Kontraktor U1/14, Seksyen U1, 40150 Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia. Tel: +603 5565 0538 Fax: +603 5565 0539 Step 4: Shortlisted applicants will be notified via Phone call/ Email. Interview session details will be sent out as well. (Where applicable)

序 大学名称 奖学金名称 申请条件 优惠 名额 截止日期 12 KBU International College 凡符合条 May, July, August, KBU FOUNDER S SCHOLARSHIP S (UEC 2014) For entry into Diploma & Degree Programmes Degree Programmes: 100%:At least possess 6As in the related subjects with a minimum grade B in English and Mathematics. 75%: At least possess 4As and 1B in the related subjects with a minimum grade B in English and Mathematics. 50%: At least possess 3As and 2Bs in the related subjects with a minimum grade B in English and Mathematics. 25%: At least possess 1As and 4Bs in the related subjects with a minimum grade B in English and Mathematics. 20%: At least possess 5Bs in the related subjects with a minimum grade B in English and Mathematics. 件者 都能 提出 申请 September Intake SPORTS SCHOLARSHIP Diploma Programmes: 100%:At least possess 6As in the related subjects and pass in English and Mathematics. 75%: At least possess 4As and 1B in the related subjects and pass in English and Mathematics. 50%: At least possess 3As and 2Bs in the related subjects and pass in English and Mathematics. 25%: At least possess 3Bs in the related subjects and pass in English and Mathematics. National Player: -100% tuition fee waiver for Foundation, Pre-U & Diploma programmes only -RM10,000 tuition fee waiver per academic year for Degree programmes only State Player: -RM5,000 tuition fee waiver per academic year District Player : RM 1,000 tuition fee waiver per academic year School Sportsman/ Sportswoman of the year: RM2,000 tuition fee waiver per academic year List of sports qualified for this award:

Athletics, Badminton, Basketball, Bowling, Football, Hockey, Swimming, Table Tennis, Tennis, Taekwondo, Volleyball, Netball, and Rugby. # Sports scholarship holders are required to continuously represent the College in the state/ national level. 申请程序 / 文件 1. Complete the Application Form with the required documents:: a. Copy of 2014 UEC result b. Copy of the IC c. One(1) passport-sized photograph 3. Submit the Application Form to: The Registry Department KBU International College No. 1 Persiaran Bukit Utama Bandar Utama 47800 Petaling Jaya Selangor 4. KBU Registry Department will evaluate the application and the successful applicants will be notified through an official letter from KBU.

序大学名称奖学金名称申请方式 13 HELP University & College 1. HELP University & HELP Academy Scholarship Awards 2015 2. Financial Assistance - Study Loan 3. Department of American Degree Program 4. Department of Business Studies 5. Department of Education 6. Department of Communication 7. Department of Information Technology 8. Department of Law 9. Department of Psychology 10. Department of English 11. Department of University of London International Programmes 12. Department of Management Studies 13. CEO Scholarship 14. Sun-MAPCU Scholarships 15. The Principal s List Scholarship Awards 16. Star Education Fund 17. United Chinese School Committees Association of Malaysia (UCSCAM) 18. School Achievers Scholarship Awards (SASA) 19. Sin Chew Daily Education Fund 20. HELP MIC Scholarship 21. HELP-Chinese Independent Schools Scholarship 奖学金种类多样化, 欲知更详细的奖学金内容和申请条件, 可参考网 址 :http://www.help.edu.my/admission/scholarships-financial-aid.html

序 大学名称 奖学金名称 申请条件 申请方式 截止日期 14 香港中文大学 The Chinese University of Hong Kong Admission Scholarships for Malaysian Students 16 March 2015 优惠 There will be a total of four awards under two categories: 1. UEC:8A or above 2. Have secured admission to a full-time undergraduate programme at CUHK for 2015 Entry. 3. Be an Malaysian national with a valid Malaysian passport and require a student visa to study in Hong Kong. 4. Possess outstanding academic results at entrance (minimum required results for some of the more common examinations are given in the table below for reference). 1. Interested Malaysian students should submit an admission application for undergraduate studies directly to the University for 2015 Entry (www.cuhk.edu.hk/adm/intl). 2. All Malaysian students who have submitted an admission application for 2015 Entry will automatically be considered for the Scholarships once a CUHK admission offer is attained. No separate scholarship application is required. 1. Full-Tuition plus Allowance Scholarships (3 awards) Each award will cover the annual tuition fee of HK$120,000 and an annual allowance of HK$45,000 (covering housing and other expenses). Tenure of the Scholarships is 4 years, and the maximum total value is HK$660,000 (approximately MYR280,000). 2. Full-Tuition Scholarship (1 award) The award will cover the annual tuition fee of HK$120,000. Tenure of the Scholarship is 4 years, and the maximum total value is HK$480,000 (approximately MYR200,000). The Scholarships are tenable for a maximum period of 4 years subject to the condition that the scholarship recipient has attained a Year GPA of at least 3.0 out of 4.0 in the preceding academic year.

序 大学名称 奖学金名称 申请条件 优惠 名额 截止日期 15 新纪元学院 NEW ERA COLLEGE 学优生奖学金 UEC result 至少 8 科 A 等 第一学年学 杂 住宿费全免 凡符合条件者 April and August Intake 新生奖学金 至少 5 科 B3/5 科积分 12 分或以下 第一学年学费全免 都能提出申请 独中生助学金马来西亚公民或永久居民 ; 符合新纪元学院学士课程 专业文凭课程及大学基础课程入学资格 ; 完成独中六年课程, 符合毕业标准 ; 身心健康 品行良好 注 : 本助学金只限学费, 其他费用皆不包含在内申请人可至本院网页 www.newera.edu.my/studentaffair_cn.php 下载 列印申请表, 填妥后向原校校长提出申请及鉴定 申请程序 / 文件网上报名 登入官网填写报名表格 http:.//www.newera.edu.my/onlinereg_v3/ 参考检查清单, 备妥所需资料及费用, 呈交 / 邮寄给本院注册处 邮寄报名 填写 入学申请表格 参考检查清单, 备妥所需资料及费用, 呈交 / 邮寄给本院注册处 亲临报名 亲临本院报名, 备妥所需资料及费用 欲知更多关于奖学金详情, 请浏览 www.newera.edu.my/scholarship/ 或致电 03-87392770

序大学名称申请条件申请方式截止日期 16 南京航空航天大学 欲申请入学的同学皆拥有申请此奖学金之权利 欲申请入学的同学请联系杨定娟小姐, 电邮 yangdingjuan@nuaa.edu.cn, 以了解更多资讯 1. 奖学金名称 : 江苏省茉莉花奖学金 优惠 : 人民币 30000 元 入取名额 :1 名 2015 2. 奖学金名称 : 南京市政府奖学金优惠 : 人民币 10000 元入取名额 :1 名

序 奖学金名称 名额 申请条件 申请方式 申请日期 17 马来西亚留台校友会联合总会大学贷学金 2015 年依当时的贷学金存款及申请人数来决定发放名额 ( 包括第一梯次及第二梯次至少 22 名以上 ) 1. 马来西亚籍学子 2. 家境清寒, 品学兼优 3. 凡在今年被台湾大学院校录取攻读学士学位第一年 ( 包含侨生及外籍生 ), 并取得入学分发书的学生可提出申请 4. 已在台湾攻读侨大先修班,9 月间分发至各大学入学大一新生者 5. 已在台湾各大学院校就读大二至大四或双联课程者, 因家庭经济情况转变, 须贷学金来补助者, 需要校方推荐信, 年限以余下毕业年限为准 1. 申请简则及表格可径向留台联总秘书处 属会领取或函索及留台联总网站 www.faatum.com.my 下载 2. 申请人须依序把以下数据装订成 3 套一并呈交邻近属会查阅 验证及盖章 : 2.1 申請表 ( 貼上近照 ) 校長推荐函 自傳( 各 1 正本及 2 複印本 ) 2.2 證件一 : 馬來西亞華文獨中高中統考文憑 2.3 證件二 : 學校高中 / 國中畢證業書 2.4 證件三 : 學校高中 / 國中三個學年成績單 2.5 證件四 : 高中 / 國中三個學年校內外各類獎狀 校內外各類課程證書及校外各類考試文憑 ( 如 A Level STPM SPM 獨中統考等) 2.6 台灣大專院校錄取分發證書 ( 中 英文本 ) 2.7 父母或監護人所得稅申報表 (Borang BE 或 EA Form) 及薪水證明 - 上述 2.2 項 2.7 項證件為複印本, 需由原校校長簽證方屬有效 - 資料不齊者或未經屬會蓋章私自郵寄者恕不受理, 且所有的申請資料恕不退還 3. 由留台联总奖贷学金组负责审核并订期函约面试 录取结果除了个别通知外, 也将同时登报公布 留台联总奖贷学金组的决定为最后决定, 任何质询恕不受理 第一次 : 每年的 5 月 1 日至 6 月 15 日 第二次 : 每年的 8 月 1 日至 9 月 15 日 P/S: 参阅相关网站链接以了解更详细条规 优惠 贷学金每年贷款额每位 RM5000/=

序 大学名称 申请条件 联系方式 申请日期 18 台湾南华大学 欲申请入学的同学皆拥有申请以下奖学金之权利 www.nhu.edu.tw 62249 台湾嘉义县大林镇南华路一段 55 号国际及两岸交流处 www.oica2.nhu.edu.tw E-mail:oge@mail.nhu.edu.tw TEL: +886-5-2723555 外国学生身份申请入学 : 1. 秋季班 : 即日起至 2015 年 7 月 31 日截止 2. 春季班 : 即日起至 2015 年 12 月 31 日截止 侨生身份独招 ( 个人申请 ) 申请入学 : 即日起至 2016 年 2 月 29 日截止 或至兴华中学辅导处索取申请表格 奖助学金 ( 校外 ) ( 校内 ) 教育部菁英侨生奖学金教育部优秀侨生奖学金教育部清寒侨生助学金侨委会学行优良侨生奖学金侨委会受理捐赠侨生奖助学金华侨协会总会奖助学金 南华大学境外学生奖学金南华大学海外学习奖励金南华大学书卷奖学金南华大学社团之光奖学金南华大学佛光奖学金南华大学服务学习奖学金 华侨救国联合总会奖学金 佛光泰丰奖助学金 ( 限定马来西亚学生 )