July Arab World Studies No smart transition Michelle Pace, Francesco Cacatorta, The Arab Uprisings in Theoretical Perspective

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20 Europe s Role in North African Governance Transition FANG Xiao (Ph.D, assistant professor, Center for European Studies, Shanghai Institutes of International Studies) Abstract North African countries are in the political and economic transition and trying to catch up the pace of transition of the international system. Regional actors as political Islam, economic entities, youth leagues are fighting for the establishment of modern constitution, studying on the models of economic development and social system. As it periphery, Europe has deep root in north Africa, changed its status quo policy, reviewed all the normative policy tools as European Neighborhood Policy and European-Mediterranean Partnership. But European model was eroded since the EURO debt crisis, North African countries are attracted by the emerging economies, would like to absorb rich experience from the latter. That alerts Europe to change its strategy and policy toward North Africa. Key Words North Africa; Governance; Europe 120