カテゴリー Ⅰ 日本建築学会環境系論文集第 82 巻第 733 号, ,2017 年 3 月 J. Environ. Eng., AIJ, Vol. 82 No. 733, , Mar., 2017 DOI

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カテゴリー Ⅰ 日本建築学会環境系論文集第 82 巻第 733 号,195-204,2017 年 3 月 J. Environ. Eng., AIJ, Vol. 82 No. 733, 195-204, Mar., 2017 DOI http://doi.org/10.3130/aije.82.195 インテリアにおける壁紙模様が空間の知覚に及ぼす影響 模様の種類 明度および照度と大きさ感, 横幅感, 奥行感および高さ感との関係 EFFECTS OF WALLPAPER PATTERN ON THE PERCEPTION OF INTERIOR SPACE Relationship between wallpaper pattern type, Munsell value, illuminance, and the perception of volume, width, depth and height 吉田圭志 * **, 佐藤仁人 Keishi YOSHIDA and Masato SATO This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of wallpaper pattern type, Munsell value, and illuminance on the perception of interior space. A magnitude estimation method was applied to evaluate the four parameters: magnitude values of volume, width, depth, and height. The results can be summarized as follows: 1. The existence of wallpaper pattern decreased the magnitude value of volume. 2. The effects of the Munsell value were obvious; the lower the Munsell value, the lower the magnitude values of volume, width, and depth. 3. The effects of the pattern type were different between horizontal model (measured 24 cm in height and 45 cm in width and depth) and vertical model (measured 45 cm in height, 24 cm in width, and 45 cm in depth). The pattern type had similar effects on the magnitude values of volume and depth of horizontal model. The horizontal stripe and floral patterns had higher corresponding value than did other types. The vertical stripe and horizontal stripe patterns had opposite effects on the magnitude values of width and height of both models. The horizontal stripe pattern increased the magnitude value of width and decreased that of height, whereas the horizontal stripe pattern increased the magnitude value of height and decreased that of width. 4. Illuminance was found to affect only the magnitude value of volume of horizontal model; the lower the illuminance, the lower the magnitude value of volume. Keywords : Perceptions of interior space, Magnitude Estimation method, Wallpaper, Patten, Value ME 1. * ** 京都府立大学大学院生命環境科学研究科学術研究員 修士 ( 学術 ) 京都府立大学大学院生命環境科学研究科教授 博士 ( 工学 ) Research Fellow, Division of Environmental Sciences, Kyoto Prefectural University, M.Arts Prof., Division of Environmental Sciences, Kyoto Prefectural University, Dr.Eng. 195

3 2.4 ME 2. 2.1 1/10 (ME ) 1 N9 [mm] 1 2 LED LPRD43005030E656000KRa85 2 3 2.2 6 4 4cm 12)13) 1 6 N9(76.69%) N5(19.27%), N7(41.98%), N8.5(66.68%) 3 18 2 2.3 300lx500lx750lx 3 T-1M, 15mm, 8mm 3 1 2 196

4 3 197

100 4 6 3 18 3 0.7 21 25 18 12 6 3 ME 4 3.1 3.1.1 5 N8.5 N5 5% 6 Tukey HSD N8.5N7 N8.5 N5 5% Tukey HSD 750lx300lx 5% 3.1.2 7 750lx 500lx 300lx 5 750lx N5 N7 N8.5 500lx 300lx 7 105 105 105 105 100 95 100 95 100 95 100 95 90 90 90 300lx 500lx 750lx 6 90 8 198

5% 8 Tukey HSD N8.5N5 N7N5 5% 3.1.3 6 8 6 3.2 3.2.1 9 5% 10 Tukey HSD 5% N5 N7 N8.5 750lx 500lx N5 N7 N8.5 300lx 9 N5 N7 N8.5 750lx N5 N7 N8.5 500lx 300lx 11 10 12 199

Tukey HSD N8.5N5 5% 3.2.2 11 5% 12 (Tukey HSD ) 5% N5 Tukey HSD N8.5N5 N7N5 5% 3.2.3 10 12 3.3 3.3.1 13 N5 N7 N8.5 750lx 500lx 300lx 13 N5 N7 N8.5 750lx N5 N7 N8.5 500lx N5 N7 N8.5 300lx 15 14 16 200

N8.5 5% 14 Tukey HSD 5% Tukey HSD N8.5N5 5% 3.3.2 15, 5% 16 Tukey HSD N8.5N5 5% 3.3.3 14 3.4 3.4.1 17 750lx N5 N7 N8.5 500lx 300lx 17 750lx N5 N7 N8.5 500lx N5 N7 N8.5 300lx 19 5%, 18 201

18 20 (Bonferroni) N5 N7 (Bonferroni) 750lx 500lx 300 lx 3.4.2 19 5% 20 5% 3.4.3 18 20 4. ME, 4 202


EFFECTS OF WALLPAPER PATTERN ON THE PERCEPTION OF INTERIOR SPACE Relationship between wallpaper pattern type, Munsell value, illuminance, and the perception of volume, width, depth and height Keishi YOSHIDA * and Masato SATO ** * Research Fellow, Division of Environmental Sciences, Kyoto Prefectural University, M.Arts ** Prof., Division of Environmental Sciences, Kyoto Prefectural University, Dr.Eng. This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of wallpaper pattern type, Munsell value, and illuminance on the perception of interior space. A series of psychological experiments were conducted to evaluate the four parameters: magnitude values of volume, width, depth, and height of interior space, using two types of one-tenth scale models of a room. The horizontal model measured 24 mc in height and 45 cm in width and depth, the vertical model, measured 45 cm in height, 24 cm in width, and 45 cm in depth. The wallpaper patterns used in these experiments were vertical stripe, horizontal stripe, square, wave, floral and arabesque. The figures of the patterns were printed in three achromatic colours, N8.5, N7, and N5. The ground of the patterns and the floor were printed in achromatic colour N9. The walls and floor of a reference model with no pattern were also printed in N9. The experiments were conducted in three illuminance conditions: 750 lx, 500 lx, and 300 lx. A magnitude estimation method was applied to evaluate the four parameters. The eighteen subjects (12 women and 6 men) were asked to look into each model by turns through a viewing aperture in the rear wall and to compare their four spatial parameters of the comparison model with those of the standard model. These experiments were conducted separately with horizontal and vertical models. The results showed that the effects of the wallpaper pattern type, Munsell value, and illuminance were obvious. However, these effects were different between horizontal and vertical models and were more remarkable in horizontal model. It is because vertical model was so extraordinary that the effects of wallpaper pattern type and Munsell value became blurred. On the other hand, some of the effects were common between horizontal and vertical models, and can be regarded as stable results. These results can be summarized as follows: The existence of wallpaper pattern decreased the magnitude value of volume. The effects of the Munsell value were obvious;, the lower the Munsell value, the lower the magnitude values of volume, width, and depth. The effects of the pattern type were different between horizontal model and vertical model. The pattern type had similar effects on the magnitude values of volume and depth of horizontal model. The horizontal stripe and floral patterns had higher corresponding value than did other types. The vertical stripe and horizontal stripe patterns had opposite effects on the magnitude values of width and height of both models. The horizontal stripe pattern increased the magnitude value of width and decreased that of height, whereas the horizontal stripe pattern increased the magnitude value of height and decreased that of width. Illuminance was found to affect only the magnitude value of volume of horizontal model; the lower the illuminance, the lower the magnitude value of volume. (2016 年 3 月 22 日原稿受理,2016 年 12 月 1 日採用決定 ) 204