演出時間 2013 年 12 月 22 日 ( 星期日 ) 2:30PM 演出地點 國家音樂廳演奏廳 主辦單位 演出者 微分音室內樂集 (Nuance Chamber Ensemble) Approx. 35 minutes for each half with an intermiss

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演出時間 2013 年 12 月 22 日 ( 星期日 ) 2:30PM 演出地點 國家音樂廳演奏廳 主辦單位 演出者 微分音室內樂集 (Nuance Chamber Ensemble) 35 20 Approx. 35 minutes for each half with an intermission of 20 minutes. 演出者 小提琴 / 林文宣 (LIN Wen-hsuan, violin) 大提琴 / 謝孟容 (HSIEH Meng-rong, cello) 鋼琴 / 陳禾宜 (CHEN Ho-yi, piano) 長笛 / 孫莉 (SUN Li, flute) 小提琴 / 熊書宜 (HSIUNG Shu-i, violin) 中提琴 / 林玫如 (LIN Mei-ju, viola) The programs are subject to change.

1 微分音室內樂集 演出曲目 150 I. II. III. I. II. III. ~ ~ Program AMY BEACH: Piano Trio, Op.150 I. Allegro II. Lento - Presto - Tempo I - Presto III. Allegro con Brio PHILIPPE GAUBERT: Trois Aquarelles (for Flute, Cello and Piano) I. Par un clair matin II. Soir d automne III. Sérénade ~ Intermission ~ C 1 I. II. III. IV. ERNÖ DOHNÁNYI: Piano Quintet in C minor, Op.1 I. Allegro II. Allegro vivace III. Adagio, quasi andante IV. Allgero animato 樂曲解說 撰文 / 陳禾宜畢琦 : 鋼琴三重奏, 作品 150 Amy Beach 1867-1944 1938 6 高白爾 : 三幅水彩畫 給長笛 大提琴與鋼琴 Philippe Gaubert 1879-1941 D

2 微分音室內樂集 杜赫南宜 :C 小調鋼琴五重奏, 作品 1 E. Dohnányi 1877-1960 1877 Pozsony C scherzo-trio-scherzo+coda A A ABA C C cyclic approach C 演出者簡介 微分音室內樂集 2001 2002 2004 3 Formosa Chamber Society Weill Recital Hall New York Concert Review 小提琴 / 林文宣 Ip Piano School Tsai Performance Center University of Massachusetts Amherst 2009 3 String Department, School of Music, Boston University Honor Award Peter Zazofsky 2002

3 微分音室內樂集 大提琴 / 謝孟容 1992 Walnut Hill School Ardyth Alton Elise and Walter W. Naumburg Gluck Fellowship American String Quartet Muir String Quartet Michael Reynolds 2007 2004 C'est Bon Chamber Music Academy C'est Bon Chamber Music Academy Community School of Music and Arts and Encore Music & Art Academy 鋼琴 / 陳禾宜 Manhattan School of Music Arkady Aronov 2008 Julius Drake Elly Ameling Wolfram Rieger Developing Variation 2009 2010 客席音樂家 長笛 / 孫莉 Radio Orange 小提琴 / 熊書宜 2011 Lynn Chang Bohuslav Martinu's Violin Concerto No.1 String Players' Digital Dictionary Pi Kappa Lambda Atlantic Symphony Orchestra Boston Philharmonic Orchestra Marsh Chapel Collegium International Choral Kathaumixw Festival Rhode Island Philharmonic & Music School

打洞收藏之用留白部位提供觀眾4 微分音室內樂集 中提琴 / 林玫如 NJPAC Leonard Davis Daniel Avshalomov 2001 Paul Neubauer Neubauer Musica Raritana Mason Gross Trio Princeton String Quartet 2004 American Bach Society Viola Space Taiwan Profiles Nuance Chamber Ensemble Founded in New York in 2001 by a group of Taiwanese graduate students, Nuance Chamber Ensemble has since then performed in various venues in U.S.A. and Taiwan, including Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall in New York and National Concert Hall in Taipei. LIN Wen-hsuan, violin LIN Wen-hsuan obtained her Doctorate of Violin Performance and Masters of Violin Performance from Boston University of Fine Arts and her Bachelor of Music in Violin Performance from Soochow University in Taipei. She has performed as a soloist and in numerous musical ensembles in venues such as Weill Recital Hall, Carnegie Hall in New York, and National Concert Hall, Taipei. Amy Hsieh, cello Cellist Amy Hsieh made her New York debut recital at Carnegie s Weill Recital Hall in 2002 as a winner of the Artists International New York Debut Award. As an active chamber musician, Hsieh has performed throughout the United States, Europe and Taiwan and is a founding member of Nuance Chamber Ensemble. She is also a founding member of C est Bon Chamber Music Academy, a summer chamber music program for young musicians. Hsieh received her Doctor of musical Arts degree from Boston University, her master of music degree from Manhattan School of Music, and a bachelor of music degree from The Juilliard School. She is currently active in solo, chamber music performances and maintains a private studio in the bay area. CHEN Ho-yi, piano Pianist CHEN Ho-yi received her Doctorate of Musical Arts and Masters of Music degree from Manhattan School of Music in New York and her Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from National Taiwan Normal University in Taipei. She has appeared as a soloist, collaborative pianist and chamber musician in various venues in U.S.A., Austria, and Taiwan. Guest Artists SUN Li, flute Flutist SUN Li received her Master Degree with distinction after a Unanimous vote by examiners in Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien while in Vienna. She has participated in many local and international conferences and performed with Österreichischen Jugendphilharmonie and Chor & Orchester Universität Wien throughout Europe. SUN has appeared as a soloist and chamber musician and has been an active educator in Taiwan. She is currently a Doctoral Candidate in The University of Music and Performing Arts, Vienna. HSIUNG Shu-I, violin DMA in violin performance from Boston University. A member of Kaohsiung Symphony Orchestra. HSIUNG is an active soloist, chamber musician and music educator. LIN Mei-ju, viola Violist LIN Mei-ju is a native of Kaohsiung, Taiwan. She received her Bachelor of Music degree from National Taiwan Normal University in Taipei. LIN came to the United States in 1999 to study at the Manhattan School of Music and she received her Master of Music degree in 2001. With a full scholarship, LIN went on to study at Rutgers University with the legendary violist Paul Neubauer, and received a Doctor of Musical Arts degree in 2006. Currently, LIN resides in Kaohsiung with family. She serves as a full-time assistant professor at Shu-Te University and is a founding member and music director for DeXin, the university s faculty chamber ensemble. LIN is also on adjunct faculty for National Sun Yat-Sen University and a member of its resident Baroque Camerata. With the Camerata, she has performed with noted violinists James Buswell and LIN Cho-liang.

5 微分音室內樂集